Chapter 15. Normal and Abnormal Fetal Anatomy. Will Obs

 Chapter 15. Normal and Abnormal Fetal Anatomy

BS. Nguyễn Hồng Anh

Te ability to detect and characterize abnormalities beore birth is one o the marvels o modern obstetrics. Sonography can image the etus with remarkable precision. Components o the standard anatomic survey are listed in Table 15-1. Tese have been termed essential elements by the American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2020) and minimal elements by the American Institute o Ultrasound in Medicine (2018). Ideally, residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology includes education in acquisition and interpretation o these views. Resources provided by national societies assist with this endeavor (Abuhamad, 2018).

A detailed etal anatomic survey is a specialized examination that may include more than 60 components, each determined on a case-by-case basis. It is the primary method o evaluating at-risk pregnancies and characterizing etal abnormalities, thereby aiding consultation and delivery planning. Indications are shown in able 14-6 and discussed urther in Chapter 14 (p. 251). At Parkland hospital, the detailed survey includes, at minimum, an attempt to visualize all components required by the American Institute o Ultrasound in Medicine or normal detailed case submission (see able 15-1).

Tis chapter presents the standard and detailed anatomic surveys and some o the many etal abnormalities that may be detected when visualization is optimal. When imaging or measuring any etal structure, care should be taken to place the ocal zone at the appropriate level and to magniy the image appropriately (Abuhamad, 2018). Whenever a etal abnormality is identied, a detailed anatomic survey is recommended. With rare exception, amniocentesis with chromosomal microarray analysis also is oered. I a cardiac abnormality is identied, etal echocardiography is indicated. Additional indications or these specialized examinations and or etal magnetic resonance (MR) imaging are reviewed in Chapter 14.


In the rst trimester, crown-rump length (CRL) measurement

is used to establish or conrm gestational age (Appendix, p.

1234). Te earlier that sonography is perormed, the more

accurate this estimation. Gestational age assessment is reviewed

in Chapter 14 (p. 248). Te etus is imaged in the midsagittal

plane in a neutral, nonexed position so that its length can be

measured in a straight line (Fig. 15-1). Te average o three

measurements is used. First-trimester nuchal translucency measurement is reviewed in Chapter 14 (p. 249).

In the second and third trimesters, the biparietal diameter, head circumerence, abdominal circumerence, and emur length are measured to conrm gestational age, i not already established in the

TABLE 15-1. Components of Standard and Detailed Anatomic Surveys Standard Ultrasound Detailed Ultrasound, Additional Components

aIn addition to all standard anatomy components, these detailed ultrasound components are required by the American

Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine for normal cases submitted as part of the detailed ultrasound accreditation process. Modified from the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, 2018, 2019, 2020a. rst trimester, and to estimate etal weight. Ultrasound equipment and report packages calculate these estimates using standardized nomograms (Hadlock, 1991). I an abnormality involving one o the parameters is suspected, consideration is given to excluding it rom the gestational age calculation. Fetal weight nomograms are available that do not include the head measurements or the emur measurement (Hadlock, 1984; Shepard, 1982).

Te biparietal diameter and head circumerence are measured in the transthalamic view. Tis is a transverse image that includes the midline alx cerebri, cavum septum pellucidum, thalami, and insula (Fig. 15-2A). Te cerebral hemispheres should appear symmetric, and the cerebellum should not be visible. Te biparietal diameter is measured perpendicular to the alx cerebri, rom the outer edge o the skull in the near eld to the inner edge o the skull in the ar eld. Te head circum- erence is measured by placing an ellipse around the outer edge o the skull. Te head circumerence may also be calculated by averaging the biparietal diameter and the occipito-rontal diameter and multiplying by π.

Te abdominal circumerence is measured in a transverse image that includes the stomach and the J-shaped conuence o the umbilical vein with the portal sinus. An ellipse is placed just outside the etal skin edge (Fig. 15-2B). Te image should appear as round as possible and ideally contain no more than 1 rib on either side. Te spine should be visible in cross-section at the 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock position, whereas the kidneys should not be visible, as they are lower in the abdomen. Abdominal circumerence is the biometric parameter most aected by etal growth. An abdominal circumerence below the 10th percentile may be used to diagnose etal-growth restriction (Chap. 47, p. 825).

Te emur length is measured with the ultrasound beam perpendicular to the long axis o the shat. Calipers are placed at each end o the calcied diaphysis (Fig. 15-2C). Troughout the second and third trimesters, the emur length to abdominal circumerence ratio is normally 20 to 24 percent. I this ratio is below 18 percent, a skeletal dysplasia should be considered, particularly i other long-bone measurements are lagging (p. 302). As discussed in Chapter 17 (p. 340), a mildly oreshortened emur length measurement is also a minor marker or

Down syndrome (Herrera, 2020b).

Various nomograms exist or other etal structures, including the transverse cerebellar diameter, ocular distances, nasal bone, ear length, jaw index, thoracic circumerence, and lengths o the liver, kidneys, long bones, and eet. Tey may be used to address specic questions regarding organ system abnormalities, congenital inection, or genetic syndromes (Appendix, pp. 1238–1241).

FIGURE 15-2 Normal biometry. A. Transthalamic view depicts measurement of the biparietal diameter (BPD) and head circumference (HC). Landmarks include the cavum septum pellucidum (CSP), thalami (T), and insula (I). B. Abdominal circumference view (AC) shows measurement and landmarks, which include the stomach (S) and the confluence of the umbilical vein (U) and the left portal vein. C. Femur length measurement (FL).

FIGURE 15-1 The crown-rump length measures 61 mm in this 12-week, 4-day fetus.


Standard sonographic evaluation o the etal brain includes three transverse (axial) views. As noted, the transthalamic view should contain the midline alx cerebri, cavum septum pellucidum (CSP), thalami, and insula (see Fig. 15-2A). Te CSP is the space between the two laminae that separate the rontal horns o the lateral ventricles. It should be visible between approximately 17 and 37 weeks’ gestation, but ater this, usion o the septi pellucidi may obliterate the cavum. Inability to visualize a normal CSP may indicate a midline brain abnormality (Fig. 15-3).

For example, the rontal horns are widely spaced apart in agenesis o the corpus callosum (ACC), whereas in cases o septo-optic dysplasia (de Morsier syndrome) and lobar holoprosencephaly, the rontal horns communicate. Discussed in Chapter 16 (p. 312), an abnormally wide CSP may also be ound with trisomy 18.

Te transventricular view lies superior to the transthalamic view and, as the name implies, includes the lateral ventricles. Te ventricles are measured at their atrium, which is the conuence o the temporal and occipital horns (Fig. 15-4).

Te measurement is normally 5 to 9 mm throughout the second and third trimesters. Cerebrospinal uid is produced within the ventricles by the choroid plexus. Choroid plexus cysts are present in 0.5 to 2 percent o uncomplicated pregnancies and approximately 30 to 50 percent o pregnancies with trisomy 18 (Fig. 16-5, p. 312) (Reddy, 2014).

A detailed ultrasound examination is generally oered when ound. In the absence o an associated ultrasound abnormality, or unless an aneuploidy screening test indicates increased risk or trisomy 18, a choroid plexus cyst is considered a normal variant. For the transcerebellar view, the transducer is angled back through the posterior ossa (Fig. 15-5). Structures visible in this image include the

FIGURE 15-3 Absence of the cavum septum pellucidum, with coronal (A) and transverse (B) images showing communication between the frontal horns (FH) of the lateral ventricles. This may be isolated but can occur in the setting of septo-optic dysplasia or lobar holoprosencephaly. C = choroid plexus; F = falx cerebri.

FIGURE 15-4 Transventricular view. A. Transverse image of the lateral ventricles, which contain the choroid plexus (C). B. The ventricles are measured at the atria (A), the confluence of the temporal and occipital horns. The measurement is normally 5–9 mm. Vp = lateral ventricle. (Reproduced with permission from Rosa Robles, RDMS.)

FIGURE 15-5 Transcerebellar view. A. Transverse image of the posterior fossa showing measurement of the cerebellum (Cereb), cisterna magna (CM), and nuchal skinfold thickness (NF). B. Third-trimester image depicting the cerebellar hemispheres (CH) and cerebellar vermis (V). The fourth ventricle (4) is anterior to the vermis. CSP = cavum septum pellucidum; I = insula; P = cerebral peduncles.

midline alx cerebri, cavum septum pellucidum, thalami, cerebellum, and cisterna magna. Te cerebellum and cisterna magna are measured, and between 15 and 20 weeks’ gestation, the nuchal skinold thickness also is measured. From 15 until 22 weeks, the cerebellar diameter in millimeters is roughly equivalent to the gestational age in weeks (Chavez, 2003). Cerebellar hypoplasia has been associated with various central nervous system (CNS) and non-CNS abnormalities (Howley, 2018). Te cisterna magna should measure between 2 and 10 mm throughout the second trimester and may reach 12 mm in the latter part o the third trimester. It becomes eaced when the Chiari II malormation is present (p. 277). I the cisterna magna is enlarged, the dierential diagnosis includes absence o all or part o the vermis (p. 279), a cyst such as an arachnoid cyst within the posterior ossa, or mega-cisterna magna, which is a diagnosis o exclusion and has an excellent prognosis. An increased nuchal skinold measurement is associated with increased risk or Down syndrome, other genetic syndromes, and structural abnormalities (Chap. 17, p. 341).

Imaging o the spine includes evaluation o the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral regions (Fig. 15-6). Representative images are oten obtained in the sagittal or coronal plane. However, imaging o each spinal segment in the transverse plane is more sensitive or anomaly detection. ransverse images demonstrate three ossication centers. Te anterior ossication center is the vertebral body, and the posterior paired ossication centers represent the junction o vertebral laminae and pedicles. Ossication o the spine proceeds in a cranial-caudal ashion. Te ossication o the upper sacrum (S1-S2) is not generally visible beore 16 weeks’ gestation, and ossication o the entire sacrum may not be visible until 21 weeks (De Biasio, 2003). Tus, detection o some spinal abnormalities can be challenging in the early second trimester.

Neuraltube Defects

Tese deects include anencephaly, myelomeningocele (spina bida), cephalocele, and rare spinal dysraphisms. Normally, the neural tube closes by the embryonic age o 26 to 28 days (Chap. 7, p. 124). Te birth prevalence o neural-tube deects approximates 0.9 in 1000 in the United States and most o Europe and 1.3 in 1000 in the United Kingdom (Cragan, 2009; Dolk, 2010). Many neural-tube deects can be prevented with olic acid supplementation. When isolated, neural-tube deect inheritance is multiactorial, and the recurrence risk without periconceptional olic acid supplementation is 3 to 5 percent (Chap. 16, p. 324).

Screening or neural-tube deects may be perormed with either ultrasound alone or ultrasound in addition to maternal serum alpha-etoprotein (MSAFP) level measurement (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019a). Between 15 and 20 weeks’ gestation, an upper MSAFP threshold o 2.5 multiples o the median (MoM) is anticipated to detect 95 percent with etal anencephaly and 80 percent with myelomeningocele. However, detection with standard sonography is at least comparable to that with MSAFP (Dashe, 2006; Norem 2005). A detailed ultrasound examination is the preerred diagnostic test and may identiy other abnormalities or conditions that also elevate MSAFP levels (able 17-5, p. 338).

Anencephaly is an absence o the cranium and telencephalon above the level o the skull base and orbits (Fig. 15-7). Acrania is absence o the cranium with protrusion o disorganized brain tissue, and herniation o the latter tissue is exencephaly. Importantly, brain tissue visible in the late rst trimester is oten not seen when ultrasound is perormed in the second or third trimester. Tus, anencephaly is the nal stage o exencephaly. It is oten diagnosed in the late rst trimester, and with adequate visualization, virtually all cases may be diagnosed in the second trimester.

