Chapter 8. Teratology, teratogens and Fetotoxic agents. Will Obs

 Chapter 8. Teratology, teratogens and Fetotoxic agents

BS. Nguyễn Hồng Anh

Birth deects are common. O all newborns, 2 to 3 percent have a major congenital abnormality detectable at birth (Cragan, 2009; Dolk, 2010). Some medications undoubtedly pose signicant risk to the developing embryo or etus (Table 8-1). However, 80 percent o birth deects do not have an obvious etiology, and o those with an identied cause, nearly 95 percent o cases have chromosomal or genetic origins (Feldkamp, 2017). Te U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (2018) estimates that <1 percent o all birth deects are caused by medications (Fig. 8-1).

Tat said, signicant concern surrounds medication use in pregnancy. This is because many pregnant women are prescribed medications and because saety data are oten lacking. Investigators rom the National Birth Deects Prevention Study ound that women take an average o two to three medications per pregnancy and that 70 percent use medication in the rst trimester (Mitchell, 2011). A population-based review rom Canada ound that 65 percent o women ll ≥1 prescription during pregnancy (Leong, 2019). Between 2010 and 2019, the FDA approved 290 new drugs, and only 11 percent had human data related to pregnancy (Byrne, 2020).


Te study o birth deects and their etiology is termed teratology, derived rom the Greek teratos, meaning monster. A teratogen may be broadly dened as any agent that acts during embryonic or etal development to produce a permanent alteration o orm or unction. Tus, a teratogen may be a medication or other chemical substance, a physical or environmental actor such as heat or radiation, a maternal metabolite as in diabetes or phenylketonuria, or an inection such as cytomegalovirus.

Strictly dened, a teratogen causes structural abnormalities. A hadegen—ater the god Hades—is an agent that intereres with normal maturation and unction o an organ. A trophogen is an agent that alters growth. Substances in the latter two groups typically aect development in the etal period or postnatally and are thus etotoxins rather than teratogens.

■ Criteria for Determining


Te guidelines shown in Table 8-2 were proposed by Shepard (1994) as a ramework or discussion and have proved useul or nearly 30 years. Although each individual criterion is not required to establish teratogenicity, the ollowing tenets should be considered (Shepard, 2002a):

• e abnormality has been completely characterized. is is preerably done by a geneticist or dysmorphologist because dierent genetic and environmental actors may produce similar deects. It is easiest to prove causation when a rare exposure produces a rare anomaly, when at least three cases with the same exposure have been identied, and when the deect is severe.

• e agent must cross the placenta. Although almost all drugs cross the placenta, transport must be o sucient quantity to directly infuence embryonic or etal development or to alter maternal or placental metabolism to exert an indirect eect.

Placental transer depends on maternal metabolism; on specic characteristics o the drug, such as protein binding and storage, molecular size, electrical charge, and lipid solubility; and on placental metabolism, such as by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system. In early pregnancy, the placenta also has a relatively thick membrane that slows diusion.

• Exposure must occur during a critical developmental period.

Te preimplantation period is the 2 weeks between fertilization and implantation and is known as the “all or none” period. As the zygote undergoes cleavage, an insult damaging a large number o cells typically causes embryonic death. However, i only a ew cells are injured, compensation may be possible and allow normal development.

Te embryonic period extends rom the second through the eighth week postconception. It encompasses organogenesis and is thus the most crucial period with regard to structural malormations. Critical developmental periods or each organ system are illustrated in Figure 7-2 (p. 122). Te fetal period, which is beyond 8 weeks postconception, is characterized by continued maturation and functional

TABLE 8-2. Criteria for Determining Teratogenicity

FIGURE 8-1 Etiology of birth defects. Known and unknown causes of 5504 birth defects from a population-based review of 270,878 births. development. During this time, certain organs remain vulnerable.

• A biologically plausible association is supportive. Because birth deects and medication exposures are both common, they may be temporally but not causally related.

• Epidemiological ndings must be consistent. Because initial evaluation o teratogen exposure is oten retrospective, it may be hampered by recall bias, inadequate reporting, and146 Preconceptional and Prenatal Care

Section 4 incomplete assessment o the exposed population. Potential conounding actors include varying dosages, concomitant drug therapy, and comorbid maternal disease(s). Familial and environmental variables also can infuence development o birth deects. Tus, an important criterion or teratogenicity is that two or more high-quality epidemiological studies report similar ndings. Last, a relative risk o 3.0 or greater is generally considered necessary to support the hypothesis, whereas a lesser risk is interpreted with caution (Khoury, 1992).

• e suspected teratogen causes a defect in animal studies. Tis criterion is not obligatory, and or litigation purposes, establishment o a causal relationship between an exposure and an outcome in humans requires human data (eratology Society Public Aairs Committee, 2005).

Failure to employ these tenets and criteria has contributed to erroneous conclusions regarding the saety o some widely used drugs. Te poster child or this is the medicolegal asco surrounding Bendectin. Tis antiemetic was a combination o doxylamine and pyridoxine, with or without dicyclomine.

More than 30 million women used this drug worldwide, and it was sae and eective or nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Te 3-percent congenital anomaly rate among exposed etuses was not dierent rom the background rate (McKeigue, 1994). Despite considerable evidence that this combination o an antihistamine and a B-vitamin is not teratogenic, Bendectin was the target o numerous lawsuits, and the nancial burden o deending these orced its withdrawal rom the marketplace in 1983. Consequently, hospitalization rates for hyperemesis doubled (Koren, 1998). Ironically, the combination o doxylamine and pyridoxine was subsequently remarketed under the brand name Diclegis and was approved by the FDA in 2013.

■ Studies in Pregnant Women

Te study o medication saety—or teratogenicity—in pregnant women is raught with complications. First, animal studies are necessary but insucient. For example, thalidomide was considered harmless in several animal species but resulted in phocomelia in thousands of children born across Europe in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Second, medications are rarely approved by the FDA or a pregnancy-related indication. Despite the Common Rule’s removal o pregnant women as a vulnerable population, pregnant women are routinely excluded rom research (Health and Human Services, 2017; Spong, 2018). Last, drug concentration and thus embryo-etal exposure are aected by pregnancy physiology. Tis includes changes in volume o distribution, cardiac output, gastrointestinal absorption, hepatic metabolism, and renal clearance.

In the absence o research trials, counseling is based on case reports or series, case-control studies, cohort studies, and pregnancy registry data.

Case Reports and Series

Many major teratogens were rst described by clinicians who observed a rare deect occurring ater a rare exposure. Tis has been termed the “astute clinician model” (Carey, 2009). Congenital rubella syndrome was identied in this way by Gregg (1941), an Australian ophthalmologist whose observations challenged the view that the uterine environment was impervious to noxious agents. Other teratogens identied through case series include thalidomide and alcohol (Jones, 1973; Lenz, 1962). Shepard (2002a) recommended that establishment o teratogenicity in this way requires proven exposure at a critical time in development and at least three such cases. Unortunately, teratogens are less likely to be identied i the exposure is uncommon, i the deects are relatively nonspecic, or i abnormalities develop in only a small proportion o exposed etuses. A major limitation o case series is their lack o a control group.

Case-control Studies

Tese studies begin with groups o aected inants (cases) and unaected controls and are structured to allow retrospective assessment o prenatal exposure to particular substances. Casecontrol studies are an ecient way to study rare outcomes (Alwan, 2015). Tese permit investigators to evaluate associations and generate useul hypotheses. However, case-control studies have inherent potential or recall bias. Namely, parents o an aected inant are oten more likely to recall exposure than those whose child is not ill. Conounding by indication is another concern, that is, the indication or the medication may be the cause o the birth deect. And importantly, birth deect registries have statistical power to detect small dierences that may not be clinically meaningful. Grimes and Schulz (2012) have cautioned that unless odds ratios in case-control studies are above three- to ourold, the observed associations may not be correct.

