CHAPTER 2 • Physical Principles and Bioeffects of First Trimester Ultrasound
Recent advances in ultrasound technology along with a growing body of literature
expanded the role of obstetric ultrasound in the first trimester. Currently, first trimester
ultrasound is considered an important element of pregnancy care and is clinically used
to accurately date a pregnancy, assess for risk of aneuploidy, and screen for major fetal
malformations. Understanding the basic physical principles of ultrasound is essential for
knowledge of instrument control and also for the safety and bioeffects of this
technology. In this chapter, we present the basic concepts of the physical principles of
ultrasound, define important terminology, and review its safety and bioeffects,
especially with regard to its use in the first trimester of pregnancy. Following chapters
will present the role of first trimester ultrasound in pregnancy dating and in screening
for fetal malformations.
Sound is a mechanical wave that travels in a medium in a longitudinal and straight-line
fashion by transmitting its energy from one molecule to another. Sound therefore cannot
travel in vacuum as it requires a medium for energy transfer. When sound travels
through a medium, the molecules of that medium are alternately compressed (squeezed)
and rarefied (stretched). It is important to note that the molecules oscillate but do not
move as the sound wave passes through them. Seven acoustic parameters describe the
characteristics of a sound wave and are listed in Table 2.1. In this chapter, we will
briefly discuss the frequency, power, and intensity of sound given their importance to
safety of ultrasound. For more details and a broader discussion on ultrasound physics,
the readers are directed to references on this subject.1–3
The frequency of a sound wave is the number of cycles that occurs in 1 second. The
unit Hertz is 1 cycle per second. Frequency is an important characteristic of sound in
ultrasound imaging as it affects penetration of sound and image quality. In general,
higher ultrasound frequencies provide better image quality at the expense of tissuepenetration. Power and intensity of the ultrasound beam relate to the strength of a sound
wave. Power is the rate of energy transferred through the sound wave and is expressed
in Watts. Power can be altered up or down by a control on the ultrasound machine.
Intensity is the concentration of energy in a sound wave and thus is dependent on the
power and the cross-sectional area of the sound beam. The intensity of a sound beam is
thus calculated by dividing the power of a sound beam (Watts) by its cross-sectional
area (cm2), expressed in units of W per cm2.
The sound source, which is the ultrasound machine and/or the transducer, determines
the frequency, power, and intensity of the sound. The propagation speed of sound in soft
tissue is constant at 1,540 m per second. The propagation speed of sound is fastest in
bone and is slowest in air. This is why the use of medical ultrasound is limited in
anatomic regions involving air, such as the lungs or large bowels.
Sound is classified based upon the ability of the human ear to hear it. Sounds sensed
by young healthy adult human ears are in the range of 20 to 20,000 cycles per second or
Hertz, abbreviated as Hz, and this range is termed the audible sound (range of 20 to
20,000 Hz). If the frequency of a sound is less than 20 Hz, it cannot be heard by humans
and is defined as infrasonic or infrasound. If the frequency of sound is higher than
20,000 Hz or 20 kHz, it cannot be heard by humans and is called ultrasonic or
ultrasound. Typical frequencies used in medical ultrasound are 2 to 10 MHz (mega
[million] Hertz). Ultrasound frequencies that are commonly used in obstetrics and
gynecology are between 3 and 10 MHz.
Table 2.1 • Characteristics of a Sound Wave
Propagation speedFigure 2.1: Ultrasound image of a fetal head (A) and abdomen (B) at 13
weeks of gestation. Note the hyperechoic bones of the skull and anechoic fluid
(asterisk) within the lateral ventricles (LV). Note that the echogenicity of the
choroid plexuses (CP) is less than bone. In B, the hyperechoic rib and anechoic
fluid within the fetal stomach are seen.
Ultrasound waves are generated from tiny piezoelectric crystals packed within
ultrasound transducers. When an alternate current is applied to these crystals, they
contract and expand at the same frequency at which the current changes polarity and
generate an ultrasound beam. The ultrasound beam traverses into the body at the same
frequency generated. Conversely, when the ultrasound beam returns to the transducer,
these crystals change in shape and this minor change in shape generates a tiny electric
current that is amplified by the ultrasound machine to generate an ultrasound image on
the monitor. The piezoelectric crystals within the transducer therefore transform electric
energy into mechanical energy (ultrasound) and vice versa. A rubber covering on the
ultrasound transducer protects the crystal and helps to decrease the resistance to sound
transmission (impedance) from the crystals to the body and vice versa. In order to
minimize the impact of air, a watery gel is applied on the skin of the patient to facilitate
transfer of sound to and from the transducer.
