Chapter 18. Fetal Disorders. William Obs

 Chapter 18. Fetal Disorders

BS. Nguyễn Hồng Anh

Fetal disorders may be acquired—such as alloimmunization;

may be genetic—congenital adrenal hyperplasia; or may be

sporadic—like many structural malormations. Tis chapter

reviews etal anemia and thrombocytopenia and immune and

nonimmune etal hydrops. Hydrops is perhaps the quintessential etal disorder, as it can be a maniestation o severe illness

rom a wide variety o etiologies. Fetal structural malormations

are reviewed in Chapter 15, genetic abnormalities in Chapters

16 and 17, and conditions amenable to medical or surgical etal

therapy in Chapter 19. Because congenital inections arise as a

result o maternal inection or colonization, they are discussed

in Chapters 67 and 68.


Anemia may result rom alloimmunization, inection, genetic

disorders, or etomaternal hemorrhage. Red cell alloimmunization results rom transplacental passage o maternal antibodies

that destroy etal red cells. Alloimmunization leads to overproduction o immature etal and neonatal red cells—erythroblastosis

etalis—a condition now reerred to as hemolytic disease o the

etus and newborn (HDFN). Congenital inections are also associated with etal anemia, particularly parvovirus B19, discussed

in Chapter 67 (p. 1191). In Southeast Asian populations,

α0-thalassemia is a common cause o severe anemia and nonimmune hydrops. Rare genetic causes o anemia include red cell

production disorders—such as Diamond-Blackan anemia and

Fanconi anemia; red cell enzymopathies—glucose-6-phosphate

dehydrogenase deciency and pyruvate kinase deciency; red

cell structural abnormalities—hereditary spherocytosis and

elliptocytosis; lysosomal storage diseases—Gaucher disease,

Niemann-Pick, and mucopolysaccharidosis VII; and myeloprolierative disorders—leukemias. Fetomaternal hemorrhage

is discussed on page 357. Fetal anemia is typically identied

through Doppler evaluation o the etal middle cerebral artery

(MCA) peak systolic velocity (p. 355).

Progressive etal anemia rom any cause leads to heart ailure,

hydrops etalis, and ultimately death. reatment with intrauterine transusions can be liesaving. Severely anemic etuses

transused in utero have survival rates exceeding 90 percent,

and even in cases o hydrops etalis, survival rates approach 80

percent (Lindenberg, 2013; Mizuuchi, 2021; Zwiers, 2017).

■ Red Cell Alloimmunization

Currently, 36 dierent blood group systems and 360 erythrocyte antigens are recognized by the International Society

o Blood ransusion (Storry, 2019). Blood banks routinely

screen or erythrocyte antigens. Some are immunologically and

genetically important, but many are rare and o little clinical signicance. An individual who lacks a specic erythrocyte

antigen may produce antibodies against it when exposed to

that antigen. Such antibodies can prove harmul i an individual receives an incompatible blood transusion. During

pregnancy, these antibodies may cross the placenta and lyse

etal red cells that contain the associated antigens, resulting

in anemia.

Te etus typically inherits at least one erythrocyte antigen

rom the ather that is lacking in the mother. Te pregnant

woman may become sensitized i enough etal red cells reach

her circulation to elicit an immune response. Importantly,

alloimmunization is uncommon or the ollowing reasons:

(1) low prevalence o incompatible erythrocyte antigens; (2)

insucient transplacental passage o etal antigens and maternal antibodies; (3) maternal-etal ABO incompatibility, which

leads to rapid clearance o etal erythrocytes beore they elicit

an immune response; (4) variable antigenicity; and (5) variable

maternal immune response to the antigen.

Te prevalence o red cell alloimmunization in pregnancy

approximates 1 percent (Bollason, 2017; Koelewijn, 2008).

Most cases o severe etal anemia requiring antenatal transusion are attributable to anti-D, anti-Kell, anti-c, or anti-E alloimmunization (de Haas, 2015).

Maternal blood type and antibody screen are routinely

assessed at the rst prenatal visit. Unbound antibodies in maternal serum are detected with an indirect Coombs test (Chap. 10,

p. 178). I the result is positive, the specic antibodies are

identied; their immunoglobulin subtype is determined as

either immunoglobulin G (IgG) or M (IgM); and the titer is

quantied. Only IgG antibodies are concerning, because IgM

antibodies do not cross the placenta. Selected antibodies and

their potential to cause etal hemolytic anemia are listed in

Table 18-1. Te critical titer is the level at which signicant

etal anemia may develop. It may vary according to antibody

and laboratory but is usually between 1:8 and 1:32. I the laboratory’s critical titer threshold or anti-D antibodies is 1:16, a

titer ≥1:16 indicates the possibility o severe hemolytic disease.

An important exception is Kell sensitization, which is discussed

on page 354.

CDE (Rh) Blood Group Incompatibility

Te CDE system includes ve erythrocyte antigens: C, c, D,

E, and e. Tere is no “d” antigen, and D-negativity is dened

as the absence o the D antigen. Although most people are D

positive or negative, more than 200 D antigen variants exist

(Daniels, 2013). Te CDE group was ormerly termed Rh or

rhesus, due to a misconception that red cells rom rhesus monkeys expressed these human antigens. In transusion medicine,

“rhesus” is no longer used (Sandler, 2017).

CDE antigens are clinically important. D-negative individuals may become sensitized ater a single exposure to as little as

0.1 mL o etal erythrocytes (Bowman, 1988). Te two responsible genes—RHD and RHCE—are located on the short arm o

chromosome 1 and are inherited together, independent o other

blood group genes. Antigen positivity varies according to race

and ethnicity. Nearly 85 percent o non-Hispanic white Americans are D-positive, as are approximately 90 percent o Native

Americans, 93 percent o Arican Americans and Hispanic

Americans, and 99 percent o Asian Americans (Garratty, 2004).

