CHAPTER 15 • Placenta and Umbilical Cord
The placenta is a highly specialized organ that supports growth and development of the
fetus and serves as the interface between the maternal and fetal circulations. The
placenta functions as the pregnancy organ that delivers nutrients, exchanges respiratory
gas, and eliminates toxic waste. The placenta is also an important endocrine organ
producing hormones to support and sustain pregnancy and plays a critical role in
prevention of pregnancy rejection. Impairment in placental development and/or function
has a profound impact on pregnancy outcome. Accumulating data suggest that the
placenta plays a critical role in the future health of the fetus such as the risk for adultonset cardiovascular disease among other diseases.1–4 This chapter presents the
embryologic development and normal sonographic appearance of the placenta and
umbilical cord and discusses common placental and cord abnormalities that can be
detected in the first trimester of pregnancy.
The blastocyst reaches the endometrial cavity at 4 to 5 days postfertilization. The outer
surface of the blastocyst differentiates into trophoblastic cells and produces an
overlying syncytial layer that adheres to the endometrium. Implantation of the blastocyst
then commences as the syncytiotrophoblast cells penetrate the decidualized
endometrium. Endometrial gland secretions provide nourishment to the embryo at this
early stage. Spaces are then developed within the syncytiotrophoblast and form
anastomosis with maternal vascular sinusoids, thus establishing the first (lacunar)
uteroplacental circulation (Fig. 15.1). The placental circulation then develops with
finger-like projections into the maternal blood spaces. These projections extend from
the chorion and form the primary villi with an inner layer of cytotrophoblast and an
outer layer of syncytiotrophoblast. The primary villi become secondary villi with the
invasion of the extraembryonic mesoderm and finally become tertiary villi as embryonic
blood vessels develop within them. In the early stages of placental development,cytotrophoblasts invade the endothelium and smooth muscle of endometrial spiral
arteries, releasing them from maternal influences. The fully formed human placenta is
termed hemochorial because the maternal blood is separated from the fetal blood only
by elements of the chorion. Growth in size and thickness of the placenta continues
rapidly in the first trimester and into the second trimester of pregnancy. The term
placenta has a fetal portion, the chorion frondosum, and a maternal portion, the decidua
basalis, and covers 15% to 30% of the decidua of the endometrial cavity.5 The placenta
at term is about 20 cm in diameter, has a volume of 400 to 600 mL, and weighs
approximately one-sixth as much as the fetus.5,6
Figure 15.1: Schematic drawing of early stages of establishment of the first
(lacunar) uteroplacental circulation, shortly after implantation of the blastocyst.
Note the presence of spaces developed within the syncytiotrophoblast and
forming anastomosis with maternal vascular sinusoids. See text for details.Figure 15.2: Schematic drawing of the embryogenesis of the umbilical cord.
The umbilical cord is formed by fusion of the connecting stalk (allantois and
umbilical vessels) and the vitelline duct and vessels with cephalocaudal flexion
of the embryo. See text for details.
In early embryogenesis, two stalks are seen: the yolk sac, ventrally located and
containing the vitelline duct and vessels, and the connecting stalk, caudally located and
containing the allantois and the umbilical vessels (Fig. 15.2). With cephalocaudal
flexion of the embryo, the connecting stalk fuses with the yolk sac stalk to form the
umbilical cord. The umbilical cord in its early development is inserted in the lower
ventral portions of the embryo, is short and thick, and contains the allantois, the vitelline
duct and vessels, and the umbilical vessels. The amnion covers the umbilical cord and
becomes continuous with the outer epithelial layer of the embryo. The umbilical cord
elongates and thins out with the development of the anterior abdominal wall. The
umbilical cord initially attaches centrally to the developing placenta. As the placenta
grows, it tends to expand preferentially in regions with sufficient myometrial perfusion
and atrophy in areas with suboptimal blood supply. As a result, the cord insertion may
become somewhat eccentric. This process is known as trophotropism. The umbilical
cord consists of two umbilical arteries and one vein, which are surrounded by mucoid
connective tissue—Wharton jelly. The cord at term is usually 1 to 2 cm in diameter and
30 to 90 cm in length.Figure 15.3: Two-dimensional ultrasound in two pregnancies (A and B) at 9
weeks of gestation demonstrating the appearance of the placenta. Note that
the placenta is slightly more echogenic than the surrounding endometrium. The
decidua (endometrium behind the placenta) is hypoechogenic in appearance.Figure 15.4: Two-dimensional ultrasound in two pregnancies at 10 (A) and 12
(B) weeks of gestation, respectively, demonstrating the appearance of the
placenta. Note that the placenta in A and B has a uniform homogeneous
echotexture and is slightly more echogenic than the surrounding endometrium
and uterine wall. Placental cord insertion is shown in B.
