CHAPTER 12 • The Fetal Gastrointestinal System. First Trimester Ultr

 CHAPTER 12 • The Fetal Gastrointestinal System


Ultrasound examination of the fetal abdomen in the first trimester includes the

assessment of abdominal organs from the diaphragm superiorly to the genitalia

inferiorly. This ultrasound examination allows for the determination of fetal abdominal

situs and for the anatomic evaluation of major organs in the gastrointestinal and

genitourinary systems. This chapter focuses on the gastrointestinal tract, whereas the

genitourinary system is discussed in the following chapter.


The primitive gut is formed during the sixth menstrual week when the flat embryonic

disc folds to form a tubular structure that incorporates the dorsal part of the yolk sac

into the embryo (Fig. 12.1A–C). Ventral folding of the cranial, lateral, and caudal

sections of the primitive gut forms the foregut, midgut, and hindgut, respectively (Fig.

12.2). In this process, the yolk sac remains connected to the midgut by the vitelline

vessels (Fig 12.2). Three germ layers contribute to the formation of the gut, with the

endoderm giving rise to the mucosal and submucosal surfaces; the mesoderm to the

muscular, connective tissue and serosal surfaces; and the neural crest to the neurons and

nerves of the submucosal and myenteric plexuses. The primitive gut is initially formed

as a hollow tube, which is blocked by proliferating endoderm shortly after its formation.

Recanalization occurs over the next 2 weeks by degeneration of tissue, and a hollow

tube is formed again by the eighth menstrual week. Abnormalities of the recanalization

process result in atresia, stenosis, or duplication of the gastrointestinal tract.

The foregut, supplied by the celiac axis, gives rise to the trachea and respiratory

tract (see Chapter 10), esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, upper duodenum, gall

bladder, and bile ducts. The midgut, supplied by the superior mesenteric artery, gives

rise to the lower duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, ascending colon, and proximal twothirds of transverse colon. The hindgut, supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery, gives

rise to the distal one-third of transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid, rectum, andurogenital sinus. Because of lengthening of the gut and enlargement of upper abdominal

organs, an intestinal loop from the midgut protrudes through the umbilical cord insertion

into the abdomen at about the sixth week of embryogenesis (from fertilization). This

intestinal loop returns to the intraabdominal cavity by about the 10th week of

embryogenesis (from fertilization). Through the embryologic process, the midgut loop

undergoes a series of three 90-degree counterclockwise rotations around the superior

mesenteric artery.

Figure 12.1: Axial views (A–C) of the developing embryo from the fourth week

of gestation showing the formation of the primitive gut tube. Note the

incorporation of part of the yolk sac into the embryo, shown in A and B and the

primitive gut tube “gut” shown in C. See text for details.Figure 12.2: Schematic drawing of a sagittal view of the embryo at

approximately 5 to 6 menstrual weeks showing the formation of the primitive

gastrointestinal tract (foregut, midgut, and hindgut) and the liver bud. Note the

connection of the midgut to the vitelline duct. See text for details.


Sonographic visualization of the anatomy of the fetal abdomen is easily achieved in

early gestation by the axial, sagittal, and coronal views of the fetus. We recommend a

review of Chapter 5 on the systematic approach using the detailed first trimester

ultrasound examination.

Axial Planes

The authors recommend the systematic evaluation of abdominal organs through three

axial planes at the level of the upper abdomen (subdiaphragmatic—stomach) (Fig.

12.3), mid-abdomen (cord insertion) (Figs. 12.4 and 12.5), and the pelvis (bladder)

(Fig. 12.6). In the upper abdominal axial plane, the fluid-filled anechoic stomach is

imaged in the left upper abdomen and the slightly hypoechoic liver, as compared to the

lungs, is seen to occupy the majority of the right abdomen (Fig. 12.3). The stomach is

consistently seen at 12 weeks of gestation and beyond. This axial plane in the upper

abdomen (Fig. 12.3) is important for the assessment of the abdominal situs (see later).

In normal situs, the stomach occupies the left side of the abdomen, the liver and gall

bladder occupy the right side of the abdomen, and the inferior vena cava (IVC) is seen

anterior and to the right side of the descending aorta (Fig. 12.3B). The gall bladder isusually seen in about 50% of fetuses by the 13th week of gestation and practically in all

fetuses by the 14th week of gestation.1 The mid-abdominal axial plane is important for

the assessment of the cord insertion into the abdomen and the anterior abdominal wall

(Fig. 12.4). In the mid-abdominal axial plane, the bowel is seen with a slightly

hyperechoic sonographic appearance when compared to the liver (Fig. 12.4). Both

kidneys can be seen in cross-section in the posterior aspect of the abdomen (Fig.

12.4A). It is important to note that physiologic bowel herniation is noted up until the

12th week of gestation (Fig. 12.5). Studies have shown that the midgut herniation should

not exceed 7 mm in transverse measurements at any gestation and that the physiologic

herniation is almost never seen at crown-rump length measurements exceeding 45 mm.2,3

The axial plane at the level of the pelvis reveals the bowel surrounding a small urinary

bladder (Fig. 12.6). The two iliac crests can be seen in this plane in the posterior aspect

of the pelvis (Fig. 12.6B). A slightly oblique plane of the pelvis in color Doppler

demonstrates the two umbilical arteries surrounding the urinary bladder with an intact

abdominal wall (Fig. 12.6B).

Figure 12.3: Axial planes at the level of the upper abdomen in two fetuses at

13 weeks of gestation. The fetus in A was examined transabdominally and the

fetus in B transvaginally. Note the presence of fluid-filled stomachs (asterisks)

in the upper left abdomen in A and B. Ribs (arrows) are visualized bilaterally

along with the liver and inferior vena cava (IVC) in the right (R) abdomen. The

descending aorta (DAo) is seen posterior and to the left of the IVC. Improved

resolution is noted in fetus in B because of the transvaginal approach, thusallowing clear depiction of the IVC and DAo. L, left.

Figure 12.4: Axial plane of the middle abdomen in gray scale (A) and color

Doppler (B) at the level of the umbilical cord attachment (arrow) in a fetus at 12

weeks of gestation. Note the presence of an intact anterior abdominal wall

(arrow) and the fetal bowel appearing slightly more hyperechoic than

surrounding tissue. Both kidneys (K) are seen in the posterior abdomen in A.

Sagittal Planes

In the sagittal and coronal planes of the fetus, the chest, abdomen, and pelvic organs are

seen and are differentiated by their echogenicity. The lung and bowel are hyperechoic,

the liver is hypoechoic, and the stomach and bladder are anechoic (Fig. 12.7). Lungs

and liver are well separated by the concave-shaped diaphragm (Fig. 12.7). As in the

second trimester, the parasagittal views do not exclude a diaphragmatic hernia. In the

midsagittal view of the abdomen, the anterior abdominal wall with the umbilical cord

insertion can be demonstrated (Fig. 12.7B) either on two-dimensional (2D) color

Doppler or on three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound. This plane is ideally used in

combination with color Doppler to visualize the course of the umbilical artery, vein,

and ductus venosus (DV) (Fig. 12.8). The midsagittal plane of the abdomen is the most

optimal plane for Doppler interrogation of the DV in early gestation (see Fig. 1.4).Figure 12.5: Axial views of the fetal abdomen in gray scale (A) and color

Doppler (B) of a fetus at 10 weeks of gestation demonstrating the presence of

a physiologic midgut herniation (arrow). In the corresponding 3D ultrasound in

surface mode (C), the midgut herniation is shown as a bulge at the site of cord

insertion into the abdomen (arrow).

