Chapter 1. Overview of Obstetrics. Will Obs

 Chapter 1. Overview of Obstetrics

BS. Nguyễn Hồng Anh

Te science and clinical practice o obstetrics ocuses on human

reproduction. Te specialty promotes the health and well-being

o the pregnant woman and her etus through quality perinatal

care. Such care entails recognition and treatment o complications, supervision o labor and delivery, initial care o the newborn, and management o the puerperium. Postpartum care

promotes health and provides amily planning options.

Evidence-based medicine dominates the modern practice o

obstetrics. As described by Williams in this textbook’s rst edition, we too strive to present the scientic evidence or current

obstetrical care. Still, high-quality data do not support most

recommendations (Brock, 2021). Tus, much o our practice

stems rom expert-based opinions and historical experiences

(Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2021). o help bridge

knowledge gaps, we also rely on authoritative sources such as

the American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists and

the Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine, as well as agencies

such as the Centers or Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

and National Institutes o Health (NIH).


Te importance o obstetrics is demonstrated by the use o

maternal and neonatal outcomes as an index o health and

lie quality among nations. Intuitively, indices showing poor

obstetrical and perinatal outcomes could be assumed to reect

medical care deciencies or the entire population.

Te National Vital Statistics System o the United States

collects statistics on births and deaths, including etal deaths.

Legal authority or collection resides individually with the 50

states; two regions—the District o Columbia and New York

City; and ve territories—American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Te

standard birth certicate includes inormation on medical and

liestyle risks, labor and delivery actors, and newborn characteristics. Importantly, the current death certicate contains a

pregnancy checkbox (Hoyert, 2020).

■ Definitions

Standard denitions are encouraged by the World Health Organization as well as the American Academy o Pediatrics and the

American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2019a).

Uniormity allows data comparison between states or regions and

between countries. Still, not all denitions are uniormly applied.

For example, uniormity is incomplete among states regarding birthweight and gestational age criteria or reporting etal

deaths (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists,

2020a). Not all states ollow this recommendation. Specically,

28 states stipulate that losses beginning at 20 weeks’ gestation

should be recorded as etal deaths; eight states report all products

o conception as etal deaths; and still others use a minimum

birthweight o 350 g, 400 g, or 500 g to dene etal death. o

urther the conusion, the National Vital Statistics Reports tabulates etal deaths rom pregnancies that are 20 weeks’ gestation

or older (Centers or Disease Control and Prevention, 2020a).

Tis is problematic because the 50th percentile or etal weight

at 20 weeks approximates 325 to 350 g—considerably less than

the 500-g denition. In act, a birthweight o 500 g corresponds

closely with the 50th percentile or 22 weeks’ gestation.Overview of Obstetrics 3


Denitions recommended by the National Center or

Health Statistics and the CDC are as ollows:

Perinatal period. Te interval between the birth o a neonate

born ater 20 weeks’ gestation and the 28 completed days

ater that birth. When perinatal rates are based on birthweight, rather than gestational age, recommendations dene

the perinatal period as commencing at the birth o a 500-g


Birth. Te complete expulsion or extraction rom the mother o

a etus ater 20 weeks’ gestation. As described above, in the

absence o accurate dating criteria, etuses weighing <500 g

are usually not considered births but rather are termed abortuses or purposes o vital statistics.

Birthweight. Neonatal weight determined immediately ater delivery or as soon thereater as easible. It should be expressed

to the nearest gram.

Birth rate. Te number o live births per 1000 population.

Fertility rate. Te number o live births per 1000 emales aged

15 through 44 years.

Live birth. Te term used to record a birth whenever the newborn at or sometime ater birth breathes spontaneously or

shows any other sign o lie such as a heartbeat or denite

spontaneous movement o voluntary muscles. Heartbeats are

distinguished rom transient cardiac contractions, and respirations are dierentiated rom eeting respiratory eorts

or gasps.

Stillbirth or etal death. Te absence o signs o lie at birth.

Early neonatal death. Death o a liveborn neonate during the

rst 7 days ater birth.

Late neonatal death. Death ater 7 days but beore 29 days.

Stillbirth rate or etal death rate. Te number o stillborn neonates per 1000 neonates born, including live births and stillbirths.

