Role of Uterine Contractions and
Intrapartum Reoxygenation Ratio
Sadia Muhammad and Edwin Chandraharan
Handbook of CTG Interpretation: From Patterns to Physiology, ed. Edwin Chandraharan.
Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2017.
Key Facts
The frequency, duration and strength of uterine contractions should be
considered whilst interpreting Cardiotocograph.1-3 During labour, uterine
contractions compress spiral arteries and thereby interrupt blood flow to
intervillous space leading to a reduction in placental perfusion.4–6 Intrauterine
pressure during labour may reach 85–90 mm Hg, and this is further elevated with
maternal pushing. The Ferguson reflex at full dilatation of cervix further releases
oxytocin, which increases the strength, frequency and duration of contractions
affecting further gaseous exchange during second stage of labour.
The onset of maternal pushing (active second stage of labour) decreases
maternal oxygenation leading to a reduction in the oxygenation of placental
venous sinuses and thereby further increasing the risk of acidaemia with higher
levels of lactic acid and CO₂. Uterine hyperstimulation secondary to the use of
oxytocin infusion during second stage of labour may further increase the risk of
acidaemia as further reduction in utero-placental perfusion.5Key Features (Increased Uterine Activity)
An Acute Increase in Uterine Activity (e.g. Immediately after Increasing
Oxytocin Infusion)
Most healthy fetuses cope with ongoing stress of labour without sustaining any
hypoxic injury and are vigorous at birth. However, the use of uterotonics for
induction or augmentation of labour leads to an increase in uterine activity.
Scientific research suggests that when uterine contractions occur at intervals of
<2 to 3 minutes, there is an increased likelihood of diminution of blood flow to
intervillous space. If this is repeated, intermittent interruption of fetal
oxygenation exceeds a critical level, then fetal decompensation may ensue and
progression from hypoxaemia to hypoxia, acidaemia to acidosis and even
asphyxia and resultant abnormal FHR pattern may occur.7
Research comparing the effect of excessive uterine activity on the fetal oxygen
saturation using near–infra red spectrometry concluded that fetal cerebral oxygen
saturation reached the lowest level of 92 seconds after the peak of contraction
with approximately 90 seconds to return to original baseline level.8 In addition,
an incomplete recovery to baseline was observed when uterine contractions
occurred once in every 2 minutes and fetal oxygen saturation decreased
incrementally after each contraction recovering only after oxytocin was stopped.
A more recent study by Bakker et al.9 concluded that five or more contractions in
10 minutes during second stage of labour was associated with a higher incidence
of neonatal acidaemia at birth when compared with contractions that were less
A recent pilot study at St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
has shown that lower intrapartum reoxygenation ratio (<1) was associated with a
‘pathological CTG’ at the time of active second stage of labour (Figure 10.1).
The average reoxygenation ratio in fetuses with Apgar scores <5 was lower
(reoxygenation ratio <1) at both 1 and 10 minutes as compared to fetuses that had
Apgar score >5.10Effects of Continuing Increase in Uterine Activity over Time
Figure 10.1 Intrapartum reoxygenation ratio (‘x’ divided by ‘y’).
Key Pathophysiology behind Patterns Seen on
the CTG Trace
Prolonged deceleration refers to a sudden drop in baseline heart rate (<110 bpm
and usually <80 bpm). This may be short-lasting (up to 3 minutes) or prolonged
(3–10 minutes).
Baseline bradycardia refers to a baseline FHR <80 bpm persisting >10 minutes
Variable decelerations become more frequent, wider, and deeper – leading to an
‘atypical’ pattern.
Disappearance of accelerations.
Late decelerations (utero-placental insufficiency leading to acidosis).
Baseline tachycardia (catecholamine surge), reduced baseline variability and
stepladder pattern leading to bradycardia.
Physiologically, the frequent compression of uterine spiral arterioles without
adequate relaxation time would result in diminished placental perfusion and
impaired delivery of oxygen to the fetus, increasing the likelihood of fetal
hypoxia and acidosis.Recommended Management
Utero-placental insufficiency during labour results in the accumulation of carbon
dioxide and hydrogen ions due to fetal metabolic acidosis that occurs secondary
to anaerobic metabolism in the fetus.
Increased carbon dioxide and hydrogen ion concentration coupled with
decreased oxygen content of the fetal blood would stimulate the chemoreceptors,
resulting in the activation of the parasympathetic component of the autonomic
nervous system leading to a fall in the fetal heart.
Chemoreceptor-mediated deceleration takes a longer time to recover because
fresh oxygenated blood from the mother has to ‘wash out’ the accumulated acid
and carbon dioxide after the cessation of a uterine contraction. Therefore, this
results in a ‘lag time’ for FHR to recover back to its original baseline.
