All MCQs OBGYN collected 8

 1) All the following conditions result in polyhydroamnios EXCEPT :

A. Renal agenesis.

B. duodenal atresia.

C. Spina bifida.

D. Anencephaly.

E. Fetal hydrops

2) The patient is 8 weeks pregnant, which one of the following USS measurement is

most useful:

A. Crown Rump length.

B. Biparietal diameter.

C. Femur length

D. Placental site

E. Abdominal circumference

3) Which of the following is the most certain method to determine that ovulation has


A. Basal body temperature.

B. Pregnancy

C. Increase in LH

D. Cervical mucus is thick

E. Endometrial biopsy

4) The genetic make up of complete hydatiform mole typically is:

A. 46, XX paternal only.

B. 46, XX maternal only

C. 46, XY paternal only

D. 46 XX, maternal and paternal.

E. Triploidy

5) First stage of labor:

A. End with complete dilatation of cervix.

B. Result in separation of placenta.

C. Is more than 24 hours in primigravida.

D. Should used ergotamine in first stage

6) The follicular phase of menstrual cycle is characterized by:

A. Endometrial proliferation.

B. Decreased estrogen

C. Progesterone dominance.

D. Fixed length of 8 days

E. Reduction in aromatase activity.

7) The baseline Heart rate of normal fetus at term is:

A. 80-100 bpm

B. 100-120 bpm

C. 120-160 bpm

D. 160-180 pbm

E. There is no baseline heart rate.

8) Which one of the following actions COCP has:

A. Reduce risk of endometrial cancer.

B. Increase risk of ovarian cancer.

C. Reduce risk of breast cancer

D. Reduce risk of cervical cancer.

E. Worsen endometriosis

9) Which of the following is not a common site for endometerosis:

A. Bone

B. Ovaries.

C. Uterosacral ligaments.

D. Peritoneum

E. Oviduct

10) Fetus of GDM mother has:

A. Hypercalcemia.

B. Hypoglycemia

C. Hypobilirubinemia

D. Hypoinsulinemia

E. Anemia

11) The followings are considered normal symptoms of pregnancy EXCEPT:

A. Backache due to increased lumbar lordosis.

B. Lower abdominal pain due to stretch of round ligaments.

C. Visual disturbances

D. Calf pain due to muscle spasm.

E. Increased vaginal discharge

12) All of the following infection causes fetal malformation except:

A. Rubella

B. Syphilis

C. Toxoplasma



13) Bishop score includes all the following except:

A. Dilation of cervix.

B. Position of cervix

C. The position of the fetus

D. Length of the cervix

E. Consistency of cervix

14) Partogram:

A. Evaluate the progression of labor.

B. Is done before diagnosis of labor.

C. Is used by the patient to record the uterine contractions.

15) All the following is true about symptoms of fibroid EXCEPT:

A. Irregular cycles with hypomenorrhea

B. Cause anemia

C. Heavy bleed with normal length

D. Dysmenorrhea

16) The second stage of labor:

A. separation of placenta

B. effacement of cervix

C. expulsion of placenta

D. dilation of cervix

E. expulsion of fetus

17) Regrading fertilization and implantation:

A. Fertilization occurs in inner third of the fallopian tube.

B. The sperm head penetrates through the corona radiata and zona pellucida

while the tail remains outside.

C. The second meiotic division is completed before fertilization.

D. Implantation occurs in morula stage

E. The trophoblast invades the endometrium and differentiate into outer

cytotrophoblast and inner cyncytiotrophoblast.