Figure 12.6: Axial oblique plane of the lower abdomen at 13 weeks ofgestation in gray scale (A) and color Doppler (B) demonstrating the fluid-filled

urinary bladder (asterisk), surrounded by the left and right umbilical arteries

(UA). This view is best visualized with color Doppler (B), which can also confirm

the intact abdominal wall (arrow). Note the posterior location of the iliac crests

in B.

Coronal Planes

A coronal view is rarely necessary in the first trimester, but it has been our experience

that the coronal view is best suited to evaluate the position of the stomach when the

diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia is suspected (see Chapter 10) . Transvaginal

ultrasound examination of the abdomen in the first trimester provides high-resolution

display of organs, which is helpful when abnormalities are suspected. It is important to

note, however, that the fetal bowel appears more echogenic on transvaginal imaging,

and differentiating normal bowel from hyperechogenic bowel because of pathologic

conditions is difficult in early gestation. This is discussed later in this chapter.

Figure 12.7: Parasagittal plane in two fetuses at 13 (A) and 12 (B) weeks of

gestation demonstrating the thorax and abdomen. The filled stomach (asterisk)

is seen under the diaphragm (arrows). Fetus A is presenting in a dorsoposterior position and fetus B in a dorso-anterior position. Note the hyperechoic

lungs and bowel, the hypoechoic liver, and anechoic stomach and bladder (not

shown).Figure 12.8: Midsagittal view of a fetus at 13 weeks of gestation in color

Doppler demonstrating the cord arising from the abdomen (arrow) with the

umbilical artery (UA) and vein (UV). Ao, descending aorta.

Three-Dimensional Ultrasound of the Fetal Abdomen

Similar to the use of 3D ultrasound in surface mode in the second and third trimester of

pregnancy, 3D ultrasound in the first trimester provides additional information to the 2D

ultrasound views.4 Surface mode is especially helpful for the demonstration of a normal

and abnormal abdominal wall (Fig. 12.9), as illustrated in this chapter. For the

assessment of the intraabdominal organs, 3D ultrasound can also be used in multiplanar

display, with reconstruction of planes for the specific evaluation of target anatomic

regions displayed in tomographic view of axial (Fig. 12.10) or coronal (Fig. 12.11)

planes. For more details on the use of 3D ultrasound in the first trimester, refer to

Chapter 3 in this book and a recent book on the clinical use of 3D in prenatal medicine.4

Figures 12.5C and 12.9 show surface mode of the fetal anterior abdominal wall and

Figures 12.10 and 12.11 show the use of multiplanar mode with plane reconstruction of

axial and coronal views. In our experience, multiplanar mode can be of help especially

in the transvaginal approach where transducer manipulation is limited (Figs. 12.10 and

12.11).Figure 12.9: Schematic drawing (A) and corresponding 3D ultrasound image in

surface mode of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation. Note the normal insertion of

the umbilical cord in the abdomen in A and B (arrows).Figure 12.10: Tomographic axial views of the abdomen in a fetus at 12 weeks

of gestation showing the upper, mid, and lower abdomen. Note the presence of

the stomach (asterisk) and liver in the upper abdomen, kidneys (Kid.) and

abdominal cord insertion (arrow) in the mid-abdomen, and the urinary bladder

(Bl.) in the lower abdomen. L, left.


Defects of the abdominal wall are common anomalies in the fetus, and large defects are

often detected in the first trimester.5 These anomalies include omphalocele,

gastroschisis, Pentalogy of Cantrell, and body stalk anomaly (Table 12.1) . Bladder

exstrophy and cloacal exstrophy are often listed as abdominal wall defects, but are

discussed in Chapter 13 as part of the urogenital anomalies.



Omphalocele, also known as exomphalos, is a congenital defect of the anterior midline

abdominal wall with herniation of abdominal viscera, such as bowel and/or liver into

the base of the umbilical cord. Embryologically, omphalocele results from failure of

fusion of the lateral folds of the primitive gut. Omphalocele has a covering sac made of

peritoneum on the inner surface, Wharton’s jelly in the middle, and amnion on the outersurface. The typical location of an omphalocele is in the middle of the abdominal wall

at the level of the umbilical cord attachment, and the umbilical cord typically inserts on

the dome of the herniated sac. On rare occasions, the covering membrane can rupture

prenatally. When this occurs, differentiating an omphalocele from gastroschisis on

prenatal ultrasound is difficult. The size of the omphalocele differs based upon its

content, which may include bowel alone or bowel with liver and other organs.

Omphaloceles are commonly associated with fetal genetic and structural abnormalities.

Birth prevalence of omphalocele is reported around 1.92 per 10,000 live births.6

Figure 12.11: Tomographic coronal views of the fetal chest and abdomen at

13 weeks of gestation. In this view, the diaphragm, liver, stomach (asterisk),

bowel, kidneys, and urinary bladder can be seen. Note that the bowel appears

echogenic because of the transvaginal approach.

Table 12.1 • First Trimester Ultrasound and Ventral Wall Defects

Physiologic midgut


Herniation of small bowel in a small midline sac,

measuring less than 7 mm and physiologically seen until

the 12th week of gestationOmphalocele

Midline defect with viscera covered by a membrane.

Umbilical cord arises from the dome of the sac. Content

can be small with bowel, but can also be large including

bowel, liver, stomach, and other organs


Paraumbilical defect typically to the right of the umbilical

cord insertion with evisceration of bowel. No covering


Pentalogy of


Five features: Abdominal defect similar to omphalocele

but higher on abdomen (1), anterior defect of

diaphragm (2), distal sternal defect (3), pericardial

defect (4), cardiac abnormalities with partial or

complete ectopia cordis (5)

Ectopia cordis Sternal defect with the heart partly or completely

exteriorized, with or without cardiac abnormalities

Body stalk

anomaly (limbbody wall


Complex large anterior wall defect with the fetus fixed

to the placenta because of a short or absent umbilical

cord. Deformities of body, spine, and limbs. Body stalk

anomaly can also result from an amniotic band

syndrome with a normal umbilical cord. See also in


Bladder exstrophy

Defect in the abdominal wall below the attachment of

the umbilical cord. The insertion of the cord is low and

below it bladder tissue is exteriorized. Urinary bladder is

not visible. Female and male genitalia malformed. Can

be part of cloacal exstrophy

Cloacal exstrophy,

(OEIS complex)

In addition to bladder exstrophy, a low omphalocele is

present in association with rectal and anorectal

malformations and distal spine anomaly. Anomaly of

genitalia is part of complex.

OEIS complex is rare and stands for omphalocele,

exstrophy of bladder, imperforate anus, and spinal

defect. A body stalk anomaly of the lower body can

present as OEIS complex, usually legs are completely

or partly absent.

Ultrasound Findings

The physiologic midgut herniation (Fig. 12.5) is present between the 6th and 11th weekof gestation and at crown-rump length of less than 45 mm.2 Therefore, the diagnosis of a

small omphalocele cannot be performed reliably before the 12th week of gestation. The

omphalocele is seen as a protrusion at the level of the cord insertion into the abdomen.

The omphalocele-covering sac is seen as clear borders on ultrasound. Omphaloceles

can be easily demonstrated on sagittal or axial views obtained at mid-abdomen (Figs.

