Berek Novak's Gyn 2019. Chapter 38. Cervical and Vaginal Cancer

 Cervical and Vaginal Cancer

BS. Nguyen Hong Anh


1 Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the causal agent of cervical cancer.

2 Screening programs are effective at decreasing the incidence of cervical cancer.

2446Vaccines help decrease the incidence of cervical cancer.

3 The most common histologic type of cervical cancer is squamous, and the relative

and absolute incidence of adenocarcinoma is increasing. Both histologies are caused

by HPV infection.

4 Cervical cancer is clinically staged, although modern radiographic modalities such as

computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, or positron

emission tomography, if available, may be beneficial for individual treatment

planning. The staging system has been updated in 2018.

5 Treatment of cervical cancer is based on stage of disease. Early-stage disease (stages

I to IIA) can be treated with either radical surgery or radiation therapy. Advanced

stage disease (stages IIB to IV) is best treated with chemoradiation, including


6 Vaginal cancer is a rare disease with many similarities to cervical cancer. Radiation

therapy is the mainstay of treatment for most patients; however, select patients may

be treated with radical surgery.

7 Minimally invasive radical hysterectomy. Laparoscopic and robotic radical

hysterectomies were being performed with larger degree of frequency in highly

selected patients world wide.

Cervical cancer ranks as the third most common gynecologic neoplasm in the

United States, behind cancer of the uterine corpus and ovary, mainly as a result of

the effectiveness of screening programs. Worldwide, cervical carcinoma

continues to be a significant health care problem. In developing countries,

where health care resources are limited, cervical carcinoma is the second

most frequent cause of cancer death in women. Because cervical cancer is

preventable, it is imperative that gynecologists and other primary health care

providers for women be familiar with vaccination programs, screening

techniques, diagnostic procedures, and risk factors for cervical cancer and

management of preinvasive disease. Vaginal cancer is a rare tumor that shares an

epidemiology and risk factor profile that is similar to cervical cancer.


Epidemiology and Risk Factors

Invasive cancer of the cervix is considered a preventable disease because it

has a long preinvasive state, cervical cytology screening programs are

available, and the treatment of preinvasive lesions is effective. In spite of the

preventable nature of this disease, the CDC reported 12,578 new cases of invasive

cervical cancer resulting in 4,115 deaths in the United States in 2014 (1). This

2447data are similar to the 2011 statistics, with only a slight decrease (1,2). Nationally,

the lifetime probability of developing cervical cancer is 1:128. Although

screening programs in the United States are well established, it is estimated that

30% of cervical cancer cases will occur in women who have never had a

Papanicolaou (Pap) test. In developing countries, this percentage approaches 60%

(3). Nevertheless, the worldwide incidence of invasive disease is decreasing, and

cervical cancer is being diagnosed earlier, leading to better survival rates (2,4).

The mean age for cervical cancer in the United States is 47 years, and the

distribution of cases is bimodal, with peaks at 35 to 39 years and 60 to 64 years of

age (2).

There are numerous risk factors for cervical cancer: young age at first

intercourse (younger than 16 years), multiple sexual partners, cigarette

smoking, race, high parity, low socioeconomic status, and chronic immune

suppression. The relationship to oral contraceptive use was debated. Some

investigators proposed that use of oral contraceptives might increase the incidence

of cervical glandular abnormalities; however, this hypothesis was not consistently

supported (5,6). [1] Many of these risk factors are linked to sexual activity and

exposure to sexually transmitted diseases. Infection with the herpes virus was

thought to be the initiating event in cervical cancer; however, infection with

human papillomavirus (HPV) was determined to be the causal agent in the

development of cervical cancer, with herpes virus and Chlamydia trachomatis

likely acting as cofactors. The role of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in

cervical cancer is mediated through immune suppression (5). The Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention described cervical cancer as an acquired immune

deficiency syndrome (AIDS)–defining illness in patients infected with HIV (7).

[1] The initiating event in cervical dysplasia and carcinogenesis is infection

with HPV. HPV infection was detected in up to 99% of women with squamous

cervical carcinoma. HPV is the causative agent in both squamous and

adenocarcinoma of the cervix, but the respective tumors may have different

carcinogenic pathways (8). There are more than 100 different types of HPV, more

than 30 of which can affect the lower genital tract. There are 15 high-risk HPV

subtypes; two of the high-risk subtypes, 16 and 18, are found in up to 70% of

cervical carcinomas. The mechanism by which HPV affects cellular growth and

differentiation is through the interaction of viral E6 and E7 proteins with tumor

suppressor genes p53 and Rb, respectively. Inhibition of p53 prevents cell cycle

arrest and cellular apoptosis, which normally occurs when damaged DNA is

present, whereas inhibition of Rb disrupts transcription factor E2F, resulting in

unregulated cellular proliferation (9). Both steps are essential for the malignant

transformation of cervical epithelial cells. Initially, there were two HPV vaccines,

the quadrivalent Gardasil and the bivalent Cervarix, approved by the U.S. Food

2448and Drug Administration (FDA). Both protect against HPV subtypes 16 and 18.

[2] The efficacy of Gardasil was 97% to 100% for preventing cervical

intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grades 2 and 3 caused by HPV 16 or 18 in females

who were not previously infected with either HPV 16 or 18 before vaccination;

however, efficacy was only 44% in those who were infected prior to vaccination

(10). Recently, the FDA has approved a third HPV vaccine, Gardasil-9, which

protects against the four subtypes of the quadrivalent vaccine plus an additional

five high-risk subtypes (HPV 31/33/45/52/58). In a head-to-head,

immunoresponse trial, the 9-valent HPV vaccine showed non-inferior anti-HPV

6/11/16/18 antibody response (11). The efficacy of the 9-valent vaccine in

preventing CIN 2,3, VIN 2 or 3, and VAIN 2 or 3 was 97% in the HPV-naïve

patient population (12). Long-term data for superior efficacy in HPV

31/33/45/52/58-related clinical outcomes is still pending. The FDA also extended

the recommended age indication for Gardisil-9 to include men and women ages 9

to 45. Because these vaccines do not protect against all HPV subtypes, vaccinated

women need to continue to receive cervical cancer screening according to

published guidelines.


Vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom occurring in patients with

cancer of the cervix. Most often, this is postcoital bleeding, but it may occur as

irregular or postmenopausal bleeding. Patients with advanced disease may present

with a malodorous vaginal discharge, weight loss, or obstructive uropathy. In

asymptomatic women, cervical cancer is most commonly identified through

evaluation of abnormal cytologic screening tests. The false-negative rate for Pap

tests in the presence of invasive cancer is up to 50%, so a negative Pap test should

never be relied on in a symptomatic patient (13).

Initially, all women suspected of having cervical cancer should have a general

physical examination performed to include evaluation of the supraclavicular,

axillary, and inguinofemoral lymph nodes to exclude the presence of metastatic

disease. On pelvic examination, a speculum is inserted into the vagina, and the

cervix is inspected for suspicious areas (Fig. 38-1). The vaginal fornices should

be closely inspected. With invasive cancer, the cervix is usually firm and

expanded, and these features should be confirmed by digital examination. Rectal

examination is important to help establish cervical consistency and size,

particularly in patients with endocervical carcinomas. Rectal examination is the

only way to determine cervical size if the vaginal fornices have been obliterated

by menopausal changes or by the extension of disease. Parametrial extension of

disease is best determined by the finding of nodularity beyond the cervix on rectal


2449When obvious tumor growth is present, a cervical biopsy is usually

sufficient for diagnosis. If gross disease is not present, a colposcopic

examination with cervical biopsies and endocervical curettage is warranted.

If the diagnosis cannot be established conclusively with colposcopy and

directed biopsies, which may be the case with adenocarcinoma, cervical

conization may be necessary.

Colposcopic Findings of Invasion

Colposcopic examination is mandatory for patients with suspected early

invasive cancer based on cervical cytology and a grossly normal-appearing

cervix. Colposcopic findings that suggest invasion are (i) abnormal blood

vessels, (ii) irregular surface contour with loss of surface epithelium, and (iii)

color tone change. Colposcopically directed biopsies may permit the

diagnosis of frank invasion and thus avoid the need for diagnostic cone

biopsy, allowing treatment to be administered without delay. If there is debate

about the depth of invasion based on the cervical biopsies, and if the clinical stage

may be upstaged to stage IA2 or IB1, the patient should undergo a conization. In

the presence of a large cervical biopsy specimen showing invasion greater than 3

mm, or two biopsy specimens separated by 7 mm showing invasive cervical

carcinoma, therapy should proceed without delay, and the patient could undergo

radical surgery or radiation therapy.

2450FIGURE 38-1 Gross appearance of cervical cancer on examination.

Abnormal Blood Vessels

Abnormal vessels may be looped, branched, or reticular. Abnormal looped

vessels are the most common colposcopic finding and arise from the

punctated and mosaic vessels present in CIN. As the neoplastic growth process

proceeds and the need for oxygen and nutrition increases, angiogenesis occurs as

a result of tumor and local tissue production of vascular endothelial growth factor

(VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF),

and other cytokines, resulting in the proliferation of blood vessels and

neovascularization. Punctate vessels push out over the surface of the epithelium in

an erratic fashion, producing the looped, corkscrew, or J-shaped pattern of

abnormal vessels characteristic of invasive disease. Abnormal blood vessels arise

from the cervical stroma and are pushed to the surface as the underlying cancer

invades. The normally branching cervical stromal vessels are best observed over

nabothian cysts. In this area, the branches are generally at acute angles, with the

caliber of vessels becoming smaller after branching, much like the arborization of

a tree. The abnormal branching blood vessels seen with cancer tend to form

2451obtuse or right angles, with the caliber sometimes enlarging after branching.

Sharp turns, dilations, and luminal narrowing characterize these vessels. The

surface epithelium may be lost in these areas, leading to irregular surface contour

and friability.

Abnormal reticular vessels represent the terminal capillaries of the

cervical epithelium. Normal capillaries are best seen in postmenopausal women

with atrophic epithelium. When cancer involves this epithelium, the surface is

eroded, and the capillary network is exposed. These vessels are very fine and

short and appear as small comma-shaped vessels without an organized pattern.

They are not specific to invasive cancer; atrophic cervicitis may also have this


Irregular Surface Contour

Abnormal surface patterns are observed as tumor growth proceeds. The surface

epithelium ulcerates as the cells lose intercellular cohesiveness secondary to loss

of desmosomes. Irregular contour may occur as a result of papillary

characteristics of the lesion. This finding can be confused with a benign HPV

papillary growth on the cervix. For that reason, biopsies should be

performed on all papillary cervical growths to avoid missing invasive disease.

Color Tone

Color tone may change as a result of increasing vascularity, surface epithelial

necrosis, and in some cases, production of keratin. The color tone is yelloworange rather than the expected pink of intact squamous epithelium or the red of

the endocervical epithelium.


Adenocarcinoma of the cervix does not have a specific colposcopic

appearance. All of the aforementioned blood vessels may be seen in these

lesions. Because adenocarcinomas tend to develop within the endocervix,

endocervical curettage is required as part of the colposcopic examination, and

traditional screening methods are less reliable (13).

Histologic Appearance of Invasion

Cervical conization is required to assess correctly the depth and the linear

extent of involvement when microinvasion is suspected. Early invasion is

characterized by a protrusion of malignant cells from the stromal–epithelial

junction. This focus consists of cells that appear better differentiated than the

adjacent noninvasive cells and have abundant pink-staining cytoplasm,

hyperchromatic nuclei, and small-to-medium–sized nucleoli (14). These early

invasive lesions form tonguelike processes without measurable volume and

2452are classified as International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

(FIGO) stage IA1. With further progression, more tonguelike processes and

isolated malignant cells appear in the stroma, followed by a proliferation of

fibroblasts (desmoplasia) and a bandlike infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells

(Fig. 38-2). With increasing depth of invasion, lesions occur at multiple sites,

and the growth becomes measurable by depth and linear extent. Lesions that

are less than 3 mm in depth are classified as FIGO stage IA1. Lesions that

are 3 to 5 mm or more in depth and up to 7 mm in linear extent are classified

as FIGO stage IA2 (15). As the depth of stromal invasion increases, so does the

risk of capillary lymphatic space involvement. Dilated capillaries, lymphatic

spaces, and foreign-body multinucleated giant cells containing keratin debris are

often seen in the stroma.

The depth of invasion should be measured with a micrometer from the base of

the epithelium to the deepest point of invasion. Depth of invasion is a significant

predictor for the development of pelvic lymph node metastasis and tumor

recurrence. Although lesions that have invaded 3 mm or less rarely

metastasize, patients in whom lesions invade between 3 and 5 mm have

positive pelvic lymph nodes in 3% to 8% of cases (16). The significance of the

cutoff at 3 mm is not identified completely; it was postulated that small capillary–

lymphatic spaces at this level are incapable of facilitating the transport of

malignant cells. Uneven shrinkage of tissue by fixative often creates space

between the tumor nests and the surrounding fibrous stroma, simulating vascular

lymphatic invasion (Fig. 38-2). Therefore, suspected vascular–lymphatic

involvement with invasion of less than 3 mm should be interpreted with care. A

lack of endothelial lining indicates that the space is a fixation artifact rather than

true vascular invasion.

2453FIGURE 38-2 Microinvasive squamous carcinoma. Multiple irregular tonguelike

processes and isolated nests of malignant cells are seen, some surrounded by clear spaces,

simulating capillary lymphatic invasion. This is an artifact caused by tissue shrinkage. The

depth of stromal invasion is measured from the basement membrane of the overlying

cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). In this case, it is 1.2 mm.


The FIGO staging system was updated in 2018 to include imaging and pathologic

findings and is presnted in Table 38-1 and Figure 38-3. The old 2008 FIGO

clinical staging system is shown in Table 38-2. The FIGO staging system is

applicable to all histologic types of cervical cancer. The reported data presented in

this chapter are based on the 2008 staging system.

When there is doubt concerning the stage to which a cancer should be

allocated, the earlier stage should be selected. After a stage is assigned and

treatment is initiated, the stage must not be changed because of subsequent

findings. The upstaging of patients during treatment will produce an erroneous

perception of improvement in the results of treatment of low-stage disease.

Following is a breakdown of the incidence of cervical cancer by the clinical

2454staging system at diagnosis: 38%, stage I; 32%, stage II; 26%, stage III; and 4%,

stage IV (4,16,17).

In the 2018 staging system, horizontal spread is no longer considered in

stage IA, only the depth of invasion is used. Stage IB is now divided into 3

stages, Stages IB1, IB2, and IB3. Stage IB1 denotes lesions that are <2 cm in

greatest dimension, reflecting advances fertility-sparing procedures that are

now recommended for selected patients with these smaller tumors. Last,

Stage III has added a stage with substages to reflect pelvic and paraaortic

lymph node metastasis; this is due to the worsening of outcomes when lymph

node metastasis is present. See Table 38-1 for the revised 2018 FIGO staging


Table 38-1 FIGO Staging of Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri (2018)

Stage Description

I The carcinoma is strictly confined to the cervix (extension to the uterine

corpus should be disregarded)

IA Invasive carcinoma that can be diagnosed only by microscopy, with

maximum depth of invasion <5 mma

IA1 Measured stromal invasion <3 mm in depth

IA2 Measured stromal invasion ≥3 mm and <5 mm in depth

IB Invasive carcinoma with measured deepest invasion ≥5 mm (greater than

Stage IA), lesion limited to the cervix uterib

IB1 Invasive carcinoma ≥5 mm depth of stromal invasion, and <2 cm in

greatest dimension

IB2 Invasive carcinoma ≥2 cm and <4 cm in greatest dimension

IB3 Invasive carcinoma ≥4 cm in greatest dimension

II The carcinoma invades beyond the uterus, but has not extended onto the

lower third of the vagina or to the pelvic wall

IIA Involvement limited to the upper two-thirds of the vagina without

parametrial involvement

IIA1 Invasive carcinoma <4 cm in greatest dimension

IIA2 Invasive carcinoma ≥4 cm in greatest dimension

2455IIB With parametrial involvement but not up to the pelvic wall

III The carcinoma involves the lower third of the vagina and/or extends to the

pelvic wall and/or causes hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidney and/or

involves pelvic and/or para-aortic lymph nodesc

IIIA The carcinoma involves the lower third of the vagina, with no extension to

the pelvic wall

IIIB Extension to the pelvic wall and/or hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning

kidney (unless known to be due to another cause)

IIIC Involvement of pelvic and/or para-aortic lymph nodes, irrespective of

tumor size and extent (with r and p notations)c

IIIC1 Pelvic lymph node metastasis only

IIIC2 Para-aortic lymph node metastasis

IV The carcinoma has extended beyond the true pelvis or has involved

(biopsy proven) the mucosa of the bladder or rectum. (A bullous edema, as

such, does not permit a case to be allotted to Stage IV)

IVA Spread to adjacent pelvic organs

IVB Spread to distant organs

When in doubt, the lower staging should be assigned.

aImaging and pathology can be used, where available, to supplement clinical findings with

respect to tumor size and extent, in all stages.


The involvement of vascular/lymphatic spaces does not change the staging. The lateral

extent of the lesion is no longer considered.

cAdding notation of r (imaging) and p (pathology) to indicate the findings that are used to

allocate the case to Stage IIIC. Example: If imaging indicates pelvic lymph node

metastasis, the stage allocation would be Stage IIIC1r, and if confirmed by pathologic

findings, it would be Stage IIIC1p. The type of imaging modality or pathology technique

used should always be documented.

From Bhatla N, Berek JS, Cuello Frede M, et al. FIGO Committee Report. Revised

FIGO staging for carcinoma of the cervix uteri. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2019:1–7.

