Berek Novak's Gyn 2019. Chapter 41. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease

 Gestational Trophoblastic Disease

BS. Nguyễn Hồng Anh


1 Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is a group of interrelated tumors which

include complete and partial moles, invasive moles, choriocarcinoma, placental-site

trophoblastic tumor (PSTT), and epithelioid trophoblastic tumor (ETT).

2 Complete and partial moles differ in terms of chromosomal origin, histopathology,

clinical presentation, and risk of gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (gestational

trophoblastic neoplasia [GTN]-persistent tumor).

3 Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a critical marker for GTD to diagnose the

development of GTN, monitor response to chemotherapy, and occurrence of relapse.

4 Metastases can occur after any type of GTD but is more common after nonmolar

pregnancies and most commonly occur in the lung and the vagina.

5 Single-agent chemotherapy achieves a high remission rate in nonmetastatic and lowrisk metastatic GTN.

6 High-risk GTN requires primary combination chemotherapy, surgery to control

complications of disease and drug-resistant sites and infrequently radiation therapy.

7 After achieving remission with chemotherapy, patients can anticipate normal future


Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is the term used to describe the

heterogeneous group of interrelated lesions that arise from abnormal

proliferation of placental trophoblasts. GTD lesions are histologically distinct

and can be benign or malignant. Benign lesions consist of hydatidiform

moles, complete and partial, whereas malignant lesions consist of invasive

moles, placental-site trophoblastic tumors (PSTT), epithelioid trophoblastic

tumors (ETT), and choriocarcinoma. [1] This subset of malignant lesions

that have varying propensities for local invasion and metastasis is referred to

as gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). GTNs are among the rare

human tumors that can be cured even in the presence of widespread

dissemination (1,2). Although GTNs commonly follow a molar pregnancy, they

can occur after any gestational event, including induced or spontaneous abortion,

ectopic pregnancy, or term pregnancy.



[1] The incidence of molar pregnancy in Japan (2:1,000 pregnancies) is reported

to be about threefold higher than the incidence in Europe or North America (about

0.6 to 1.1 per 1,000 pregnancies) (3). In Taiwan, 1 in 125 pregnancies are molar,

while in the United States the incidence is 1 in 1,500 live births. The incidences

of complete and partial hydatidiform moles in Ireland were investigated by

reviewing all products of conception from first- and second-trimester abortions

(4). [1] Based on a thorough pathologic review, the incidence of complete and

partial hydatidiform moles was 1:1,945 and 1:695 pregnancies, respectively.

Table 41-1 Features of Complete and Partial Hydatidiform Moles

Features Complete Mole Partial Mole

Fetal or embryonic tissue Absent Present

Hydatidiform swelling of chorionic villi Diffuse Focal

Trophoblastic hyperplasia Diffuse Focal

Scalloping of chorionic villi Absent Present

Trophoblastic stromal inclusions Absent Present

Karyotype 46,XX (90%); 46,XY Triploid

While variations in the worldwide incidence of molar pregnancy may result in

part from reporting population-based versus hospital-based data, a number of

studies suggest that the high incidence in some populations can be attributed to

socioeconomic and nutritional factors. The decreasing incidence of molar

pregnancy in South Korea is attributed to a more Western diet and improved

standard of living (5). Case-control studies from Italy and the United States show

that the rate of complete mole increases with decreasing consumption of dietary

carotene (vitamin A precursor) and animal fat (6,7). Maternal age and

reproductive history influence the rate of molar pregnancy. Women older

than 40 years have a 2- to 10-fold greater risk of having a complete mole,

while one in three pregnancies in women older than 50 years results in a molar

gestation (8,9). Similarly, adolescents have a sevenfold increased risk of

developing a complete mole (8). [1] These findings suggest that ova from

adolescent and older women may be more susceptible to abnormal

fertilization, resulting in a complete hydatidiform mole.

Limited information is available concerning risk factors for partial molar

pregnancy. The epidemiologic characteristics of complete and partial moles

appear to differ significantly (8–11). The risk for partial moles is associated with

the use of oral contraceptives and a history of irregular menstruation, but not with

dietary factors (10). Nor does there appear to be a strong association between

maternal age and the risk for partial moles (8,9).

FIGURE 41-1 Photomicrograph of a complete mole demonstrating enlarged villous with central cavitation and surrounding trophoblastic hyperplasia.

Pathology and Cytogenetics

Hydatidiform moles may be categorized as either complete or partial moles

on the basis of gross morphology, histopathology, and karyotype (Table 41-1).

Complete Hydatidiform Mole

Complete hydatidiform moles exhibit characteristic swelling and

trophoblastic hyperplasia (Fig. 41-1). They usually have a 46,XX karyotype,

but about 10% have a 46,XY karyotype (12,13). [2] The molar chromosomes

are entirely of paternal origin, with mitochondrial DNA of maternal origin (Fig.

41-2) (14). Complete moles usually arise from an ovum fertilized by a haploid

sperm, which duplicates its own chromosomes. The ovum nucleus may be absent

or inactivated (15).

FIGURE 41-2 The karyotype of complete hydatidiform mole.

Partial Hydatidiform Mole

Partial hydatidiform moles are characterized by the following pathologic features (Fig. 41-3) (16):

1. Chorionic villi of varying size with focal hydatidiform swelling, cavitation, and trophoblastic hyperplasia

2. Marked villous scalloping

3. Prominent stromal trophoblastic inclusions

4. Identifiable embryonic or fetal tissues

[2] Partial moles have a triploid karyotype (69 chromosomes); the extra

haploid set of chromosomes is derived from the father (Fig. 41-4) (17). It is

possible that nontriploid partial moles do not exist (18). When a fetus is present in

conjunction with a partial mole, it generally exhibits the stigmata of triploidy,

including growth retardation and multiple congenital malformations such as

syndactyly and hydrocephaly (Fig. 41-5).