12.12 to 12.16). Figure 12.12 shows a schematic drawing of an omphalocele along

with its corresponding 3D ultrasound in surface mode. In the first trimester, the

omphalocele sac is either relatively small containing bowel loops (Fig. 12.13A) or

large containing liver and bowel (Fig. 12.13B). Figure 12.14 shows parasagittal and

axial views of a fetus with a large omphalocele, containing liver at 12 weeks of

gestation, and Figure 12.15 shows a large omphalocele in two fetuses at 12 and 13

weeks of gestation containing bowel, liver, and stomach. The size of the omphalocele

sac has an inverse relationship with chromosomal abnormalities. The presence of a

small omphalocele in the first trimester with a thickened nuchal translucency should

raise suspicion for the presence of associated fetal malformations and chromosomal

aneuploidy (Figs. 12.13A and 12.16). Color Doppler helps in the demonstration of the

umbilical cord attachment at the dome of the omphalocele, which can differentiate it

from gastroschisis (Fig . 12.17). 3D ultrasound helps in the demonstration and

documentation of the size of the omphalocele (Fig. 12.12). Transvaginal ultrasound

provides detailed information of the omphalocele content and additional anomalies of

the heart, brain, kidneys, and spine. On occasion, the omphalocele can be as large or

even larger than the abdominal circumference (Fig. 12.15). Follow-up of a first

trimester isolated small omphalocele with a normal karyotype and nuchal translucency

into the late second trimester is important because resolution of such cases has been

documented in about 58% of fetuses.7 The presence of the liver in the omphalocele

precludes resolution.

Figure 12.12: Schematic drawing (A) and corresponding 3D ultrasound image

in surface mode of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation with an omphalocele

(arrows). Note in A the presence of an omphalocele sac covering the protruding

intraabdominal organs (bowel, with or without liver), with the umbilical cordattached to the top of the omphalocele. The umbilical cord is not seen in B, as

the lower extremities obscure it.

Figure 12.13: Midline sagittal plane in two fetuses with small (A) and large (B)

omphalocele (arrows) at 12 weeks of gestation. In fetus A, the omphalocele is

small and contains bowel only, whereas in fetus B, the omphalocele is relatively

large and contains liver and bowel. Note the presence of an enlarged nuchal

translucency (asterisk) in fetus A and workup revealed trisomy 18 in this fetus.Figure 12.14: Parasagittal (A) and axial (B) view of a fetus at 12 weeks of

gestation with a large omphalocele (arrows). Note the presence of liver and

bowel within the omphalocele.

Figure 12.15: Axial view of the abdominal wall at the level of the cord insertion

in two fetuses at 12 (A) and 13 (B) weeks of gestation. Note the presence of a

large omphalocele (asterisks) with liver and bowel content in both fetuses. In

fetus A the stomach is partly in the omphalocele, whereas in fetus B the

stomach has completely protruded into the omphalocele. Sp, spine.Figure 12.16: Axial view of the abdominal wall at the level of the cord insertion

in two fetuses at 12 (A) and 13 (B) weeks of gestation. Note the presence of a

small omphalocele (arrows) in fetus A and B, with only bowel content. Trisomy

18 was diagnosed in both fetuses.

Figure 12.17: Sagittal (A) and axial (B) planes of the mid-abdomen in color

Doppler in a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation with trisomy 18. Note the presence

of a small omphalocele (asterisk) in A and B and a thickened nuchal

translucency (double headed arrow) in A. The use of color Doppler is helpful

because it shows the umbilical cord arising from the top of the omphalocele in

A (arrow) (compare with Fig. 12.12A) and a single umbilical artery in B (arrow).

Associated MalformationsAssociated anomalies are common and are present in the majority of omphaloceles.6

Cardiac malformations are the most common associated structural abnormalities, and

detailed cardiac imaging is thus recommended when an omphalocele is diagnosed in the

first trimester6,8 (see Chapter 11). Chromosomal abnormalities, commonly trisomies 18,

13, and 21, are seen in about 50% of cases diagnosed in the first trimester.8

Omphaloceles associated with chromosomal abnormalities are typically small, with

thickened nuchal translucency and other fetal structural abnormalities. Trisomy 18

represents the most common chromosomal abnormality in fetuses with omphaloceles.

Large omphaloceles containing liver were assumed not to be commonly associated with

aneuploidy,9 but recent studies do not support this observation. In a recently published

large study on 108,982 fetuses including 870 fetuses with abnormal karyotypes,

omphalocele was found in 260 fetuses for a prevalence of 1:419.10 The majority of

omphaloceles (227/260 [87.3%]) had bowel as the only content, with only 33/260

(12.7%) containing liver. In this study, the rate of aneuploidy in association with an

omphalocele was 40% (106/260), and this rate was independent from the omphalocele

content. The most common aneuploidy was trisomy 18 (55%), followed by trisomy 13

(24%), whereas trisomy 21, triploidy, and others were found in 6%, 5%, and 7%,

respectively.10 The presence of a genetic syndrome should be considered in the

presence of an isolated omphalocele with a normal karyotype. Beckwith–Wiedemann

syndrome, reported to be present in about 20% of isolated omphaloceles, should be

considered especially if first trimester biochemical markers of aneuploidy, such as β-

human chorionic gonadotropin and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A values, are

elevated11 (Fig. 12.18). The diagnosis of Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome is typically

suspected in the second and third trimester when an omphalocele is seen in association

with macroglossia, polyhydramnios, renal and liver enlargements, and a thickened

placenta called mesenchymal dysplasia of the placenta. Associated ultrasound findings

that suggest the presence of a genetic syndrome in omphaloceles are rarely seen in the

first trimester. Differential diagnosis of ventral wall defects is summarized in Table




Gastroschisis is a full-thickness, paraumbilical defect of the anterior abdominal wall

with herniation of the fetal bowel into the amniotic cavity (Figs. 12.19 and 12.20). The

defect is typically located to the right side of the umbilical cord insertion (Fig. 12.21).

The herniated bowel is without a covering membrane and is freely exposed to the

amniotic fluid. Gastroschisis has traditionally been regarded as a vascular lesion

resulting from compromise of the right umbilical vein (UV) or the omphalomesenteric

artery, with resultant ischemic injury of the abdominal wall. Recent theories challenge

this pathogenesis and propose that gastroschisis results from faulty embryogenesis withfailure of incorporation of the yolk sac and vitelline structures into the umbilical stalk,

resulting in an abdominal wall defect, through which the midgut egresses into the

amniotic cavity.12 Gastroschisis is more common in pregnant women of young age.13

Unlike omphalocele, gastroschisis is rarely associated with chromosomal or structural

abnormalities. There has been an increase in the prevalence of gastroschisis


Figure 12.18: Fetus with Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome. At 13 weeks of

gestation a small omphalocele with bowel content was detected, as shown in a

midsagittal plane of the fetus in A. In addition, free β human chorionic

gonadotropin (hCG) and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A were

elevated. Chorionic villous sampling revealed a normal karyotype. At 22 weeks

of gestation, no omphalocele was found but macroglossia was noted as shown

in a midsagittal and coronal planes of the face in B (arrows). The placenta also

appeared thickened at 22 weeks of gestation, suggesting mesenchymal

dysplasia (C). Sonographic signs were suggestive of Beckwith–Wiedemann

syndrome, which was confirmed postnatally with molecular genetics.Figure 12.19: Schematic drawing (A) and corresponding 3D ultrasound image

in surface mode of a fetus at 13 weeks of gestation with gastroschisis. Note in

A and B the presence of bowel loops anterior to the abdominal wall (arrows).