Additional Staging Modalities

2456Various investigators used lymphangiography, computed tomography (CT),

ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission

tomography (PET) in an attempt to improve the accuracy of clinical staging

(18–28). These modalities suffer from poor sensitivity and high false-negative

rates. Evaluation of the para-aortic lymph nodes with lymphangiography is

associated with a false-positive rate of 20% to 40% and a false-negative rate of

10% to 20% (18–20). Overall, lymphangiography has a sensitivity of 79% and

specificity of 73% (23). CT has poor sensitivity (34%) but excellent specificity

(97%) (24). The accuracy of CT scanning is 80% to 85%; the false-negative rate

is 10% to 15%, and the false-positive rate is 20% to 25% (19–21). Ultrasound has

a high false-negative rate (30%), low sensitivity (19%), but high specificity (99%)

(22). Early data showed that MRI results were comparable to those of CT

scanning, a finding confirmed on meta-analysis (24,25). A systematic review

comparing CT scan with MRI showed that MRI is significantly more

sensitive with equivalent specificity. MRI has excellent sensitivity on T2-

weighted images for the detection of parametrial disease (26).

PET scans are increasingly being utilized alone or in conjunction with CT or

MRI to detect metastatic disease. Studies suggest that PET may be more useful

than other imaging techniques for the detection of extrapelvic disease, with

comparable or better sensitivity and specificity (27). A meta-analysis of 72

studies found PET (75%, 98%) to have superior sensitivity and specificity

compared with CT (58%, 92%) and MRI (56%, 93%) for the detection of lymph

node metastases (28). PET scans may be better predictors of eventual treatment

outcome. Although these studies show promise for the use of PET scans in

detecting metastases, its sensitivity in detecting pelvic nodal disease may be

limited (29). Integrated PET/CT imaging may prove more sensitive than PET

alone, especially for the detection of pelvic adenopathy.

2457FIGURE 38-3 FIGO Cervical Cancer Staging (2018). (Adapted from Benedet J, Odicino

F, Maisonneuve P, Beller U, Creasman W, Heintz A, Ngan H, and Pecorelli S.

Carcinoma of the cervix uteri. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics.


When abnormalities are noted on CT, MRI, or PET, radiographic-guided

fine-needle aspirations (FNA) can be performed to confirm metastatic

disease and individualize treatment planning. [4] The FIGO 2018 staging

system incorporates imaging and pathologic measurements in determining

the size and extent of the primary tumor and the presence of pelvic and para-

2458aortic metastasis.

The accuracy of clinical staging is limited, and surgical evaluation,

although not practical or feasible in all patients, can more accurately identify

metastatic disease (30).


Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Invasive squamous cell carcinoma is the most common variety of invasive

cancer in the cervix. [3] Histologically, variants of squamous cell carcinoma

include large cell keratinizing, large cell nonkeratinizing, and small cell types

(31). Large cell keratinizing tumors consist of tumor cells forming irregular

infiltrative nests with laminated keratin pearls in the center. Large cell

nonkeratinizing carcinomas reveal individual cell keratinization but do not form

keratin pearls (Fig. 38-4). The category of small-cell carcinoma includes poorly

differentiated squamous cell carcinoma and small-cell anaplastic carcinoma. If

possible, these two tumors should be differentiated. The former contains cells that

have small-to-medium-sized nuclei and more abundant cytoplasm than those of

the latter. The designation of small-cell anaplastic carcinoma should be reserved

for lesions resembling oat cell carcinoma of the lung. Small-cell anaplastic

carcinoma infiltrates diffusely and consists of tumor cells that have scanty

cytoplasm, round to oval small nuclei, coarsely granular chromatin, and high

mitotic activity. The nucleoli are absent or small. Immunohistochemistry or

electron microscopy can differentiate the small-cell neuroendocrine tumors.

Patients with the large cell type of carcinoma, with or without keratinization, have

a better prognosis than those with the small-cell variant. Small-cell anaplastic

carcinomas behave more aggressively than poorly differentiated squamous

carcinomas that contain small cells. Infiltration of parametrial tissue and pelvic

lymph node metastasis affect the prognosis.

Table 38-2 FIGO Clinical Staging of Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri (2008)

Stage I The carcinoma is strictly confined to the cervix (extension to the corpus

would be disregarded)

IA Invasive carcinoma which can be diagnosed only by microscopy, with

deepest invasion ≤5 mm and largest extension ≤7 mm

IA1 Measured stromal invasion of ≤3.0 mm in depth and extension of ≤7.0 mm

IA2 Measured stromal invasion of >3.0 mm and not >5.0 mm with an extension

2459of not >7.0 mm

IB Clinically visible lesions limited to the cervix uteri or preclinical cancers

greater than stage IAa

IB1 Clinically visible lesion ≤4.0 cm in greatest dimension

IB2 Clinically visible lesion >4.0 cm in greatest dimension

Stage II Cervical carcinoma invades beyond the uterus, but not to the pelvic wall or

to the lower third of the vagina

IIA Without parametrial invasion

IIA1 Clinically visible lesion ≤4.0 cm in greatest dimension

IIA2 Clinically visible lesion >4 cm in greatest dimension

IIB With obvious parametrial invasion

Stage III The tumor extends to the pelvic wall and/or involves lower third of the

vagina and/or causes hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidneyb

IIIA Tumor involves lower third of the vagina, with no extension to the pelvic


IIIB Extension to the pelvic wall and/or hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning


Stage IV The carcinoma has extended beyond the true pelvis or has involved (biopsy

proven) the mucosa of the bladder or rectum. A bullous edema, as such,

does not permit a case to be allotted to stage IV

IVA Spread of the growth to adjacent organs

IVB Spread to distant organs

aAll macroscopically visible lesions, even those with superficial invasion, are allotted to

stage IB carcinomas. Invasion is limited to a measured stroma invasion with a maximal

depth of 5.0 mm and a horizontal extension greater than 7.0 mm. Depth of invasion should

not be greater than 5 mm taken from the base of the epithelium of the original tissue

squamous or glandular. The depth of invasion should always be reported in millimeters,

even those cases with “early minimal stromal invasion” (∼ 1 mm). The involvement of

vascular/lymphatic spaces should not change stage allotment.


On rectal examination, there is no cancer-free space between the tumor and the pelvic

2460wall. All cases with hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidney are included, unless they are

known to be due to another cause.

FIGO Committee on Gynecologic Oncology. Revised FIGO staging for carcinoma of the

vulva, cervix, and endometrium. Int J Obstet Gynecol 2009;105:103–104.

FIGURE 38-4 Invasive squamous cell carcinoma, large cell nonkeratinizing type. Tumor

cells form irregular nests and have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and distinct cell

borders indicative of squamous differentiation.

Other less common variants of squamous carcinoma include verrucous

carcinoma and papillary (transitional) carcinoma. Verrucous carcinomas may

resemble giant condyloma acuminatum, are locally invasive, and rarely

metastasize. Papillary carcinomas histologically resemble transitional cells of the

bladder and may have more typical squamous cell invasion at the base of the

lesion. Papillary carcinomas behave and are treated in a manner similar to

traditional squamous cell cancers, except that late recurrences were noted.


2461There are an increasing number of cervical adenocarcinomas reported in

women in their 20s and 30s. [3] Although the total number of cases of

adenocarcinoma is relatively stable, this disease is appearing more frequently

in young women, especially as the number of cases of invasive squamous cell

carcinoma decreases. Older reports indicated that 5% of all cervical cancers

were adenocarcinomas, whereas newer reports show a proportion as high as

18.5% to 27% (32–34). Much of this proportional increase is related to a

decreasing incidence of squamous carcinoma secondary to screening programs

(which are less accurate at identifying preinvasion adenocarcinoma), greater

exposure to oral contraceptives, and a greater exposure to HPV (5,6).

Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) is believed to be the precursor of invasive

adenocarcinoma, and it is not surprising that the two often coexist (35). In

addition to AIS, intraepithelial or invasive squamous neoplasia occurs in

30% to 50% of cervical adenocarcinomas (36). A squamous intraepithelial

lesion may be observed colposcopically on the ectocervix, and the coexistent

adenocarcinoma often is higher in the cervical canal.

Patients with AIS who are treated with conization should undergo close

clinical follow-up. Endocervical curettage, often used in surveillance, may miss

residual or invasive disease, and false-negative rates as high as 50% were reported

(37). In addition, skip lesions not resected at the time of conization may be

present. For these reasons, hysterectomy should be considered the standard

therapy for patients who have completed their childbearing. In two reports,

patients with negative cone biopsy margins were followed conservatively, with

few requiring repeat surgical procedures (38,39). Because cervical AIS tends to

affect women during their reproductive years, a thorough discussion of risks and

benefits should take place, and treatment should be individualized.

Adenocarcinoma of the cervix is managed in the same manner used for

squamous cell carcinoma. Adenocarcinoma was believed to be associated with a

worse prognosis and outcome when compared with squamous cell carcinoma. A

study of 203 women with adenocarcinoma and 756 women with squamous

carcinoma supported this assertion (33). This study showed 5-year survival rates

of 90% versus 60%, 62% versus 47%, and 36% versus 8% for stages I, II, and III,

respectively. Although some attributed these rates to a relative resistance to

radiation, they are more likely a reflection of the tendency of adenocarcinomas to

grow endophytically and to be undetected until a large volume of tumor is

present. Adenocarcinomas may be detected by cervical sampling, but less reliably

so than squamous carcinomas. A definitive diagnosis often requires cervical

conization. When adjusted for tumor size, it appears that there is no difference in

prognosis between the two histologic subtypes. In a Gynecologic Oncology

Group (GOG) review of patients treated with concurrent cisplatin chemotherapy

2462with radiotherapy, survival was equivalent among squamous, adenocarcinoma,

and adenosquamous carcinoma subgroups (40).

The clinical features of stage I adenocarcinomas are well studied (33,41,42).

These studies identified size of tumor, depth of invasion, grade of tumor, and age

of the patient as significant correlates of lymph node metastasis and survival.

When matched with squamous carcinomas for lesion size, age, and depth of

invasion, the incidence of lymph node metastases and the survival rate appear to

be the same (41,42). Patients with stage I adenocarcinomas can be selected for

treatment according to the same criteria as for those with squamous cancers


The choice of treatment for bulky stages I and II tumors is controversial. Some

advocated treatment with radiation alone, whereas others support radiation plus

extrafascial hysterectomy (43–45). In 1975, Rutledge et al. reported an 85.2% 5-

year survival rate for all patients with stage I disease treated with radiation alone

and an 83.8% survival rate for those who had radiation plus surgery (44). The

central persistent disease rate was 8.3%, compared with 4% for those who had

radiation plus surgery. In stage II disease, the 5-year survival rate was 41.9% for

radiation alone and 53.7% for radiation plus surgery. A subsequent report

revealed no significant difference in survival among patients treated with

radiation alone or radiation plus extrafascial hysterectomy (46).

Invasive adenocarcinoma may be pure (Fig. 38-5A,B) or mixed with squamous

cell carcinoma. Within the category of pure adenocarcinoma, the tumors are quite

heterogeneous, with a wide range of cell types, growth patterns, and

differentiation (33). About 80% of cervical adenocarcinomas consist

predominantly of the endocervical type cells with mucin production. The

remaining tumors are populated by endometrioid cells, clear cells, intestinal

cells, or a mixture of more than one cell type. By histologic examination

alone, some of these tumors are indistinguishable from those arising

elsewhere in the endom etrium or ovary. Within each cell type, the growth

patterns and nuclear abnormalities vary according to the degree of differentiation.

In well-differentiated tumors, tall columnar cells line the well-formed branching

glands and papillary structures, whereas pleomorphic cells tend to form irregular

nests and solid sheets in poorly differentiated neoplasms. The latter may require

mucicarmine and periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) staining to confirm their glandular


In a retrospective review of GOG trials of chemoradiation for cervix

carcinoma, treatment with radiation alone was associated with worse overall

survival (OS) in adenocarcinoma and adenosquamous carcinoma when compared

with squamous carcinoma. In contrast, treatment with cisplatin-based

chemoradiation was associated with similar progression-free and OS between the

2463adenocarcinoma and squamous groups (40).

24642465FIGURE 38-5 Invasive adenocarcinoma of the cervix, well differentiated. A: Irregular

glands are lined with tall columnar cells with vacuolated mucinous cytoplasm resembling

endocervical cells. B: Nuclear stratification, mild nuclear atypism, and mitotic figures are

evident in higher power.

There are several special variants of adenocarcinoma. Minimal deviation

adenocarcinoma (adenoma malignum) is an extremely well-differentiated form

of adenocarcinoma in which the branching glandular pattern strongly simulates

that of the normal endocervical glands. The lining cells have abundant mucinous

cytoplasm and uniform nuclei (47,48). Because of this, the tumor may not be

recognized as malignant in small biopsy specimens, thereby causing considerable

delay in diagnosis. Special immunohistochemical staining may be required to

establish the diagnosis. Earlier studies reported a dismal outcome for women with

this tumor, but other studies found a favorable prognosis if the disease is detected

early (49). Although rare, similar tumors were reported in association with

endometrioid, clear, and mesonephric cell types (50).

An entity described as villoglandular papillary adenocarcinoma deserves

special attention (51). It primarily affects young women, some of whom are

pregnant or users of oral contraceptives. Histologically, the tumors have smooth,

well-defined borders, are well differentiated, and are either in situ or superficially

invasive. Follow-up information is encouraging. None of these tumors recurred

after cervical conization or hysterectomy, and no metastasis was detected among

women undergoing pelvic lymphadenectomy. This tumor appears to have limited

risk for spread beyond the uterus.

Adenosquamous Carcinoma

Carcinomas with a mixture of malignant glandular and squamous components are

known as adenosquamous carcinomas. Patients with adenosquamous carcinoma

of the cervix were reported to have a poorer prognosis than those with pure

adenocarcinoma or squamous carcinoma but a review of patients treated with

cisplatin-based chemoradiation has shown no difference in survival among the

three groups (52).

In mature adenosquamous carcinomas, the glandular and squamous carcinomas

are readily identified on routine histologic evaluation and do not cause diagnostic

problems. In poorly differentiated or immature adenosquamous carcinomas,

glandular differentiation can be appreciated only with special stains, such as

mucicarmine and PAS. In one study, 30% of squamous cell carcinomas

demonstrated mucin secretion when stained with mucicarmine (50). These

squamous cell carcinomas with mucin secretion have a higher incidence of pelvic

lymph node metastases than do squamous cell carcinomas without mucin

2466secretion, and they are similar to the signet-ring variant of adenosquamous

carcinoma (50,53).

Glassy cell carcinoma is recognized as a poorly differentiated form of

adenosquamous carcinoma (53). Individual cells have abundant eosinophilic,

granular, ground-glass cytoplasm, large round to oval nuclei, and prominent

nucleoli. The stroma is infiltrated by numerous lymphocytes, plasma cells, and

eosinophils. Approximately half of these tumors contain glandular structures or

stain positive for mucin. The poor diagnosis of this tumor is linked to

understaging and resistance to radiotherapy.

Other variants of adenosquamous carcinoma include adenoid basal carcinoma

and adenoid cystic carcinoma. Adenoid basal carcinoma simulates the basal cell

carcinoma of the skin (54). Nests of basaloid cells extend from the surface

epithelium deep into the underlying tissue. Cells at the periphery of tumor nests

form a distinct parallel nuclear arrangement, so-called peripheral palisading. An

“adenoid” pattern occasionally develops, with “hollowed-out” nests of cells.

Mitoses are rare, and the tumor often extends deep into the cervical stroma.

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the cervix behaves much like such lesions

elsewhere in the body. The tumors tend to invade into the adjacent tissues and

metastasize late, often 8 to 10 years after the primary tumor was removed. Like

other adenoid cystic tumors, they may metastasize directly to the lung. The

pattern simulates that of the adenoid basal tumor, but there is a cystic component,

and the glands of the cervix are involved (54). Mitoses may be seen but are not



The most important sarcoma of the cervix is embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma,

which occurs in children and young adults. The tumor has grapelike polypoid

nodules, known as botryoid sarcoma, and the diagnosis depends on the

recognition of rhabdomyoblasts. Leiomyosarcomas and mixed mesodermal

tumors involving the cervix may be primary but are more likely to be secondary

to uterine tumors. Cervical adenosarcoma is described as a low-grade tumor

with a good prognosis (55).

Malignant Melanoma

On rare occasions, melanosis is seen in the cervix. Malignant melanoma may

arise de novo in this area. Histopathologically, it simulates melanoma elsewhere,

and the prognosis depends on the depth of invasion into the cervical stroma.

Neuroendocrine Carcinoma

The classification of neuroendocrine cervical carcinoma includes four histologic

2467subtypes: (i) small cell, (ii) large cell, (iii) classical carcinoid, and (iv) atypical

carcinoid (56). Neuroendocrine tumors of the cervix are rare, and treatment

regimens are based on small case series of patients.

Small-cell (neuroendocrine type) carcinoma of the cervix is aggressive in

nature and is similar to cancer arising from the bronchus (57). The hallmark

of neuroendocrine tumors is their aggressive malignant behavior with the

propensity to metastasize. At the time of diagnosis, it is usually disseminated,

with bone, brain, liver, and bone marrow being the most common sites of

metastases. In one study of 11 patients with disease apparently confined to the

cervix, a high rate of lymph node metastasis was noted (58). Pathologically, the

diagnosis is aided by the finding of neuroendocrine granules on electron

microscopy and by immunoperoxidase studies that are positive for a variety of

neuroendocrine proteins such as calcitonin, insulin, glucagon, somatostatin,

gastrin, and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). In addition to the traditional

staging for cancer of the cervix, these patients should undergo bone, liver, and

brain scanning, bone marrow aspiration, and biopsy to evaluate the possibility of

metastatic disease. Therapy consists of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Because patients with early-stage disease have distant metastases, multimodal

therapy is recommended. The main active chemotherapeutic agent is etoposide.

Local therapy alone gives almost no chance of cure of small-cell

carcinoma. Regimens of combination chemotherapy improved the median

survival rates in small-cell bronchogenic carcinoma, and these regimens are

used for treatment of small-cell carcinoma of the cervix. Combination

chemotherapy may consist of vincristine, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide

(VAC) or VP-16 (etoposide) and cisplatin (EP) (59). Patients must be monitored

carefully because they are at high risk for developing recurrent metastatic disease


Patterns of Spread

Cancer of the cervix spreads by (i) direct invasion into the cervical stroma,

corpus, vagina, and parametrium; (ii) lymphatic metastasis; (iii) blood-borne

metastasis; and (iv) intraperitoneal implantation. The incidence of pelvic and

para-aortic nodal metastasis is shown in Table 38-3.

