2 Fetal Oxygenation. Handbook CTG


Fetal Oxygenation

Anna Gracia-Perez-Bonfils and Edwin Chandraharan

Handbook of CTG Interpretation: From Patterns to Physiology, ed. Edwin Chandraharan.

Fetuses, unlike adults, are not exposed to atmospheric oxygen. When confronted with hypoxia, adults can increase their rate and depth of respiration to enhance the intake of oxygen so as to maintain positive energy balance and protect their myocardium.

In contrast, a fetus when exposed to hypoxia cannot increase its oxygen supply, and therefore, it will decrease its heart rate in order to reduce the myocardial workload to maintain a positive energy balance. This reflex response to decrease the heart rate to protect the myocardium against hypoxic or mechanical stress is heard as a deceleration during fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring.

Placentation: Impact on Fetal Oxygenation

From 12 days of life until full-term, the embryo and the fetus obtain their nutrition and oxygenation from maternal circulation to survive and grow. Therefore, it is mandatory for the well-being of an embryo and a fetus to have optimum utero-placental circulation as well as adequate placental reserve. This process of establishing an effective uteroplacental circulation is complex and requires a synergy between the trophoblasts of the embryo and the endometrium (decidua and spiral arterioles) of the mother.

Normal Placentation

Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube, and the fertilized ovum enters the uterine cavity around the third day as a morula (12–16 blastomeres). The inner cells of the morula differentiate into an inner cell mass that will form the tissues of the embryo. In contrast, the surrounding cells differentiate into the outer cell mass that will give rise to the trophoblast, which will subsequently form the placenta.

The accumulation of fluid occurs rapidly forming a fluid-filled cavity within the morula (blastocele) and thereby creating the blastocyst. During this time, the early embryo receives its nutrition and eliminates waste products by a simple process of diffusion through the zona pellucida. About the sixth day, the cells from the trophoblast begin to penetrate between the endometrial cells of the uterus.

The process of implantation is usually completed by the tenth or eleventh postovulatory day. By that time, the original trophoblast surrounding the embryo has undergone differentiation into two layers: the inner cytotrophoblast and the outer syncytiotrophoblast, which will invade the endometrium and subsequently form the placenta.

The growth of the embryo and the disappearance of the zona pellucida induce a need for a new and more efficient method of exchange of nutrients. This need is fulfilled by the utero-placental circulation that allows a close contact to exchange gases and metabolites by diffusion between maternal and fetal blood. The formation of ‘lacunae’ within the syncytiotrophoblast aids in the development of an efficient utero-placental circulation.

The uterus at the time of implantation is in the secretory phase, and secondary to the rise in concentration of progesterone, the stroma cells of the endometrium accumulate glycogen and get enlarged. On day 12, the syncytiotrophoblast secretes enzymes that erode the endometrium and hormones that help to sustain ongoing pregnancy (B-hCG).

Enzymatic corrosion of uterine glands liberates their content for nourishment of theembryo, together with the glycogen provided by the stromal cells. Maternal vessels at the implantation site (branches of spiral arteries and endometrial veins) dilate and form

maternal sinusoids. The erosion of sinusoids by the syncytiotrophoblast results in

maternal blood bathing the lacunar network allowing the exchange of gases and nutrients

(Figure 2.1). Thus, a primitive utero-placental circulation begins by the end of the

second week with the anastomosis between trophoblastic lacunae and maternal


Figure 2.1 Formation of primitive utero-placental circulation by erosion of maternal blood

vessels by syncytiotrophoblast.

These cellular changes, together with an increase in endometrial vascularization,

are known as decidual reaction. It commences at the implantation site and spreads

throughout the entire endometrium within a few days, and this newly formed layer is

called the decidua. As the trophoblast continues to invade more and more sinusoids,

maternal blood begins to flow through the trophoblastic system.