There is no covering sac around the bowel and the surface of herniated bowel

appears irregular.Figure 12.20: Axial (A) and sagittal (B) views of a fetus with a gastroschisis at

12 weeks of gestation. Note in A and B the presence of fetal bowel outside of

the abdominal cavity (arrows). Also note that the herniated bowel loops appear

irregular (arrow).Figure 12.21: Axial view in color Doppler of the fetal abdomen in a fetus at 12

weeks of gestation with gastroschisis. Note the normally inserted umbilical cord

into the abdomen to the left of the gastroschisis defect. L, left; R, right.

Ultrasound Findings

Prenatal diagnosis on ultrasound can be achieved after 11 weeks of gestation and is

based on the visualization of the herniated, free-floating, bowel loops in the amniotic

cavity with no covering sac (Figs. 12.19 to 12.23). The superior surface (dome) of the

herniated bowel in gastroschisis appears irregular on ultrasound examination (like a

cauliflower), an important differentiating feature from omphalocele, which typically has

a smooth surface (compare Fig. 12.12 with 12.19). Color Doppler helps in identifying

the normally inserting umbilical cord into the fetal abdomen, commonly to the left of the

herniated bowel (Fig. 12.21). 3D and transvaginal ultrasound are helpful in the

demonstration and documentation of detailed anatomic findings in gastroschisis (Figs.

12.19, 12.22, 12.23).

Associated Malformations

Large series of fetal gastroschisis have shown additional unrelated fetal malformations

and chromosomal aneuploidy in 12% and 1.2%, respectively.14 The presence of

hyperechoic bowel loops in the first trimester may represent bowel underperfusion, and

follow-up of such cases into the second and third trimester is recommended to assess

for the presence of bowel atresia.15 Follow-up ultrasound examination in later gestationis also recommended given the association of gastroschisis with fetal growth restriction

and oligohydramnios.

Pentalogy of Cantrell and Ectopia Cordis


Pentalogy of Cantrell is a syndrome encompassing five anomalies: midline

supraumbilical abdominal defect, defect of the lower sternum, defect in the

diaphragmatic pericardium, deficiency of the anterior diaphragm, and intracardiac

abnormalities. The presence of an omphalocele and displacement of the heart partially

or completely outside the chest (ectopia cordis) are hallmarks of this syndrome (Fig.

12.24). The structural abnormalities in Pentalogy of Cantrell show a wide spectrum, but

the outcome primarily depends on the size of the chest and abdominal wall defects and

the type of cardiac malformations. The location of the omphalocele on the abdominal

wall is important, and close attention should be given to that during the ultrasound

examination. Typically, omphaloceles are located in the mid-abdominal wall region at

the level of the umbilical cord insertions. A higher position of an omphalocele on the

abdominal wall can be suggestive for the presence of a supraumbilical abdominal

defect, which is likely to be part of Pentalogy of Cantrell even in the absence of ectopia


Figure 12.22: Axial (A), sagittal (B) views in two-dimensional ultrasound and

corresponding three-dimensional ultrasound surface mode (C) of a fetus at 13weeks of gestation with gastroschisis. Note the irregular surface appearance of

the herniated bowel loops (arrows), which is typical for gastroschisis.

Ectopia cordis is an anomaly where the heart is partially or completely located

outside the thorax. It is often found together with a Pentalogy of Cantrell, with body

stalk anomaly,16 but can be isolated as well, in the presence of a split sternum with

closed abdominal wall or in the presence of amniotic band syndrome.

Ultrasound Findings

The prenatal diagnosis of Pentalogy of Cantrell is easily made in the first trimester by

the demonstration of the omphalocele and ectopia cordis (Figs. 12.24 and 12.25). The

midsagittal view of the chest and abdomen is optimal because it demonstrates the

abdominal wall defect and the ectopia cordis in one plane (Figs. 12.26 to 12.28).

Typically, the omphalocele is large, is positioned high on the abdominal wall, and

contains liver (Figs. 12.24 to 12.28). The lower part of the abdomen appears normal. In

a sagittal or axial view, the heart appears to be partly or completely protruding toward

the omphalocele (Figs. 12.24 and 12.25). 3D ultrasound in surface mode can show the

high position of the omphalocele and demonstrate ectopia cordis (Fig. 12.24). Once the

diagnosis of Pentalogy of Cantrell is made, identifying the associated cardiac

malformation is important for patient counseling. This can be challenging in the first

trimester given the presence of ectopia cordis and cardiac malrotation. A follow-up

ultrasound at around 14 to 15 weeks of gestation is helpful in confirming the associated

type of cardiac abnormality. One study noted that the degree of cardiac protrusion tends

to regress with advancing gestation (Fig. 12.28).17Figure 12.23: Parasagittal (A) and axial (B) views in two-dimensional

ultrasound and corresponding three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound in surface

mode (C) of a fetus at 13 weeks of gestation with gastroschisis. Note that the

herniated bowel (arrows) is echogenic in A and B. C: Free bowel loops on 3D

ultrasound. Bowel dilation in gastroschisis is first evident in the second trimester

of pregnancy.Figure 12.24: Schematic drawing (A) and corresponding 3D ultrasound image

in surface mode (B) and glass-body mode (C) in a fetus at 11 weeks of

gestation with Pentalogy of Cantrell. Note the presence of a high omphalocele

with ectopia cordis (arrows). Ectopia cordis could be partial or complete

(complete in this case). Pentalogy of Cantrell is often associated with a cardiac

anomaly (see text for details).Figure 12.25: Axial views at the level of the thorax in gray scale (A) and color

Doppler (B) in a fetus at 11 weeks of gestation with Pentalogy of Cantrell. Note

the presence of an omphalocele (asterisks) with ectopia cordis (arrows).

Figure 12.26: Sagittal views at the level of the thorax and abdomen in gray

scale (A) and color Doppler (B) in a fetus at 13 weeks of gestation with a mild

form of Pentalogy of Cantrell with partial ectopia cordis. Note the presence of a

high omphalocele (asterisks), inferiorly displaced heart, pericardial defect, and

an anterior defect in the chest (arrow).

The diagnosis of an isolated ectopia cordis has been reported in the first trimester aswell. In general, it is rather rare, however. In a series of seven cases of ectopia cordis,

Sepulveda et al. noted only one isolated case, whereas in the remaining cases Pentalogy

of Cantrell and body stalk anomaly were associated findings.16 The diagnosis of a heart

outside of the thoracic cavity can be performed even earlier than 11 weeks of gestation.

Associated intracardiac and extracardiac anomalies are common.18

Associated Abnormalities

Enlarged nuchal translucency and cystic hygroma have been reported in association with

Pentalogy of Cantrell.16 Many associated fetal malformations have also been reported to

include neural tube defects, encephalocele, craniofacial defects, and limb defects among

others. Chromosomal anomalies can be present, and invasive procedure should be

offered.16 When the full spectrum of Pentalogy of Cantrell is present, the prognosis is

typically poor, with neonatal mortality reported in the range of 60% to 90%. In fetuses

with variants of the syndrome, prognosis is improved.