TABLE 18-1. Selected Red Cell Antigens and Their Relationship to Fetal

Hemolytic Disease

Blood Group

System Antigens Fetal Hemolysis Potential

CDE (Rh) D, c Severe disease risk

E, Bea, Ce, Cw, Cx, ce,

Dw, Evans, e, G, Goa7,

Hr, Hro, JAL, HOFM,

LOCR, Riv, Rh29, Rh32,

Rh42, Rh46, STEM, Tar

Severe disease infrequent, mild disease risk

Kell K Severe disease risk

k, Kpa, Kpb, K11, K22

Ku, Jsa, Jsb, Ula

Severe disease infrequent, mild disease risk

Duffy Fya Severe disease infrequent, mild disease risk

Fyb Not associated with fetal hemolytic disease

Kidd Jka Severe disease infrequent, mild disease risk

Jkb, Jk3 Mild disease possible

MNS M, N, S, s, U, Mta, Ena,

Far, Hil, Hut, Mia, Mit,

Mut, Mur, Mv, sD, Vw

Severe disease infrequent, mild disease risk

Colton Coa, Co3 Severe disease infrequent, mild disease risk

Diego Dia, Dib, Wra, Wrb Severe disease infrequent, mild disease risk

Dombrock Doa, Gya, Hy, Joa Mild disease possible

Gerbich Ge2, Ge3, Ge4, Lsa Mild disease possible

Scianna Sc2 Mild disease possible

I I, i Not associated with fetal hemolytic disease

Lewis Lea, Leb Not associated with fetal hemolytic disease

Data from de Haas, 2015; Moise, 2008; Weinstein, 1982.354 The Fetal Patient

Section 6

Te prevalence o D alloimmunization complicating pregnancy ranges rom 0.5 to 0.9 percent (Koelewijn, 2008; Martin, 2005). Without anti-D immune globulin prophylaxis, a D-negative woman delivered o a D-positive, ABO-compatible newborn has a 16-percent likelihood o developing alloimmunization. wo percent will become sensitized by the time o delivery, 7 percent by 6 months postpartum, and the remaining 7 percent will be “sensibilized”—producing detectable antibodies only in a subsequent pregnancy (Bowman, 1985). I there is ABO incompatibility, the D alloimmunization risk decreases to 2 percent because erythrocyte destruction o incompatible cells limits sensitization (Bowman, 2006). D sensitization may also occur ollowing rst-trimester pregnancy complications, prenatal diagnostic procedures, and maternal trauma (Table 18-2).

Te C, c, E, and e antigens have lower immunogenicity than the D antigen but can cause hemolytic disease. Sensitization to E, c, and C antigens complicates approximately 0.3 percent o pregnancies in screening studies and accounts or about 30 percent o red cell alloimmunization cases (Howard, 1998; Koelewijn, 2008). Anti-E alloimmunization is the most common, but the need or etal or neonatal transusions is greater with anti-c alloimmunization than with anti-E or anti-C (de Haas, 2015; Hackney, 2004; Koelewijn, 2008).

The Grandmother Effect. In virtually all pregnancies, small amounts o maternal blood enter the etal circulation. Polymerase

chain reaction (PCR) has identied maternal D-positive DNA

in peripheral blood rom preterm and ull-term D-negative newborns (Lazar, 2006). Tus, a D-negative emale etus exposed

to maternal D-positive red cells might develop sensitization,

and later might produce anti-D antibodies beore or during

pregnancy. Tis mechanism is called the grandmother efect

because the etus in the current pregnancy is jeopardized by

maternal antibodies that were initially provoked by his or her

grandmother’s erythrocytes.

Alloimmunization to Minor Antigens

Because routine administration o anti-D immune globulin prevents anti-D alloimmunization, proportionately more cases o

hemolytic disease are caused by red cell antigens other than D

(American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019a;

Koelewijn, 2008). Tese are also known as minor antigens.

Kell antigens are among the most requent. Other antigens

with potential to cause severe alloimmunization include Duy

group A—Fya, MNS, and Kidd—Jka (de Hass, 2015; Moise,

2008). In most cases, sensitization to a minor antigen results

rom an incompatible blood transusion. However, i an IgG

red cell antibody is detected and there is any doubt as to its

signicance, the pregnancy should be evaluated or hemolytic


Only a ew blood group antigens pose no etal risk. Lewis

antibodies—Lea and Leb—are cold agglutinins, as are I antibodies. Tey are predominantly IgM and are not expressed on

etal red cells (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019a). Another antibody that does not cause etal

hemolysis is Duy group B—Fyb.

Kell Alloimmunization. Approximately 90 percent o nonHispanic white Americans and up to 98 percent o Arican

Americans are Kell antigen negative. Kell type is not routinely

determined. ransusion history is important, as nearly 90

percent o Kell sensitization cases result rom transusion with

Kell-positive blood.

Kell sensitization may develop more rapidly and may be

more severe than with sensitization to D and other blood group

antigens. Tis is because Kell antibodies attach to erythrocyte

precursors in the etal bone marrow and thereby impair the

normal hemopoietic response to anemia. With ewer erythrocytes produced, there is less hemolysis, and thus severe anemia

may not be predicted by the maternal Kell antibody titer.

Slootweg and colleagues (2018) reviewed 93 pregnancies

with Kell alloimmunization in which the etus was conrmed

to be Kell-positive. Tey ound that a titer o 1:4 had 100

percent sensitivity, 27 percent specicity, and 60 percent positive predictive value or transusion requirement in the etal or

neonatal period. More than 50 percent o Kell antigen–positive etuses ultimately needed transusions. Given the potential

or severe anemia, the American College o Obstetricians and

Gynecologists (2019a) has recommended that antibody titers

not be used to monitor Kell-sensitized pregnancies.

ABO Blood Group Incompatibility

Incompatibility or the major blood group antigens A and B

is the most common cause o hemolytic disease in newborns,

but it does not cause appreciable hemolysis in the etus. Tis is

because most anti-A and anti-B antibodies are IgM types and

do not cross the placenta. Also, etal red cells have ewer A and

B antigenic sites than adult cells and are thus less immunogenic. Approximately 20 percent o newborns have ABO blood

TABLE 18-2. Causes of Fetomaternal Hemorrhage

group incompatibility, although only 5 percent are aected

clinically. In such cases, the resulting anemia is typically mild.

Te condition diers rom CDE incompatibility in several

respects. First, ABO incompatibility is oten seen in rstborn

neonates, unlike sensitization to other blood group antigens.

Tis is because most group O women have developed anti-A

and anti-B isoagglutinins beore pregnancy rom exposure to

bacteria displaying similar antigens. Additionally, ABO alloimmunization rarely becomes more severe in successive pregnancies. Fetal surveillance and early delivery are not indicated in

pregnancies with prior ABO incompatibility. Postnatally however, neonates are evaluated or hyperbilirubinemia, which may

require treatment with phototherapy or occasionally transusion (Chap. 33, p. 606).

■ Management of the Alloimmunized


O etuses rom D-alloimmunized pregnancies, 25 to 30 percent will have mild to moderate hemolytic anemia, and up to

25 percent have anemia severe enough to cause hydrops (annirandorn, 1990). I alloimmunization is detected and the titer

is below the critical value, the titer is generally repeated every

4 weeks or the duration o the pregnancy (American College

o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019a). In any pregnancy

in which the antibody titer has reached a critical value, there is

no benet to repeating the titer. Te pregnancy is at risk even

i the titer drops, and urther evaluation is required. Similarly,

i a prior pregnancy was complicated by alloimmunization, the

pregnancy is considered at risk regardless o titer.