The National Birth Defects Prevention Study. Funded by Congress and coordinated by the National Center on Birth Deects and Developmental Disabilities, the National Birth Deects Prevention Study (NBDPS) took place between 1997 and 2013 across ten states with active birth deects surveillance programs. It is an excellent example o a population-based casecontrol study. Te study involved approximately 32,000 cases and nearly 12,000 controls. Live births, stillbirths, and terminated pregnancies were included. Clinical geneticists reviewed each potential case, and standardized telephone interviews were conducted with women whose pregnancies were aected or unaected to obtain inormation regarding medication exposure and risk actors (Mitchell, 2011; Reehuis, 2015).

Te NBDPS identied novel—although oten small—associations between individual birth deects and several classes o medications. Tese include antibiotics, antidepressants, antiemetics, antihypertensives, asthma medications, nonsteroidal antiinfammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and opioids (Ailes, 2016; Broussard, 2011; Fisher, 2018; Hernandez, 2012; Lin, 2012; Munsie, 2011). Pregestational diabetes was signicantly associated with 46 o 50 dierent abnormalities studied (inker, 2020). Te NBDPS also ound associations between birth deects and exposures such as secondhand smoke, pesticides, and nitrogen oxide, which is a marker o trac-related air pollution (Hoyt, 2016; Rocheleau, 2015; Stingone, 2017).

Te NBDPS had several key limitations related to study design. First, interviews were conducted 6 weeks to 2 years ollowing delivery, which raised the likelihood o recall bias. For example, 25 percent o women could not remember which antibiotic they had taken (Ailes, 2016). Additionally, only two thirds o women agreed to participate, and there were dierences in ethnicity and socioeconomic status between cases and controls. Tese actors may have contributed to selection bias (Reehuis, 2015). Further, medical records were not reviewed to veriy dosage, and this precluded assessment o dose-response relationships. Last, a major limitation was that because the NBDPS included only a small number o cases o each birth defect and analyzed them for many dierent maternal exposures, it was not possible to adjust or multiple comparisons. As a result, some o the observed associations were likely due to chance (Alwan, 2015). As one example, the study o antibiotics and birth deects included 43 comparisons and identied our signicant associations, but chance alone predicted that two associations would be identied (Ailes, 2016).

Importantly, the NBDPS was able to identiy statistically signicant odds ratios or which the absolute risk was quite low. Such ndings have the potential to complicate counseling and prenatal management. In many instances, the risk identied by the NBDPS was as low as 1 case per 1000 exposed pregnancies.

Cohort Studies

Tese studies begin with cohorts o pregnant women who are exposed or unexposed to a particular medication. Te percentage o inants or children aected with birth deects is examined in each cohort. Because individual birth deects are rare, cohort studies require a very large sample size. Medicaid datasets and private insurance claims databases are commonly used for cohort studies of teratogenicity in the United States (Ehrenstein, 2010). Inability to adjust or conounding variables— such as the indication or which the medication was needed—is an important limitation o this study design.

Pregnancy Registries

Potentially harmul agents may be monitored by clinicians who prospectively enroll exposed pregnancies in a registry. Te FDA (2021) maintains an active webpage of Pregnancy Exposure Registries. As o 2021, this included registries or 115 individual medications and or medication groups used to treat asthma, attention decit hyperactivity disorder, autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, hepatitis B and C, human immunodeciency virus inection, hypercholesterolemia, inborn errors o metabolism, infammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, narcolepsy, psychiatric illness, and transplant rejection. Similar to case series, exposure registries are hampered by lack o a control group. Te prevalence o an abnormality identied through a registry requires knowledge o the baseline prevalence o that anomaly in the population. Investigators typically use a birth deect registry to assess population prevalence. One example is the Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Deects Program, which is an active surveillance program established in 1967 or etuses and inants with birth deects.


Questions regarding medication and illicit drug use should be part o routine preconceptional and prenatal care. Misinormation is common. Individuals tend to underestimate the background risk or birth deects in the general population and exaggerate potential risks associated with medication exposure. In one population-based study o more than 270,000 births rom Utah that included 5500 etuses and inants with major birth deects, only 4 cases were attributed to medication exposure (see Fig. 8-1) (Feldkamp, 2017). And yet, Koren and colleagues (1989) reported that a ourth o women exposed to nonteratogenic drugs thought they had a 25-percent risk or etal anomalies. Misinormation may be amplied by inaccurate reports in the lay press. Knowledgeable counseling may allay anxiety considerably and may even avert pregnancy termination.

Several sources are available to assist providers with accurate and updated risk inormation. With recent changes to the FDA labeling requirements, discussed next, the manuacturer’s prescribing inormation has become increasingly helpul. We recommend using this content or initial counseling. Published research studies can be identied using PubMed, a ree database tool rom the National Center or Biomedical Inormation. Additionally, online databases such as Reprotox, TERIS, and Shepard’s Online Catalog o eratogenic Agents oer detailed reviews o medication risks. Lactmed, a database rom the National Library o Medicine, specically deals with medication use by breasteeding women. Its entries on specic medications describe levels in breast milk and potential eects on the inant.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility o the clinician to interpret risk inormation. Medication dosage and route, timing o exposure during pregnancy, other medications used, and underlying medical condition(s) are considered in this analysis. Last, the risk rom lack o treatment also is weighed.

■ Labeling Requirements

In 1979, the FDA developed a letter classication system (A, B, C, D, X) to provide therapeutic guidance or prescribing medications in pregnancy. Tese letter categories were intended to simpliy risk-benet data using summary statements regarding available evidence rom human or animal studies o embryonic–etal risk. Unortunately, inormation regarding medication risk was oten incomplete and led to an overreliance on the category denition. o address these deciencies, new FDA (2014, 2020b) labeling requirements were created and went into eect in 2015. Te label provides a ramework to aid prescribing decisions by more clearly communicating risks and benets. Inormation about each medication now incorporates a detailed summary o risks, clinical considerations, and available data (Table 8-3). Registry inormation is included when available. For each medication, a lactation subsection is provided, and a section addressing  potential risks in emales and males o reproductive potential is presented. In addition to risks associated with specic medications, the label is required to include the background risk o major birth deects and miscarriage in the general population. Because o the level o detail in the new labels, the inormation can be indispensable or counseling.

■ Presenting Risk Information

Counseling should cover not only the embryonic and etal risks rom drug exposure, but also the risks and/or genetic implications o the condition or which the drug is administered. Risks associated with not treating the condition also are described. Even the manner in which information is presented aects perception. For example, women given negative inormation—such as a 2-percent chance o a malormed newborn—are more likely to perceive an exaggerated risk than women given positive inormation—such as a 98-percent chance o an unaected inant (Jasper, 2001). Instead o citing a higher odds ratio, it may be helpul to provide the absolute risk or a particular deect or the attributable risk, which is the dierence between prevalence in exposed and unexposed individuals (Conover, 2011). Te association between oral corticosteroid medications and clet lip sounds ar more concerning when presented as a tripling or 200-percent increase in risk than when described as an increase rom 1 to 3 cases per 1000 or as a 99.7-percent likelihood o no clet development ollowing exposure.

With a ew notable exceptions, most commonly prescribed drugs and medications can be used with relative saety during pregnancy. Many drugs discussed in this chapter are lowrisk teratogens, which are medications that produce deects in ewer than 10 per 1000 maternal exposures (Shepard, 2002a). Because risks conerred by low-risk teratogens are so close to the population background rate o etal anomalies, they may not be a major actor in deciding whether to discontinue treatment or an important condition (Shepard, 2002b). All women have an approximate 3-percent chance o having a etus or newborn with a major anomaly. Although exposure to a conrmed teratogen may elevate this risk, the magnitude o the increase is usually only 1 or 2 percent or at most, doubled or tripled. Te concept o risk versus benet is oten central to counseling. Some untreated diseases pose a more serious threat to both mother and etus than medication exposure risks.