The cervix is commonly involved in cancer of the endometrium and

vagina. The latter is rare, and most lesions that involve the cervix and vagina

are designated cervical primaries. Consequently, the clinical classification is

that of cervical neoplasia extending to the vagina, rather than vice versa.

Endometrial cancer may extend into the cervix by three modes: direct extension

from the endometrium, submucosal involvement by lymph vascular extension,

and multifocal disease. The latter is most unusual, but occasionally a focus of

2468adenocarcinoma may be seen in the cervix, separate from the endometrium. This

lesion should not be diagnosed as metastasis but rather as multifocal disease.

Malignancies involving the peritoneal cavity (e.g., ovarian cancer) may be found

in the cul-de-sac and extend directly into the vagina and cervix. Carcinomas of

the urinary bladder and colon occasionally extend into the cervix. Cervical

involvement by lymphoma, leukemia, and carcinoma of the breast, stomach, and

kidney is usually part of the systemic pattern of spread for these malignancies.

Isolated metastasis to the cervix in such cases may be the first sign of a primary

tumor elsewhere in the body.

Table 38-3 Incidence of Pelvic and Para-Aortic Lymph Node Metastasis by Stage

Based on FIGO Clinical Staging (2008)

Stage No. of


Positive Pelvic Nodes


Positive Para-Aortic Nodes


IA1 (≤3 mm) 179a 0.5 0

IA2 (>3–5


84a 4.8 <1

IB 1,926b 15.9 2.2

IIA 110c 24.5 11

IIB 324c 31.4 19

III 125c 44.8 30

IVA 23c 55 40

aReferences: (77,111,118,121,122,170).


References: (17,77,79,94,95,98–102,189).

cReferences: (17,18,95,98,99,103,150).

Treatment Options

The treatment of cervical cancer is similar to the treatment of any other type of

malignancy in that both the primary lesion and potential sites of spread should be

evaluated and treated. The therapeutic modalities for achieving this goal include

primary treatment with surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or [5]

2469chemoradiation. While radiation therapy can be used in all stages of disease,

surgery is limited to patients with stages I to IIA disease. The 5-year survival

rate for stage I cancer of the cervix is approximately 85% with either

radiation therapy or radical hysterectomy. A study using the National Cancer

Institute’s Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results data by an intent-to-treat

analysis showed that patients in the surgery arm had an improved survival when

compared with patients in the radiation arm (61). Optimal therapy consists of

radiation, or surgery alone, to limit the increased morbidity that occurs when the

two treatment modalities are combined. Recent improvements in the treatment of

cervical carcinoma include adjuvant chemoradiation in patients discovered to

have high-risk cervical carcinoma after radical hysterectomy and in patients with

locally advanced cervical carcinoma.


There are advantages to the use of surgery instead of radiotherapy,

particularly in younger women for whom conservation of the ovaries is

important. Chronic bladder and bowel problems that require medical or surgical

intervention occur in up to 8% of patients undergoing radiation therapy (62). Such

problems are difficult to treat because they result from fibrosis and decreased

vascularity. This is in contrast to surgical injuries, which usually can be repaired

without long-term complications. Sexual dysfunction is less likely to occur after

surgical therapy than radiation, because of vaginal shortening, fibrosis, and

atrophy of the epithelium associated with radiation. Surgical therapy shortens the

vagina, but gradual lengthening can be brought about by sexual activity. The

epithelium does not become atrophic because it responds either to endogenous

estrogen or to exogenous estrogens if the patient is postmenopausal.

Radical hysterectomy is reserved for women who are in good physical

condition. Advanced chronologic age should not be a deterrent. With

improvements in anesthesia, elderly patients withstand radical surgery almost as

well as their younger counterparts (63). It is prudent not to operate on lesions

that are larger than 4 cm in diameter because these patients will require

postoperative radiation therapy. When selected in this manner, the urinary

fistula rate is less than 2%, and the operative mortality rate is less than 1%

(64,65). A summary of the management of cervical cancer is presented in Table


If radiation therapy is needed, transposing the ovaries out of the planned

radiation field may preserve ovarian function. Although transposition

provides some protection, studies suggest that normal ovarian function is

preserved in fewer than 50% of patients (66,67). Metastasis to the ovaries

occurs in 0.9% of cases of early-stage cervical cancer, so preservation of the

2470ovaries, particularly with adenocarcinoma, may confer a small recurrence risk


Cone Biopsy of the Cervix

Cone biopsy of the cervix serves a diagnostic and therapeutic role in cervical

cancer. The procedure is indicated to confirm the diagnosis of cancer, and to

definitively treat stage IA1 disease when preservation of fertility is desired. For

effective treatment, there must be no evidence of lymph–vascular space invasion,

and both endocervical margins and curettage findings must be negative for cancer

or dysplasia. Because stage IA1 cancers have less than a 1% risk of lymph node

metastasis, lymphadenectomy is not necessary. If the endocervical margin or

curettage is positive for dysplasia or malignancy, further treatment is necessary

because these findings are strong predictors of residual disease. For squamous cell

carcinoma, the risk of residual disease is 4% if both the endocervical margin and

curettage are negative for dysplasia or malignancy, 22% if the endocervical

margin alone is positive, and 33% if both are positive (69). In cases of AIS, the

status of the cone margins is particularly important, with residual preinvasive and

invasive disease noted in up to 25% and 3%, respectively, of cases with negative

margins, and up to 80% and 7%, respectively, in cases with positive margins


Table 38-4 Management of Invasive Cancer of the Cervix by Stage

Stage Disease Treatmenta

IA1 <3 mm - LVSI Conization or Extrafascial Hyst

<3 mm + LVSI Modified Rad Trachel or Modified Rad Hyst + pelvic

lymph or SLN

IA2 ≥3 mm <5 mm Modified Rad Trachel or Modified Rad Hyst + pelvic

lymph or SLN

IB1 ≥5 mm <2 cm Mod Rad/Rad Trachel or Mod Rad/Rad Hyst +

pelvic lymph or SLN

IB2 ≥2 cm <4 cm Rad Hyst + pelvic lymph

IB3 ≥4 cm Chemoradiation, pelvic field

IIA1 <4 cm + upper vagina Rad Hyst + pelvic lymph or chemoradiation

IIA2 ≥4 cm + upper vagina Chemoradiation, pelvic field

2471IIB + Parametria not to

pelvic wall

Chemoradiation, pelvic field

IIIA + Lower vagina Chemoradiation, pelvic field

IIIB + Pelvic wall or


Chemoradiation, pelvic ± extended field

IIIC1 + Pelvic lymph nodes Chemoradiation, pelvic ± extended field

IIIC2 + Para-aortic lymph


Chemoradiation, pelvic + extended field + systemic


IVA + Adjacent pelvic


Chemoradiation, pelvic + extended field or pelvic


IVB + Distant organs Systemic chemotherapy ± radiation, pelvic or

modified field

LVSI, lymphvascular space invasion; Mod, modified; Rad, radical; Trachel,

trachelectomy; Hyst, hysterectomy; lymph, lymphadenectomy; SLN, sentinel lymph node

biopsy in selected cases.

aTreatment recommendations must be individualized based on the patient’s status and

specific disease variables.

Simple (Extrafascial) Hysterectomy

Type I hysterectomy is an appropriate therapy for patients with stage IA1

tumors without lymph–vascular space invasion who are not desirous of

future fertility. In such cases, lymphadenectomy is not recommended. If

lymph-vascular space invasion is found, a type II modified radical

hystectormy with pelvic sentinel lymph node biospy or lymphandectomy is


2472FIGURE 38-6 Abdominal radical trachelectomy.

Radical Trachelectomy

Radical trachelectomy is a procedure that is gaining popularity as a surgical

management option for women with stage 1A2 and IB1 disease who desire

uterine preservation and fertility. This procedure may be performed

vaginally, abdominally, laparoscopically, or robotically (Fig. 38-6), and it

usually is accompanied by pelvic lymphadenectomy and cervical cerclage

placement. The risk of positive pelvic lymph nodes with stage IA2 cancer may be

as high as 8%, indicating the need for lymphadenectomy. Lymphadenectomy may

be performed laparoscopically, robotically, or by the open laparotomy technique.

Experience with this therapeutic modality is limited, although early results are

promising, and it is uncertain whether the long-term outcome is similar to that of

traditional therapy. Patients who are ideal candidates for this procedure have

tumors less than 2 cm in diameter and have negative lymph nodes (2018

FIGO Stage IB1). Lymphadenectomy can be performed at the beginning of the

procedure, and depending on those results, the procedure can be continued or

abandoned. A retrospective trial comparing patients who had tumors with these

2473attributes and were treated with either laparoscopic radical hysterectomy or

laparoscopic radical trachelectomy showed similar outcomes and recurrence (72).

There are limited data on subsequent pregnancy outcomes after radical

trachelectomy; however, successful outcomes were reported. A study found that

for women attempting to conceive after radical trachelectomy, the 5-year

cumulative pregnancy rate was 52.8%, with an increased risk of miscarriage (73).

Although radical trachelectomy and lymphadenectomy are performed with

curative intent, it should be remembered that if a recurrence develops, definitive

therapy with surgery or radiation is necessary.

24742475FIGURE 38-7 A: Radical hysterectomy. An intraoperative photograph showing the lateral

dissection during a radical hysterectomy. Note the ureter running beneath the uterine artery

(tissue in the clamp). B: Radical hysterectomy specimen.

Radical Hysterectomy

The radical hysterectomy (Fig. 38-7A,B) performed most often in the United

States is that described by Meigs in 1944 (74). The operation includes pelvic

lymphadenectomy along with removal of most of the uterosacral and

cardinal ligaments and the upper one-third of the vagina. This operation is

referred to as type III radical hysterectomy (75).

The hysterectomy described by Wertheim is less extensive than a radical

hysterectomy and removes the medial half of the cardinal and uterosacral

ligaments (65). This procedure is often referred to as modified radical or type

II hysterectomy. Wertheim’s original operation did not include pelvic

lymphadenectomy but instead included selective removal of enlarged lymph

nodes. The modified radical hysterectomy (type II) differs from the radical

hysterectomy (type III) in the following ways:

1. The uterine artery is transected at the level of the ureter, thus preserving

the ureteral branch to the ureter.

2. The cardinal ligament is not divided near the sidewall but instead is

divided close to its midportion near the ureteral dissection.

3. The anterior vesicouterine ligament is divided, but the posterior

vesicouterine ligament is conserved.

4. A smaller margin of vagina is removed.

Radical hysterectomies can be further classified as extended radical

hysterectomy (type IV and type V). In the type IV operation, the periureteral

tissue, superior vesicle artery, and as much as three-fourths of the vagina are

removed. In the type V operation, portions of the distal ureter and bladder are

resected. This procedure is rarely performed because radiotherapy should be used

when such extensive disease is encountered (75).

The abdomen is opened through a midline incision or a low transverse

incision after the methods of Maylard or Cherney. The low transverse

incision requires division of the rectus muscles and provides excellent

exposure of the lateral pelvis. It allows adequate pelvic lymphadenectomy and

wide resection of the primary tumor. After the abdomen is entered, the peritoneal

cavity is explored to exclude metastatic disease. The stomach is palpated to

ensure that it has been decompressed to facilitate packing of the intestines. The

2476liver is palpated, and the omentum is inspected for metastases. Both kidneys are

palpated to ensure their proper placement and lack of congenital and other

abnormalities. The para-aortic nodes are palpated transperitoneally.

During exploration of the pelvis, the fallopian tubes and ovaries are inspected

for any abnormalities. In premenopausal patients, the ovaries can be

conserved. The peritoneum of the vesicouterine fold and the rectouterine pouch

should be inspected for signs of tumor extension or implantation. The cervix is

palpated between the thumb anteriorly and the fingers posteriorly to determine its

extent, and the cardinal ligaments are palpated for evidence of lateral tumor

extension or nodularity.


After inspection of the abdomen and pelvis, the pelvic and para-aortic lymph

nodes should be inspected and palpated. Lymph nodes suspicious for gross

disease should be excised and evaluated by frozen section. If metastatic disease

is identified, consideration should be given to abandoning radical surgery in favor

of primary chemoradiation therapy. If the patient has no gross evidence of

metastatic disease, the pelvic lymphadenectomy is begun.

Pelvic Lymphadenectomy

The pelvic lymphadenectomy is begun by opening the round ligaments at the

pelvic sidewall and developing the paravesical and pararectal spaces. The ureter is

elevated on the medial flap by a Deaver retractor to expose the common iliac

artery. The common iliac and external iliac nodes are dissected, with care taken to

avoid injuring the genitofemoral nerve, which lies laterally on the psoas muscle.

At the bifurcation of the common iliac artery, the external iliac node chain is

divided into lateral and medial portions.

The lateral chain is stripped free from the artery to the circumflex iliac vein

distally. A hemoclip is placed across the distal portion of the lymph node chain to

reduce the incidence of lymphocyst formation. The medial chain is dissected. The

obturator lymph nodes are dissected; for this procedure, the lymph nodes are

grasped just under the external iliac vein, and traction is applied medially. In most

patients, the obturator artery and vein are dorsal to the obturator nerve; however,

10% have an aberrant vein arising from the external iliac vein. The node chain is

separated from the nerve and vessels and clipped caudally. Dissection continues

cephalad to the hypogastric artery. The cephalad portion of the obturator space

should be entered lateral to the external iliac artery and medial to the psoas

muscle, where the remainder of the obturator node tissue can be dissected as far

cephalad as the common iliac artery. Drainage of the pelvic and para-aortic lymph

node beds is not performed because of the increase in complications in patients in

2477whom drains were used (76).

Patients who have bulky cervical tumors or grossly positive pelvic nodes,

or for whom frozen section evaluation will be performed, should undergo

para-aortic lymph node evaluation to determine the full extent of disease and

to guide adjuvant therapy.

Para-Aortic Lymph Node Evaluation

The bowel is packed to expose the peritoneum overlying the bifurcation of the

aorta. The peritoneum is incised medial to the ureter and over the right common

iliac artery. A retractor is placed retroperitoneally to expose the aorta and the vena

cava. Any enlarged para-aortic lymph nodes are removed, hemoclips are applied

for hemostasis, and specimens are sent for analysis by frozen section. If the

lymph nodes are positive for metastatic cancer, an option is to discontinue the

operation and treat the patient with radiation therapy (74). If the lymph nodes are

negative for disease, the left side of the aorta is palpated through the peritoneal

incision with a finger passed under the inferior mesenteric artery. The lymph

nodes on this side of the aorta are more lateral and nearly behind the aorta and the

common iliac artery. If the left para-aortic lymph nodes appear healthy and the

cervical tumor is small with no suspicious pelvic lymph nodes, these additional

lymph nodes are not submitted for frozen-section analysis. If they are removed,

they may be dissected through the incision made for the right para-aortic nodes,

or they may be dissected after reflection of the sigmoid colon medially.

Development of Pelvic Spaces

The pelvic spaces are developed by sharp and blunt dissection (Fig. 38-8).

The paravesical space is bordered by the following structures:

1. The obliterated umbilical artery running along the bladder medially

2. The obturator internus muscle along the pelvic sidewall laterally

3. The cardinal ligament posteriorly

4. The pubic symphysis anteriorly

2478FIGURE 38-8 The pelvic ligaments and spaces. (From Hacker NF, Vermorken JB.

Cervical cancer. In: Berek JS, Hacker NF. Berek & Hacker’s Gynecologic Oncology. 6th

ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2015:345.)

The attachments of the vagina to the tendinous arch form the floor of the

paravesical space.

The pararectal space is bordered by the following structures:

1. Rectum medially

2. Cardinal ligament anteriorly

3. Hypogastric artery laterally

4. Sacrum posteriorly

The coccygeus (levator ani) muscle forms the floor of the pararectal space.

The development of these spaces before pelvic lymphadenectomy will aid in

identification and dissection of the pelvic lymph nodes and dissection of the

ureter as it passes into the vesicouterine ligament tunnel.

Dissection of the Bladder

2479The dissection of the bladder from the anterior part of the cervix and vagina

is a critical step. Occasionally, tumor extension into the base of the bladder

(which cannot be detected with cystoscopy) precludes adequate mobilization

of the bladder flap, leading to the abandonment of the operation. Therefore,

this portion of the operation should be undertaken early in the procedure.

The bladder should be mobilized off of the upper third of the vagina to remove

the tumor safely and with adequate margins.

Dissection of the Uterine Artery

The superior vesicle artery is dissected away from the cardinal ligament at a point

near the uterine artery. The uterine artery, which usually arises from the

superior vesicle artery, is thus isolated and divided, preserving the superior

vesicle arteries. The uterine vessels are brought over the ureter by application of

gentle traction. Occasionally, the uterine vein passes under the ureter.

Dissection of the Ureter

The ureter is dissected free from the medial peritoneal flap at the level of the

uterosacral ligament. As the ureter passes near the uterine artery, there is a

consistent arterial branch from the uterine artery to the ureter. This branch is

sacrificed in the standard radical (type III) hysterectomy but preserved in the

modified radical (type II) hysterectomy. Dissection of the ureter from the

vesicouterine ligament (ureteral tunnel) may now be accomplished. If the patient

has a deep pelvis, ligation of the uterosacral and cardinal ligaments may be

undertaken first to bring the ureteral tunnel dissection closer to the operator. The

roof of the ureteral tunnel is the anterior vesicouterine ligament. It should be

ligated and divided to expose the posterior ligament. The posterior ligament is

divided in the radical (type III) hysterectomy but conserved in the modified

radical (type II) hysterectomy.

Posterior Dissection

The peritoneum across the cul-de-sac is incised, exposing the uterosacral

ligaments. The rectum is rolled free from the uterosacral ligaments, which

are divided midway to the sacrum in a radical (type III) hysterectomy and

near the rectum in the modified radical (type II) operation. This allows the

operator to isolate and separate the cardinal ligament from the rectum. A

surgical clamp is placed on the cardinal ligament at the lateral pelvic sidewall in a

radical hysterectomy and at the level of the ureteral bed in the modified radical

procedure. A clamp is placed on the specimen side to maintain traction and to

ensure that the full cardinal ligament is excised with the specimen. A right-angled

clamp is placed caudad to this clamp across the paravaginal tissues. A second

paravaginal clamp is usually needed to reach the vagina.