Modern ultrasound equipment create a graded gray scale ultrasound image by sending
multiple sound pulses from the transducer at slightly different directions and analyzing
returning echoes received by the crystals. The details of this process are beyond the
scope of this chapter, but it is important to note that tissues that are strong reflectors of
the ultrasound beam, such as bone or air, will result in a strong electric current
generated by the piezoelectric crystals, which will appear as a hyperechoic image(bright) on the monitor (Fig. 2.1). On the other hand, weak reflectors of ultrasound
beam, such as fluid or soft tissue, will result in a weak current, which will appear as a
hypoechoic or anechoic image (dark) on the monitor (Fig. 2.1). The ultrasound image is
thus created from a sophisticated analysis of returning echoes in a gray scale format.
Given that the ultrasound beam travels in a longitudinal format, in order to get the best
possible image, keep the angle of incidence of the ultrasound beam perpendicular to the
object of interest, as the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
B-Mode Ultrasound
B-mode ultrasound, which stands for “Brightness mode,” is also known as twodimensional (2D) imaging and is commonly used to describe any form of gray scale
display of an ultrasound image. The image is created based upon the intensity of the
returning ultrasound beam, which is reflected in a variation of shades of gray that form
the ultrasound image (Fig. 2.2). It is important to note that B-mode is obtained in real
time, an important and fundamental characteristic of ultrasound imaging. B-mode, or
gray scale imaging, is the fundamental imaging modality for ultrasound in the first
trimester and as discussed later in this chapter, it carries the least amount of energy.
Figure 2.2: Variations in gray scale in a 2D transvaginal ultrasound image in
the first trimester. Note the hyperechoic bones of the fetal skull, hypoechoic
tissue of the uterus, and anechoic amniotic fluid (AF). The placenta is seen on
the posterior uterine wall and is slightly more echogenic than the uterine wall.
The intensity of the returning beam determines echogenicity.
M-Mode Ultrasound
M-mode ultrasound, which stands for “Motion mode,” is a display that is frequently
used in early gestation to assess the motion of the fetal cardiac chambers and valves inorder to document cardiac activity. The M-mode originates from a single beam
penetrating the body with a high pulse repetition frequency. The display on the monitor
shows the time of the M-mode display on the x-axis and the depth on the y-axis (Fig.
Spectral (Pulsed) Doppler
Spectral (pulsed) Doppler modes are ultrasound displays that are dependent on the
Doppler principle (effect). The Doppler principle describes the apparent variation in
frequency of a sound wave as the source of the wave approaches or moves away,
relative to an observer. This apparent change in frequency, or what is termed the
frequency shift, is proportional to the speed of movement of the sound emitting or
reflecting object(s), such as red blood cells within a vessel. This frequency shift is
displayed in a graphic form as a time-dependent plot. In this display, the vertical axis
represents the frequency shift and the horizontal axis represents the temporal change of
this frequency shift as it relays to the events of the cardiac cycle (Fig. 2.4). This
frequency shift is highest during systole, when the blood flow is fastest and lowest
during end diastole, when the blood flow is slowest in the peripheral circulation (Fig.
2.4). Given that the velocity of flow in a particular vascular bed is inversely
proportional to the downstream impedance to flow, the frequency shift therefore derives
information on the downstream impedance to flow of the vascular bed under study. The
frequency shift is also dependent on the cosine of the angle that the ultrasound beam
makes with the targeted blood vessel (see formula in Fig. 2.4). Given that the insonation
angle (angle of incidence) is difficult to measure in clinical practice, indices that rely on
ratios of frequency shifts were developed to quantitate Doppler waveforms.