Considering the thousands o compounds available, relatively ew medications and other substances are considered to be major human teratogens or to have signicant etotoxicity. Te most common examples are listed in able 8-1. With ew exceptions, in every clinical situation potentially requiring therapy with a known teratogen, alternative drugs can be given with relative safety. Realizing limitations in available evidence, pregnant women should be advised to take any medication only when it is clearly needed. Detailed sonography is generally indicated i the etus has been exposed to any major teratogen during the embryonic period.

■ Alcohol

Ethanol is a potent and prevalent teratogen. It is considered the leading cause o preventable developmental disabilities

TABLE 8-3. Food and Drug Administration Pregnancy Labeling Requirements Label Subsection Categories Selected Specific Content

In the United States, alcohol use is reported by 10 percent of pregnant women (England, 2020).Nearly 10 percent o such women admit to binge drinking in the rst trimester, and 1 percent report binge drinking in the second and third trimesters. e fetal eects of alcohol abuse have been recognizedsince the 1800s. Lemoine (1968) and Jones (1973) and their coworkers are credited with describing the spectrum o alcoholrelated etal deects known as fetal alcohol syndrome. Criteria are shown in Table 8-4 (Hoyme, 2016). For every child with the syndrome, many more are born with neurobehavioral decits rom alcohol exposure. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term that includes ve conditions attributed to prenatal alcohol damage: (1) etal alcohol syndrome, (2) partial etal alcohol syndrome, (3) alcohol-related birth deects, (4) alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder, and (5) neurobehavioral disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure (Williams, 2015). Te prevalence o FASD exceeds 1 percent in 76 countries, and 1 in 13 women who consume alcohol in pregnancy has a child with FASD (Lange, 2017). Te birth prevalence o etal alcohol syndrome is estimated to be as high as 1 percent in the United States (Centers or Disease Control, 2015; Guerri, 2009). Further, studies o school-aged children have identied FASD in 2 to 5 percent (May, 2009, 2014).


Fetal alcohol syndrome has specic criteria (see able 8-4). Tese include central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities, pre- or postnatal growth impairment, and a characteristic pattern o minor acial abnormalities (Fig. 8-2). Similar criteria have been established or the other conditions that make up FASD (Hoyme, 2016). Prenatal alcohol exposure criteria also are available to assist with assessment.

Alcohol-related birth deects include cardiac and renal anomalies, orthopedic problems, and abnormalities o the eyes and ears (see able 8-4). An association has urther been reported between periconceptional alcohol use and omphalocele and gastroschisis (Richardson, 2011). Tere are no established sonographic criteria or prenatal diagnosis o etal alcohol syndrome. At Parkland Hospital, we reserve detailed sonography or pregnancies that have met the exposure criteria listed in able 8-4. Tird-trimester assessment o etal growth also should be considered.

Fetal vulnerability to alcohol is modied by genetic and environmental actors, nutritional status, coexisting maternal disease, and maternal age (Abel, 1995). Binge drinking, however, is believed to pose particularly high risk or alcohol-related birth

TABLE 8-4. Criteria for Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and Alcohol-Related Birth Defects

FIGURE 8-2 Fetal alcohol syndrome. A. At 2½ years. B. At 12 years. Note persistence of short palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, flat midface, hypoplastic philtrum, and thin upper vermilion border. (Reproduced with permission from Streissguth AP, Clarren, SK, Jones KL. Natural history of fetal alcohol syndrome: a 10-year follow-up of eleven patients, Lancet. 1985 Jul 13;2(8446):85–91.)

deects and has also been linked to a greater risk or stillbirth (Centers or Disease Control, 2015; Strandberg-Larsen, 2008).

Te American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Centers or Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the American Academy o Pediatrics have stressed that no amount o alcohol can be considered sae in pregnancy (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2020a; Williams, 2015).

■ Antiepileptic Medications

raditionally, women with epilepsy requiring treatment with medication were inormed that their risk or etal malormations was increased. More recent data suggest that the risk may not be as great as once thought, particularly or newer agents. Te most requently reported anomalies are oroacial clets, cardiac malormations, and neural-tube deects.

O agents in current use, valproic acid coners the highest risk (Vajda, 2016). Te North American Antiepileptic Drug (NAAED) Pregnancy Registry reported that major malformations developed in 9 percent o etuses with rst-trimester valproate exposure. Tis included a 4-percent risk or neural-tube defects (Hernandez-Diaz, 2012). School-aged children with prior in utero exposure to valproic acid have poorer cognitive development—including signicantly lower intelligence quotient (IQ) scores—than children exposed to other antiepileptic drugs (Bromley, 2014; Meador, 2009).

Regarding other specic anticonvulsants, one metaanalysis identied increased malormation rates among exposed children compared with rates among children born to women with untreated epilepsy. Rates were twoold higher among children exposed to carbamazepine or phenytoin, threefold higher among those exposed to phenobarbital, and ourold higher among those exposed to topiramate as monotherapy (Weston, 2016). Te risk or etal malormations is approximately doubled i multiple agents are required (Vajda, 2016). Several older anticonvulsants may produce a constellation o ndings similar to the fetal hydantoin syndrome. e syndrome is characterized by distinctive eatures such as hypertelorism, low nasal bridge, and midace hypoplasia; hypoplasia o the distal phalanges and nails; growth impairment; and intellectual disability.

Importantly, evidence to date suggests that these risks do not appear to hold or the newer agents levetiracetam and lamotrigine (Mølgaard-Nielsen, 2011; Weston, 2016). A review o 208 pregnancies with rst-trimester lamotrigine exposure rom the Israeli eratology Inormation Service ound no increase in the rate o major malormations and no case o oral clet (DiavCitrin, 2017). Similarly, the International Lamotrigine Pregnancy Registry ollowed more than 1500 pregnancies with rst trimester exposure and observed no eect on the rate o major malormations (Cunnington, 2011). Te Motherisk Program reviewed eight studies o levetiracetam and concluded that monotherapy was associated with a 2-percent major malormation rate, no dierent rom that or the general population (Chaudhry, 2014). More recently, a review o 465 pregnancies reported to the Levetiracetam Pregnancy Registry ound no evidence o teratogenicity (Scheuerle, 2019).

Providers are encouraged to enroll pregnant women treated with antiepileptic medication in the NAAED Pregnancy Registry. Management o epilepsy in pregnancy is discussed in Chapter 63 (p. 1128).

■ Angiotensinconverting Enzyme Inhibitors and Receptor Blocking Drugs

Tese medications may result in angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitor fetopathy. Normal renal development depends on the fetal renin-angiotensin system. ACE-inhibitor medication may cause etal hypotension and renal hypoperusion, with subsequent ischemia and anuria (Guron, 2000; Pryde, 1993). Reduced perusion can result in etal-growth restriction and calvarium maldevelopment, and oligohydramnios may lead to pulmonary hypoplasia and limb contractures (Barr, 1991). Because angiotensin-receptor blockers have a similar mechanism o action, concerns regarding etotoxicity have been generalized to include this entire medication class. A recent review o nearly 200 pregnancies rom teratology inormation services ound a 30-percent etopathy risk with angiotensin-receptor blockers compared with a 3-percent risk with ACE-inhibitor exposure beyond 20 weeks’ gestation (Weber-Schoendorer, 2020).

Concerns about ACE-inhibitor embryotoxicity have largely been disproven. In 2006, a review o 29,000 inants rom the ennessee Medicaid database identied a two- to threeold greater risk or neonatal cardiac and CNS abnormalities among the 209 that had prenatal ACE-inhibitor exposure (Cooper, 2006). Subsequent larger studies have not corroborated these observations. In a retrospective cohort study o more than 460,000 pregnancies, risks or birth deects were not higher with ACE inhibitors than with other antihypertensive medications (Li, 2011). Similarly, a review o 1.3 million pregnancies rom the Medicaid Analytic eXtract ound no increased risk for any malformation with ACE-inhibitor exposure after adjusting or conounding actors such as diabetes (Bateman, 2017). Tus, women with inadvertent rst-trimester exposure to these medications may be reassured. Importantly, given the many therapeutic options or treating hypertension during pregnancy, discussed in Chapter 53 (p. 949), ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor-blocking drugs should be avoided in pregnancy.