Fetal Risk Assessment

Te presence o anti-D antibodies refects maternal sensitization but does not indicate whether the etus is D-positive or

D-negative. Up to 40 percent o D-negative pregnant women

carry a D-negative etus. I a woman is sensitized rom a prior

pregnancy, her antibody titer may rise during the current pregnancy even i the current etus is D-negative because o an

amnestic response. In a non-Hispanic white couple in which the

woman is D-negative, there is an 85-percent chance that the

man is D-positive. However, there is a 60-percent likelihood

that he is heterozygous at the D-locus, and only hal o his

children will be at risk or hemolytic disease.

Initial evaluation o alloimmunization begins with determining the paternal erythrocyte antigen status. Provided that

paternity is certain, i the ather is negative or the red cell antigen to which the mother is sensitized, the pregnancy is not at

risk. A prior blood transusion may be the cause o alloimmunization to a red cell antigen other than D. In a D-alloimmunized

pregnancy in which the ather is D-positive, it is helpul to

determine paternal zygosity or the D antigen using DNAbased analysis. I the ather is heterozygous—or i paternity is

not known—the woman should be oered assessment o etal

genotype. raditionally, this was done with amniocentesis and

PCR testing o uncultured amniocytes, which has a positive

predictive value o 100 percent and negative predictive value o

approximately 97 percent (Van den Veyver, 1996). Fetal testing or other antigens—such as E/e, C/c, Duy, Kell, Kidd,

and M/N—also is available with this method. Chorionic villus sampling is not recommended because o greater risk or

etomaternal hemorrhage and subsequent worsening o alloimmunization (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019a).

Noninvasive etal D genotyping has been perormed using

cell-ree DNA (cDNA) rom maternal plasma (Chap. 17, p.

335). Te reported sensitivity exceeds 99 percent, the speci-

city exceeds 95 percent, and positive or negative predictive

values are similarly very high (Johnson, 2017; Moise, 2016;

Pazourkova, 2021). Fetal D genotyping with cDNA is routinely used in parts o Europe but is not yet a widely used

clinical tool in the United States (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019a). wo potential indications

or cDNA use in D-negative pregnant women are: (1) in the

setting o D alloimmunization, testing can identiy etuses who

are also D-negative and do not require anemia surveillance, and

(2) in women without D alloimmunization, anti-D immune

globulin might be withheld i the etus is D negative. In the

case o the latter, the American College o Obstetricians and

Gynecologists (2019b) does not recommend routine cDNA

screening in D-negative pregnancies until it has been demonstrated to be cost-eective.

Management o the alloimmunized pregnancy typically consists o maternal antibody titer surveillance ollowed by ultrasound monitoring o the etal MCA peak systolic velocity i

a critical antibody titer is reached. As noted earlier (p. 354),

pregnancies with Kell alloimmunization oten receive ultrasound

surveillance regardless o titer. Fetal blood sampling is generally

perormed i the MCA peak systolic velocity exceeds the threshold or severe anemia, with plan or concurrent intrauterine

transusion as needed. Spectrophotometric analysis o amnionic

fuid bilirubin, also known as the ΔOD450 test, is no longer recommended (Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2015a).

Recent eorts have ocused on use o maternal intravenous

immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy to postpone the initial intrauterine transusion to beyond 20 weeks in severely aected

pregnancies (Maisonneuve, 2021). Its mechanism o action is

unclear, but IVIG therapy has been reported to delay need or

transusion by an average o 3 weeks and to lower the risk or

hydrops (Zwiers, 2018).

Middle Cerebral Artery Doppler Velocimetry. Serial measurement o the peak systolic velocity o the etal MCA is the recommended test to detect etal anemia (Society or Maternal–Fetal

Medicine, 2015a). Te anemic etus shunts blood preerentially

to the brain to maintain adequate oxygenation. Te velocity rises

because o increased cardiac output and decreased blood viscosity. Measurement technique is discussed in Chapter 14 (p. 262).

In a landmark study, Mari and coworkers (2000) measured

the MCA peak systolic velocity serially in 111 etuses at risk

or anemia and in 265 normal control etuses. Te threshold

value o 1.5 multiples o the median (MoM) or gestational age

correctly identied all etuses with moderate or severe anemia.

Tis provided a sensitivity o 100 percent, with a alse-positive

rate o 12 percent.

MCA peak systolic velocity is ollowed serially, and values are plotted on a curve like the one shown in Figure 18-1.

I the velocity is between 1.0 and 1.5 MoM and the slope is

rising—such that the value is approaching 1.5 MoM—MCA

Doppler surveillance is generally perormed at least weekly.

Te alse-positive rate o MCA peak systolic velocity increases

signicantly beyond 34 weeks’ gestation and stems rom the

normal rise in cardiac output that develops at this gestational

age (Moise, 2008; Zimmerman, 2002). At Parkland Hospital,

MCA peak systolic velocity is not measured beyond 35 weeks,

but ultrasound evaluation or hydrops is perormed as needed.

Fetal Blood Transfusion

I the MCA peak systolic velocity exceeds 1.5 MoM or i

hydrops develops and anemia is the leading etiology, etal blood

sampling and intrauterine transusion should be considered.

Fetal transusion is typically perormed prior to 34 to 35 weeks’

gestation (Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2015a). Later

in gestation, the benets o transusion may be outweighed by

the risks o delaying delivery. ransusion is most commonly

intravascular. However, the umbilical vein may be too narrow

in the early second trimester to readily permit needle entry, and

severe hemolysis may necessitate intraperitoneal etal transusion. In the setting o hydrops, peritoneal absorption may be

impaired, and some preer to transuse into both the etal peritoneal cavity and umbilical vein.

ransusion is generally recommended only i the etal

hematocrit is <30 percent (Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2015a). I hydrops has developed, the hematocrit is usually 15 percent or lower. Te red cells transused are type O,

D-negative, cytomegalovirus-negative, packed to a hematocrit

o approximately 80 percent to prevent volume overload, irradiated to prevent etal grat-versus-host reaction, and leukocytepoor. Te etal–placental volume allows rapid inusion o a

relatively large quantity o blood. Beore transusion, a paralytic

agent such as vecuronium may be given to the etus to minimize movement. In a nonhydropic etus, the target hematocrit

is 40 to 50 percent. Te volume transused may be estimated

by multiplying the estimated etal weight in grams by 0.02 or

each 10-percent rise in hematocrit needed (Giannina, 1998). In

the severely anemic etus at 18 to 24 weeks’ gestation, a smaller

volume is transused initially, and another transusion may be

planned or approximately 2 days later. Subsequent transusions

take place every 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the hematocrit.

Te MCA peak systolic velocity threshold or severe anemia

is higher ollowing an initial transusion—1.70 MoM rather

than 1.50 MoM (Society or Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 2015a).

It is hypothesized that the change in threshold compensates

or the contribution o donor cells in the initial transusion,

because the donor cells are rom adults and have a smaller mean

corpuscular volume. Following transusion, the etal hematocrit

drops by approximately 1 percent per day. Te initial decline

may be more rapid i hydrops has developed.