In spectral Doppler mode, quantitative assessment of vascular flow can be obtained
at any point within a blood vessel by placing a sample volume or the gate within the
vessel (Fig. 2.4). The operator controls the velocity scale, wall filter, and the angle of
incidence. Flow toward the transducer is displayed above the baseline and flow away
from the transducer is displayed below the baseline. In spectral Doppler mode, only one
crystal is typically necessary and it alternates between sending and receiving ultrasound
pulses.Figure 2.3: M-mode ultrasound of the fetal heart in a fetus at 12 weeks of
gestation. Note that the M-mode line intersects the heart and the cardiac
activity is displayed on the M-mode spectrum. This represents the preferred
method (along with saving a movie clip in B-mode) for documentation of cardiac
activity in the first trimester, as it is associated with less energy than spectral
Doppler. Note that the fetal heart rate is measured at 157 beats per minute.Figure 2.4: Spectral Doppler velocimetry of the maternal uterine artery in early
gestation. “S” corresponds to the frequency shift during peak systole and “D”
corresponds to the frequency shift during end diastole. The Doppler effect
formula is also shown in white background with fc corresponding to the
ultrasound frequency, fd corresponding to the frequency shift, V is the velocity
of flow, cosθ represents cosine of the angle of incidence, and c is a constant
related to the milieu that the ultrasound beam is traversing. Spectral Doppler of
the uterine arteries are not associated with added risk to the embryo/fetus as
the sample gate is placed on the uterine vessels outside of the gestational sac.
Color Doppler
Color Doppler mode or Color flow mode is a mode that is superimposed on the realtime B-mode image. This mode is used to detect the presence of vascular flow within
the tissue being insonated (Fig. 2.5). By convention, if the flow is toward the transducer
it is colored red and if the flow is away from the transducer it is colored blue. Low
velocity scales and filters are reserved for low impedance vascular beds such as
placental flow (Fig. 2.5) and high velocity scales and filters are reserved for high
impedance circulation such as intracardiac flow (Fig. 2.6). In order to optimize the
display of color Doppler, the angle of insonation should be as parallel to the direction
of blood flow as possible. If the angle of insonation approaches 90 degrees, no color
flow will be displayed given that the “Doppler effect” is dependent on the cosine of theangle of insonation, and cosine of 90 degrees is equal to zero (Fig. 2.7). Characteristics
and optimization of color Doppler in the first trimester are discussed in detail in
Chapter 3.
Figure 2.5: Color Doppler mode of the cord insertion into an anterior placenta
in a pregnancy at 12 weeks of gestation. Note that blood in the umbilical vein
(UV) is colored blue (away from the placenta) and blood in the umbilical
arteries (UA) is colored red (toward the placenta).Figure 2.6: Color Doppler mode of the four-chamber view of the fetal heart at
14 weeks of gestation. Blood flow in the fetal heart has high velocity and thus is
detected on a high velocity scale (here at 33 cm per second). LV, left ventricle;
RV, right ventricle.
Power or High Definition Doppler Mode
Power or high definition Doppler mode is a sensitive mode of Doppler that is available
on some high-end ultrasound equipment and is helpful in cardiac imaging in the first
trimester (Fig. 2.8). The strength (amplitude) of the reflected signal is primarily
processed. Power Doppler mode is less affected by the angle of insonation than the
traditional color or spectral Doppler.Figure 2.7: Blood flow in an umbilical cord at 13 weeks of gestation showing
the Doppler effect. Yellow arrows show the direction of blood flow in the
umbilical arteries. Note the absence of blood flow on color Doppler (asterisk)
where the ultrasound beam (white arrow) images the cord with an angle of
insonation equal to 90 degrees (cosine of 90 degrees = 0). The circle shows
area of blood flow with an angle of insonation almost parallel to the ultrasound
beam and thus displays the brightest color corresponding to the highest
velocities.Figure 2.8: High definition color Doppler ultrasound of a parasagittal view of
the fetal chest and abdomen at 13 weeks of gestation demonstrating the
inferior vena cava (IVC) and superior vena cava (SVC) entering the right atrium
(RA). High definition color Doppler or power color Doppler allows for a clear
display of fetal vasculature in the first trimester. See text for details.
Ultrasound is a form of energy and its output varies based upon the mode applied. As
the ultrasound wave traverses through tissue, the absorption of energy results in heat
dissipation, referred to as the thermal effect of ultrasound. The passage of the ultrasound
waveform through tissue also produces a direct mechanical effect from the succession
of positive and negative pressures. The thermal and mechanical effects of ultrasound are
reflected in two important indices for measurement of bioeffects of ultrasound: the
thermal index (TI) and the mechanical index (MI). The MI gives an estimation of the
cavitation effect of ultrasound, which results from the interaction of sound waves with
microscopic, stabilized gas bubbles in the tissues. The TI is a predictor of maximum
temperature increase under clinically relevant conditions and is defined as the ratio of
the power used over the power required to produce a temperature rise of 1°C. The TI is
reported in three forms—thermal index soft (TIS) tissue assumes that sound is traveling
in soft tissue and is primarily useful in the first trimester; thermal index bone (TIB)
assumes that sound is at or near bone, useful in late second and third trimester; thermal
index cranial (TIC) assumes that the cranial bone is in the sound beam’s near field, used
for examination in adult patients. Other energy effects of ultrasound include physical
(shock wave) and chemical (release of free radicals) effects on tissue.
