CHAPTER 4 • Fetal Biometry and Pregnancy Dating in the First Trimester
Accurate performance of an ultrasound examination in the first trimester is important
given its ability to confirm an intrauterine gestation, assess number and viability of
embryos or fetuses, accurately date the pregnancy, and diagnose major fetal
malformations. In this chapter, we present the approach and indications to the first
trimester ultrasound examination, the parameters of pregnancy dating, and the ultrasound
markers of pregnancy failure. Normal fetal anatomy and fetal malformations will be
discussed in detail in subsequent chapters.
The first trimester ultrasound examination can be performed transabdominally or
transvaginally. There is general consensus that, with rare exceptions, obstetrical
ultrasound examinations at less than 10 weeks of gestation are best performed
transvaginally. The transvaginal approach provides for higher resolution than the
transabdominal approach and positions the transducer in close proximity to the target
anatomic region (gestational sac). Beyond the 12th week of gestation, the
transabdominal approach with high-resolution transducers and with optimal imaging can
provide sufficient details to allow for systemic assessment of fetal anatomy. In the
presence of first trimester suspected fetal malformations, a combined transabdominal
and transvaginal approach is recommended.
There is currently varying opinions on whether the first trimester ultrasound examination
is offered routinely to all pregnant women or is indication driven.1,2 Indications for the
first trimester ultrasound are many and most pregnant women in resourced settings••••••••••
receive at least one such ultrasound during their pregnancies. With mounting evidence
on the important role of the first trimester ultrasound in pregnancy dating, aneuploidy
risk assessment, diagnosis of multiple pregnancies, and in detection of major fetal
malformations, the authors believe that ultrasound in early gestation will ultimately be
offered routinely to pregnant women. Table 4.1 lists common indications for the first
trimester ultrasound examination in pregnancy.
The normal intrauterine pregnancy undergoes significant and rapid change in the first
trimester, from a collection of undifferentiated cells to a fetus within an amniotic sac
connected to a placenta and a yolk sac. This significant progression can be seen on
ultrasound beginning with the chorionic sac, which is the first sonographic evidence of
pregnancy and progressing to the embryo and fetus with cardiac activity. Identifying
ultrasound landmarks and understanding its normal progression in the first trimester help
in confirming a normal pregnancy and in the diagnosis of pregnancy failure.
Table 4.1 • Common Indications for Ultrasound examination in the First
Pelvic pain
Vaginal bleeding
Unknown menstrual dates
Subjective feeling of pregnancy
Uterus greater or smaller than dates on clinical evaluation
Positive pregnancy test
Aneuploidy risk assessment and nuchal translucency measurement
Fetal anatomy survey
Ruling out multiple pregnancies
Gestational Sac
The gestational sac, also referred to as the chorionic cavity, is the first sonographic
evidence of pregnancy. The gestational sac on transvaginal ultrasound is first seen at 4
to 4.5 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) (Fig. 4.1). When the
gestational sac has a mean diameter of 2 to 4 mm, its borders appear echogenic, which
makes its demonstration easy (Fig. 4.1). The echogenic ring of the gestational sac is an
important ultrasound sign, which helps to differentiate it from intrauterine fluid or blood
collection (Fig. 4.2). The shape of the gestational sac is first circular but with the
appearance of the yolk sac and the embryo it becomes more ellipsoid (Fig. 4.3).Yolk Sac
The yolk sac is seen at 5 weeks of gestation (menstrual age) on transvaginal ultrasound,
as a small ring within the gestational sac with highly echogenic borders (Figs. 4.3 and
4.4). It has a diameter of around 2 mm at 6 weeks and increases slowly to around 6 mm
at 12 weeks. The first detection of the embryo by ultrasound is noted in close proximity
to the free wall of the yolk sac, because the yolk sac is connected to the embryo by the
vitelline duct. A small yolk sac with a diameter less than 3 mm between 6 and 10 weeks
or a diameter of more than 7 mm before 9 weeks is a cause for concern for an abnormal
pregnancy and thus this observation requires a follow-up ultrasound examination to
assess normalcy of pregnancy (Fig. 4.5A and B).
Figure 4.1: Midsagittal plane of a uterus with a gestational sac at 4.5 weeks of
gestation. Note the echogenic borders (arrows) of the gestational sac. The
echogenic borders (ring) of the gestational sac help to differentiate it from an
intrauterine fluid or blood collection. The fundus of the uterus is labeled for
orientation.Figure 4.2: Midsagittal (A) and transverse (B) planes of two uteri showing fluid
accumulation (asterisk) between the decidual layers. This finding should not be
confused with an intrauterine gestational sac. See text for details.