The placenta is first recognized sonographically as a thickened echogenic region on the
endometrium by about 9 to 10 weeks of gestation (Figs. 15.3 and 15.4A). By 12 to 13
weeks of gestation, the placenta is easily seen on ultrasound and appears slightly
echogenic with uniformed homogeneous echotexture (Figs. 15.4B and 15.5).
Figure 15.5: Two-dimensional ultrasound in two pregnancies (A and B) at 13
weeks of gestation, demonstrating the appearance of the placenta. A: Image
obtained by the transabdominal approach. B: Image obtained by the
transvaginal approach. Note that the transvaginal approach clearly outlines
placental borders because of increased resolution of the transducer. Placental
cord insertion is shown in B.Figure 15.6: Placental location in the first trimester is best described after
localizing the cervix (arrows) and anterior/posterior uterine walls.
Transabdominal ultrasound in two pregnancies (A and B), where the placentas
appear to be on the anterior uterine walls. In A, the placenta is anterior;
however, in B, because of the presence of uterine anteflexion, the posterior
uterine wall is seen as closest to the transducer, and thus the placenta is
posterior. Inf, Inferior; Sup, superior.
During the first trimester ultrasound examination (see Chapter 5), the location of the
placenta in the uterus should be reported. Identifying the location of the placenta on the
first trimester ultrasound is not as easy as in the second trimester given the presence of
uterine flexion and extension. Indeed, inaccuracies can be introduced especially when
the placenta appears to be in the lower uterine segment. In order to improve accuracy of
placental localization on the first trimester ultrasound, we recommend identifying the
cervix and the anterior and posterior uterine walls before describing the placental
location (Figs. 15.6 and 15.7).
The placental size, thickness, location within the endometrial cavity, and
echogenicity can also be evaluated by ultrasound in the late first trimester of
pregnancy.7 The normal thickness of the placenta is correlated to gestational age of the
embryo/fetus and is approximately 1 mm per week of gestation.8 With advanced threedimensional (3D) ultrasound techniques, placental volume can now be measured in the
first trimester (Fig. 15.8), and along with placental biometry has been shown to
correlate with pregnancy complications.9,10 Indeed, we believe that first trimester
measurement of placental length, width, and volume is more accurate than later on in
pregnancy given that the whole placenta is seen in one ultrasound image in earlygestation. The assessment of biometric dimensions of the placenta is infrequently
performed on prenatal sonography today, unless in rare pathologic conditions or for
research purposes. Abnormal placental findings on first trimester ultrasound, such as
masses, multiple cystic spaces, or large subchorionic fluid collection, should be noted
and followed up.
Figure 15.7: Placental location in the first trimester is best described after
localizing the cervix (arrows) and anterior/posterior uterine walls.
Transabdominal ultrasound in two pregnancies (A and B), where the placentas
appear to be on the posterior uterine walls. In A, the placenta is anterior, and
the presence of uterine anteflexion gives an erroneous impression of a
posterior location of the placenta. In B, the placenta is clearly posterior in
location. Inf, Inferior; Sup, superior.Figure 15.8: Three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound volume of a placenta at 13
weeks of gestation shown in multiplayer display with placental volume obtained
from the analysis of the 3D volume set. The placental volume is 88.58 cm3.
Maternal blood flow is established within the placenta by 12 weeks of gestation.11
Blood flow in the maternal and fetal placental vasculature can be demonstrated in the
first trimester on color and pulsed Doppler ultrasound (Fig. 15.9). Quantitative
assessment of placental vascularization may be useful for predicting pregnancy
complications and adverse events.12–14Figure 15.9: A: Two-dimensional ultrasound in color Doppler of a placenta in a
pregnancy at 12 weeks of gestation demonstrating the maternal and fetal
circulation at the level of the cord insertion. B and C: The corresponding pulsed
Doppler of the maternal and fetal vasculature. Note the differences in blood
flow velocities between the maternal and fetal circulation, with the maternal
circulation showing a low impedance pattern. Also note the difference in heart
rates between the two circulations.Figure 15.10: Three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode (A, C–E) and
two-dimensional ultrasound (B) of the embryo and umbilical cord at 7 to 10
weeks of gestational age. Note that the umbilical cord in this gestational age
window is short and thick and connects the embryo to the placenta. Note in E,
at 10 weeks of gestation, thickening of the umbilical cord at the abdominal cord
insertion (asterisk), corresponding to the physiologic hernia.
