Nonhypoxic Causes of CTG Changes
Dovilé Kalvinskaité and Edwin Chandraharan
Handbook of CTG Interpretation: From Patterns to Physiology, ed. Edwin Chandraharan.
Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2017.
The fetal heart rate (FHR) is controlled through various integrated physiological
mechanisms, most importantly through an interaction of sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems. Optimum functioning of the fetal heart requires an intact central
nervous system and a well-developed fetal heart to respond adequately. Thus, abnormal
CTG changes may be caused by congenital malformations or organic changes in the fetal
brain or heart, together with infection and other metabolic changes that might affect these
organs (Figures 27.1 and 27.2).Figure 27.1 Causes of nonhypoxic brain injuries.
Figure 27.2 Causes of nonhypoxic myocardial damage.
Key Facts
Various congenital, organic or metabolic changes in the fetus may cause an
abnormal FHR pattern, in the absence of hypoxia.
Up to 75 per cent of fetuses with nonhypoxic CNS damage represent changes in
CTG, even though there is no single unique feature on the CTG trace associatedKey Features on the CTG Trace
with such an abnormality.
‘Nonreassuring’ FHR patterns are more common in preterm fetuses because their
brain is less well developed. Such CTG abnormalities may occur in up to 60 per
cent of these cases.
Maternal administration with various medications may affect the fetus and
modulate the CTG changes.
Erroneous monitoring of MHR as FHR may also result in CTG changes (see
Chapter 6).
Fetuses with normal neurological state have quiet sleep and active periods
termed ‘cycling’. Absence of cycling may be due to major fetal brain
malformation or haemorrhage, fetal infection or medication.
Reduced or absent baseline variability is the most common feature seen in the
CTG when the CNS function is impaired due to congenital malformation or fetal
infection. It can also be caused by medications and occurs shortly after
administering them.
A persistently ‘flat’ baseline variability with normal baseline FHR and without
accelerations or decelerations may reflect a severe pre-existing neurological
damage (Figure 27.3). The fetus, therefore, is unlikely to be hypoxic if a
decreased variability develops in the absence of preceding decelerations. The
lack of baseline variability may also correlate with the severity of fetal brain
An increase in baseline FHR can be due to maternal infection, chorioamnionitis
or fetal infection. Other major causes of fetal tachycardia are cardiac
arrhythmias and maternal administration of sympathetic (e.g. terbutaline) or
parasympathetic (e.g. atropine) medications and maternal hyperthyroidism.The most common fetal tachyarrhythmia is supraventricular tachycardia (SVT),
which is characterized by a persistent tachycardia at FHR of 210 to 320 bpm
with reduced baseline variability. SVT usually appears around 28 to 30 weeks
of gestation, and if it is persistent at a rate of >230 bpm, it can lead to the
development of hydrops fetalis.
Baseline FHR bradycardia can be caused by maternal administration of drugs
(labetolol, atenolol), prolonged maternal hypoglycaemia or hypothermia,
connective tissue diseases, fetal cardiac conduction or anatomic defects. As long
as normal baseline variability is present, fetal bradycardia may be considered
benign in such cases. Intermittent fetal bradycardia frequently is due to
congenital heart block. Even in cases of complete heart block, the FHR does not
go below 55–60 bpm (ventricular rate); if it does, a coexisting fetal hypoxia
should be excluded. The baseline variability will be lost within deceleration in
cases of hypoxia due to a reduction in cerebral circulation.
Pseudo-sinusoidal fetal heart pattern may be observed following the
administration of meperidine, morphine, and it should resolve within 30 minutes.
A true sinusoidal trace may occur with fetal intracranial haemorrhage,
chorioamnionitis or severe maternal diabetes.
Unsteady baseline rate or ‘wandering’ baseline can be due to a severe brain or
cardiac malformation and may appear as a preterminal event.Figure 27.3 CTG trace of a fetus with a massive intracranial haemorrhage in the antenatal
period. Note the total absence of baseline variability and absence of preexisting
Key Pathophysiology behind Patterns Seen on
the CTG Trace
Decreased or absent variability occurs when the autonomic nervous system,
which is responsible for the modularity function of the CNS, is impaired. Hence,
severe malformations or organic changes (e.g. large cerebral haemorrhage) in
the midbrain or cortex (Figure 27.1) – or when central neural pathways are
disorganized because of chromosomal or other genetic abnormalities – abnormal
features may be observed on the CTG trace.
