CHAPTER 14 • The Fetal Skeletal System
Ultrasound in the first trimester provides a distinct advantage over ultrasound in the
second and third trimester of pregnancy for the evaluation of the fetal skeletal system,
especially the upper and lower extremities. With advancing gestation, fetal crowding
makes evaluation of the extremities and spine more challenging. Sonographic evaluation
of the skeletal system in the first trimester includes imaging of the cranium, the ribs, the
spine, and the four extremities. An understanding of the gestational progression of bone
ossification is important in order to differentiate normal from abnormal findings. In this
chapter, we present a brief description of embryology of the skeletal system, its normal
sonographic examination, along with common skeletal system abnormalities that can be
diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy.
The skeletal system includes the axial and appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton
comprises the skull, spine, and rib cage, and the appendicular skeleton is made of the
upper and lower extremities along with the shoulder and pelvic girdles. The skeletal
system is primarily derived from the mesoderm, which appears during the third week of
embryogenesis. The mesoderm gives rise to mesenchymal cells, which differentiate into
fibroblasts, chondroblasts, and osteoblasts to form the tissue of the musculoskeletal
system. The embryonic mesoderm is divided into three distinct regions: paraxial
mesoderm (medially), intermediate mesoderm (middle part), and lateral plate
mesoderm (laterally). The skeletal system is formed from the paraxial and lateral plate
mesoderm, along with neural crest cells, derived from ectoderm. The paraxial
mesoderm forms the axial skeleton and lateral plate mesoderm forms the appendicular
The paraxial mesoderm segments into somites along the neural tube by the third
week of embryogenesis. The somites differentiate into the sclerotome (ventromedial
part) and the dermomyotome (dermatome and myotome) (dorsolateral part) (Fig. 14.1).During the fifth week of embryogenesis, the upper and lower limb buds are seen as
outpocketings from the ventrolateral body wall at the spinal levels of C5–C8 and L3–
L5, respectively (Fig. 14.2A). The terminal portions of limb buds flatten out in the fifth
week to form hand and foot plates (Fig. 14.2B). Circular constrictions are noted
between the proximal portions and the plates, representing the future wrist and ankle
creases (Fig. 14.2B). During the fifth week, the upper limbs rotate 90 degrees laterally,
whereas the lower limbs rotate 90 degrees medially. Growth of the limb buds continues
between the fifth and the eighth week until the extremities take their definitive form (Fig.
Bone ossification occurs in two types: membranous and intracartilaginous. The
membranous type is the process of bone formation directly from mesenchyme and is
typically seen in flat bone such as the skull, whereas intracartilaginous ossification is
the process of ossification from cartilaginous cells and is seen in the spine and long
bones. By the end of the fourth week, the cartilaginous centers appear in the long bones,
and bone ossification starts by the end of the sixth week. Bone ossification continues
postnatally into the second decade of life. The muscles of developing limbs and the
axial skeleton are formed from myotomes, derived from the somatic mesoderm. Retinoic
acid appears to be important for the initiation of limb bud outgrowth, and appropriate
differentiation of the skeletal system has been demonstrated to require sequential Hox
gene expression.1,2
Abnormal development of the skeletal system results in numerous congenital
anomalies such as reduction or duplication defects and skeletal dysplasia. Normal
anatomy of the skeletal system on ultrasound along with skeletal anomalies that can be
seen in the first trimester will be discussed in the following sections.
The first evidence of development of extremities includes the limb buds, which are first
seen on ultrasound at around the eighth week of gestation, with the upper limb buds seen
before the lower limb buds3 (Figs. 14.3 and 14.4). Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound
in surface mode is very helpful in the identification of limb buds and four extremities in
the first trimester (Figs. 14.5 and 14.6). Visualization of the normal fetal extremities in
the first trimester ultrasound includes the demonstration of four limbs, each with three
segments along with normal orientations of hands and feet. This is easily accomplished
by obtaining a ventral view of the fetus (Fig. 14.6A and C) (see also Chapter 5).
Evaluation of a single extremity is commonly demonstrated in a longitudinal view (Figs.
14.7 and 14.8). Digits of the hands and feet are reported to be seen from the 11th week
of gestation onward3; with the new high-resolution transducers however, they can be
visualized from 9 weeks onward (Fig. 14.3). Imaging of the fingers may help in the
identification of abnormal conditions (polydactyly) and is accomplished by using a
high-resolution transducer, either transabdominally or transvaginally (Fig. 14.9). Aventral view of the feet also helps in the demonstration of terminal phalanges (Fig.
14.8D and E). By around the 10th week of gestation, ossification centers within all long
bones can be demonstrated. Note that when the lower legs are extended at the knees, the
whole lower extremities are seen on ultrasound obtained from the ventral aspect of the
fetus (Fig. 14.10A and B). When the legs are flexed at the knees, only the upper
segments (thighs) are seen (Fig. 14.10C). 3D ultrasound at 12 weeks or beyond,
obtained from the ventral or lateral approach, can clearly demonstrate upper and lower
extremities including both hands and feet (Fig. 14.11).