Figure 12.27: Sagittal views at the level of the thorax and abdomen in gray

scale (A) and color Doppler (B) in a fetus at 11 weeks of gestation with

Pentalogy of Cantrell. Note the presence of a high omphalocele (asterisks) with

ectopia cordis (arrows).Figure 12.28: Sagittal view of the fetal chest and abdomen in a fetus at 12

weeks of gestation with a high omphalocele and ectopia cordis (heart) as part

of Pentalogy of Cantrell. This fetus was also found to have tetralogy of Fallot.

Upon follow-up ultrasound examinations in the late second and third trimesters,

the fetal heart retracted into the chest. The newborn underwent corrective

surgery and is currently alive and well.

Body Stalk Anomaly


Body stalk anomaly is a severe abnormality resulting from failure of formation of the

body stalk and involves a combination of multiple malformations to include the

thoracoabdominal wall (Figs. 12.29 and 12.30), craniofacial structures, spine, and

extremities.19 The umbilical cord is either very short or absent (Fig. 12.31). Typically,

the abdominal organs lie in a sac outside the abdominal cavity and are covered by

amnion and placental tissue (Figs. 12.29 and 12.30). In a study involving 17 cases of

body stalk anomalies diagnosed at a median gestational age of 12 + 3 weeks, liver and

bowel herniation into the coelomic cavity, along with an intact amniotic sac containing

the rest of the fetus and normal amount of amniotic fluid, was noted in all fetuses.20

Additionally, absent or short umbilical cord and severe kyphoscoliosis and positional

abnormalities of the lower limbs were common associated findings.20 The authors noted

that examination of the amniotic membrane continuity, content of both the amniotic sac

and coelomic cavity, and short or absent umbilical cord help in differentiating thiscondition from other abdominal wall defects.20

Although body stalk anomaly is not primarily related to the gastrointestinal

anomalies, the associated abdominal/chest wall defect is quite large, which typically

leads to the initial suspicion of the defect. The embryogenesis of this anomaly is

primarily related to defective development of the germinal disc, probably because of a

vascular insult, resulting in amnion rupture with amniotic band-type defects.19,21 Three

main types of malformations in body stalk anomaly include body wall defects, limb

deformities/amputations, and craniofacial defects. The conditions affecting the spine

such as sacral agenesis or interrupted spine are discussed separately in Chapter 14.

Figure 12.29: Schematic drawing (A) and corresponding 3D ultrasound image

in surface mode (B) in a fetus at 11 weeks of gestation with a body stalk

anomaly. Note the presence of a large anterior wall defect, with a nearly

absent umbilical cord. The fetus is stuck to the placenta, and the whole body is

severely deformed (see also Fig. 12.30). Also note that the fetal liver and

bowel (asterisks) are outside of the amniotic cavity. Arrows point to the

amniotic membrane.Figure 12.30: Two-dimensional ultrasound in gray scale (A) and color Doppler

(B) along with the corresponding three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode

(C) in a fetus at 11 weeks of gestation with a body stalk anomaly. Note that the

liver is outside the amniotic cavity (asterisks in A and B). The yellow arrow

points to the amniotic membrane in A. There is also ectopia cordis noted in B

on color Doppler (long white arrow). Body deformity is noted on the threedimensional ultrasound in C.

Ultrasound Findings

The ultrasound diagnosis of body stalk anomaly is generally straightforward, and the

anomaly can be detected even before 11 weeks of gestation. A large chest and

abdominal wall defect with massive evisceration of organs is seen on ultrasound along

with spinal abnormalities such as kyphoscoliosis (Figs. 12.29 and 12.30). Because of

severe anatomic distortion, a midsagittal plane of the fetus is typically not possible (Fig.

12.30). The presence of a very short or absent cord and the proximity of the fetus to the

placenta help to confirm the diagnosis (Fig. 12.31). 3D ultrasound in surface mode and

in multiplanar display of the whole fetus is ideal in order to demonstrate the complete

picture of this severe anomaly (Figs. 12.29 and 12.30). On many occasions, body stalk

anomaly is easier to diagnose in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters,the associated presence of oligohydramnios and fetal crowding makes the diagnosis of

body stalk anomaly more challenging. Occasionally, a body stalk anomaly is associated

with amniotic bands, which can be visualized on transvaginal ultrasound by the

demonstration of reflective membranes connected to the wall defect.

Figure 12.31: Axial view in color Doppler of the fetal abdomen in a fetus with

body stalk anomaly at 12 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of a short

cord (arrow). The fetus also had multiple complex malformations.

Associated Malformations

Associated malformations are many, include all organ systems, and are features of body

stalk anomaly. Neural defects, facial deformities, and skeletal abnormalities are

common. On occasion, a lower extremity is partly or completely absent. Anomalies of

the chest and abdominal walls are nearly always present. In addition, a thickened nuchal

translucency is found in most cases. Fetal karyotype is usually normal, and body stalk

anomaly is uniformly fatal.

Cloacal Exstrophy and OEIS Syndrome

Cloacal exstrophy is a spectrum of malformations with its severity related to the time of

embryologic disruption in the development of the genitourinary system. Epispadia

represents the milder form and bladder/cloacal exstrophy represents the severe form of

cloacal exstrophy spectrum. The association of cloacal exstrophy with imperforate anus,

omphalocele, and vertebral defects has often been referred to as OEIS complex. OEIS

therefore represents the combination of omphalocele, exstrophy of the bladder,

imperforate anus, and spinal defects (Figs. 12.32 and 12.33). Often, the appearance can

be suggestive of a body stalk anomaly, severe sacral agenesis with spinal defects or acloaca, and the first trimester diagnosis can therefore be technically difficult.

Figure 12.32: Ultrasound images of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation with

OEIS. OEIS includes the presence of an Omphalocele, Exstrophy of the

bladder, Imperforate anus, and Spinal defect. OEIS is the most severe form of

body stalk anomaly with parts of the body missing and others outside of the

amniotic cavity. Note the presence of severe body deformity and a significant

part of the embryo outside of the amniotic cavity in A and B. Arrows point to

the amniotic membrane.

In a series involving 12 cases of OEIS reported in the literature, all had exstrophy of

the bladder.22 Neural tube defects, omphalocele, and anal atresia were found in 10/12,

9/12, and 9/12 cases, respectively.22 Vertebral defects, along with lower extremityabnormalities, were found in less than half of cases.22 Additional malformations

involved central nervous system, cardiac, and renal organs. All fetuses in this series had

normal karyotype.22 OEIS complex is rare, with an incidence ranging from 1/200,000 to

1/400,000.23,24 Almost all cases of OEIS occur sporadically.25


The following gastrointestinal obstructions are commonly diagnosed in the second

trimester of pregnancy, and their sonographic features are rarely identified before the

14th week of gestation. We are hereby listing them for completion sake. Despite

reported cases of gastrointestinal obstruction diagnosed in the first trimester, the authors

believe that these represent the exception rather than the rule because most cases of

gastrointestinal obstruction are associated with normal first trimester ultrasound.

Detailed presentation of ultrasound findings, associated malformations, and outcome is

beyond the scope of this chapter.

Figure 12.33: Sagittal views in gray scale (A) and the corresponding threedimensional ultrasound in surface mode in B in a fetus with OEIS complex (see

Fig. 12.32 for explanation) at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of

major body deformities with absence of the majority of the lower body. A large

abdominal wall defect (arrow) is noted with liver (L) and bladder (B) stuck to

the uterine wall.