2480The vagina is entered anteriorly, and a suitable margin of proximal vagina

is removed with the specimen. More vaginal epithelium can be excised if

necessary, depending on the previous colposcopic findings. The vaginal edge may

be sutured in a hemostatic fashion and left open with a drain from the pelvic space

or closed with a suction drain placed percutaneously. The ureteral fistula and

pelvic lymphocyst rates from these two techniques are similar.

Complications of Radical Hysterectomy

Acute Complications

The acute complications of radical hysterectomy include (77):

Blood loss (average, 0.8 L)

Ureterovaginal fistula (1% to 2%)

Vesicovaginal fistula (1%)

Pulmonary embolus (1% to 2%)

Small bowel obstruction (1%)

Febrile morbidity (25% to 50%)

Febrile morbidity is most often caused by pulmonary infection (10%) and is

seen frequently with pelvic cellulitis (7%) and urinary tract infection (6%).

Wound infection, pelvic abscess, and phlebitis all occur in fewer than 5% of

patients (78).

Subacute Complications

The subacute effects of radical hysterectomy are postoperative bladder

dysfunction and lymphocyst formation. For the first few days after radical

hysterectomy, bladder volume is decreased, and filling pressure is increased. The

sensitivity to filling is diminished, and the patient is unable to initiate voiding.

The cause of this dysfunction is unclear. It is important to maintain adequate

bladder drainage during this time to prevent overdistention. Bladder drainage is

usually accomplished with a suprapubic catheter. It is more comfortable for the

patient and allows the physician to perform cystometrography and determine

residual urine volume without the need for frequent catheterization. In addition,

the patient is able to accomplish voiding trials at home by clamping the catheter,

voiding, and releasing to check the residual urine level. Cystometrography may

be performed 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. For the catheter to be discontinued, the

patient must be able to sense the fullness of the bladder, initiate voiding, and void

with a residual urine level of less than 75 to 100 mL. Otherwise, voiding trials

should continue at home until these criteria can be fulfilled.

Lymphocyst formation occurs in fewer than 5% of patients, and the cause

2481is uncertain (78). Adequate drainage of the pelvis after radical hysterectomy may

be an important step in prevention. However, routine placement of retroperitoneal

drains did not reduce this morbidity (75). Ureteral obstruction, partial venous

obstruction, and thrombosis may occur from lymphocyst formation. Simple

aspiration of the lymphocyst is generally not curative, but percutaneous catheters

with chronic drainage may allow healing. If this treatment is unsuccessful,

operative intervention with excision of a portion of the lymphocyst wall and

placement of either large bowel or omentum into the lymphocyst should be


Chronic Complications

The most common chronic effect of radical hysterectomy is bladder

hypotonia or, in extreme instances, atony. This condition occurs in about 3% of

patients, regardless of the method of bladder drainage used (79,80). It may be a

result of bladder denervation and not simply a problem associated with bladder

overdistention (81). Voiding every 4 to 6 hours, increasing intra-abdominal

pressure with Credé’s maneuver, and intermittent self-catheterization may be used

to manage bladder hypotonia.

Ureteral strictures are uncommon in the absence of postoperative

radiation therapy, recurrent cancer, or lymphocyst formation (81). If the

stricture is associated with lymphocyst formation, treatment of the lymphocyst

usually alleviates the problem. Strictures that occur after radiation therapy should

be managed with ureteral stenting. If a ureteral stricture is noted in the absence of

radiotherapy or lymphocyst formation, recurrent carcinoma is the most common

cause. A CT scan of the area of obstruction should be obtained and cytologic

assessment by FNA should be performed if there is a target lesion to exclude

carcinoma. If the results of these tests are negative, a ureteral stent may be placed

to relieve the stricture. Close observation for recurrent carcinoma is necessary,

and the diagnosis of recurrence may ultimately require laparotomy.

Nerve-Sparing Radical Hysterectomy

Nerve-sparing radical hysterectomies were described in an attempt to

diminish the bladder dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, and colorectal motility

disorders commonly encountered after traditional radical hysterectomy.

Multiple techniques were described involving the identification of the pelvic

autonomic nerves at the sacral promontory followed by various surgical methods

of nerve preservation as the nerves transit the cardinal ligaments. These

techniques are promising and in small series did reduce postoperative bladder

dysfunction (82,83).

Minimally Invasive Radical Hysterectomy

2482[7] Laparoscopic and Robotic Radical Hysterectomies were being performed

with large degree of frequency in highly selected patients world wide. The use

of laparoscopy in cervical cancer patients is appealing because it may lead to less

blood loss, improved cosmetic results, shorter duration of hospitalization, and

faster recovery. In one large series of 200 women with stages IA1 to IIB cervical

cancer treated with laparoscopic lymphadenectomy followed by radical vaginal

hysterectomy, the authors found a 5-year survival rate comparable to patients

treated with a similar abdominal approach and a comparable rate of intraoperative

complications (84).

One study reports comparable body mass index, operative times, parametrial

margin, and number of lymph nodes collected when compared with open cases.

Robotic cases had significantly shorter hospital stays and blood loss, while having

significantly larger incidence of postoperative bladder dysfunction (85–88).

Minimally Invasive Versus Open Radical Hysterectomy

Although there are benefits to minimally invasive procedures, a non-inferiority

randomized control trial showed that minimally invasive radical hysterectomies

were associated with a lower rate disease-free survival at 86.0% compared to

open radical hysterectomy at 96.5% at 4.5 years (89). This study also showed

worse overall survival at the 3-year rate of 91.2% versus 97.1% in the minimally

invasive versus open radical hysterectomy respectively. This study reported that

minimally invasive radical hysterectomy is inferior to open radical hysterectomy

in respect to disease-free survival and overall survival (90). While the explanation

for this finding is unclear, it was suggested that spread of malignant cells by the

uterine manipulator or CO2 gas insufflation are potential causes.

Another study utilizing the National Cancer data base also showed that patient

with IA2 and IB1 undergoing a minimally invasive radical hysterectomy had a

higher 4 year mortality rate compared to those who underwent and open radical

hysterectomy (91).

Sentinel Lymph Node Evaluation

Sentinel lymph node detection has become an integral part of the management

strategy for breast cancer and melanoma and is being investigated as a diagnostic

tool in multiple human malignancies, including carcinoma of the cervix. The

sentinel node is a specific lymph node (or nodes) that is the first to receive

drainage from a malignancy and is a primary site of nodal metastasis. In theory,

the presence or absence of metastatic disease in the sentinel node should reflect

the status of the nodal basin as a whole. Thus, a negative sentinel lymph node

would allow omission of lymphadenectomy of the involved nodal basin. Sentinel

lymph nodes are detected through perilesional injection of radiolabeled

2483technetium-99 or blue dye followed by intraoperative identification of the sentinel

lymph nodes utilizing handheld gamma probes or visual identification of bluestained nodes. These techniques are primarily applicable in patients with earlystage disease and clinically negative lymph nodes, in whom lymph node status

may influence the extent of the procedure or the use of adjuvant treatment.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines on the use of sentinel

lymph node mapping in cervical cancer recommend the technique be considered

in tumors less than 2 cm (90). The procedure is performed by direct cervical

injection with dye or radiocolloid technetium-99 into the cervix, usually at

the 3 and 9 o’clock positions of the cervix. The sentinel lymph nodes are

identified at by direct visualization at time of laparotomy or laparoscopy of

colored dye, a fluorescent camera if indocyanine green (ICG) was used, or a

gamma probe if 99Tc was used. The nodes are commonly located medial to

the external iliac, ventral to the hypogastric, or in the superior aspect of the

obturator space (90).

Sentinel nodes can be detected in 80% to 100% of cervical cancer patients, and

these rates were confirmed by both laparotomy and laparoscopy. A combination

of dye and radiolabeled techniques appears to be superior for the detection of

sentinel lymph nodes over either technique used alone. Test sensitivity of 65% to

87% can be expected with a 90% to 97% negative predictive value. The

likelihood of detecting sentinel nodes may depend on the tumor volume, the time

from injection to retrieval of the sentinel nodes, and the volume of dye or

radiolabeled tracer injected. Sentinel node detection rates do not appear to be

influenced by prior cold knife cone biopsy. Although increasingly used, the role

of sentinel node detection in early-stage cervix cancer continues to be defined


Postoperative Management

Prognostic Variables for Early-Stage Cervical Cancer (IA2–IIA)

The survival of patients with early-stage cervical cancer after radical

hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy depends on the presence or absence

of several intermediate and high-risk pathologic factors (79,93–107).

Intermediate risk factors for recurrent disease are:

1. Large tumor size

2. Cervical stromal invasion to the middle or deep one-third

3. Lymph–vascular space invasion

High risk factors for recurrent disease are:

24841. Positive or close margins

2. Positive lymph nodes

3. Microscopic parametrial involvement

Patients treated with radical hysterectomy who have intermediate or high

risk factors have a 30% and 40% risk, respectively, of recurrence within 3

years (108–110).

Lesion Size

Lesion size is an independent predictor of survival. Patients with lesions

smaller than 2 cm have a survival rate of approximately 90%, and patients

with lesions larger than 2 cm have a 60% survival rate (97). When the

primary tumor is larger than 4 cm, the survival rate drops to 40% (95,105).

An analysis of a GOG prospective study of 645 patients showed a 94.6% 3-year

disease-free survival rate for patients with occult lesions, 85.5% for those with

tumors smaller than 3 cm, and 68.4% for patients with tumors larger than 3 cm


Depth of Invasion

Patients in whom depth of invasion is less than 1 cm have a 5-year survival

rate of approximately 90%, but the survival rate falls to 63% to 78% if the

depth of invasion is more than 1 cm (79,106,110–113).

Parametrial Spread

Patients with spread to the parametrium have a 5-year survival rate of 69%,

compared with 95% when the parametrium is negative. When the

parametrium is involved and pelvic lymph nodes are positive, the 5-year survival

rate falls to 39% to 42% (98,114).

Lymph–Vascular Space Involvement

The significance of finding lymph–vascular space involvement is somewhat

controversial. Several reports show a 50% to 70% 5-year survival rate when

lymph–vascular space invasion is present and a 90% 5-year survival rate

when invasion is absent (79,97,101,115,116). Others found no significant

difference in survival if the study is controlled for other risk factors

(106,107,117–120). Lymph–vascular space involvement may be a predictor of

lymph node metastasis and not an independent predictor of survival.

Lymph Nodes

The variable that is most independently predictive of survival is the status of

the lymph nodes. Patients with negative nodes have an 85% to 90% 5-year

2485survival rate, whereas the survival rate for those with positive nodes ranges

from 20% to 74%, depending on the number of nodes involved and the

location and size of the metastases (102–104,107,110,113,119–121).

Data on lymph node status is summarized as follows:

1. When the common iliac lymph nodes are positive, the 5-year survival rate is

about 25%, compared with about 65% when only the pelvic lymph nodes are

involved (114,122,123).

2. Bilateral positive pelvic lymph nodes portend a less favorable prognosis (22%

to 40% survival rate) than unilateral positive pelvic nodes (59% to 70%)


3. The presence of more than three positive pelvic lymph nodes is accompanied

by a 68% recurrence rate, compared with 30% to 50% when three or fewer

lymph nodes are positive (102,120).

4. Patients in whom tumor emboli are the only findings in the pelvic lymph node

have an 82.5% 5-year survival rate, whereas the survival rate is 62.1% and

54% with microscopic invasion and macroscopic disease, respectively (90).

Given the high risk of recurrent disease in surgically treated patients with

early-stage cervical cancer who exhibit intermediate- or high-risk pathologic

factors, adjuvant radiation or chemoradiation therapy should be considered.

Primary Radiation Therapy

[5] Radiotherapy can be used to treat all stages of cervical cancer, with cure

rates of about 70% for stage I, 60% for stage II, 45% for stage III, and 18%

for stage IV (4). A comparison of surgery and radiation for treatment of lowstage disease is shown in Table 38-5. Primary radiation treatment plans consist of

a combination of external beam radiation therapy to treat the regional lymph

nodes and to decrease the tumor volume, and brachytherapy delivered by

intracavitary applicators and/or interstitial implants to provide a treatment boost

to the central tumor. Intracavitary therapy alone may be used in patients with

early disease when the incidence of lymph node metastasis is negligible.

The treatment sequence can depend on tumor volume. Patients commonly

receive 5 weeks of pelvic external beam radiation upfront, with brachytherapy

introduced at week 4. In some cases, stage IB lesions smaller than 2 cm may be

treated first with an intracavitary source to treat the primary lesion, followed by

external therapy to treat the pelvic lymph nodes. Larger lesions require external

radiotherapy first to shrink the tumor and to reduce the anatomic distortion caused

by the cancer. Tumor shrinkage averaging >1 cm per week can be achieved with

adequate external beam radiation prior to starting brachytherapy (124,125). Such

2486a treatment strategy enables the radiation oncologist to physically implant

brachytherapy applicators and achieve dosimetric radiation coverage of the tumor

target volume.

Table 38-5 Comparison of Surgery Versus Radiation for Stage IB/IIA Cancer of the


Surgery Radiation

Survival 85% 85%



Urologic fistulas 1–2% Intestinal and urinary strictures

and fistulas 1.4–5.3%

Vagina Initially shortened, but may

lengthen with regular intercourse

Fibrosis and possible stenosis,

particularly in postmenopausal


Ovaries Can be conserved Destroyed



Bladder atony in 3% Radiation fibrosis of bowel and

bladder in 6–8%

Applicability Best candidates are younger than 65

years of age, <200 lb, and in good


All patients are potential




1% 1% (from pulmonary embolism

during intracavitary therapy)

Cervix cancer brachytherapy has classically been delivered with low dose rate

(LDR) technique involving inpatient admission and x-ray film–based radiation

dose prescription to “point A.” Over decades, multiple advances in radiation

oncology have resulted in improved brachytherapy techniques (e.g., image-guided

adaptive brachytherapy [IGABT]) that have translated to superior survival, better

tumor control, less side effects, and improved safety. The RetroEMBRACE study

included 731 locally advanced cervix cancer patients from 12 centers who

received external beam radiation ± chemotherapy plus 3D IGABT from 1998 to

2008. Patients achieved excellent local control (91%), pelvic control (87%), OS

(74%), and cancer-specific survival (79%) with limited severe morbidity (126).

One chief modern innovation in cervix cancer brachytherapy is the shift from

classically prescribing dose to a generic “point A” localized via 2D x-ray films, to

volumetrically prescribing dose shaped to the patient’s individual tumor geometry

as defined on 3D MRI or CT imaging. The 2D approach delivers similar

2487brachytherapy treatments to all patients regardless of tumor geometry or patient

anatomy, which can result in underdosing of larger tumors or overdosing of

smaller tumors plus over-irradiation of the adjacent bladder, rectum, and sigmoid.

In contrast, the modern 3D approach permits individualization and shaping of the

radiation prescription dose to fit patient’s tumor and normal organ anatomy. The

French multicenter STIC trial compared classical 2D versus modern 3D

approaches in 705 cervix cancer patients, prospectively demonstrating that 3D

brachytherapy resulted in improved local control and half the toxicity seen with

2D brachytherapy (127).

In classical 2D cervix brachytherapy, usual doses delivered are 7,000 to

8,000 cGy to point A (defined as 2 cm superior to the external cervical os and

2 cm lateral to the internal uterine canal) and 6,000 cGy to point B (defined

as 3 cm lateral to point A), limiting the bladder and rectal dosage to less than

6,000 cGy. To achieve this level, it is necessary to adequately pack the bladder

and bowel away from the intracavitary source. Localization films and careful

calculation of dosimetry are mandatory to optimize the dose of radiation and to

reduce the incidence of bowel and bladder complications. Local control depends

on delivering an adequate dose to the tumor from the intracavitary source.

In modern 3D IGABT, usual cumulative radiation doses delivered are 8,500 to

9,500 cGy to the high-risk CTV D90 per GEC-ESTRO recommendations and

8,000 to 9,000 cGy per American Brachytherapy Society recommendations (128).

This is often achieved with a radiation treatment course of 25 to 28 days once

daily external beam fractions, plus 4 to 5 brachytherapy fractions. The cumulative

dose to control a cervix tumor is related to the tumor’s volume, with higher doses

required to control larger tumors (129). Image-guided computerized planning is

performed on CT or MRI images acquired of the patient’s pelvis with

brachytherapy applicators in place. An updated CT or MRI scan is performed

with each brachytherapy applicator insertion, so that the radiation plan can be

adapted to match shrinking geometry of the tumor and sculpted away from the

daily position of the bladder, rectum, and sigmoid. Cumulative dose refers to the

combined dose from external beam radiation plus all brachytherapy fractions,

converted to a 2 Gy per fraction equivalent. The high-risk CTV (clinical target

volume) consists of the entire cervix plus any clinically/radiographically

identifiable tumor at time of brachytherapy (130). “D90” refers to 90% of the HRCTV receiving the highest radiation doses. Typically, dose constraints to organs

at risk are specified to the D2cc, or the 2 cc of the organ receiving the highest

radiation dose. GEC-ESTRO recommendations include keeping the cumulative

D2cc dose to bladder <90 Gy EQD2, rectum <75 Gy EQD2, sigmoid <75 Gy

EQD2 (131). The current EMBRACE II protocol ( for

cervix cancer suggests more stringent D2cc constraints with the goal of further

2488reducing toxicity.

Another chief innovation in modern cervix brachytherapy has been the use of

newer radiation isotopes and loading techniques. Classic 2D brachytherapy is

often performed with LDR isotopes such as cesium-137. LDR isotopes like Cs-

137 are placed manually by hand, require inpatient admissions for extended

overnight irradiation over 1 to 3 days with prolonged patient immobilization,

DVT prophylaxis, and the need for careful radiation shielding/precautions taken

by potentially exposed medical personnel. LDR isotopes are only capable of

emitting therapeutic radiation at a rate of less than 0.4 Gy per hour, whereas highdose rate (HDR) isotopes can treat at a speed of greater than 12 Gy per hour.

