Berek Novak's Gyn 2019. Chapter 4 Clinical Research. Berek Novak


Clinical Research


1 Clinical research includes all research involving human participants and represents a

range of research disciplines and approaches, including patient-oriented research,

clinical trials, epidemiology, and outcomes research.

2 Clinical trials are a subset of clinical research where human participants are

prospectively assigned to an intervention.

3 Randomized clinical trials are a subset of clinical trials that use a controlled

experimental design to assess the effectiveness of an intervention on an outcome.

4 Outcomes research and health services research include studies that seek to identify

the most effective and efficient intervention, treatments, and services for patient


5 Study designs include experimental studies (clinical trials), observational studies

(cohort studies, case-control studies, and cross-sectional studies), and descriptive

studies (case reports and case series).

6 Scientific validity of a research study is evaluated by understanding the study

question, how the study was designed, and whether chance, bias, or confounding

could have accounted for the findings.

7 All study designs have inherent strengths and weaknesses and the quality of the

methods of the individual study and its scientific validity must be evaluated to

determine the study’s overall quality of evidence.


Medical practice is evolving to include complex options for patient treatment and

preventive care, in part because clinical research methods and techniques to guide

patient care have advanced. To evaluate whether new treatments and diagnostic

approaches should be integrated into clinical practice or decide whether study

results reported in the literature are valid, clinicians should understand the

fundamental strengths and limitations of clinical research methods and the level

of evidence different types of studies provide.

[1] Clinical research, which encompasses all research involving human

participants, includes patient-oriented research involving understanding

mechanisms of human disease, studies of therapies or interventions for

disease, clinical trials, and epidemiology (1). It does not include secondary

121studies using publicly available datasets or studies using [2] existing biologic

specimens. Clinical trials, a subset of clinical research, are studies that evaluate

the effects of an intervention on participants by prospectively assigning

participants to intervention groups (1).

Epidemiologic methods and behavioral research are used in clinical

research to examine the distribution of disease and the factors that affect

health and how people make [4] health-related decisions. Outcomes research

and health services research include studies that seek to identify the most

effective and efficient intervention, treatments, and services for patient care.

The purpose of a research study is to test a hypothesis and to measure an

association between exposure (or treatment) and an outcome (e.g., disease

occurrence, prevention, symptom score, quality of life). The type of study

design influences the way the study results should be interpreted. Selection of

study design should be based on the specific research question being addressed.

[5] Analytic studies are often subdivided into experimental studies (clinical

trials) and observational studies (cohort studies, case-control studies, and crosssectional studies).

Descriptive studies (case reports and case series) can provide useful

information for informing future analytic studies.

The common types of clinical research study methods, strengths and

weaknesses of the specific study method, and interpretation of the results are

presented. Well-designed and executed clinical trials have been presumed to

represent the highest level of evidence for evaluating health interventions;

however, work in evidence-based medicine has urged that study design is

only one of several factors that drives the [7]quality of evidence within a

study. It should be noted that all study designs have inherent strengths and

weaknesses and the quality of the methods of the individual study and its

scientific validity must be evaluated to determine the study’s overall quality of

evidence (2,3). [6] Scientific validity of a research study is evaluated by

understanding the study question, how the study was designed, and whether

chance, bias, or confounding could have accounted for the findings.


Clinical Trials

[2] Clinical trials include any study where participants are prospectively assigned

to receive an intervention or treatment (which may include being assigned to a

control group) and the outcomes to be measured are clearly defined at the time the

trial is designed. [4] Features of randomized clinical trials include

randomization (in which participants are randomly assigned to exposures),

122unbiased assessment of outcome, and analysis of all participants based on the

assigned exposure (an “intention to treat” analysis).

There are many different types of clinical trials, including studies designed to

evaluate treatments, prevention techniques, community interventions, quality-oflife improvements, and diagnostic or screening approaches (4). Investigators

conducting randomized clinical trials are expected to register the trial to comply

with mandatory registration and results reporting requirements (5,6).