The amniotic sac develops as a thin echogenic structure surrounding the embryo (Fig.
4.6). The amniotic sac appears following the appearance of the yolk sac and just before
the appearance of the embryo. Whereas the gestational sac shows variations in size and
shape, the growth of the amniotic sac is closely related to that of the embryo between 6and 10 weeks of gestation.
The embryo is first seen on transvaginal ultrasound as a focal thickening on top of the
yolk sac, at around the fifth menstrual week (Fig. 4.7). First cardiac activity is typically
seen by 6 to 6.5 weeks. The embryo can be recognized by high-resolution transvaginal
ultrasound at the 2 to 3 mm length size (Fig. 4.7), but cardiac activity can be consistently
seen when the embryo reaches a 5 to 7 mm in length or greater. Embryonic heart rate
increases rapidly in early gestation being around 100 to 115 before 6 weeks, rising to
145 to 170 at 8 weeks, and dropping down to a plateau of 137 to 144 after 9 weeks of
gestation. The size of the embryo increases rapidly by approximately 1 mm per day in
length. Note that the embryo develops within the amniotic cavity and is referred to as
intraamniotic whereas the yolk sac is outside of the amniotic cavity and is referred to as
extraamniotic. The fluid that the yolk sac in embedded within is the extraembryonic
Figure 4.3: Midsagittal plane of a uterus with a gestational sac at 6 weeks of
gestation. Note the presence of a yolk sac and a small embryo. The shape of
the gestational sac is more ellipsoid than circular.Figure 4.4: Midsagittal plane of a uterus with a gestational sac at 5.5 weeks of
gestation. Note the yolk sac seen within the gestational sac with highly
echogenic borders.
The appearance of the embryo on ultrasound changes from 6 to 12 weeks of
gestation. At 6 weeks of gestation, the embryo appears as a thin cylinder with no
discernible body parts, “the grain of rice appearance” (Fig. 4.8). As gestational age
advances, the embryo develops body curvature and clear delineation on ultrasound of a
head, chest, abdomen, and extremities, “the gummy-bear appearance” (Figs. 4.9 and
4.10). Clear delineation of a head, chest, abdomen, and extremities on gray scale
ultrasound is noted at 10 weeks of gestation and beyond (Fig. 4.11). Close observation
of anatomic details on transvaginal ultrasound at or beyond 12 weeks of gestation may
allow for the diagnosis of major fetal malformations. This will be discussed in detail in
Chapters 8 to 14, organized by anatomic organ system.
One of the most important aspects of the first trimester obstetric ultrasound is pregnancy
dating as this is accomplished by performing few simple biometric measurements: (1)
the gestational sac diameter, when no embryo is seen; (2) the length of the embryo, or
crown-rump length (CRL); (3) in the late first trimester (12 to 14 weeks), the biparietal
diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC), and femur
length (FL). Obtained biometric values are compared to established reference ranges to
provide for accurate dating. With an accurate ultrasound-derived gestational age in the
first and second trimesters of pregnancy, ultrasound can reliably date a pregnancy with
unknown dates and establish an estimated date of delivery with accuracy.Figure 4.5: A and B: Two gestational sacs with abnormal size of yolk sacs:
small in A and large in B. Abnormal size of yolk sacs is a concern for an
abnormal pregnancy and follow-up ultrasound is recommended.
Figure 4.6: Gestational sac at 7 weeks of gestation. The amniotic sac is seen
as a thin reflective circular membrane. The yolk sac and vitelline duct are seen
as extraamniotic structures.Figure 4.7: Transvaginal ultrasound of a gestational sac with an embryo
measuring 1.8 mm in size. Note the proximal location of the yolk sac to the
Figure 4.8: Gestational sac at 6 weeks with an embryo measuring 5.1 mm in
crown-rump length (CRL). Note the straight shape of the embryo, resembling a
“grain of rice.” The yolk sac is seen adjacent to the embryo. GA, gestational
age.Figure 4.9: Gestational sac with an embryo at 8 weeks. Note the body
curvature of the embryo, resembling a “gummy bear” in shape. The yolk sac is
seen adjacent to the embryo.