Figure 15.11: Two-dimensional ultrasound in gray scale (A) and color Doppler
(B) of the umbilical cord in a pregnancy at 13 weeks of gestation. Note in A and
B that the umbilical cord is elongated and thinned from its appearance between
7 and 10 weeks of gestation (Fig. 15.10). The umbilical cord at 13 weeks of
gestation has the same appearance as that in the second trimester of
pregnancy.Figure 15.12: A: An axial plane (cross-section) of the pelvis in color Doppler in
a fetus at 13 weeks of gestation demonstrating the two umbilical arteries (UA)
surrounding the fetal bladder. B: A midline sagittal plane in color Doppler in a
fetus at 12 weeks of gestation demonstrating the umbilical cord insertion into
the fetal abdomen.
The umbilical cord can be recognized by ultrasound as early as the seventh week of
gestation and appears as a straight thick structure connecting the embryo to the
developing placenta (Fig. 15.10). In the first trimester, the length of the umbilical cord
is approximately the same as the crown-rump length.15 The umbilical cord elongates and
thins with advancing gestation, and by the 13th week, the cord has the same sonographic
appearance as in the second trimester of pregnancy (Fig. 15.11). Umbilical arteries can
be seen in the first trimester as branches of the internal iliac arteries, running alongside
the fetal bladder in a cross-section view of the fetal pelvis using color or power
Doppler (Fig. 15.12A), and the number of umbilical arteries can thus be reliably
determined.16 Midline sagittal plane of the fetus demonstrates the insertion of the
umbilical cord into the abdomen, and this plane is also important in the evaluation of the
integrity of the abdominal wall in the first trimester (Fig. 15.12B) (see Chapters 5 and
12) . 3D ultrasound in surface mode can also clearly demonstrate the umbilical cord
(Fig. 15.13).Figure 15.13: Three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode in two fetuses at
12 (A) and 13 (B) weeks of gestation demonstrating external fetal anatomy
along with the umbilical cord (arrow).
Figure 15.14: Two-dimensional ultrasound in a pregnancy at 9 weeks of
gestation demonstrating a subchorionic hematoma (asterisk and arrows)
located between the chorion and the uterine wall.
Intrauterine Hematoma
Intrauterine hematoma is a common finding on routine ultrasound in the first trimester,especially among pregnant women presenting with vaginal bleeding. Intrauterine
hematoma usually appears as a crescent-shaped, sonolucent fluid collection behind the
fetal membranes or the placenta, but may vary significantly in shape and size. The
position of the hematoma relative to the placental site can be described as subchorionic
or retroplacental. The subchorionic hematoma is located between the chorion and the
uterine wall (Fig. 15.14), whereas the retroplacental hematoma is located behind the
placenta (Fig. 15.15). The reported incidence of first trimester hematomas diagnosed by
ultrasound varies widely, from as low as 0.5% to as high as 22%, depending on the
patient population studied and the ultrasound evaluation.17,18 In low-risk general
obstetric population, intrauterine hematomas occur in 3.1% of cases in the first
trimester.19 Although approximately 70% of subchorionic hematomas resolve
spontaneously by the end of the second trimester without clinical sequelae, some may
persist until the end of pregnancy and be associated with increased risk of pregnancy
The clinical significance of an intrauterine hematoma noted on the first trimester
ultrasound is currently controversial.20–24 Systematic review and meta-analysis
performed by Tuuli et al.25 demonstrated that presence of a first trimester intrauterine
hematoma is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome, including an increased risk
for spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, placental abruption, preterm premature rupture of
membranes, and preterm delivery. There is no consistency in study results, however,
and the association of an intrauterine hematoma with pregnancy complications such as
preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction has not been confirmed.25 Retroplacental
position of the hematoma (Fig. 15.15) appears to carry a higher risk for poor pregnancy
outcome.19 An intrauterine hematoma can be classified based upon its relative size. In a
study on this subject, the size of the hematoma was graded according to the percentage
of chorionic sac circumference elevated by the hematoma, with small indicating less
than one-third of the chorionic sac circumference, moderate indicating one-third to onehalf of the chorionic sac circumference, and large indicating two-thirds or greater of
chorionic sac circumference.22 Large intrauterine hematomas (Fig. 15.16) were found to
be associated with an almost threefold increase in risk of spontaneous abortion.22 There
is currently sufficient evidence in the literature to suggest that the presence of a first
trimester large intrauterine hematoma may increase the pregnancy risk, and follow-up
ultrasound examinations in the second and possibly third trimester of pregnancy is thus
Although a subchorionic hematoma is relatively easy to identify in the first trimester,
the diagnosis of a subplacental hematoma is challenging especially in the absence of
clinical symptoms. The presence of a transient uterine contraction (see Fig. 5.1) or
thickened uterine wall can mimic the diagnosis of subplacental bleed. The application
of color Doppler can help differentiate a subplacental bleed from a uterine contractionor thickening.