Clinical Trial Phases

New investigational drugs or treatments are usually evaluated by clinical trials in

phases which begin with small trials designed to determine treatment safety

(phase 1) and progress to large-scale studies designed to determine efficacy and

side effects (phase 3) (Table 4-1) (7).

Randomized Controlled Double-Blinded Clinical Trial

The randomized controlled double-blinded clinical trial design minimizes bias

when evaluating the effect of an intervention on an outcome because

randomizing treatment assignment minimizes the influence of confounders

and blinding both the participant and the investigator minimizes the

possibility that ascertainment of the outcome is influenced by treatment

group assignment. When studies are not randomized or blinded, bias may

result from preferential assignment of treatment based on patient

characteristics or an unintentional imbalance in baseline characteristics

between treatment groups, leading to confounding (8).

Although not all studies can be designed with blinding, the efforts used in the

trial to minimize bias from nonblinding should be explained. Investigators are

expected to provide evidence that the factors that might influence outcome, such

as age, stage of disease, medical history, and symptoms, are similar in patients

assigned to the study protocol compared with patients assigned to placebo or

traditional treatment. Published reports from the clinical trial are expected to

include a table showing a comparison of the treatment groups with respect to

potential confounders and to demonstrate that the groups did not differ in any

important ways before the study began.

CONSORT Checklist

Clearly defining the outcome or criteria for successful treatment helps ensure

unbiased assessment of the outcome. A well-designed clinical trial has a sufficient

number of subjects enrolled to ensure that a “negative” study (one that does not

show an effect of the treatment) has enough statistical power to evaluate the

predetermined (a priori), expected treatment effect. The Consolidated Standards

123of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement is an evidence-based, minimum

set of recommendations for reporting on randomized controlled trials

developed by the CONSORT Group to alleviate the problems arising from

inadequate reporting of randomized controlled trials. The 25-item CONSORT

checklist (Table 4-2) and flow diagram (Fig. 4-1) offer a standard way for

authors to prepare reports of trial findings, facilitating their complete and

transparent reporting, and aiding their critical appraisal and interpretation (9).

Table 4-1 Phases of Clinical Trials

Stage of


Trial Aim Numbers of




Evaluate treatment safety, determine safe dosage

range. Data are collected on the treatment (dose,

when, and how it is taken) and how participants

respond (in terms of effects and side effects).

Involve 20–

100 healthy


or people

with the

disease or




Evaluate treatment efficacy, further evaluate safety

and tolerability.

Involve up

to several


people with

the disease

or condition



Definitively determine the efficacy of treatment for

the intended population, compare with other available

treatments, assess adverse events and side effects.

Involve 30–



often within






Evaluate for uncommon serious side effects and

adverse effects, optimal use including identifying

subgroups that may benefit more or less from the

treatment under study. These trials are particularly

important for identifying rare adverse events when

medications and devices are utilized in larger

populations. These studies are conducted after the

intervention has been approved by the FDA.

Large trials






thousands of


124FIGURE 4-1 CONSORT flow diagram.

Clinical Trial Design Considerations

[3] Well-designed and correctly performed clinical trials can clearly

determine the efficacy of an intervention and identify causal relationships,

125because they provide information about the relative and absolute risks and

minimize concerns about bias and confounding (see section Presenting and

Understanding the Results of Analytic Studies). Potential weaknesses of clinical

trials include cost restraints, length of time required to complete the study,

feasibility of recruitment and implementation, and issues with applicability to

populations outside of the strictly controlled study environment. Some clinical

research questions are not amenable to clinical trials because of ethical issues

with assigning patients to treatment groups, nature of the exposure being studied

(such as socioeconomic status, weight, environmental exposures, and other

patient characteristics), and urgent and emerging medical issues (e.g., the impact

of Zika virus on pregnancy outcomes) (2).

When evaluating the results from a clinical trial, consider how restrictive

inclusion and exclusion criteria may narrow the participant population to an

extent that there may be concerns about external validity or generalizing the

results. Other concerns include blinding, loss to follow-up, and clearly

defining the outcome of interest. When the results of a randomized controlled

trial do not show a significant effect of the treatment or intervention, the methods

should be evaluated to understand what assumptions (expected power and effect

size) were made to determine the necessary sample size for the study.

