Role of the Anaesthetist in the
Management of Fetal Compromise
during Labour
Anuji Amarasekara and Anthony Addei
Handbook of CTG Interpretation: From Patterns to Physiology, ed. Edwin Chandraharan.
Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2017.
Fetal asphyxia leads to fetal compromise, which, if not corrected or circumvented, will
result in decompensation of physiologic responses (primarily redistribution of blood
flow to preserve oxygenation of vital organs) and cause permanent central nervous
system damage and other damage or death.
Key Facts
Anaesthetists participate directly and indirectly in the management of fetal
compromise during labour.
Fetal well-being can be assessed during high-risk labour by electronic FHR
monitoring using a CTG to monitor changes in FHR.
Decelerations and fetal bradycardia have been described after all types of
effective labour analgesia (epidural, spinal and combined spinal epidural, and
intravenous opioids).Key Pathophysiology
More dramatic hypoxia-inducing events include placental abruption, cord
prolapse and antepartum or intrapartum (fetal) haemorrhage.
All these may lead to fetal compromise and may necessitate emergency delivery.
Regardless of the aetiology of FHR abnormalities, it is important to manage
these changes correctly when they occur.
Obstetric cases account for 0.8 per cent of general anaesthetics in the Fifth
National Audit Project (NAP5) on Accidental Awareness during General
Anaesthesia (AAGA) Activity Survey. However, obstetric cases account for
approximately 10 per cent of reports of AAGA, making it the most markedly
overrepresented of all surgical specialties.
Reduction in oxygen delivery to the fetus is associated with fetal compromise.
Metabolic acidosis results from persistent hypoxia via anaerobic
metabolism and production of lactic acid.
Oxygen delivery to the fetus is dependent on maternal circulation, placental
transfer and fetal circulation.
Uterine oxygen delivery = uterine blood flow × arterial oxygen content. Uterine
blood flow is determined by perfusion pressure (arterial – venous pressure) and
Aortocaval compression occurs when the pregnant uterus compresses the
inferior vena cava and descending aorta within the abdomen. This can result in
reduced blood flow to the utero-placental unit and maternal hypotension. The
effect is maximal in supine position.
In labour, intrauterine pressure increases during contractions. Initially the uterine
veins become compressed, and intervillous blood volume increases until
intrauterine pressure is sufficient to stop arterial flow.
Placental oxygen transport occurs along a gradient from maternal to fetal blood.The method of anaesthesia may affect neonatal outcome by transplacental drug
transfer and by influencing maternal haemodynamics and hence placental perfusion.
Intrauterine fetal resuscitation (IUFR) can result in significant improvements in the
condition of the fetus.
Recommended Management
Fetal haemoglobin (HbF) has a higher affinity for oxygen than adult
haemoglobin. The fetus also has higher haemoglobin, 16.5 g/dL (range, 15–18.6
g/dL), which helps to ensure adequate oxygen content.
Oxygen carriage to vital organs of the fetus is also dependent on fetal cardiac
output and adequate umbilical circulation. Fetal stroke volume is relatively
fixed, and FHR is the major determinant of cardiac output.
Occlusion of the umbilical cord will restrict delivery of oxygenated blood to the
fetus via the umbilical vein.
Rapid, coordinated, multidisciplinary approach is vital to minimizing fetal
compromise that can lead to permanent damage to the baby.
The anaesthetist has a role in assessing the mother quickly and initiating or
continuing resuscitation as required.
The goal of IUFR is to optimize the fetal condition in utero so that labour may
continue safely or to improve fetal well-being prior to emergency delivery.
IUFR consists of simple (SPOILT) steps:
Syntocinon: Stop syntocinon infusion to reduce the intensity and frequency
of uterine contractions, leading to improved placental perfusion.
Position: Left lateral position of the mother to relieve aortocaval
compression and improve venous return and placental perfusion.
Oxygen: High-flow oxygen with Hudson mask and reservoir bag to increase
maternal oxygen saturation (e.g. in cases of maternal collapse and maternal
hypoxia).Key Issues
Key Tips to Optimize Outcome
IV fluids: Rapid fluid infusion to restore maternal vascular volume. This
may also help to dilute oxytocin in blood in cases of uterine
Low BP: Vasopressor (phenylephrine 50 μg – 100 μg increments; or
ephedrine 3 mg – 6 mg increments) if low maternal blood pressure.
Tocolytics should be used to provide uterine relaxation to improve
placental oxygenation if there is evidence of uterine hyperstimulation.
In cases of significant fetal compromise unresponsive to IUFR, or which show
only a transient response, early delivery of the fetus may be indicated. Delivery
by a ‘category 1’ caesarean section may be required.
The decision as to the method of anaesthesia is a balance between degree of
urgency and level of concern about maternal risks of general anaesthesia. In
cases of imminent fetal demise, delays may become clinically significant.
A controversial case series describing ‘rapid sequence spinal anaesthesia’ as an
alternative to general anaesthesia for urgent caesarean section has been
Good communication helps to identify and prepare a plan for at-risk patients on
the labour ward who may become an emergency. This may make the difference
between the possibility of planned, timely regional anaesthesia and emergency
general anaesthetic.
Obstetric anaesthesia is regarded as a high-risk subspecialty for AAGA.
Undue haste in situations that are not true emergencies may cause maternal
and/or fetal harm due to anaesthesia and surgical complications.The use of IUFR is based on an understanding of maternal physiology, oxygen
transfer, effects of uterine contractions and evidence from numerous publications
in literature.
Variable decelerations may result from cord compression. Relief of such
compression may be achieved by trying several right or left lateral positions.
Avoid prolonged maternal oxygen administration, which should only be
administered in cases of maternal hypoxia and maternal collapse.
Care must be taken to avoid fluid overload in fluid-restricted patients (e.g.
preeclampsia, cardiac disease).
Avoid tocolytics in antepartum haemorrhage and abruption.
Be prepared for increased blood loss from a relaxed uterus.
Electronic fetal monitoring should be restarted in theatre and maintained as long
as possible.
Avoid maternal hypotension.
Uterine blood flow is not subject to autoregulation. Uterine perfusion is
therefore correlated with blood pressure. A maternal pressure fall >20 per
cent of baseline systolic figure will produce a substantial reduction in
uterine perfusion. This will aggravate any acute intrapartum fetal
compromise. Thorough evaluation, fluid preloading, patient positioning and
drugs can minimize the incidence and degree of hypotension after
sympathetic blockage from a spinal or epidural anaesthetic, but it may
occur even under the best circumstances. The anaesthetic management can
be challenging when acute intrapartum fetal compromise is superimposed
on chronic or preexisting fetal compromise. Underlying chronic fetal
compromise may be secondary to preeclampsia, hypertension, postmaturity
or diabetes. These disorders reduce fetal reserve and the ability to
successfully mount a compensatory response to intrapartum hypoxic stress.
It is important to avoid even mild hypotension in order to maintain uterine
blood flow and placental perfusion in such cases.Pitfalls
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Failure to change maternal position. (If fetal compromise persists, try right
lateral or knee-elbow position because umbilical cord compression rather than
aortocaval compression may be the cause).
Failure to restart FHR monitoring in theatre.
Routine oxygen administration to the mother.
Fetal oxygen saturation depends on placental perfusion rather than maternal
oxygen saturation. The promotion and restoration of adequate fetal oxygen
delivery should take the form of appropriate maternal positioning, reduction
of uterine activity and appropriate intravenous fluid and vasopressor
therapy to help ensure adequate uterine blood flow. Supplemental oxygen
should be used to improve maternal oxygen saturation as required.
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