Figure 14.1: Embryogenesis of the skeletal system. Note that during the third
week of embryogenesis, the paraxial mesoderm segments into somites along
the neural tube. The somites differentiate into the sclerotome (ventromedially)
and the dermomyotome (dorsolaterally). The dermomyotome includes the
dermatome and myotome as shown in this figure. Refer to the embryology
section in the chapter for more details on this subject.Figure 14.2: Development of limb buds in the embryo between the fifth and
eighth week of embryogenesis. During the early fifth week of embryogenesis
(A), the upper and lower limb buds are seen as outpocketings from the
ventrolateral body wall. Circular constrictions are noted at the sixth week (B)
between the proximal portions and the plates, representing the future wrist and
ankle creases. Growth of the limb buds continues between the fifth and the
eighth week (C) until the extremities take their definitive form. Refer to the
embryology section in the chapter for more details on this subject.Figure 14.3: Development of arms and hands between 9 and 10 weeks (A–D)
of gestation visualized on two-dimensional ultrasound. Note the position of the
arms at 9 weeks gestation (A and B) in close proximity to the anterior chest
wall. More upper extremity movements are seen by the 10th week of gestation,
and the upper arms’ segments are then clearly identified (C and D). Note that
at 10 weeks of gestation, the hands maintain their proximity to the anterior
chest wall and are best imaged in a superior–inferior view.Figure 14.4: Development of legs and feet between 7 and 10 weeks (A–D) of
gestation visualized on two-dimensional gray-scale ultrasound. Note that
between the 7th and the 8th week (A and B), the legs are straight and short,
and by the 9th and 10th week, the feet are in close proximity and touch each
other. Before 10 weeks of gestation, the most optimum approach to image the
lower extremities is a view inferior to the pelvis (looking from below). Threedimensional ultrasound is also very helpful in early gestation to assess upper
and lower extremities. See Figures 14.5 and 14.6 for more detail.Figure 14.5: Three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode of the
embryo/fetus at 7 to 12 weeks of gestation (A–F) imaged from the lateral view,
demonstrating the development of the arms and legs. See text for details.
The fetal spine is difficult to image before the 11th week of gestation because of lack
of bone ossification (Fig. 14.12). At 12 weeks of gestation and beyond, the spine is
imaged on ultrasound with such details to allow for diagnosis of major spinal
deformities (Fig. 14.13). In the first trimester, the fetal spine can be evaluated in the
sagittal (Figs. 14.13 and 5.22) and coronal views (Fig. 5.23), but also where possible
in axial views at the cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral regions (Fig. 14.14). This
approach is important when spinal abnormalities are suspected such as spina bifida.
When technically feasible, 3D ultrasound in surface mode allows for an excellent
evaluation of the integrity of the fetal back and spine for open spina bifida in the first
trimester (Figs. 14.15, 8.45, and 8.47). Furthermore, 3D ultrasound in skeletal mode of
a coronal view of the fetus allows for the evaluation of the spine and thoracic cavity(Fig. 14.16A). 3D ultrasound in skeletal mode also allows for an evaluation of facial
and cranial bones in the first trimester (Fig. 14.16B and C). Imaging of the fetal cranium
has been discussed in Chapter 8.
Figure 14.6: Three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode of an embryo at 10
weeks of gestation imaged from the frontal (A), right lateral (B), and inferior
(C) approach. Note in A and C the close proximity of the hands and feet at this
gestation. See text for details.Figure 14.7: Schematic drawing (A) and corresponding two-dimensional
ultrasound images of the upper extremity visualized near a cross-section of the
chest in two fetuses at 13 weeks of gestation (B and C). Note the upper arm,
lower arm, and hand (all labeled).Figure 14.8: Schematic drawing (A) and corresponding two-dimensional
ultrasound images (B and C) of the lower extremity visualized in a parasagittal
plane in two fetuses at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the upper leg, lower leg,
and foot (all labeled). Planes D and E show a ventral view of the foot. Note that
the toes can be visualized at this early gestation (asterisk).Figure 14.9: Two-dimensional ultrasound of the upper extremity at 13 weeks of
gestation imaged from different angles (A–C). Note the visualization of arms
and hands. Note that at this early gestation all five fingers can be well seen
(arrows) because the hand is always open.Figure 14.10: Axial views (A–C) of the fetal pelvis demonstrating the lower
extremities. Note that when the lower legs are extended at the knees (A and
B), the whole lower extremities are seen. When the legs are flexed at the knee
(C), only the upper segments (thighs) are seen.Figure 14.11: Three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode of the entire fetus
in three fetuses (A–C) at 12 weeks of gestation. Note that the upper and lower
extremities can be clearly seen. With high-resolution transducers, the fingers
and toes can also be seen. Note the common position of the hands and feet in
front of the fetus at this early gestation, which makes visualization easier than
later on in pregnancy.Figure 14.12: Visualization of the fetal spine between 8 and 10 weeks of
gestation (A–D) on two-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound with high resolution.