Advances in Pathologic Diagnosis

When molar pregnancy is diagnosed early in the first trimester, the pathologist

can have difficulty distinguishing complete hydatidiform moles from partial

hydatidiform moles or hydropic abortions because of smaller villi, less

trophoblastic hyperplasia, more primitive villous stroma, and less global necrosis

(19,20). Accurate diagnosis can be facilitated using flow cytometry to determine

ploidy (i.e., diploid versus triploid moles) (21) and through assessment of

biomarkers of paternally imprinted and maternally expressed gene products (22).

Biomarkers that take advantage of imprinted genes to distinguish between

complete moles and hydropic abortions from other gestations are identified.

Because complete moles generally have no maternal chromosomes, paternally

imprinted gene products, normally expressed only by maternal chromosomes,

should be absent. In complete moles, the nuclei of the villous stroma and

cytotrophoblastic cells do not express p57, whereas all other gestations, including

partial moles, are characterized by nuclear immunostaining in these cells. Thus, a

complete mole is diploid and negative for p57, a hydropic abortion is diploid

(sometimes triploid) and positive for p57, and a partial mole is triploid and

positive for p57.

Familial Recurrent Molar Pregnancy

Evaluation of families with recurrent molar pregnancy suggests that dysregulation

of normal parental imprinting of genes, with loss of maternally transcribed genes,

is likely to contribute to the pathogenesis of molar pregnancy. Familial recurrent

hydatidiform moles, is a rare occurrence, characterized by recurrent complete

hydatidiform mole of biparental origin, rather than the more usual androgenetic

origin (23). Genetic mapping shows that in most families the gene responsible,

NLRP7, is located in a 1.1 Mb region on chromosome 19q13.4. Mutations in the

gene result in dysregulation of imprinting in the female germline with abnormal

development of embryonic and extraembryonic tissue.

FIGURE 41-3 Photomicrograph of a partial mole showing marked disparity in the villous

size, trophoblastic inclusions (center), and mild trophoblastic hyperplasia. (From

Berkowitz RS, Goldstein OP. Gestational trophoblastic diseases. In: Ryan KJ, Berkowitz

R, Barbieri R, eds. Kistner’s Gynecology Principles and Practice. 5th ed. Chicago, IL:

Year Book Medical Publishers; 1990:433, with permission.)

FIGURE 41-4 The karyotype of a partial hydatidiform mole.

Clinical Features

Patients with complete molar pregnancy are diagnosed increasingly earlier in

pregnancy and treated before they develop the classic clinical signs and

symptoms. [2] This is the result of many changes in clinical practice, such as the

frequent use of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) measurement and

transvaginal ultrasonography in early pregnancy for women with vaginal staining

2764and for determining the gestational dates in asymptomatic women. The following

is a description of the classic and current clinical features of complete molar

pregnancy (24,25).

Complete Hydatidiform Mole

Vaginal Bleeding

[2] Vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom causing patients to seek

treatment for complete molar pregnancy. It is reported to occur in 46% of

patients, rather than the previous reports of 97% of cases. Molar tissues may

separate from the decidua and disrupt maternal vessels, and large volumes of

retained blood may distend the endometrial cavity. Because vaginal bleeding may

be considerable and prolonged, in the past one-half of these patients had anemia

(hemoglobin <10 g/100 mL). Anemia is typically present in only 5% of patients.

Excessive Uterine Size

[2] Excessive uterine enlargement relative to the gestational age is one of the

classic signs of a complete mole, although it was present in only about half of

patients. Excessive uterine size occurs in only 28% of patients. The endometrial

cavity may be expanded by chorionic tissue and retained blood. Excessive uterine

size is generally associated with markedly elevated levels of hCG, because uterine

enlargement results in part from trophoblastic overgrowth.

FIGURE 41-5 Photomicrograph of a fetal hand demonstrating syndactyly. The fetus had a

triploid karyotype, and the chorionic tissues were a partial mole.


[2] Preeclampsia was observed in 27% of patients with a complete

2766hydatidiform mole. Preeclampsia is reported in only 1 of 74 patients with

complete mole at the initial visit. Although preeclampsia is associated with

hypertension, proteinuria, and hyperreflexia, eclamptic convulsions rarely occur.

Preeclampsia develops almost exclusively in patients with excessive uterine size

and markedly elevated hCG levels. Hydatidiform moles should be considered

whenever preeclampsia develops early in pregnancy.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum

[2] Hyperemesis requiring antiemetic or intravenous (IV) replacement

therapy historically occurred in one-fourth of women with a complete mole,

particularly those with excessive uterine size and markedly elevated hCG

levels. Severe electrolyte disturbances may develop and require treatment with

parenteral fluids. Typically 8% of patients have hyperemesis.


[2] Clinically evident hyperthyroidism was observed in 7% of patients with a

complete molar gestation. These women may have tachycardia, warm skin, and

tremor, and the diagnosis can be confirmed by detection of elevated serum levels

of free thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Clinical evidence of

hyperthyroidism with complete mole is rare.

Anesthesia or surgery may precipitate thyroid storm. Thus, if

hyperthyroidism is suspected before the induction of anesthesia for molar

evacuation, a-adrenergic blocking agents should be administered. Thyroid

storm may be manifested by hyperthermia, delirium, convulsions, tachycardia,

high-output heart failure, or cardiovascular collapse. Administration of β-

adrenergic blocking agents prevents or rapidly reverses many of the metabolic

and cardiovascular complications of thyroid storm. After molar evacuation,

thyroid function test results rapidly return to normal.

[2] Hyperthyroidism develops almost exclusively in patients with very high

hCG levels. Some investigators suggest that hCG is the thyroid stimulator in

women with molar pregnancy because positive correlations between serum hCG

levels and total T4 or T3 concentrations were observed. However, in one study in

which thyroid function was measured in 47 patients with a complete mole, no

significant correlation was found between serum hCG levels and serum values of

free T4 index or free T3 index (26). Although some investigators speculated about

a separate chorionic thyrotropin, this substance is not yet isolated.