Figure 15.15: Two-dimensional ultrasound with color Doppler in a pregnancy at
10 weeks of gestation demonstrating a retroplacental hematoma (asterisk and
arrows) located behind the placenta.
Figure 15.16: Two-dimensional ultrasound in a pregnancy at 10 weeks of
gestation demonstrating a large intrauterine hematoma (asterisk and arrows).
Note that the size of this hematoma (color overlay) is almost larger than the
circumference of the gestational sac.Figure 15.17: Two-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound in a pregnancy at 12
weeks of gestation demonstrating a placenta previa. Note that the placenta is
covering the internal cervical os.
Placenta Previa
The term placenta previa describes a placenta that covers the internal cervical os. In
normal pregnancy, the placenta implants in the upper uterine segment. In the case of
placenta previa, the placenta is partially or totally implanted in the lower uterine
segment and placental tissue covers the internal cervical os (Figs. 15.17 and 15.18). In
the second trimester of pregnancy, if the placenta is attached in the lower uterine
segment and placental tissue does not cover the internal os, but is within 2 cm from the
internal os, the placenta is called low lying.Figure 15.18: Two-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound in a pregnancy at 13
weeks of gestation demonstrating a placenta previa. Note that the placenta is
covering the internal cervical os.
The incidence of placenta previa varies greatly with gestational age. Placenta previa
is more commonly seen in early gestation and presents in approximately 4.5% to 6.2%
of pregnancies between 12 and 16 weeks of gestation.26,27 The proportion of patients
with the placenta extending to or covering the internal cervical os significantly
decreases with advancing gestation from 5.5% at 12+0 to 12+6 weeks, to 2.4% at 15+0
to 15+6 weeks of gestation and to 0.16% at term.26 Several studies have shown that if
the placenta extends at least 15 mm over the internal cervical os at 12 to 16 weeks of
gestation, a placenta previa is present at term with a sensitivity of 80% and a positive
predictive value of 5.1%.26–28 The mechanism resulting in the resolution of a first
trimester placenta previa with advancing gestation is poorly understood, but may be
related to a preferential growth of the placenta toward a better vascularized upper
endometrium (trophotropism). According to current guidelines for performance of first
trimester fetal ultrasound, it is not recommended to report the presence of placenta
previa or low-lying placenta between 11+0 and 13+6 weeks of gestation because the
position of the placenta in relation to the cervix at this stage of pregnancy is of less
clinical importance as a result of the “migration” phenomenon.7
Morbidly Adherent PlacentaThe term “morbidly adherent placenta” implies abnormal implantation of the placenta
into the uterine wall, and this term has been used to describe placenta accreta, increta,
and percreta. Placenta accreta occurs when the placental villi adhere directly to the
myometrium, a placenta increta involves placental villi invading into the myometrium,
and a placenta percreta is defined as placental villi invading through myometrium and
into serosa and, sometimes, adjacent organs. About 75% of morbidly adherent placentas
are placenta accretas, 18% are placenta incretas, and 7% are placenta percretas,29 but
this differentiation is not always possible on prenatal ultrasound. We will use the term
placenta accreta to describe morbidly adherent placenta.
The sonographic markers of placenta accreta in the first trimester primarily include a
gestational sac that is implanted in the lower uterine segment (Fig. 15.19), a gestational
sac that is embedded in a cesarean section scar (Figs. 15.20 and 15.21) (cesarean scar
pregnancy), and the presence of multiple vascular spaces (lacunae) within the placental
bed, primarily in the setting of a placenta previa (Figs. 15.22 and 15.23).
Ballas et al.30 defined lower uterine segment implantation as a gestational sac that is
implanted in the lower third of the uterus between 8 and 10 weeks or primarily
occupying the lower uterine segment from 10 weeks (Fig. 15.19). In the authors’
experience, identifying that a gestational sac is in the lower uterine segment is more
difficult at 10 weeks of gestation and beyond as the gestational sac typically expands
into the upper uterine segment. One must also differentiate lower uterine segment
implantation from an ongoing pregnancy loss (miscarriage). With the application of
color Doppler, a failing pregnancy can be clearly distinguished as a sac that lacks
circumferential blood flow, in addition to a sac that moves when pressure is applied to
the anterior surface of the uterus.31 Not all gestational sacs that implant in the lower
uterine segment lead to placenta accretas, because subsequent normal pregnancies in
this setting have been reported.32 In these instances, a normal thick anterior myometrium
superior to the gestational sac and a continuous white line representing the bladder–
uterine wall interface is seen on ultrasound. The gestational sac should be contiguous
with the endometrial cavity.31Figure 15.19: Two-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound in a pregnancy at 7
weeks of gestation demonstrating a low implantation of the gestational sac.