■ Antifungal Medications

From this class of drugs, uconazole has been associated with a pattern o congenital malormations resembling the autosomal recessive Antley-Bixler syndrome. Abnormalities include oral clets, abnormal acies, and cardiac, skull, long-bone, and joint abnormalities. Such ndings have been reported only with chronic, rst-trimester, high-dose treatment at doses o 400 to 800 mg daily.

Regarding low-dose treatment o vulvovaginal candidiasis, the Motherisk Program conducted a systematic review o pregnancies with rst-trimester oral uconazole exposure of 150 or 300 mg in total (Alsaad, 2015). Te overall risk or birth deects was not greater, although a small increase in rates o cardiac malormations could not be excluded. A populationbased cohort study rom Denmark identied a threeold greater risk or tetralogy o Fallot ollowing exposure to low-dose fuconazole (Mølgaard-Nielsen, 2013). e birth prevalence of tetralogy o Fallot rose rom 3 to 10 cases per 10,000. Notably, investigators did not identiy increased risks or 14 other birth defects previously associated with exposure to high-dose azole antiungal agents (Mølgaard-Nielsen, 2013). A subsequent review o more than 37,000 pregnancies with rst-trimester fuconazole exposure did not identify an association with cardiac abnormalities (Zhu, 2020). Based on reported risks, we do not perorm detailed sonography or etal echocardiography ollowing low-dose uconazole exposure.

Antiinflammatory Agents

Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs 

Tis drug class includes both aspirin and traditional NSAIDs such as ibuproen and indomethacin. Tey exert their eects by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. In a report rom the NBDPS, at least 20 percent o pregnant women recall rst-trimester NSAID use, particularly ibuproen and aspirin, and such exposure is not a major risk factor for birth defects (Hernandez, 2012).

When taken in late pregnancy, however, indomethacin may cause constriction o the etal ductus arteriosus and subsequent pulmonary hypertension. Fetal ductal constriction is more likely with third trimester use that exceeds 72 hours. Te drug also may decrease etal urine production and amnionic fuid volume (Rasanen, 1995; van der Heijden, 1994; Walker, 1994). In one systematic review, indomethacin tocolysis was associated with a 1.5-old risk or bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage, and necrotizing enterocolitis (Hammers, 2015a,b).

Based on a review o 35 cases o oligohydramnios or neonatal kidney problems reported to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System database, the FDA recommends that pregnant women ≥20 weeks’ gestation avoid NSAID use (Food and Drug Administration, 2020a). I NSAIDs are needed or more than 48 hours, ultrasound evaluation o amnionic fuid should be considered. Oligohydramnios usually resolves within 6 days o discontinuing NSAIDs, but there are cases in which inants have died o renal ailure.

With aspirin, a low dosage o 100 mg daily or less does not coner a greater risk or constriction o the ductus arteriosus or or adverse inant outcomes (Grab, 2000). As with other NSAIDs, however, high-dose aspirin use should be avoided, particularly in the third trimester.


Tis is a pyrimidine-synthesis inhibitor used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Lefunomide is considered contraindicated in pregnancy. In rats and rabbits, lefunomide results in hydrocephalus, eye anomalies, skeletal anomalies, and embryo death when given at or below human-equivalent doses (Sano-Aventis, 2016). Te active metabolite, terifunomide, is detectable in plasma or up to 2 years ollowing discontinuation o the medication. Women who become pregnant while taking lefunomide, and even those o childbearing potential who have discontinued it, are recommended to undergo an accelerated drug elimination procedure with either cholestyramine or activated charcoal (Sano-Aventis, 2016). Reassuringly, studies o exposed human pregnancies have not conrmed these teratogenic eects (Berard, 2018; Chambers, 2010). In a cohort o 60 women with rst-trimester lefunomide exposure who completed cholestyramine washout, the rate o birth deects was not increased (Chambers, 2010).

A recent review o more than 500 exposed pregnancies ound that the rate o major birth deects was 3 percent, similar to the general population (Henson, 2020). Te rate o spontaneous abortion also was not increased.

■ Antimicrobial and Antiviral Drugs

Medications used to treat inections are among those most requently administered during pregnancy. Over the years, experience has accrued regarding their general saety. With ew exceptions, commonly used antimicrobial agents are without embryo-etal saety concerns.


From NBDPS results, rst-trimester nitrourantoin exposure is linked to a twoold risk or clet lip (Ailes, 2016). Considering that the birth prevalence o clets approximates 1 case per 1000, the likelihood that a nitrourantoin-exposed etus would not have a clet would thus be 998 per 1000. For other birth deects, initial associations with this antibiotic did not persist in the nal NBDPS cohort (Ailes, 2016).

In one systematic review o nitrourantoin exposure in pregnancy, results o cohort and case-control studies diered (Goldberg, 2015). Five cohort studies included 9275 exposed pregnancies and nearly 1.5 million unexposed pregnancies, and the review ound no higher risk or any malormation. However, among three case-control studies that had nearly 40,000 cases matched with 130,000 controls, the rate o hypoplastic let heart syndrome was threeold greater (Goldberg, 2015). For context, this increase in risk would result in a birth prevalence o ewer than 1 case per 1000 exposed inants. Nitrourantoin is considered contraindicated in pregnant women with known or suspected glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) de- ciency because o risk or hemolytic anemia and other hematologic abnormalities. In the absence o G6PD deciency, the Tere are no concerns with second- or third-trimester nitrourantoin use, and rst-trimester use is appropriate i no suitable alternatives are available.


Tese drugs are oten combined with trimethoprim and used to treat inections during pregnancy. One indication is treatment o methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) inection. Te NBDPS, which included 107 pregnancies with periconceptional trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole exposure and birth deects, identied a veold greater risk to have ospring with esophageal atresia or diaphragmatic hernia (Ailes, 2016). Similar to ndings with nitrourantoin exposure, this degree o increase would coner a risk o approximately 1 case per 1000 exposed inants or these selected birth deects. However, these ndings have not been corroborated by other reports. One review rom the Medication Exposure in Pregnancy Risk Evaluation Program included more than 7500 inants with rst-trimester exposure to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Hansen, 2016). Compared with either unexposed inants or those exposed to penicillins or cephalosporins, no higher risk or any congenital abnormality was identied. Given this reassuring data, we consider sulonamides appropriate or rst-trimester use i suitable alternatives are lacking.

Sulonamides are considered contraindicated in pregnant women with known or suspected G6PD deciency because o risk or hemolytic anemia and other hematologic abnormalities. Additionally, sulonamides displace bilirubin rom proteinbinding sites. Tus, i given near the time o preterm delivery, these agents theoretically might worsen neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. However, a population-based review o more than 800,000 births rom Denmark ound no association between exposure to sulfamethoxazole in late pregnancy and neonatal jaundice (Klarskov, 2013).


Tese drugs are not commonly used in pregnant women. Tey have been associated with yellowish-brown discoloration o the deciduous teeth when used ater 25 weeks’ gestation. Te risk or subsequent dental caries is not increased (Billings, 2004; Kutscher, 1966). Doxycycline has a reduced ability to chelate calcium orthophosphate compared with other tetracyclines and is preerred i needed. A systematic review o doxycyclineexposed pregnancies identied no higher rates o either birth deects or staining o deciduous teeth (Cross, 2016).


Tis antiviral nucleoside analogue is a component o therapy or hepatitis C inection, discussed in Chapter 58 (p. 1038). Ribavirin causes birth deects in multiple animal species at doses signi- cantly lower than those recommended or human use. Reported malormations include skull, palate, eye, skeleton, and gastrointestinal abnormalities. Te drug has a hal-lie o 12 days and persists in extravascular compartments ollowing therapy discontinuation. reated women must use two orms o contraception and have monthly pregnancy tests while on therapy and or 6 months ollowing drug discontinuation (Merck, 2020). Ribavirin use is also contraindicated in men whose partners are pregnant.