Outcomes. Te overall survival rate approximates 95 percent

(Zwiers, 2017; Mizuuchi, 2021). Complications include etal

death in 2 percent, need or emergent cesarean delivery in 1 percent, and inection and preterm rupture o membranes in 0.3

percent each, respectively. Te stillbirth rate exceeds 15 percent

i transusion is required beore 20 weeks (Lindenberg, 2013;

Zwiers, 2017). For hydropic etuses, the neonatal survival rate

is about 80 percent (Emiroglu, 2020; Van Kamp, 2001). In

one series, 95 percent o neonates survived i hydrops resolved

ollowing intrauterine transusion compared with ewer than

40 percent i hydrops persisted (Van Kamp, 2001).

Lindenberg (2012) reviewed long-term outcomes ollowing intrauterine transusion in a cohort o more than 450

alloimmunized pregnancies. Alloimmunization was secondary

to anti-D in 80 percent, anti-Kell in 12 percent, and anti-c

in 5 percent. Approximately a ourth o aected etuses had

hydrops, and more than hal also required exchange transusion

in the neonatal period. Among nearly 300 children aged 2 to

17 years who participated in neurodevelopmental testing, ewer

than 5 percent had severe impairments.

■ Prevention of AntiD Alloimmunization

Anti-D immune globulin has been used or more than ve

decades to prevent D alloimmunization. Unortunately, 50

percent o women around the world who would benet rom

anti-D immune globulin do not receive it (Pegoraro, 2020).

In countries without access, up to 10 percent o D-negative

pregnancies are complicated by hemolytic disease o the etus

and newborn (Zipursky, 2015). With immunoprophylaxis,

however, the alloimmunization risk may be reduced to <0.2

percent. Despite long-standing and widespread use, its mechanism o action is not completely understood.

Fetomaternal hemorrhage at delivery accounts or as many

as 90 percent o alloimmunization cases. Routine postpartum

administration o anti-D immune globulin to at-risk pregnancies within 72 hours o delivery lowers the alloimmunization

rate by 90 percent (Bowman, 1985). Additionally, provision

o anti-D immune globulin at 28 weeks’ gestation reduces

the third-trimester alloimmunization rate rom approximately

2 percent to 0.1 percent (Bowman, 1988). Whenever there is

doubt whether to give anti-D immune globulin, it should be given.

I not needed, it will not cause harm, but ailure to provide it

when needed may have severe consequences.

0 16 18 20 22 24 26

Gestational age (week)

Peak systolic velocity in the

middle cerebral artery (cm/sec)

28 30 32 34 36 38 40

Fetus with severe anemia

Fetus without anemia or with mild anemia









FIGURE 18-1 Doppler measurements of the peak systolic velocity in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) in 165 fetuses at risk for severe anemia. The blue line indicates the median peak systolic velocity in normal pregnancies, and the red line shows 1.5 multiples of the median. (Reproduced with permission from Oepkes D, Seaward PG, Vandenbussche et al: Doppler ultrasonography versus amniocentesis to predict fetal anemia, N Engl J Med. 2006 Jul 13;355(2):156–164.)

Anti-D immune globulin is derived rom human plasma donated by individuals with high-titer anti-D immunoglobulin D antibodies. Formulations prepared by cold ethanol ractionation and ultraltration must be administered intramuscularly because they contain plasma proteins that could result in anaphylaxis i given intravenously. Formulations prepared using ion exchange chromatography may be administered either intramuscularly or intravenously, which is relevant when treating signicant etomaternal hemorrhage. Both preparation methods eectively remove viral particles, including hepatitis and human immunodeciency viruses. Depending on the preparation, the hal-lie o anti-D immune globulin ranges

rom 16 to 24 days, which is why it is given both in the third trimester and ollowing delivery. Te standard intramuscular dose o anti-D immune globulin—300 μg or 1500 IU—will protect the average-sized mother rom a etal hemorrhage o up to 30 mL o etal whole blood or 15 mL o etal red cells.

In the United States, anti-D immune globulin is given prophylactically to all D-negative, unsensitized women at approximately 28 weeks’ gestation, and a second dose is given ater delivery i the newborn is D-positive (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019b). Beore the 28-week dose o anti-D immune globulin, repeat antibody screening is recommended to identiy individuals who have become alloimmunized (American Academy o Pediatrics, 2017). Following delivery, anti-D immune globulin should be given within 72 hours. Recognizing that 40 percent o neonates born to

D-negative women are also D negative, administration o immune globulin is recommended only ater the newborn is conrmed to be D positive (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019b). I immune globulin is inadvertently not administered ollowing delivery, it should be given as soon as the omission is recognized, because there may be some protection up to 28 days postpartum (Bowman, 2006). Anti-D immune globulin is also administered ater pregnancy-related events that could result in sensitization (see able 18-2). In the rst trimester, smaller doses o 50 or 120 µg may be suitable, as discussed in Chapters 11 and 12 (p. 203 and 221).

Anti-D immune globulin may produce a weakly positive—1:1 to 1:4—indirect Coombs titer in the mother. Tis is harmless and should not be conused with development o alloimmunization. Additionally, as the body mass index increases above 27 to 40 kg/m2, serum antibody levels decrease by 30 to 60 percent and may be less protective (MacKenzie, 2006; Woeler, 2004).

D-negative women who receive other types o blood products— including platelet transusions and plasmapheresis—also are at risk o becoming sensitized, and this can be prevented with antiD immune globulin. Rarely, a small amount o antibody crosses the placenta and results in a weakly positive direct Coombs test in cord and inant blood. Despite this, passive immunization does not cause signicant etal or neonatal hemolysis. In 2 to 3 per 1000 pregnancies, the volume o etomaternal hemorrhage may exceed 30 mL o whole blood (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019b). A single dose o anti-D immune globulin would be insucient in such situations. I additional anti-D immune globulin is considered only

or women with risk actors such as those shown in able 18-2, hal o those who require additional immune globulin may be missed. For this reason, all D-negative women should be screened at delivery, typically with a rosette test, ollowed by quantitative testing i indicated (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019b).

Te rosette test is a qualitative test that identies whether etal D-positive cells are present in the circulation o a D-negative woman. A sample o maternal blood is mixed with anti-D antibodies that coat any D-positive etal cells present in the sample. Indicator red cells bearing the D-antigen are then added, and rosettes orm around the etal cells as the indicator cells attach to them by the antibodies. Tus, i rosettes are visualized, there are etal D-positive cells in that sample. In the setting o D incompatibility, or any time a large etomaternal hemorrhage is suspected—regardless o antigen status, a Kleihauer-Betke test or fow cytometry test are used. Tese are discussed on page 358.