Trophoblastic Embolization

Respiratory distress rarely occurs in patients with a complete mole. It is

usually diagnosed in patients with excessive uterine size and markedly elevated

2767hCG levels. These patients may have chest pain, dyspnea, tachypnea, and

tachycardia and may experience severe respiratory distress during and after molar

evacuation. Auscultation of the chest usually reveals diffuse rales, and chest

radiographic evaluation may show bilateral pulmonary infiltrates. Respiratory

distress usually resolves within 72 hours with cardiopulmonary support. In some

circumstances, patients may require mechanical ventilation. Respiratory

insufficiency may result from trophoblastic embolization and the

cardiopulmonary complications of thyroid storm, preeclampsia, and massive fluid


Theca Lutein Ovarian Cysts

[2] Prominent theca lutein ovarian cysts (6 cm in diameter) develop in about

one-half of patients with a complete mole (27). Theca lutein ovarian cysts result

from high serum hCG levels, which cause ovarian hyperstimulation (28). Because

the uterus may be excessively enlarged, theca lutein cysts can be difficult to

palpate during physical examination; however, ultrasonography can accurately

document their presence and size. After molar evacuation, theca lutein cysts

normally regress spontaneously within 2 to 4 months.

Prominent theca lutein cysts may cause symptoms of marked pelvic pressure,

and they can be decompressed by laparoscopically or ultrasonographically

directed aspiration. If acute pelvic pain develops, laparoscopy should be

performed to assess possible cystic torsion or rupture.

Partial Hydatidiform Mole

[2] Patients with partial hydatidiform mole usually do not have the dramatic

clinical features characteristic of complete molar pregnancy. These patients have

the signs and symptoms of incomplete or missed abortion, and a partial mole

is diagnosed after histologic review of the tissue obtained by curettage (29).

In a survey of 81 patients with a partial mole, the main initial sign was vaginal

bleeding, which occurred in 59 patients (72.8%) (30). Excessive uterine

enlargement and preeclampsia were present in 3 patients (3.7%) and 2 patients

(2.5%), respectively. No patient had theca lutein ovarian cysts, hyperemesis, or

hyperthyroidism. The initial clinical diagnosis was an incomplete or missed

abortion in 74 patients (91.3%) and hydatidiform mole in 5 patients (6.2%). Preevacuation hCG levels were measured in 30 patients and were higher than

100,000 mIU/mL in 2 patients (6.6%).

Natural History

Complete Hydatidiform Mole

2768[2] Complete moles have a potential for local invasion and dissemination. After

molar evacuation, local uterine invasion occurs in 15% of patients, and

metastasis occurs in 4% (27).

A review of 858 patients with complete hydatidiform mole at the New England

Trophoblastic Disease Center (NETDC) revealed that two-fifths of the patients

had the following signs of marked trophoblastic proliferation at the time they

sought treatment:

1. [2] hCG level greater than 100,000 mIU/mL

2. Excessive uterine enlargement

3. Theca lutein cysts 6 cm in diameter or larger

In this review, patients with any one of these signs were considered at high

risk for developing postmolar tumor. [2] After molar evacuation, local uterine

invasion occurred in 31%, and metastases developed in 8.8% of the 352 high-risk

patients. For the 506 low-risk patients, local invasion was found in only 3.4%,

and metastases developed in 0.6%.

Older patients are at increased risk of developing postmolar GTN. One

study reported that persistent tumor developed after a complete molar pregnancy

in 37% of women older than 40 years (27), whereas in another study this finding

occurred in 60% of women older than 50 years (31).

Partial Hydatidiform Mole

[2] Persistent tumor, usually nonmetastatic, develops in approximately 1% to

4% of patients with a partial mole, and chemotherapy is required to achieve

remission (32). Patients who develop persistent disease have no

distinguishing clinical or pathologic characteristics (33).


[2] Ultrasonography is a reliable and sensitive technique for the diagnosis of

complete molar pregnancy. Because the chorionic villi exhibit diffuse

hydropic swelling, complete moles produce a characteristic vesicular

ultrasonographic pattern as early as the first trimester (Fig. 41-6).

[2] Ultrasonography may contribute to the diagnosis of partial molar

pregnancy by demonstrating focal cystic spaces in the placental tissues and

an increase in the transverse diameter of the gestational sac (34). When these

criteria are present, the positive predictive value for a partial mole is 90%.


2769When molar pregnancy is diagnosed, the patient should be evaluated for the

presence of associated medical complications, including preeclampsia,

hyperthyroidism, electrolyte imbalance, and anemia. After the patient’s condition

is stabilized, a decision must be made concerning the most appropriate method of


Suction Curettage

[2] Suction curettage is the preferred method of evacuation, regardless of

uterine size, for patients who desire to preserve fertility (32). It involves the

following steps:

1. Oxytocin infusion—This procedure is begun before the induction of


2. Cervical dilation—As the cervix is being dilated, uterine bleeding often

increases. Retained blood in the endometrial cavity may be expelled during

cervical dilation. Active uterine bleeding should not deter the prompt

completion of cervical dilation.

3. Suction curettage—Within a few minutes of commencing suction curettage,

the uterine size may decrease dramatically, and the bleeding will be well

controlled. The use of a 12-mm cannula is strongly advised to facilitate

evacuation. If the uterus is larger than 14 weeks of gestation, one hand should

be placed on top of the fundus, and the uterus should be massaged to stimulate

uterine contraction and reduce the risk of perforation.

4. Sharp curettage—When suction evacuation is believed to be complete, gentle

sharp curettage is performed to remove any residual molar tissue.