■ Antineoplastic Agents

Cancer management in pregnancy includes many chemotherapeutic agents generally considered to be at least potentially toxic to the embryo, etus, or both. For the many novel polyclonal antibody therapies designated as antineoplastics, there is little inormation concerning saety. Te National oxicology Program (2013) conducted a review o 300 pregnancies with rst-trimester exposure and identied major malormations in 14 percent. reatment o cancer in pregnancy is discussed in Chapter 66 (p. 1163). Risks associated with selected agents or which experience in pregnancy has accrued are considered next.


Tis alkylating agent inficts a chemical insult on developing etal tissues and leads to cell death and heritable DNA alterations in surviving cells. Pregnancy loss rates are greater, and reported etal abnormalities include skeletal anomalies, limb deects, clet palate, and eye abnormalities (Enns, 1999; Kirshon, 1988). e risk or a major abnormality is estimated to be 18 percent (National oxicology Program, 2013). Surviving inants may have growth abnormalities and developmental delays. Environmental exposure among health-care workers is associated with a higher risk or spontaneous abortion.


Tis olic-acid antagonist is a potent teratogen. It is used or cancer chemotherapy, immunosuppression o autoimmune diseases and psoriasis, nonsurgical treatment o ectopic pregnancy, and medical abortion. It acts similarly to aminopterin, which is no longer used clinically, and can cause deects known collectively as the etal methotrexate-aminopterin syndrome. Associated cranioacial abnormalities include craniosynostosis with a “clover-lea” skull, wide nasal bridge, low-set ears, and micrognathia (Del Campo, 1999). Exposure has also been linked to central nervous system abnormalities, cardiac deects, and limb anomalies (Cumberland Pharmaceuticals, 2020). Intellectual impairment has been described. Te embryo is thought to be most vulnerable at 8 to 10 weeks postconception and at dosages o at least 10 mg/week. However, this is not universally accepted (Feldkamp, 1993). Because o its distribution, methotrexate can remain in the body or prolonged periods. Tus, preconceptional exposure is not without risk.

Te standard 50-mg/m2 dose given to treat ectopic pregnancy or to induce abortion exceeds the 10-mg/week threshold dose. Reports describe cardiac anomalies, particularly conotruncal deects, in intrauterine pregnancies inadvertently treated with methotrexate or suspected ectopic pregnancy (Dawson, 2014; Hyoun, 2012).


is nonsteroidal selective estrogen-receptor modulator (SERM) is used as an adjuvant to treat breast cancer. In animal studies, tamoxien has been associated with malormations similar to those caused by diethylstilbestrol (DES) exposure in rodents, including vaginal adenosis. One review o 167 pregnancies reported a fetal abnormality in 13 percent but emphasized that evidence was limited (Schuurman, 2019). Abnormalities have included ambiguous genitalia and cranioacial anomalies.


Tis is a recombinant monoclonal antibody directed to the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) protein. Used to treat breast and gastric cancers that express HER2 protein, this drug has not been associated with etal malormations. However, postmarketing surveillance identied cases o oligohydramnios sequence resulting in pulmonary hypoplasia, renal ailure, skeletal abnormalities, and neonatal death (Genentech, 2020). Surveillance or these complications is recommended or exposed pregnancies and or those treated at any time in the 7 months prior to conception. A trastuzumab pregnancy exposure registry and a pregnancy pharmacovigilance program have been established to monitor pregnancy outcomes. Tese warnings also apply to those treated with ado-trastuzumab emtansine.

■ Endothelinreceptor Antagonists

Bosentan, ambrisentan, and macitentan are three endothelin-receptor antagonists used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension (Chap. 52, p. 930). Te endothelin-receptor signaling pathway is important or neural-crest development. Mice decient in endothelin receptors develop neural-crest cell deects that include cranioacial and cardiac outfow tract abnormalities (de Raaf, 2015). Each of these three agents has been ound to cause similar birth deects in multiple animal species (Janssen, 2019a,b). No human data are available. Endothelinreceptor antagonists may be obtained only through restricted access programs, each o which has stringent requirements that include contraception and monthly pregnancy testing (Gilead, 2019; Janssen, 2019a,b).

■ Immunosuppressant Medications

Selected autoimmune diseases and their treatment are reviewed in Chapter 62 (p. 1109).


Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids have antiinfammatory and immunosuppressive actions. Tey are used to treat serious disorders such as asthma and autoimmune disease. Corticosteroids have been associated with oroacial clets in animal studies, but the absolute risk is small. In a metaanalysis o casecontrol studies by the Motherisk Program, systemic corticosteroid exposure was associated with a threeold rate increase, conerring an absolute risk o 3 clets per 1000 exposed etuses (Park-Wyllie, 2000). A 10-year prospective cohort study by the same group, however, did not identiy an increased overall risk or major malormations. Based on these ndings, corticosteroids are not considered to represent a major teratogenic risk.

Potential risks associated with prednisone or methylprednisolone are considered to be lower than those with other corticosteroids. Prednisolone, the active metabolite o prednisone, is itself metabolized and rendered inactive by the placental enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (Murphy, 2007). Tus, it is thought to reach the etus less eectively.

Mycophenolate Mofetil

Tis inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor, and a related agent, mycophenolic acid, are immunosuppressants. Tey are used to prevent rejection in organ-transplant recipients and to treat autoimmune disease (Chap. 62, p. 1112). Mycophenolate is a potent teratogen. From the National ransplantation Pregnancy Registry, o pregnancies in which mycophenolate was not discontinued until ater the rst trimester, birth deects complicated 30 percent, and another 30 percent spontaneously aborted (King, 2017). One prospective review by the European Network of Teratology Information Services similarly identied a spontaneous loss rate o nearly 30 percent in exposed pregnancies. More than 20 percent o liveborn infants had major anomalies (Hoeltzenbein, 2012).

Many aected inants have a pattern o deects termed mycophenolate embryopathy. Tis includes microtia, auditory canal atresia, clets, coloboma and other eye anomalies, short ngers with hypoplastic nails, and cardiac deects (Anderka, 2009; Merlob, 2009). A Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) has been developed for mycophenolate prescribers who treat women with reproductive potential. REMS are safety strategies mandated by the FDA to help manage known risks associated with a medicine yet still allow patients to have access to the benets o a given drug.

■ Lead

Lead crosses the placenta via passive diusion. Prenatal lead exposure is associated with etal-growth impairment and with childhood neurodevelopmental delays. According to the CDC (2010), no level o lead exposure is considered sae in pregnancy. Although routine testing is not recommended, risk actors should be assessed in all pregnancies (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019a). Care and testing or at-risk pregnancies is discussed in Chapter 10 (p. 188).

■ Mercury

Te developing nervous system is particularly susceptible to mercury. In the 1950s and early 1960s, children born near Minamata Bay, Japan were ound to have congenital Minamata disease—severe neurological abnormalities rom methylmercury exposure in utero (Yoriuji, 2020). Prenatal exposure causes disturbances in neuronal cell division and migration.

Tis leads to a range o deects rom microcephaly to intellectual disability, choreo-athetoid movement abnormalities, motor delays, and behavioral abnormalities (Grandjean, 2011). Te principal concern or prenatal mercury exposure is the consumption o certain species o large sh and seaood (Chap. 10, p. 188). Methylmercury cannot be eliminated by cooking. It crosses the placenta and can accumulate in the etus. Te FDA (2019) advises that pregnant women and breasteeding mothers avoid consumption o king mackerel, marlin, orange roughy, shark, swordsh, tilesh, and bigeye tuna.

■ Psychiatric Medications

reatment o psychiatric illness in pregnancy, including a discussion o the risks and benets o various psychiatric medications, is described in Chapter 64 (p. 1142).