18) Most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding is:

A. atrophic vaginitis

B. Endometrial cancer

C. Endometrial hyperplasia

D. Endometrial polyp

19) Most definitive treatment for preeclampsia is:

A. IV magnesium sulphate

B. Diazepam.

C. Delivery

D. IV hydralazine

E. IV labetalol

20) All of these are normal changes in pregnancy EXCEPT:

A. increase plasma volume.

B. Decrease RBC mass

C. Increase stroke volume

D. Increase cardiac output

21) Mechanism of action of IUCD, all EXCEPT:

A. changes tube motility.

B. Endometrial changes

C. Inhibits fertilization

D. Inhibits implantation.

E. Changes cervical mucus.

(we asked dr. Amel about it)

22) Absolute contraindication to OCP, all EXCEPT:

A. smoking and over 35 years .

B. Family history of Breast cancer

C. Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding

D. Ischemic heart disease


23) Early deceleration is :

A. Associated with unengaged head

B. Associated usually with brain hypoxia

C. Decrease in the fetal beat that peaks after uterine contraction

D. Indication of c-section.

E. Results from increased vagal tone secondary to head compression.

24) Physiological changes in reproductive system during pregnancy:

A. No changes in vagina PH.

B. The uterus first enlarges by hyperplasia and then hypertrophy

C. There’s no change in the cervix

D. Estrogen has no role in changes that occurs during pregnancy

E. Lower segment of the uterus will be formed in the 1st trimester.

25) Contraindication to induction of labor:

A. classical c-section

B. Choroamniotits.

C. Post date

D. Severe PET at 36 weeks


26) antenatal Booking investigations include the following EXCEPT:

A. Glucose


C. Hepatitis

D. Toxoplasma

E. Beta HCG

27) First sign of puberty:

A. Budding of breasts.

B. Pubic hair

C. Menstruation

D. Growth changes

E. Changes in voice

28) Most common cause of breech presentation:

A. Prematurity.

B. Advanced maternal age

C. Fibroid

D. Uterine anomalies

E. Polyhydraminos

29) antepartum hemorrhage maybe caused by all the following EXCEPT:

A. placenta previa

B. cervical cancer

C. abruptio plcenta

D. ectopic pregnancy

E. vasa previa

30) PPH:

A. maybe a consequence of an antepartum hemorrhage

B. always ends with DIC

C. the most common cause is retained placenta

31) Give anti-D treatment in:

A. Rh-ve non-pregnant women in amniocentesis

B. Rh+ve women with threatened abortion

C. Rh- women with Rh- baby

D. Rh+ women with Rh- father

E. Rh-ve women with threatened abortion

32) All of the following are fetal complications of perinatal Toxoplasmosis infection


A. Spina bifida

B. hepatosplenomegaly

C. Hydrocephalus

D. brain calcification

E. chorioretinitis

33) Which of the cases is considered primary amenorrhea:


B. Bicornate uterus

C. Sheehan syndrome

D. Imperforated hymen

34) the time that spermatogonum takes to transform to spermatozoa:

A. 52 days

B. 62 days

C. 72 days

D. 82 days

35) The terminology of pelvic inflammatory diseases indicates:

A. Infection of the vagina.

B. Infection of Bartholin's glands

C. Infection of Skene's glands.

D. Infection of the urinary bladder.

E. Endometritis and salpingo-oophoritis

36) Corpus luteum:

A. Support the first weeks in pregnancy

B. All the way till the end of pregnancy

37) which statement is correct?

A. Lie → vertex

B. Position →longitudinal

C. Presentation → occipioanterior

D. The station of the baby is 0 at ischial spines

38) The order of cardinal movements in labor:

A. Engagement, internal rotation, flexion

B. Engagement, descend, flexion, internal rotation

C. Descend, engagement, flexion

D. Internal rotation, flexion, decent, engagement.

E. Engagement, flexion, internal rotation.

39) For low risk gestational trophoblastic tumor, which drug should we use:

A. Methatoxrate

B. Etoposide

C. Actinomycin D

40) The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is associated with:

A. High luteinizing hormone level

B. High progesterone levels

C. High prolactin level

D. Low basal body temperature

E. Proliferative changes in the endometrium

41) Changes in the urinary tract system in pregnancy include:

A. Increase the glomerular filtration rate (GFR).

B. Decrease in renal plasma flow (RPF).

C. Marked increase in both GFR & RPF when the patient is supine.

D. Increase in the amount of dead space in the urinary tract.

E. Increase in BUN & creatinine

42) The most common cause of precocious puberty is :

A. Idiopathic.

B. Gonadoblastoma.

C. Albright syndrome.

D. Abnormal skull development.

E. Granulosa cell tumor.

43) All the following hormones are products of placental synthesis, EXCEPT :



C. Prolactin.

D. Progesterone.

E. Estriol.

44) Regarding missed abortion, all of the following are CORRECT, EXCEPT:

A. Patient may present with loss of the symptoms of pregnancy

B. Per vaginal bleeding may be one of the presenting symptom

C. Immediate evacuation should be done once the diagnosis is made.

D. Disseminated intra-vascular coagulation may occur as a sequele of missed


E. Ultrasound should be done to confirm the diagnosis

45) Complete breech means:

A. Flexion at hip joint and extension in knee joint

B. Flexion at hip joint and flexion at knee joint.

C. Extension at the hip joint

D. Flexion at knee joint and extension at the hip joint

E. Flexion of one leg at hip joint and extension of the other leg at the hip joint

46) Regarding Secondary postpartum hemorrhage:

A. Is diagnosed when bleeding occurs 72 hours after delivery

B. Contra indicate breast feeding

C. The commonest cause is the cervical tears

D. Very common when the patient delivers a congenitally abnormal baby

E. retained placental tissue could be a cause.

47) Obstructed labor: Which is true?

A. Diagnosis only when the cervix is fully dilated

B. Usually predicted before onset of labor

C. More common in developed countries

D. Mento-posterior position could be a cause.

E. X-ray pelvimetry is essential to predict cephalo-pelvic disproportion in


48) Which of the following is known to be the commonest presentation in twins

A. Breech, cephalic

B. Cephalic, breech

C. Cephalic, cephalic.

D. Breech, breech

E. Cephalic, transverse

49) The following are factors affecting the choice of Methotrexate as a choice of

treatment for ectopic pregnancy, EXCEPT:

A. Size of the ectopic

B. Presence or absence of cardiac activity

C. Level of BHCG

D. Parity of the patient

E. Integrity of the tube

50) Perinatal mortality refers to:

A. Number of stillbirths per 1,000 total births.

B. Number of stillbirths & neonatal deaths per 1,000 total births.

C. Number of stillbirths & neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births.

D. Number of neonatal deaths per 1,000 total births.

E. Number of stillbirths & neonatal deaths per 100,000 total births.

51) The followings are causes of Antepartum hemorrhage EXCEPT:

A. Abruptio placenta.

B. Placenta brevia.

C. Cervical polyp.

D. Vasa previa.

E. Rh isoimmunization.

52) The most common reason for postdate pregnancy is:

A. Inaccurate gestational age.

B. Fetal anencephaly.

C. Oligohydramnios.


E. Advanced maternal age.

53) In patients with three consecutive spontaneous abortion in the second trimester,

the most useful investigation is:

A. Chromosomal analysis

B. Hysterosalpingogram

C. Endometrial biopsy

D. Post coital test

E. Prolactin level

54) Gestational diabetes is associated with an increase risk of all the following, EXCEPT:

A. Cesarean section

B. Shoulder dystocia

C. Fetal macrosomia

D. Intrauterine fetal death

E. Intrauterine growth restriction

55) Risk factors for pre- eclampsia include all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. Elderly primigravida

B. African ethnicity

C. Positive family history of hypertension

D. Positive history of pre- eclampsia in previous pregnancies

E. Positive history of macrosomic baby

56) A syndrome seen in pre-eclampsia called HELLP syndrome is characterized by all of

the following EXCEPT:

A. Elevation of Liver enzymes.

B. Hemolysis.

C. Low platelet count.

D. Prolongation of the Prothrombin time.

E. Increase fibrinogen level

57) Regarding gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM):

