Neonatal Implications of Intrapartum
Fetal Hypoxia
Justin Richards
Handbook of CTG Interpretation: From Patterns to Physiology, ed. Edwin Chandraharan.
Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2017.
Intermittent fetal hypoxia is an integral part of normal childbirth, and the healthy fetus is
extremely well adapted to withstand this unharmed. As the uterine muscle contracts
during the process of labour, the blood supply to the placenta is reduced, and oxygen and
nutrient delivery to the fetus is reduced. Between uterine contractions, the uterine muscle
relaxes and oxygen and nutrient supply is restored. Studies in animals have shown that
intermittent, regular and complete interruption of fetal blood supply is well tolerated if
these interruptions are shorter in duration and the fetus is given adequate time to
recover. This is borne out by what we observe in clinical practice.
When Does Fetal Hypoxia Pose a Risk for the
Despite very effective fetal adaptations to cope with acute oxygen and nutrient
deprivation during labour, neonatal brain injury resulting from inadequateMechanisms of Hypoxic Brain Injury
oxygen in the perinatal period (perinatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
[HIE]) is estimated to account for 23 per cent of neonatal deaths worldwide1 and
9–10 per cent of neonatal deaths in the United Kingdom.2
In babies that survive, a significant number will develop long-term neurological
sequelae ranging from mild behavioural disorders to significant cognitive
impairment and/or cerebral palsy.
Fetal asphyxia occurs when inadequate oxygen supply leads to anaerobic
respiration and subsequent metabolic acidosis and hyperlactaemia. A mild
degree of asphyxia occurs in all normal deliveries with no adverse sequelae;
however, the chances of significant injury increase as metabolic acidosis
becomes more profound.
Studies demonstrate that an umbilical cord blood pH <7.0 is associated with an
increased risk of brain injury, although even at these levels the majority of
babies will recover without long-term effects.
There are other factors which may reduce the ability of the fetus to cope with
hypoxia during delivery. Placental dysfunction is known to be associated with an
increased risk of HIE, and chorioamnionitis is more common in the placental
histology of babies with HIE, suggesting that inflammation may also be a
contributory factor. In babies that develop HIE, having clinical signs of sepsis
increases the risk of brain injury.3,4
Asphyxia that is severe enough to lead to significant neonatal encephalopathy
usually also leads to damage to multiple organ systems in the fetus and newborn.
Renal and hepatic impairment are common, but usually recover with time.
Cardiac dysfunction may lead to hypotension requiring inotropic support and
respiratory involvement to pulmonary hypertension and respiratory failure.In normal cellular energy metabolism in the fetal and neonatal brain, glucose is
transported into the cell and, through gluconeogenesis and the Krebs cycle, leads to a
reduction of NAD to NADH. NADH is used to transport electrons into the respiratory
chain which in turn drive oxidative phosphorylation through the reduction of oxygen.
The end products are high-energy phosphate compounds (mainly ATP) used to power the
cell (Figure 28.1). As part of this process, small quantities of oxygen-free radicals are
formed, but in normally functioning cells, these are scavenged through antioxidant
Figure 28.1 Normal cellular energy metabolism demonstrating pathways of ATP
production from glucose and oxygen.
The mechanisms of brain injury following hypoxic insult are complex and involve
two stages.
1. Interruption of oxygen and nutrient supply to the fetal brain leads to primary
energy failure within minutes. There is a rapid depletion of intracellular ATP stores
and ultimately cellular necrosis is caused by a failure of sodium potassium pump if
oxygen supply is not restored.
2. Reperfusion following resuscitation leads to a rapid restoration of oxidative
phosphorylation. Initially ATP levels return almost to normal; however, a period of
secondary energy failure follows, when cellular energy supplies fall again. This is
caused by a cascade of cytotoxic reactions within the cell triggered by the
processes of reoxygenation.3. During primary energy failure, electrons accumulate in the mitochondria. When
oxygen levels are restored, these electrons combine with oxygen to produce highly
reactive free radicals that overwhelm the normal cellular antioxidant mechanisms
and lead to the production of highly toxic reactive oxygen compounds that damage
the intracellular structures.
4. Ultimately these cytotoxic reactions trigger programmed cell death (apoptosis).
Current evidence suggests that excessive oxygen levels may exacerbate this
process – this is the reason that air is now recommended for resuscitation of the
newborn in the first instance.
Clinical Features of Hypoxic-Ischaemic
Table 28.1 Clinical grading system for HIE9
Clinical assessment of a baby following HIE is essential to guide treatment and
determine prognosis. In 1976, Sarnat and Sarnat published a staging system for
assessment of HIE that classified babies according to examination as stage 1
(mild), 2 (moderate) or 3 (severe).5 This allowed clinicians to predict the likely
outcome of babies with HIE, and a modified version forms the basis of standard
assessment to this day (Table 28.1).