Antipsychotic Medications No antipsychotic medications are considered teratogenic. Exposed neonates can manifest abnormal extrapyramidal muscle movements and withdrawal symptoms that include agitation, abnormally enhanced or diminished muscle tone, tremor, agitation, somnolence, respiratory abnormalities, and eeding diculty. Such ndings are nonspecic and transient. An FDA (2017) alert cited all medications in this class. Included are older medications like haloperidol and chlorpromazine and newer medications such as aripiprazole, olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone.


is medication has been associated with Ebstein anomaly, a rare cardiac abnormality that otherwise complicates only 1154  per 20,000 births. Ebstein anomaly is characterized by apical displacement o the tricuspid valve, oten resulting in severe tricuspid regurgitation and marked right atrial enlargement. A report rom the Lithium Baby Registry initially suggested that the risk for Ebstein anomaly was as high as 3 percent. However, subsequent series have identied an attributable risk for Ebstein anomaly and co-occurring right-sided cardiac anomalies o only 1 to 4 cases per 1000 exposed pregnancies (Patorno, 2017; Yacobi, 2008). Te NBDPS ound that just 1 o 135 cases o Ebstein anomaly occurred in the setting of lithium exposure (Downing, 2019).

Neonatal lithium toxicity stems rom exposure near delivery. Te manuacturer recommends that i possible, the dosage should be decreased or drug discontinued 2 to 3 days prior to delivery to reduce this risk (West-Ward, 2020). Findings may persist or up to 2 weeks and may include cardiac arrhythmias, hypoglycemia, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and a “foppy inant syndrome” (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019). Te latter may include hypotonia, respiratory distress or apnea, bradycardia, cyanosis, and eeding diculties (West-Ward, 2020).

Selective Serotonin- and Norepinephrine-reuptake Inhibitors

Tese medications have been studied more than almost any other, apart rom Bendectin (p. 146). As a class, they are not considered major teratogens (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019). Te one exception is paroxetine, which has been associated with a slightly higher risk or cardiac anomalies, particularly atrial and ventricular septal deects. Metaanalyses have identied a pooled odds ratio o just 1.3 or paroxetine and cardiac abnormalities (Berard, 2016; Wurst, 2010). However, a review o nearly 1 million pregnancies rom the nationwide Medicaid Analytic eXtract identied no signicant association between paroxetine use in the rst trimester and etal cardiac abnormalities (Huybrechts, 2014). Te American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2019) recommends that women planning pregnancy avoid paroxetine. Fetal echocardiography should be considered or those with rst-trimester paroxetine exposure.

Neonatal eects have been associated with prenatal exposure to selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and selective norepinephrine-reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Approximately 25 percent o neonates exposed to SSRIs in late pregnancy maniest one or more nonspecic ndings considered to represent poor neonatal adaptation (Costei, 2002; Jordan, 2008). Collectively termed the neonatal behavioral syndrome, ndings can include jitteriness, irritability, hyper- or hypotonia, eeding abnormalities, vomiting, hypoglycemia, thermoregulatory instability, and respiratory abnormalities. Fortunately, these neonatal behaviors are typically mild and sel-limited and last approximately 2 days. Jordan and coworkers (2008) reported that aected newborns were not more likely to require a higher level o care, to experience respiratory abnormalities, or to have prolonged hospitalization.

Rarely, neonates exposed to SSRIs in late pregnancy have demonstrated more severe adaptation abnormalities (Ornoy, 2017). Another concern with late-pregnancy exposure is the possible association o SSRI medications with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Te baseline incidence approximates 2 cases per 1000 term newborns. PPHN is characterized by elevated pulmonary vascular resistance with right-to-let shunting and resultant hypoxemia. wo population-based cohort studies—together involving more than 5 million pregnancies—identied an attributable risk o only 1 to 2 cases per 1000 births (Huybrechts, 2015; Kieler, 2012). Moreover, cases o PPHN associated with SSRI medication have not been severe (Ornoy, 2017).

■ Retinoids

Vitamin A derivatives are among the most potent human teratogens. By inhibiting neural-crest cell migration during embryogenesis, they create a pattern o cranial neural-crest deects—termed retinoic acid embryopathy—that involve the CNS, ace, heart, and thymus (Fig. 8-3). Specic anomalies may include ventriculomegaly, maldevelopment o the acial bones or cranium, microtia or anotia, micrognathia, clet palate, conotruncal heart deects, and thymic aplasia or hypoplasia.


Tis retinoid is used to treat severe psoriasis. It was introduced to replace etretinate, a lipophilic retinoid with such a long hal- lie (120 days) that birth deects resulted more than 2 years ater therapy was discontinued. Although acitretin has a short half-life, it is metabolized to etretinate, and thus remains in the body or prolonged periods (Stieel Laboratories, 2017). o obviate exposure, the manuacturer o acitretin has developed a pregnancy risk management program. Called “Do Your P.A.R.”—pregnancy prevention actively required during and ater treatment, this program promotes a delay o conception or at least 3 years ollowing therapy discontinuation.


Tis retinoid is used to treat reractory cutaneous -cell lymphoma. When given to rats in doses comparable to those or human therapy, etuses developed eye and ear abnormalities, clet palate, and incomplete ossication. For a woman to receive bexarotene, the manuacturer requires two orms o contraception that are initiated 1 month beore therapy and continued

FIGURE 8-3 Retinoic acid embryopathy. A. Bilateral microtia or anotia with stenosis of external ear canal. B. Flat, depressed nasal bridge and ocular hypertelorism. (Reproduced with permission from permission from Dr. Edward Lammer.)

or 1 month ater it is discontinued. Tis is coupled with monthly pregnancy testing during treatment (Bausch Health, 2020). Males who have partners who could become pregnant are advised to use condoms during sexual intercourse while taking bexarotene and or 1 month ater discontinuing therapy.


13-cis-Retinoic acid is a vitamin A isomer that stimulates epithelial cell dierentiation. It is primarily used to treat recalcitrant nodular acne. First-trimester exposure is associated with a high rate o pregnancy loss, and up to a third o inants have malormations (Lammer, 1985). e iPLEDGE program is an FDA-mandated REMS for isotretinoin and is found at www.ipledgeprogram. com. Tis web-based, restricted-distribution program requires participation or all patients, physicians, and pharmacies to help eliminate embryo–etal exposure. Other countries have instituted similar programs, however, inadvertent exposure remains a global concern (Autret-Leca, 2010; Crijns, 2011).

Topical Retinoids

Tese compounds, initially used to treat acne, have become so popular or sun-damage treatment that they are called cosmeceuticals (Panchaud, 2012). Te most commonly used topical agents are tretinoin, isotretinoin, and adapalene. Systemic absorption is low, and this argues against plausible teratogenicity. Isolated case reports have described malormations ollowing topical tretinoin, and it is unknown whether this is due to variability in absorption or perhaps potential individual susceptibility (Kaplan, 2015). A prospective study by the European Network o eratology Inormation Services ound no higher rates o birth deects or spontaneous losses, and no case o retinoid embryopathy (Panchaud, 2012). A systematic review o 635 pregnancies exposed to topical retinoids identied no higher risk or congenital malormations, spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, low birthweight, or preterm delivery (Kaplan, 2015). Notably, the manufacturer of tazarotene cautions that application over a sucient body surace area could be comparable to oral treatment. Accordingly, its use in pregnancy is not recommended (Allergan, 2019).

Vitamin A

Tere are two natural orms o vitamin A. First, provitamin A carotenoids, which include beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin, are precursors ound in ruits and vegetables. Te body converts carotenoids into vitamin A. Tey have never been shown to cause birth deects (Oakley, 1995).

Second, preformed vitamin A, also called retinol, has been associated with cranial neural-crest deects when more than 10,000 IU per day is consumed in the rst trimester (Rothman, 1995). Preormed vitamin A is present in liver, sh oils, milk, eggs, and in vitamin pills and dietary supplements. It seems reasonable to avoid doses o preormed preparations that exceed the recommended 3000 IU daily allowance (American Academy o Pediatrics, 2017).