Neonatal mortality rate. Te number o neonatal deaths per

1000 live births.

Perinatal mortality rate. Te number o stillbirths plus neonatal

deaths per 1000 total births.

Inant death. All deaths o liveborn inants rom birth through

12 months o age.

Inant mortality rate. Te number o inant deaths per 1000

live births.

Low birthweight. A newborn whose weight is <2500 g.

Very low birthweight. A newborn whose weight is <1500 g.

Extremely low birthweight. A newborn whose weight is <1000 g.

erm neonate. A neonate born any time ater 37 completed

weeks’ gestation and up until 42 completed weeks’ gestation

(260 to 294 days). Te American College o Obstetricians

and Gynecologists and Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine

encourage specic gestational age designations (2019a). Early

term reers to neonates born at 37 completed weeks up to

386/7 weeks. Full term denotes those born at 39 completed

weeks up to 406/7 weeks. Last, late term describes neonates

born at 41 completed weeks up to 416/7 weeks.

Preterm neonate. A neonate born beore 37 completed weeks

(the 259th day). A neonate born beore 34 completed weeks

is early preterm, whereas a neonate born between 34 and 36

completed weeks is late preterm.

Postterm neonate. A neonate born any time ater completion o

the 42nd week, beginning with day 295.

Abortus. A etus or embryo removed or expelled rom the uterus

in the rst hal o gestation—20 weeks or less, or in the absence

o accurate dating criteria, born weighing <500 g.

Induced termination o pregnancy. Te purposeul interruption

o an intrauterine pregnancy that has the intention other

than to produce a liveborn neonate and that does not result

in a live birth. Tis denition excludes retention o products

o conception ollowing etal death.

Direct maternal death. Te death o the mother that results

rom obstetrical complications o pregnancy, labor, or the

puerperium and rom interventions, omissions, incorrect

treatment, or a chain o events resulting rom any o these

actors. An example is maternal death rom exsanguination

ater uterine rupture.

Indirect maternal death. A maternal death that is not directly

due to an obstetrical cause. Death results rom previously

existing disease or a disease developing during pregnancy,

labor, or the puerperium that was aggravated by maternal

physiological adaptation to pregnancy. An example is maternal death rom complications o mitral valve stenosis.

Late maternal death. Death o a woman rom direct or indirect

obstetrical causes more than 42 days but less than 1 year ater

the pregnancy’s end.

Nonmaternal death. Death o the mother that results rom accidental or incidental causes not related to pregnancy. An

example is death rom an automobile accident or concurrent


Pregnancy-associated death. Te death o a woman, rom any

cause, while pregnant or within 1 calendar year o termination o pregnancy, regardless o the duration and the site o


Pregnancy-related death. A pregnancy-associated death that

results rom: (1) complications o pregnancy itsel, (2) the

chain o events initiated by pregnancy that led to death, or

(3) aggravation o an unrelated condition by the physiological or pharmacological eects o pregnancy and that subsequently caused death.

Maternal mortality ratio. Te number o maternal deaths that

result rom the reproductive process per 100,000 live births.

Used more commonly, but less accurately, are the terms maternal mortality rate or maternal death rate. Te term ratio

is more accurate because it includes in the numerator the

number o deaths regardless o pregnancy outcome—or

example, live births, stillbirths, and ectopic pregnancies—

whereas the denominator includes the number o live births.


According to the CDC, the ertility rate o women aged 15

to 44 years in the United States in 2019 was 58 live births

per 1000 women. Tis rate began slowly trending downward

in 1990 and has now dropped below that or replacement

births to sustain the population level. Tis indicates a population decline. Te birth rate decreased or all major ethnic and

racial groups, or adolescents and unmarried women, and or4 Overview

Section 1

those aged 20 to 24 years. For women older than 30 years, the

birth rate rose slightly. Almost hal o newborns in 2019 in the

United States were minorities: Hispanic—25 percent; AricanAmerican—15 percent; and Asian—4 percent (Martin, 2021).

Te total number o pregnancies and their outcomes in

2019 are shown in Table 1-1. According to the Guttmacher

Institute (2019b), 45 percent o births in the United States

are unintended at the time o conception. But, the overall proportion o unintended births has declined since 2008. Unmarried women, black women, and women with less education or

income are more likely to have an unplanned pregnancy.