Modern 3D brachytherapy is most often performed with the HDR isotope

iridium-192 (Ir-192). Ir-192 is capable of delivering the prescribed brachytherapy

radiation dose in just a few minutes, typically delivered in the

ambulatory/outpatient setting with a robotic remote afterloader system that

minimizes radiation exposure to medical personnel.

Pulsed-dose rate (PDR) brachytherapy is a relatively uncommon technique

mostly seen at specialized academic centers. PDR uses an Ir-192 HDR source

with a pulsed treatment regimen designed to mimic the radiobiologic effects of

LDR treatment. Like LDR, PDR brachytherapy requires patient immobilization

and admission (132).

Although brachytherapy was traditionally prescribed using a low-dose

rate technique, high-dose rate techniques are becoming more popular.

Proponents of high-dose rate techniques argue that the exposure of radiation to

medical personnel is less, ambulatory therapy is possible, and total treatment time

is less. Advocates of low-dose rate techniques cite literature suggesting that

complication rates are higher with high-dose rate therapy. Several published trials

show that there may be slight stage-related differences in survival between

patients treated with low- and high-dose rate regimens, but the techniques have

comparable survival and complication rates (133–135). A Cochrane review of

published studies comparing LDR versus HDR brachytherapy for locally

advanced cervix cancer showed no significant differences in OS, disease-specific

survival, recurrence-free survival, local control, recurrence, metastases, or

treatment-related complications. However, these conclusions were based on a

small (4) number of trials that met inclusion criteria (136).

Newer combined intracavitary/interstitial brachytherapy applicators

permit successful treatment of bulky and/or irregularly shaped tumor

targets, and can often obviate the need to treat with the more morbid

techniques of Syed and MUPIT template needle implants. An important

innovation in the treatment of cervix cancer is the development of newer

brachytherapy applicators that allow interstitial needles to be incorporated into the

2489standard geometry of classical intracavitary tandem and ovoids, or tandem and

ring, applicators (137). The incorporation of interstitial needles permits more

effective dosing of tumor targets beyond the normal reach of standard

intracavitary brachytherapy applicators while keeping adjacent organs at risk

within safe radiation limits (138). Patients on the retroEMBRACE study with

locally advanced cervix cancer receiving combined intracavitary and interstitial

brachytherapy treatment (versus intracavitary only) had an improved therapeutic

ratio, with a 10% increase in local control seen in those with larger tumors (cervix

+ tumor volume > 30 cm3) (139).

Clinical staging is imprecise and fails to accurately predict disease

extension to the para-aortic nodes in 7% of patients with stage IB, 18% with

stage IIB, and 28% with stage III disease (140). Such patients will have

“geographic” treatment failures if standard pelvic radiotherapy ports are used. As

a result, treatment plans for these patients are individualized based on CT scans,

PET scans, and biopsies of the para-aortic lymph nodes for consideration of

extended-field radiotherapy. The routine use of extended-field radiation for

prophylactic para-aortic radiation without documentation of distant metastasis to

the para-aortic nodes was evaluated and is not practiced because of the increased

enteric morbidity associated with this treatment modality. If available, PET/CT

scans are encouraged as they can detect potential pelvic, para-aortic, or

supraclavicular nodal involvement, which in turn relates to clinical stage,

potential recurrence, and survival outcomes (141).

Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) continues to be a significant

therapeutic development. IMRT is an external beam radiation technique that

improves upon older 3D conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) external beam

techniques. While 3D-CRT is capable of projecting block or polygonal-shaped

radiation into target tumors, IMRT is capable of projecting curved, even concave,

conformal radiation that is more precisely shaped to the target tumor space. IMRT

permits more accurate irradiation of tumor targets and significantly enhances

sparing of nearby normal organs. In the treatment of cervix cancer, use of IMRT

could reduce radiation dose to multiple organs at risk including bone marrow,

rectum, bladder, small bowel, and femurs. Technically, IMRT is achieved with

volumetric image-based (CT or MRI) radiation treatment planning in which the

radiation oncologist manually draws the tumor/target volume(s) on a

computerized dosimetry system, followed by a computer algorithm that generates

a set of treatment external beam angles and patterns that conform to the

physician-delineated target(s) while meeting prescription goals and normal organ

radiation constraints. IMRT has been used in postoperative and intact cervix

2490cancer patients, and is an advanced technique under active investigation within

radiation oncology.

Prior to the advent of IMRT, women receiving pelvic radiation typically

received 3D-CRT “four field box” plans that delivered full external beam

prescription dose (45 to 50 Gy) to their rectum, bladder, femurs, small bowel, and

bone marrow. IMRT allows the radiation oncologist to essentially sculpt dose

away from these organs at risk to reduce radiation side effects. For postoperative

cervix (and endometrial) cancer patients, the NRG-RTOG 1203 TIME-C trial

demonstrated that 278 women randomized between IMRT and 3D-CRT had, with

IMRT, better patient-reported bowel and bladder function (EPIC, FACT-Cx,

PRO-CTCAE) and less use of antidiarrheal medications. Longer follow-up is

needed to evaluate long-term toxicity (142).

A consensus guideline for IMRT use in intact cervix cancer was published in

2011, with IMRT targeting the gross tumor, entire cervix, uterus, parametria,

ovaries, and vaginal tissues (143). The amount of vaginal length covered can vary

from half to full depending on the extent of vaginal disease. For involvement of

uterosacral ligaments, IMRT coverage of the mesorectum is advised. The

INTERTECC-2 study was an international multicenter phase II clinical trial of 83

stages IB to IVA intact cervix cancer patients who received weekly cisplatin

concurrent with daily IMRT treatments followed by intracavitary brachytherapy.

Patients who received IMRT had reduced acute hematologic and GI toxicity

compared with 3D-CRT treatment (144). However, the cervix and uterus are

known to be quite mobile, capable of up to 3.5 cm shifts (even

retroversion/anteversion) between daily radiation fractions as evidenced by daily

cone beam CT scans acquired on the treating linear accelerator (145). IMRT plans

for intact cervix cancer need to be carefully designed to account for the possibility

of significant interfraction cervix movement caused by cervix/uterus mobility and

variations in daily bladder and rectal filling. In the case of node-positive cervix

cancer patients, IMRT with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB or “dose

painting”) allows simultaneous delivery of higher external beam radiation dose

(e.g., 55 Gy in 2.2 Gy per fraction) to FDG+ nodes beyond the reach of

brachytherapy, while maintaining standard fraction dosing (45 Gy in 1.8 Gy per

fraction) to central disease that will receive the remainder of curative radiation via

brachytherapy boosts (146,147). Cervix cancer patients requiring irradiation of

para-aortic nodes can potentially benefit from IMRT, which is associated with

low rates of GI toxicities (6.5% acute and late) and no duodenal-specific toxicities

even in the setting of concurrent radiosensitizing chemotherapy (148).

Despite the technical sophistication of IMRT, in the field of radiation

oncology, IMRT is considered complementary to brachytherapy and not a

replacement for brachytherapy. A SEER propensity score matching analysis of

24917,359 patients with stages IB2 to IVA cervix cancer indicated that inclusion of

brachytherapy as part of definitive treatment was independently associated with

significantly higher cause-specific survival (CSS; 64.3% vs. 51.5%, P <0.001)

and OS (58.2% vs. 46.2%, P <0.001) (149). The study identified a significant

decrease in American brachytherapy utilization from 83% in 1988 to a nadir of

43% in 2003 (and some recovery to 58% in 2009) quite possibly driven in the

early 2000s by attempted substitution of brachytherapy by IMRT. This suggests a

strong need to improve modern brachytherapy training in the field of radiation

oncology and promote awareness of brachytherapy’s importance to collaborating

gynecologic oncologists.

Adjuvant Radiation

In an effort to improve survival rates, postoperative radiotherapy was

recommended for patients with high and intermediate risk factors such as

metastasis to pelvic lymph nodes, invasion of paracervical tissue, deep

cervical invasion, or positive surgical margins (79,94,97,98,114,119,120,150).

Although most authors agree that postoperative radiotherapy is necessary in the

presence of positive surgical margins, the use of radiation in patients with other

high-risk factors is controversial. Increasing evidence supports the use of adjuvant

radiation. Particularly controversial, and best studied, is the use of radiation in the

presence of positive pelvic lymph nodes. The rationale for treatment is the

knowledge that pelvic lymphadenectomy does not remove all of the nodal and

lymphatic tissue and subsequent radiotherapy can eradicate microscopic disease.

The hesitancy to recommend postoperative radiotherapy derives from the

significant rate of postradiation bowel and urinary tract complications (151). Most

of the available data are retrospective. However, a randomized study by the GOG

comparing radiation with no further treatment for patients at high risk for

recurrence with negative pelvic nodes revealed a 30% serious complication rate,

16% reoperation rate, and a 2% mortality rate as a result of treatment-related

complications (152).

Based on retrospective studies, it appears that postoperative radiation

therapy for positive pelvic nodes can decrease pelvic recurrence but does not

improve 5-year actuarial survival rates. One multi-institutional study showed

no difference in survival in patients with three or fewer positive pelvic nodes

(59% vs. 60%) (120). However, there seemed to be a benefit when radiotherapy

was given to those with more than three positive nodes.

In a study of 60 pairs of irradiated and nonirradiated women matched for age,

lesion size, number, and location of positive nodes after radical hysterectomy, no

significant difference was found in projected 5-year survival rates (72% for

surgery alone, 64% for surgery plus radiation) (153). The proportion of

2492recurrences confined to the pelvis was 67% in patients treated with surgery only

and 27% in patients treated with postoperative radiation (P = 0.03). In a Cox

regression analysis of 320 women who underwent radical hysterectomy, for the

72 who received postoperative radiation, there was a significant decrease in pelvic

recurrence but no survival benefit (103). A multi-institutional retrospective study

was performed on 185 women with positive pelvic nodes after radical

hysterectomy, including 103 who received postoperative radiotherapy (105).

Multivariate analysis disclosed that radiotherapy was not an independent predictor

of survival, whereas age, lesion diameter, and number of positive nodes did

influence survival. These authors concluded that additional treatment is needed to

improve survival rates. Because survival is limited by distant recurrence, the

addition of chemotherapy to postoperative radiotherapy was proposed. A 75%

disease-free survival rate was reported at 3 years in 40 high-risk patients given

cisplatin, vinblastine, and bleomycin after radical hysterectomy, and a 46%

disease-free survival rate was found in 79 comparable patients who refused

treatment (154). Only 4 (11.8%) of 34 patients with positive pelvic nodes had

recurrences, whereas disease recurred in 8 (33%) of 24 untreated patients with

positive nodes. An 82% rate of disease-free survival was reported at 2 years

among 32 patients who were treated postoperatively with radiation therapy plus

cisplatin and bleomycin (155).

The location of lymph node metastases apparently is relevant to

postirradiation recurrence rates. When common iliac lymph nodes are

involved, the survival rate drops to 20%. As the number of positive pelvic nodes

increases, the percentage of positive common iliac and low para-aortic nodes

increases (i.e., 0.6% when pelvic lymph nodes are negative, 6.3% with one

positive pelvic node, 21.4% with two or three positive nodes, and 73.3% with

four or more positive nodes). This information was used to recommend extendedfield radiotherapy to patients with positive pelvic lymph nodes in an attempt to

treat undetected extrapelvic nodal disease (115). A 3-year disease-free survival

rate of 85% occurred in patients with positive pelvic nodes, and a survival rate of

51% occurred in patients with positive common iliac nodes; these rates are better

than the survival rates of 50% and 23%, respectively, for historical control groups

receiving radiotherapy to the pelvis alone.

The GOG reported the results of a randomized controlled trial on patients

with cervical cancer treated by radical hysterectomy and found to have at

least two of the following risk factors: capillary lymphatic space invasion,

more than one-third stromal invasion, and large tumor burden (109). A total

of 277 patients were entered into the study, with 140 patients randomized to no

further therapy and 137 patients randomized to adjuvant pelvic radiotherapy.

Patients with these risk factors who were treated postoperatively with

2493radiation therapy had a statistically significant (47%) decrease in recurrent

disease. After extensive follow-up, there is no statistically significant difference

in mortality rates (156). The morbidity with combination therapy was acceptable,

with a low rate of enteric and urinary complications. A second GOG study of

patients with high-risk cervical cancer randomized patients to concurrent

chemoradiation therapy or radiation therapy alone (108).

Concurrent Chemoradiation

Radiation therapy fails to achieve tumor control in 20% to 65% of patients with

advanced cervical cancer. Chemotherapy, despite its relative lack of success in

treating patients with cervical cancer, was evaluated as neoadjuvant treatment in

combination with surgery. Concomitant use of chemotherapy and radiation

was studied extensively by the GOG and results of five randomized studies

were reported. The concept of chemoradiation encompasses the benefits of

systemic chemotherapy with the benefits of regional radiation therapy. The use of

chemotherapy to sensitize cells to radiation therapy improved local–regional

control. These results changed the way cervical cancer is treated in many medical


An intergroup trial involving the GOG, the Southwestern Oncology

Group, and the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group evaluated postoperative

chemoradiation therapy in patients with stage IA2, IB, or IIA cervical cancer

who had positive pelvic lymph nodes, positive parametrial extension, or

positive vaginal margins at the completion of radical hysterectomy (155). A

total of 243 patients were assessed in this trial, with 127 receiving chemoradiation

(cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil [5-FU], radiation therapy) and 116 receiving radiation.

The results of this trial showed a statistically significant improvement in

progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survical (OS) at 43 months for

the patients receiving concurrent chemoradiation. The 4-year survival rates for

the patients receiving chemoradiation versus radiation alone were 81% and 71%,

respectively. The toxicity levels in the two groups were acceptable, with a higher

rate of hematologic toxicity in the concurrent chemoradiation arm. This study

showed that in patients with these high-risk factors after radical

hysterectomy for stages IA2, IB, and IIA disease, chemoradiation is the

postoperative treatment of choice.

Concurrent chemoradiation was evaluated in patients with advanced cervical

carcinoma. GOG protocol 85 was a prospective study that enrolled patients with

stages IIb to IVA cervical cancer and compared concurrent chemoradiation (157).

There were 177 patients treated with cisplatin, 5-FU, and radiation. These

patients were compared with 191 patients treated with hydroxyurea and radiation.

The median follow-up of patients who were alive at the time of the analysis was

24948.7 years. Patients who received concurrent chemoradiation and were treated with

cisplatin and 5-FU had a statistically significant improvement in progression-free

interval and OS (157). Hematologic toxicity levels in the two groups were similar.

This study showed that cisplatin-based concurrent chemoradiation was a

superior treatment when compared with hydroxyurea and concurrent


GOG Protocol 120 was initiated to evaluate patients with negative para-aortic

nodes and cervical carcinoma stages IIB to IVA treated with concurrent

chemoradiation. The treatment arms in this study consisted of radiation plus

weekly cisplatin; or cisplatin, 5-FU, and hydroxyurea; or hydroxyurea. There

were 176 patients in the weekly cisplatin arm; 173 patients in the cisplatin, 5-FU,

and hydroxyurea arm; and 177 patients in the hydroxyurea arm (158). The two

treatment arms with cisplatin-based chemotherapy and radiation showed an

improvement in progression-free interval and OS at a median follow-up of 35

months. The relative risks for progression of disease or death were 0.55 and 0.57,

respectively, for patients treated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy and radiation,

compared with the patients treated with hydroxyurea and radiation (158). This

study confirmed the findings of GOG Protocol 85 and reaffirmed the finding

that cisplatin-based concurrent chemoradiation is the treatment of choice for

patients with advanced-stage cervical cancer.

A third GOG trial evaluated patients with stages IB to IVA cervical cancer. Of

the patients enrolled in this study, 70% had stage IB or IIA disease (159). A total

of 403 patients were enrolled and evaluated. The 5-year survival rates were 73%

in patients treated with chemoradiation and 58% in patients treated with radiation

therapy alone. The cumulative rates of disease-free survival at 5 years were 67%

in patients treated with concurrent chemoradiation and 40% in patients treated

with radiation therapy alone. Survival and progression-free intervals for patients

receiving concurrent chemoradiation were significantly improved (159). The

results of this study suggested that chemoradiation is the treatment of choice

for stages IIB to IVA disease and that those patients with stages IB2 and IIA

disease may benefit from chemoradiation.

A GOG study of chemoradiation comparing concurrent cisplatin and

radiation with radiation alone in patients with bulky IB cervical cancer

included adjuvant hysterectomy after completion of the radiation (160).

There were 183 patients assigned to the concurrent chemotherapy and radiation

arm and 186 patients treated with radiation alone. The median duration of followup was 36 months, with disease recurrence detected in 37% of the patients treated

with radiation alone, compared with 21% who were treated with concurrent

chemoradiation (160). The 3-year survival rates were 83% in the group who

received concurrent chemoradiation and 74% in the group who received radiation

2495alone (160). The study included adjuvant hysterectomy after completion of

radiation treatment. Because the results did not show an improvement in survival

by using adjuvant hysterectomy, the authors concluded that adjuvant

hysterectomy would not be part of their recommendations. This study supports

the results of previous studies and shows that patients with bulky stages IB

and IIA cervical cancer treated with concurrent chemoradiation have

survival rates superior to those treated with radiation alone. These two

studies indicate that patients with bulky stages IB and IIA disease should

have primary treatment consisting of chemoradiation, with the

chemotherapy agent being weekly cisplatin.

Based on 2,042 patients enrolled on prior GOG trials, modern nomograms

have been developed to predict 2-year PFS, 5-year OS, and pelvic recurrence

risk for women with locally advanced cervix cancer treated with definitive

chemoradiation. Prognostic factors include histology, race/ethnicity,

performance status, tumor size, FIGO stage, grade, presence of pelvic and

para-aortic nodes, and use of cisplatin-based chemotherapy (161).