Intention-to-Treat Analysis

Randomized controlled trials should be evaluated with an intention-to-treat

analysis, which means that all of the people randomized at the initiation of

the trial should be accounted for in the analysis with the group to which they

were assigned. Unless part of the overall study design, even if a participant

stopped participating in the assigned treatment or “crossed over” to another

treatment during the study, they should be analyzed with the group to which they

were initially assigned. All of these considerations help to minimize bias in the

design, implementation, and interpretation of a clinical trial (8).

Table 4-2 CONSORT Checklist

126127Observational Studies

Observational studies can evaluate exposures and outcomes that are not amenable

to an experimental design (e.g., exposure is known or suspected to have harmful

effects). Not all research questions can be addressed with clinical trials because of

ethical issues (unethical to willingly subject participants to known harmful

exposures), the nature of the exposures being studied (inherent participant

characteristics), and feasibility issues (rare outcomes such as unusual adverse

events and diseases).

Observational studies, including cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional

studies, are analytic studies that take advantage of “natural experiments” in

which exposure is not assigned by the investigator; rather, the individuals

are assessed by the investigator for a potential exposure of interest (present

or absent) and outcomes (present or absent). The timing of the evaluation of

the exposure and outcome defines the study type.

Cohort Studies

Cohort studies often are referred to as longitudinal studies. Cohort studies

involve identifying a group of exposed and unexposed individuals and

following both groups over time to compare the rate of disease (or outcome)

in the groups. Cohort studies may be prospective, meaning that the exposure is

identified before outcome, or retrospective, in which the exposure and outcome

have already occurred when the study is initiated. Even in a retrospective cohort

study, the study is defined by the fact that the cohorts were identified based

on the exposure (not the outcome), and individuals should be free of disease

128(outcome) at the beginning time point for the cohort study (Fig. 4-2).

In a study that includes a survival analysis, the two cohort groups (exposed

and unexposed) begin with a population that is 100% well (or alive) at the

beginning of the study. The groups are followed over time to calculate the

percentage of the cohort that is still well (or alive) at different time points

during the study and at the end of the study. Although a survival analysis

typically describes mortality after disease (i.e., cancer patients who died within 5

years), it can be adapted to other events and outcomes (e.g., the percentage of

women who become pregnant while using long-acting contraceptives).

Cohort Study Design

Strengths of cohort studies include the ability to obtain attributable and

relative risks (RRs) because the occurrence of the outcome is being compared

in two groups (see section Presenting and Understanding the Results of Analytic

Studies). In these studies, only associations can be established, not causality.

Because randomization is not part of the study design, the investigator must

consider that a factor associated with the exposure may lead to the outcome rather

than the exposure itself. Misclassifying the exposure or the outcome and

confounding variables are potential sources of bias in cohort studies.

Given that truly prospective cohort studies can be expensive and take a long

time for completion, there should be compelling evidence for the public health

importance of the exposure(s) and association(s) being addressed. Issues related

to sample size and participant retention in the study protocol are as important in

cohort studies as they are in randomized controlled trials.

129FIGURE 4-2 Schematic of prospective and retrospective cohort study designs.

Case-Control Studies

A case-control study starts with the identification of individuals with a

disease or outcome of interest and a suitable control population without the

disease or outcome of interest. The controls should represent a sample of the

population from which the cases arose and who were at risk for the disease

or outcome but did not develop it. The relationship between a particular

attribute or exposure to the disease is retrospectively studied by comparing how

the cases and controls differed in that exposure (Fig. 4-3).

Odds Ratio

The measure of association for a case-control study is the odds ratio (OR),

which is the ratio of exposed cases to unexposed cases, divided by the ratio of

exposed to unexposed controls (see section Presenting and Understanding the

Results of Analytic Studies). If an entire population could be characterized by

its exposure and disease status, the exposure OR would be identical to the

RR obtainable from a cohort study of the same population. Although the RR

cannot be calculated directly from a case-control study, it can be used as an

130estimate of the RR when the sample of cases and controls are representative of all

people with or without the disease and when the disease being studied is

uncommon. Attributable risk is not directly obtainable in a case-control study.