Several indices are used to assess obstetrical and perinatal outcomes as measures o medical care quality. As noted, the perinatal mortality rate includes the number o stillbirths and neonatal

deaths per 1000 total births. In 2016, this rate was 6 deaths

per 1000 births (Fig. 1-1). Tis rate has been unchanged or

several years (Gregory, 2018). Rates o etal death at 28 weeks’

gestational age or more have declined since 1990, whereas rates

or those between 20 and 27 weeks are static.

O infant deaths, the rate approximated 6 deaths per 1000

live births in 2018 compared with nearly 7 in 2001 (Centers

or Disease Control and Prevention, 2020b). Te our leading

causes—congenital malormations, preterm birth, low birthweight, and maternal pregnancy complications—accounted or

almost hal o all inant deaths. Neonates born at the lowest gestational ages and birthweights add substantively to these mortality rates. For example, 17 percent o all inant deaths in 2018

were in those born preterm and with a low birthweight (Centers or Disease Control and Prevention, 2020d). O particular interest are neonates with birthweights <500 g, or whom

neonatal intensive care can now be oered (Chap. 45, p. 785).

O maternal deaths, rates dropped precipitously in the United

States during the 20th century. Pregnancy-related deaths are so

uncommon as to be measured per 100,000 births. Te CDC

maintains data on pregnancy-related maternal deaths in its

Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System (PMSS). Its latest

report described 3410 pregnancy-related deaths between 2011

and 2015 (Petersen, 2019b). Approximately 5 percent were

early-pregnancy maternal deaths due to ectopic gestation or

abortive outcomes. Te deadly obstetrical triad o hemorrhage,

preeclampsia, and inection accounted or a third o all deaths

(Fig. 1-2). Tromboembolism, cardiomyopathy, and other cardiovascular disease together accounted or another third. Other

signicant contributors were amnionic uid embolism (5.5

percent) and cerebrovascular accidents (8.2 percent). Anesthesiarelated deaths were at an all time low—only 0.4 percent. Similar

TABLE 1-1. Total Pregnancies and Outcomes in the

United States in 2019

Outcome Number or Percent

Total births 3,747,540

Cesarean deliveries 31.7%

Primary cesarean delivery 21.6%

Vaginal birth after cesarean 13.8%

Preterm births (<37 weeks) 10.0%

Low birthweight (<2500 g) 8.0%

Very low birthweight (<1500 g) 1.4%

Induced abortions 862,320

Data from Guttmacher 2019b; Martin, 2021.

8 6 4 2 0


Rate per 1000 births

Late fetal


2.9 3.1

Early neonatal

FIGURE 1-1 Perinatal, late-fetal, and early-neonatal mortality rates

per 1000 births in the United States in 2016. (Data from Gregory, 2018).




5 0









Cause of pregnancy-related deaths








FIGURE 1-2 Some causes of and their contributions to pregnancyrelated maternal deaths in the United States from 2014–2017. (Data

from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020c).Overview of Obstetrics 5


causes were reported or selected cohorts by MacDorman and

associates (2017).

Te pregnancy-related maternal mortality ratio was 17 deaths

per 100,000 live births in 2017 (Fig. 1-3). Te cause o this

rise during the last 30 years may simply be that more women

are dying, however, other actors explain this increase (Joseph,

2017). First, the number o pregnant women with severe

chronic health conditions, which place women at higher risk,

is greater (Centers or Disease Control and Prevention, 2020c).

Second, the increased proportion o births to women older than

40 years contributes to higher mortality rates (Petersen, 2019b).

Another is an articial elevation caused by the International

Statistical Classication o Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10),

implemented in 1999. Additionally, improved reporting o

maternal mortality contributes to the rise (MacDorman, 2016,

2017). Last, implementation o the pregnancy checkbox on the

death certicate was associated with an increased identication

o maternal deaths (Rossen, 2020). Tus, ater accounting or

the checkbox, predicted maternal mortality rates did not change

signicantly rom 1999 through 2017.

Another consideration is the obvious disparity o higher

mortality rates among black, Hispanic, and white women as

shown in Figure 1-4. Racial disparities stem rom health-care

availability, access, or use (Petersen, 2019a). Te maternal mortality rate is also disparately high in rural compared with metropolitan areas (Maron, 2017).