Note that the spine is not yet ossified before 11 weeks of gestation, which
makes its assessment somewhat difficult in a midline sagittal plane. The
combination of a coronal plane (A and B) along with a midline sagittal plane (C
and D) is occasionally needed to evaluate the spine in early gestation. When
technically feasible, three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode allows for an
excellent evaluation of the fetal back and spine.Figure 14.13: Midline sagittal planes of the fetal spine in two-dimensional
ultrasound in three fetuses at 11 (A), 12 (B), and 13 (C) weeks of gestation.
Note the progressive ossification of the spine between 11 (A) and 13 (C)
weeks of gestation. Compare the spine ossification with Figure 14.12.Figure 14.14: Cervical (A), thoracic (B), and lumbosacral (C) axial planes of
the spine in a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation. Note the normal spine and the
overlying skin (arrow). Along with a sagittal and coronal view of the spine,
these planes allow for a comprehensive evaluation of the fetal spine in the first
Figure 14.15: Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound in surface mode
demonstrating the back in three fetuses at 10 (A), 11 (B), and 13 (C) weeks of
gestation. Note the absence of a defect in the back, confirming the lack of an
open spina bifida. When technically feasible, 3D ultrasound in surface modeallows for an excellent evaluation of the fetal back and spine for open spina
Figure 14.16: Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound in maximum mode in a fetus
at 13 weeks of gestation demonstrating the ossified spine, ribs, and scapulae
(A), the facial (B) and skull (C) bones.
When compared to the second and third trimester of pregnancy, fewer abnormalities of
the skeletal system can be diagnosed in the first trimester primarily because of delayedossification of bone. In general, the more severe the skeletal abnormality, the more
evident it is on ultrasound in the first trimester. Furthermore, confirming the exact type
of skeletal abnormality can be challenging in the first trimester. There are two major
types of skeletal abnormalities: generalized and localized. Generalized skeletal
abnormalities refer to skeletal dysplasia(s), and localized abnormalities refer to more
focal malformations of spine and limbs.
Skeletal Dysplasias
Skeletal dysplasias are a large mixed group of bone and cartilage abnormalities
resulting in abnormal growth, shape, and/or density of the skeleton. The birth
prevalence of skeletal dysplasias ranges from 2 to 7 per 10,000 births.4 The first
trimester diagnosis of a case of skeletal dysplasia (thanatophoric dwarfism) was
originally performed in 1988,5 and since then, several cases have been diagnosed by
ultrasound in the first trimester6–14 (Table 14.1). When technically feasible, the first
trimester diagnosis of skeletal dysplasia is helpful because it allows for fetal
karyotyping and for molecular genetic testing. Molecular genetic testing takes time, and
thus, its performance in the first trimester allows for the results to be available in the
second trimester for appropriate patient counseling. Mutation in the FGFR3 gene is
responsible for a spectrum of skeletal dysplasias to include thanatophoric dysplasia on
one end and achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia on the other end.15 When a lethal
skeletal dysplasia is suspected in the first trimester, a follow-up ultrasound examination
is recommended at around 15 to 17 weeks of gestation, because detailed sonographic
features of the malformation are commonly present by then. It is important to note,
however, that the typical sonographic features of many significant skeletal dysplasias
are present by about the 14th week of gestation, and thus, suspecting its presence is
possible in most cases. Suspicion for and/or detection of skeletal dysplasia in the first
trimester has been reported in up to 80% in some series,16 with lethal abnormalities
having the highest detection rates. Accurate diagnosis of the specific subtype of skeletal
dysplasia is often difficult in the absence of a relevant family history.14 Enlarged nuchal
translucency (NT) and/or hydrops is commonly seen in fetuses with skeletal dysplasias
in the first trimester.14,16,17 There is considerable phenotypic overlap between various
types of skeletal dysplasia, and the specific diagnosis may be difficult to make in the
first trimester.
Table 14.1 • Skeletal Dysplasias That Can Be Diagnosed by 14 Weeks of
Achondrogenesis I and II
Ellis–van Creveld syndromeOsteogenesis imperfecta II
Thanatophoric dysplasia
Campomelic dysplasia
Diastrophic dysplasia
Congenital hypophosphatasia
Jeune asphyxing thorax dysplasia
Short-rib polydactyly syndromes
Roberts syndrome
Cleidocranial dysplasia
Adapted from Khalil A, Pajkrt E, Chitty LS. Early prenatal diagnosis of
skeletal anomalies. Prenat Diagn. 2011;31:115–124; copyright John Wiley
& Sons, Ltd., with permission.