FIGURE 41-6 Ultrasonogram of a uterus showing a typical pattern of a complete

hydatidiform mole. Note the characteristic vesicular ultrasonographic pattern.

Because trophoblast cells express the RhD factor, patients who are Rh

negative should receive Rh immune globulin at the time of evacuation.


[2] If the patient desires surgical sterilization, a hysterectomy may be

performed with the mole in situ. The ovaries may be preserved at the time of

surgery, even in the presence of prominent theca lutein cysts. Large ovarian

cysts may be decompressed by aspiration. Hysterectomy does not prevent

metastasis; patients still require follow-up with assessment of hCG levels.

2771Prophylactic Chemotherapy

The use of prophylactic chemotherapy at the time of molar evacuation is

controversial. The debate concerns the wisdom of exposing all patients to

potentially toxic treatment when only about 20% are at risk of developing

persistent tumor.

In a study of 247 patients with complete molar pregnancy who prophylactically

received a single course of actinomycin D (ActD) at the time of evacuation, local

uterine invasion developed in 10 patients (4%), and no patients experienced

metastasis (35). All 10 patients with local invasion achieved remission after one

additional course of chemotherapy. Prophylactic chemotherapy, prevented

metastasis and reduced the incidence and morbidity of local uterine invasion.

In two prospective randomized studies of prophylactic chemotherapy in

patients with a complete mole, a significant decrease in persistent tumor was

detected in patients with high-risk moles who received prophylactic

chemotherapy (47% and 50% vs. 14%) (36,37). [2] Prophylaxis may be

particularly useful in the management of high-risk complete molar

pregnancy, especially when hCG assessments for follow-up are unavailable

or unreliable (38).


Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

[2] After molar evacuation, patients should be monitored with weekly

determinations of a-subunit hCG levels until these levels are normal for 3

consecutive weeks, followed by monthly determinations until the levels are

normal for 6 consecutive months (39). The average time to achieve the first

normal hCG level after evacuation is about 9 weeks (40). After achieving

nondetectable serum hCG levels, the risk of developing GTN approaches

zero (41–43). If these findings are confirmed, it is possible that postmolar hCG

surveillance could be safely abbreviated.


Patients are encouraged to use effective contraception during the entire interval of

hCG follow-up. Because of the potential risk of uterine perforation, bleeding, and

infection, intrauterine devices should not be inserted until the patient achieves a

normal hCG level. If the patient does not desire surgical sterilization, either oral

contraceptives or barrier methods should be used.

Increased incidence of postmolar persistent tumor was reported among patients

who used oral contraceptives before gonadotropin remission (44). However, data

2772from a prospective trial and other centers indicate that oral contraceptive use does

not increase the risk of postmolar trophoblastic disease (45–47). It appears that

oral contraceptives may be used safely after molar evacuation during the

entire interval of hormonal follow-up.


Nonmetastatic Disease

[2] Locally invasive GTN develops in about 15% of patients after evacuation

of a complete mole and infrequently after other gestations (1). These patients

usually present with the following symptoms:

1. Irregular vaginal bleeding

2. Theca lutein cysts

3. Uterine subinvolution or asymmetric enlargement

4. Persistently elevated serum hCG levels.

The trophoblastic tumor may perforate the myometrium, causing

intraperitoneal bleeding, or erode into uterine vessels, causing vaginal

hemorrhage. Bulky, necrotic tumor may involve the uterine wall and serve as a

nidus for infection. Patients with uterine sepsis may have a purulent vaginal

discharge and acute pelvic pain.

[1] After molar evacuation, persistent GTN may exhibit the histologic

features of either hydatidiform moles or choriocarcinoma. After a nonmolar

pregnancy, persistent GTN always has the histologic pattern of

choriocarcinoma. Histologic characterization of choriocarcinoma depends on

sheets of anaplastic syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast without chorionic


Placental-Site Trophoblastic Tumor and Epithelioid Trophoblastic Tumor

PSTT and ETT are uncommon but important variants of GTN that consist

predominantly of intermediate trophoblast (48). Relative to their mass, these

tumors produce small amounts of hCG and human placental lactogen (hPL), and

they tend to remain confined to the uterus, metastasizing late in their course. [1]

In contrast to other trophoblastic tumors, they are relatively insensitive to


Metastatic Disease

[4] Metastatic GTN occurs in about 4% of patients after evacuation of a

complete mole, but it is seen more often when GTN develops after nonmolar

2773pregnancies (1). GTN usually metastasizes as choriocarcinoma because of its

tendency for early vascular invasion with widespread dissemination.

Trophoblastic tumors often are perfused by fragile vessels and are frequently

hemorrhagic. Symptoms of metastases may result from spontaneous bleeding at

metastatic foci. [3] The most common sites of metastases are the lungs (80%),

vagina (30%), pelvis (20%), liver (10%), and brain (10%).


At the time of diagnosis, lung involvement is visible by chest radiography in

80% of patients with metastatic GTN. [4] Patients with pulmonary metastasis

may have chest pain, cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, or an asymptomatic lesion

visible by chest radiography. Respiratory symptoms may be acute or chronic,

persisting over many months.

GTN may produce four principal pulmonary patterns:

1. An alveolar or “snowstorm” pattern

2. Discrete rounded densities

3. Pleural effusion

4. An embolic pattern caused by pulmonary arterial occlusion.

Because respiratory symptoms and radiographic findings may be

dramatic, the patient may be thought to have a primary pulmonary disease.

Some patients with extensive pulmonary involvement have minimal, if any,

gynecologic symptoms because the reproductive organs may be free of

trophoblastic tumor. The diagnosis of GTN may be confirmed only after

thoracotomy is performed, particularly in patients with a nonmolar antecedent


Pulmonary hypertension may develop in patients with GTN secondary to

pulmonary arterial occlusion by trophoblastic emboli. The development of early

respiratory failure requiring intubation is associated with a poor clinical outcome



[4] Vaginal metastases occur in 30% of the patients with metastatic tumor.