Case-Control Study Considerations

The advantages of case-control studies are that they are lower in cost and

easier to conduct than other analytic studies. Case-control studies are most

feasible for examining the association between a relatively common exposure

and a relatively rare disease. Disadvantages include greater potential for

selection bias, recall bias, and misclassification bias.

FIGURE 4-3 Schematic of case-control study design.

Case-control studies may be especially prone to selection bias and recall

bias. Investigators need to understand sampling issues around which cases and

controls were selected for their study and how these may have affected exposure

rates. Subtle issues, such as interviewer technique, may affect the likelihood that

cases may recall or report exposures more readily than controls.

Cross-Sectional Studies

Cross-sectional studies assess both the exposure and the outcome at the same

point in time. Individuals are surveyed to provide a “snapshot” of health events

in the population at a particular time. Cross-sectional studies are often called

131prevalence studies because the disease exists at the time of the study, and the

longitudinal follow-up and disease duration are not known. Prevalence (PR) is

the existing number of cases at a specific point in time.

Cross-sectional studies are often done to evaluate a diagnostic test. The

value of the test (predictor) is compared with the outcome (disease). The

results of these evaluations are often presented as sensitivity and specificity. The

sensitivity and specificity represent the characteristics of a given diagnostic test

and do not vary by population characteristics. In contrast, the negative predictive

value (NPV) and positive predictive value (PPV) of a test do vary with the

baseline characteristics of a population such as PR of a disease (Fig. 4-4).

Cross-Sectional Study Considerations

Although cross-sectional studies are primarily descriptive, they may contribute

information about suggested risk factors for a disease by showing how that

disease varies by age, sex, race, or geography. In ecologic studies, disease rates in

various populations are correlated with other characteristics measured at the

population level (such as diet, ultraviolet radiation exposure, work or home


Caution must be used in interpreting findings from a cross-sectional study

because there is no temporal relationship between the exposure and the

outcome; therefore, causality cannot be established. Cross-sectional data can

be valuable in informing analytic study designs or used as supporting data for

documenting the consistency of an association.


Descriptive studies, case reports and case series, do not include comparison


Case Reports and Case Series

In a case report or case series, the characteristics of individuals who have a

particular exposure or outcome are described. Examples include series of patients

with a particular disease, patients who had a particular surgical procedure, or an

adverse outcome (such as ureteral injury at the time of hysterectomy). A case

report usually describes an unusual clinical scenario or procedure in a single

patient, whereas a case series usually includes a larger group of patients with

similar exposures or outcomes. Although members of a case series share a

particular characteristic, it cannot be assumed that there is a cause-andeffect relationship.

Hypotheses about exposures and disease may be developed from

132descriptive studies that should be explored in analytic studies. Because a case

series has no comparison group, statistical tests of association between the

exposure and outcome cannot be performed. A case series usually does not

yield any measure of association other than estimates of the frequency of a

particular characteristic among members included in the case series.



To present the results of clinical trials or observational studies, a variety of rates

and measures may be derived, as summarized below. To judge the scientific

validity of the results of clinical studies, an investigator needs to consider

whether the finding could have occurred simply by chance, by performing

appropriate statistical testing, or if there are other possible explanations for

the reported association, including bias or confounding. Besides statistical

significance and freedom from bias or confounding, there are several additional

criteria that can be applied to judge whether the treatment truly did affect disease

outcome or whether an exposure truly caused the outcome, as outlined below.

Rates and Measures

The terminology associated with rates and measures include the following

(Fig. 4-5):

Incidence (IR)—frequency of newly identified disease or event


Prevalence (PR)—frequency of an existing disease or outcome during a

specified period or point in time.