Ultrasound Findings
Common ultrasound features of skeletal dysplasia in the first trimester include short
femur, abnormal skull shape and mineralization, and abnormal fetal profile or chest.14 In
our experience, the presence on the first trimester ultrasound of shortened, misshapen,
or fractured long bones is typically the first clue for the presence of skeletal dysplasia
in the fetus (Fig. 14.17). A small thorax with shortened ribs, when seen at 14 weeks of
gestation, should also raise the suspicion for skeletal dysplasia (Fig. 14.18). Fetal
biometric measurements, especially when performed at 14 to 15 weeks, may give a clue
to the presence of skeletal dysplasia. For instance, the combination of long bone
measurements at less than the 5th percentile along with a head circumference greater
than the 75th percentile is highly suspicious for the presence of skeletal dysplasia.18
When bone abnormalities are suspected in the first trimester, detailed evaluation by
high-resolution ultrasound transducers (transvaginal when feasible) is helpful in order
to assess the fetal skeletal system in its entirety. Evaluation of the cranium, spine, ribs,
long bones, and digits should be performed. Along with genetic and molecular testing, a
follow-up ultrasound at 15 to 16 weeks of gestation is recommended in order to assess
the severity of the skeletal abnormality and to ascertain the specific subtype of skeletal
dysplasia. Figures 14.19 to 14.23 show typical sonographic features of some major
skeletal dysplasias in the first trimester. Table 14.2 lists ultrasound findings that are
helpful in the evaluation of suspected skeletal dysplasia in early gestation.Figure 14.17: Longitudinal view of the fetal femur on two-dimensional
ultrasound in four fetuses (A–D) between 11 and 13 weeks of gestation. A: A
normal femur at 12 weeks of gestation. Note that the shape and ossification of
the femur at 12 weeks of gestation is similar to that seen later on in pregnancy.
B: A fractured and short femur at 13 weeks of gestation in a fetus with
osteogenesis imperfecta (see also Fig.14.19). C: A short femur at 13 weeks of
gestation in a fetus with diastrophic dysplasia (see also Fig.14.20). D: A short
femur in a malformed leg at 12 weeks of gestation in a fetus with sacral
agenesis.Figure 14.18: Axial plane of the fetal chest in two-dimensional ultrasound at 13
weeks of gestation in two fetuses (A) and (B) with skeletal dysplasia and
abnormal ribs. Note in A, the presence of broken ribs (arrow) in a fetus with
osteogenesis imperfecta and in B, short ribs (arrows) in a fetus with short-rib
polydactyly syndrome. Compare with Figure 14.22 and note that short ribs may
not appear at less than 14 weeks of gestation.Figure 14.19: Two-dimensional ultrasound images of the extremities and head
in a fetus with osteogenesis imperfecta type 2, diagnosed at 13 weeks of
gestation and confirmed by molecular genetic testing. Note in A–C the
presence of abnormally shortened and bowed long bones with discrepant
length and shape between the left and right side. The fetal ribs also appeared
abnormal and broken and are shown in Figure 14.18A. Note the presence of a
hypomineralized skull in D and E, which also suggested the diagnosis. Compare
with the fetus in Figure 14.21 with thanatophoric dysplasia, with shortened long
bones but with increased mineralization of skull.Figure 14.20: Two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound images of the
upper and lower extremities in a fetus with diastrophic dysplasia, diagnosed at
13 weeks of gestation and confirmed by molecular genetic testing. Note the
presence of short long bones (A) along with abnormal long bone shape and
overall short extremities (B and C). The presence of an abducted thumb,
known as “hitchhiker” thumb, in D and E, suggested the diagnosis of diastrophic
dysplasia.Figure 14.21: Two-dimensional ultrasound images of a fetus with suspected
thanatophoric dysplasia (type 1) at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the presence
of bowed and shortened long bones in A and B. The axial view of the fetal head
in C shows increased ossification of the skull and an abnormally shaped
cranium. Midsagittal view of the fetal head in D shows a large head and the
beginning of frontal bossing. Hypoplasia of the thorax is not yet evident at this
early gestation (D).Figure 14.22: A–D: Two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound images
of fetal extremities and chest in a monochorionic twin pregnancy at 13 weeks of
gestation. Note the presence of short femurs in A and B, normal-appearing ribs
in C, and polydactyly in D. Follow-up ultrasound examination at 15 weeks (E)
shows a new finding of short ribs, thus suspecting the diagnosis of short-rib
polydactyly syndrome. Molecular genetic diagnosis confirmed the presence of
Ellis–van Creveld syndrome, belonging to the group of short-rib polydactyly
Making a diagnosis in the first trimester of a specific type of skeletal dysplasia is