A. It is the most common cause of IUGR.

B. The best screening test is random blood sugar.

C. The diagnostic test is glucose tolerance test (GTT).

D. All patients should be treated by insulin, as diet alone is not enough.

E. All patients should be delivered before term to avoid complications

58) Diabetes in pregnancy can cause all the following congenital anomalies EXCEPT:

A. Sacral agenesis.

B. Central nervous system abnormalities.

C. Lower limb hypoplasia.

D. Congenital heart disease.

E. Yellow teeth discoloration.

59) Complications of preeclampsia include all the following EXCEPT:

A. Premature delivery.

B. Placenta abruption.

C. Renal failure.


E. Polycythemia

60) The initial evaluation in an infertile couple should include:

A. Ovarian biopsy.

B. Semen analysis.

C. D & C.

D. Laparoscopy.

E. Sperm penetration assay.

61) With regards to contraception failure, the pearl index refers to:

A. Numbers of Pregnancies in years.

B. Number of pregnancies in 1 woman-year.

C. Number of pregnancies in 100 woman-year.

D. Number of pregnancies in 100 woman-years over pregnancy losses.

E. Number of Pregnancy losses in 100 woman-years.

62) Compared with a midline episiotomy , an advantage of mediolateral episiotomy :

A. ease of repair

B. fewer break downs

C. lower blood loss

D. less dyspareunia

E. less extension of the incision

63) A preterm birth is defined as:

A. before 37 completed weeks gestation

B. prior to the period of viability

C. weighing less than 1000 g

64) Uterus at the level of umbilicus is at:

A. 10 weeks

B. 12 weeks

C. 16 weeks

D. 20 weeks

E. 24 weeks

65) One of the following is an indication of emergency lower transverse c-section :

A. Previous lower transverse c-section

B. Patient with prolapsed cord and a dead fetus

C. Cardiac disease of the mother

D. Multiple gestation

E. Prolonged labor due to brow presentation

66) All of the followings are risk factors of preterm labor except :


B. vaginal candidiasis

C. multiple pregnancy

D. polyhydraminos

E. placenta previa

All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011


67) All the following is needed to be functional in order to have normal menstrual cycle


A. Hypothalamus

B. Posterior pituitary

C. Endometrium

D. ovary

68) All the following are true about ovarian hyperstimulation, EXCEPT:

A. The ovaries will be very small in size have unilateral cyst

B. Caused by ovulation induction

C. In severe types, admission to ICU may be required

D. Can be diagnosed clinically & by USS.

E. Patients with PCO has increased risk

69) regarding breast milk all true except:

A. Has less protein than cow’s milk

B. Has more lactose than cow’s milk

C. Has less calories than cow’s milk

D. Is an excellent source of iron

E. Rich in vitamin B

70) Placenta previa can result in all the following EXCEPT:

A. Malpresentation

B. Painless vaginal bleeding

C. Lower abdominal cramps

71) cervical prolapse common in:

A. Multiparty


C. Endometriosis

72) Which of the following does not cause amenorrhea:

A. Endometriosis

B. Anorexia nervosa

C. asherman's syndrome

D. Sheehan syndrome

73) abruptio placenta:

A. Premature separation of abnormally implanted placenta.

B. hypercoagulable state.

C. Can result in postpartum hemorrhage

74) the fetal station at the level of ischial spine is:

A. -2

B. -1

C. 0

D. +1

E. +2

75) endometrosis:

A. Cause preterm menopause

B. GnRH agonist is one of the modality of treatment

76) All the following are possible causes of menorrhagia,


A. Uterine fibroid

B. Adenomyosis

C. Pelvic inflammatory disease

D. Endometrial hyperplasia

E. Combine oral contraceptive pills

77) epigastric pain in pre-eclampsia is due to:

a. Stretching of the liver capsule

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