Te dosage o anti-D immune globulin is calculated rom the estimated volume o the etal-to-maternal hemorrhage, as described on page 358. One 300-μg dose is given or each

15 mL o etal red cells or 30 mL o etal whole blood to be

neutralized. I using an intramuscular preparation o anti-D

immune globulin, no more than ve doses may be given in

a 24-hour period. I using an intravenous preparation, two

ampules—totaling 600 μg—may be given every 8 hours. A

positive indirect Coombs test or the presence o circulating etal

cells on a rosette test demonstrate that the dose was sucient.

Serological Weak D Phenotypes

Formerly called Du, these are the most common antigenic D

variants in the United States and Europe (American College

o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019a). Serological weak

D phenotypes have been urther rened into two general categories using molecular analysis to complete RHD genotyping.

Molecular weak D phenotypes carry reduced numbers o intact

D antigens on the red cell surace. Partial D types have protein

deletions associated with abnormal D antigens that lack epitopes (Sandler, 2017).

Many individuals who test positive or weak D have weak D

phenotypes 1, 2, or 3. Tese phenotypes may be managed as i

D-positive. Te pregnancy is not considered at risk or alloimmunization, and thus anti-D immune globulin is not needed

(Sandler 2015, 2017). In contrast, individuals with partial

D antigens may be at risk or D-sensitization and do require

immune globulin. Molecular RHD genotyping has been suggested or pregnant women with weak D phenotype, but costbenet analysis o this strategy is presently lacking (American

College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019b). I molecular genetic testing has not been perormed in those with serologic

weak D phenotype, D immunoprophylaxis should be administered.


A small amount o etomaternal bleeding likely occurs in all

pregnancies and may be sucient to provoke an antigen-antibody reaction in two thirds. As shown in Figure 18-2, the incidence increases with advancing gestation and with the volume

o etal blood in the maternal circulation (Choavaratana, 1997).358 The Fetal Patient

Section 6

Te prevalence o etomaternal bleeding o at least 30 mL is

estimated to be 3 events per 1000 pregnancies (Wylie, 2010).

Fortunately, rank hemorrhage is rare. In one series o more

than 30,000 pregnancies, etomaternal hemorrhage ≥150 mL

complicated 1 in 2800 births (de Almeida, 1994).

Selected causes o etomaternal hemorrhage are shown in

able 18-2. With signicant hemorrhage, the most common

presenting complaint is decreased etal movement (Bellussi,

2017; Wylie, 2010). A sinusoidal etal heart rate pattern is

inrequently seen but warrants immediate evaluation (Chap.

24, p. 451). Sonography may demonstrate elevated MCA peak

systolic velocity, and indeed this is reported to be the most

accurate predictor (Bellusi, 2017; Wylie, 2010). Hydrops is an

ominous nding. I the MCA peak systolic velocity is elevated

or hydrops is identied, urgent etal transusion or delivery

should be considered. In more than 80 percent o cases, no

etiology o the etomaternal hemorrhage is identied.

One limitation o quantitative tests or etal cells in the

maternal circulation is that they do not provide inormation

regarding the timing or chronicity o hemorrhage (Wylie,

2010). Anemia that develops gradually, as with alloimmunization, is generally better tolerated by the etus than acute anemia.

Chronic anemia may not produce etal heart rate abnormalities

until the etus is moribund. In contrast, signicant acute hemorrhage may result in proound etal neurological impairment

rom cerebral hypoperusion, ischemia, and inarction. In some

cases, etomaternal hemorrhage is identied during stillbirth

evaluation (Chap. 35, p. 325).

■ Hemorrhage Quantification

Estimating the volume o etomaternal hemorrhage is needed

to calculate the appropriate dose o anti-D immune globulin i

the woman is D-negative, and it may also infuence obstetrical

management. Te most commonly used quantitative test or

etal red cells in the maternal circulation is the acid elution or

Kleihauer-Betke (KB) test (Kleihauer, 1957). Fetal erythrocytes

contain hemoglobin F, which is more resistant to acid elution

than hemoglobin A. Following exposure to acid, only etal

hemoglobin remains. Tereore, ater staining, the etal erythrocytes appear red and adult erythrocytes appear as “ghosts”

(Fig. 18-3). Te etal cells are then counted and expressed as

a percentage o adult cells. Te etal blood volume involved in

the etomaternal hemorrhage may be calculated using the ollowing ormula:

MBV × maternal Hct × % etal cells in KB test

Fetal blood volume =

newborn Hct

For a pregnant woman o normal size who is normotensive

and has reached ull-term, the maternal blood volume (MBV)

may be estimated as 5000 mL. Tus, in a woman with a hematocrit o 35 percent and whose etus has a hematocrit o 50

percent, the calculation or a KB test demonstrating staining o

1.7 percent o sample cells is:

5000 × 0.35 × 0.017

Fetal blood volume = = 60 mL


Te etal-placental blood volume at term approximates

125 mL/kg. For a 3000-g etus, that would equate to 375 mL.

Tus, this etus lost approximately 15 percent (60 ÷ 375 mL)

o the etal-placental volume. Assuming the hematocrit is

50 percent in a term etus, this 60 mL o whole blood represents

30 mL o red cells lost into the maternal circulation. A loss o

this magnitude should be well tolerated hemodynamically but

would require two 300-μg doses o anti-D immune globulin to

prevent alloimmunization. A more precise method to estimate

the maternal blood volume includes a calculation based on the

maternal height, weight, and anticipated physiological maternal blood volume accrual (able 42-1, p. 732).

Te KB test is labor intensive. Tere are also two scenarios

in which the KB may be inaccurate: (1) maternal hemoglobinopathies in which the etal hemoglobin level is elevated, such




Incidence (percent)




0.07 mL

0.08 mL

0.13 mL

0.19 mL



Third Delivery

FIGURE 18-2 Incidence of fetomaternal hemorrhage during pregnancy. The numbers at each data point represent total volume of fetal blood estimated to have been transferred into the maternal circulation.

FIGURE 18-3 Kleihauer-Betke test demonstrating massive fetomaternal hemorrhage. After acid-elution treatment, fetal red cells rich in hemoglobin F stain darkly, whereas maternal red cells with only very small amounts of hemoglobin F stain lightly.

as β-thalassemia, and (2) at or near term, because the etus

may already be producing hemoglobin A.

Another method o quantiying etomaternal hemorrhage

is with fow cytometry, which uses monoclonal antibodies

to hemoglobin F or to the D antigen and then measures the

degree o fuorescence (Chambers, 2012; Welsh, 2016). Flow

cytometry is an automated test that can analyze a greater number o cells than the KB test. It is also unaected by maternal

levels o etal hemoglobin and by etal levels o hemoglobin

A. Flow cytometry has been reported to be more sensitive and

accurate than the KB test, however, it uses specialized technology not routinely available in many hospitals (Chambers, 2012; Corcoran, 2014; Fernandes, 2007).


■ Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia

Tis is also reerred to as etal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT). Alloimmune thrombocytopenia (AI)

is the most common cause o severe thrombocytopenia

among term newborns, with a requency o 1 to 2 cases per

1000 births (Kamphuis, 2010; Pacheco, 2013; Risson, 2012).

FNAI is caused by maternal alloimmunization to paternally

inherited etal platelet antigens. Maternal antiplatelet antibodies cross the placenta in a manner similar to red cell alloimmunization (p. 352). Unlike immune thrombocytopenia, the

maternal platelet count is normal with FNAI. And, unlike

anti-D alloimmunization, severe sequelae may aect the initial

at-risk pregnancy.

Maternal platelet alloimmunization against human platelet

antigen-1a (HPA-1a) accounts or 80 to 90 percent o cases

and is associated with the greatest severity (Bussel, 1997;

Knight, 2011; iller, 2013). Tis is ollowed in order o requency by alloimmunization against HPA-5b, HPA-1b, and

HPA-3a. Alloimmunization to other antigens accounts or

only 1 percent o reported cases.

Approximately 85 percent o non-Hispanic white individuals

are HPA-1a positive. wo percent are homozygous or HPA-

1b and at risk or alloimmunization. However, only 10 percent

o these women produce antiplatelet antibodies when carrying

an HPA-1a etus. Approximately a third o aected etuses or

neonates will develop severe thrombocytopenia, and 10 to 20

percent with severe thrombocytopenia sustain an intracranial

hemorrhage (ICH) (Kamphuis, 2010). As a result, populationbased screening studies have identied one case o FNAI-associated ICH per 25,000 to 60,000 pregnancies (Kamphuis, 2010;

Knight, 2011).

FNAI has a spectrum o presentation. Neonatal thrombocytopenia may be an incidental nding, the newborn may

maniest petechiae, or the etus or neonate may develop devastating ICH. O 600 pregnancies with FNAI identied

through a large international registry, etal or neonatal ICH

complicated just 7 percent o cases (iller, 2013). Hemorrhage

aected the rst-born child in 60 percent and occurred beore

28 weeks’ gestation in hal. A third o aected children died

soon ater birth, and 50 percent o survivors had severe neurological disabilities.

Bussel and coworkers (1997) evaluated etal platelet counts

beore therapy in 107 etuses with FNAI. Trombocytopenia severity was predicted by a prior sibling with perinatal

ICH. Fity percent had an initial platelet count <20,000/μL.

And, among those in whom the initial platelet count was

>80,000/μL, it dropped by at least 10,000/μL per week in the

absence o therapy.

Diagnosis and Management

AI is typically diagnosed ollowing delivery o a neonate with

severe and unexplained thrombocytopenia to a woman whose

platelet count is normal. Rarely, the diagnosis is ascertained

ater identiying etal ICH. Te condition recurs in 70 to 90

percent o subsequent pregnancies, is oten severe, and usually

develops earlier with each successive pregnancy. raditionally,

etal blood sampling was perormed to detect etal thrombocytopenia and to tailor therapy. Platelets were transused i the

etal platelet count was <50,000/μL. Te reported rate o procedure-related complications exceeds 10 percent (Winkelhorst,

2017). For this reason, most avor empirical treatment with

IVIG instead (Berkowitz, 2006; Pacheco, 2011).

Terapy may be stratied according to whether a prior

aected pregnancy was complicated by perinatal ICH, and

i so, at what gestational age (Table 18-3) (Pacheco, 2011).

Pioneering work by Bussel (1996) and Berkowitz (2006) and

their colleagues demonstrated the ecacy o such treatment. In

one series o 50 pregnancies with etal thrombocytopenia secondary to FNAI, IVIG raised the platelet count by approximately 50,000/μL, and no etus developed ICH (Bussel, 1996).

Among pregnancies at particularly high risk, which was based

on a platelet count <20,000/μL or a sibling with FNAI-associated ICH, the addition o corticosteroids to IVIG therapy

was associated with a rise in platelet count in 80 percent o cases

(Berkowitz, 2006). However, a systematic review identied no

consistent benet o corticosteroid treatment compared with

IVIG therapy alone (Winkelhorst, 2017). Tus, corticosteroid

therapy is somewhat controversial. Cesarean delivery is generally recommended at or near term.

■ Immune Thrombocytopenia

Also known as immune or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (IP), this autoimmune disorder is characterized by antiplatelet IgG antibodies that attack platelet glycoproteins. Te

antibodies may cross the placenta and cause etal thrombocytopenia. Maternal IP is discussed in Chapter 59 (p. 1059).

Fetal thrombocytopenia rom maternal IP is usually mild.

However, neonatal platelet levels may all rapidly ater birth

and nadir at 48 to 72 hours o lie. Neither the maternal platelet count, identication o antiplatelet antibodies, nor treatment with corticosteroids eectively predicts etal or neonatal

platelet counts (Hachisuga, 2014). Importantly, etal platelet

counts are usually adequate to allow vaginal delivery without

an increased risk o ICH. In a review o more than 400 pregnancies with IP, there was no case o etal or neonatal ICH

and no inant with any central nervous system abnormality

(Wyszynski, 2016). Fetal blood sampling is not recommended

TABLE 18-3. Fetal-Neonatal Alloimmune Thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) Treatment Recommendations


Group Criteria Suggested Management

1 Prior fetus or newborn with ICH, but no

maternal anti-HPA antibody identified

Maternal anti-HPA antibody screening and cross-matching with

paternal platelets at 12, 24, and 32 weeks’ gestation; no treatment

for negative test results

2 Prior fetus or newborn with

thrombocytopenia and maternal

anti-HPA antibody, but no ICH

Beginning at 20 wks: IVIG 1g/kg/wk and prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/d or

IVIG 2 g/kg/wk

Beginning at 32 wks: IVIG 2 g/kg/wk and prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/d

Continue until delivery

3 Prior fetus with 3rd-trimester ICH or prior

newborn with ICH, and maternal antiHPA antibody

Beginning at 12 wks: IVIG 1 g/kg/wk

Beginning at 20 wks: either increase IVIG to 2 g/kg/wk or add

prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/d

Beginning at 28 wks: IVIG 2 g/kg/wk and prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/d

Continue until delivery

4 Prior fetus with ICH before the 3rd

trimester and maternal anti-HPA


Beginning at 12 wks: IVIG 2 g/kg/wk

Beginning at 20 wks: add prednisone 1 mg/kg/d

Continue both until delivery

HPA = human platelet antigen; ICH = intracerebral hemorrhage; IVIG = intravenous immunoglobulin G.

(Neunert, 2011). Mode o delivery is based on standard obstetrical indications.


Tis phrase has its origins in Middle English, Latin, and Greek.