The cytotrophoblast meanwhile proliferates and forms protrusions penetrating into

the syncytiotrophoblast all around the blastocyst. These extensions are known as

primary villi. On day 16, after being invaded by the chorionic mesoderm, secondary

villi are formed. This is followed by the development of blood vessels within the

chorionic mesoderm leading to the formation of tertiary villi on day 21. Secondary andtertiary villi are often termed as chorionic villi, and hypoxia or lower tissue oxygen

content in the decidua is critical for normal trophoblast invasion and formation of these


The embryonic circulation is anatomically separated from the maternal circulation

by the endothelium of the villus capillaries, the connective tissue in the core of the

villus, a layer of cytotrophoblast and a layer of syncytiotrophoblast.

By the end of fourth week, tertiary stem villi surround the entire chorion and

establish contact with the extraembryonic circulatory system, connecting the placenta

and the embryo (Figure 2.2). This ensures that nutrients and oxygen are supplied to the

fetus and metabolic waste products are removed when the fetal heart begins to start


Figure 2.2 Maternal spiral arteries and their branches as well as the intervillous space

formed by the intercommunicating lacunae within the trophoblast. The terminal branches of

spiral arterioles feed oxygenated blood while the tributaries of the endometrial veins drain

deoxygenated blood and metabolic waste products.Figure 2.3 Impaired placental circulation in a diabetic pregnancy secondary to

hyperplacentosis and resultant reduction in the utero-placental pool.

Impact of Placental Reserve on Fetal Growth and Well-being

If the placental reserve is low (utero-placental sinuses are smaller) during the antenatal

period, the fetus might have restricted his/her growth to supply oxygenated blood to the

vital organs. During labour, the onset of uterine contractions might lead to a rapid

development of hypoxia and acidosis due to the compression of branches of the uterine

artery by the contracting myometrial fibres. Similarly, an injudicious use of oxytocin

may increase the frequency, duration and strength of uterine contractions and thereby

reduce the perfusion of utero-placental sinuses leading to the development of hypoxia

and metabolic acidosis. Similarly in diabetic pregnancies, hyper-placentosis may

reduce the amount of placental pools available for gaseous exchange (Figure 3.3)

leading to a rapid development of hypoxia and acidosis.

Fetal Adaptation to Hypoxic IntrauterineEnvironment

The fetus lives in a relatively hypoxic intrauterine environment with an arterial oxygen

saturation of 70 per cent prior to the onset of labour. During labour, intermittent uterine

contractions may further reduce fetal oxygen saturation down to 30 per cent. Unlike

adults, a fetus has 18–22 g of fetal haemoglobin, which helps to increase the oxygencarrying capacity of fetal blood. In addition, unlike adult haemoglobin (HbA), fetal

haemoglobin (HbF) has increased affinity for oxygen. This results in the binding of

oxygen molecules at higher partial pressures of oxygen and the releasing of oxygen

rapidly at very low oxygen tensions. This enables the fetus to maintain adequate

oxygenation of the central organs even when it is not exposed to external environment.

Moreover, an increased level of fetal haemoglobin acts as an effective buffering system

in the presence of metabolic acidosis to help avoid fetal neurological damage (Figure


Figure 2.4 Fetal adaptation to hypoxia.

The fetal circulatory system consists of ductus venosus and foramen ovale, both of

which preferentially shunt oxygenated blood from the umbilical vein to the heart and the

brain (vital organs). In addition, ductus arteriosus diverts the blood from the pulmonary

artery to the descending aorta by passing nonfunctional lungs. This vascular arrangement

enables the fetus to supply the central organs with relatively well-oxygenated blood as

compared to the peripheral tissues. In order to rapidly distribute the blood to vital

organs, unlike in adults, fetal myocardium beats at a higher rate (110–160 bpm).Abnormal Placentation

