Cervical cancer

 Cervical cancer:

1. Screening is most effective in preventing which of the following cancers:

A. Vulva.

B. Cervix.

C. Endometrial.

D. Ovary.

E. Fallopian tube.

2. Untreated patients with cancer of the cervix usually die with :

A. Cachexia and starvation.

B. Bowel obstruction.

C. Renal failure and uremia.

D. Multi organ failure.

E. Cerebrovascular accident primigravida.

3. Occult carcinoma of the cervix:

A. Stage IA.

B. Micro-invasive carcinoma.

C. Best treated by cone biopsy.

D. Found incidentally in a surgical specimen following hysterectomy.

E. Frequently associated with negative cytology.

4. The following is true regarding carcinoma of the cervix EXCEPT:

A. The region originates within the transformation zone in the majority of


B. The disease is more common in multiparus women.

C. It's unlikely to produce ureteric obstruction.

D. The lesion is typically squamous in nature.

E. Spread to iliac nodes usually.

5. 28 year old lady P3+2 presented to the clinic with history of irregular menstrual

cycle for 2 months, no history of post-coital bleeding. She had pap smear which

showed high grade squamous cell intraepithelial lesion (CIN II). The proper

management is:

A. Follow up & repeat pap smear after 6 months.

B. Laser cone biopsy.

C. Examination under anesthesia & (D&C)

D. Colposcopic assessment & pelvic biopsy.

E. Cryotherapy & antibiotic.

All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011


6. The most common benign neoplasm of the cervix & endocervix is a :

A. Polyp.

B. Hematoma.

C. Nabothain cyst.

D. Cervical hood.

E. Gartner's duct cyst.

7. Risk factors of cervical cancer include all the following, EXCEPT :

A. Nulliparity

B. Multiple sexual partner

C. History of papilloma virus infection

D. Smoking

E. Sexual activity at early age

8. The most common clinical presentation of early cervical cancer is:

A. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

B. Asymptomatic.

C. Post-coital Bleeding.

D. Pelvic pain with leg edema.

E. Lower back pain.

9. Significant risk factor for cervical cancer are all of the following EXCEPT:

A. 1st sexual intercourse at a young age.

B. Multiparity.

C. Cigarette smoking.

D. Human papilloma virus.

E. HIV-seropositivity.

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