Odds Ratios (OR)—ratio of the probability of an exposure in one group

(cases) compared with probability of the exposure in another group


Relative Risk (RR)—ratio of risk in the exposed group compared with

the risk in the unexposed group. If the RR = 1 (or not significantly

different from 1) then the risk in the exposed group is equal to the risk in

the unexposed group. RR >1 may suggest a positive association with the

exposed group having greater risk than the unexposed group, whereas RR

<1 implies a negative association with the exposed group having less risk

than the unexposed group.

Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR)—the difference in risk between the

unexposed (control) group and the exposed (treatment) group.

Relative Risk Reduction (RRR)—the percentage of reduction in the risk

133comparing the unexposed (control) group to the exposed (treatment)


Number Needed to Treat (NNT)—represents the number of people who

would need treatment (or the intervention) to prevent one additional

outcome (to calculate the NNT, take the inverse of the ARR, i.e., 1 ï


Sensitivity—among the people who have the outcome, this is the

proportion who have a positive test.

Specificity—among the people who do not have the outcome, this is the

proportion who have a negative test.

Negative Predictive Value (NPV)—among the people who have a

negative test, this is the proportion who do not have the outcome.

Positive Predictive Value (PPV)—among the people who have a positive

test, this is the proportion who have the outcome.

134135FIGURE 4-4 Comparison of sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values when the

prevalence of the disease varies.

FIGURE 4-5 Calculating rates and measures.

Statistical Testing

Statistical testing is used in clinical research for hypothesis testing in which

the investigator is evaluating the study results against the null hypothesis

(that there is no difference between the groups). Results from statistical testing

136allow the investigator to evaluate how likely it is that the study result is caused by

chance rather than an intervention or exposure (p value). In the case where a study

failed to find a significant difference, it is equally important to describe the

likelihood that the study conclusion was wrong and that a difference truly exists.

Finally, it is important to provide as precise a measure of the treatment effect or

association as possible and convey to the reader the plausible range in which the

“true” effect resides (or confidence interval [CI]).

p Value and Statistical Significance

The p value is a reflection of the probability of a type I error (alpha). This

reflects the probability that a difference between study groups could have

arisen by chance alone. In other words, it is the probability that there is a

difference between therapies, interventions, or observed groups when a true

difference does not exist.

Historically in the medical literature, a p value of less than or equal to 0.05

was used to determine statistical significance. This reflects a probability of 1

in 20 that the null hypothesis was incorrectly rejected based on the results

from the study sample. This p value may be adjusted downward if multiple

associations are being tested and the chances of false discovery are high. In

genome-wide association studies, in which hundreds of thousands of genetic

variants are tested between groups, p values are frequently set at 10−7


Beta Error and Power

Type II (or beta) error reflects the probability of failing to reject the null

hypothesis when in reality it is incorrect (i.e., there truly was a treatment

effect or a difference between the observed groups). In clinical trials it is

important for the investigator to address the beta error, even in the design stage of

the study. Study planners should determine the power (or 1 - the beta error) that

they would like their study to have to detect an association and, given

assumptions made about the differences expected between treatments, design the

study size accordingly. Be aware that small clinical trials cited as evidence for

“no effect of therapy,” may not have an adequate sample size to address the study

question; in essence, the study is not powered to detect the difference.

Confidence Intervals

CI provide the investigator an estimated range in which the true statistical

measure (e.g., mean, proportion, and RR) is expected to occur. A 95% CI

implies that if the study were to be repeated within the same sample

population numerous times, the CI estimates would contain the true

137population parameter 95% of the time. In other words, the probability of

observing the true value outside of this range is less than 0.05. When

evaluating measures of association, such as OR or RR with 95% CI, values that

include 1 (no difference) are not considered statistically significant.


Meta-analysis is a quantitative study design that involves the systematic

collection of data from previous studies, evaluation of the data, and

combination of the data (where appropriate). Meta-analyses can improve

precision of the effect measure and narrow the CI by aggregating treatment

effects data from several clinical trials to provide a summary measure.