challenging. The presence of typical features of some skeletal dysplasias, however, can
be helpful in that regard (Tables 14.1 and 14.2). In general, the main leading sign for
the presence of a skeletal abnormality in the first trimester is short limbs or shortfemur(s) (Fig. 14.17). Absent, or significantly reduced, cranial ossification is typical
for osteogenesis imperfecta type 2 (Fig . 14.19), whereas an increased cranial
ossification is an important finding in thanatophoric dysplasia (Fig. 14.21). Careful
examination of the hands is crucial, because the presence of hitchhiker thumbs, in
addition to short and bowed femurs, suggests the diagnosis of diastrophic dysplasia
(Fig. 14.20). The presence of polydactyly with short femurs not only can be suggestive
for chromosomal aneuploidy but also is a very important early clue for the presence of
short rib polydactyly or Ellis–van Creveld syndrome (Fig. 14.22). The latter is typically
associated with cardiac defects, but their absence does not exclude this diagnosis. In
our experience, short ribs are first evident around 14 weeks of gestation (Fig. 14.18), as
shown in the case presented in Figure 14.22 with normal-appearing fetal ribs at 13
weeks and short ribs noted on follow-up ultrasound at 15 weeks. A short and bowed
femur with a clubfoot with a normal-appearing humerus suggests the diagnosis of
campomelic dysplasia (Fig. 14.23). When campomelic dysplasia is suspected, look for
the presence of sex reversal in males, where female genitalia are found, and hypoplastic
scapulae (Fig. 14.23). In a fetus with a significantly thickened NT with short femur and
micrognathia, the diagnosis of achondrogenesis should be suspected, especially when
the spine shows near-absent ossification. Despite all these anatomic markers, a detailed
ultrasound examination in the early second trimester along with fetal echocardiogram is
indicated when a skeletal dysplasia is suspected in the first trimester, because
additional anatomic findings can become more apparent with the growth of the fetus.Figure 14.23: Two-dimensional ultrasound images of a fetus with campomelic
dysplasia at 14 weeks of gestation. The diagnosis was suspected because of
the presence of a thickened nuchal translucency with short bowed femurs
(arrow) (A and B) and clubfeet. The upper limbs appear normal (C) with a
straight humerus. Visualization of hypoplastic scapulae (arrows) as shown in D
in addition to hemivertebra (yellow arrow ) confirmed the diagnosis of
campomelic dysplasia. This male fetus had male genitalia. Chorionic villous
sampling confirmed the diagnosis with the SOX-9 gene mutation. E: A scapula
in a normal fetus at 13 weeks of gestation for comparison sake.
Table 14.2 • First Trimester Ultrasound Findings in Skeletal Dysplasias
Thickened nuchal translucency
Abnormality of ductus venosus flow
Femur: short, bowed, broken, absentArms and legs: short, abnormal shape, asymmetric
Thorax: small, narrow, short ribs, broken ribs
Skull ossification: decreased or increased
Abnormal hands: polydactyly, oligodactyly, hitchhiker thumb, radius
aplasia, club hands, cleft hand, absent hand
Abnormal feet: clubfeet, polydactyly, oligodactyly, absent foot, cleft foot
Spine: reduced ossification, abnormal shape, convex angle
Associated Malformations
Enlarged NT and abnormal ductus venosus Doppler are common associated
findings.14,16,17 Associated fetal malformations are common and are typically related to
the specific type of skeletal dysplasia.
Abnormalities of Fetal Limbs
Congenital abnormalities of fetal limbs include limb reduction defects such as complete
absence of an extremity, absence of a hand or foot or radial ray abnormalities, limb
deformities such as clubfoot, abnormalities of digits such as polydactyly and syndactyly,
and fusion of lower extremities as in sirenomelia, among others. Limb abnormalities can
be isolated or more commonly seen in association with structural and chromosomal
malformations and syndromic conditions. The overall incidence of fetal limb
abnormalities was reported as 0.38% in a large retrospective cohort of pregnancies
undergoing fetal NT and detailed fetal anatomic survey in the first trimester.19 In this
study, a total of 36 fetal limb abnormalities were identified in the cohort, with 23
(63.9%) diagnosed in the first trimester by transabdominal ultrasound.19 Limb
abnormalities are more commonly detected in the first trimester when associated with
other fetal abnormalities.19,20 An enlarged NT is an uncommon finding when fetal limb
anomalies are isolated.19 A detailed classification of limb abnormalities is beyond the
scope of this chapter. Detailed discussion on forearm anomalies are presented in the
overview of Pajkrt et al.21Figure 14.24: Two- (left image) and three-dimensional (right image) ultrasound
in surface mode of a fetus with distal transverse limb reduction with an absent
hand (arrow) at 13 weeks of gestation. This fetus also had a thickened nuchal
translucency (not shown), and genetic testing revealed trisomy 21.
