Abnormal Uterine Bleeding:
(DUB, Menoorrhagia and PMB)
1. After menopause: Which is true?
A. There is increase in vaginal acidity
B. Gonadotropins secretion falls.
C. Recurrent vaginal bleeding should be investigated by endometrial biopsy.
D. Malignancy is the leading cause of post menopausal bleeding.
E. Bone mineral density increases.
2. All the following are possible causes of menorrhagia, EXCEPT
A. Uterine fibroid
B. Adenomyosis
C. Pelvic inflammatory disease
D. Endometrial hyperplasia
E. Combine oral contraceptive pills
3. After menopause
A. There is increase vaginal acidity.
B. Gonadotropins level falls.
C. There is increase in bone density.
D. The size of an existing fibroid increases.
E. Any post menopausal bleeding should be investigated by endometrial
4. Menorrhagia is:
A. Intermittent irregular vaginal bleeding
B. Commonly presents as postmenopausal bleeding
C. Heavy menstrual cycle more than 80 ml
D. Infrequent spaced cycles every 45 days
E. The main presentation in case of Asherman Syndrome
5. An Obese 63-years old women present with a 3 month history of continuous
scanty bleeding. Adequate history and physical examination what is your
recommendation ?
A. Cervical cone biopsy
B. D&C
C. Cycling with progestin
D. Laparoscopy
E. Official visit every 6month for the evaluation.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
6. Amount of blood loss during the normal menses :
A. 10 to 25 ml.
B. 25 to 75 ml.
C. 80 to 120 ml.
D. 125 to 175 ml.
7. Post menopausal bleeding :
A. May be considered as a normal variation
B. Ultrasound can exclude uterine malignancy
C. Hysteroscopy is contraindicated
D. Cervical cancer need exclusion.
E. Atrophic vaginitis should not be considered for its very rare finding.
8. Menorrhagia :
A. progesterone medicated IUCD can treat this condition
B. D&C are not required for diagnosis & management of the patient above
40 years or more
C. Asherman syndrome is the main cause
9. All the following are possible causes of menorrhagia, EXCEPT
A. Uterine fibroid
B. Adenomyosis
C. Pelvic inflammatory disease
D. Endometrial hyperplasia
E. Combine oral contraceptive pills
10. Which statement regarding menstrual abnormality is correct ?
A. Menorrhagia is defined as a "frequent period".
B. Bleeding due to uterine polyps is called dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
C. Oligomenrrhia means periods with more than 35 days apart.
D. Menorrhagia means a "heavy period".
E. Polymmenorrhea means periods that occur every 28 days.
11. Regarding Menorrhagia:
A. Progesterone mediated IUCD can treat this condition.
B. D & C is not required for diagnosis & management in a 40 years or more.
C. In adolescent, it is important to rule out malignancy.
D. Asherman syndrome is a main cause.
E. It is defined as bleeding occurring every 2 weeks.
12. Initial management for patient with post menopausal bleeding is:
A. pap smear.
B. Ultrasound.
C. CT scan.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
D. D & C.
E. History & physical examination.
13. The most common cause of menstrual abnormality in reproductive-aged
women is:
A. Ectopic pregnancy.
B. Uterine leiomyomas.
C. Adenomyosis.
D. Anovulation.
E. Coagulopathy.
14. The most common serious complication of radical hysterectomy is:
A. Intra-operative death.
B. Illness from transfusion.
C. Genitourinary fistula.
D. Premature menopause.
E. Bowel injury.
15. Which of the following conditions is LEAST likely to be associated with
endometrial hyperplasia:
A. Hyperprolactenemia.
B. Exogenous estrogen.
C. Granulosa-theca cell tumor.
D. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
E. Polycystic ovarian syndrome.
16. The most common symptom of endometrial hyperplasia:
A. Vaginal discharge & itching.
B. Vaginal bleeding.
C. Amenorrhea.
D. Pelvic pain.
E. Abdominal distension.
17. Menorrhagia occurring at the age of puberty may be due to:
A. Folic acid deficiency anemia.
B. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
C. Von Willbrand’s disease. (Congenital coagulopathy)
D. Androgen insensitivity disease.
E. Nelson’s syndrome.
18. The initial attempt to control uterine bleeding due to blood dyscrasia
(Prothrombin deficiency) after ruling out anatomic lesions should be:
A. Hysterectomy.
B. D& C & hysterectomy.
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Cyclic estrogens.
D. Oral contraceptives.
E. Pregnancy.
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