Sex Hormones

Selected unctions and eects o male and emale hormones on the developing etus are reviewed in Chapter 3 (p. 31). Androgen exposure may cause varying degrees of virilization in emale etuses and may result in ambiguous genitalia (Fig. 3-3, p. 34).

Thalidomide and Analogues

Possibly the most notorious human teratogen, thalidomide causes malormations in 20 percent o etuses exposed between 34 and 50 days menstrual age. Te characteristic malormation is phocomelia—an absence or underdevelopment o one or more long bones. As a result, hands or eet may attach to the trunk, occasionally by a small rudimentary bone. Cardiac deects, gastrointestinal abnormalities, external ear and eye mal- ormations, and other limb-reduction deects also are common ollowing thalidomide exposure. Te manuacturer reports that up to 40 percent o aected newborns do not survive the neonatal period (Celgene, 2021). Talidomide was marketed outside the United States rom 1956 to 1960, beore its teratogenicity was appreciated. Te ensuing disaster, with thousands o aected children, was instructive o several important teratological principles. First, the placenta is not an eective barrier to the transer o toxic substances rom mother to embryo (Dally, 1998). Second, dierent species maniest considerable variability in their susceptibility to drugs and chemicals.

Namely, thalidomide produced no deects in multiple rodent species and was assumed to be sae or humans. Last, timing o exposure may be closely related to the type o deect (Vargesson, 2015). For example, upper-limb amelia may develop with thalidomide exposure during days 24 to 30 postconception, upper-limb phocomelia with exposure during days 24 to 33, and lower-limb phocomelia with exposure during days 27 to 33. Talidomide was rst approved in the United States in 1999 and currently is used to treat erythema leprosum nodosum and multiple myeloma (Celgene, 2021). Te FDA has mandated a web-based, restricted-distribution program or thalidomide, called THALOMID REMS, which is required before patients, physicians, and pharmacies can access the medication.

Lenalidomide and pomalidomide are analogues o thalidomide. Both cross the placenta in animal species. Lenalidomide is used to treat some types o myelodysplastic syndrome and multiple myeloma. It has been ound to cause thalidomide-like limb abnormalities in monkeys (Celgene, 2019). Pomalidomide is used to treat reractory multiple myeloma and acquired immunode- ciency syndrome (AIDS)-related Kaposi sarcoma. It is teratogenic in rats and rabbits (Celgene, 2020). Restricted-distribution programs similar to those used or thalidomide have been developed or these analogues.

■ Thyroid Medications


Tis thionamide drug is used to treat hyperthyroidism. Methimazole has been associated with a 2-fold increased risk for aplasia cutis congenita, as well as choanal atresia and esophageal atresia (Yoshihara, 2012). Tis constellation o ndings has been termed methimazole embryopathy. Aplasia cutis is a rare abnormality characterized by a full-thickness skin defect, usually the scalp, occasionally with a deect o underlying bone. In a study o more than 1000 methimazole-treated pregnancies, Yoshihara and colleagues (2015) identied the embryopathy in 1 to 2 percent. reatment o hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is reviewed in Chapter 61.


Radioactive iodine-131 is used or treatment o thyroid cancer and thyrotoxicosis and or diagnostic thyroid scanning. It is also a component o iodine-131 tositumomab therapy, which is employed to treat a type o non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Radioiodine is contraindicated during pregnancy because it readily crosses the placenta and is concentrated in the etal thyroid gland by 12 weeks’ gestation. It may cause severe or irreversible etal and neonatal hypothyroidism, which can lead to decreased mental capacity and delayed skeletal maturation. Pregnancy testing should be perormed beore administration o radioiodine-131, and it is recommended that pregnancy be avoided or 6 to 12 months ollowing treatment (Haugen, 2016). A review o more than 3000 pregnancies in which women delayed conception or at least 6 months ater receiving radioactive iodine treatment identied no increase in pregnancy losses or congenital malormations (Kim, 2020). Concerns or the breasteeding mother stem rom breast exposure to the radioisotope.

■ Warfarin

Tis anticoagulant is a vitamin K antagonist with a long hal- lie. Because o its low molecular weight, it readily crosses the placenta and may cause embryotoxic and etotoxic eects. It is considered contraindicated in pregnancy with one important exception. As discussed in Chapter 52 (p. 922), wararin is used to treat women with mechanical heart valves who are at high risk or thromboembolism (Bristol-Myers Squibb, 2019). Warfarin embryopathy is characterized by stippled epiphyses and nasal hypoplasia (Fig. 8-4). In one review o 63 cases attributed to wararin exposure, 80 percent displayed characteristic ndings, which include depressed nasal bridge with nasal hypoplasia and choanal atresia, along with stippled epiphyses o the emur, humerus, calcanei, and distal phalanges (Van Driel, 2002). Te embryopathy may result rom exposure between 6 and 9 weeks’ gestation (Hall, 1980). Prevalence ollowing exposure during this critical period is estimated to be 6 percent. One metaanalysis o cases in which the wararin dosage was ≤5 mg/d identied embryopathy in 1 percent o exposed etuses. Tis suggests that risk may be dose dependent (Hassouna, 2014).

I used beyond the rst trimester, wararin may lead to hemorrhage into etal structures, which can cause abnormal growth and deormation rom scarring (Warkany, 1976). Nearly 50 percent o reported embryopathy cases also have CNS anomalies (van Driel, 2002). Abnormalities can include agenesis o the corpus callosum; cerebellar vermian agenesis, which is the Dandy-Walker malormation; microphthalmia; and optic atrophy. Aected inants are also at risk or blindness, deaness, and developmental delays.

■ Tobacco

Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause o perinatal mortality. At least 7 percent o women report smoking cigarettes during pregnancy (Drake, 2018). Cigarette smoke contains a complex mixture o nicotine, cotinine, cyanide, thiocyanate, carbon monoxide, cadmium, lead, and various hydrocarbons (Stillerman, 2008). In addition to being etotoxic, many o these substances have vasoactive eects or reduce oxygen levels.

Although tobacco is not considered a major human teratogen, selected birth deects have been reported to occur with greater requency ollowing exposure. Cigarette smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke have been associated with up to a 1.5-old risk or oroacial clets (Kummet, 2016; Sabbagh, 2015). Tis equates to an attributable risk o approximately 1 case per 2000 births. It is plausible that the vasoactive properties o tobacco smoke could produce congenital deects related to vascular disturbances. For example, the prevalence o Poland sequence, which is caused by an interruption in the vascular supply to one side o the etal chest and ipsilateral arm, has been reported to occur two times more commonly among cigarette smokers (Martinez-Frias, 1999). Te NBDPS similarly ound an association between active or passive cigarette smoking and limb reduction deects, and an overall increase in risk o 25 percent (Caspers, 2013). A small increased risk or etal cardiac anomalies also has been reported and may be dose related (Alverson, 2011; Malik, 2008; Sullivan, 2015). Te most prevalent obstetrical complication rom smoking is a dose-dependent reduction in etal growth. Newborns o mothers who smoke weigh on

FIGURE 8-4 Warfarin embryopathy or fetal warfarin syndrome: nasal hypoplasia and depressed nasal bridge seen in a fetal sonographic image (A) and in the same newborn (B). average 200 g less than newborns of nonsmokers (D’Souza, 1981).

Smoking doubles the risk o low birthweight and raises the risk o etal-growth restriction two- to threeold (Werler, 1997). As such, cigarette smoking accounts or 15 percent o lowbirthweight neonates (Dietz, 2010). Even secondhand smoke increases the risk or low birthweight. Other adverse pregnancy outcomes associated with cigarette smoking include preterm birth, prelabor rupture o membranes, placenta previa, and placenta abruption (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2020b). Approximately one third o cases o sudden inant death syndrome have been attributed to cigarette smoking (Anderson, 2019; Dietz, 2010). Risks of childhood asthma and obesity also are increased.