Esophageal Atresia

The classic sonographic features of esophageal atresia in the second and third trimester

of pregnancy, such as an empty stomach and polyhydramnios, are not seen in the first

trimester. The stomach in the first trimester of pregnancy is primarily filled because of

gastric secretions, and polyhydramnios is seen in the late second and third trimester ofpregnancy. A normally filled stomach in the upper left abdomen therefore does not

exclude esophageal atresia in the first trimester. Indeed, the authors have observed

normal sonographic anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract in the first trimester in fetuses

that were later diagnosed with esophageal atresia in the second trimester of pregnancy.

In pregnancies at high risk for esophageal atresia because of a prior family history or in

the presence of associated anomalies, we recommend direct visualization of the

esophagus as a continuous hyperechogenic structure (Fig. 12.34), rather than looking for

indirect signs such as stomach filling. The two reported cases of first trimester

diagnosis of esophageal atresia were associated with duodenal atresia.26,27

Duodenal Atresia

The prenatal diagnosis of duodenal atresia is occasionally possible in the first trimester,

and few case reports have described the appearance of the classic double bubble sign

(dilated stomach and proximal duodenum) in the first and early second trimester of

pregnancy.28 An associated esophageal atresia was present in few reported cases in the

literature.26,27 The authors are cautious about making the diagnosis of duodenal atresia

in the first trimester given the scarcity of follow-up data on this subject. When duodenal

atresia is suspected in the first trimester (Fig. 12.35), risk assessment for aneuploidy

should be performed and follow-up ultrasound examinations into the second trimester

are recommended before a final diagnosis is attained. In our experience, most cases of

duodenal atresia are evident after the 23rd week of gestation.

Anorectal Atresia

The prenatal diagnosis of anorectal atresia is a challenge in the second and third

trimester of pregnancy because several cases escape prenatal identification.

Interestingly, sonographic markers of anorectal atresia in the first trimester have been

reported.29–32 The detection of an anechoic sausage-shaped structure in the lower

abdomen in the first trimester, representing a dilated colon or rectum (Fig. 12.36), can

be a clue to the presence of anorectal atresia.29–31,33 Commonly, this marker resolves in

the second trimester and often reappears in the third trimester of pregnancy. The

presence of other fetal abnormalities increases the risk for an associated anorectal

atresia, especially when a VATER (Vertebral anomaly, Anorectal atresia, TracheaEsophageal fistula, and Renal anomaly) association is suspected33 (Fig. 12.36). The risk

for associated gastrointestinal obstruction is increased when single umbilical artery,

absent kidney, hemivertebra, and/or other malformations are noted (Fig. 12.36). In a

metaanalysis of 33 fetuses with intraabdominal cysts in the first trimester of pregnancy,

four had anorectal malformations at birth.33Figure 12.34: Transabdominal (A) and transvaginal (B) parasagittal ultrasound

images of the chest and upper abdomen in two fetuses at 13 weeks of

gestation demonstrating echogenic esophagus (arrows). High-resolution

ultrasound transducers enable imaging of the esophagus in early gestation.Figure 12.35: Axial views of the abdomen in a fetus at 13 weeks of gestation

demonstrating a “double bubble” (arrows). A and B: Two phases of stomach

peristalsis. Follow-up ultrasound examination at 17 weeks of gestation noted

absence of the double bubble and workup revealed normal karyotypic analysis.

Note in A and B that the “double bubble” does not cross the midline of the

abdomen.Figure 12.36: Ultrasound images of a fetus with a VATER association, first

suspected at 13 weeks of gestation. A: The presence of hemivertebra

(asterisk) at 13 weeks of gestation. B: A cystic structure in the lower abdomen

(arrows) at 13 weeks of gestation. C: A sagittal view of the abdomen and

pelvis showing the cystic structure as a dilated rectum with echogenic borders

(arrows). D: A sagittal view of the pelvis at 18 weeks of gestation

demonstrating the rectum and colon with increased echogenic borders

(arrows), suggesting the presence of anal atresia. The bowel echogenicity

disappeared on follow-up ultrasound with advancing gestation. Postnatally,

VATER association and anal atresia were confirmed.



Abnormal Abdominal Situs

An accurate comprehensive examination of the abdominal situs is recommended during

the ultrasound examination in the first trimester (Fig. 12.37). The presence of abnormal

abdominal situs is an important aspect of fetal anatomy survey because it can be a clueto the presence of heterotaxy and complex congenital heart disease (Fig. 12.38).

Abdominal situs abnormality is first suspected when the stomach is not located in the

left abdominal cavity (Fig. 12.38) or in the presence of abnormal venous connections

(Fig. 12.39).

Echogenic Bowel

The diagnosis of echogenic bowel in the first trimester is similar to that in the second

trimester and is based on bowel echogenicity equal to bone (Fig. 12.40). This is a

subjective assessment that is tricky in the first trimester, especially when transvaginal

ultrasound is used, because enhanced tissue resolution provides for increased bowel

echogenicity under normal conditions (Fig. 12.41). In order to avoid false-positive

diagnosis, the authors recommend that the diagnosis of echogenic bowel in the first

trimester be reserved for bowel that is unequivocally as bright as bone and a follow-up

ultrasound examination is performed. Workup includes risk assessment and/or

diagnostic testing for genetic abnormalities, screening for infectious etiologies, and

detailed anatomic survey.

Figure 12.37: Axial view of the upper abdomen in a normal fetus at 12 weeks

of gestation, imaged by high-resolution transvaginal ultrasound. The stomach

(asterisk) and the descending aorta (DAO) are left sided, whereas the inferior

vena cava (IVC) and liver are right sided. This plane is visualized routinely in

order to exclude situs anomalies, especially if a cardiac defect has been

suspected. L, left; R, right.Figure 12.38: Axial view of the upper abdomen showing abnormal abdominal

situs in a fetus with right isomerism suspected because of a complex cardiac

anomaly at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of a right-sided stomach

(St), whereas the descending aorta (DAO), inferior vena cava (IVC), and liver

are left sided. L, left; R, right.Figure 12.39: Axial view of the upper abdomen, obtained with high-resolution

transvaginal scanning, showing abnormal abdominal situs in a fetus with left

isomerism suspected because of a complex cardiac anomaly at 14 weeks of

gestation. Note the presence of a left-sided stomach (St), an interrupted

inferior vena cava, and a hemiazygos vein continuation shown to the left of the

descending aorta (DAO). L, left; R, right.Figure 12.40: Axial view (A) at 12 weeks of gestation and parasagittal view

(B) at 13 weeks of gestation in two fetuses with echogenic bowel (circle) and

trisomy 21. Note that the bowel is as bright as bone and the presence of

hydropic skin (arrows) in both fetuses. Echogenic bowel in trisomy 21 is rarely

an isolated finding.Figure 12.41: Axial view of the fetal abdomen at 13 weeks of gestation

obtained with transvaginal ultrasound. Note that the bowel is echogenic

because of the high resolution of the ultrasound transducer. Differentiating

echogenic bowel from normal bright bowel in early gestation can be

challenging, especially when high-resolution transducers are used in

transvaginal scanning.

Intraabdominal Cysts

The presence of intraabdominal cysts in the fetus can be detected by ultrasound in the

first trimester34–36 as anechoic structures in the fetal abdomen that are distinct from the

stomach and bladder (Fig. 12.42). The shape, location, size, and content of the cyst(s)

reveal its possible etiology. Abdominal cysts that are present in the liver are typically

circular and tend to resolve spontaneously by the second trimester (Fig. 12.43).