Note that the gestational sac is in the lower uterine segment, posterior to the
bladder and next to the cervix. This patient had three prior cesarean deliveries
and the placenta was diagnosed as placenta previa and accreta in the second
and third trimester of pregnancy.
In patients with a prior cesarean section, pregnancies implanted in or near the
cesarean section scar (Figs. 15.20 and 15.21) carry significant risk for placenta accreta
and pregnancy complications. In these cases, the gestational sac appears embedded into
the cesarean section scar, the anterior myometrium appears thin, and the placental–
myometrial and bladder–uterine wall interfaces often appear irregular.31 In the authors’
experience, the gestational sac of a cesarean scar implantation is typically fusiform in
shape at 6 to 8 weeks of gestation (Fig. 15.21). Color Doppler reveals increased
vascularity surrounding the gestational sac (Fig. 15.21B).Figure 15.20: Transvaginal ultrasound of the midline sagittal plane of the uterus
in a pregnancy at 7 weeks of gestation demonstrating a cesarean section scar
implantation. Note that the gestational sac is imbedded into the cesarean
section scar. Also note the proximity of the empty bladder to the gestational
Many studies combine cesarean scar pregnancies with pregnancies that implant in
the lower uterine segment, near the cesarean section scar.31,33–35 A true cesarean scar
pregnancy is defined by the presence of a gestational sac that is implanted within the
myometrium, surrounded on all sides by myometrium, and be separate from the
endometrium (Figs. 15.20 and 15.21).Figure 15.21: Transvaginal ultrasound of the midline sagittal plane of the uterus
in gray scale (A) and color Doppler (B) in a pregnancy at 7 weeks of gestation
demonstrating a cesarean section scar implantation. Note that the gestational
sac is imbedded into the cesarean section scar. Also note the fusiform shape
of the gestational sac in A and B. Color Doppler shows increased vascularity
surrounding the gestational sac.
Figure 15.22: Transvaginal ultrasound in a pregnancy at 11 weeks of gestation
demonstrating the presence of multiple placental lacunae in a patient with twoprior cesarean sections. The presence of placental lacunae in the first trimester
increases the risk for placenta accreta.
The third marker of placenta accreta in the first trimester is the presence of anechoic
areas within the placenta with or without documented blood flow on color Doppler
(Figs. 15.22 and 15.23). These anechoic areas have been described as vascular spaces,
lacunae, or lakes. Multiple case reports describe the presence of hypoechoic placental
vascular spaces on ultrasound at less than 12 weeks of gestation and have linked their
presence to the early diagnosis of placenta accreta.30,36–39 Three examples of irregularly
shaped placental lacunae diagnosed at 8, 9, and 12 weeks, respectively, were reported
in women presenting with vaginal bleeding and suspicion for abnormal
placentation.36,38,39 Two resulted in hysterectomy secondary to hemorrhage as early as
15 weeks, and placenta accreta was confirmed on pathology. In the third case, the
patient elected termination, and the uterus was preserved. A retrospective study by
Ballas et al.30 further confirmed lacunae as a first trimester marker for placenta accreta.
They reported on 10 cases of placenta accreta with first trimester ultrasound
examinations and noted that anechoic placental areas were present in 8 of 10 (80%).30 If
the pregnancy progresses, these lacunae become more prominent in the second and third
trimester of pregnancy and may demonstrate blood flow on low-velocity color Doppler.
Figure 15.23: Transvaginal ultrasound in a pregnancy at 13 weeks of gestation
demonstrating the presence of multiple placental lacunae and placenta previa in
a patient with one prior cesarean section. The presence of placenta previa with
multiple lacunae in the first trimester increases the risk for placenta accreta.