When inquiring about tobacco use, providers should include alternative nicotine delivery products. All orms o nicotine cross the placenta. None is considered sae in pregnancy. Vaping or e-cigarette products heat an “e-liquid” containing nicotine— and oten additional contaminants—along with a favoring agent. Nicotine is associated with adverse eects on etal brain and lung development (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2020b; Spindel, 2016). In adults, vaping has been linked to serious lung injury known as EVALI— e-cigarette or vaping-associated lung injury (Krishnasamy, 2020). Animal studies o hookah use, in which tobacco smoke is ltered through a water bowl, demonstrate lower birthweight and increased markers o cardiac stress (Khabour, 2016).

Smoking cessation should be strongly encouraged. Counseling includes avoidance o secondhand smoke and all nicotinereplacement products, such as patches, gum, and lozenges. A hotline is available rom the Centers o Disease Control and Prevention and can be accessed by calling 1-800-QUI-NOW. Te U.S. Preventive Services ask Force has recommended that behavioral interventions be oered at the initial visit and continued throughout pregnancy (Siu, 2015).

■ Herbal Medicinal Products

In large survey studies from North America and Europe, 30 to 60 percent o women report using herbal remedies during pregnancy (Kennedy, 2016; Pallivalapila, 2015). Tese products are not regulated by the FDA, and there is a paucity o controlled studies assessing their saety and ecacy. Te identity, quantity, and purity o each ingredient are usually unknown. Authors o a recent systematic review that included more than 1 million pregnancies concluded that in the absence o more saety data, the use o herbal medicinal products in pregnancy should be discouraged (Munoz Balbontin, 2019). Selected herbal remedies and their reported adverse eects are shown in Table 8-5.

■ Drugs of Abuse

Substance abuse is not uncommon in pregnancy. Assessment o outcomes attributable to illicit drug use is oten conounded by actors such as poor maternal health, malnutrition, and inectious disease. Polysubstance abuse urther complicates assessment o outcomes associated with any one drug. Moreover, illegal substances may contain toxic contaminants such as lead, cyanide, herbicides, and pesticides. Impurities added as diluents may independently have serious adverse perinatal eects. As noted on page 149, alcohol is a signicant teratogen. Because it is legally obtained and ubiquitous, its use conounds the study o illicit drug teratogenicity. Similarly, tobacco use conounds the eect o drugs on etal growth.


With this CNS stimulant, most adverse outcomes result rom its vasoconstrictive and hypertensive eects. Serious potential maternal complications are cerebrovascular hemorrhage, myocardial damage, and placental abruption. Studies o congenital abnormalities and cocaine exposure have yielded conficting results, but associations with clet palate, cardiovascular abnormalities, and urinary tract anomalies have been reported (Chasno, 1988; Lipshultz, 1991; van Gelder, 2009). Cocaine use is also associated with etal-growth restriction and preterm delivery. Children exposed as etuses have risks or behavioral abnormalities and cognitive impairments (Bada, 2011; Gouin, 2011).


Tis is the recreational drug most commonly used in pregnancy (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019b). Based on data rom the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, nearly 4 percent o pregnant women reported using marijuana in 2014 (Brown, 2017). Among women diagnosed with nausea and vomiting o pregnancy, the prevalence o marijuana use increased rom 7 to 11 percent rom 2009 to 2016 (Young-Wol, 2019). O concern is that the increase in prevalence is related to perceived saety and ecacy. In a study o 400 cannabis dispensaries, nearly 70 percent advised a caller posing as a pregnant woman with nausea at 8 weeks’ gestation to use marijuana (Dickson, 2018). However, no data support ecacy o marijuana or nausea and vomiting o pregnancy, and there are indeed safety concerns (Metz, 2018).

Cannabinoids are not considered to be major teratogens, but they cross the placenta, and endogenous cannabinoids play key roles in brain development. In animals, cannabinoids are involved in neuronal prolieration, migration, and dierentiation (Campolongo, 2011). Adverse developmental outcomes reported in exposed children include decreased attention span and lower scores on tests o visual problem solving and visual-motor coordination (Fried, 2003; Willord 2010).

Pregnancy outcome data are somewhat limited by the con- ounding risks o concomitant tobacco use. In one metaanalysis o nearly 8000 exposed pregnancies, only those with concomitant tobacco use had increased rates o preterm birth and lowbirthweight neonates (Conner, 2016). Te American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2019b) has stated that the eects o marijuana may be as serious as those o cigarette smoking or alcohol consumption. Because o neurodevelopmental concerns, women who are pregnant or contemplating pregnancy should avoid marijuana use.


Tis sympathomimetic amine is derived rom dextroamphetamine. It enhances dopamine release and blocks its reuptake. Methamphetamine is prescribed to treat attention decit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy. Abuse has been rising in the United States since the late 1980s (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019c). Methamphetamine is not considered teratogenic. However, use in pregnancy is consistently associated with small-or-gestational age newborns, and children are at risk or developmental delays and behavioral abnormalities (Derauf, 2012; Eze, 2016; Gabrhelik, 2021; O’Connor, 2020). Behavioral abnormalities have been described in both infants and school-aged children (Eze, 2016). Hypertensive complications, placental abruption, preterm birth, and stillbirth are other associated adverse outcomes (Gorman, 2014).


Te dramatic rise in narcotic use among nonpregnant and pregnant individuals has been aptly termed an epidemic. Opioids are not major teratogens. However, the NBDPS did identiy a slightly greater risk or spina bida, gastroschisis, and cardiac abnormalities with periconceptional opioid exposure (Broussard, 2011). Te American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2019d) stresses that this potential, small increase in birth deects with maintenance therapy should be weighed against the risks associated with uncontrolled opioid abuse. Heroin addiction is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes rom the eects o repeated narcotic withdrawal on the etus and placenta. Tese include preterm birth, placental abruption, etal-growth restriction, and etal death.

Neonatal narcotic withdrawal, called the neonatal abstinence syndrome, may maniest in 40 to 90 percent o exposed newborns (Blinick, 1973; Creanga, 2012; Dashe, 2002; Zelson, 1973). As discussed in Chapter 33 (p. 605), CNS irritability may progress to seizures if untreated and may be accompanied by tachypnea, apneic episodes, poor eeding, and ailure to thrive. At-risk neonates are closely monitored using a scoring

TABLE 8-5. Pharmacological Actions and Adverse Effects of Some Herbal Medicines Herb and Common Name Potential Pharmacological Effects Concerns

Te American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2019d) recommends that pregnant women with opioid-use disorder be maintained on opioid-agonist therapy to reduce the risks associated with illicit opioid abuse and associated behaviors. reatment includes either buprenorphine, which may be given in an oce-based setting by a licensed buprenorphine prescriber, or methadone, usually through a licensed outpatient opioid treatment program. A multidisciplinary treatment program is recommended to reduce the likelihood o additional opioid abuse while on maintenance therapy. Withdrawal rom methadone during pregnancy is discouraged because o high relapse rates (American College o Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2019d). At Parkland Hospital, pregnant opioid users who decline maintenance therapy are oered inpatient hospitalization for controlled methadone taper. e goal is to reduce the likelihood o neonatal abstinence syndrome (Dashe, 2002; Stewart, 2013).

Miscellaneous Drugs

Phencyclidine (PCP) or angel dust is not associated with congenital anomalies. More than hal o exposed newborns, however, experience withdrawal symptoms characterized by tremors, jitteriness, and irritability. Toluene is a common solvent used in paints and glue. Occupational exposure is reported to have signicant etal risks (Wilkins-Haug, 1997). When abused by women in early pregnancy, it is associated with toluene embryopathy, which is phenotypically similar to etal alcohol syndrome. Abnormalities include pre- and postnatal growth deciency, microcephaly, midace hypoplasia, short palpebral ssures, and wide nasal bridge (Pearson, 1994). Up to 40 percent o exposed children have developmental delays (Arnold, 1994)

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