Sonographically, the cranial contour may appear abnormal in the rst trimester and may resemble a “shower cap” in the late rst or early second trimester. Te ace oten appears triangular, and sagittal images demonstrate lack o an ossied cranium. Hydramnios rom impaired etal swallowing is common in the third trimester. Anencephaly is uniormly lethal. I the pregnancy is continued, perinatal palliative care consultation should be considered (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019b). Cephalocele is the herniation o meninges through a cranial deect, typically located in the midline occipital region (Fig. 15-8). When brain tissue herniates through the skull deect, the anomaly is termed an encephalocele. Herniation o the cerebellum and other posterior ossa structures constitutes a Chiari III malormation. Microcephaly is common by the third trimester. Associated intracranial abnormalities are requently visible, and survivors have a high incidence o neurological decits and intellectual disability. Cephalocele is an important eature o the autosomal recessive Meckel-Gruber syndrome, which includes cystic renal dysplasia and polydactyly. A cephalocele not located in the occipital midline raises suspicion or amnionic-band sequence (Chap. 6, p. 113).

FIGURE 15-6 Normal fetal spine. This sagittal image depicts the cervical (C), thoracic (T), lumbar (L), and sacral spine (S). Arrows denote the parallel rows of paired posterior ossification centers, which represent the junction of vertebral lamina and pedicles.

Spina bida is characterized by deects in the vertebrae, typically the dorsal arches, and subsequent exposure o the meninges and nerve roots. Te prevalence approximates 1 in 2000 births (Cragan, 2009; Dolk, 2010). Herniation o a meningeal sac and neural elements is a myelomeningocele (Fig. 15-9A). Less commonly, only an empty meningeal sac herniates, which is a meningocele. ransverse images are helpul to demonstrate separation or splaying o the lateral processes and characterize the level o the deect. Most cases are open spina bida, which means that the deect includes skin and sot tissues. Closed deects are skin-covered and more challenging to detect prenatally.

Detection o spina bida is aided by two characteristic cranial ndings (Nicolaides, 1986). Flatting or scalloping o the rontal bones is termed the “lemon sign,” and anterior curvature o the cerebellum with eacement o the cisterna magna is the “banana sign” (Fig. 15-9B,C). Tese ndings are maniestations o the Arnold-Chiari or Chiari II malormation. Tis develops when downward displacement o the spinal cord pulls a portion o the cerebellum through the oramen magnum and into the upper cervical canal. Te biparietal diameter measurement oten lags behind the other biometric parameters. Ventriculomegaly is common ater mid-gestation, and 80 to 90 percent o inants with myelomeningocele require ventriculoperitoneal

FIGURE 15-8 Encephalocele. This transverse image depicts a large defect in the occipital region of the cranium (arrows) through which meninges and brain tissue have herniated.

FIGURE 15-9 Myelomeningocele. A. Sagittal image of a lumbosacral myelomeningocele. Arrowheads indicate nerve roots within the anechoic herniated sac. The overlying skin abruptly stops at the defect (arrow). B. Transthalamic image demonstrating flattening of the frontal bones (arrows)—the lemon sign. C. Transcerebellar image depicting the banana sign, an anterior curvature of the cerebellum (arrows) and effacement of the cisterna magna.

FIGURE 15-7 Anencephaly/acrania. A. This transabdominal image at 11 weeks’ gestation depicts relatively subtle absence of the cranium. B. A transvaginal image at 11 weeks demonstrates more clearly the protrusion of a disorganized mass of brain tissue. C. By 14 weeks, this tissue resembles a “shower cap.” CRL = crown–rump length.

shunt placement (Adzick 2011, Chao, 2010). Aected children require multidisciplinary care to address problems related to the deect such as decits in swallowing, bladder and bowel unction, and ambulation. Fetal myelomeningocele surgery is discussed in Chapter 19 (p. 372).


Distention o the lateral ventricles is considered a nonspecic marker o abnormal brain development (Pilu, 2018). Mild ventriculomegaly is diagnosed when the atrial width measures 10 to 12 mm; moderate ventriculomegaly, when the measurement is 13 to 15 mm; and severe ventriculomegaly when >15 mm (Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2018). Representative images are depicted in Figure 15-10. Te choroid plexus may appear dangling in severe cases. Ventriculomegaly may occur secondary to a variety o central nervous system abnormalities and is associated with numerous genetic and inectious etiologies. Initial evaluation includes a detailed examination o etal anatomy, amniocentesis or chromosomal microarray analysis, and testing or congenital inections such as cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis (Chap. 16, p. 326). Genetic syndromes resulting in ventriculomegaly include L1 X-linked aqueductal stenosis, Joubert syndrome, Walker Warburg syndrome, hydrolethalus syndrome, and lissencephaly syndromes (Kousi, 2016). Ventriculomegaly does not typically result in signicant skull enlargement. wo exceptions—when macrocrania oten occurs—are aqueductal stenosis and the asymmetric ventriculomegaly interhemispheric cyst callosal dysgenesis (AVID) syndrome (Oh, 2019). Fetal MR imaging should be considered to assess or associated abnormalities that may not be detectable sonographically (Herrera, 2020a; Katz, 2018) (Chap. 14, p. 263).

Prognosis is determined by etiology, severity, and progression. In a systematic review o nearly 1500 mild to moderate cases, 1 to 2 percent were associated with congenital inection; 5 percent, with aneuploidy; and 12 percent, with neurological abnormality (Devaseelan, 2010). With chromosomal microarray analysis, genetic abnormalities may be identied in 10 to 15 percent (Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2018). Te larger the atria, the greater the likelihood o an underlying CNS abnormality and subsequent abnormal outcome (Gaglioti, 2009; Joó, 2008). I ventriculomegaly is isolated and remains mild, development is normal in at least 90 percent, and i moderate, development is normal in at least 75 percent (Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2018). Progression signicantly raises the likelihood o abnormal neurological development.

■ Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum

Te corpus callosum is a major ber bundle that connects reciprocal regions o the cerebral hemispheres. It is best

FIGURE 15-10 Ventriculomegaly. A. Mild ventriculomegaly. The atria measured 11 mm. No associated abnormality or underlying etiology was identified. B. Severe ventriculomegaly. In this fetus with aqueductal stenosis, the atria measured 45 mm. Arrow denotes the dangling choroid plexus.

FIGURE 15-11 Normal corpus callosum. A. Arrows point to the corpus callosum in this midsagittal image. B. Power Doppler image of the pericallosal artery (arrowheads).

l,viewed in the midsagittal plane, and color Doppler may demonstrate the pericallosal artery (Fig. 15-11). Agenesis o the corpus callosum has characteristic sonographic ndings. Te rontal horns are widely separated, and the occipital horns are rounded—which is called colpocephaly. ogether these ndings give the lateral ventricles a teardrop shape (Fig. 15-12). A normal cavum septum pellucidum is not visible because o rontal horn displacement. In the midline, bundles o Probst represent ber tracts that no longer cross in the midline. Ventriculomegaly is not uncommon, and without the corpus callosum bordering the third ventricle superiorly, the third ventricle may be elevated and mildly enlarged.

In population-based series, agenesis o the corpus callosum occurs in 1 in 4000 to 5000 pregnancies (Ballardini, 2018; Stoll, 2019; Szabo, 2011). It is associated with other anomalies, aneuploidy, and more than 200 genetic syndromes. Tus, chromosomal microarray analysis should be oered, and genetic counseling can be challenging. In a review o apparently isolated cases, etal MR imaging identied additional brain abnormalities in more than 20 percent o cases (Sotiriadis, 2012). I MR imaging does not identiy associated abnormalities, normal developmental outcome in 67 to 75 percent o cases and severe disability in about 10 percent has been reported (des Portes, 2018; Sotiriadis, 2012). other. Dierentiation into two cerebral hemispheres is induced by prechordal mesenchyme, which is also responsible or dierentiation o the midline ace. Cranioacial anomalies associated with holoprosencephaly are reviewed later (p. 283).

Te birth prevalence o holoprosencephaly is only 1 in 10,000. However, the abnormality has been identied in nearly 1 in 250 early abortuses, which attests to extremely high in-utero lethality (Orioli, 2010; Yamada, 2004). Te alobar orm accounts or 40 to 75 percent o cases, and 30 to 40 percent have a numerical chromosomal abnormality, particularly trisomy 13 (Orioli, 2010; Solomon, 2010). Conversely, o trisomy 13 cases, two thirds are ound to have holoprosencephaly.

■ DandyWalker Malformation

Tis posterior ossa abnormality is characterized by agenesis o the cerebellar vermis, posterior ossa enlargement, and elevation o the tentorium cerebelli. Te cerebellar hemispheres are visibly separated, and uid in the cisterna magna communicates with the ourth ventricle through the cerebellar vermis deect (Fig. 15-14). Te birth prevalence approximates 1 in 12,000 (Long, 2006). Associated anomalies and aneuploidy are common. Tese include ventriculomegaly in 30 to 40 percent, other anomalies in approximately 50 percent, and aneuploidy in 40 percent (Ecker, 2000; Long, 2006). Dandy-Walker malormation is also associated with numerous genetic and sporadic syndromes, congenital viral inections, and teratogen exposure, all o which greatly aect the prognosis. Tus, the initial evaluation mirrors that or ventriculomegaly (p. 278).

Inerior vermian agenesis is a term used when only the inerior portion o the vermis is absent. Even with partial and relatively subtle vermian agenesis, the prevalence o associated anomalies and aneuploidy is still high, and the prognosis is oten poor (Ecker, 2000; Long, 2006).

FIGURE 15-12 Agenesis of the corpus callosum. A. This transverse image demonstrates a teardrop-shaped ventricle. The frontal horns (F) are widely separated, no cavum septum pellucidum is visible, and bundles of Probst (P) line the midline. B. There is mild ventriculomegaly, no cavum septum pellucidum is visible (arrow), and the third ventricle (3V) is elevated and enlarged. A = atria.

FIGURE 15-13 Alobar holoprosencephaly. The thalami (Th) are fused and encircled by a monoventricle (V) with a covering mantle (M) of cortex. The midline falx is absent. (Reproduced with permission from Rafael Levy, RDMS.)

FIGURE 15-14 Dandy-Walker malformation. A. The cerebellar hemispheres (CH) are widely separated by a fluid collection that connects the 4th ventricle (4V) to the enlarged cisterna magna (CM). B. Sagittal image depicts elevation of the tentorium (arrows).

■ Holoprosencephaly

During early normal brain development, the prosencephalon or orebrain divides as it becomes the telencephalon and diencephalon. With holoprosencephaly, the prosencephalon ails to divide completely into two separate cerebral hemispheres and underlying paired diencephalic structures. Te most severe orm, alobar holoprosencephaly, is characterized by a single monoventricle that surrounds used thalami (Fig. 15-13). In semilobar holoprosencephaly, hemispheres partially separate. Lobar holoprosencephaly reers to a variable degree o usion o rontal structures and is more challenging to detect with prenatal ultrasound. Te lobar orm is among possible diagnoses when a normal cavum septum pellucidum cannot be visualized. Last, the middle interhemispheric variant o holoprosencephaly is characterized by communication between the midportion o the bodies o the lateral ventricles with separation o the rontal horns, such that the choroid plexus may prolapse rom one lateral ventricle into the

■ Schizencephaly and Porencephaly

Schizencephaly is a rare brain abnormality characterized by clets in one or both cerebral hemispheres, typically involving the perisylvian ssure. Te clet is lined by heterotopic gray matter and communicates with the ventricle, extending through the cortex to the pial surace (Fig. 15-15). Schizencephaly is believed to be an abnormality o neuronal migration, which explains its typically delayed recognition until ater midpregnancy (Howe, 2012). It is associated with absence o the cavum septum pellucidum, resulting in rontal horn communication. Ventriculomegaly is a common nding.

In contrast, porencephaly is a cystic space within the brain that is lined by white matter and may or may not communicate with the ventricular system. It is generally considered to be a destructive lesion. Porencephaly may develop ollowing intracranial hemorrhage in the setting o neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia or in an individual with a COL4A-1 mutation—a genetic condition which causes amilial porencephaly. In a monochorionic twin gestation, acute hypotension ollowing death o a co-twin also may create porencephaly. Fetal MR imaging should be considered when either o these CNS anomalies is identified.