Te condition was described by Ballantyne in 1892 as general

dropsy, that is, edema, o the etus (Kaiser, 1971). Hydrops

can be a maniestation o severe illness rom a wide variety o

etiologies (Table 18-4) (Bellini, 2015).

Hydrops is diagnosed by identiying two or more etal

eusions—pleural, pericardial, or ascites—or one eusion plus

anasarca (Fig. 18-4). Sonographically measured skin thickness

o >5 mm constitutes edema or anasarca. Placentomegaly is

dened as placental thickness ≥4 cm in the second trimester or

≥6 cm in the third trimester (Bellini, 2009; Society or Maternal–Fetal Medicine, 2015b). As hydrops progresses in severity,

anasarca is an invariable eature and is usually accompanied by

placentomegaly and hydramnios.

I ound in association with red cell alloimmunization,

hydrops is termed immune, otherwise, it is nonimmune.

Immune and nonimmune hydrops are postulated to share

several physiological abnormalities. Te precise pathogenesis

remains unknown but is likely multiactorial. As shown in

Figure 18-5, these include decreased colloid oncotic pressure,

increased hydrostatic or central venous pressure, and enhanced

vascular permeability.

■ Immune Hydrops

Tis condition results rom transplacental passage o maternal

antibodies that destroy etal red cells. Te resultant anemia

stimulates marrow erythroid hyperplasia and extramedullary

hematopoiesis in the spleen and liver (see Fig. 18-5). Te latter

likely causes portal hypertension and impaired hepatic protein

synthesis, which lowers plasma oncotic pressure (Nicolaides,

1985). Fetal anemia may also raise central venous pressure

(Weiner, 1989). issue hypoxia rom anemia may increase capillary permeability, such that fuid collects in the etal thorax,

abdominal cavity, and/or subcutaneous tissue.

Te incidence o immune hydrops has decreased dramatically with the advent o anti-D immune globulin and with use

o MCA Doppler to aid anemia detection. Only severe anemia results in immune hydrops. Mari and colleagues (2000)

reviewed 70 pregnancies with etal anemia rom red cell alloimmunization and ound that all with immune hydrops had

hemoglobin values <5 g/dL. As discussed on page 356, immediate etal blood transusion may be liesaving.

Nonimmune Hydrops

At least 90 percent o cases o hydrops are nonimmune (Bellini,

2012). Te prevalence approximates 1 case per 1500 secondtrimester pregnancies (Heinonen, 2000). Te number o specic disorders that can lead to nonimmune hydrops is extensive.

Etiologies and the proportion o births within each hydrops

category rom a review o more than 6700 aected pregnancies

are summarized in able 18-4 (Bellini, 2015).

A cause is identied in approximately 60 percent prenatally

and in up to 80 percent postnatally (Bellini, 2009, 2015; Santo,

2011). O prenatally diagnosed cases, aneuploidy accounts or

approximately 20 percent, cardiovascular abnormalities or 15

percent, and inections or 14 percent—the most common o

which is parvovirus B19 (Santo, 2011; Sileo, 2020; Sparks,

2019). In multietal gestations, twin-twin transusion syndrome is the most requent cause (Yeom, 2015). Fetal deaths

and stillbirths are common with nonimmune hydrops. Overall, only 40 percent o aected pregnancies result in a livebornFetal Disorders 361


TABLE 18-4. Categories and Etiologies of Nonimmune Hydrops Fetalis

Category Percenta


Structural defects: Ebstein anomaly, tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve,

hypoplastic left or right heart, premature closure of ductus arteriosus, arteriovenous

malformation (vein of Galen aneurysm)



Bradycardia, as may occur in heterotaxy syndrome with endocardial cushion defect or

with anti-Ro/La antibodies



Turner syndrome (45,X), triploidy, trisomies 21, 18, and 13



Hemoglobinopathies, such as α4-thalassemia

Erythrocyte enzyme and membrane disorders

Erythrocyte aplasia/dyserythropoiesis

Decreased erythrocyte production (myeloproliferative disorders)

Fetomaternal hemorrhage


Lymphatic Abnormalities

Cystic hygroma, systemic lymphangiectasis, pulmonary lymphangiectasis



Parvovirus B19, syphilis, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, rubella, enterovirus, varicella,

herpes simplex, coxsackievirus, listeriosis, leptospirosis, Chagas disease, Lyme disease



Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, lethal multiple pterygium, congenital

lymphedema, myotonic dystrophy type I, Neu-Laxova, Noonan, and Pena-Shokeir



Thoracic Abnormalities

Cystic adenomatoid malformation

Pulmonary sequestration

Diaphragmatic hernia


Congenital high airway obstruction sequence (CHAOS)

Mediastinal tumors

Skeletal dysplasia with very small thorax



Meconium peritonitis, gastrointestinal tract obstruction


Kidney and Urinary Tract

Kidney malformations

Bladder outlet obstructions

Congenital (Finnish) nephrosis, Bartter syndrome, mesoblastic nephroma


Placental, Twin, and Cord Abnormalities

Placental chorioangioma, twin-twin transfusion syndrome, twin reversed arterial

perfusion sequence, twin anemia polycythemia sequence, cord vessel thrombosis


Other Rare Disorders

Inborn errors of metabolism: Gaucher disease, galactosialidosis, GM1 gangliosidosis,

sialidosis, mucopolysaccharidoses, mucolipidoses

Tumors: sacrococcygeal teratoma, hemangioendothelioma with Kasabach-Merritt



Idiopathic 18

aPercentages reflect the proportion within each category from a systematic review of 6775 pregnancies with nonimmune hydrops.362 The Fetal Patient

Section 6

30 percent had a pathogenic genetic variant. Te most common

etiology was RASopathies, and many such cases resulted in Noonan

syndrome. It is anticipated that as experience with whole exome

sequencing accrues, the diagnostic yield will continue to increase.

Although the prognosis o nonimmune hydrops is guarded,

it depends heavily on etiology. In a large series rom Tailand

and Southern China, α0-thalassemia is the main cause o nonimmune hydrops. It accounts or 30 to 50 percent o cases and con-

ers an extremely poor prognosis (Liao, 2007; Ratanasiri, 2009;

Suwanrath-Kengpol, 2005). In contrast, treatable etiologies such

as parvovirus inection, chylothorax, and tachyarrhythmias, which

each constituting approximately 10 percent o cases, can result in

survival in two thirds o cases with etal therapy (Sohan, 2001).

Diagnostic Evaluation

Hydrops is readily detected with prenatal sonography (see

Fig. 18-5). Imaging and laboratory evaluation may identiy

neonate, and o these, the neonatal survival rate is just 50 percent (Nassr, 2018; Yeom, 2015).

Importantly, the etiology o nonimmune hydrops varies

according to the gestational age at diagnosis. In a review o 63

pregnancies undergoing genetic testing or hydrops in the rst

trimester, aneuploidy was the cause in 70 percent (Sileo, 2020).