Occasionally, a remnant echogenic intrahepatic focus can be seen following resolution

(Fig. 12.43). Intraabdominal cysts in the lower abdomen, especially with abnormal

shape and echogenic content, are commonly bowel in origin and may be related to an

abnormal genitourinary system such as a cloaca (Figs. 12.44 to 12.46) or an anorectal

atresia33 (Fig. 12.36). Often, upon follow-up of lower abdominal cysts that are

suspected to be related to abnormal genitourinary system, echogenic debris are found as

evidence for enterolithiasis (Fi g . 12.46). The presence of peristalsis in an

intraabdominal cyst suggests a gastrointestinal origin. A large dilated cystic structure inthe lower abdomen may represent a dilated bladder related to an obstructed urethra (see

Chapter 13). Omphalomesenteric cysts can originate in the abdomen and migrate into the

umbilical cord (see Chapter 15).35 Fetal intraabdominal cysts are rare in the first

trimester, and in the majority of cases they represent an isolated finding.33 When

isolated, intraabdominal cysts are usually associated with a good prognosis and tend to

resolve on follow-up ultrasound in about 80% of cases33 (Figs. 12.42 and 12.43).

Follow-up ultrasound in the second and third trimester is recommended even when

resolution of the cysts occurs, given a reported association with anorectal and other

gastrointestinal malformations.33,36



Normal Sonographic Anatomy

The fetal vascular anatomy of the umbilical, hepatic, and portal venous systems along

with the IVC is complex, because of small vasculature, the presence of normal anatomic

variations, and the close spatial relationship of the vessels.

Figure 12.42: Sagittal (A) and axial (B) views of a fetus at 13 weeks of

gestation with a large intrahepatic cyst (arrows). The stomach is seen in B

(asterisk). Expectant management and follow-up ultrasound at 16 weeks of

gestation (Fig. 12.43) showed resolution of cyst. L, left; R, right.Figure 12.43: Sagittal (A) and axial (B) views of the same fetus in Figure

12.42, now at 16 weeks of gestation. Note the resolution of the large

intrahepatic cyst within 3 weeks. An echogenic focus (arrow) is now present

within the liver. L, left; R, right.

Figure 12.44: Sagittal (A) and axial (B) views of a fetus at 12 weeks of

gestation with a large bladder (asterisk) and adjacent dilated bowel loops withechogenic walls. These findings are suspicious for bowel obstruction with a

fistula into a cloaca. See Figures 12.45 and 12.46.

Figure 12.45: Three-dimensional ultrasound in tomographic display of a fetus

at 12 weeks of gestation with a large bladder (asterisk) and dilated bowel

loops (same fetus as in Fig. 12.44). Note the presence of multiple dilated bowel

loops with echogenic borders.

The umbilical vein (UV) enters the fetal abdomen in the midline and has a short

extrahepatic course before entering into the liver with a slight right tilt (Fig. 12.47). The

UV drains into a confluence called the portal sinus. The ductus venosus (DV) is a thin

hourglass-shaped fetal vessel that connects the UV to the heart. The DV arises from the

region of the portal sinus and joins the IVC at the level of the subdiaphragmatic

vestibulum (Fig. 12.47). The hepatic veins are the intrinsic veins of the liver; they

converge into three main hepatic veins and join the inferior vena cava (IVC) and DV at

the subdiaphragmatic vestibulum, which drains into the right atrium. The IVC in the

abdomen courses on the right side of the spine and assumes a more ventral position

along the posterior liver surface as it enters the subdiaphragmatic vestibulum.Figure 12.46: Axial views (A and B) of the same fetus as in Figures 12.44 and

12.45, now at 17 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of a dilated cloaca

(asterisks) with echogenic wall. B: The presence of enterolithiasis with

echogenic debris within the cyst (arrow).Figure 12.47: Sagittal view of the thorax and abdomen in color Doppler (A) and

in 3D glass-body mode (B) in a normal fetus at 13 weeks of gestation,

demonstrating the main intraabdominal vasculature. Note that the ductus

venosus (DV), the inferior vena cava (IVC), and the left hepatic vein (HV)

merge together to enter the heart. From the descending aorta (AO) arise the

celiac trunk (1) and the superior mesenteric artery (2). UV, umbilical vein.The descending aorta gives rise to several branches in the abdomen to include,

among others, four main ones: the celiac trunk at level of T12 (Fig. 12.47), the superior

mesenteric artery at level L1 (Fig. 12.47), the renal arteries at level L1 to L2, and the

inferior mesenteric artery at level L3. Three branches arise from the celiac trunk

including the common hepatic, splenic, and left gastric artery. The superior mesenteric

artery provides several branches to the small bowel and part of large bowel.

Most reports in the literature on the sonographic imaging of the abdominal

vasculature are from the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Because of the small

size of abdominal vasculature in early gestation, the sonographic imaging in the first

trimester is quite difficult and is only achieved with color Doppler and in optimal

imaging conditions. A slightly oblique plane of the abdomen at the level of the liver,

pointing toward the left shoulder, is best for the visualization of the three hepatic veins.

The DV can be visualized in an axial plane of the upper abdomen, but imaging of the DV

in the first trimester is best seen in a midsagittal longitudinal view of the abdomen (Fig.

12.47). In this approach, the junction between the DV and the UV is seen, and the

narrow size of the DV is appreciated (Fig. 12.47). Because of its narrow and short size,

visualization of the DV is facilitated by the use of color Doppler, which reveals the

presence of color aliasing, an important feature that helps in the identification of DV

(Figs. 12.47 and 3.11). The IVC is visualized by an oblique insonation of the abdomen

in a midsagittal view as shown in Figure 3.12. The celiac trunk with its hepatic artery

branch along with the superior mesenteric artery is best seen when the fetus is in a

dorsoposterior position and the aorta is in a horizontal orientation (Figs. 12.8 and

12.47). This fetal orientation allows for flow in the celiac trunk and mesenteric arteries

to be parallel to the ultrasound beam, which optimizes visualization (Fig. 12.47). In our

experience, the midsagittal plane of the abdomen in low-velocity color Doppler is the

most optimal view for the visualization of the main abdominal vasculature to include the

UV, DV, IVC, and hepatic artery. For a more detailed discussion on the sonographic

anatomy of the intraabdominal venous system, we recommend our two review articles

on this subject.37,38

Intraabdominal Venous and Arterial Anomalies

Prenatal reports on anomalies of the abdominal venous system in the first trimester are

scarce. In general, there are two groups of abnormalities, one related to anomalies

affecting the DV, such as agenesis or the anomalous connections of the DV, and the other

related to interruption of the IVC with azygos continuity. These conditions are briefly

discussed in the following sections.