■ Microcephaly

Tis condition indicates that the size o the head is prooundly smaller than expected. Te Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine (2016) recommends that etal microcephaly be dened as a head circumerence at least 3 standard deviations (SD) below the mean or gestational age (Appendix, p. 1237). However, many etuses with measurements in this range have normal head size at birth, and thereore the diagnosis o pathologic microcephaly is not considered certain until the head circumerence reaches 5 SD below the mean (Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2016).

Te orehead is oten upsloping. Microcephaly is associated with a wide range o underlying abnormalities, genetic syndromes, and congenital inections such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, and cytomegalovirus, herpes, or Zika inection (Chap. 67, p. 1183). Findings that suggest inection include parenchymal and periventricular echogenic oci, ventriculomegaly, and cerebellar hypoplasia. Amniocentesis should be oered, and etal MR imaging should be considered. Te Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine (2016) recommends perorming a detailed ultrasound examination o the etal brain i the head circumerence measures more than 2 SD below the mean. Another ultrasound evaluation ollows in 3 or 4 weeks, with the understanding that it may be difcult to distinguish constitutionally small head size rom pathologic ndings.

■ Sacrococcygeal Teratoma

Tis germ cell tumor is one o the most common tumors in neonates, with a birth prevalence o approximately 1 in 28,000 (Derikx, 2006; Swamy, 2008). It is thought to arise rom the totipotent cells along the Hensen node, anterior to the coccyx. Sacrococcygeal teratoma (SC) classication includes our types (Altman, 1974). ype 1 is predominantly external with a minimal presacral component; type 2 is predominantly external but with a signicant intrapelvic component; type 3 is predominantly internal and has abdominal extension; and type 4 is entirely internal with no external component. Te tumor histological type may be mature, immature, or malignant.

Sonographically, SC is a solid and/or cystic mass that arises rom the anterior sacrum and usually extends ineriorly and externally as it grows (Fig. 15-16). Solid components oten vary in echogenicity, appear disorganized, and may enlarge rapidly with advancing gestation. Fetal MR imaging should be considered because internal pelvic components may be challenging to visualize. Large, solid tumors requently result in hydrops due to high-output cardiac ailure, either as a consequence o tumor vascularity or secondary to bleeding within the tumor and resultant anemia. Hydramnios is common. Fetuses with tumors >5 cm oten require cesarean delivery, and classical hysterotomy may be needed (Gucciardo, 2011). Fetal therapy or SC is discussed in Chapter 19 (p. 373).

■ Caudal Regression Sequence

Tis rare anomaly is characterized by absence o the sacral spine and oten portions o the lumbar spine. It is approximately 25 times more prevalent in pregnancies complicated by diabetes (Garne, 2012). Caudal regression is associated with genitourinary malormations and syndromes such as the VACERL association (vertebral deects, anal atresia, cardiac deects, tracheo-esophageal stula, renal anomalies, and limb abnormalities) (Vilanova-Sanchez, 2018). Sonographic ndings include a spine that appears abnormally short, lacks normal lumbosacral curvature, and terminates abruptly above the level o the iliac wings (Fig. 15-17). Because the sacrum does not lie between the iliac wings, they are abnormally close together and may appear shield-like. Te lower extremities lack normal sot tissue development and may be abnormally positioned.

■ Sirenomelia

Tis rare anomaly may be conused with caudal regression sequence but is quite dierent. Formerly termed mermaid

FIGURE 15-15 Schizencephaly. This transverse image shows a large cleft extending from the right lateral ventricle through the cortex. Because the borders of the cleft are separate, the defect is termed open-lipped. (Reproduced with permission from Michael Davidson, RDMS.) 

syndrome, it is characterized by a single lower extremity in the midline and bilateral renal agenesis. Te extremity may contain one or two sets o bones and eet (Fig. 15-18). Te bladder, anus, and genitalia are absent. What may appear to be a single umbilical artery in these cases is instead a remnant o the vitelline artery. Ater 18 weeks’ gestation, when the kidneys become the primary source o amnionic uid production, resultant anhydramnios may complicate the diagnosis. Cases o surviving inants have a variant o sirenomelia in which there is some unctioning renal tissue and urinary output (Pinette, 2005).

■ Hemivertebrae

Tese spinal segmentation-usion deects are characterized by abnormal development o hal o the vertebral

FIGURE 15-17 Caudal regression sequence. A. The spine is markedly foreshortened. The arrow shows where it terminates. B. The spine ends abruptly above the level of the iliac wings (I). C. Without a vertebral body between the iliac wings (I), they assume a shield shape.

FIGURE 15-18 Sirenomelia. A. This single lower extremity contained two femur bones (F), two lower leg bones (LL), and a fused foot with toes pointing outward (*). B. Arrows show the soft tissue outline of the lower extremity. Amnionic fluid is visible only because the gestational age is 17 weeks’ gestation. By 18 weeks, absence of kidneys and bladder resulted in anhydramnios. (Reproduced with permission from Melissa Salvie, RDMS.)

FIGURE 15-16 Sacrococcygeal teratoma. This tumor enlarged from 3 cm in diameter at 19 weeks’ gestation (A) to 9 cm in diameter during a 5-week period (B). Arrows depict the external borders of the mass.

body. Aected vertebrae are triangular and may be separate or used to adjacent vertebral bodies. Tis leads to abnormal curvature o the spine such as scoliosis (Fig. 15-19). Prenatally diagnosed cases typically involve the thoraco–lumbar spine. Associated abnormalities are common, particularly skeletal, renal, and cardiac deects (Basude, 2015; Yulia, 2020). Hemivertebrae are also a component o several syndromes, including the VACERL association.


Cranioacial anatomy on the detailed anatomic survey may include cranial integrity and shape o the skull (Fig. 15-2A); images o the orbits, nose, and lips; views o the maxilla, mandible, hard palate, and tongue; images o the ears; and evaluation o the neck (Fig. 15-20). O these structures, only the upper lip is a component o the standard examination. At Parkland Hospital, we include an image o the sagittal prole as part o our standard examination to help detect micrognathia prenatally. When imaging the neck, particularly in the third trimester, identiying a nuchal cord is not uncommon (Fig. 15-21). Tis nding is not associated with adverse outcome, and we do not alter etal surveillance i a nuchal cord is detected.


FIGURE 15-19 Hemivertebrae result in abnormal spinal curvature in these coronal images. (Reproduced with permission from Rose Muli, RDMS.)



FIGURE 15-20 Normal craniofacial and neck anatomy. A. Transverse images of orbits (O) and nose (N). The small circle within each orbit is the lens. The distance between the orbits roughly approximates the width of each orbit. B. Sagittal view of the face, depicting the nasal bone (NB), lips (L), maxilla (Max), and mandible (Man). C. Transverse image of the alveolar ridge. D. Coronal view of the nose, upper lip, and lower lip. E. Sagittal image of the neck. F. Image of the ear. (Reproduced with permission from Devi Nanandhan, RDMS.)

Hypertelorism (Fig. 15-23) is a common nding in trisomy 18. Hypotelorism, with or without microphthalmia, may be ound in the setting o holoprosencephaly. In its extreme orm only a single orbit is visible—cyclopia. Other comorbid anomalies with holoprosencephaly include a single nostril—cebocephaly, or absence o the entire nose (arhinia) with proboscis (Fig. 15-24).

Nasal bone hypoplasia or sonographic absence is an aneuploidy marker that coners increased risk or etal Down syndrome (Fig. 15-25). It is not a structural abnormality. Nasal bone measurement is part o the detailed ultrasound examination and is measured only between 15 and 22 weeks’ gestation. Te measurement is considered oreshortened i less than 2.5 mm or i more than 2 SD below the mean or gestational age (Chap. 17, p. 341). Hypoplasia o the nose is a dierent condition that can occur ollowing wararin exposure (Fig. 8-4, p. 156).

■ Facial Clefts

Tese are grouped into three main types. Te rst type, clet lip and palate, always involves the lip, may also involve the hard palate, can be unilateral or bilateral, and has a birth prevalence that approximates 1 in 1000 (Cragan, 2009; Dolk, 2010). I isolated, the inheritance is multiactorial—with a recurrence risk o 3 to 5 percent or one prior aected child. I a clet is visible in the upper lip, a transverse image at the level o the alveolar ridge may demonstrate that the deect also involves the primary palate (Fig. 15-26).

In one review o low-risk pregnancies, clet lip was identi- ed sonographically in only about hal o cases (Maarse, 2010). Approximately 40 percent o those detected prenatally are associated with other anomalies or syndromes, and aneuploidy is common (Maarse, 2011; Oerdal, 2008). Te rate o associated anomalies is highest or bilateral deects that involve the palate.

In the Utah Birth Deect Network, aneuploidy was identied in 1 percent with clet lip alone, 5 percent with unilateral clet lip and palate, and 13 percent with bilateral clet lip and palate (Walker, 2001).

Te second type o clet is isolated clet palate. It begins at the uvula, may involve the sot palate, and occasionally involves the hard palate—but does not involve the lip. Te birth prevalence approximates 1 in 2000 (Dolk, 2010). Identi- cation o an isolated clet palate has been described using detailed sonography, and particularly with threedimensional imaging, but detection is not easible in all cases (Ramos, 2010; Wilhelm, 2010). Iso lated clet palate is not expected to be visualized during a standard ultrasound examination (Maarse, 2011; Oerdal, 2008).

A third type o clet is median clet lip, which may


FIGURE 15-22 Transthalamic images demonstrating dolichocephaly (A) and brachycephaly (B). The biparietal diameter (BPD) and head circumference (HC) are measured in each image.

FIGURE 15-21 Nuchal cord incidentally noted with color Doppler in a transverse image of the fetal neck at 34 weeks’ gestation.

■ Dolichocephaly and Brachycephaly

Te cephalic index reects the skull shape. It is measured by dividing the biparietal diameter by the occipitorontal diameter. Te cephalic index is normally 70 to 86 percent. It is smaller i the head shape is attened—dolichocephaly, and larger i the shape is rounded—brachycephaly. In such cases, the head circumerence measurement more reliably estimates gestational age than does the biparietal diameter (Fig. 15-22). Tese head shape variants may be normal or can be secondary to etal position or oligohydramnios. Dolichocephaly can occur with neural-tube deects, and brachycephaly may be seen in etuses with Down syndrome. A strawberry-shaped skull describes a pattern o angulation typical o trisomy 18 (Fig. 16-5, p. 312). With any abnormal skull shape, craniosynostosis is a consideration.

■ Abnormalities of Orbits and Nose

Subjectively, the distance in between the orbits is similar to the diameter o each orbit (see Fig. 15-20). Te lens is oten visible. Nomograms are available or the ocular diameter and or the interorbital and binocular distances (Appendix, p. 1240).

FIGURE 15-23 Abnormalities of the orbits. A. Hypertelorism in a fetus with trisomy 18. B. Hypotelorism in a fetus with trisomy 13 and alobar holoprosencephaly. C. Microphthalmia. This fetus also had trisomy 13. Arrows point to the eyes.

FIGURE 15-24 Nasal abnormalities associated with holoprosencephaly. A. Sagittal profile depicting a proboscis (arrow) protruding from

the forehead. B. Coronal image demonstrating the proboscis along with hypotelorism and absence of the nose. C. Coronal image demonstrating a single nostril (cebocephaly). D. Photograph of a newborn with cebocephaly.

FIGURE 15-25 Nasal bone (and its absence). A. Sagittal image of the profile showing measurement of a normal nasal bone at 19 weeks.

B. Fetus with trisomy 21, also at 19 weeks, with no visible nasal bone. (Reproduced with permission from Jason McWhirt, RDMS.)

be ound in etuses with holoprosencephaly, typically when hypotelorism is also present. Additionally, a median clet may be associated with hypertelorism and rontonasal dysplasia, ormerly called the median clet ace syndrome.