Ultrasound Findings
A combined transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound examination increases
detection of limb abnormalities in the first trimester.22–24 The authors recommend the
use of high-frequency transducers and magnification of ultrasound images in order to
allow detailed evaluation of fetal extremities in early gestation. Limb reduction defects
appear to be the most common abnormalities detected in the first trimester19,20 and
include absence of a hand (Fig. 14.24) or foot (transverse limb reduction), unilateral ray
abnormalities (Figs. 14.25 and 14.26), bilateral radial ray abnormalities (Figs. 14.27 to
14.29), among others. Transverse limb reduction defect can be an isolated finding, a
sign of vascular disruption, or seen in combination with amniotic bands.Figure 14.25: Two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound (A and B) and threedimensional (3D) ultrasound in surface mode (C) in a fetus at 13 weeks of
gestation with femur-fibula-ulna complex and unilateral (left) forearm
abnormality shown in B on 2D and in C on 3D ultrasound (arrows). The right
upper extremity appears normal as shown in A and C (asterisk). It is important
to image both upper and lower extremities in order to detect such anomalies.Figure 14.26: Fetus with trisomy 18 at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the
presence in A of a normal nuchal translucency (asterisk) and hypoplastic nasal
bone (arrow). B: A normal left upper extremity, and C shows an abnormal right
upper extremity with radial aplasia (arrow). In addition to these findings, early
growth restriction and a cardiac defect were also present.
There is inconsistency in the literature with regard to the ability to make the
diagnosis of clubfoot in the first trimester, and this may be related to the nonossification
of the ankle in early gestation. In some studies,20,22,23 clubfoot was diagnosed in each
case in the first trimester, whereas in others, most if not all cases were missed.25 In our
experience, careful attention to the position of the foot is required in order to make the
diagnosis of clubfoot in the first trimester (Fig. 14.30). The addition of 3D ultrasound in
surface mode is helpful to confirm the diagnosis when suspected on the twodimensional ultrasound examination (Fig. 14.30). It is important to note, however, that a
normal anatomic position of the foot in the first trimester does not preclude the presence
of clubfoot later on in pregnancy.22 Other major abnormalities of the lower extremities,
such as sirenomelia (Fig. 14.31) and femur-fibula-ulna complex (Fig. 14.32), can also
be diagnosed in the first trimester. In the presence of a prior family history of a genetic
abnormality that involves limb deformities, careful evaluation of the extremities in the
first trimester can help in the early gestation diagnosis of a recurrence (Fig. 14.33).Figure 14.27: Three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode of a fetus with
trisomy 18 at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of bilateral radius ray
abnormalities (vertical arrow) in the upper extremities and an omphalocele
(horizontal arrow). Also note the abnormal facial profile and the thickened
region of the neck (asterisk).Figure 14.28: Two-dimensional (2D) (A and C) and three-dimensional (3D)
ultrasound (B and D) in a fetus at 13 weeks of gestation with bilateral radial
ray abnormalities. Note the correlation between the 2D images in A and B and
3D images in C and D.Figure 14.29: Two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound in surface
mode of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation with multiple malformations. Bilateral
radial ray abnormalities are noted with radial aplasia in one upper extremity
shown in A and C and radius dysplasia in the other upper extremity shown in B.
The fetus also had short stature because of spinal abnormalities (see Fig. 14-
41). The authors suspected Roberts syndrome, which could not be confirmed
on molecular genetics testing.Figure 14.30: Two-dimensional ultrasound of the lower extremity in two fetuses
(A and B) at 13 weeks of gestation with clubfoot (F). Close examination of the
lower extremities in the first trimester is needed in order to diagnose clubfoot.
Second trimester ultrasound follow-up examination is required to confirm this
finding. Three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode of the back and lower
extremities of a fetus (C) at 13 weeks of gestation with bilateral clubfeet (F).
Abnormalities of the fingers and toes that have been diagnosed in the first trimester
include polydactyly (Fig. 14.34), syndactyly, overlapping digits, split hand as in
ectrodactyly (Fig. 14.35), adactyly, and thumb abnormalities (Fig. 14.20).22 Polydactyly
is one of the most common skeletal findings in the first trimester.25 Polydactyly can be
present in both hands and feet or only in hands or feet (Fig. 14.36), bilateral and
unilateral. The presence of a family history is a common clue for the diagnosis of
polydactyly in the first trimester. The combination of polydactyly with multiple
anomalies mainly of the heart, face, and kidneys can be typical for aneuploidy such as
trisomy 13 or 18 (Fig. 14.37).21 On the other hand, if polydactyly is found together with
other signs of skeletal dysplasia such as a short femur, short-rib polydactyly syndrome
should be considered (Fig. 14.22), even if the ribs appear normal in the first trimester.Polydactyly is commonly seen in the first trimester in association with other
malformations.22 Forearm anomalies are more common than anomalies of lower
extremities, and their differential diagnosis includes chromosomal anomalies and
genetic syndromes, especially if present bilaterally or in association with other
Figure 14.31: Two-dimensional (A and B) and three-dimensional ultrasound (C
and D) in a fetus at 13 weeks of gestation with sirenomelia. Both legs are
fused into one lower limb (arrows), with no feet. One femur (F) bone is seen
along with fused bones in the lower segment (asterisk). Some fetuses with
sirenomelia have only one femur, whereas others may have two femurs. Renal
agenesis is part of the disease.Figure 14.32: Two-dimensional (2D) (A) and three-dimensional ultrasound in
surface mode (B and C) in a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation with femur-fibulaulna complex. Note that the left leg and foot is malformed as shown on 2D (A)
and 3D ultrasound (B and C) (arrows).