These lesions are highly vascular and may bleed vigorously when biopsied.

Metastases to the vagina may occur in the fornices or suburethrally and may

produce irregular bleeding or a purulent discharge.


Liver metastases occur in 10% of patients with disseminated trophoblastic

2774tumor. Hepatic involvement is encountered when there is a protracted delay in

diagnosis and the patient has an extensive tumor burden. Epigastric or right upper

quadrant pain may develop if metastases stretch the hepatic capsule. Hepatic

lesions may be hemorrhagic, causing hepatic rupture and exsanguinating

intraperitoneal bleeding.

Central Nervous System

[4] Metastatic trophoblastic disease involves the brain in 10% of patients.

Cerebral involvement is seen in patients with advanced disease; virtually all

patients with brain metastasis have concurrent pulmonary or vaginal involvement

or both. Because cerebral lesions frequently hemorrhage spontaneously, most

patients develop acute focal neurologic deficits (50,51).

Staging and Prognostic Score


[5] An anatomic staging system for GTN was adopted by the International

[6] Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) (Table 41-2). It is hoped

that this staging system will encourage the objective comparison of data from

various centers (52).

Stage I: Patients have persistently elevated hCG levels and tumor confined

to the uterine corpus.

Stage II: Patients have metastases to the genital tract (i.e., adnexa, broad

ligament, vagina).

Stage III: Patients have pulmonary metastases with or without uterine,

vaginal, or pelvic involvement. The diagnosis is based on a rising hCG level in

the presence of pulmonary lesions viewed by plain chest radiography and not

chest computed tomography scans (CT scan).

Stage IV: Patients have advanced disease and involvement of the brain,

liver, kidneys, or gastrointestinal tract. These patients are in the highest risk

category because they are most likely to be resistant to chemotherapy.

Choriocarcinoma is usually present, and the disease commonly follows a

nonmolar pregnancy.

Table 41-2 Staging of Gestational Trophoblastic Tumors



Disease confined to uterus

Stage GTN extending outside uterus but limited to genital structures (adnexa,

2775II vagina, broad ligament)



GTN extending to lungs with or without known genital tract involvement



All other metastatic sites

Prognostic Scoring System

In addition to anatomic staging, it is important to consider other variables to

predict the likelihood of drug resistance and to assist in selecting the appropriate

chemotherapy (53). [5] A prognostic scoring system proposed by the World

Health [6] Organization reliably predicts the potential for resistance to

chemotherapy (Table 41-3).

When the prognostic score is higher than 6, the patient is categorized as

high risk and requires multimodal therapy, which includes intensive

combination chemotherapy, and may include surgery and radiation to

achieve remission. Patients with stage-I disease usually have a low-risk score,

and those with stage-IV disease have a high-risk score. The distinction

between low and high risk applies mainly to patients with stage-II or III


Table 41-3 Scoring System Based on Prognostic Factorsa

Diagnostic Evaluation

2776[4] Optimal management of persistent GTN requires a thorough assessment [5] of

the extent of the disease before the initiation of treatment. [6] All patients with

persistent GTN should undergo a careful pretreatment evaluation, including

the following:

1. Complete history and physical examination

2. Measurement of the serum hCG level

3. Hepatic, thyroid, and renal function tests

4. Determination of baseline peripheral white blood cell and platelet counts

The metastatic workup should include the following:

1. Chest radiograph or CT scan (see below regarding micrometastases)

2. Ultrasonography or CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis

3. CT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the head as indicated

When the pelvic examination and chest radiographic findings are negative,

metastatic involvement of other sites is uncommon.

Liver ultrasonography and CT or MRI scanning will disclose most hepatic

metastases in patients with abnormal liver function tests. CT or MRI scan of the

head facilitates the early diagnosis of asymptomatic cerebral lesions. Chest CT

scans may detect micrometastases not visible on chest radiography. Chest CT will

demonstrate pulmonary micrometastases in about 40% of patients with presumed

nonmetastatic disease (54). The presence of pulmonary micrometastases has not

been shown to substantially change the clinical outcome.

In patients with choriocarcinoma or metastatic disease, hCG levels may be

measured in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to exclude cerebral involvement if

the results of CT or MRI scanning of the brain are normal. The ratio of

plasma-to-CSF hCG tends to be lower than 60 in the presence of cerebral

metastases (55). A single plasma-to-CSF hCG ratio may be misleading, because

rapid changes in plasma hCG levels may not be reflected promptly in the CSF


Pelvic ultrasonography appears to be useful in detecting extensive

trophoblastic uterine involvement and may aid in identifying sites of

resistant uterine tumor (57). Because ultrasonography can accurately and

noninvasively detect extensive uterine tumor, it may help identify patients who

would benefit from hysterectomy.

Management of GTN

A protocol for the management of GTN is presented in Table 41-4.

2777Low-Risk Disease

Low-risk GTN includes patients with both nonmetastatic (stage I) and

metastatic GTN whose prognostic score is less than 7. In patients with stage-I

disease, the selection of treatment is based primarily on whether the patient

desires to retain fertility.

Hysterectomy Plus Chemotherapy

[5] If the patient does not wish to preserve fertility, hysterectomy with

adjuvant single-agent chemotherapy may be performed as primary

treatment. Adjuvant chemotherapy is administered for three reasons:

1. To reduce the likelihood of disseminating viable tumor cells at surgery.

2. To maintain a cytotoxic level of chemotherapy in the bloodstream and tissues

in case viable tumor cells are disseminated at surgery.

3. To treat any occult metastases that may be present at the time of surgery.

Chemotherapy can be administered safely at the time of hysterectomy without

increasing the risk of bleeding or sepsis. In a series of 31 patients treated with

primary hysterectomy and a single course of adjuvant chemotherapy, all achieved

complete remission with no additional therapy (58).