■ Micrognathia

Te etal prole can help identiy cases o micrognathia—hypoplasia o the mandible, and retrognathia, which is recession o the mandible in relation to the maxilla (Fig. 15-27). o quantiy micrognathia risk, a transverse image o the mandible can be used to calculate the jaw index, which is the anterior-posterior diameter o the mandible expressed as a percentage o the biparietal diameter (Paladini, 1999). Fetuses with micrognathia and retrognathia requently have a posterior clet palate and glossoptosis (recessed tongue)—a constellation o ndings known as the Pierre Robin sequence. Micrognathia is also a eature o reacher Collins syndrome, oral-acial-digital syndromes, trisomies 18 and 13, triploidy, and the 22 q11.2 deletion. Micrognathia may result in hydramnios and can cause airway obstruction at birth.

Use o the ex-utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) procedure or severe micrognathia is discussed in Chapter 19 (p. 379). Micrognathia should not be conused with agnathia– otocephaly, a rare anomaly in which no mandible develops and the ears may use in the midline (Fig. 15-28). Te latter coners an extremely poor prognosis and has been diagnosed as early as the late rst trimester (Rodriguez, 2019).

■ Epignathus

Tis rare teratoma arises rom the oral cavity or pharynx. It may grow outward or both outward and into the brain, the latter conerring an extremely poor prognosis (Fig. 15-29). I brain involvement is absent, an EXI procedure, reviewed in Chapter 19 (p. 379), can help secure the airway at delivery (Chung, 2012).

■ Cystic Hygroma

Tis venolymphatic malormation is characterized by uid- lled sacs that extend rom the posterior neck (Fig. 15-30). Cystic hygromas may be diagnosed in the rst trimester and vary widely in size. Impaired lymphatic drainage rom the head into the jugular vein leads to an accumulation o uid in jugular lymphatic sacs. Te birth prevalence o cystic hygromas approximates 1 in 5000. However, reecting the high in-utero lethality o the condition, the rst-trimester incidence exceeds 1 in 300 (Malone, 2005). Up to 70 percent o cystic hygromas are associated with aneuploidy. When cystic hygromas are diagnosed in the rst trimester, trisomy 21 is the most common aneuploidy, ollowed by 45,X and trisomy 18 (Kharrat, 2006; Malone, 2005).

First-trimester etuses with cystic hygromas are ve times more likely to be aneuploid than etuses with a thickened nuchal translucency. When cystic hygromas are diagnosed in the second trimester, approximately 75 percent o aneuploid cases are 45,X—urner syndrome (Johnson, 1993; Shulman, 1992). Even in the absence o aneuploidy, cystic hygromas coner a signicantly greater risk or other abnormalities, particularly ow-related cardiac deects. Tese include hypoplastic let heart and coarctation o the aorta (p. 292). Cystic hygromas may

FIGURE 15-26 Cleft lip/palate. A. This fetus has a prominent unilateral (left-sided) cleft lip. B. Transverse view of the palate in the same fetus demonstrates a defect in the alveolar ridge (arrow). The tongue (T) is also visible.

FIGURE 15-27 Micrognathia. A. Sagittal image of a fetus with severe micrognathia. B. 3-dimensional ultrasound rendering depicts the

recessed chin and downslanting palpebral fissures. C. A transverse image of the mandible was used to calculate a jaw index for this fetus. also be part o a genetic syndrome such as Noonan syndrome, an autosomal dominant disorder that shares several eatures with 45,X. Noonan syndrome is characterized by short stature, lymphedema, high-arched palate, and oten pulmonary valve stenosis.

Large cystic hygromas are usually associated with hydrops etalis, rarely resolve, and carry a poor prognosis. Small hygromas may undergo spontaneous resolution, and provided that etal karyotype and echocardiography results are normal, the prognosis may be good. Te likelihood o a nonanomalous liveborn neonate with normal karyotype ollowing identication o rst-trimester hygroma approximates 1 in 6 (Kharrat, 2006; Malone, 2005).


Toracic anatomy imaged in the detailed anatomic survey may include the lungs, ribs, and diaphragm. Te lungs should appear homogeneous and symmetric, each occupying approximately one third o the area in the our-chamber view o the heart (Fig. 15-31). Te thoracic circumerence is measured at the skin line in a transverse plane at the level o the our-chamber view. I pulmonary hypoplasia is suspected secondary to a small thorax, such as with a severe skeletal dysplasia, comparison with a reerence table may be helpul (Appendix, p. 1238). Representative images o the diaphragm are usually obtained in the parasagittal or coronal plane. Te diaphragm appears as a hypoechoic line between the lungs and liver. Toracic abnormalities may appear sonographically as cystic or solid space-occupying lesions or as an eusion outlining the

FIGURE 15-28 Agnathia-otocephaly, ultrasound (A) and postdelivery (B) images. With this rare, lethal anomaly the mandible fails to develop, and the ears are inferiorly displaced and may be fused in the midline.

FIGURE 15-29 Epignathus, ultrasound (A) and postdelivery (B) images. This teratoma arises from the oral cavity or pharynx and may grow outward from the mouth or both outward and into the brain, as in this fetus (arrowhead). Arrows depict the external extent of the mass. (Reproduced with permission from Halima Abdirahman, RDMS.)


FIGURE 15-30 Cystic hygromas. A. This 9-week fetus with a cystic hygroma (arrow) was later found to have Noonan syndrome. B. Massive multiseptated hygromas (arrowheads) in the setting of hydrops fetalis at 15 weeks’ gestation. include the stomach bubble or bowel peristalsis in the chest and a wedgeshaped mass—the liver—located anteriorly in the let hemithorax.

Liver herniation complicates at least 50 percent o cases and is associated with a 30-percent reduction in the survival rate (Mullassery, 2010). With large lesions, impaired swallowing and mediastinal shit may result in hydramnios and hydrops, respectively.

An eort to reduce neonatal mortality rates and need or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has ocused on prognostic indicators such as the sonographic lung-tohead ratio, described in Chapter 19 (p. 375). MR imaging parameters include measurements o lung volume and degree o liver herniation (Dutemeyer, 2020; Oluyomi-Obi, 2017; Worley, 2009).

■ Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation

Tis abnormality represents a hamartomatous overgrowth o terminal bronchioles that communicates with the t racheobronchial tree. It is also called congenital pulmonary airway malormation (CPAM), based on an understanding that not all histopathological types are cystic or adenomatoid (Azizkhan, 2008; Stocker, 1977 2002). Te estimated prevalence is 1 in 6000 to 8000 births, and this rate is rising because o improved sonographic detection o milder cases (Burge, 2010; Duncombe, 2002; Lau, 2017).

With ultrasound, a congenital cystic adenomatoid mal- ormation (CCAM) is as a well-circumscribed mass that may appear solid and echogenic or may have one or multiple variably sized cysts (Fig. 15-33). It usually involves one lobe, receives its blood supply rom the pulmonary artery, and has pulmonary venous drainage. Lesions with cysts ≥5 mm are generally termed macrocystic, and lesions that appear solid or have cysts <5 mm are microcystic (Adzick, 1985). In a review o 645 CCAM cases, the neonatal survival rate exceeded 95 percent, and 30 percent o cases demonstrated apparent prenatal resolution. Te other 5 percent o cases— typically very large lesions with associated mediastinal shit—were complicated by hydrops and had poor prognosis (Cavoretto, 2008). Microcystic CCAMs usually become less conspicuous with advancing gestation, because in addition to occupying less o the thorax, their echogenicity more closely resembles surrounding lung tissue. However, a subset o CCAMs may demonstrate rapid growth between 18 and 26 weeks’ gestation. Corticosteroid therapy has been used or large microcystic lesions to orestall growth and potentially ameliorate hydrops (Curran, 2010; Peranteau, 2016). I a large dominant cyst is present, thoracoamnionic shunt placement may lead to hydrops resolution. Fetal therapy or CCAM is discussed in Chapter 19 (p. 370). heart or lung(s). Fetal therapy or thoracic abnormalities is discussed in Chapter 19 (p. 376).

Diaphragmatic Hernia

Tis is a deect in the diaphragm through which abdominal organs herniate into the thorax. It is let-sided in approximately 75 percent o cases, right-sided in 20 percent, and bilateral in 5 percent (Gallot, 2007). Te prevalence o congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is 1 in 3000 to 5000 births (Cragan, 2009; Dolk, 2010). Associated anomalies and aneuploidy are ound in 40 percent o cases (Gallot, 2007; Stege, 2003). In population-based series, an associated abnormality reduces the overall survival rate o neonates with CDH rom approximately 50 percent to about 20 percent (Colvin, 2005; Gallot, 2007). Without other abnormalities, the major causes o neonatal mortality are pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension. Let-sided CDH typically causes dextroposition o the heart to the right side o the thorax, such that the cardiac axis points toward the midline (Fig. 15-32). Accompanying ndings

FIGURE 15-31 Normal thoracic anatomy. A. The lungs each occupy one third of the area in the four-chamber view of the heart. B. The diaphragm (arrow) appears as a hypoechoic line in between the lung and liver in this parasagittal view. LA = left atrium; LV = left ventricle; RA = right atrium; RV = right ventricle.

FIGURE 15-32 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia. In this transverse view of the thorax, the heart is shifted to the right side of the chest by a left-sided diaphragmatic hernia containing stomach (S), liver (L), and bowel (B).

Pulmonary Sequestration

Also called a bronchopulmonary sequestration, this abnormality is an accessory lung bud “sequestered” rom the tracheobronchial tree. It is nonunctioning lung tissue. Most cases diagnosed prenatally are extralobar, which means they are enveloped in their own pleura. Overall, however, most sequestrations present in adulthood and are intralobar—within the pleura o another lobe. Extralobar pulmonary sequestration is considered signi- cantly less common than CCAM, and no precise prevalence has been reported. Lesions have a let-sided predominance and most oten involve the let lower lobe. Associated anomalies have been reported in approximately 10 percent o cases (Yildirim, 2008).

Sonographically, pulmonary sequestration presents as a homogeneous, echogenic thoracic mass (Fig. 15-34A). Tus, it may resemble a microcystic CCAM. However, the blood supply is rom the systemic circulation—rom the aorta—rather than the pulmonary artery (Fig. 15-34B). Approximately 10 to 20 percent are located below the diaphragm. A small percentage o etuses with pulmonary sequestration develop a large ipsilateral pleural eusion, and without treatment, this may result in pulmonary hypoplasia or hydrops (Fig. 15-34C). reatment with thoracoamnionic shunting is discussed in Chapter 19 (p. 376). Hydrops may also result rom mediastinal shit or highoutput cardiac ailure due to the let-to-right shunt imposed by the mass. In the absence o a pleural eusion, the reported survival rate exceeds 95 percent, and 40 percent o cases demonstrate apparent prenatal resolution (Cavoretto, 2008).

■ Congenital High Airway Obstruction


Tis rare anomaly usually results rom laryngeal or tracheal atresia. Te normal egress o lung uid is obstructed, and the tracheobronchial tree and lungs become massively distended. Sonographically, the lungs are brightly echogenic, the bronchi are dilated, the diaphragm is attened or everted, and the heart is compressed (Fig. 15-35). Impaired venous return leads to development o ascites, typically ollowed by hydrops. In one review o 118 cases, associated anomalies were identied in more than 50 percent (Sanord, 2012). Congenital high airway obstruction sequence (CHAOS) is a eature o the autosomal recessive Fraser syndrome and has been associated with the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. In some cases, the obstructed airway spontaneously perorates, which potentially coners a better prognosis. Te EXI procedure has signicantly improved outcome in selected cases.