Surgical Staging Before Radiation

Surgical staging procedures designed to discover positive lymph nodes may

be forgone with use of PET/CT imaging studies. The use of transperitoneal

exploration was associated with a 16% to 33% mortality rate from radiotherapyinduced bowel complications and a 5-year survival rate of only 9% to 12%

(162,163). To avoid these complications, extraperitoneal dissection of the

para-aortic nodes is recommended, and the radiation dose should be reduced

to 5,000 cGy or less (164,165). When this approach is used, postradiotherapy

bowel complications occur in fewer than 5% of patients, and the 5-year

survival rate is 15% to 26% in patients with positive para-aortic nodes

(22,166,167). Survival appears to be related to the amount of disease in the paraaortic nodes and to the size of the primary tumor. In patients whose metastases to

the para-aortic lymph nodes are microscopic and whose central tumor has not

extended to the pelvic sidewall, the 5-year survival rate improves to 20% to 50%

(168,169). Surgical staging techniques have improved to include laparoscopic

assessment of the para-aortic and pelvic lymph nodes. Studies demonstrated

benefit from surgical staging with improved survival and changes in treatment

plans in 40% of patients (165,166). When PET/CT is compared with

surgicopathologic staging of para-aortic lymph nodes, some patients with

histologically positive para-aortic lymph nodes are missed with surgicopathologic

staging (170).

Management of Grossly Positive Para-Aortic Lymph Nodes

2496The management of patients with macroscopic or grossly positive para-aortic

lymph nodes discovered at the time of surgery or by imaging studies is

controversial. It is likely that grossly positive nodes may be beyond the

ability of radiation therapy alone to sterilize. Therefore, to improve survival,

additional therapy is required. In a representative study of the multiple reports in

the literature, lymph node metastases were noted in 133 of 266 patients. Pelvic

and para-aortic nodes were positive in 44 patients and positive para-aortic nodes

were noted in only 2 patients. Five- and 10-year survival rates were similar for

patients with macroscopically positive resectable nodes and microscopically

positive nodes. Patients with unresectable nodal disease had a worse survival rate

than those with resectable disease. All patients underwent extraperitoneal lymph

node resections and subsequent radiotherapy. There was a 10% incidence of

severe morbidity related to radiation use. Consistent with other reports in the

literature, this study showed that extraperitoneal debulking lymphadenectomy

confers a survival advantage similar to that enjoyed by patients with

micrometastatic disease without additional morbidity (30). The topic

nevertheless remains in debate because chemoradiation may permit the treatment

of larger volume disease without the need for surgical debulking.

Prophylactic Para-Aortic Radiation Therapy

Prophylactic extended-field radiation therapy is an alternative to surgical

staging of the para-aortic lymph node chain in women with advanced

cervical cancer judged to be at high risk but without radiologic or clinical

evidence of para-aortic lymph node involvement. This treatment strategy was

evaluated in 441 patients with stages I to III disease (171). High rates of

gastrointestinal toxicity were noted in the treatment group. There was no

difference in disease-free survival or OS between the control and treated groups,

although treated patients had fewer para-aortic failures. A lack of difference in

survival rates in this study may be related to high local and regional failure rates,

suggesting that ideal patients for prophylactic radiotherapy would be those in

whom there is a high likelihood of achieving pelvic control. A survival benefit

was noted in a study by the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group, in which 367

patients with stages IB to IIB disease were randomized to pelvic radiotherapy

versus pelvic and extended field radiotherapy (172). The extended field treatment

arm suffered more grade 4 and 5 toxicity, confirming previous studies.

Complicating the issue is another study from the Radiation Therapy Oncology

Group revealing that in locally advanced cervical cancer, pelvic radiation therapy

with concurrent cisplatin chemotherapy was superior to extended-field radiation

therapy (159). There are no large prospective trials that compare pelvic

chemoradiation with extended-field chemoradiation. Given the potential toxicity,

2497it seems prudent to administer extended-field radiation only to patients with

suspected para-aortic node involvement.

Supraclavicular Lymph Node Biopsy

Although not standard practice, the performance of a supraclavicular lymph node

biopsy was advocated in patients with positive para-aortic lymph nodes before the

initiation of extended-field irradiation and in patients with a central recurrence

before exploration for possible exenteration. The incidence of metastatic disease

in the supraclavicular lymph nodes in patients with positive para-aortic lymph

nodes is 5% to 30% (173). Node enlargement and increased metabolic activity

can be assessed with chest PET/CT scanning. Cytologic assessment by FNA can

obviate the need for an excisional biopsy and should be performed if any enlarged

nodes are present. If the scalene lymph nodes are positive, palliative

chemotherapy should be considered.

Complications of Radiation Therapy

Perforation of the uterus may occur (∼ 9%) with the insertion of the uterine

tandem. This is particularly a problem for elderly patients and those who

had a previous diagnostic conization procedure. When perforation is

recognized, an LDR tandem should be removed, and the patient should be

observed for bleeding or signs of peritonitis. Survival may be decreased in

patients who have uterine perforation, possibly because these patients have more

extensive uterine disease (174). Fever may occur after insertion of the uterine

tandem and ovoids. Fever most often results from infection of the necrotic tumor

and occurs 2 to 6 hours after insertion of the intracavitary system. If uterine

perforation was excluded by ultrasonography, intravenous broad-spectrum

antibiotic coverage, usually with a cephalosporin, should be administered. If the

fever does not decrease promptly or if the temperature is higher than 38.5°C, an

aminoglycoside and a bacteroides species–specific antibiotic should be

administered. If fever persists or if the patient shows signs of septic shock or

peritonitis, any LDR intracavitary system must be removed. Antibiotics are

continued until the patient recovers, and any LDR intracavitary application is

delayed for 1 to 2 weeks. In case of HDR brachytherapy, antibiotics can be given

and the tandem should be repositioned into proper place so that the HDR

radiation treatment (typically only several minutes duration) can be delivered

without delay followed by removal of the applicators (175). The use of

intraoperative real-time transabdominal ultrasound guidance during placement of

the brachytherapy tandem can significantly reduce the chance of perforation and

help ensure an accurate brachytherapy implant.

2498Acute Morbidity

The acute effects of radiotherapy are caused by ionizing radiation on the

epithelium of the intestine and bladder and occur after administration of

2,000 to 3,000 cGy. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea,

frequent urination, and occasional bleeding from the bladder or bowel mucosa.

Bowel symptoms can be treated with a low-gluten, low-lactose, and low-protein

diet. Antidiarrheal and antispasmodic agents may help. Bladder symptoms may be

treated with antispasmodic medication. Severe symptoms may require a week of

rest from radiotherapy.

Chronic Morbidity

The chronic effects of radiotherapy result from radiation-induced vasculitis

and fibrosis and are more serious than the acute effects. These complications

occur several months to years after radiotherapy is completed. The bowel

and bladder fistula rate after pelvic radiation therapy for cervical cancer is

1.4% to 5.3%, respectively (62,64). Other serious toxicity (e.g., bowel bleeding,

stricture, stenosis, or obstruction) occurs in 6.4% to 8.1% of patients (62,64).

Radiation Proctopathy

Rectal bleeding after pelvic radiotherapy (radiation proctopathy) commonly

self-resolves over time. Patients with continued bleeding can be offered at least

flexible sigmoidoscopy to rule out causes unrelated to radiation therapy. For

radiation-induced bleeding, first-line sucralfate enemas can be used. For

refractory bleeding, interventions such as argon plasma coagulation, laser therapy

and formalin can be considered (176).

Rectovaginal Fistula

Rectovaginal fistulas or rectal strictures occur in fewer than 2% of patients.

The successful closure of fistulas with bulbocavernosus flaps or sigmoid colon

transposition was reported (177,178). Occasionally, resection with anastomosis is

feasible. Diversion resulting in colostomy may be the optimal therapy in patients

who have poor vascular supply to the pelvis and a history of an anastomotic leak

or breakdown from prior repairs.

Small Bowel Complications

Patients with previous abdominal surgery are more likely to have pelvic

adhesions and thus sustain more radiotherapy complications in the small

bowel. The terminal ileum may be particularly susceptible to chronic

damage because of its relatively fixed position at the cecum. Patients with

small bowel complications have a long history of crampy abdominal pain,

intestinal rushes, and distention characteristic of partial small bowel obstruction.

2499Often, low-grade fever and anemia accompany the symptoms. Patients who have

no evidence of disease should be treated aggressively with total parenteral

nutrition, nasogastric suction, and early surgical intervention after the

anemia resolves and good nutritional status is attained. The type of procedure

performed depends on individual circumstances (179). Small bowel fistulas that

occur after radiotherapy rarely close spontaneously while total parenteral nutrition

is maintained. Recurrent cancer should be excluded; aggressive fluid replacement,

nasogastric suction, and wound care should be instituted. Fistulography and a

barium enema should be performed to exclude a combined large and small bowel

fistula. The fistula-containing loop of bowel may be either resected or isolated

and left in situ. In the latter case, the fistula will act as its own mucous fistula.

Urinary Tract

Chronic urinary tract complications occur in 1% to 5% of patients and

depend on the dose of radiation to the base of the bladder. Vesicovaginal

fistulas are the most common complication and usually require

supravesicular urinary diversion. Occasionally, a small fistula can be repaired

with either a bulbocavernosus flap or an omental pedicle. Ureteral strictures are

usually a sign of recurrent cancer, and a cytologic sample should be obtained at

the site of the obstruction using FNA guided by a CT scan. If the findings are

negative, the patient should undergo exploratory surgery to evaluate the presence

of recurrent disease. If radiation fibrosis is the cause, ureterolysis may be possible

or indwelling ureteral stents may be passed through the open urinary bladder to

relieve obstruction.


Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

Randomized trials were initiated by the GOG and other large centers to determine

the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. In the era of effective

chemoradiation therapy, there is no evidence that neoadjuvant

chemotherapy offers superior results or a survival advantage over standard


Chemotherapy for Advanced Disease

Chemotherapy was studied in advanced cervical cancer with mixed results (180–

183). Doublet therapy compared four cisplatin-containing doublets (gemcitabine,

paclitaxel, topotecan, vinorelbine), and there were no major differences in OS,

although the cisplatin and paclitaxel doublet trended toward the best results

(GOG 204) (184). Studies showed comparable survival and lower toxicity

with carboplatin and paclitaxel compared with cisplatin and paclitaxel (185).

2500A survival benefit was demonstrated when bevacizumab, an anti-VEGF-A

monoclonal antibody, was added to the combination of platinum-based

chemotherapy in patients with metastatic, persistent, or recurrent cervical

carcinoma (GOG 240). However, the addition of bevacizumab to the

combination increased the risk of fistula formation (186).

While multiagent regimens offer an improved response rate and several months

longer OS, they are more toxic than single-agent regimens. For women who

cannot tolerate combination chemotherapy, single-agent chemotherapy with

carboplatin is an appropriate treatment.

Treatment of Cervical Cancer by Stage

[5] Stage IA

Until 1985, no FIGO recommendation existed concerning the size of lesion or the

depth of invasion that should be considered microinvasive (stage IA). This led to

considerable confusion and controversy in the literature. Over the years, as many

as 18 different definitions were used to describe microinvasion. In 1974, the

Society of Gynecologic Oncologists recommended a definition that is accepted by

FIGO: A microinvasive lesion is one in which neoplastic epithelium invades

the stroma to a depth of less than 3 mm beneath the basement membrane

and in which lymphatic or blood vascular involvement is not demonstrated.

The purpose of defining microinvasion is to identify a group of patients who are

not at risk for lymph node metastases or recurrence and who therefore may be

treated with less than radical therapy.

Diagnosis must be determined on the basis of a cone biopsy of the cervix.

The treatment decision rests with the gynecologist and should be based on a

review of the conization specimen with the pathologist. It is important that

the pathologic condition be described in terms of (i) depth of invasion, (ii)

presence or absence of lymph–vascular space invasion, and (iii) margin

status. These variables are used to determine the degree of radicality of the

operation and whether the regional nodes should be treated (171).

Stage IA1 <3 mm Invasion

Lesions with invasion less than 3 mm have less than 1% incidence of pelvic

node metastases. Within this group, it appears that the patients most at risk for

nodal metastases or central pelvic recurrence are those with definitive evidence of

tumor emboli in lymph vascular spaces (77,187). Therefore, patients with less

than 3 mm invasion and no lymph–vascular space invasion may be treated with

extrafascial hysterectomy without lymphadenectomy. Therapeutic conization

appears to be adequate therapy for these patients if preservation of childbearing

capability is desired. Surgical margins and postconization endocervical curettage

2501must be free of disease. If there is lymph–vascular space invasion, a type I

(extrafascial) or II (modified radical) hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy

should be considered.

Treatment of microinvasive cervical adenocarcinoma is complicated by a

lack of agreement on approaches. Reports show that patients with stage IA1

cervical adenocarcinoma may be treated in a fashion similar to patients with this

stage and a squamous lesion (111–113). Some experts disagree with this

interpretation because of the difficulty in establishing a pathologic diagnosis of

microinvasion from a frankly invasive adenocarcinoma. Patients diagnosed with

microinvasive cervical adenocarcinoma should have expert pathologic

assessment before considering treatment with extrafascial hysterectomy or

conization alone.

Stage IA2 ≥3 mm to <5 mm Invasion

Lesions with invasion of greater than or equal to 3 to 5 mm have a 3% to 8%

incidence of pelvic node metastases; thus, pelvic lymphadenectomy or sentinel

lymph node mapping is necessary for these lesions (187,188). The primary tumor

may be treated with a modified radical hysterectomy (type II) or a radical

trachelectomy if preservation of fertility is desired. If intermediate- or high-risk

pathologic factors are identified in the surgical specimen, adjuvant radiation or

chemoradiation therapy is recommended.

[5] Stages IB1, IB2, and IIA1 Invasive Cancer

Stage IB lesions are subdivided into stage IB1, which denotes lesions that

have 5 mm or more stromal invasion and are smaller than 2 cm in maximum

diameter, and stage IB2, for lesions that are 2 cm or larger and less than 4

cm, and IB3, which denotes lesions that are 4 cm or larger. Patient’s with

lesions 2 cm or less may be managed with either a radical trachelectomy or

type III radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy. Radical

trachelectomy should be restricted to candidates who desire future fertility

with low-risk disease and a tumor size less than 2 cm. The para-aortic lymph

node chain should be evaluated if pelvic nodal disease is encountered.

Adjuvant radiation therapy is recommended if intermediate risk factors are

identified postoperatively. Adjuvant chemoradiation is indicated if high-risk

features are found.

Alternatively, primary chemoradiation therapy with curative intent is

appropriate. A comparison of radical hysterectomy with radiation resulted

in similar survival rates for the two treatment modalities. Several studies

comparing patients treated by either radical hysterectomy or radiation therapy

showed similar survival rates and outcomes for both groups (93,189). However,

2502patients treated with type III radical hysterectomy who subsequently received

postoperative radiation had a higher rate of intestinal and urinary morbidity

compared with patients treated with either modality alone. Therefore, some

clinicians advocate using radiation and avoiding surgery in these patients because

many will require adjuvant postoperative radiation.

[5] Bulky Stages IB3 and IIA2 Invasive Cancer

Patients with bulky IB3 and IIA2 disease may be treated with either primary

chemoradiation or radical surgery. Because many of these patients will have

intermediate- or high-risk factors postoperatively, strong consideration

should be given to primary chemoradiation. If surgical therapy is desired, a

type III radical hysterectomy with pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy,

followed by adjuvant chemoradiation if intermediate- or high-risk factors

are present, is appropriate therapy. This option has the benefits of complete

surgical staging and ovarian preservation, if desired. Disadvantages of primary

surgery include increased morbidity if multimodality therapy is utilized (189).

Stages IIB to IIIB Invasive Cancer

Therapy for patients with stage IIB or greater cervical cancer traditionally

was radiation therapy. Primary pelvic radiotherapy fails to control disease

progression in 30% to 82% of patients with advanced cervical carcinoma (4).

Two-thirds of these failures occur in the pelvis (190). A variety of agents were

used in an attempt to increase the effectiveness of radiation therapy in patients

with large primary tumors. Because chemoradiation was superior to radiation

therapy alone, chemoradiation is the preferred treatment strategy for these

patients, with cisplatin the chemotherapy agent of choice. Nodal involvement,

particularly the para-aortic lymph nodes, is the most important factor related to


Stage IIIC1 and IIIC2

The updated staging system adds this new category to reflect metastatic disease to

the pelvic lymph nodes (Stage IIIC1) and/or the para-aortic lymph nodes (Stage

IIIC2). If the pelvic lymph nodes only are involved, chemoradiation to the pelvis

is the recommended treatment, while if the para-aortic lymph nodes are involved,

extended-field radiation with chemosensitization can be used and this can be

followed by systemic chemotherapy (191–195).

[5] Stages IVA and IVB Cancer

Primary exenteration may be considered for patients with direct extension to the

rectum or bladder, but it is rarely performed. For patients with extension to the

bladder, the survival rate with radiation therapy is as high as 30%, with a urinary

2503fistula rate of only 3.8% (196). The presence of tumor in the bladder may prohibit

cure with radiation therapy alone; thus, consideration must be given to removal of

the bladder on completion of external beam radiation treatment. This is

particularly true if the disease persists at that time and the geometry is not

conducive to brachytherapy. Rectal extension is less commonly observed but may

require diversion of the fecal stream before chemoradiation to avoid septic

episodes from fecal contamination. In certain clinical situations, such as with

patients who have stage IVA disease and present with vesicovaginal or

rectovaginal fistula, urinary or rectal diversion may be performed, followed by


Patients with stage IVB cervical carcinoma are candidates for

chemotherapy and palliative pelvic radiation therapy. Control of symptoms

with the least morbidity is of primary concern in this patient population.

Patient Evaluation and Follow-Up After Therapy

Patients who receive radiotherapy should be monitored closely to assess

treatment response. Tumors may be expected to regress for up to 3 months

after radiotherapy. During the pelvic examination, progressive shrinkage of the

cervix and possible stenosis of the cervical os and surrounding upper vagina are

expected and should be noted. During rectovaginal examination, careful palpation

of the uterosacral and cardinal ligaments for nodularity is important. Cytologic

assessment by FNA of suspicious areas should be performed to allow early

diagnosis of persistent disease. In addition to the pelvic examination, the

supraclavicular and inguinal lymph nodes should be carefully examined, and

cervical or vaginal assessment should be performed every 3 to 6 months for 2

years and then every 6 to 12 months for the next 3 to 5 years. Endocervical

curettage may be performed in patients with large central tumors (90).