Commonly performed by the Cochrane Collaboration within their systematic

evidence reviews, well-designed meta-analyses can provide high-quality evidence

that can be used for clinical decision making (10). There are important

considerations in interpreting the meta-analysis, including whether studies were

similar enough in their design, study population, and outcome measurement to be

aggregated and whether or not there were sufficient good-quality studies available

for analyses (2). Guides for systematic reviews and meta-analysis that involve

randomized controlled trials (i.e., the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic

Reviews and Meta-Analyses [PRISMA] statement) and observational studies (i.e.,

the Meta-analysis Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology [MOOSE]

guidelines) are excellent resources for the investigator and the reviewer (11,12).


Bias is a systematic error in the design, conduct, or analysis of a study that

can result in invalid conclusions. It is important for an investigator to anticipate

the types of bias that might occur in a study and correct them during the design of

the study, because it may be difficult or impossible to correct for them in the


Information bias occurs when participants are classified incorrectly

with respect to exposure or disease. This may occur if records are

incomplete or if the criteria for exposure or outcome were poorly defined,

leading to misclassification.

Recall bias is a specific type of information bias that may occur if cases

are more likely than controls to remember or to reveal past exposures.

In addition to establishing well-defined study criteria and accessing

complete records, information bias may be reduced by blinding

interviewers to a participant’s study group.

Selection bias may occur when choosing cases or controls in a case-

138control study and when choosing exposed or unexposed subjects in a

cohort study. A systematic error in selecting participants may

influence the outcome by distorting the measure of association between

the exposure and the outcome. Including an adequately large study

sample and obtaining information about nonparticipants may reduce bias or

provide information to evaluate potential selection bias.


A confounder is a factor that is associated with the outcome (e.g., disease) and the

exposure. The confounder may account for the apparent effect of the exposure on

the disease or mask a true association. Confounders have unequal distributions

between the study groups.

Age, race, and socioeconomic status are potential confounders in many

studies. Results may be adjusted for these variables by using statistical

techniques such as stratification or multivariable analysis. Adjusting for

confounding variables aids in understanding the association between the

outcome and exposure if the confounding variables were constant.

Multivariable analysis is a statistical technique commonly used in

epidemiologic studies that simultaneously controls a number of

confounding variables. The results from an adjusted analysis include the

adjusted OR or RR that reflects an association between the exposure and

the outcome and accounts for the specific known confounders that were

included in the analysis.

Causality and Generalizability

The criteria needed to establish a causal relationship between two factors,

especially exposure and disease, are defined (13). Although there are nine

separate criteria for judging whether an association is likely to be causal, several

of these criteria are most relevant for clinical studies.

Biologic gradient or dose response refers to a relationship between

exposure and outcome such that a change in the duration, amount, or

intensity of the exposure is associated with a corresponding increase or

decrease in disease risk.

Plausibility refers to knowledge of the pathologic process of the disease or

biologic effects of the exposure that would reasonably support an

association. Plausibility overlaps with another concept, coherence, which

also refers to compatibility with the known biology of the disease.

Experiment refers to the evidence that the disease or outcome can be

139prevented or improved by an experiment that eliminates, reduces, or

otherwise counters the exposure.

Consistency refers to whether the association was repeatedly observed by

different investigators, in different locations and circumstances.

Temporality refers to the concept that cause must precede effect. For

example, is it possible in a case-control study that symptoms of preclinical

disease could lead to the exposure? Investigators must demonstrate that the

exposure was present before the disease developed.

Strength refers to the strength of association. The further the deviation of

the RR or OR from 1, the stronger the association and the easier it is to

accept that the study results are real. For example, studies have shown that

the possession of a BRCA1 mutation may increase the lifetime risk for

breast cancer by 14- to greater than 30-fold (varies by age) (14).


Reviewing the medical literature is part of the ongoing education for those

who provide clinical care. Incorporating research findings into clinical care

is enhanced by understanding different study designs, their strengths and

weaknesses, and the measures of association they are able to provide.

Evaluating whether there is enough evidence available to support changing a

specific medication, procedure, or protocol used to care for patients is the

cornerstone to improving clinical practice. In a field that is rapidly

progressing, understanding clinical research 

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