Cardiac malormations are the most common class o congenital anomalies. Teir overall prevalence is 8 cases in 1000 births (Cragan, 2009). Almost 90 percent o cardiac deects are multiactorial or polygenic in origin, another 1 to 2 percent result rom a single-gene disorder or gene-deletion syndrome, and 1 to 2 percent may occur rom exposure to a teratogen such as maternal diabetes or isotretinoin. Based on data rom population-based registries, approximately 1 in 8 liveborn and stillborn neonates with a congenital heart deect has a chromosomal abnormality (Dolk, 2010; Hartman, 2011). risomy 21 accounts or most o these cases, ollowed by trisomy 18, 22q11.2 deletion, trisomy 13, and monosomy X (Hartman, 2011). Approximately 50 to 70 percent o aneuploid etuses with cardiac anomalies are also ound to have noncardiac abnormalities. raditionally, congenital cardiac anomalies have been more challenging to detect than anomalies o other organ systems.

Recent series suggest that standard ultrasound may identiy 50 to 60 percent o those with major cardiac anomalies beore 22 weeks’ gestation (Byrne, 2020; Sun, 2018). Prenatal detection may improve neonatal survival, particularly or ductaldependent lesions, that is, those requiring prostaglandin inusion ater birth to keep the ductus arteriosus open (Franklin, 2002; Mahle, 2001; woretzky, 2001).

■ Standard Cardiac Examination

Standard cardiac assessment includes a our-chamber view, evaluation o rate and rhythm, evaluation o the let and right ventricular outow tracts, and when easible, documentation o the 3-vessel view and 3-vessel trachea view (Figs. 15-36 and

FIGURE 15-33 Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM). A. This left-sided microcystic CCAM is an echogenic mass that fills

the left hemithorax and causes mediastinal shift, which displaces the heart (arrows) to the right side of the chest. B. This left-sided macrocystic CCAM contains a cyst as large as the heart and also displaces the heart to the right. C. This right-sided CCAM contains multiple cysts of varying size (*) and displaces the heart farther to the left side of the chest (arrows).

FIGURE 15-34 Pulmonary sequestration. A. Transverse image of the thorax depicts a left lower lobe pulmonary sequestration (PS) in this 25-week fetus. B. Sagittal image showing that blood supply to the mass is from a branch of the abdominal aorta, which confirms the diagnosis. C. Over the next 3 weeks, a large ipsilateral pleural effusion develops (asterisk), resulting in mediastinal shift and dextroposition of the heart to the far-right thorax. D. After placement of a double-pigtail shunt through the chest wall, which drains the effusion into the amnionic fluid, the lung significantly reexpanded. Arrows point to coils of the pigtail shunt. (Reproduced with permission from Dr. Elaine Duryea.)

FIGURE 15-35 Congenital high airway obstruction sequence (CHAOS). The lungs (L) appear brightly echogenic, and the bronchi (arrow) are dilated with fluid. Flattening and eversion of the diaphragm is common, as is ascites (asterisks).

FIGURE 15-36 Diagram showing measurement of cardiac axis from the four-chamber view. LA = left atrium; LV = left ventricle; RA = right atrium; RV = right ventricle. 15-37). It is hoped that examination o the cardiac outow tracts and 3-vessel views will improve detection o outow tract abnormalities that may have a normal-appearing our-chamber view, such as tetralogy o Fallot and transposition o the great arteries. Centers with expertise have reported at least 90 percent detection o such anomalies with incorporation o these views (Brandt, 2015; Palatnik, 2016).

Te our-chamber view is a transverse image o the etal thorax at a level immediately above the diaphragm. It allows evaluation o cardiac size, position in the thorax, cardiac axis, atria and ventricles, oramen ovale, atrial septum primum, interventricular septum, and atrioventricular valves (Fig. 15-37A).

Te let ventricle is apex-orming, and two pulmonary veins are oten visible entering the let atrium. Te atria and ventricles should be similar in size, and the apex o the heart should orm a 45-degree angle with the let anterior chest wall (see Fig. 15-36). Abnormalities o cardiac axis are encountered in more than one third o etuses with structural cardiac anomalies (Shipp, 1995; Crane, 1997; Sinkovskaya, 2015).

Te let ventricular outfow tract view demonstrates that the ascending aorta arises entirely rom the let ventricle. Te interventricular septum is shown to be in continuity with the anterior wall o the aorta, and the mitral valve in continuity with the posterior wall o the aorta (Fig. 15-37B). Ventricular septal











FIGURE 15-37 Standard and detailed examination cardiac views. A. Four-chamber view. B. Left ventricular outflow tract view. Arrow depicts mitral valve becoming the posterior wall of the aorta. The arrow with asterisk marks the interventricular septum becoming the anterior aortic wall. C. Right ventricular outflow tract view. D. Three-vessel view. E. Three-vessel trachea view F. High short-axis view (outflow tracts). G. Aortic arch view. H. Ductal arch view. I. Superior and inferior vena cavae views. AA = aortic arch; Ao = aorta; DA = ductal arch; IVC = inferior vena cava; LA = left atrium; LV = left ventricle; PA = pulmonary artery; RA = right atrium; RV = right ventricle; SVC = superior vena cava; T = trachea.

deects and outow tract abnormalities are oten visible in this view. Te right ventricular outfow tract view shows the right ventricle giving rise to the main pulmonary artery, which subsequently branches into the right and let pulmonary arteries. (Fig. 15-37C,F). ogether, the let and right outow tract views demonstrate the normal perpendicular orientation o the aorta and pulmonary artery and the comparable size o these great arteries.

Te 3-vessel view (3VV) is a transverse image obtained just above the base o the heart. Te three vessels line up in a row: an oblique view o the pulmonary artery, which should appear long and cylindrical; a cross-sectional image o the ascending aorta; and a cross-sectional image o the superior vena cava (SVC) (Fig. 15-37D). Te pulmonary artery and aorta should be similar in diameter. Te 3-vessel trachea view (3VV) also is a transverse image but is obtained urther cephalad. It includes the pulmonary artery giving rise to the ductus arteriosus as it makes a V-shape with the aortic arch, along with the SVC and the trachea (Fig. 15-37E). Te 3VV can be helpul or identiying aortic arch abnormalities, particularly ductal-dependent lesions.

Specialized Cardiac Examination

Te detailed ultrasound examination includes the ve cardiac components o the standard examination plus the superior and inerior vena cavae and the aortic and ductal arch views (Fig. 15-37G–I). Te examination also involves evaluation o the interventricular septum and cardiac situs, documentation o which may be acilitated with video clips. Fetal echocardiography is a more extensive examination o cardiac structure and unction designed to characterize abnormalities. In addition to grayscale imaging views, echocardiography includes evaluation o cardiac rate and rhythm, color Doppler ultrasound, pulsed-wave Doppler ultrasound, cardiac biometry, and i clinically relevant, cardiac unction assessment (American Institute o Ultrasound in Medicine, 2020b). Tese components are beyond the scope o this text. Echocardiography indications are discussed in Chapter 14 (p. 252). Selected cardiac anomalies are reviewed next.

Ventricular Septal Defect

Tis is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly. It is ound in approximately 1 in 300 births (Bjornard, 2013; Cragan, 2009; Dolk, 2010). A deect may be appreciated in the perimembranous or muscular portion o the interventricular septum in the our-chamber view, and imaging o the let ventricular outow tract may show discontinuity o the interventricular septum as it becomes the wall o the aorta (Fig. 15-38). Color Doppler may demonstrate ow across the deect. Genetic abnormalities are diagnosed with chromosomal microarray analysis in approximately 1 percent o isolated cases but ound in at least 15 percent i other structural abnormalities also are present (Maya, 2020). More than a third o prenatally diagnosed ventricular septal deects close in utero, and another third close in the rst year o lie (Cho, 2017; Paladini, 2002; Svirsky, 2019).

Endocardial Cushion Defect

Tis is also called an atrioventricular (AV) septal deect or AV canal deect. It has a birth prevalence o approximately 1 in 2500 and is associated with trisomy 21 in more than hal o cases (Christensen, 2013; Cragan, 2009; Dolk, 2010). Te endocardial cushions are the crux o the heart, and deects jointly involve the atrial septum primum, interventricular septum, and medial leaets o the mitral and tricuspid valves (Fig. 15-39).


FIGURE 15-38 Ventricular septal defect. A. In this four-chamber view, a defect (arrow) is noted in the perimembranous portion of the interventricular septum. B. The left ventricular outflow tract view demonstrates a break in continuity (arrow) between the interventricular septum and the anterior wall of the aorta.


FIGURE 15-39 Endocardial cushion defect. A. During ventricular systole, the lateral leaflets of the mitral and tricuspid valves come together in the midline. But the atrioventricular valve plane is abnormal, a common atrium (A) is observed, and there is a visible defect (arrow) in the interventricular septum. B. During diastolic filling, opening of the atrioventricular valves more clearly demonstrates the absence of their medial leaflets.

Te majority o deects are balanced–with ventricles comparable in size. Some are unbalanced however, with one side o the heart signicantly smaller than the other. Te endocardial cushion deect is considered partial i there is absence o the atrial septum primum and a more subtle AV valve plane abnormality, with no ventricular septal deect.

Endocardial cushion deects are a common nding in heterotaxy, also known as cardiosplenic or isomerism syndromes. Heterotaxy implies that thoraco-abdominal organs normally on one side o the body are on an incorrect side, on both sides, or absent, as in polysplenia or asplenia. Complex cardiac abnormalities are a common eature, particularly endocardial cushion deects. In a review o 632 pregnancies with etal heterotaxy, an endocardial cushion deect was present in 60 percent (Buca, 2018). Tese endocardial cushion deects are a particularly atrisk group because o their association with third-degree heart block, which coners a poor prognosis.

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Tis anomaly is ound in approximately 1 in 4000 births (Bjornard, 2013; Cragan, 2009; Dolk, 2010;). During secondtrimester ultrasound examination, the let ventricle may be so small that a chamber is difcult to appreciate (Fig. 15-40). Alternately, the let ventricle may be normal in size or dilated but have severely decreased contractility and an echogenic inner wall due to endocardial broelastosis. Tere may be no visible let ventricular inow or outow, and reversal o ow may be documented in the aortic arch in the 3-vessel trachea view. As gestation advances, the let ventricle and aorta become progressively smaller. Prenatal detection is nearly 90 percent in population-based registries.

Hypoplastic let heart syndrome is a ductal-dependent lesion or which neonatal administration o prostaglandin therapy is essential. Postnatal treatment consists o a three-staged palliative repair—single ventricle palliation, or cardiac transplantation. Rates o survival to adulthood may reach 70 percent (Feinstein, 2012). However, morbidity is high, and developmental delays are common (Lloyd, 2017; Paladini, 2017; Wilson, 2018). Fetal therapy or this condition is discussed in Chapter 19 (p. 378).

Coarctation of the Aorta

Coarctation reers to narrowing o the aortic arch. Te birth prevalence approximates 1 in 2500 (Bjornard, 2013). Usually, the narrowing is ocal and ound just distal to the origin o the let subclavian artery at the aortic isthmus. Alternatively, a long segment o the aorta may be aected. Coarctation may be isolated or associated with other cardiac anomalies, such as hypoplastic let heart syndrome, unbalanced endocardial cushion deect, or double-outlet right ventricle. Te most common sonographic nding is disproportion in ventricular size, with the let ventricle smaller than the right. However, only one third with this nding have coarctation (Ghi, 2018; van Nisselrooij, 2018). Other ndings include narrowing o the aortic arch in the 3-vessel trachea view or narrowing o the isthmus in the aortic arch view–which may be challenging to image. Coarctation is associated with urner syndrome (45,X), with the 22q11.2 deletion, and with autosomal trisomies.

Ebstein Anomaly

Tis rare anomaly is characterized by apical displacement o the tricuspid valve, such that the septal and posterior valve leaets o the tricuspid valve attach closer to the cardiac apex (Fig. 15-41). Te birth prevalence is approximately 1 in 20,000 (Boyle, 2017). Fetuses with Ebstein anomaly develop varying degrees o tricuspid regurgitation. In severe cases, right atrium becomes markedly dilated, and the etus may develop cardiomegaly and hydrops. For many years, there was concern that lithium exposure predisposed to Ebstein anomaly. However, as discussed in Chapter 8 (p. 154), the absolute attributable risk is likely well below 1 percent.