Amniotic Band Syndrome
It is commonly accepted that amniotic band syndrome (ABS) occurs when the inner
membrane (amnion) ruptures without injury to the outer membrane (chorion), thusexposing the embryo/fetus to fibrous sticky tissue from the ruptured amnion (bands),
which can float in the amniotic fluid. These bands can entangle the fetus, reducing blood
supply and causing a variety of fetal congenital abnormalities. The incidence of ABS is
approximately 1 in 1,200 live births.40 Defects caused by ABS range from minor defects
of the digits to major complex multiorgan anomalies. The most common findings are
constriction rings with lymphedema around the fingers, toes, arms, or legs. ABS should
be suspected in case of limbs amputations and in the presence of unusual asymmetric
craniofacial (Fig. 15.24) or visceral defects. The direct ultrasound visualization of
amniotic bands is challenging and requires high-resolution transducers, preferably by
the transvaginal approach (Fig. 15.24). Use of transvaginal 3D/four-dimensional
imaging can be particularly helpful in the first trimester for the differential diagnosis of
amniotic bands and related fetal abnormalities.41,42 There are several case reports on
the diagnosis of ABS in the first trimester.41–44
Abnormalities of the umbilical cord are common and may affect the length, size,
number, insertion, and course of the umbilical vessels. The use of color Doppler is very
helpful in the diagnosis of cord insertion and presence of structural abnormalities of the
umbilical cord, between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation.45 Abnormally short umbilical
cord can occur as a result of embryonic infolding failure, which is associated with
limb-body-stalk anomalies (see Chapter 13 for details). Abnormally long cord may
predispose to cord prolapse, nuchal cord, or true cord knots. True cord knots occur in
about 1% of single pregnancies and very rarely can be observed on the first trimester
ultrasound (Fig. 15.25). Color Doppler and 3D ultrasound can help confirm the
presence of a true knot, when suspected, on gray scale ultrasound in the first trimester
(Fig. 15.25).
Cord entanglement is a common complication of the monochorionic–monoamniotic
gestation and can be noted as early as 12 to 13 weeks of gestation. The application of
color and pulsed Doppler can confirm the diagnosis of cord entanglement in the first
trimester of pregnancy (Fig. 15.26A) (see Chapter 7). 3D ultrasound can also confirm
the diagnosis and display the entangled cords (Fig. 15.26B).Figure 15.24: Transvaginal two-dimensional (A) and three-dimensional
ultrasound (B) of a fetus at 13 weeks of gestation with severe brain
malformation (anencephaly—asterisk) resulting from amniotic band syndrome.
Note the presence in A of a reflective membrane within the amniotic cavity
(arrow) that is attached to the fetal head. This reflective membrane represents
an amniotic band.
Excessive or absent coiling of the umbilical cord can be occasionally detected in the
first trimester ultrasound. Abnormal insertion of the umbilical cord may result in
velamentous cord insertion or vasa previa. Abnormally thickened umbilical cord can be
observed in association with fetal hydrops or cord cysts. In the following sections,
common umbilical cord abnormalities are discussed in more detail.
Single Umbilical Artery
The absence of one of the arteries in the umbilical cord is called single umbilical artery
(SUA) or two-vessel umbilical cord. The pathogenesis of SUA is uncertain. Aplasia or
atrophy of the missing vessel has been suggested as an etiology of SUA.46 SUA is one of
the most common sonographic findings during pregnancy and is more commonly seen in
multiple gestations, in the presence of velamentous cord insertion, in advanced maternal
age, in maternal diabetes, in hypertensive and seizure disorders, and in smoking.47,48
The incidence of SUA reported in the first trimester of pregnancy is 1.1% and 3.3% in
single and twin gestations, respectively.45 Detection of SUA in the first trimester
ultrasound is possible, with reported sensitivity between 57.1% and 84.2% andspecificity 98.9% and 99.8%.45,49 This is best performed by obtaining an axial plane of
the fetal pelvis in color Doppler and identifying a SUA next to the bladder (Fig. 15.27),
rather than the two umbilical arteries normally seen (Fig. 15.12A).
Figure 15.25: Two-dimensional (A) and three-dimensional (3D) (B) ultrasound
in color Doppler in a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation with a true cord knot. Note
in A the presence of a thickening of the cord on color Doppler. The presence of
cord thickening (circle) suggests the presence of a true knot. B: A 3D volume
display of the cord in glass body mode demonstrating the cord knot.Figure 15.26: A: Color and pulsed Doppler of cord entanglement in a
monoamniotic twin pregnancy at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of
“a mass of cord” on color Doppler suggesting the diagnosis. Pulsed Doppler
applied to the mass of cord and displayed in lower panel A shows two
interposed fetal umbilical Doppler spectrums (A and B in Doppler spectrum),
confirming cord entanglement. B: A three-dimensional ultrasound in surface
mode of another monoamniotic twin pregnancy at 12 weeks of gestation with
cord entanglement. C: The entangled cords of pregnancy in B after delivery at
33 weeks of gestation.Figure 15.27: Axial plane of the pelvis in color Doppler in two fetuses (A and
B) at 13 weeks of gestation with single umbilical artery. Note in A that the right
umbilical artery (UA) is absent and in B, the left UA is absent. Although earlier
studies suggested a significance to the laterality of single umbilical artery, this
has not been proven in subsequent studies.