In obstetrical scanning, the thermal effect (TI) of ultrasound is of more concern than
the mechanical effect (MI). Hyperthermia has been shown to have a teratogenic effect on
the developing embryo in various species.4,5 As the thermal effect results in an increase
in temperature in the insonated tissue, caution should be undertaken to limit embryo and
fetal exposure to the minimal time that is needed for diagnostic purposes and the benefit
to the patient must always outweigh the risk. A general threshold of 1.5°C above normal
physiologic levels is suggested as a safe threshold for diagnostic imaging.6
In 1992, the output display standard (ODS) was mandated for all diagnostic
ultrasound devices. In this ODS, the manufacturers are required to display in real time
the TI and the MI on the ultrasound screen with the intent of making the user aware of
the bioeffects of ultrasound examination (Fig. 2.9). The user has to be aware of the
power output and make sure that reasonable levels are maintained. Despite the lack of
epidemiologic studies of confirmed harmful bioeffects from exposure to diagnostic
ultrasound, the potential benefit and risk of the ultrasound examination should be
assessed and the principle of ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) should be
always followed, particularly when adjusting controls of the ultrasound equipment inorder to minimize the risk. This implies that the ultrasound power should be kept as low
as possible and the time of ultrasound exposure as short as possible within the scope of
the clinical ultrasound examination. Always keep track of the TI and MI values on the
ultrasound screen, and keep the TI below 1 and MI below 1 for obstetrical ultrasound
Bioeffects and safety of ultrasound is an important topic, especially as it relates to
the developing embryo and fetus in early gestation. Guiding principles on this topic
suggest that the benefit of ultrasound should always be weighed against its risk when
ultrasound is performed in early gestation. Acoustic outputs of B-mode and M-mode are
generally not high enough to produce deleterious effects. Their use therefore appears to
be safe, for all stages of pregnancy.7 Pulsed Doppler however focuses the ultrasound
beam’s energy on a small anatomic target and thus it should not be used routinely in the
first trimester.8 Its use in the first trimester should be limited to clinical situations with
clear pregnancy benefit. When performing Doppler ultrasound, the displayed TI should
be ≤1.0 and exposure time should be kept as short as possible (usually no longer than 5
to 10 minutes) and should not exceed 60 minutes.8 The use of 3D and 4D ultrasound is
associated in general with low TI, comparable to that of B-mode, and is considered as
safe as B-mode for obstetrical scanning.9
Figure 2.9: An ultrasound examination of the four-chamber view at 13 weeks of
gestation in color Doppler. Note the display of MI and TIs in the red circle.
Mechanical index (MI) and thermal index soft (TIS) tissue. TIS is useful in the1.
first trimester given the absence of ossified bony structures. See text for
When attempting to obtain fetal heart rate with a diagnostic ultrasound system, the
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) recommends using M-mode at
first, because the time-averaged acoustic intensity delivered to the fetus is lower with
M-mode than with spectral Doppler.10 If this is unsuccessful, spectral Doppler
ultrasound may be used with the following guidelines: use spectral Doppler only briefly
(e.g., 4 to 5 heart beats) and keep the TI (TIS for soft tissues in the first trimester) as
low as possible, preferably below 1 in accordance with the ALARA principle. It is
important to note however that documentation of cardiac activity in early gestation can
also be achieved by saving a movie clip in B-mode.
No independently confirmed adverse effects caused by exposure from present
diagnostic ultrasound instruments have been reported in human patients in the absence of
contrast agents.11 Biological effects (such as localized pulmonary bleeding) have been
reported in mammalian systems at diagnostically relevant exposures,12 but the clinical
significance of such effects is not yet known.
National and international ultrasound societies have developed official statements
that relate to the use of medical ultrasound in obstetrics.7,8,10–16 It is important to note
that official societal statements tend to be updated from time to time and the reader
should consult with the society’s website for the most recent versions. Ultrasound
examinations should be used by qualified health professionals to provide medical
benefit to the patient. Ultrasound exposures during examinations should always be as
low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).16 Knowledge of the bioeffects of ultrasound,
the ALARA principle, and the output display standard is required learning for
healthcare workers involved in ultrasound imaging
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