Tetralogy of Fallot

Tis anomaly occurs in approximately 1 in 3000 births (Cragan, 2009; Dolk, 2010; Nelson, 2016). It includes a ventricular septal deect; an overriding aorta; a pulmonary valve or pulmonary artery abnormality, and right ventricular hypertrophy (Fig. 15-42). Te last does not usually maniest beore birth. Due to the location o the ventricular septal deect, the ourchamber view may appear normal.


FIGURE 15-40 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. A. In this four-chamber view, the left ventricle appears “filled in” and echogenic, due to endocardial fibroelastosis. B. Color Doppler depicts only flow from the right atrium into the right ventricle, and no left ventricular filling is visible. C. Color Doppler shows reversal of flow in the aortic arch (arrow), which is perfused retrograde via the ductus arteriosus. LA = left atrium; LV = left ventricle; RA = right atrium; RV = right ventricle.

Te pulmonary artery abnormality is pulmonary stenosis in 60 percent o cases, pulmonary atresia in slightly more than 25 percent, and absent pulmonary valve in 10 to 15 percent (Zhao, 2016). Absence o the pulmonary valve leads to marked enlargement o the pulmonary artery and poses a risk or hydrops. Te enlarged pulmonary artery can also compress the trachea and cause tracheomalacia.

Chromosomal abnormalities are identied in approximately one third o etuses with tetralogy o Fallot. O these, 22q11.2 deletions compose 15 to 20 percent, and autosomal trisomies constitute 10 percent (Zhao, 2016). D-Transposition of the Great Arteries Tis anomaly is characterized by outow tracts that arise in parallel rom the ventricles. Te right ventricle gives rise to the aorta, and the let ventricle to the pulmonary artery (Fig. 15-43). Tus, there is ventriculo-arterial discordance. Te birth prevalence approximates 1 in 4000 (Bjornard, 2013). Te our-chamber view is oten normal. Prenatal detection approximates 40 percent but is thought to improve with visualization o the outow tracts (Ravi, 2018).

Additionally, the 3-vessel views may demonstrate only two vessels, because the pulmonary artery is underneath the aorta.

D-transposition contrasts with

L- or corrected transposition o the great arteries, in which there is atrioventricular discordance in addition to ventricular-arterial discordance.

L-transposition is strongly associated with other cardiac anomalies and is much less likely to be diagnosed prenatally as an isolated nding.

Double-outlet Right Ventricle

With this anomaly, the majority o blood ow to both the pulmonary artery and the aorta comes rom the right ventricle. Double-outlet right ventricle (DORV) is always associated with a ventricular septal deect. DORV has a spectrum o presentation. It is categorized according to the location o the ventricular septal deect and the relative proportion o blood ow rom the right ventricle to the outow tracts. Te outow tracts are oten malposed, arising in parallel. Te birth prevalence approximates 1 in 20,000 (Bjornard, 2013).

Truncus Arteriosus

Tis rare anomaly is characterized by a single, large outow tract exiting the heart—a common arterial trunk—rather than a separate aorta and pulmonary artery. A prominent ventricular septal deect is usually identied, with an enlarged overriding outow tract that gives rise to pulmonary arteries as well as head and neck vessels (Fig. 15-44). Te dierential diagnosis includes tetralogy o Fallot with pulmonary atresia. Te birth prevalence o truncus arteriosus approximates 1 in 16,000 (Bjornard, 2013). In 1949, Collett and Edwards categorized our types o truncus arteriosus according to the origin o the







FIGURE 15-41 Ebstein anomaly. A. In this four-chamber view, the tricuspid valve’s septal leaflet attaches closer to the cardiac apex (arrowhead) than the corresponding mitral valve leaflet (arrow). B. The color Doppler blue jet reflects tricuspid regurgitation. LA = left atrium; LV = left ventricle; RA = right atrium; RV = right ventricle.


FIGURE 15-42 Tetralogy of Fallot. A. Left ventricular outflow tract view shows a ventricular septal defect with an overriding aorta. The arrow points to the aortic valve. B. Right ventricular outflow tract view demonstrating severe pulmonary artery stenosis. The arrow points to the pulmonary valve. C. In this fetus with tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve, the pulmonary artery shows marked enlargement.

Ao = aorta; LV = left ventricle; PA = pulmonary artery; RV = right ventricle.

FIGURE 15-43 D-transposition of the great arteries. A. Transverse image with color Doppler depicting the outflow tracts arising in parallel.

B. View of the left ventricle giving rise to the pulmonary artery, which subsequently branches (arrows). C. Sagittal image of the aorta arising anteriorly from the right ventricle and parallel to the pulmonary artery, which arises posteriorly. Ao = aorta; LV = left ventricle; PA = pulmonary artery; RV = right ventricle.

FIGURE 15-45 Rhabdomyoma. In this four-chamber view of the heart, a large, echogenic, well-circumscribed mass (R) fills the right ventricle and abuts the tricuspid valve (arrow). Despite its size, the mass did not obstruct flow, and the neonate did well.


FIGURE 15-44 Truncus arteriosus. Grayscale (A) and color Doppler (B) images depict a single, large outflow tract. The common arterial trunk (CAT) overlies a ventricular septal defect (arrowhead) and gives rise to the head and neck vessels and pulmonary arteries.

LV = left ventricle; RV = right ventricle. (Reproduced with permission from Paul Mallamaci, RDMS.)

pulmonary arteries. Characterization o anatomic variants can oten only be made postnatally.

Cardiac Rhabdomyoma

Tis is the most common cardiac tumor. Approximately 50 percent o cases are associated with tuberous sclerosis, an autosomal dominant disease with multiorgan system maniestations. uberous sclerosis is caused by mutations in the hamartin (TSC1) and tuberin (TSC2) genes.

Sonographically, cardiac rhabdomyomas are well-circumscribed echogenic masses, usually within the ventricles or out- ow tracts (Fig. 15-45). Tey may be single or multiple, may grow in size during gestation, and may occasionally lead to inow or outow obstruction. In cases without obstruction or large tumor size, the prognosis is relatively good rom a cardiac standpoint, because the tumors tend to regress ater the neonatal period. Because extracardiac ndings o tuberous sclerosis may not be apparent with prenatal sonography, MR imaging may be considered to evaluate etal CNS anatomy (p. 266).

■ MMode

Motion-mode or M-mode imaging is a linear display o cardiac cycle events, with time on the x-axis and motion on the y-axis. It is oten used to measure embryonic or etal heart rate (Fig. 14-1, p. 248). I an abnormality o heart rate or rhythm is identied, M-mode imaging permits separate evaluation o atrial and ventricular waveorms. Tus, it is particularly useul or characterizing arrhythmias and their response to treatment (Chap. 19, p. 367). M-mode can also be used to assess ventricular unction and atrial and ventricular outputs.

Premature Atrial Contractions

Also called atrial extrasystoles, these are the most common etal arrhythmia and a requent nding. Tey represent cardiac conduction system immaturity and oten resolve with advancing gestation or in the neonatal period. Premature atrial contractions (PACs) may be conducted and thus sound like extra beats. However, they are more commonly blocked, and with handheld Doppler they sound like dropped beats. As shown in Figure 15-46, the dropped beat may be demonstrated with M-mode evaluation as a compensatory pause that ollows the premature contraction.

PACs are not associated with major structural cardiac abnormalities. Older case reports describe an association with maternal caeine consumption and with hydralazine (Lodeiro, 1989; Oei, 1989). In approximately 2 percent o cases, aected etuses are later identied to have supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), which is an arrhythmia that requires urgent treatment (Copel, 2000). Accordingly, pregnancies with etal PACs are oten ollowed with etal heart rate assessment as oten as every 1 to 2 weeks until the ectopy resolves. reatment o etal SV and other arrhythmias is discussed in Chapter 19 (p. 368).


Abdominal anatomy visible in the second and third trimester includes the stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, renal arteries, small and large bowel, and ventral wall. Te stomach is nearly always identied ater 14 weeks’ gestation. Nonvisualization o the stomach may be secondary to impaired swallowing in the setting o oligohydramnios or to underlying causes such as esophageal atresia, a cranioacial anomaly, or a CNS or musculoskeletal abnormality. Fetuses with hydrops can also have impaired swallowing.

Both the liver and spleen may be viewed in a transverse image obtained at the level o the stomach and intrahepatic portion o the umbilical vein—the plane at which the abdominal circumerence is measured (see Fig. 15-2B). Hepatosplenomegaly may occur with congenital inection or with hydrops. By convention, the liver is measured in the sagittal or coronal plane, rom the top o the right hemidiaphragm to the inerior tip o the right lobe (Fig. 15-47). Te spleen is posterior to the stomach in the transverse plane. Te gallbladder may be imaged just inerior to the level at which the abdominal circumerence is measured. It lies to the right o the intrahepatic portion o the umbilical vein and has a conical or teardrop shape (see Fig. 15-47B).

Te appearance o etal bowel changes with maturation. Increased bowel echogenicity may indicate a small amount o swallowed intraamnionic blood, especially i the maternal serum alpha-etoprotein level is elevated. Te bowel appears as bright as bone in approximately 0.5 percent o second-trimester etuses.

In such cases, the risk or etal trisomy 21 is increased (Fig. 17-3, p. 340). Echogenic bowel is also associated with etal cytomegalovirus inection and with cystic brosis, in which echogenicity represents inspissated meconium.

FIGURE 15-46 M-mode. This image demonstrates normal concordance between atrial (A) and ventricular (V) contractions. Movement of the tricuspid valve (T) is also shown. The blue arrow denotes a premature atrial contraction followed by a compensatory pause.

FIGURE 15-47 Abdominal organs. A. The liver is measured from the top of the right hemidiaphragm to the inferior tip of the right lobe in this coronal image. B. Transverse image of the abdomen just inferior to the level at which the abdominal circumference is measured, depicting the gallbladder (G), stomach (S), spleen (Sp), liver (L), and right adrenal gland (A).

■ Gastrointestinal Obstruction

Bowel atresia is characterized by obstruction and proximal bowel dilation. In general, the more proximal the obstruction, the more likely it is to lead to hydramnios. Te degree o hydramnios rom proximal small-bowel obstruction can be sufciently severe to result in maternal respiratory compromise or preterm labor and may necessitate amnioreduction (Chap. 14, p. 258).

Esophageal Atresia

Te birth prevalence o this anomaly approximates 1 in 4000 (Cragan, 2009; Pedersen, 2012). It may be suspected when there is no visible stomach bubble or when the stomach is contracted. However, because esophageal atresia is associated with a tracheoesophageal stula in up to 90 percent o cases, uid is oten able to enter the stomach. More than 50 percent o those with esophageal atresia have other abnormalities or underlying genetic syndromes. Multiple mal- ormations are present in 30 percent o cases, and aneuploidy such as trisomy 18 or 21, in 10 percent.

Approximately 10 percent o cases o esophageal atresia is ound as part o the VACERL association (Pedersen, 2012).

Duodenal Atresia

Tis anomaly occurs in approximately 1 in 10,000 births (Best, 2012; Dolk, 2010). It is characterized by the sonographic doublebubble sign, which develops rom distention o the stomach and the rst part o the duodenum (Fig. 15-48). Tis nding may not be obvious beore 24 weeks’ gestation. Demonstrating continuity between the stomach and proximal duodenum conrms that the second “bubble” is the proximal duodenum. Approximately 30 percent o aected etuses have an associated chromosomal abnormality or genetic syndrome, particularly trisomy 21. O cases without a genetic abnormality, a third have associated anomalies, most commonly cardiac deects and other gastrointestinal abnormalities (Best, 2012).

Jejunoileal Atresia

Tis condition may present with dilated small-bowel loops that ll the abdomen or with meconium peritonitis rom bowel per- oration (Fig. 15-49). Associated gastrointestinal abnormalities are identied postnatally in 25 percent o cases, with malrotation in 10 to 15 percent (Stollman, 2009). Cystic brosis also is identied in approximately 10 percent. In general, jejunal atresia is more strongly associated with bowel dilation and hyperperistalsis, and ileal atresia, with per- oration. Bowel dilatation in jejunal atresia typically does not present until ater 24 weeks’ gestation and may be accompanied by hydramnios. Peroration is requently associated with ascites, and bright echoes may be visible outside the bowel lumen, outlining the peritoneal cavity. Over time, the ascites resolves, and the extravasated meconium may orm a pseudocyst. Fetal MR imaging can assist with identiying the level o the deect (Chap. 14, p. 267).