Patients with isolated recurrences may benefit from surgical resection.

Metastasis to the lung is reported in 1.5% of cases of patients with advanced

disease. Solitary nodules are present in 25% of cases with metastasis. Resection

of a solitary nodule in the absence of other persistent disease may yield some

long-term survivors (197). After radical hysterectomy, about 80% of recurrences

are detected within 2 years (198). The larger the primary lesion, the shorter the

median time is to recurrence (199). Although CT, PET, or IVP is not a part of

routine postradiotherapy surveillance, it should be performed if a pelvic mass is

detected or if other symptoms warrant evaluation. The finding of ureteral

obstruction after radiotherapy in the absence of a palpable mass may indicate

unresectable pelvic sidewall disease, but this finding should be confirmed, usually

by FNA cytologic assessment (200).

2504Special Considerations

Cervical Cancer During Pregnancy

The incidence of invasive cervical cancer associated with pregnancy is 1.2 in

10,000 (201). A Pap test should be performed on all pregnant patients at the initial

prenatal visit, and any grossly suspicious lesions should be biopsied. Diagnosis is

often delayed during pregnancy because bleeding is attributed to pregnancyrelated complications. If the result of the Pap test is positive for malignant

cells, and invasive cancer cannot be diagnosed using colposcopy and biopsy,

a diagnostic conization procedure may be necessary. Conization in the first

trimester of pregnancy is associated with hemorrhagic and infectious

complications, and an abortion rate as high as 33% (202,203). Because

conization subjects the mother and fetus to complications, it should not be

performed before the second trimester and only in patients with colposcopy

findings consistent with cancer, biopsy-proven microinvasive cervical cancer,

or strong cytologic evidence of invasive cancer. Inadequate colposcopic

examination may be encountered during pregnancy in patients who had prior

ablative therapy. Close follow-up throughout pregnancy may allow the cervix to

evert and develop an ectropion, allowing satisfactory colposcopy in the second or

third trimester. Patients with obvious cervical carcinoma may undergo cervical

biopsy and clinical staging similar to that of nonpregnant patients.

After conization, there appears to be no harm in delaying definitive

treatment until fetal maturity is achieved in patients with stage IA cervical

cancer (202,204,205). Patients with less than 3 mm of invasion and no lymphatic

or vascular space involvement may be followed to term. Historically, these

patients were allowed to deliver vaginally, and a hysterectomy was performed 6

weeks postpartum if further childbearing was not desired. However, in a

multivariate analysis of 56 women with cervical cancer diagnosed during

pregnancy and 27 women with cervical cancer diagnosed within 6 months of

delivery, vaginal delivery was the most significant predictor of recurrence. In

addition, most recurrences after vaginal delivery involved distant sites. The ideal

delivery method for these patients is not known definitively; however, strong

consideration should be given to performing a cesarean birth in women with

cervical cancer of any stage (206). If vaginal delivery is chosen, close inspection

of the episiotomy site is required during follow-up because of rare reports of

metastatic cervical cancer at these locations (207).

Patients with 3 to 5 mm of invasion and those with lymph–vascular space

invasion may be followed to term or delivered early after establishment of

fetal pulmonary maturity (202,205). They may have cesarean delivery,

immediately followed by modified radical hysterectomy and pelvic

2505lymphadenectomy. Patients with more than 5 mm invasion should be treated

as having frankly invasive carcinoma of the cervix. Treatment depends on the

gestational age of the pregnancy and the wishes of the patient. Modern neonatal

care affords a 75% survival rate for infants delivered at 28 weeks of gestation and

90% for those delivered at 32 weeks of gestation. Fetal pulmonary maturity can

be determined by amniocentesis, and prompt treatment can be instituted when

pulmonary maturity is documented. Although timing is controversial, it is

probably unwise to delay therapy for longer than 4 weeks (204,205). The

recommended treatment is classic cesarean delivery followed by radical

hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy. There should be a thorough

discussion of the risks and options with both parents before any treatment is


Patients with stages II to IV cervical cancer should be treated with

radiotherapy. If the fetus is viable, it is delivered by classic cesarean birth,

and therapy is begun postoperatively. If the pregnancy is in the first trimester,

external radiation therapy can be started with the expectation that spontaneous

abortion will occur before the delivery of 4,000 cGy. In the second trimester, a

delay of therapy may be entertained to improve the chances of fetal survival. If

the patient wishes to delay therapy, it is important to ensure fetal pulmonary

maturity before delivery is undertaken. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has been

administered to women during pregnancy with cervical cancer after 13 weeks

gestation, without clear short-term harm to the fetus, although longer clinical

follow-up is necessary (208).

The clinical stage is the most important prognostic factor for cervical

cancer during pregnancy. OS for these patients is slightly better because an

increased proportion of these patients have stage I disease. For patients with

advanced disease, there is evidence that pregnancy impairs the prognosis

(202,205). The diagnosis of cancer in the postpartum period is associated with a

more advanced clinical stage and a corresponding decrease in survival (206).

Cancer of the Cervical Stump

Cancer of the cervical stump was more common many decades ago when

supracervical hysterectomy was popular; because this operation is being

performed more frequently, this situation may become increasingly familiar.

Early-stage disease is treated surgically, with very little change in technique from

that used when the uterus is intact (209). Radical parametrectomy with upper

vaginectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy is the standard procedure.

Advanced-stage disease may present a therapeutic problem for the radiation

oncologist if the length of the cervical canal is less than 2 cm. This length is

necessary to allow satisfactory placement of the uterine tandem. If the uterine

2506tandem cannot be placed, radiation therapy can be completed with vaginal ovoids

or external beam techniques such as IMRT. Radiation oncology departments

skilled in combined interstitial/intracavitary brachytherapy offer the ability to

achieve curative brachytherapy coverage of cervical stump carcinomas.

Intravaginal ovoids abutting the stump can be loaded with interstitial needles

arrayed through the entire diameter and thickness of the stump to achieve

comprehensive tumor coverage.

Pelvic Mass

The origin of a pelvic mass must be clarified before treatment is initiated. A

CT urogram can exclude a pelvic kidney, and a barium enema helps to identify

diverticular disease or carcinoma of the colon. An abdominal x-ray film may

show calcifications typically associated with benign ovarian teratomas or uterine

leiomyomas. Pelvic ultrasonography differentiates between solid and cystic

masses and indicates uterine or adnexal origin. Solid masses of uterine origin are

most often leiomyomas and do not need further investigation.

Pyometra and Hematometra

An enlarged fluid-filled uterine cavity may be a pyometra or a hematometra.

The hematometra can be drained by dilation of the cervical canal and will

not interfere with treatment. The pyometra should be drained, and the

patient should be given antibiotics to cover Bacteroides species, anaerobic

Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species, and aerobic coliform bacterial

infection. Placement of a large mushroom catheter through the cervix was

advocated, but the catheter may become obstructed, leading to further occlusion

of the drainage. Repeated dilation of the cervix with aspiration of pus every 2 to 3

days is more effective.

If the disease is stage I, a radical hysterectomy and pelvic

lymphadenectomy may be performed. However, a pyometra is usually found

in patients with advanced disease, and thus radiotherapy is required.

External-beam therapy can begin after the pyometra is healed. Patients often have

a significant amount of pus in the uterus or a tubo-ovarian abscess without signs

of infection; therefore, a normal temperature and a normal white blood cell count

do not necessarily exclude infection. Repeat physical examination or pelvic

ultrasonography is necessary to ensure adequate drainage.

Cervical Carcinoma After Extrafascial Hysterectomy

When invasive cervical cancer is found after simple hysterectomy, further

treatment is predicated on the extent of disease. Microinvasive disease in

patients at low risk for lymph node metastasis does not require further treatment.

2507Invasive disease may be treated with radiotherapy or reoperation involving a

pelvic lymphadenectomy and radical excision of parametrial tissue, cardinal

ligaments, and the vaginal stump (210).


Reoperation is indicated for a young patient who has a small lesion and in

whom preservation of ovarian function is desirable. It is not indicated for

patients who have positive margins or obvious residual disease (210). Survival

rates after radical reoperation are similar to those after radical hysterectomy for

stage I disease.

Concurrent cisplatin-based chemoradiation is recommended for gross residual

disease, positive imaging, disease in the lymph nodes or parametrium, or a

positive surgical margin; individualized brachytherapy is clearly indicated for a

positive vaginal margin (211).

Radiation Therapy

Survival after radiotherapy depends on the volume of disease, the status of

the surgical margins, and the length of delay from surgery to radiotherapy.

Patients with microscopic disease have a 95% to 100% 5-year survival rate;

the 5-year survival rate is 82% to 84% in those with macroscopic disease and

free margins, 38% to 87% in those with microscopically positive margins,

and 20% to 47% in those with obvious residual cancer (212–214). A delay in

treatment of more than 6 months is associated with a 20% survival rate (214).

Acute Hemorrhage

Occasionally, a large lesion can produce life-threatening hemorrhage. A biopsy of

the lesion should be performed to verify neoplasia, and a vaginal pack soaked in

Monsel’s solution (ferric subsulfate) should be packed tightly against the cervix.

After proper evaluation, external radiation therapy can be started with the

expectation that control of bleeding may require 8 to 10 daily treatments at

180 to 200 cGy per day. Broad-spectrum antibiotics should be used to reduce the

incidence of infection. If the patient becomes febrile, the pack should be removed.

Rapid replacement of the pack may be necessary, and a fresh pack should be

immediately available. This approach to management of hemorrhage in patients

previously untreated is preferable to exploration and vascular ligation. Vascular

embolization under fluoroscopic control may be required in severe cases, and

this procedure may obviate a laparotomy. However, vascular occlusion

ultimately may lead to decreased blood flow and oxygenation of the tumor,

compromising the effectiveness of subsequent radiotherapy.

Ureteral Obstruction

2508Treatment of bilateral ureteral obstruction and uremia in previously

untreated patients should be determined on an individual basis. Transvesical

or percutaneous ureteral catheters should be placed in patients with no evidence

of distant disease, and radiotherapy with curative intent should be instituted.

Patients with metastatic disease beyond curative treatment fields should be

presented with the options of ureteral stenting, palliative radiotherapy, and

chemotherapy. With aggressive management, a median survival rate of 17 months

may be achieved for these patients (215).

Barrel-Shaped Cervix

The expansion of the upper endocervix and lower uterine segment by tumor is

referred to as a barrel-shaped cervix. Patients with tumors larger than 6 cm in

diameter have a 17.5% central failure rate when treated with radiotherapy

alone because the tumor at the periphery of the lower uterine segment is too

far from the standard intracavitary source to receive an adequate

tumoricidal dose (216). Attempts were made to overcome this problem

radiotherapeutically by means of interstitial implants into the tumor with a

perineal template, but high central failure rates were reported with this technique


One approach is to use a combination of radiotherapy and surgery for

treatment of patients with a barrel-shaped cervix. An extrafascial

hysterectomy is performed 2 to 3 months after the completion of radiation therapy

in an effort to resect a small, centrally persistent tumor. The dose of external

radiotherapy is reduced to 4,000 cGy, and a single intracavitary treatment is

given, which is followed by an extrafascial hysterectomy (218,219). This method

appears to result in a lower rate of central failure (2%), although it is not clear that

the OS rate is improved. There is disagreement concerning the need for

extrafascial hysterectomy, and the GOG is undertaking a randomized study to

compare adjuvant hysterectomy with radiotherapy alone in patients who have no

evidence of occult metastases in the para-aortic nodes (see stages IB and IIA


The narrow upper vagina of older patients may preclude the use of an

intracavitary source of radiation. Because of the significant OS advantage

experienced by patients who successfully receive brachytherapy boosts,

placement of brachytherapy applicators with smaller geometry (mini-ovoids, or

tandem and cylinder, or tandem alone) should be strongly considered prior to

switching to an external beam-only regimen. Patients receiving their entire course

of therapy from external beam radiation have a higher central failure rate and

more significant bowel and bladder morbidity. If stage I disease is present in such

a patient, a radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy is preferable, if

2509the patient’s medical condition allows this approach. There may be a role for

IMRT and/or stereotactic radiation boosts in the management of such tumors.

Recurrent Cervical Cancer

Treatment of recurrent cervical cancer depends on the mode of primary

therapy and the site of recurrence. Patients who were treated initially with

surgery should be considered for radiation therapy, and those who had

radiation therapy should be considered for surgical treatment.

Chemotherapy is palliative only and is reserved for patients who are not

considered curable by either surgery or radiation therapy.

Radiotherapy for recurrence after surgery consists primarily of external

treatment. Vaginal ovoids may be placed in patients with isolated vaginal cuff

recurrences. Patients with a regional recurrence may require interstitial

implantation with a Syed type of template in addition to external therapy. A 25%

survival rate can be expected in patients treated with radiation for a postsurgical

recurrence (198).

Radiation Retreatment

Retreatment of recurrent pelvic disease by means of radiotherapy with

curative intent is confined to patients who had suboptimal or incomplete

primary therapy. This may allow the radiation oncologist to deliver curative

doses of radiation to the tumor. The proximity of the bladder and rectum to the

cancer and the relative sensitivity of these organs to radiation injury are the major

deterrents to retreatment with radiation. The insertion of multiple interstitial

radiation sources into locally recurrent cancer through a perineal template or nextgeneration combined intracavitary/interstitial applicator may help overcome these

dosimetric considerations (210,220). The fistula rates can be high, and those

consequences must be considered before interstitial therapy is initiated. For

patients considered curable with interstitial implant therapy, pelvic exenteration is

a better treatment choice. Palliative radiotherapy can be given to patients with

localized metastatic lesions that are deemed incurable. Painful bony metastases,

central nervous system lesions, and severe urologic or vena caval obstructions are

specific indications.

Surgical Therapy

Surgical therapy for postirradiation recurrence is limited to patients with

central pelvic disease. A few carefully selected patients with small-volume

disease limited to the cervix may be treated with an extrafascial or radical

hysterectomy. However, the difficulty of assessing tumor volume and the 30% to

251050% rate of serious urinary complications in these previously irradiated patients

have led most gynecologic oncologists to recommend pelvic exenteration as a last

chance for cure (221,222).


There are three types of exenterative procedures: (i) an anterior exenteration

(removal of the bladder, vagina, cervix, and uterus), (ii) a posterior

exenteration (removal of the rectum, vagina, cervix, and uterus), and (iii) a

total exenteration (removal of bladder and rectum with the vagina, cervix,

and uterus) (Fig. 38-9). A total exenteration that includes a large perineal phase

removes the entire rectum and leaves the patient with a permanent colostomy and

a urinary conduit (infralevator). In selected patients, a total exenteration may take

place above the levator muscle (supralevator), leaving a rectal stump that may be

anastomosed to the sigmoid, thus avoiding a permanent colostomy.

FIGURE 38-9 Pelvic exenteration specimen.

Preoperative Evaluation and Patient Selection

2511It is imperative to search for metastatic disease before the patient undergoes

an exenteration. The presence of metastatic disease in this setting is

considered a contraindication to exenterative procedures. Physical

examination includes careful palpation of the peripheral lymph nodes with FNA

cytologic sampling of any nodes that appear suspicious. A random biopsy of

nonsuspicious supraclavicular lymph nodes is advocated by some clinicians but is

not routinely practiced (174,223). A PET/CT scan of the chest and abdomen and

pelvis CT help in the detection of liver metastases and enlarged nodes. Cytologic

study of any abnormality should be undertaken with CT-guided FNA. If a

positive cytologic diagnosis is obtained, it will obviate the need for exploratory


Extension of the tumor to the pelvic sidewall is a contraindication to

exenteration; however, this may be difficult for even the most experienced

examiner to determine because of radiation fibrosis. If any question of

resectability arises, exploratory laparotomy and parametrial biopsies should be

offered (224–227). The clinical triad of unilateral leg edema, sciatic pain, and

ureteral obstruction is nearly always pathognomonic of unresectable disease

on the pelvic sidewall. Preoperatively, the patient should be prepared for a major

operation. Total parenteral nutrition may be necessary to place the patient in an

anabolic state for optimal healing. A bowel preparation, preoperative antibiotic

administration, and prophylaxis for deep venous thrombosis with low-dose

heparin or pneumatic calf compression should be undertaken (228). Surgical

mortality increases with age, and the operation should rarely be considered in a

patient who is older than 70 years. Other medical illnesses should be taken into

account. When life expectancy is limited, exenterative surgery is unwise.

Anterior Exenteration

Candidates for anterior exenteration are those in whom the disease is limited

to the cervix and anterior portion of the upper vagina. Proctoscopic

examination should be performed because a positive finding would mandate a

total exenteration. However, a negative proctoscopic examination finding does

not exclude disease in the rectal muscularis, and findings at laparotomy still must

be considered. The presence of disease in the posterior vaginal mucosa directly

over the rectum mandates removal of the underlying rectum.

Posterior Exenteration

A posterior exenteration is rarely performed for recurrent cervical cancer. It

is indicated, however, for the patient with an isolated posterior vaginal recurrence

in which dissection of the ureters through the cardinal ligaments will not be


2512Total Exenteration

Total exenteration with a large perineal phase is indicated when the disease

extends to the lower part of the vagina (Fig. 38-9). Because distal vaginal

lymphatics may empty into the nodal basins of the inguinal region, these nodes

should be carefully evaluated preoperatively. A supralevator total exenteration

with low rectal anastomosis is indicated in the patient whose disease is confined

to the upper vagina and cervix (229,230). Samples from margins of the rectal

edge should be obtained for frozen-section evaluation because occult metastases

to the muscularis may occur.

The development of techniques to establish continent urinary diversion

helps improve a woman’s physical appearance after exenteration (231–233).

When both a rectal anastomosis and a continent diversion are performed, the

patient will not have a permanent external appliance. Associated psychological

trauma in such cases may be avoided. Every effort should be made to create a

neovagina simultaneously with the exenteration (234). This procedure helps in

the reconstruction of the pelvic floor after extirpation of the pelvic viscera.

Regardless of whether a neovagina is constructed, it is desirable to mobilize the

omentum on the left gastroepiploic artery to create a new pelvic floor.

