

1. Recognized feature of Sheehan syndrome :

A. Menorrhagia

B. Galactorrhea

C. Insulin resistance

D. Hypothyroidism

E. Dwarfism

2. The earliest sign of Sheehan syndrome is :

A. Secondary amenorrhea

B. Failure of lactation

C. Loss of axillary + pubic hair

D. P.V bleeding

E. Increase appetite

3. In Sheehan syndrome, changes that take place include the following EXCEPT :

A. Complete lactation failure

B. Feeling of lethargy

C. Genital atrophy

D. Amenorrhea

E. Increased Basal Metabolic Rate (B.M.R)

4. A 26 years old lady presented with secondary amenorrhea and FSH and LH are

found to be high, your diagnosis will be?

A. Sheehan syndrome

B. Asherman syndrome

C. Premature ovarian failure.

D. Imperforated hymen

E. Pituitary adenoma

5. Patients with the following condition present with primary amenorrhea:

A. Bicornuate uterus

B. Polycystic ovary syndrome

C. Imperforate hymen

D. Sheehan’s Syndrome

E. Anorexia nervosa

6. The presentation of Asherman's Syndrome typically involves:

A. Hypomenorrhea and amenorrhea.

B. Galactorrhea.

C. Menorrhagia.

D. Metrorrhagia.

All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011


E. Dysmenorrhea.

7. Secondary amenorrhea is a recognized feature of:

A. Imperforated hymen.

B. Testicular feminization syndrome.

C. Pregnancy.

D. Sickle cell anemia.

E. Müllerian agenesis.

8. Pituitary insufficiency & amenorrhea is best treated with :

A. Low potent estrogen

B. FSH with GnRH.

C. Cyclic progesterone

D. Clomide

E. Regular intercourse

9. Ovarian dysgenesis is associated with elevation of which hormones:

A. pituitary Gonadotropins

10. The following are true about Asherman syndrome EXCEPT:

A. Usually causes primary amenorrhea

B. Causes Secondary amenorrhea

C. May result from excessive dilation & curettage

D. Usually diagnosed by Hysterosalpingogram

E. Usually associated with intrauterine adhesion

11. Feature characteristically associated with imperforated hymen in a 16 yearold

girl include :

A. Acute retention of the urine

B. Absence of secondary sexual characteristics.

C. Hirsutism.

D. Short stature.

E. Present with secondary amenorrhea.

12. Regarding Primary amenorrhea ,all the following are correct EXCEPT:

A. Failure of breast development by age of 10 require investigation

B. kalman syndrome is recognized cause

C. it may be due to systemic disease

D. turner is known cause

E. the majority are constitutional

13. In Sheehan syndrome ,changes that take place include all of the following


A. Genital atrophy

All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011


B. Feeling of lethargy

C. Complete lactation failure

D. Amenorrhea

E. Increased basal metabolic rate

14. A 48-year-woman who had two normal pregnancies 13 and 15 years ago

presents with the complaint of amenorrhea for 7 months. She expresses the

desire to become pregnant again. After exclusion of pregnancy, which of the

following tests is next indicated in the evaluation of this patient's amenorrhea?

A. Hysterosalpingogram.

B. Endometrial biopsy.

C. Thyroid function test.

D. Testosterone and DHAS levels.

E. LH and FSH levels.

15. In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome patients, all the followings are true EXCEPT:

A. They are usually underweight with low body mass index.

B. They have hirsutism.

C. They have oligomenorrhea.

D. They have high prolactin level.

E. They have subfertility.

16. To diagnose a woman with PCOS you need to have :

A. More than 10 cysts on each ovary measuring 2 mm.

B. Hypomenorrhea or amenorrhea.

C. Hyperandrogenism either biochemical or clinical.

D. Only 2 of the above.

E. All the above.

17. Secondary amenorrhea may be due to the following, EXCEPT:

A. Endometriosis.

B. Thyrotoxicosis.

C. Pregnancy.

D. Anorexia.

E. Ovarian failure.

18. The ovary in polycystic ovarian syndrome characteristically shows :

A. Fibrosis.

B. Theca cells hyperplasia.

C. Granulosa cells hyperplasia.

D. Increased fatty infilteration.

E. Capsular thining.

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19. Which of the following features is associated with an imperforated hymen :

A. Hirsutism.

B. Closed spina bifida.

C. Absence of secondary sex characteristics.

D. Short stature.

E. Cyclic lower abdominal pain with primary amenorrhea.

20. Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS):

A. Estradiol levels are high.

B. There is increased sensitivity to insulin.

C. If Ovulation can be induced, the chance of conception is high.

D. Androstenedione levels are high.

E. Sex-hormones binding globulin are increased.

21. Polycystic Ovarian syndrome:

A. Estradiol levels are high.

B. There is increased sensitivity to insulin.

C. Has no change in FSH:LH ratio.

D. Andostendione levels are high.

E. Sex hormone binding globulin are increased.

22. The following is related to premature ovarian failure:

A. There are decreased levels of estrogen.

B. Is associated with autoimmune disease.

C. There are decrease levels of FSH.

D. It is seen in association with autoimmune disease.

E. Karyotype is indicated in women who develop the problem before 25

years of age.

23. The following are know criteria for diagnosing Polycystic ovarian syndrome


A. Decreased body weight.

B. Hormonal evidence of androgen excess.

C. Chronic anovulation.

D. Recurrent miscarriages.

E. Inappropriate gonadotropin secretions.

24. A Feature of Polycystic ovarian syndrome:

A. Elevated level of serum FSH.

B. Endometrial hyperplasia.

C. Breast atrophy.

D. Loss of androgen level.

E. Regular ovulation.

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25. Secondary amenorrhea can be due to the following EXCEPT:

A. Asherman syndrome.

B. Sheehan's syndrome.

C. Galactorrhea.

D. PCO disease.

E. Sickle cell anemia.

26. A 19-year-old women comes to your office with a compliant of never having

had menses. Physical examination shows that she is 1.37 m tall, & weighs 42 kg.

she lacks breast & pubic hair development. There is webbing of her neck &

cubitus valgus. Which of the following is likely to be true?

A. Testicular feminization.

B. Klinefelter syndrome.

C. Turner's syndrome.

D. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

E. Normal but delayed development.

27. Hypothalamic cause of secondary amenorrhea include all of the following


A. Significant weight loss.

B. Strenuous exercise.

C. Tricyclic antidepressant

D. Sheehan's syndrome.

E. C & D.

28. The most common mass associated with amenorrhea in a reproductive age

women is:

A. Follicular cyst.

B. Corpus luteal cyst.

C. Benign cystic teratoma.

D. Leiomyoma.

E. Pregnancy.

29. A 16 year old girl with imperforated hymen present with :

A. Secondary Amenorrhea

B. Hematocolpous

30. Secondary amenorrhea may be related to :

A. Emotional factor

B. Systemic disease

C. Nutrition

D. Specific endocrine disorder

E. All of the above

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