Anal Atresia

Also known as imperorate anus, this condition is less readily diagnosed by sonography. Hydramnios is not a typical eature, and the bowel may not be signicantly dilated. A transverse view through the pelvis may show an enlarged rectum as an anechoic structure between the bladder and the sacrum. Anal atresia is a eature o the VACERL association.

FIGURE 15-48 Duodenal atresia. Transverse image of the double-bubble sign, which represents distension of the stomach (S) and the first part of the duodenum (D). Continuity between these structures confirms that the second cystic structure is the duodenum.

FIGURE 15-49 Jejunoileal atresia with meconium peritonitis. A. Sagittal image of the fetal abdomen at 26 weeks’ gestation with severe ascites following bowel perforation. Arrows point to the bowel, which is considerably more echogenic than the liver. B. Transverse image at 30 weeks demonstrates resolution of ascites. The abdomen is now filled with dilated loops of small bowel. Focal bright echoes (arrows) represent extraluminal meconium. A = ascites; L = liver.

■ Ventral Wall Defects

Te integrity o the abdominal wall is assessed at the level o the cord insertion during the standard examination (Fig. 15-50). Ventral wall deects include gastroschisis, omphalocele, and body stalk anomaly.


Tis is a ull-thickness abdominal wall deect located to the right o the umbilical cord insertion. Bowel herniates through the deect into the amnionic cavity. Gastroschisis may be diagnosed as early as the late rst trimester (Fig. 15-51). Te prevalence is approximately 1 in 2000 births (Jones, 2016; Nelson, 2015). Gastroschisis is the one major anomaly more common in etuses o younger mothers, and the average maternal age is 20 years (Santiago-Muñoz, 2007). Coexisting bowel abnormalities such as jejunal atresia are ound in approximately 15 percent o cases (Overcash, 2014). Gastroschisis is not associated with aneuploidy, and the survival rate is 90 to 95 percent (Nelson, 2015; Raitio, 2020).

Fetal-growth restriction complicates gastroschisis in 15 to 40 percent o cases (Overcash, 2014; SantiagoMuñoz, 2007). Growth restriction does not appear to coner increased mortality (Nelson, 2015; Overcash, 2014). However, earlier gestational age at delivery does pose a risk or adverse outcome, and planned delivery at 36 to 37 weeks’ gestation has not been ound to benet the neonate (Al-Ka, 2016; South, 2013).


Te birth prevalence o this anomaly approximates 1 in 3000 to 5000 (Can- eld, 2006; Dolk, 2010). It develops when the lateral ectomesodermal olds ail to meet in the midline. Abdominal organs herniate into the base o the umbilical cord, covered only by a two-layered sac o amnion and peritoneum (Fig. 15-52). More than hal o cases are associated with other major anomalies or aneuploidy. Aneuploidy is particularly common with smaller deects (De Veciana, 1994). Omphalocele is also a component o several syndromes, including Beckwith–Wiedemann, cloacal exstrophy, and pentalogy o Cantrell. Neonatal survival approximates 90 percent or isolated cases and 80 percent in those with other structural abnormalities (Raitio, 2021; Springett, 2014). Isolated deects containing liver are typically delivered via cesarean to decrease the risk or etal trauma and bleeding.

Body Stalk Anomaly

Also known as limb-body-wall complex or cyllosoma, this rare, lethal anomaly is characterized by abnormal body wall ormation. ypically, no abdominal wall is visible, and the abdominal organs extrude into the extraamnionic coelom (Fig. 15-53). Te body and placenta are closely approximated or used, and

FIGURE 15-50 Normal ventral wall. Transverse view of the abdomen demonstrating normal umbilical cord insertion and integrity of the anterior abdominal wall.


FIGURE 15-51 Gastroschisis. Transverse views of the lower abdomen at 13 weeks’ gestation (A) and 18 weeks (B) depict multiple small bowel loops (B) that have herniated into the amnionic cavity through a defect to the right of the cord insertion (arrow).

FIGURE 15-52 Omphalocele. Transverse view of the abdomen showing a large, round, membrane-covered ventral wall defect containing exteriorized liver.

the umbilical cord is extremely short. Acute-angle scoliosis is another eature, and amnionic bands are oten identied.

■ Kidneys and Genitourinary Tract

Te etal kidneys are visible adjacent to the spine, requently in the rst trimester and routinely by 18 weeks’ gestation (Fig. 15-54). Te length o the kidney approximates 20 mm at 20 weeks and grows about 1.1 mm each week thereater (Chitty, 2003).

Te etal bladder is also readily seen in the second trimester as a round, anechoic structure in the anterior midline o the pelvis. With application o Doppler, the bladder is outlined by the two superior vesical arteries as they become the umbilical arteries o the umbilical cord (Chap. 6, p. 114). Te etal ureters and urethra are not visible sonographically unless abnormally dilated. Ater 18 weeks’ gestation, the kidneys are the major source o amnionic uid (Chap. 14, p. 256). Normal amnionic uid volume in the second hal o pregnancy suggests urinary tract patency and at least one unctioning kidney.

External genitalia are a component o the detailed examination and are part o the standard examination in multietal gestations and when medically indicated (American Institute o Ultrasound in Medicine, 2019). Identication may aid counseling in pregnancies at risk or an X-linked genetic condition. Examples o normal and ambiguous genitalia are shown in

Figure 15-55. Disorders o sexual development are discussed in Chapter 3 (p. 35).

Renal Pelvis Dilatation

Present in 1 to 5 percent o etuses, this nding is also called urinary tract dilatation or hydronephrosis. In 40 to 90 percent o cases, and particularly when mild, renal pelvis dilatation is transient or physiological and does not represent an underlying abnormality (Ismaili, 2003; Nguyen, 2010). In approximately one third o cases, a urinary tract abnormality is conrmed in the neonatal period. O these, ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction and vesicoureteral refux (VUR) are the most requent. Te etal renal pelvis diameter is measured anterior-to-posterior in a transverse plane. Calipers are placed on the inner border o the uid collection (Fig. 15-56). Although various thresholds have been dened, the pelvis is typically considered dilated i it exceeds 4 mm in the second trimester or 7 mm at approximately 32 weeks’ gestation (Nguyen, 2014; Reddy, 2014). Te second-trimester threshold is used to identiy pregnancies that warrant subsequent third-trimester evaluation.

Te Society or Fetal Urology categorized renal pelvis dilatation based on a metaanalysis o more than 100,000 screened pregnancies (Table 15-2) (Lee, 2006; Nguyen, 2010). Provided that the nding is isolated, the degree o dilation correlates with


FIGURE 15-53 Body-stalk anomaly. A. This 15-week fetus has no visible abdominal wall. The thorax is disproportionately small compared with the head, and the small lower torso is deviated to the side. Arrows point to the large mass of extruded abdominal organs. B. Acuteangle scoliosis. Arrows depict the abnormal curvature of the spine. (Reproduced with permission from Deirdre Snelson, RDMS.)


FIGURE 15-54 Normal fetal kidneys and bladder. A. The kidneys are visible adjacent to the spine in this 29-week fetus. A small amount of urine is often visible within the renal pelvis (arrow). B. Normal fetal bladder, outlined by the two superior vesical arteries as they become the umbilical arteries.

dilatation. Te birth prevalence is 1 in 1000 to 2000, and males are aected three times more oten than emales (Williams, 2007; Woodward, 2002). Obstruction is generally unctional rather than anatomical, and it is bilateral in up to a ourth o cases. Te likelihood o UPJ obstruction ranges rom 5 percent with mild renal pelvis dilatation to more than 50 percent with severe dilatation (Lee, 2006).

Duplicated Renal Collecting System. In this anatomical anomaly, the upper and lower poles o the kidney—called moieties— are each drained by a separate ureter (Fig. 15-57). Duplication is ound in approximately 1 in 4000 pregnancies, is more common in emales, and is bilateral in 15 to 20 percent o cases (James, 1998; Vergani, 1998; Whitten, 2001). Sonographically, an intervening tissue band separates two distinct renal pelves. Hydronephrosis or ureteral dilation may develop due to abnormal implantation o one or both ureters within the bladder—a relationship that reects the anatomical Weigert-Meyer rule. Te upper pole ureter tends to develop obstruction rom a ureterocele within the bladder, whereas the lower pole ureter has a shortened intravesical segment that predisposes to VUR (see Fig. 15-57). Tus, both moieties may become dilated rom dierent etiologies, and both are at risk or loss o unction.

Renal Agenesis

Te estimated prevalence o bilateral renal agenesis is 1 in 8000 births, whereas that o unilateral renal agenesis is 1 in 1000 births (Cragan, 2009; Dolk, 2010; Sheih, 1989; Wiesel, 2005). With an absent kidney, color Doppler imaging o the descending aorta demonstrates absence o the ipsilateral renal artery (Fig. 15-58). In addition, the ipsilateral adrenal gland typically enlarges to ll the renal ossa, termed the lying down adrenal sign (Homan, 1992).

I renal agenesis is bilateral, no urine is produced, and the resulting anhydramnios leads to pulmonary hypoplasia, limb contractures, and distinctive acies. When this combination results rom renal agenesis, it is called Potter syndrome, ater Dr. Edith Potter, who described it in 1946. When these abnormalities result rom severely decreased amnionic uid volume rom another etiology, such as bilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney or autosomal

TABLE 15-2. Risk for Postnatal Urinary Abnormality

According to Degree of Renal Pelvis Dilation



Trimester Third Trimester



Mild 4 to <7 mm 7 to <9 mm 12%

Moderate 7 to ≤10 mm 9 to ≤15 mm 45%

Severe >10 mm >15 mm 88%

Modified from Lee, 2006; Nguyen, 2010.


FIGURE 15-56 Renal pelvis dilatation. A. The anterior-posterior diameter of the renal pelves measured 7 mm in the transverse plane in this 34-week fetus. B. Sagittal image at 32 weeks depicts renal pelvis dilatation with rounded calyces (arrow) in the setting of ureteropelvic junction obstruction.



FIGURE 15-55 Normal and ambiguous genitalia. A. Female labia. B. Male penis and scrotum. C. Ambiguous genitalia with a phallus and bifid scrotum. D. With this condition, color Doppler can assist locating the urethral meatus, which is pinpointed here by the urine stream (blue).

the likelihood o an underlying abnormality. Associated calyceal dilation, cortical thinning, or dilation elsewhere along the urinary tract coner increased risk (Nguyen, 2014). Mild pyelectasis in the second trimester is a minor aneuploidy marker associated with a slightly increased risk or trisomy 21, particularly when other ndings or risk actors are also present (Fig. 17-3, p. 340). Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction. Tis condition is the most common abnormality associated with renal pelvis recessive polycystic kidney disease, it is called Potter sequence. Te prognosis or these abnormalities is extremely poor.

Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney

Tis severe orm o renal dysplasia results in a nonunctioning kidney. Te nephrons and collecting ducts orm abnormally, such that primitive ducts are surrounded by bromuscular tissue, and the ureter is atretic (Hains, 2009). Sonographically, the kidney contains numerous, variably sized, smooth-walled cysts that do not communicate with the renal pelvis and are surrounded by echogenic cortex (Fig. 15-59). Unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) has a prevalence o 1 in 4000 births. Contralateral renal abnormalities are present in 30 to 40 percent—most requently VUR or UPJ obstruction (Schreuder, 2009). Nonrenal anomalies have been reported in 25 percent o cases. Cystic dysplasia may occur as a component o many genetic syndromes (Lazebnik, 1999; Schreuder, 2009). I MCDK is isolated and unilateral, the prognosis is generally good. Bilateral MCDK is ound in approximately 1 in 12,000 births. It is associated with severely decreased amnionic uid volume starting early in gestation. Tis leads to Potter sequence and a poor prognosis.