Agenesis or Abnormal Connection of the Ductus Venosus

As known from reports in the second trimester, anomalies of the DV include its

complete agenesis (Fig. 12.48) or its anomalous connection to the IVC, hepatic system,

other abdominal vasculature, or directly to the right atrium and other sites.37,38 Ingeneral, abnormalities of DV are suspected when the examiner is looking for the DV in

a midsagittal plane in color Doppler in order to perform pulse Doppler sampling. There

are no large series on the clinical relevance of DV anomalies in the first trimester, but

such abnormalities are known to be associated with cardiac defects, aneuploidies such

as trisomy 21, 13, 18, Turner syndrome, and syndromic conditions as in Noonan

syndrome and others (Figs. 12.49 and 12.50). The risk for aneuploidy is higher when

the DV connects at an abnormal level on the IVC (intrahepatic portion) rather than in its

normal location at the subdiaphragmatic vestibulum (Figs. 12.49 and 12.50).39

Abnormal direct connection of the UV to the IVC is also associated with increased risk

of aneuploidy.39 In one study on 37 fetuses with trisomy 21, it was shown that 11% of

cases had a direct connection of the DV to the intrahepatic portion of the IVC.39 This

observation has also mirrored our clinical experience as we have found similar

associations with aneuploidies and Noonan syndrome (Figs. 12.49 and 12.50). Because

anomalies of the DV can also be associated with cardiac anomalies, as well as other

anomalies of the umbilicoportal system when seen in the first trimester (Fig. 12.51), a

careful examination of these two anatomic regions should be performed and follow-up

ultrasound in the second trimester is recommended. We propose a workup of DV or UV

abnormalities diagnosed in the first trimester in Table 12.2.

Figure 12.48: Sagittal view of the thorax and abdomen in color Doppler (A) and

in 3D glass-body mode (B), in a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation with agenesis

of the ductus venosus (asterisk). Compare with the normal abdominal

vasculature in Figure 12.47. IVC, inferior vena cava; HV, left hepatic vein; UV,

umbilical vein.Interruption of the Inferior Vena Cava

Interruption of the IVC with azygos continuation is an anomaly that is commonly seen in

the presence of heterotaxy syndrome mainly in left atrial isomerism, but can also occur

in isolation.40 Its detection in the first trimester is very difficult because of the small

size of the azygos vein. When suspected in the first trimester by the presence of complex

cardiac defects or abnormal situs, color Doppler can reveal the absence of the IVC and

the presence of a dilated azygos vein with a course side-by-side to the descending aorta,

thus confirming the diagnosis (Fig. 12.52). The authors have also noticed that in the

presence of azygos continuation of an interrupted IVC in the first trimester, increased

blood flow in the superior vena cava (SVC) or a persistent left SVC (possible site of

drainage of azygos second to SVC) can be demonstrated on color Doppler in the threevessel trachea view (Fig. 12.52).

Figure 12.49: Sagittal view of the thorax and abdomen in color Doppler (A) and

3D glass-body mode (B) in a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation with trisomy 21.

Note the direct connection (asterisk) of the ductus venosus (DV) with the

inferior vena cava (IVC) and the separate attachment of the hepatic vein (HV)

to the IVC. The fetus also had thickened nuchal translucency (not shown).Figure 12.50: Sagittal views of the abdomen in color Doppler in four fetuses

with trisomy 18 (A), trisomy 13 (B), monosomy X (C), and Noonan syndrome

(D), respectively, obtained between 12 and 13 weeks of gestation. Note that all

four fetuses (A–D) show the direct connection (asterisks) of the ductus venosus

(DV) or umbilical vein (UV) to the inferior vena cava (IVC). Additional markers

of aneuploidy were found in all fetuses.Figure 12.51: Sagittal views of the abdomen in color Doppler in the same fetus

at 13 weeks of gestation (A) and at 22 weeks of gestation (B) demonstrating

the direct connection (asterisks) of the umbilical vein (UV) to the inferior vena

cava (IVC). No additional anomalies were found and fetal karyotype was

normal. This finding was confirmed at 22 weeks of gestation (B). The portal

system was normally developed and abdominal ultrasound after birth showed a

closure of the connection and no signs of portosystemic shunt.

Table 12.2 • Workup of Ductus Venosus and/or Umbilical Vein


Assess the connecting site of the ductus venosus (if present) or umbilical

vein (intrahepatic, extrahepatic, iliac, right atrium, etc.)

Check for aneuploidies such as trisomy 21, 13, 18, monosomy X, triploidy,

and others

Check for the presence of syndromic sonographic markers (heterotaxy,

Noonan syndrome, etc.)

Perform fetal echocardiography to rule out cardiac defects, including

venous anomalies

Look for anomalies in other organs (renal, gastrointestinal, skeletal, centralnervous system)

Check for the presence of early hydrops, and perform follow-up ultrasound

for hydrops development

Assess in the second trimester for the presence of portal venous system


Prognosis is good if none of the above additional conditions is present, but

postnatal ultrasound of liver vasculature is recommended

Adapted from Chaoui, R, Heling, KS, Karl K. Ultrasound of the fetal veins.

Part 1: The intrahepatic venous system. Ultrasound in Med. 2014;35:208–

238, with permission, Copyright by Thieme Publishers.

Intraabdominal Arterial Abnormalities

With the exception of the single umbilical artery, further information on anomalies of the

other intraabdominal arteries in the first trimester is currently almost nonexistent in the

literature. Abnormalities involving the hepatic artery and celiac trunk are probably the

easiest to demonstrate in the first trimester. Doppler assessment of the hepatic artery in

the first trimester has been described41 (see Chapter 6). A fistula between the hepatic

artery and the UV in a fetus with trisomy 21 presenting with hydrops in early gestation

has been described by our group.42 In addition, we observed three cases with the

presence of an additional accessory hepatic artery arising from the aorta, superior to the

celiac trunk, coursing along the diaphragm, and entering the liver cranially (Figs. 12.53

and 12.54). In one of the three fetuses, the diagnosis of trisomy 21 was made and in the

other two, the finding disappeared likely because of spontaneous closure of the

accessory artery. Conditions associated with a single umbilical artery are discussed in

Chapter 15.Figure 12.52: Three-vessel trachea view (A) and sagittal view (B) in color

Doppler of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation with a hemiazygos continuation.

The fetal heart and stomach are left sided but the four-chamber view (not

shown) revealed a cardiac anomaly. The three-vessel trachea view (A) shows

an atypical vessel to the left of the pulmonary artery (PA), which was found to

be the connection of a dilated hemiazygos vein into a persistent left superior

vena cava. In the sagittal view (B), the aorta (Ao) and hemiazygos vein are

seen side-by-side and the IVC is absent (asterisk). The clue to the diagnosis of

a hemiazygos (or azygos) is facilitated by color Doppler showing opposite

direction of blood flow in the aorta and hemiazygos (blue and red arrows,

respectively). This fetus had left atrial isomerism.Figure 12.53: A: A sagittal view of the fetal abdomen in color Doppler in a

fetus at 14 weeks of gestation with an aberrant liver artery (arrow) arising from

the descending aorta (Ao) with a course toward the surface of the liver. B: A

cross-section at the level of the diaphragm in the same fetus showing the

course of the aberrant liver artery (arrow) on the top of the liver (L). C: The

pulsed Doppler of the aberrant vessel with high arterial velocity. We have seen

this condition in fetuses with trisomy 21. On occasions, the aberrant artery

obliterates on follow-up ultrasound examination into the second trimester as in

this case. See Figure 12.54.1.








Figure 12.54: A: A sagittal view of the fetal abdomen in color Doppler in a

fetus at 13 weeks of gestation with an aberrant liver artery (arrow) arising from

the descending aorta (Ao) with a course toward the surface of the liver. The

stomach is well seen (asterisk). B: A follow-up ultrasound examination at 17

weeks showing the aberrant liver artery (arrow). In this case, it persisted unt

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