Figure 15.28: Gray scale (A) and color Doppler (B) of a pregnancy at 11
weeks of gestation with velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord. Note thatthe umbilical cord inserts in the membranes, rather than directly into the
The association of SUA with fetal anomalies, mainly genitourinary and cardiac, as
well as with a wide range of genetic syndromes and chromosomal aberrations has been
reported50–52 and described in various chapters of this book. SUA can also be
associated with intrauterine growth restriction, preterm delivery, and poor pregnancy
outcomes.53 The presence of a SUA as an isolated sonographic finding, however, is
often associated with a normal pregnancy outcome.53–55 A study performed by MartínezPayo et al.45 demonstrated that about 17.6% of SUA cases diagnosed between 11+0 and
13+6 weeks of gestation had concomitant malformations detected at the first trimester
ultrasound, and in an additional 7.7% of SUA cases, anomalies were found in the
second trimester of pregnancy. The authors concluded that the assessment of the number
of umbilical cord vessels during the first trimester ultrasound examination is useful
given the association of SUA with fetal malformations that can be diagnosed in early
gestation.45 We recommend a detailed first trimester ultrasound examination when SUA
is detected in early gestation (see Chapter 5 for more detail).
Velamentous and Marginal Cord Insertion
The term velamentous umbilical cord describes an insertion of the umbilical cord into
the membranes at the placental margin rather than into the placental surface (Figs. 15.28
a n d 15.29). Velamentous umbilical cord has been reported in about 1% of
pregnancies.56–58 High prevalence of velamentous umbilical cord insertion was found in
spontaneous abortions occurring in 33% of specimens examined between 9 and 12
weeks and in 27% of specimens examined between 13 and 16 weeks of gestation.59
Marginal umbilical cord insertion refers to attachment of the umbilical cord to the
periphery of the placenta (Fig. 15.30) and is noted in 2% to 10% of pregnancies.56–58
Common perinatal complications associated with velamentous and marginal umbilical
cord insertions include miscarriage, prematurity, fetal growth restriction, fetal
malformation, perinatal death, low Apgar scores, and retained placenta.60–63 Several
studies have reported a higher incidence of velamentous cord insertion in pregnancies
of assisted reproduction.64–66 Velamentous cord insertion has a higher prevalence in
multiple gestations. Monochorionic pregnancies with velamentous cord insertion should
be monitored for signs of twin–twin transfusion or selective fetal growth restriction.Figure 15.29: Gray scale (A) and color Doppler (B) of a twin pregnancy at 12
weeks of gestation with velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord into the
dividing membrane (arrow). Velamentous cord insertion is more common in
multiple pregnancies. See text for details.
Figure 15.30: Gray scale (A) and color Doppler (B) of a pregnancy at 11
weeks of gestation with marginal insertion of the umbilical cord. Note that the
umbilical cord inserts on the lateral margins of the placenta rather than centrally
(asterisk).Visualization of the umbilical cord insertion site is feasible in the first trimester and
can be successfully achieved in 93.5% of cases between 9 and 11 weeks of gestation
and in up to 100% of cases at 11 to 14 weeks of gestation, and can be completed within
a 30-second time period.67,68 Assessment of the placental umbilical cord insertion site
should be performed using the appropriate magnification and settings of ultrasound
equipment (Fig. 15.31). It is recommended to identify the free loop of the cord and then
follow it until it reaches the placental surface. Color or power Doppler imaging can
improve visualization of the insertion site (Figs. 15.28 to 15.31) by confirming the
presence of branching vessels. This helps to distinguish true insertion site from an
adjacent free loop of the umbilical cord.
There is limited information on the detection of abnormal placental umbilical cord
insertion by ultrasound in the first trimester. The first case of velamentous cord insertion
diagnosed by transvaginal sonography in the first trimester was published by
Monteagudo et al. in 2000.69 Sepulveda68 reported five cases of velamentous cord
insertions diagnosed in the first trimester and confirmed at term from a group of 533
consecutive singleton pregnancies examined over a 1-year period. Of note, one of the
five pregnancies with velamentous cord insertion was complicated by fetal
chromosomal abnormality (Turner syndrome) and two other women had a history of
infertility, and in one of them, the pregnancy was conceived by intracytoplasmic sperm
injection.68 A study by Hasegawa et al.67 demonstrated that visualization of cord
insertion in the lower third of the uterus between 9 and 13 weeks of gestation was
associated with developmental abnormalities of the placenta and the umbilical cord,
including velamentous and marginal cord insertions, vasa previa, and placenta previa.
Velamentous insertion can be a prerequisite for vasa previa; early prenatal detection of
an abnormal umbilical cord insertion requires follow-up ultrasound at 32 weeks of
gestation looking for the presence of vasa previa.
