All MCQs OBGYN collected 9

 1) Regarding ovarian carcinoma, all are characteristics of malignancy on US EXCEPT:

A. Large size

B. Contain solid component

C. Ascitis

D. Bilateral

E. Distorted capsule

(we asked dr.Zainab about it)

2) Molar pregnancy associated with all, EXCEPT:

A. Hyperemesis gravidarum

B. Thyrotoxicosis

C. Excessive uterine size

D. Cervical dysplasia

3) Locked twin occur in:

A. Cephalic - cephalic

B. Breech – cephalic

C. Cephalic – breech

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D. Breech – breech

4) Urge incontinence, all are true EXCEPT:

A. Can be treated surgically

B. Bladder drill can be performed

C. Needs Urodynamic testing

5) Urine retention occurs in all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Pelvic prolapse

B. Vesicovaginal fistula

C. Infection

6) Urinary Stress incontinence is:

A. The loss is of large amount of urine when intra-abdominal pressure increases.

B. The loss is of small amount of urine when intra-abdominal pressure increases.

C. Inability to control the bladder of all urine

D. Inability to pass urine

E. Constant loss of small amounts of urine

7) A pregnant lady has 10 live children and fetal losses in the following weeks (12, 29, 20,

18, 32).estimate her G,P,A:

G16, P12, A3

8) The largest fetal head diameter is:

Mentovertical diameter

9) A fetus with Occipito- posterior position , all are true EXCEPT:

A. Associated with prolonged labor

B. Fetal scalp electrode is contraindicated

C. Most of them rotates spontaneously to occipitoanterior

10) Cervical cancer:

A. Oral contraceptive reduce its incidence

B. male condoms may protect from it

11) the fundal height of a pregnant lady at the xiphoid process is at:

36 weeks

12) regarding puerperium :

A. breast feeding is contraindicated in hepatitis B s antigen positive of the


B. within 14 days the uterus is not an abdominal organ anymore

C. a fever within 4 days indicates mastitis

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13) all are used as tocolytic drugs EXCEPT:

A. Antioxytocins* (not sure)

B. Anticholinergics

C. Ca channel blockers

D. B agonists (Ritodrine)

E. Prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors

14) CTG, all are considered normal EXCEPT :

A. Increased acceleration

B. Prolonged bradycardia is probably due to fetal sleep

15) In endometrial Ca, the stage when invading less than 50% of the myometrium is:


16) In cervical cancer, the stage when hydronephrosis develops is:


17) In cervical cancer, the stage when invading the parametrium but not reaching the

lateral walls of the pelvis is:


18) Nuchal translucency is a marker of:

A. Congenital anomalies

B. trisomy

19) A 16 years girl came to you with primary amenorrhea. She scores Tanner 1 in breast

development with normal developed external genitalia. The next step is:

A. karyotyping, FSH/LH ratio


20) All are associated with 2ndry amenorrhea EXCEPT:

A. Sheehan syndrome

B. Asherman syndrome


D. Mullerian agenesis

21) Amenorrhea with failure to lactate is found in:

Sheehan syndrome

22) All are fetal complications of forceps EXCEPT:

A. Facial palsy

B. Sepsis*(probably this is the answer because it says fetal )

C. Intracranial hemorrhage

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D. Convulsions*

23) All are signs of placental separation EXCEPT:

A. The uterus is rigid & globular

B. The cord is elongated

C. Gush of blood

D. The uterus is soft & atonic

E. The fundus rises

24) The most common cause of candida infection is:

A. Sexually transmission

B. Antibiotic use

25) The most common cause of maternal mortality is:

A. Preclamsia

B. Uterine hemorrhage

C. Gestational diabetes

26) The leading cause of perinatal mortality is:

A. Congenital anomalies

B. Infections

C. immaturity

27) The most common cause of perinatal morbidity & mortality is:

preterm labor

28) Apgar score, which is true:

A. when score less than 6 in 1 min needs resuscitation

B. the first minute score is an indication of fetal outcome for the first week

29) The mechanism of OCP is:

inhibit gonadotrophins

30) A heavy painful regular period is associated with:

A. fibroids


31) Episiotomy:

A. Usually done laterally

B. For all primigravida

C. Done when fetal head is already crowned

32) The most common cause of Secondary amenorrhea is:


All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011


33) The following are theories of endometriosis EXCEPT:

A. Retrograde menstruation

B. Endometrial hyperplasia

C. Immunological factor

D. Coilemic metaplasia

E. Lymphatic spread

34) The treatment of endometriosis, all EXCEPT:

A. GnRH agonists


C. Danazol

D. estrogen

35) Beta HCG doubling occur every:

48 hrs

36) all causes urinary tract infections EXCEPT:

A. Sickle cell disease

B. Increased pelvic blood flow

37) The term Neonates :

From birth till 28 days

38) A pregnant lady present with a unilateral leg swelling and a suspicion of DVT, the

best diagnostic method is:

A. US Doppler* (not sure)

B. D- Dimer

C. Venography

39) Chronic pelvic pain is associated with all the following EXCEPT:

A. Endometriosis


C. Vulvar cancer

40) All are immediate C/S complications EXCEPT:

A. Hemorrhage

B. Adhesions

C. Infection

41) All are considered vulvar lesions EXCEPT:

A. Bartholin abscess

B. Nabothian cyst

C. Syphilis chancre

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42) A patient with recurrent Chlamydia infections presents with infertility, it is mainly

due to:

A. Tubal blockage

B. Ovarian failure

43) Testicular feminization:

A. Karyotype is 46 XX

B. There is verilization

C. Present with primary amenorrhea

D. High androgens

44) Monozygotic twins:

A. Always monochrionic monoamniotic

B. Results from 2 ovums

C. May lead to conjoined twin

45) Forceps are used in all the followings EXCEPT:

A. Prolonged 2nd stage of labor

B. Fetal distress in 1st stage

C. After coming head in breech

46) Regarding vaginal birth after C/S, all true EXCEPT:

Prior classical C/S

47) All are considered antenatal assessments EXCEPT:

A. Non stress test

B. Biophysical profile

C. Apgar score

48) Hyperemesis gravidarum occur in all the following EXCEPT:

A. Missed abortion

B. Multiple gestation

C. Molar pregnancy

49) Rh antibodies are given for all EXCEPT:

A. Rh –ve with threatened abortion

B. In an already sensitized Rh –ve mother

C. Within 72 hrs after delivery

50) Obstetric examination , choose the correct statement:

A. Auscultation is not important

B. We usually report the fetal engagement by the fifth of head in relation to

pelvic brim

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51) Eclampsia is prevented by:

Mg sulphate

52) A 16 years old girl with a pelvic mass, all the following investigation should be done



B. Hormonal profile

C. PAP smear

53) All are antenatal surveillance EXCEPT:

A. Biophysical profile

B. Kick chart

C. Non stress test

D. Fetal scalp sampling

54) Sex cord tumors of the ovary including:

A. Endometriod

B. Teratoma

C. Granulosa cell tumor

D. Serous epithelial carcinoma

55) Androgen secreting tumor is:

Theca cell tumors

56) Endodermoid sinus secretes:

A. Alpha fetoprotein

B. Estrogen

C. CA 125


57) Screening is most effective in preventing which of the following cancers:

A. Vulva

B. Cervix

C. Endometrial

D. Ovary

E. Fallopian tube

58) All are risk factors for endometrial CA EXCEPT:

A. Exogenous estrogen

B. Nulliparity

C. Obesity


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59) Ovarian CA, choose the correct answer:

OCP reduces its incidence

60) Polyhydraminos occur in all EXCEPT:



C. Multiple pregnancy

61) Breech presentation is common in all EXCEPT:

A. Previous breech

B. Primigravida

C. Multiple pregnancy

D. Placenta previa

62) Best C/S is:

A. Classical

B. Lower uterine transverse section

C. Lower uterine longitudinal section

63) The most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding is:

Atrophic vaginitis

64) Estrogen is the treatment of:

A. Endometriosis


C. Atrophic vaginitis

D. Endometrial CA

65) In Preclampsia, all true EXCEPT:

Increase urine output

66) Untreated patients with cancer of the cervix usually die with :

A. Cachexia and starvation

B. Bowel obstruction

C. Renal failure

D. Multi organ failure

E. Cerebrovascular accident primigravida.

67) In preeclampsia, the correct statement:

Increase in plasma uric acid

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