Increase in sympathetic or decrease in parasympathetic nervous system tone
causes fetal tachycardia. It can be due to a direct fetal infection or as a
secondary fetal response due to transplacental passage of pyrogens in the
presence of maternal infection, as well as due to fetal cardiac electrical
abnormalities, medications or maternal anxiety (release of adrenaline).
Fetus exposure to an infection may cause a fetal inflammatory response
syndrome which leads to the development of cytokine-mediated white matter
injury in the fetal brain and, therefore, changes in the CTG (Figure 27.4).
Fetal heart conduction defects usually are associated with maternal connective
tissue diseases, because maternal SS-A/Ro and SS-B/La antibodies cause
inflammatory myocarditis and disrupts fetal cardiac conduction system.
If there is a derangement or a virtual absence of CNS control over the FHR, a
sinusoidal pattern is observed.
Intrauterine convulsions may result in repeated accelerations with the absence of
cycling (Figure 27.5). Repeated ‘low-amplitude’ accelerations secondary to
disorganized fetal movements during convulsions with absence of cycling should
alert clinicians to ongoing intrauterine convulsions (Figure 27.5). In this case,Figure 27.4 Total loss of baseline variability due to a severe fetal CNS infection.
Figure 27.5 CTG trace in intrauterine fetal convulsions. Note the absence of cycling and
repeated ‘low-amplitude’ accelerations secondary to disorganized fetal movements during
Recommended Management
the umbilical cord gases would be entirely normal, but the neonate may continue
to have neonatal convulsions. An MRI scan may not show any evidence of
hypoxic injury.Key tips to Optimize the Outcome
Hypoxic causes and maternal or fetal infection that may have resulted in
nonreassuring CTG changes must be excluded.
If the fetus is unlikely to be hypoxic and there are no other causes to explain
nonreassuring features observed on the CTG trace, a further detailed
investigation should be performed (e.g. ultrasound to confirm congenital
malformations, fetal echocardiography).
SVT and fetal heart block require an active management and may be associated
with fetal compromise and/or maternal disease. Most other cardiac arrhythmias,
although, are considered as benign and do not require immediate delivery or
other than management targeted at a specific condition (e.g. sympatholytic drugs
to correct supraventricular tachycardia).
In cases of complete fetal heart block, a search for autoimmune antibodies in
mother’s blood should be performed even if she is asymptomatic.
FHR changes which develop after administration of drugs can be managed
The whole clinical picture and previous CTG traces have to be considered to
exclude ongoing nonhypoxic causes of fetal injury.
One has to make sure that the CTG trace is normal with no evidence of hypoxia
before giving any medications.
If a nonhypoxic cause (e.g. intrauterine infection, intrauterine convulsions or
cardiac rhythm abnormality) is suspected, the neonatal team should be informed
in advance to optimize outcome after birth.
Women should be counselled regarding the prognosis of the suspected/diagnosed
nonhypoxic cause of fetal injury as well as the role and limitations of electronic
FHR monitoring.Pitfalls
Figure 27.6 CTG trace in a fetus with severe cardiac conduction defects.
Consequences of Mismanagement
Failure to recognize the absence of cycling on the CTG trace. In the absence of
ongoing hypoxia, decelerations may be absent.
The changes observed on the CTG trace may be misdiagnosed as due to hypoxia
leading to unnecessary interventions such as fetal scalp blood sampling or
unnecessary emergency caesarean section.
In the presence of abnormal CTG trace with a confirmed fetal anomaly (Figure
27.4), a true ongoing fetal hypoxia and acidaemia may not be recognized, which
may worsen neurological damage to the fetus.
The use of fetal ECG (STAN) in the presence of cardiac conduction defects
(Figure 27.6) as these may influence the waveforms observed on the fetal ECG
leading to unnecessary operative interventions.
Antepartum fetal death.
Fetal neurological impairment or higher neonatal morbidity rate due to a failure
to recognize an ongoing infection.References
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