Hysterectomy is performed in all patients with stage-I PSTT and ETT.

Because PSTT and ETT are relatively resistant to chemotherapy, hysterectomy

for presumed nonmetastatic disease is the most certain curative treatment. Patients

with metastatic PSTT may still achieve remission, but their tumors are less

responsive to chemotherapy (59).

Table 41-4 Protocol for Treatment of GTN

Stage I

Initial Single-agent chemotherapy or hysterectomy with adjunctive


Resistant Combination chemotherapy

Hysterectomy with adjunctive chemotherapy

Local resection

Pelvic infusion

Stages II and III

2778Low riska

Initial Single-agent chemotherapy

Resistant Combination chemotherapy

High riska

Initial Combination chemotherapy

Resistant Second-line combination chemotherapy

Stage IV

Initial Combination chemotherapy

Brain Whole-head radiation (3,000 cGy)

Craniotomy to manage complications

Liver Resection or embolization to manage complications

Resistanta Second-line combination chemotherapy

Hepatic arterial infusion

aLocal resection optional.

Chemotherapy Alone

[5] Single-agent chemotherapy is the preferred treatment in patients with

stage-I disease who desire to retain fertility (60). At the NETDC from July

1965 through December 2016, primary single-agent chemotherapy was

administered to 592 patients with stage-I GTN and 487 patients (82.3%) attained

complete remission. The remaining 105 patients with resistant disease

subsequently achieved remission after combination chemotherapy or surgical


[6] When a patient’s disease is resistant to single-agent chemotherapy and

she desires to preserve fertility, combination chemotherapy should be

administered. If the patient’s disease is resistant to single-agent and combination

chemotherapy and she wants to retain fertility, local uterine resection may be

considered. When local resection is planned, a preoperative ultrasonography,

MRI, positron emission tomography (PET) scan, or arteriography may help to

define the site of the resistant tumor.

2779Low-Risk Metastatic GTN (Stages II and III)

Vaginal and Pelvic Metastasis

[5] Low-risk disease treated with primary single-agent chemotherapy has a

high (approximately 80%) rate of remission in contrast to high-risk disease

that usually does not achieve remission with single-agent treatment and

requires treatment with primary intensive combination chemotherapy.

Vaginal metastases may bleed profusely because they are highly vascular

and friable. When bleeding is substantial, it may be controlled by packing the

vagina or by wide local excision. Infrequently, arteriographic embolization of the

hypogastric arteries may be required to control hemorrhage from vaginal

metastases (61).

Pulmonary Metastasis

At the NETDC from July 1965 through December 2016, of the 168 patients with

low-risk stages II or III disease, 130 (77.3%%) attained complete remission with

single-agent chemotherapy. The remaining 38 (22.6%) patients who had disease

resistant to single-agent treatment subsequently achieved remission with

combination chemotherapy.


[6] Thoracotomy has a limited but important role in the management of

pulmonary metastases. If a patient has a persistent viable pulmonary

metastasis following intensive chemotherapy, thoracotomy may be indicated

to excise the resistant focus. A thorough metastatic workup should be performed

before surgery is undertaken to exclude other sites of persistent disease. It is

important to realize that fibrotic pulmonary nodules may persist indefinitely on

chest radiography, even after complete gonadotropin remission is attained. In

patients undergoing thoracotomy for resistant disease, chemotherapy should be

administered postoperatively to treat potential occult sites of micrometastases.


[6] Hysterectomy may be required in patients with metastatic disease to

control uterine hemorrhage or sepsis. [6] In patients with extensive uterine

tumor, hysterectomy may substantially reduce the trophoblastic tumor burden and

limit the need for multiple courses of chemotherapy (62).


[3] All patients with GTN should undergo follow-up with:

1. Weekly measurement of hCG levels until they are normal for three

2780consecutive weeks.

2. Monthly measurement of hCG values until levels are normal for twelve

consecutive months.

3. Effective contraception during the entire interval of hormonal follow-up.

High-Risk Metastatic GTN (Stages II to IV)

[6] All patients with high-risk GTN (stages II to IV) should be treated with

primary intensive combination chemotherapy and the selective use of

radiation therapy and surgery. Between July 1965 and December 2016, of the

144 patients with high-risk GTN stages II to IV treated at the NETDC, 121 (84%)

achieved complete remission. Before 1975, when single-agent therapy was used

primarily to treat patients with stage-IV GTN, only 6 of 20 patients (30%)

attained complete remission. Since 1975, 25 of 33 patients (75.7%) achieved

remission. This improvement in survival resulted from the use of multimodal

therapy, including primary combination chemotherapy in conjunction with

radiation and surgical treatment. Patients with stage-IV disease are at the greatest

risk of developing rapidly progressive and unresponsive tumors despite intensive

multimodal therapy. They should be referred to centers with special expertise in

the management of trophoblastic disease.

Hepatic Metastasis

The management of resistant hepatic metastasis is particularly difficult (63). If a

patient becomes resistant to systemic chemotherapy, hepatic arterial infusion of

chemotherapy may induce complete remission in selected cases. Hepatic resection

may be required to control acute bleeding or to excise a focus of resistant tumor.

New techniques of arterial embolization may reduce the need for surgical


Cerebral Metastasis

At the NETDC, cerebral metastases are treated with either whole-brain radiation

(3,000 cGy in 10 fractions) or stereotactic radiosurgery in conjunction with

combination chemotherapy. [6] Because irradiation may be hemostatic and

tumoricidal, the risk of spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage may be lessened

by the concurrent use of combination chemotherapy and brain irradiation.

Excellent remission rates (86%) were reported in patients with cranial metastases

treated with intensive IV combination chemotherapy and intrathecal methotrexate

(MTX) (64).