Importantly, many maternal deaths are considered preventable. In one report, up to a third o pregnancy-related deaths

in white women and up to hal o those in black women were

deemed preventable (Berg, 2005). One evaluation o an insured

cohort reported that 28 percent o 98 maternal deaths were

preventable (Clark, 2008). Tus, urther eorts are imperative

or obstetrics and described on page 6.

■ Severe Maternal Morbidity

Tis is dened as unintended events o labor and delivery resulting in serious short- or long-term consequences to a woman.

Indicators serve as one measure to guide prevention (Table 1-2).

Te American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the

Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine (2016) have provided lists o

suggested screening topics or this purpose.

o study severe maternal morbidity (SMM), the CDC analyzed more than 50 million maternity records rom 1998 to

2009 (Callaghan, 2012). Tey reported that 129 per 10,000

women had at least one indicator or SMM (able 1-2). Tus,

or every maternal death, approximately 200 women experience

severe morbidity. As shown in Figure 1-5, SMM rates have

increased during the past 15 years, and this trend is attributed

to better documentation and a rise the blood transusion rate.

Tese numbers are greatest in smaller hospitals with <1000

deliveries annually (Hehir, 2017). Last, as with mortality rates,






9 9

2000 2004 2008 2012 2016


Pregnancy-related deaths

per 100,000 lives

FIGURE 1-3 Trends in pregnancy-related maternal mortality in

the United States from 1999–2017. (Data from Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention, 2020c).








White Hispanic/


Pregnancy-related deaths

per 100,000 live births

FIGURE 1-4 Pregnancy-related mortality ratio by race/ethnicity in

the United States from 2014–2017. (Data from Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention, 2020c).

TABLE 1-2. Severe Maternal Morbidity Indicators

Acute myocardial infarction

Acute renal failure

Adult respiratory distress syndrome

Amnionic fluid embolism

Cardiac arrest/ventricular fibrillation

Cardiac monitoring

Cardiac surgery

Conversion of cardiac rhythm

Disseminated intravascular coagulation


Heart failure during procedure


Injuries of thorax, abdomen, and pelvis

Intracranial injuries

Puerperal cerebrovascular disorders

Pulmonary edema

Severe anesthesia complications



Sickle-cell crisis

Thrombotic embolism



Summarized from the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, 2021.6 Overview

Section 1

there are serious racial and ethnic disparities or SMM, and

black women are disproportionately aected (Creanga, 2014).

■ Near Misses

Lowering medical error rates serves to diminish risks or maternal death and SMM. Te terms near misses or close calls were

introduced and dened as unplanned events caused by error

that do not result in patient injury but have this potential (Institute or Sae Medication Practices, 2009). Tese are more common than injury events, but or obvious reasons, they are more

difcult to identiy and quantiy. Systems designed to encourage

reporting have been installed in various institutions and allow

ocused saety eorts (Clark, 2012; King, 2012; Shields, 2017).

Te World Health Organization (WHO) also implemented

such a system. It has been validated in Brazil and accurately correlates with maternal death rates (Souza, 2012). A similar system in Britain is the UK Obstetric Surveillance System—UKOSS

(Knight, 2005, 2008). In the United States, one is the National

Partnership for Maternal Safety (D’Alton, 2016; Main, 2015).


Various topics have been in the oreront since the 25th edition

o this textbook. Here, we discuss several o these.

■ COVID19 Pandemic

In early 2020, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-

CoV-2 virus spread rapidly around the globe, creating the greatest public health crisis since the inuenza pandemic o 1918

(Chap. 67, p. 1187). As o early 2021, the disease caused by

this virus and commonly known as COVID-19 is estimated to

have inected more than 181 million people and caused nearly

4 million deaths (World Health Organization, 2021). Expectedly, the healthcare and political landscapes in the United

States changed dramatically because o the pandemic.

Following the January 2020 declaration o a Global Health

Emergency by the WHO, citywide lockdowns, state-mandated

shelter-in-place orders, and public mask mandates were all implemented to help control early viral spread. Healthcare systems

scrambled to acquire COVID-19 tests and personal protective

equipment or sta. Wards dedicated solely to COVID-19 care

opened in hospitals throughout the nation to handle substantial patient volume. Despite these measures, more than 500,000

individuals—including more than 3000 healthcare workers—

died in the United States in 2020 rom the inection.