A failure of trophoblast invasion into the uterine endometrium would result in

inadequate formation of placental lacunae. This would lead to a reduction in the size of

pools of oxygenated blood within the uterine venous sinuses. Therefore, there may be

intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) during the antenatal period to divert available

oxygen and nutrients to the vital organs. During labour, with the onset of uterine

contractions, due to the compression of the branches of spiral arteries, there may be a

rapid development of hypoxia and acidosis. In addition, placental disorders such as

infarction, villitis, vasculopathies and failure of trophoblastic invasion (e.g.

preeclampsia) may lead to a reduction of placental pools resulting in utero-placental

insufficiency (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 Causes of abnormal placentation

Fetal Response to Hypoxic Stress

In response to hypoxic stress, the fetus attempts to safeguard the positive energy balance

of the myocardium to avoid myocardial hypoxia and acidosis. As the fetus, unlike adults,

cannot rapidly increase oxygen levels by increasing the rate and depth of respiration, it

decreases the myocardial workload by a reflex slowing of the FHR. This is termed


If this reflex response to hypoxic stress is insufficient to maintain oxygenation of

the central organs (brain, heart and adrenal glands), the fetus would conserve

nonessential activity by stopping movements leading to a loss of accelerations in the

cardiotocograph (CTG) trace. If intrapartum hypoxia progresses further, a fetus would




Failure to trophoblastic invasion (preeclampsia)release catecholamines (adrenaline and noradrenaline) to increase the heart rate, thereby

increasing oxygenation from the placental bed and also causing peripheral

vasoconstriction to divert blood from nonessential peripheral organs to central organs

(Figure 2.5). In addition, catecholamines increase breakdown of glycogen to glucose to

increase energy substrate to continue maintaining a positive energy balance within the


Figure 2.5 Fetal response to hypoxic stress.

This leads to a compensated response, and the fetus would continue to demonstrate

a stable baseline FHR and a reassuring baseline variability (5–25 bpm), albeit with

continuing decelerations and a rise in baseline FHR.

This is followed by the onset of decompensation in the central nervous system

leading to a loss of baseline FHR variability followed by the onset of myocardialhypoxia and acidosis characterized by unstable baseline and a progressive reduction of

the heart rate (‘stepwise pattern to death’).


Fetus is not exposed to atmospheric oxygen during intrauterine life and, therefore,

develops cardiovascular, metabolic and haematological adaptation to ensure adequate

oxygenation to central organs. In response to hypoxic stress, the only organ the fetus

attempts to safeguard is the myocardium (‘the pump’) so as to maintain continued

perfusion to other vital organs. A reflex decrease in FHR (deceleration), conservation of

energy (loss of fetal movements) and release of catecholamines to increase placental

circulation redistribute blood from peripheral organs to central organs and increase the

availability of energy substrate (glucose). Failure in any of these mechanisms may lead

to the onset of hypoxia and metabolic acidosis, leading to neurological damage or death.

Further Reading

1. Sadler T W. Langman’s Medical Embryology. 12th edition. Baltimore: Wolters

Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012.

2. Sadler T W. Third Week of Development: Trilaminar Germ Disc. In: Langman’s Medical

Embryology. 12th edition. Baltimore: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012. p.


3. Schoenwolf G C, Bleyl S B, Brauer P R, Francis-West P H. Second Week: Becoming

Bilaminar and Fully Implanting. In: Larsen’s Human Embryology. 4th edition. Philadelphia:

Churchill Livingstone Elsevier; 2009. p. 51–68.

4. Carlson B M. Placenta and Extraembryonic Membranes. In: Human Embryology and

Developmental Biology. 5th edition. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier; 2014. p. 120–129.

5. FitzGerald M J T, FitzGerald M. Implantation. In: Human Embryology. 1st edition.

London: Baillière Tindall; 1994. p. 15–20.6. Hardy K. Embryology. Chapter In: Bennett P, Williamson C. (eds). Basic Science in

Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 4th edition. Churchill Livingston; 2010.

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