Surgical mortality from exenterative procedures has steadily decreased to less

than 10%. Common causes of postoperative death are sepsis, pulmonary

thromboembolism, and hemorrhage. Fistulas of the gastrointestinal and

genitourinary tract are serious surgical complications, with a 30% to 40%

mortality rate despite attempts at surgical repair. The risk for fistula formation is

decreased if nonirradiated segments of bowel are used for formation of the

urinary conduit (228). The 5-year survival rate is 33% to 60% for patients

undergoing anterior exenteration and 20% to 46% for those undergoing

total exenteration (224–234). Survival rates are worse for patients with recurrent

disease (larger than 3 cm), invasion into the bladder, positive pelvic lymph nodes,

and recurrence diagnosed within 1 year after radiotherapy (227). The 5-year

survival rate of patients with positive pelvic lymph nodes is less than 5%; thus,

the performance of an extensive lymphadenectomy in the irradiated field is not

warranted. Discontinuation of the procedure is advisable if any nodes are positive

for metastatic cancer. Patients who have any disease in the peritoneal cavity have

no chance of survival.

Laterally Extended Endopelvic Resection

Locally recurrent cervical cancer in a previously irradiated field is associated with

a dismal prognosis. Exenterative therapy traditionally was reserved for the highly

select patient with centrally recurrent disease, a selection criteria that excludes

most patients with recurrence. A technique called the laterally extended

2513endopelvic resection (LEER) procedure was described, which offers a surgical

treatment option for patients with recurrent disease involving the pelvic sidewall.

The LEER procedure involves extending the lateral resection plane of the

traditional pelvic exenteration to include resection of the internal iliac vessels; the

endopelvic portion of the obturator internus muscle; and the coccygeus,

iliococcygeus, and pubococcygeus muscles. Extension of the surgical plane

allows for resection of lateral tumors with a negative margin. Experience with it is

limited to one center, which reports as high as a 62% recurrence-free survival, but

as high as 70% moderate-to-severe morbidity (235).

Chemotherapy for Recurrent Cervical Cancer

Recurrent cervical cancer is not considered curable with chemotherapy

(236–238). Several clinical trials with various drugs (e.g., carboplatin, cisplatin,

and paclitaxel) showed response rates of up to 45%. Most responses are partial;

complete responses are unusual and limited to patients with chest metastases in

whom the dose of drug delivered to the disease is better than that delivered to the

fibrotic postirradiated pelvis (237,238). The uptake of chemotherapy to recurrent

tumor in a previously irradiated field may be compromised because of altered

blood supply caused by that radiation.

Carboplatin and paclitaxel combination chemotherapy is as effective and

less toxic than the cisplatin and paclitaxel combination (185). Combination

chemotherapy with carboplatin– paclitaxel–bevacizumab may produce better

survival, but it is more toxic than doublet chemotherapy (186). Single-agent

carboplatin is an acceptable alternative in these patients whose disease cannot

be cured.

Palliative Therapy

Palliative therapy for patients with incurable disease consists of radiation or

chemotherapy or both. Palliative radiation therapy is intended to relieve

symptoms of pain or bleeding associated with advanced disease and may be

administered as either external beam therapy (teletherapy) or

brachytherapy. Special care should be given to previously irradiated sites

because additional radiation therapy may be associated with unacceptable

morbidity. Single or multiagent palliative chemotherapy may be used with

variable response rates. Symptomatic recurrent disease within previously

irradiated fields may not respond well to palliative chemotherapy.


[6] Primary vaginal cancer is a relatively uncommon tumor, representing

2514only 2% to 3% of malignant neoplasms of the female genital tract. In the

United States, it is estimated that there were 1,312 new cases in 2014, and 430

deaths from the disease (1). Squamous histology accounts for 80% (239).

Primary vaginal cancer should be differentiated from cancers metastatic to

the vagina, which constitute the majority of cancers found in the vagina

(84%) (240).

Table 38-6 FIGO Staging of Vaginal Cancer

Stage I The carcinoma is limited to the vaginal wall

Stage II The carcinoma has involved the subvaginal tissue but has not extended to the

pelvic wall



The carcinoma has extended to the pelvic wall



The carcinoma has extended beyond the true pelvis or has involved the

mucosa of the bladder or rectum; bullous edema as such does not permit a

case to be allotted to stage IV

IVA Tumor invades bladder and/or rectal mucosa and/or direct extension beyond

the true pelvis

IVB Spread to distant organs

FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

From Beller U, Benedet JL, Creasman WT, et al. Carcinoma of the vagina. FIGO 26th

Annual Report on the Results of Treatment in Gynecological Cancer. Int J Gynecol Obstet

2006;95:S29–S42 and FIGO Committee on Gynecologic Oncology. Current FIGO staging

for cancer of the vagina, fallopian tube, ovary, and gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Int

J Gynecol Obstet 2009;105:3–4.


The FIGO staging of vaginal cancer dictates that a tumor extending to the

vagina from the cervix be regarded as a cancer of the cervix, whereas a

tumor involving both the vulva and the vagina should be classified as a

cancer of the vulva.

The FIGO staging for vaginal carcinoma is shown in Table 38-6. Staging is

performed by clinical examination and, if indicated, cystoscopy, proctoscopy,

and chest and skeletal radiography. Information derived from lymphangiography,

CT, MRI, or PET cannot be used to change the FIGO stage; however, it can be

2515used for planning treatment. Less than 30% of vaginal cancers present at stage I


Surgical staging and resection of enlarged lymph nodes may be indicated

in selected patients. FIGO staging does not include a category for microinvasive

disease. Because vaginal cancer is rare and treatment is by radiotherapy, there is

very little information concerning the spread of disease in relation to depth of

invasion, lymph–vascular space invasion, and size of the lesion.


The association of cervical cancer with HPV suggests that vaginal cancer has a

similar association (244). A study of 341 cases revealed that in younger patients,

the disease seemed to be related to HPV infection, while in older patients, there

was no association (243). As many as 30% of women with vaginal cancer have

a history of cervical cancer treated within the previous 5 years (186,235–

247). As with cervical cancer, there appears to be a premalignant phase called

vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN) (see Chapter 16). The exact incidence

of progression to invasive vaginal cancer from VAIN is not known; however,

there are documented cases of invasive disease occurring despite adequate

treatment of VAIN (248,249).

By convention, any new vaginal carcinoma developing at least 5 years after

cervical cancer is considered a new primary lesion. There are three possible

mechanisms for the occurrence of vaginal cancer after cervical neoplasia:

1. Residual disease in the vaginal epithelium after treatment of the cervical


2. New primary disease arising in a patient with increased susceptibility to lower

genital tract carcinogenesis (the role of HPV in this setting is suspected)

3. Increased susceptibility to carcinogenesis caused by radiation therapy


Routine screening of all patients for vaginal cancer is inappropriate. For

women who had a cervical or vulvar neoplasm, the Pap test is an important part of

routine follow-up with each physician visit, because these patients are at an

increased lifetime risk for developing vaginal cancer. It is recommended that Pap

test surveillance for vaginal cancer be performed yearly after the patient has

completed surveillance for cancer of the cervix or vulva. For women who had a

hysterectomy for benign disease and have no antecedent history of CIN 2–3,

performance of Pap testing is unnecessary. If the patient has a history of

cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer, yearly screening is recommended. When

2516adjusted for age and prior cervical disease, the incidence of vaginal cancer is not

increased in women who had hysterectomy for benign disease (250). Because

primary vaginal tumors tend to be multicentric, the entire vaginal mucosa should

be considered at-risk. Therefore, in addition to screening cytology, careful

bimanual examination of the entire vagina and vulva is recommended for women

at high risk.


Painless vaginal bleeding and discharge are the most common symptoms of

vaginal cancer. With more advanced tumors, urinary retention, bladder spasm,

hematuria, and frequency of urination may occur. In a large series, 14% were

asymptomatic and diagnosis was made by routine examination or abnormal

cytology (243). Tumors developing on the posterior vaginal wall may produce

rectal symptoms, such as tenesmus, constipation, or blood in the stool.


The diagnostic workup includes a complete history and physical examination,

careful speculum examination and palpation of the vagina, and bimanual pelvic

and rectal examinations. It is important to rotate the speculum to obtain a

careful view of the entire vagina because posterior wall lesions frequently

occur and may be overlooked.

In early squamous cell lesions, the diagnosis is often suggested by an abnormal

HPV or Pap test result; however, this is not true for clear-cell adenocarcinomas,

which are characterized by submucosal growth. In these cases, the diagnosis is

suggested by cytologic findings in only 33% of cases. Visually suspicious areas in

the vagina should be evaluated with a targeted biopsy using the same instruments

as those used for cervical biopsies. Careful palpation of the vagina may be helpful

in detecting submucosal irregularities. The most common site of vaginal cancer

is in the upper one-third of the vagina on the posterior wall. The developing

tumor may be missed during initial inspection because of obscured visualization

caused by the blades of the speculum (251). Colposcopy is valuable in evaluating

patients with abnormal HPV or Pap test results, unexplained vaginal bleeding, or

ulcerated erythematous patches in the upper vagina. A colposcopically targeted

biopsy may not allow a definitive diagnosis, and a partial vaginectomy may be

necessary to determine invasion. Occult invasive carcinoma may be detected by

such an excision, particularly in patients who have a history of prior hysterectomy

in whom the vaginal vault closure may bury some of the vaginal epithelium at

risk for cancer (252).


Cancer of the vagina spreads most often by direct extension into the pelvic

soft tissues and adjacent organs. Metastases to the pelvic and para-aortic lymph

nodes may occur in advanced disease. Lesions in the lower one-third of the

vagina may spread directly to the inguinal femoral lymph nodes and the pelvic

nodes (253). Hematogenous dissemination to the lungs, liver, or bone may occur

as a late phenomenon.

Squamous cell carcinomas are the most common form of vaginal cancer,

occurring in 80% to 90% of cases. These tumors most commonly occur in the

upper one-third, posterior wall of the vagina. The mean age of patients with

squamous cell cancer is 60 years (254,255).

Malignant melanoma is the second most common cancer of the vagina,

accounting for 2.8% to 5% of all vaginal neoplasms (256–258). Other histologic

subtypes include adenocarcinoma and sarcoma.

Primary adenocarcinoma of the vagina is rare, constituting 9% of primary

tumors of the vagina. The most common adenocarcinoma of the vagina is

metastatic, originating from the colon, endometrium, ovary, or, rarely,

pancreas and stomach. In general, adenocarcinomas affect a younger population

of women, regardless of whether they were exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in

utero (259). Adenocarcinomas may arise in wolffian rest elements, periurethral

glands, and foci of endometriosis (260). In women exposed to DES in utero,

adenocarcinoma may develop in vaginal adenosis.

DES was used in the United States from 1940 until 1971 to maintain high-risk

pregnancies in women with a history of spontaneous abortions. In 1970, seven

young women were reported with clear-cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina (Fig.

38-10); later, an association between this cancer and maternal ingestion of DES

during pregnancy was identified (261). Subsequently, more than 500 cases of

clear-cell cancer of the vagina and cervix were reported to the Registry for

Research on Hormonal Transplacental Carcinogenesis.

2518FIGURE 38-10 Vaginal clear-cell carcinoma. Note the formation of tubules with hobnail

cells lining the lumen. These cells are characterized by nuclear protrusion into the apical


The estimated risk for developing clear-cell adenocarcinoma for an

exposed offspring is 1 in 1,000 or less. The mean age of diagnosis is 19 years

(262). Because the use of DES in pregnant women was discontinued in 1971,

most of these tumors probably have been discovered. Clear-cell adenocarcinoma

in women with a history of in utero exposure to DES typically presented in the

exocervix or anterior, upper one-third of the vagina. These tumors varied greatly

in size and were most frequently exophytic and superficially invasive. Stage is the

most important prognostic factor. Other statistically significant factors included a

tubulocystic growth pattern, size less than 3 cm2, and less than 3 mm of stromal

invasion. It is uncertain, however, what will happen to this cohort of women as

they move into their fifth, sixth, and seventh decades of life. Continued

surveillance of these women is indicated.

Ninety-seven percent of cases of vaginal clear-cell adenocarcinoma are

associated with adenosis. Adenosis is characterized by the presence of persistent

2519müllerian-type glandular epithelium. Although adenosis is the most common

histologic abnormality in women exposed to DES in utero, adenosis can be found

in women without a history of exposure. Adenosis typically appears as red,

grapelike clusters in the vagina.

Malignant melanoma of the vagina is rare and lethal, occurring most often

in white women. The average age of these patients is 58 years (263). Most

lesions are deeply invasive, corresponding to a Clark level IV when compared

with the staging for vulvar melanomas. The most common location of these

tumors is in the lower one-third of the vagina (264). Melanomas have a wide

variety of size, color, and growth patterns (262,265). Radical excision

(vaginectomy, hysterectomy, and pelvic lymphadenectomy) is the mainstay of

treatment. The goal of treatment is to avoid local (vaginal) recurrence, which is

the most common site of recurrence (263,264). The need to dissect regional

lymph nodes is uncertain. Because the disease is deeply invasive, hematogenous

spread is the most common lethal recurrence. There is no difference in OS of

patients with local as opposed to radical excision (263). The survival rate is

approximately 10% at 5 years.

The most common benign and malignant mesenchymal tumors of the

vagina in adult women are smooth muscle tumors (266). Vaginal sarcomas are

usually fibrosarcomas or leiomyosarcomas and are extremely rare. Radical local

excision, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation therapy, is the indicated


The most common malignant mesenchymal tumor of the vagina in

children and infants is botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma (Fig. 38-11). Botryoid

sarcoma is usually found in the vagina during infancy and early childhood, in the

cervix during the reproductive years, and in the corpus uteri during

postmenopausal years. Preoperative chemotherapy with vincristine, actinomycin

D, and cyclophosphamide, followed by conservative surgery or radiation, has

improved survival.

2520FIGURE 38-11 Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the vagina (botryoid sarcoma). This

lesion consists of primitive mesenchymal cells and rhabdomyoblasts, which have abundant

eosinophilic cytoplasm. With further differentiation, cross-striations may become evident.

[6] Treatment

Treatment selection is based on the clinical examination, CT scan results, chest

radiography results, age, and condition of the patient. PET scans may give more

accurate information about disease spread than MRI or CT scan alone (267). Most

tumors are treated by radiation therapy. Surgery is limited to selected cases. These

are as follows:

1. Women with stage I disease involving the upper posterior vagina may be

treated by radical vaginectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy. If the uterus

is in situ, it is removed as a radical hysterectomy specimen. When margins are

clear and lymph nodes are negative, no additional therapy is necessary.

2. Patients with stage IV disease with either rectovaginal or vesicovaginal

fistula may be candidates for primary pelvic exenteration with pelvic and

para-aortic lymphadenectomy (262). Low rectal anastomosis, continent

2521urinary diversion, and vaginal reconstruction are indicated and are more

successful in these nonirradiated patients than in patients who received prior

radiation therapy.

3. Women with central pelvic recurrence after radiation therapy are

candidates for pelvic exenteration similar to that used for cervical cancer.

4. Surgical staging with resection of enlarged lymph nodes followed by

radiation therapy may improve the control of pelvic disease.

Radiation therapy is the treatment of choice for all patients except those

described previously. Small superficial lesions may be treated with

intracavitary radiation alone (262). Larger, thicker lesions should be treated

first with external teletherapy to decrease tumor volume and to treat the

regional pelvic nodes, followed by intracavitary and interstitial therapy to

deliver a high dose to the primary tumor (255,263). If the uterus is intact and

the lesion involves the upper vagina, an intrauterine tandem and ovoids can be

used. If the uterus was previously removed, a vaginal cylinder may be used for

superficial irradiation. When brachytherapy is used, high- and low-dose rate

techniques were described. If the lesion is more than 0.5-cm thick, interstitial

radiation techniques can improve the dose distribution to the primary tumor.

Surgical exploration or laparoscopy at the time of insertion of Syed interstitial

implants defines more precisely the placement of the needles and ensures that

needles do not pass into adherent loops of bowel. Extended-field radiation may be

used for vaginal cancer in a manner similar to its use for cervical carcinoma,

although there is no experience reported with the use of this technique in the

treatment of vaginal cancer. Likewise, there is little reported experience with

combination chemoradiation treatment (268). Although there will never be

enough patients for a proper randomized control trial, concurrent use of 5-FU and

cisplatin was highly successful in anal and cervical cancer and thus should be

considered for treatment of vaginal cancer.


The proximity of the rectum, bladder, and urethra leads to a major

complication rate of 10% to 15% for surgery and radiation treatment. For

large tumors, the risk of bladder or bowel fistula is significant. Radiation cystitis

and proctitis are common, as are rectal strictures or ulcerations. Radiation

necrosis of the vagina occasionally occurs, requiring debridement, and often leads

to fistula formation. Vaginal fibrosis, stenosis, and stricture are common after

radiation therapy. Use of vaginal dilators and resumption of regular sexual

relations should be encouraged, along with the use of topical estrogen to

maintain adequate vaginal function.


The overall 5-year survival rate for patients with vaginal cancer is 52%

(Table 38-7). This reflects the difficulties of treatment and the fact the disease

presents at late stage. For patients with stage I disease, the 5-year survival rate

is 74%. Most recurrences are in the pelvis, either from enlarged regional nodes or

from large central tumors. Radiation techniques, including interstitial implants

with Syed template and combination chemoradiation, are the mainstay of therapy.

Careful evaluation of patients who receive radiation therapy to detect central

recurrence may allow some patients to be saved by pelvic exenteration. Because

of the rarity of vaginal cancer, these patients should be treated in a center that is

familiar with the complexity of treatment and modalities of therapy.

Table 38-7 Primary Vaginal Carcinoma: 5-Year Survival

Stage No. of Patients No. Surviving 5 Years Percentage


509 378



622 333



377 128



163 24



1,671 864


Data compiled from Pride et al. (269); Houghton and Iversen (266); Benedet et al. (242);

Rubin et al. (244); Kucera et al. (265); Eddy et al. (270); Kirkbride et al. (271); Perez et al.

(272); Tewari et al. (273); Otton et al. (274); Frank et al. (275); Hellman et al. (241); Tran

et al. (276).

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