After a severe hypoxic insult, brain activity is initially suppressed during
primary energy failure, and clinically the baby is profoundly hypotonic. Reduced
brain activity and hypotonia persist through a latent phase often lasting several
hours, until the process of secondary energy failure begins.
During this time, monitoring of brain activity using a cerebral function monitor
(CFM) shows reduced cortical activity. Following the latent phase, there is a
release of excitatory neurotransmitters within the brain associated with the baby
developing seizure activity. In severe HIE and neonatal encephalopathy, seizures
often persist for up to 5–7 days, reaching a maximal peak at 1–2 days.6Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
Lethargic Comatose
Mild hypotonia Marked abnormalities of
Severe hypotonia
No seizures Seizures Prolonged seizures
Poor sucking Requires tube feeding Failure to maintain spontaneous
Management of HIE
The mainstay of treatment for HIE is supportive, with respiratory support,
seizure control and implementation of nasogastric tube feeds often required, as
well as managing disruption to other organ systems.
Following the results of recent studies of therapeutic hypothermia,7 this is now a
standard of care for babies with moderate or severe HIE (Sarnat stages 2 or 3)
in healthcare environments that are able to provide safe intensive care.8
The CFM may be used to help make a more objective, early assessment of
encephalopathy when deciding which babies are likely to benefit from
therapeutic hypothermia. Hypothermia is moderate, with the aim to reduce core
temperature to between 33°C and 34°C for 72 hours, followed by gradual
MRI scanning 3–7 days after the hypoxic event and EEG/CFM add valuable
information to clinical assessment when determining prognosis and are routinely
performed in most centres offering therapeutic hypothermia.
Regular discussions of the condition of the baby and likely outcome with parents
are essential throughout the stay in intensive care. In severely affected infants
with stage 3 HIE that remain comatose, it is usually appropriate to discussOutcomes
Table 28.2 Comparison of outcomes for moderate vs severe HIE in the Cochrane metaanalysis of cooling for HIE7
Severity of HIE Outcome Treatment group
Standard care
stage 2)
Death 33/244 (13%) 53/232 (23%)
Death or major disability 89/243 (37%) 123/229 (54%)
Major disability in
survivors assessed
56/211 (27%) 70/179 (39%)
stage 3)
Death 75/143 (52%) 96/142 (68%)
Death or major disability 100/143 (70%) 120/140 (86%)
Major disability in
survivors assessed
26/68 (37%)* 24/47 (51%)*
palliative care with the parents, particularly if CFM/EEG and/or MRI scan show
evidence of severe injury with poor prognosis.
Outcomes for babies with stage 1 HIE are good, with death or disability rates <1
per cent.
In both moderate and severe encephalopathy (Sarnat stages 2 and 3), rates of
death or disability in a recent Cochrane meta-analysis7 were lower in babies
receiving therapeutic hypothermia (Table 28.2).
Disability includes cerebral palsy and developmental delay as well as hearing
and visual disturbances. Overall risk of death or disability in severe HIE
remains high despite modern intensive care and therapeutic hypothermia, with
only 30 per cent of babies surviving without major disability.7* These results were not statistically significant in the subgroup analysis.
1. Newborn death and illness. WHO. Available from:
2. Perinatal mortality 2009. CMACE. Available from: http://hqip.org.uk/assets/NCAPOPLibrary/CMACE-Reports/35.-March-2011-Perinatal-Mortality-2009.pdf
3. Jenster M, Bonifacio SL, Ruel T, Rogers EE, Tam EW, Partridge JC, et al. Maternal or
neonatal infection: association with neonatal encephalopathy outcomes. Pediatr Res
4. Wu YW, Colford JM. Chorioamnionitis as a risk factor for cerebral palsy: a meta-analysis.
JAMA 2000;284(11):1417–24.
5. Sarnat HB, Sarnat MS. Neonatal encephalopathy following fetal distress. A clinical and
electroencephalographic study. Arch Neurol 1976;33(10):696–705.
6. Wyatt J. Applied physiology: brain metabolism following perinatal asphyxia. Curr
Paediatr 2002;12(3):227–31.
7. Jacobs SE, Berg M, Hunt R, Tarnow-Mordi WO, Inder TE, Davis PG. Cooling for
newborns with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
8. IPG347. Therapeutic hypothermia with intracorporeal temperature monitoring for hypoxic
perinatal brain injury. NICE. 2010. Available from: www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ipg347
9. Levene ML, Kornberg J, Williams TH. The incidence and severity of post-asphyxial
encephalopathy in full-term infants. Early Hum Dev 1985;11(1):21–6.
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