Figure 14.33: Two-dimensional (2D) (A) and three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound
in surface mode (B) in a fetus at 10 weeks of gestation with Grebe dysplasia.Grebe dysplasia has an autosomal recessive inheritance resulting from
mutation of the GDF-5 gene. This pregnancy was a recurrent case of Grebe
dysplasia with a previous child with severely malformed legs and feet. The
patient presented at 10 weeks of gestation for chorionic villous sampling and on
2D and 3D ultrasound, the images were clearly similar to the limbs of the
previous child. Note that after 10 weeks of gestation, the normal feet should be
touching each other as shown in Figure 14.4.
Figure 14.34: Two-dimensional ultrasound at 13 weeks (A) and threedimensional ultrasound in surface mode at 12 weeks (B) of the upper extremity
in two fetuses with postaxial polydactyly (arrows). Note that with high-resolution
ultrasound, polydactyly can be seen as early as 12 weeks of gestation.Figure 14.35: Ectrodactyly (split hand) in a fetus at 11 weeks of gestation
(arrow). Ectrodactyly can be diagnosed in the first trimester with high-resolution
ultrasound transducers and with the transvaginal approach when feasible.
Associated Malformations
It is important to note that most limb anomalies reported in the literature in the first
trimester were described in association with other fetal malformations. Common
associated abnormalities include hydrops, single umbilical artery, cardiac
abnormalities, and megacystis.19,20 As stated, the presence of an enlarged NT is a
common finding in limb anomalies, especially when associated with other findings.
Bilateral occurrence of limb anomalies is concerning for the presence of a genetic or
chromosomal etiology, and a detailed first trimester ultrasound along with follow-up in
the second trimester is recommended.21 A search for the presence of fetal limb
abnormalities should be performed when other fetal malformations are diagnosed in the
first trimester. Table 14.3 lists typical conditions associated with forearm anomalies.Figure 14.36: Two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound of fetal feet in two fetuses
(A,B) at 13 weeks of gestation with polydactyly. Note that high-resolution
transducers and magnification of the foot is required to image the toes in early
Figure 14.37: Three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode of a fetus with
trisomy 18 at 12 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of a flat facial profile
(arrows) and postaxial polydactyly (6 digits).Abnormalities of Spine
The most common spinal abnormality in the fetus is spina bifida, with a reported
incidence of 1/1,000 live births. Body stalk anomaly is also a malformation that is
associated with significant spinal deformity and is commonly diagnosed in the first
trimester. Spina bifida along with body stalk anomaly has been discussed in detail in
Chapters 8 and 12, respectively. Other spinal abnormalities include isolated or multiple
hemivertebrae, iniencephaly, an interrupted lower spine in segmental spinal dysplasia,
caudal regression, and severe sacral agenesis. Although sacrococcygeal teratoma is not
a spinal defect, we will include it in this section for completeness sake.
Table 14.3 • Selected Etiologies of Fetal Forearm Anomalies Listed
Amniotic band
Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Femur-fibula-ulna (FFU) complex
Gallop syndrome
Isolated bilateral
Isolated unilateral
Roberts syndrome
Thrombocytopenia absent radius (TAR)
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 18
VACTERL (vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheo-esophageal, renal, limbs)
Vascular incident
Adapted from Pajkrt E, Cicero S, Griffin DR. Fetal forearm anomalies:
prenatal diagnosis, associations and management strategy. Prenat Diagn.
2012;32:1084–1093; Copyright John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., with permission.