As a fetus descends into maternal pelvis during the second stage of labour, it gets
compressed leading to raised fetal intracranial pressure. Stimulation of the dura
mater, which is richly supplied by the parasympathetic nervous system, leads to
‘early’ decelerations in the CTG trace.
If CTG abnormalities secondary to increased uterine activity are observed,
oxytocin infusion should be immediately stopped (acute prolonged deceleration
or loss of baseline FHR variability) or reduced (recurrent decelerations with
stable baseline FHR and reassuring variability) based on the CTG abnormality.
Abdominal examination to assess uterine activity (uterine tone, duration and
frequency of contractions) and a vaginal examination to exclude an umbilical
cord prolapse, rapid cervical dilatation, placental abruption and uterine scar
dehiscence in case of previous caesarean sections should be performed. A fetal
scalp electrode may be considered in the absence of ‘acute intrapartum
Maternal blood pressure and pulse rate should be checked to exclude maternal
Pitfalls include failure to appreciate the effect of cumulative ‘uterine activity’ on the
fetus and merely concentrating on the frequency of uterine contractions, as there is no
clear information regarding cumulative uterine activity in most international guidelines.
Intrauterine resuscitation (changing maternal position, administration of
intravenous fluids – a 500 mL bolus of Hartmann solution) should be attempted.
In cases of uterine hyperstimulation not resolving with initial measures, tocolysis
(terbutaline 250 mcg subcutaneously) should be considered.
Assess for recovery of fetal heart and a decrease in uterine activity, and, in the
absence of acute intrapartum accidents, if the ongoing prolonged deceleration on
the CTG trace does not recover by 9 minutes, then delivery should be expedited.
Early recognition of uterine hyperstimulation is crucial as poor utero-placental
perfusion can result in impaired fetal perfusion and subsequent fetal
Caution should be exercised while increasing the dose of oxytocin infusion
because the uterine myometrium becomes progressively more sensitive to
circulating oxytocin due to the formation of oxytocin receptors on the fundus of
the uterus with advancing labour.
ACOG has defined tachysystole as over six contractions in a 10-minute window
averaged >30 minutes. Based on fetal oxygenation studies, researchers have
suggested to redefine this definition as over six in a 10-minute period with the
possibility of decreased fetal oxygenation due to inadequate relaxation time
between contractions. However, with the use of oxytocin, even three to four
contractions may result in fetal hypoxic-ischaemic injury.Consequences of Mismanagement
1. A 25-year-old primigravida at 39 weeks of gestation presented with a history of
spontaneous onset of labour. On vaginal examination, her cervix was 6 cm dilated
with the presence of grade 2 meconium staining of the amniotic fluid.
Four hours later, her labour was augmented with syntocinon (oxytocin) infusion
as there was no progress of labour, and ongoing uterine contractions were deemed
Two hours after commencement of syntocinon infusion, uterine contractions were
occurring 6 in 10 minutes each lasting 60 seconds on the CTG trace (Figure 10.2).
Failure to take immediate measures to improve utero-placental circulation when
evidence of fetal decompensation (loss of baseline variability or sudden
prolonged deceleration) is observed. In such cases, in addition to stopping
oxytocin infusion (or removal of prostaglandin pessary), tocolytics should be
administered to improve utero-placental circulation.
Mismanagement in second stage of labour can result in rapid development of
fetal hypoxia, fetal decompensation and hypoxic injury leading to hypoxicischaemic encephalopathy.
Failure to understand the pathophysiological changes behind features observed
on the CTG trace may result in unnecessary surgical intervention with associated
Intrapartum fetal death or early neonatal death.
Fetal hypoxic injury due to uterotonics is very difficult to defend from a medicolegal point of view as this is iatrogenic and preventable.Figure 10.2
a. What is your differential diagnosis?
b. Is CTG monitoring indicated?
c. What abnormalities will be noted on the CTG based on the differential
d. What is your management?
e. What will be noticed on the CTG trace if treatment is instituted?
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2. Clinical Effectiveness Support Unit. The use of electronic fetal monitoring: The use of
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3. ACOG Technical Bulletin. Fetal heart rate patterns: monitoring, interpretation, and
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7. American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, American Academy of Pediatrics.
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9. Bakker PCAM, Kurver PHJ, Kuik DJ, et al. Elevated uterine activity increases the risk of
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10. Muhammad S, Lowe V, Chandraharan E. Correlation between intrapartum re-oxygenation
ratio and observed abnormalities on the CTG trace. Singapore J Obstet Gynaec. 2013; 44:
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