[6] Craniotomy may be required to provide acute decompression or to

2781control bleeding. It should be performed to manage life-threatening

complications so that the patient ultimately will be cured with chemotherapy. In a

study of six patients (65), the use of craniotomy to control bleeding resulted in

complete remission in three patients. Infrequently, cerebral metastases that are

resistant to chemotherapy may be amenable to local resection (66). Patients with

cerebral metastases who achieve sustained remission generally have no residual

neurologic deficits.


An algorithm for the management of persistent GTN is presented in Figure 41-7.


Single-Agent Treatment

[5] Single-agent chemotherapy with either ActD or MTX achieved

comparable and excellent remission rates in both nonmetastatic and low-risk

metastatic GTN (67). Several protocols using these agents are available. ActD

can be given every other week as a 5-day regimen or in a pulsatile fashion;

similarly, MTX can be given either in a 5-day or 8-day regimen or pulsatile

weekly (68,69). No study to date has compared these various protocols with

regard to success. An optimal regimen should maximize the response rate while

minimizing morbidity and cost.

An important phase III randomized trial examining MTX and ActD in the

treatment of low-risk GTN was published by the Gynecologic Oncology Group

(GOG) (70). Two hundred sixteen patients were randomized to receive either

biweekly ActD 1.25 mg/m2 IV bolus or weekly MTX 30 mg/m2 intramuscular

(IM). The remission rate was 58% in the MTX arm and 73% in the ActD arm.

These results suggest that ActD is superior to the weekly MTX regimen in treating

low-risk GTN. Before recommending pulse ActD as the primary modality in the

treatment of patients with low-risk GTN, it is important to be aware of the

potential for significant toxicity of this regimen compared to those receiving

MTX. All patients with low-risk disease in this study ultimately achieved

remission, regardless of their initial response. Regarding the true comparative

effectiveness of these agents, it would be prudent to compare the biweekly ActD

regimen to the more commonly used 5-day or 8-day MTX regimens, which offer a

high initial remission rate with minimal toxicity. The GOG attempted to repeat a

randomized trial using these regimens but the trial was closed early as a result of

lack of accrual. A 2016 meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials

indicated that substantial heterogeneity made it difficult to be confident which

was the preferred single agent (67).

2782The administration of methotrexate with folinic acid (MTX-FA) in GTN to limit

systemic toxicity was first reported in 1964 (71). It has been confirmed that MTXFA is effective and safe in the management of GTN.

FIGURE 41-7 Management of gestational trophoblastic tumor. GTN, gestational

trophoblastic neoplasia; hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin; RT, radiotherapy. (From

Berkowitz RS, Goldstein DP. Gestational trophoblastic disease. In: Berek JS, Hacker NF.

Berek & Hacker’s Gynecologic Oncology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer;


An evaluation of 185 patients treated with 8-day MTX-FA revealed that

2784complete remission was achieved in 162 patients (87.6%); of these patients, 132

(81.5%) required only one course of MTX-FA to attain remission (72). MTX-FA

induced remission in 147 of 163 patients (90.2%) with stage-I GTN and in 15 of

22 patients (68.2%) with low-risk stages II and III GTN. [5] Resistance to

therapy was more common in patients with choriocarcinoma, metastasis, and

pretreatment serum hCG levels higher than 50,000 mIU/mL. After treatment

with MTX-FA, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia, and hepatotoxicity

developed in 3 (1.6%), 11 (5.9%), and 26 (14.1%) patients, respectively. [5]

Thus, MTX-FA achieved an excellent therapeutic outcome with minimal

toxicity and attained this goal with limited exposure to chemotherapy.

Technique of Single-Agent Treatment

[5] Administration of single-agent chemotherapy (generally 8-day [6] MTXFA) every 2 weeks until hCG is undetected and then three consolidation

courses to reduce the risk of relapse is recommended (73,74). Resistance to

chemotherapy is diagnosed if the hCG level plateaus +/- 10% over the course

of 2 weeks or re-elevates in at least one measurement of hCG level. If the

patient is diagnosed as having resistance to the primary chemotherapy,

treatment is promptly changed to the alternative single-agent regimen

(generally ActD).

Combination Chemotherapy

Triple Therapy

Prior to the introduction of etoposide in combination with MTX, ActD,

cyclophosphamide, and vincristine (EMA-CO), triple therapy with MTX, ActD,

and cyclophosphamide was the treatment of choice as initial therapy for patients

with low-risk disease resistant to single-agent therapy and as primary therapy for

high-risk patients. Triple therapy is no longer indicated in patients with highrisk disease. It may be useful in selected patients with low-risk scores

resistant to single agents.


Etoposide induces complete remission in 56 (95%) of 60 patients with

nonmetastatic and low-risk metastatic GTN (75). The use of EMA-CO induced

an 83% remission rate in patients with metastasis and a high-risk score (76).

Another study confirmed that primary EMA-CO induced complete remission in

76% of the patients with metastatic GTN and a high-risk score (77). Another

study reported that EMA-CO induced complete sustained remission in 87 (90.6%)

of 96 patients with high-risk (score >6) GTN (78). Remission occurred with

2785EMA-CO in 30 (86%) of 35 patients with brain metastasis (64).

[6] The EMA-CO regimen is well tolerated, and treatment seldom is

suspended because of toxicity. The EMA-CO regimen is the preferred

primary treatment in patients with metastasis and a high-risk prognostic

score >6.