Maternity wards were not spared, and traditional models o

prenatal care were transormed. Namely, virtual care and drivethrough prenatal care models aimed to reduce exposure risk to

patients and sta (Holcomb, 2020; urrentine, 2020). Asymptomatic or mild inections were common in pregnancy (Adhikari,

2020). Still, the eects o COVID-19 on pregnancy are not completely understood, and the eect o pregnancy on disease course

is controversial. Management o severe COVID-19 inection in

pregnancy requires interdisciplinary care and an understanding o

pregnancy physiology and viral pathophysiology.

Preventive measures—including mRNA vaccines—have

been shown to be sae and highly eective in disease prevention. However, this critical inormation was delayed ollowing exclusion o pregnant individuals rom initial clinical trials

(Adhikari, 2021; Polack, 2020). In a report describing over

800,000 pregnancies, Chinn and colleagues (2021) ound that

2.2 percent (18,715) o these women had COVID-19. When

compared with women without such inections, these women

had signicantly increased adverse outcomes to include preterm

birth, ICU admissions, intubations and mechanical ventilation,

and maternal deaths. In 2021 the FDA approved COVID-19

vaccines or pregnant women.

Knowledge gained during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic will

undoubtedly shape healthcare moving orward (Cook, 2021).

Indeed, a combined in-person plus audio-only virtual prenatal

care model may most eectively provide services to vulnerable

patients who lack internet access (Duryea, 2021).

■ Maternal Mortality—a Call to Arms

Almost 700 women in the United States die each year rom

pregnancy or its complications, and many deaths are deemed

preventable. As a result, obstetricians and other stakeholders have united to address these tragedies (Chescheir, 2015).

Because maternal deaths are inextricably linked to SMM indicators (see able 1-2), several programs have been designed

by national organization to avoid these events. Noted earlier,

the Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System (PMSS) collects national pregnancy-related death data to guide prevention eorts. Another, the Alliance or Innovation on Maternal

Health (AIM) program, creates patient safety bundles, which

describe evidence-based best practices or various obstetrical

settings. Te Joint Commission recommends that birthing centers establish protocols and implement simulation eorts (Barbieri, 2015). Moreover, national working groups target specic

risks, such as thromboembolism (D’Alton, 2016).

In addition to pregnancy, the puerperium is a vulnerable period as well. One specic national eort is to establish



Overall rate of severe maternal

morbidity with blood transfusions



Severe maternal morbidity

40 without blood transfusions



















SMM per 10,000 delivery hospitalizations

FIGURE 1-5 Rates of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) per 10,000

delivery hospitalizations. Women who received blood transfusions

account for the greatest fraction of SMM. (Data from Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention, 2021).Overview of Obstetrics 7


dedicated 1-year postpartum ollow-up to ensure ongoing care.

Important targets are medical disorders such as hypertension,

diabetes, other cardiovascular diseases, and their consequences.

o emphasize puerperal care, the concept o a “ourth trimester”

has been introduced (Chap. 36, p. 634). Moreover, legislation—

the MOMMA’s Act—aims to expand Medicaid postpartum

coverage rom 60 days to 12 months (Bailey, 2021). As stated

by Surgeon General Jerome Adams, “We must act now; our

nation and our mothers deserve better.” (Frieden, 2020).

■ Opioid Use Disorder

During 1999 to 2014, the national prevalence o opioid use

disorder in pregnant women rose 333 percent rom 1.5 to 6.5

cases per 1000 deliveries (Centers or Disease Control and

Prevention, 2018). In addition to the complexities o maternal addiction, opioid use has led to an unprecedented increase

in the incidence o the neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome

(Chap. 33, p. 605). o combat the associated adverse eects on

women and their pregnancies, the American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2019b) has stressed an active role

by obstetricians. Te College recommends universal screening

by questionnaire, as well as care given to aected women by

a multidisciplinary team. Terapeutic use o opioids is curtailed as best possible. reatment o opioid use disorder with

methadone or buprenorphine is challenging and discussed

in Chapter 64 (p. 1150). Despite eorts, a signicant decline

in the prevalence o these disorders in gravidas is not in sight.