Polycystic Kidney Disease

O the hereditary polycystic diseases, only the inantile orm o autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) may be reliably diagnosed prenatally. ARPKD is a chronic, progressive disease o the kidneys and liver that results in cystic dilation o the renal collecting ducts and in congenital hepatic brosis (urkbey, 2009). Te carrier requency o a disease-causing mutation in the PKHD1 gene approximates 1 in 70, and the birth prevalence is 1 in 20,000 (Zerres, 1998). Te phenotypes o ARPKD range rom lethal pulmonary hypoplasia at birth to a presentation in late childhood or even adulthood with predominantly hepatic maniestations. Sonographically, ARPKD displays abnormally large kidneys that may ll or even distend the etal abdomen and have a solid, ground-glass texture (Fig. 15-60). Severe oligohydramnios coners a poor prognosis.

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), which is ar more common, usually does not maniest until adulthood (Chap. 56, p. 1001). Even so, some etuses with ADPKD have mild renal enlargement and enhanced renal echogenicity in the setting o normal amnionic uid volume.


FIGURE 15-57 Duplicated renal collecting system. A. Renal pelvis dilatation is visible in both the upper (U) and lower (L) pole moieties, which are separated by an intervening band of renal tissue (arrowhead). B. A ureterocele (arrowhead) is visible within the bladder. Color Doppler depicts the superior vesical arteries.


FIGURE 15-58 Renal agenesis. A. Coronal image of a fetus with bilateral renal agenesis in which color Doppler of the abdominal aorta is used to demonstrate absence of the renal arteries. B. In this fetus with unilateral renal agenesis, arrowheads point to the adrenal gland (arrowheads) filling the renal fossa, which is the “lying-down” adrenal sign.

FIGURE 15-59 Multicystic dysplastic kidneys. Coronal view of the fetal abdomen demonstrates enlarged kidneys that are filled with cysts of varying size and contain no visible renal pelvis or normalappearing renal tissue.

Te dierential diagnosis or these ndings includes several genetic syndromes, aneuploidy, or normal variant.

Bladder Outlet Obstruction

Distal obstruction o the urinary tract is more requent in male etuses, and the most common etiology is posterior urethral valves. It may be diagnosed as early as the rst trimester in some cases (Fig. 15-61). Te bladder is markedly dilated, with accompanying dilation o the proximal urethra, which is termed the “keyhole” sign. Oligohydramnios, particularly beore midpregnancy, portends pulmonary hypoplasia and poor prognosis. Te kidneys may initially maniest severe hydroureteronephrosis but later develop cystic renal dysplasia or become small and echogenic.

Outcome may be poor even with normal amnionic uid volume. Associated anomalies occur in 40 percent o cases, and aneuploidy has been reported in 5 to 8 percent (Hayden, 1988; Hobbins, 1984; Mann, 2010). Evaluation and potential etal therapy or bladder outlet obstruction is discussed in Chapter 19 (p. 376).


Te standard examination includes demonstrating the presence o the arms, legs, hands, and eet (American Institute o Ultrasound in Medicine, 2018). Te detailed examination includes, in addition, the number and position o the digits—ngers and toes (Fig. 15-62). Te Nosology and Classication o Genetic Skeletal Disorders includes 461 skeletal anomalies in 42 groups, characterized according to their molecular phenotype, clinical eatures, or radiographic ndings (Mortier, 2019). More than 90 percent o skeletal disorders now have a known genetic basis, with pathogenic variants identied in more than 400 genes. Te two types o skeletal dysplasias are osteochondrodysplasias—the generalized abnormal development o bone and/or cartilage, and dysostoses—which are abnormalities o individual bones. In addition to these malormations, skeletal abnormalities include deormations, as with some cases o club- oot, and disruptions such as limb-reduction deects.

■ Skeletal Dysplasias

Te prevalence o skeletal dysplasias approximates 3 in 10,000 births. wo groups account or more than hal o all cases: the broblast growth actor 3 (FGFR3) chondrodysplasia group and the osteogenesis imperecta and decreased bone density group. Each occurs in 0.8 in 10,000 births (Stevenson, 2012). Evaluation o a pregnancy with suspected skeletal dysplasia includes a survey o every long bone, as well as the hands and eet, skull size and shape, clavicles, scapulae, thorax, and spine. Reerence tables are used to determine which long bones are aected and ascertain the degree o shortening (Appendix, p. 1239). Involvement o all long bones is termed micromelia, whereas predominant involvement o only the proximal, intermediate, or distal long bone segments is termed rhizomelia, mesomelia, and acromelia, respectively. Te degree o ossication should be noted, as should presence o bowing or ractures. Although precise characterization may elude prenatal diagnosis, it is requently possible to determine whether a skeletal dysplasia is lethal. Lethal dysplasias show proound long bone


FIGURE 15-60 Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD). Transverse (A) and coronal (B) images of a 29-week fetus with marked renal enlargement. The kidneys measure 7 cm in length and have a ground-glass appearance. There is anhydramnios.






FIGURE 15-61 Bladder outlet obstruction. A. The bladder (B) is so large that it fills the abdomen in this 13-week fetus. B. By 18 weeks, the kidneys (K) have become brightly echogenic. C. The bladder is markedly dilated and thick-walled, with dilation of the proximal urethra, termed the “keyhole” sign (arrow).

shortening, oten with measurements ar below the 5th percentile, and display emur length-to-abdominal circumerence ratios <16 percent (Nelson, 2014; Rahemtullah, 1997; Ramus, 1998). Other sonographic abnormalities are generally evident. Pulmonary hypoplasia is suggested by a thoracic circumerence <80 percent o the abdominal circumerence value, a thoracic circumerence <2.5th percentile, and a cardiac circumerence >50 percent o the thoracic circumerence value (Appendix, p. 1238). Aected pregnancies may also develop hydramnios and/or hydrops.

Te FGFR3 chondrodysplasias include achondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, and thanatophoric dysplasia. Achondroplasia is the most common nonlethal skeletal dysplasia. An impressive 98 percent o cases are due to a specic point mutation in the FGFR3 gene.

Inheritance is autosomal dominant, and 80 percent o cases result rom a new mutation. Achondroplasia is characterized by long bone shortening that is predominantly rhizomelic, an enlarged head with rontal bossing, depressed nasal bridge, exaggerated lumbar lordosis, and a trident conguration o the hands. Intelligence is usually normal. Te emur and humerus measurements may not all below the 5th percentile until the early third trimester. In homozygotes, who represent 25 percent o the ospring o heterozygous parents, the condition is characterized by greater long bone shortening and is lethal.

Te other major class o FGFR3 dysplasias, thanatophoric dysplasia, is the most common lethal skeletal disorder. It is characterized by severe micromelia, and aected etuses— particularly those with type II—may develop a characteristic cloverlea skull deormity (Kleeblattschädel) due to craniosynostosis. Genetic testing is con- rmatory.

Osteogenesis imperecta represents a group o skeletal dysplasias typied by hypomineralization. Tere are multiple types, and more than 90 percent o cases are characterized by a mutation in the COL1A1 or COL1A2 gene. ype II, also called the perinatal orm, is lethal. Te skull displays a proound lack o ossication, and gentle pressure on the maternal abdomen rom the ultrasound transducer results in visible skull deormation (Fig. 15-63). Other eatures include multiple in-utero ractures and ribs that appear “beaded.” Inheritance is autosomal dominant, such that all cases result rom either new mutations or gonadal mosaicism. Another skeletal dysplasia that creates severe hypomineralization is hypophosphatasia, which has an autosomal recessive inheritance.

■ Polydactyly

Te most common skeletal abnormality is polydactyly, which occurs in approximately 1 in 1000 births. It is post-axial i on the side o the ulna or bula and pre-axial i on the side o the



FIGURE 15-62 Normal extremities. A. Footprint with toes identified. B. Normal ankle position. C. Hand with fingers identified. D. Normal hand and forearm position.


FIGURE 15-63 Post-axial polydactyly. A. In this image of the hand, the arrow points to a rudimentary digit adjacent to the little finger. B. Foot with 6 toes in a fetus with trisomy 13. The arrow points to the extra digit. 

radius or tibia (Fig. 15-64). Te extra digit is oten rudimentary, and in the absence o a bony component, prenatal detection may be limited. Post-axial polydactyly is more common and is requently inherited in an autosomal dominant ashion.

Polydactyly is also a eature o syndromes such as Meckel-Gruber and trisomy 13.

■ Clubfoot—Talipes Equinovarus

Tis disorder is notable or a deormed talus and shortened Achilles tendon. Te aected oot is abnormally xed and positioned with equinus (downward pointing), varus (inward rotation), and oreoot adduction. Most cases are considered malormations, with a multiactorial genetic component. However, an association with environmental actors and with early amniocentesis suggests that deormation also plays a role (redwell, 2001). Sonographically, the ootprint is visible in the same plane as the tibia and bula (Fig. 15-65).

Te prevalence o cluboot approximates 1 in 1000 births, and the male:emale ratio is 2:1 (Carey, 2003; Pavone, 2012). Cluboot is bilateral in approximately 50 percent o cases. At least 50 percent o aected individuals have associated abnormalities, such as neural-tube deects, arthrogryposis, and myotonic dystrophy and other genetic syndromes (Mammen, 2004; Sharma, 2011). I there are other abnormalities, aneuploidy is present in 30 percent. In contrast, the aneuploidy rate is <4 percent when club- oot appears isolated (Lauson, 2010; Sharma, 2011). Tus, a careul search or associated abnormalities is warranted, and chromosomal microarray analysis may be considered.

■ LimbReduction Defects

Documentation o the arms and legs is a component o the standard examination. Te absence or hypoplasia o all or part o one or more extremities is a limb-reduction deect. Te birth prevalence is 4 to 8 in 10,000 (Kucik, 2012; Stoll, 2010; Vasluian, 2013).

Approximately hal o these are isolated deects, up to one third occur as part o a recognized syndrome, and individuals in the remaining cases have other coexisting anomalies (Stoll, 2010; Vasluian, 2013). Upper extremities are aected more requently than lower ones. A terminal transverse limb deect lacks part or all o a distal limb to create a stump (Fig. 15-66). Tis is more common than a longitudinal deect, which is complete or partial absence o the long bone(s) on only one side o a given extremity.

Absence o an entire extremity is termed amelia. Phocomelia, associated with thalidomide exposure, is an absence o one or more long bones with the hands or eet attached to the trunk (Chap. 8, p. 155). Limb-reduction deects are associated with numerous genetic syndromes, such



FIGURE 15-64 Osteogenesis imperfecta, Type IIa. A. Due to lack of skull ossification, gentle ultrasound transducer pressure on the maternal abdomen results in visible deformation (flattening) of the skull in this 24-week fetus. B. When the transducer pressure is removed, the skull shape returns to normal. C. In the four-chamber view of the heart, in-utero fractures lead to abrupt angulation of the ribs (arrows). D. The thorax is markedly smaller than the abdomen in this sagittal image.

FIGURE 15-65 Talipes equinovarus or clubfoot. This condition is diagnosed by visualizing the “footprint” in the same plane as the tibia and fibula.

as Roberts syndrome, an autosomal recessive condition characterized by tetraphocomelia. A clubhand deormity, usually rom an absent radius, is a component o the thrombocytopeniaabsent radius syndrome and is also associated with trisomy 18 (Fig. 16-5, p. 312). Limb-reduction deects may occur in the setting o a disruption such as amnionic-band sequence (Chap. 6, p. 113). Tey have also been associated with chorionic villus sampling when perormed beore 10 weeks’ gestation (Fig. 17-5, p. 346).

FIGURE 15-66 Transverse limb-reduction defect. A. At 18 weeks’ gestation, only a rudimentary hand was visible. B. By 24 weeks, the radius and ulna were normal in size and appearance, and small rudimentary digits were evident.

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