[6] Patients resistant to EMA-CO can be treated successfully by substituting

etoposide and cisplatin on day 8 (EMA-EP). EMA-EP induced remission alone

or with surgery in 16 (76%) of 21 patients who were resistant to EMA-CO

(79). The optimal combination drug protocol will most likely include etoposide,

MTX, and ActD and perhaps other agents administered in the most dose-intensive


Management of Refractory GTN

Efforts continue to identify new agents and regimens effective in treating

patients who prove resistant to all standard chemotherapy regimens. A

combination of cisplatin, vinblastine, and bleomycin (PVB) was used effectively

in patients with drug-resistant tumor (80). Although ifosfamide and paclitaxel

were used successfully, further studies are needed to define their potential role in

either primary or second-line therapy (81,82). Wang et al. reported that a novel

three-drug doublet regimen consisting of paclitaxel, etoposide, and cisplatin

(TE/TP) induced response in seven patients (three complete, four partial) who

were resistant to EMA-CO (83). Wan et al. demonstrated that floxuridine

(FUDR)-containing regimens induced complete remission in all of 21 patients

with drug-resistant GTN (84). Matsui et al. found that 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in

combination with ActD induced remission in 9 of 11 (82%) patients with drug

resistance (85). [6] The potential role for autologous bone marrow transplantation

or stem cell rescue in conjunction with ultra–high-dose chemotherapy has yet to

be defined, although complete remissions were reported in patients with

refractory GTN (86,87).

Duration of Therapy

[6] Patients who require combination chemotherapy must be treated

intensively to attain remission. Combination chemotherapy should be given

as often as toxicity permits until the patient achieves three consecutive

normal hCG levels. After normal hCG levels are attained, at least three

additional courses of chemotherapy are administered to reduce the risk of


2786False-Positive hCG Tests

The concept of false-positive hCG tests caused by heterophile antibodies is

critical to remember when following patients with molar gestation or GTN. Some

assay systems used by commercial laboratories are particularly vulnerable to

false-positive tests resulting from the presence of heterophilic antibodies in the

test kits they were using (88). For the most part this problem was corrected by

adding blocking antibodies to the test systems. Since the hCG molecules in GTN

are significantly more degraded or heterogeneous than in normal pregnancy, with

higher proportions of free β-hCG, nicked hCG, and β-core fragments, it is

important to use an assay that detects intact hCG and its metabolites and

fragments in order to accurately assess the tumor burden (89–91). Cross-reactivity

with luteinizing hormone (LH) can cause confusion when dealing with women in

the perimenopausal age group whose hCG level may plateau above assay, even

when there is no longer active tumor. The pituitary normally produces low hCG

levels which may increase into the measurable range when chemotherapy induces

ovarian failure. The use of hormone suppression will suppress LH and pituitary

hCG and prevent unnecessary treatment. False-positive hCG tests caused by

heterophile agglutinins or LH release may cause confusion in the diagnosis of

early pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, and the so-called phantom choriocarcinoma.

When there is concern about the possibility of a false-positive serum hCG test, a

urine sample should be tested, because patients with phantom hCG generally have

no measurable hCG in a parallel urine sample.

Persistent Low-Level “Real” hCG

Some patients with molar pregnancy and GTN have persistent (weeks to months)

very low levels of real hCG (usually <500 mIU/mL). In these women, extensive

radiologic and clinical evaluations fail to reveal any lesions, and chemotherapy is

usually not effective. This condition of “real” low-level hCG, where hCG is not

hyperglycosylated, is called “quiescent GTN.” These patients should be managed

with careful follow-up, because 6% to 10% ultimately will relapse into active

disease and rising hCG levels. The risk of relapse to active disease is correlated

with the amount of hyperglycosylated hCG. If relapse does occur, chemotherapy

usually proves effective (92).

Subsequent Pregnancies

Pregnancies After Uncomplicated Hydatidiform Mole

[7] Patients with hydatidiform moles can anticipate normal reproduction in

the future (93). At the NETDC from 1965 until 2014, patients with

2787uncomplicated complete mole had 1,388 subsequent pregnancies that resulted in

949 term live births (68.4%), 103 premature deliveries (7.4%), 11 ectopic

pregnancies (0.8%), 7 stillbirths (0.5%), and 20 repeat molar pregnancies (1.4%).

First- and second-trimester spontaneous abortions occurred in 256 (18.4%)

pregnancies. Major and minor congenital malformations were detected in 40

infants (3.8%).

Although data regarding pregnancies after a partial mole are limited (357

subsequent pregnancies), the information is reassuring (93). [7] Patients with

complete or partial moles should be reassured that they are generally at no

increased risk of complications in later gestations.

[7] When a patient has had a molar pregnancy, either partial or complete,

she should be informed of the increased risk of having a molar gestation in

subsequent conceptions. After one molar pregnancy, the risk of having molar

disease in a future gestation is about 1% to 1.5%. Of 37 patients with at least

two documented molar pregnancies, every possible combination of repeat molar

pregnancy was observed. After two molar gestations, these 37 patients had 40

later conceptions resulting in 25 (62.5%) term deliveries, 7 (17.5%) moles (6

complete, 1 partial), 3 spontaneous abortions, 3 therapeutic abortions, 1

intrauterine fetal death, and 1 ectopic pregnancy. In 6 patients, the medical

records indicated that the patient had a different partner at the time of different

molar pregnancies (93).

[7] For any subsequent pregnancy, it seems prudent to undertake the

following approach:

1. Perform pelvic ultrasonographic examination during the first trimester to

confirm normal gestational development.

2. Obtain an hCG measurement 6 weeks after completion of the pregnancy

to exclude occult trophoblastic neoplasia.

Pregnancies After GTN

[7] Patients with GTN who are treated successfully with chemotherapy can

expect normal reproduction in the future. Patients who were treated with

chemotherapy at the NETDC from 1965 to 2014 had 667 subsequent pregnancies

that resulted in 446 term live births (66.9%), 44 preterm deliveries (6.6%), 7

ectopic pregnancies (1.0%), 10 stillbirths (1.5%), and 9 repeat molar pregnancies

(1.3%) (93). First- and second-trimester spontaneous abortions occurred in 123

(18.4%) pregnancies. Major and minor congenital malformations were detected in

12 infants (2.4%). The frequency of congenital anomalies is not increased,

although chemotherapeutic agents have teratogenic and mutagenic potential.

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