O cases diagnosed rom 14 through 24 weeks, aneuploidy and

congenital inection each accounted or 20 percent. When nonimmune hydrops presents beore 24 weeks’ gestation, the most

requent aneuploidy is 45,X—Turner syndrome, and in such

cases, the survival rate is <5 percent (Sohan, 2001).

Recent advances in genetic testing have improved the understanding o hydrops cases that were previously considered

idiopathic. In a review rom the University o Caliornia FetalMaternal Consortium, whole exome sequencing was studied in

127 cases o unexplained nonimmune hydrops in which traditional genetic testing was uninormative (Sparks, 2020). Nearly



FIGURE 18-4 Sonographic findings that define hydrops. A. This profile of a 23-week fetus with nonimmune hydrops secondary to B19

parvovirus infection depicts scalp edema (arrowheads) and ascites (*). B. This 34-week fetus had hydrops secondary to an arteriovenous

malformation in the brain, known as a vein of Galen aneurysm. In this coronal image, prominent pleural effusions (*) outline the lungs (L).

Fetal ascites is also present (arrows), as is anasarca. C. This axial (transverse) image depicts a pericardial effusion (arrows) in a 23-week fetus

with hydrops from B19 parvovirus infection. The degree of cardiomegaly is impressive, and the ventricular hypertrophy raises concern for

myocarditis, which can accompany parvovirus infection. D. This axial (transverse) image depicts fetal ascites (*) in a 15-week fetus with

hydrops secondary to large cystic hygromas. Anasarca is also seen (bracket).

etal structural abnormalities, arrhythmias, anemia, aneuploidy,

placental abnormalities, and complications o monochorionic

twinning. Depending on the circumstances, initial evaluation

includes the ollowing:

1. Indirect Coombs test to identiy alloimmunization

2. Detailed ultrasound examination o the etus and placenta

that includes:

• A detailed anatomical survey to assess for the structural

abnormalities listed in able 18-4

• Fetal echocardiography to further evaluate cardiac structure and unction

• MCA Doppler peak systolic velocity to assess for fetal


3. Amniocentesis to obtain samples or chromosomal microarray analysis or karyotyping and or parvovirus B19, cytomegalovirus, and toxoplasmosis testing, as discussed in

Chapter 67

4. Kleihauer-Betke test to detect etomaternal hemorrhage i

anemia is suspected, depending on ndings and test results

5. Consideration o testing or alpha-thalassemia and/or inborn

errors o metabolism.

Whole exome sequencing has signicant potential to identiy

a genetic etiology i the aorementioned evaluation is not inormative (Sparks, 2020). Counseling should include anticipated

turnaround times, costs, and variants o uncertain signicance.

It is not recommended or routine use (American College o

Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2020). In addition, because

sequencing is generally perormed on the etus and parents, a

parent may be identied or suspected to have an unrelated but

medically actionable nding, such as a cancer predisposition.

Isolated Effusion or Edema. Te initial presentation o hydrops

may be as a single eusion or anasarca. Although neither is

diagnostic o hydrops, the above evaluation should be considered, and requent surveillance may be prudent. A pericardial

eusion may precede development o hydrops in etal parvovirus B19 inection (Chap. 67, p. 1191). Similarly, isolated ascites may be the initial nding in etal parvovirus B19 inection

or may result rom a gastrointestinal abnormality such as meconium peritonitis. An isolated pleural eusion may represent

a chylothorax, which is amenable to prenatal diagnosis, and

or which etal therapy may be liesaving i hydrops develops

(Chap. 19, p. 376). Last, isolated edema, particularly involving

Metabolic disorders


Red cell alloimmunization

Fetomaternal hemorrhage

Hematological disorder






hydrostatic pressure





Selected fetal anomalies

Placental abnormality

Volume overload or

Impaired venous return

? Heart failure

Hepatic dysfunction,

impaired protein synthesis


lymphatic flow

Decreased plasma

oncotic pressure


capillary permeability


interstitial fluid

Hydrops fetalis

FIGURE 18-5 Proposed pathogenesis of immune and nonimmune hydrops fetalis. (Data from Bellini, 2009; Lockwood, 2009.)364 The Fetal Patient

Section 6

the upper torso or the dorsum o the hands and eet, may be

ound in urner or Noonan syndrome or may represent congenital lymphedema syndrome (Chap. 16, p. 314).

■ Mirror Syndrome

Te association between etal hydrops and the development o

maternal edema, in which the mother mirrors the etus, is attributed to Ballantyne. He called the condition triple edema because

the etus, mother, and placenta all became edematous. Mirror

syndrome has been reported to complicate at least 20 percent o

hydrops cases (Chen, 2021). Te etiology o the hydrops is not

related to development o mirror syndrome. It has been associated with hydrops rom D alloimmunization, twin-twin transusion syndrome, placental chorioangioma, etal cystic hygroma,

Ebstein anomaly, sacrococcygeal teratoma, chylothorax, bladder

outlet obstruction, supraventricular tachycardia, vein o Galen

aneurysm, and various congenital inections (Braun, 2010).

In a review o more than 50 cases o mirror syndrome,

Braun (2010) ound that approximately 90 percent o women

had edema, 60 percent had hypertension, 40 percent had proteinuria, 20 percent had liver enzyme elevation, and nearly 15

percent had headache and visual disturbances. Based on these

ndings, it is reasonable to consider mirror syndrome a orm

o severe preeclampsia (Espinoza, 2006; Midgley, 2000). Others, however, have suggested that it is a separate disease process

with hemodilution rather than hemoconcentration (Carbillon,

1997; Livingston, 2007).

Some reports describe the same imbalance o angiogenic and

antiangiogenic actors that is observed with preeclampsia, and

this suggests a common pathophysiology (Goa, 2013; Hobson,

2020; Llurba, 2012). Tese ndings, which include elevated

concentrations o soluble ms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1),

decreased placental growth actor (PlGF) levels, and elevation o soluble vascular endothelial growth actor receptor 1

(sVEGFR-1) concentrations, are discussed urther in Chapter 40

(p. 694).

In most cases with mirror syndrome, prompt delivery is

indicated and ollowed by resolution o maternal edema and

other ndings (Braun, 2010). However, in isolated cases o etal

anemia, supraventricular tachycardia, hydrothorax, or bladder

outlet obstruction, successul etal treatment has resulted in

resolution o both etal hydrops and maternal mirror syndrome

(Goa, 2013; Livingston, 2007; Llurba, 2012; Midgley, 2000).

Normalization o the angiogenic imbalance has also been

described ollowing etal transusion or parvovirus B19 inection. Fetal therapy or these conditions is reviewed in Chapter

19. Given the parallels to severe preeclampsia, delaying delivery

to eect etal therapy should be considered only with caution. I

the maternal condition deteriorates, delivery is recommended

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