Ultrasound Findings
Evaluation of fetal spine biometry on ultrasound has been reported between 11 and 14
weeks of gestation.26 With the exception of large spina bifida, body stalk anomaly, or
severe spinal deformity, the prenatal diagnosis of other spinal abnormalities is rather
uncommon in the first trimester because of the lack of spinal ossification.27 In general,spinal abnormalities detected in the first trimester are likely to represent severe spinal
deformities associated with other fetal anatomic (Figs. 14.38 and 14.39) and
chromosomal abnormalities. Suboptimal visualization of the fetal spine in the first
trimester has been reported in about 15% of cases because of unfavorable fetal position,
decreased ossification, and maternal body habitus.28 Small and isolated spinal defects
typically escape first trimester detection unless there is a high index of suspicion and
optimal imaging conditions. In a review of the sonographic features of spinal anomalies
in first trimester fetuses presenting for screening for chromosomal abnormalities, a total
of 21 fetuses were diagnosed including 8 with body stalk anomaly, 7 with spina bifida,
2 with vertebral, anal, cardiac, tracheal, esophageal, renal, and limb (VACTERL)
association, and 1 case each of isolated kyphoscoliosis, tethered cord, iniencephaly,
and sacrococcygeal teratoma.29 Sacral agenesis in the first trimester is associated with
abnormal proportions of the head to body, short crown-rump length, interruption of
spine in the lumbar region, and multiple lower extremity abnormalities30 (Figs. 14.40 to
14.42). The presence of hemivertebrae is first suspected by the presence of spinal
deformities, such as kyphoscoliosis31 (Fig. 14.43). 3D ultrasound in maximum or
skeleton mode is helpful in the evaluation of the spine when hemivertebrae are
suspected (Fig. 14.43C and D). Iniencephaly is a very rare fetal anomaly that typically
belongs to the neural tube defects category. Typically, it is associated with an extreme
retroflexion of the head, in association with an occipital encephalocele (Fig. 14.44) or
rachischisis of the cervical or thoracic spine. Sacrococcygeal teratoma is diagnosed in
the first trimester when a mass is seen protruding below the spine on a sagittal view
(Fig. 14.45). Color Doppler can help assess the vascularity of the sacrococcygeal
teratoma and identify feeding vessel(s) (Fig. 14.45).Figure 14.38: Two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound in A and B and threedimensional (3D) ultrasound in maximum mode in C of a fetus with multiple
abnormalities at 12 weeks of gestation (same fetus as in Fig. 14.29). Note the
presence of abnormal proportions (double-headed arrows) of head to chest
and abdomen in the midsagittal view in A. Note also the presence of a severely
malformed spine with multiple hemivertebrae and scoliosis, shown in B and C
(arrows). This fetus also had significant abnormalities in the upper and lower
extremities as shown in Figure 14.29.Figure 14.39: Two-dimensional ultrasound of two fetuses (11 weeks in A and
12 weeks in B) with an interrupted spine (arrow), abdominal wall defect, and
absent bladder and kidneys representing an OEIS complex. OEIS complex
include an omphalocele, exstrophy of the bladder, imperforate anus, and spinal
defects.Figure 14.40: Two-dimensional ultrasound in A and B and three-dimensional
ultrasound in surface mode in C and D of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation with
sacral agenesis. Note the abnormal proportions (double-headed arrows) of
head to chest and abdomen in the midsagittal views in A and B. This
disproportion along with a shortened crown-rump length should alert for the
presence of sacral agenesis. In sacral agenesis, the lower extremities are in a
typical position with the knees wide apart and the feet touching (C and D)
(open circle), a position referred to as the “Buddha position.”
Associated Malformations
Congenital vertebral defects can be a prominent feature of several syndromes including
the VACTERL and others such as an OEIS complex in association with an omphalocele,
exstrophy of the bladder, imperforate anus, and spine abnormalities (Fig. 14.39)
(Chapters 12 and 13). Increased NT was found in about a third of spinal abnormalities
diagnosed in the first trimester.29Figure 14.41: Two-dimensional ultrasound in A and three-dimensional (3D)
ultrasound in maximum mode in B and C in a fetus at 14 weeks of gestation
with sacral agenesis. This pregnancy was complicated by maternal diabetes.
Note that the spine is interrupted at the level of the lumbar region as shown in
A–C (arrows). A short crown-rump length for gestational age along with body
disproportion as shown in A suspected the presence of spinal abnormality. 3D
ultrasound in B and C clearly shows the level of spine interruption (arrows).Figure 14.42: Two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound in A and B and threedimensional (3D) ultrasound in surface mode in C of a fetus at 12 weeks of
gestation with sacral agenesis. Note in A that the spine is interrupted at the
lumbar region (arrow). In B and C, abnormal pelvic bones are noted along with
a severely malformed lower extremity (small arrows), which also appears to
arise from the lateral lower abdomen. Fetal death occurred 1 week later
following this ultrasound examination.Figure 14.43: Two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound in A and B and threedimensional (3D) ultrasound in maximum mode in C, and D of four fetuses at 12
to 14 weeks of gestation with spinal deformities because of hemivertebrae
(arrows). Note the presence of scoliosis in C, and D. 3D ultrasound in maximum
or skeleton mode is helpful in the evaluation of the spine in early gestation when
spinal abnormalities are suspected on 2D ultrasound.Figure 14.44: Two-dimensional (A) and corresponding three-dimensional
ultrasound of a fetus with iniencephaly and encephalocele at 13 weeks of
gestation. Note the presence of significant dorsal flexion of the head and spine
(arrow) and the presence of a large encephalocele (asterisks).1.
Figure 14.45: Two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound in gray scale (A) and color
Doppler (B) of a sagittal view of a fetus at 13 weeks of gestation with
sacrococcygeal teratoma (small arrows). Note in A and B that the
sacrococcygeal teratoma is a mass that is posterior and inferior to the pelvis.
B: Color Doppler of the feeding artery (long arrow) arising from the iliac artery
(IA). UA, umbilical artery.
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