■ Advances in Prenatal Genetics

Several technologies help detect etal genetic abnormalities.

Since the last edition, noninvasive prenatal screening that uses

cell-ree DNA (cDNA) has become commonplace in prenatal

care (Zhang, 2019). Another promising technique is chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) perormed on samples o

chorionic villi or amnionic uid. Tese tests provide sophisticated inormation about gains and losses o DNA segments

as small as 50 to 100 kilobases. However, although the yield

with CMA is superior to that with etal karyotyping, most birth

deects occur in the setting o normal CMA and karyotype


As knowledge o the human genome has expanded, the

role o specic DNA sequence abnormalities has gained attention. As an example, evaluation o etal skeletal dysplasia may

include panels o tests in which next-generation sequencing

is used to identiy mutations in specic genes. Whole exome

sequencing (WES) analyzes all coding regions o DNA, which

together account or 1.5 percent o the genome. In pregnancies with structural etal abnormalities, and in which CMA and

karyotype results are normal, WES has identied clinically signicant abnormalities in approximately 10 percent o etuses

(Lord, 2019; Petrovski, 2019). In one series o etuses with

unexplained nonimmune hydrops, WES detected diagnostic

genetic variants in nearly 30 percent (Sparks, 2020).

Although promising, WES technology at this time is not

recommended or routine use in prenatal diagnosis (American

College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2020b). Limitations

include high rates o genetic variants o uncertain signicance,

long turnaround times, and high costs. Comprehensive counseling is needed because WES may detect or suspect a nding

that is unrelated but medically actionable. Genomic tests are

reviewed in Chapter 16 (p. 324), and elements o counseling

are discussed in Chapter 17 (p. 334).

■ Placenta Accreta Spectrum

Since our last edition, the cesarean delivery rate has been static

and approximates 32 percent. However, rates o pregnancies

complicated by placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) have grown

substantially. An incidence as high as 1 case in 300 deliveries

has been cited (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2018). Sequelae o these dangerous syndromes are

discussed in Chapter 43 (p. 765). o address these risks, specialized accreta surgical teams at tertiary care centers and greater

antepartum transer to these centers are both on the rise. As

one prevention, national eorts have worked to avoid the primary cesarean delivery. However, despite these eorts, PAS will

likely continue as a signicant risk or SMM.

■ Progestogens to Prevent Preterm Birth

Progesterone derivatives to orestall preterm birth have been

studied or decades. One—intramuscular 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17-OHPC)—was approved by the U.S.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the accelerated

approval process and contingent on demonstration o efcacy in a second trial. Te drug is marketed as Makena, and

subsequent, observational studies, described in Chapter 45

(p. 795), have led to questions o its efcacy (Nelson, 2021).

In 2019, results o the conrmatory trial o Makena

e fcacy—the PROLONG trial—ailed to show its benets

compared with placebo or prevention o birth beore 35 weeks

(Blackwell, 2020). Later in 2019, an FDA Advisory Committee

voted 9 to 7 to withdraw interim accelerated approval. Analyses by the committee included cross-study comparisons and

subgroup analyses that did not show 17-OHPC benets (Fig.

45-6, p. 796). In late 2020, the FDA Center or Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) recommended drug withdrawal

rom the market.

Subsequently, obstetricians became polarized regarding “o

label” use o the drug because it appears safe (Chang, 2020;

Greene, 2020; Sibai, 2020). Despite ndings rom the PROLONG trial and the FDA’s CDER, both the American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2021) and the Society

or Maternal-Fetal Medicine (2020) continued to endorse

17-OHPC use. Tis, however, is with the proviso that “uncertainty regarding benet” be shared with the patient during

decision-making. Last, the EPPPIC Group (2021) perormed

a metaanalysis o randomized trials evaluating progestogens

or preterm birth prevention. Although not statistically signi-

cant, they concluded progestogens, which include 17-OHPC,

reduced births at less than 34 weeks. Te FDA’s CDER (2021)

continues to recommend withdrawal o 17-OHPC rom the

market. At this time, however, thousands o women continue

to receive 17-OHPC despite its questionable efcacy.

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