Figure 15.31: Color Doppler at the cord insertion site in two fetuses at 13 (A)and 12 (B) weeks of gestation. Note the normal central insertion of the
umbilical cord in the placenta. A: Posterior placenta. B: Anterior placenta.
Vasa Previa
Vasa previa refers to the presence of fetal blood vessels between the presenting fetal
parts and the cervix. The fetal blood vessels can run in the fetal membranes unprotected
or the umbilical cord can be tethered to the membranes at the level of the cervical os.
These vessels are prone to compression and bleeding preferentially at the time of
delivery and may cause unexpected fetal death because of hypoxia or exsanguination.
The incidence of vasa previa is approximately 1 in 2,500 deliveries.70 When
undiagnosed, vasa previa has an associated perinatal mortality of 60%, whereas 97 %
of fetuses survive when the diagnosis is made prenatally.71
Ultrasound markers for vasa previa described in the second and third trimester
include resolving low-lying placenta or placenta previa, presence of an accessory
placental lobe (succenturiate lobe), velamentous cord insertion, multiple gestations, or a
suspicion of aberrant vessels crossing over the internal os.72 Pregnancies conceived by
assisted reproduction are also at higher risk for vasa previa.
Information regarding the diagnosis of vasa previa in the first trimester ultrasound is
currently lacking in the literature. Hasegawa et al.73 demonstrated that cases of vasa
previa detected in the second or third trimester of pregnancy occurred only in
pregnancies with cord insertions in the lower third of the uterus between 9 and 13
weeks of gestation. The detection of an abnormal umbilical cord insertion in the first
trimester ultrasound examination should prompt further evaluation for possible vasa
previa in later pregnancy.
Cord Cyst
The diagnosis of a cord cyst in the first trimester is based on the visualization of a
rounded thin-walled anechoic structure within or adjacent to the umbilical cord, which
can be seen from about 8 weeks of gestation (Figs. 15.32 to 15.36). Umbilical cysts can
be single or multiple (Fig. 15.34) and vary significantly in size (Fig. 15.35). The
prevalence of an umbilical cord cyst in the first trimester of pregnancy has been
reported between 0.4% and 3.4%.74,75 Multiple cysts are much less common and affect
about 0.52% of pregnancies in the first trimester.76 Most of the umbilical cord cysts
appear to be transient, with no effect on pregnancy outcome. The majority of them are
incidentally discovered during transvaginal ultrasound between 8 and 9 weeks of
gestation and resolve on follow-up ultrasound at 12 to 14 weeks of gestation or later in
pregnancy. Attention should be paid to differentiate a single umbilical cord cyst from
the yolk sac, which has more echogenic borders and is extraamniotic in location (Figs.
15.32, 15.33, and 15.36).58 Cysts can be found at any location along the length of the
umbilical cord; however, most of them are situated at the middle part of the umbilicalcord.76–78
Figure 15.32: Gray scale ultrasound of a pregnancy at 9 weeks of gestation
with an umbilical cord cyst. Note the location of the umbilical cord cyst close to
the placental insertion of the cord. See the corresponding three-dimensional
ultrasound image in Figure 15.33.Figure 15.33: Three-dimensional ultrasound of the same fetus in Figure 15.32
with a cord cyst at 9 weeks of gestation. The umbilical cord cyst is seen within
the amniotic cavity in contrast to the yolk sac seen outside of the amniotic
cavity.Figure 15.34: Color Doppler ultrasound of a pregnancy at 13 weeks of
gestation with two umbilical cord cysts. Note the varying size of the umbilical
cord cysts with a large (asterisk) and a small (plus sign) cyst. Color Doppler
shows the two umbilical arteries within the cord.
Figure 15.35: Color Doppler ultrasound of a pregnancy at 13 weeks of
gestation with an umbilical cord cyst. Note that the umbilical vessels surround
the cyst on color Doppler.1.
Figure 15.36: Gray scale ultrasound of a fetus at 8 weeks of gestation with an
umbilical cord cyst (cord cyst). Note that the umbilical cord cyst is seen within
the amniotic cavity in contrast to the yolk sac seen outside of the amniotic
cavity. Compare with Figures 15.32 and 15.33.
Initial studies established an association between umbilical cord cysts found in the
first trimester and a higher incidence of aneuploidy, congenital abnormalities, and
overall poor pregnancy outcomes.74 More recent large series of first trimester umbilical
cord cysts did not corroborate the same associations with poor pregnancy outcome.77
Based on the evidence provided by recent literature, the first trimester umbilical cord
cyst should not be considered an independent marker of poor pregnancy outcome
regardless of its location, size, and number, especially when the cord cysts resolve on
follow-up ultrasound ex
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