Figure 4.10: Three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode of a fetus at 8
weeks of gestation showing the body curvature of the embryo, resembling a“ •
gummy bear” in shape. The yolk sac is seen adjacent to the embryo and the
vitelline duct is seen connecting the yolk sac to the umbilical cord.
In clinical medicine, the age of an embryo or a fetus is expressed in weeks of
gestation and not in months, and these weeks are calculated from the first day of the
LMP, which corresponds to two additional weeks from the date of conception.
Gestational age is therefore calculated from the first day of the LMP and roughly
corresponds to the dates of conception plus about 14 days. Ultrasound equipment has an
integrated calculator, which calculates the estimated date of delivery as the LMP is
entered. Formulas for calculating gestational age from various biometric measurements
are also part of the software of ultrasound equipment.
Figure 4.11: Gestational sac with an embryo at 10 weeks of gestation. Note
the clear delineation of a head, chest, abdomen, and extremities. CRL, crownrump length.
In estimating gestational age by ultrasound, it is important to remember these critical
Once an established date of delivery is assigned to a pregnancy following an
ultrasound examination, irrespective of whether the assigned established dates were
those by ultrasound or by menstrual dates, these dates should not be changed later on
in pregnancy.• • •
If a patient reports no menstrual dates, ultrasound in the first or second trimester
should date the pregnancy and establish the estimated date of delivery.
If the ultrasound biometric measurements vary from the menstrual dates by more than 5
to 7 days in the first trimester, then ultrasound should be used to establish the date of
Ultrasound dating of pregnancy is most accurate in the first trimester.
Biometric measurements for first trimester dating include the mean gestational sac
diameter (MSD), the CRL and the fetal BPD and HC (greater than 11 weeks). The most
accurate and reproducible biometric measurement is the CRL and should be the
preferred biometric measurement for pregnancy dating when feasible.
Mean Sac Diameter
Because the gestational sac is the first evidence of pregnancy on ultrasound and is first
visualized within the endometrial cavity at 4 to 4.5 weeks after the LMP, its detection
and measurement can be used to confirm and date a pregnancy. The biometric
measurement for pregnancy dating uses the MSD, calculated as the arithmetic mean
diameters derived from its greatest sagittal, transverse, and coronal planes (Fig. 4.12A
and B). The presence of a gestational sac in the endometrial cavity confirms the
presence of an intrauterine pregnancy but not the viability of the embryo. The presence
of a gestational sac within the endometrial cavity without an embryo, suggests that the
pregnancy is at 5 to 6 weeks of gestation. It is not recommended to rely solely on the
MSD for estimating the due date, as the CRL is a more precise dating method and
should be the preferred choice.
Crown-Rump Length
The CRL corresponds to the length of the embryo in millimeters. Although the name
implies a measurement from the crown to the rump of the embryo, the actual
measurement corresponds to the longest “straight line” distance from the top of the head
to the rump of the embryo/fetus (Figs. 4.7, 4.8, 4.11, and 4.13), despite the noted body
curvature. The CRL measurements are more accurate in the embryo/fetal neutral
position and between 11+0 and 13+6 weeks of gestation. When measuring the CRL, the
operator should use the mean of three discrete measurements, obtained in a midsagittal
plane of the embryo/fetus. It is recommended to follow these parameters when dating a
pregnancy in the first trimester (<14 weeks) by CRL:F • •
igure 4.12: A and B: Measurements of the mean sac diameter (MSD) of a
gestational sac at 5 weeks. The MSD is calculated as the arithmetic mean
diameters derived from its greatest sagittal (1), transverse (2) in A and coronal
planes (1) in B.
Figure 4.13: Crown-rump length (CRL) measurement of a fetus at 12 + 5
weeks of gestation. Note that the CRL measurement corresponds to the
longest straight line from the top of the head to the rump region. GA,
gestational age.
For pregnancies at less than 9 weeks of gestation, a discrepancy of more than 5 days
from LMP is an appropriate reason for changing the expected date of delivery
For pregnancies between 9 and 13 6/7 weeks of gestation, a discrepancy of more than7 days should result in a change in the EDD.3
The CRL increases rapidly at a rate of approximately 1.1 mm per day. An
approximate formula to calculate gestational age from the CRL is gestational age in days
= CRL (mm) + 42; however, this may not be needed because most ultrasound equipment
have integrated software, which allows gestational age determination upon measurement
of CRL or other biometric data.
Figure 4.14: Biparietal diameter (BPD) measurement of a fetus at 13 weeks of
gestation. According to the setting used, the measurement is achieved either
outside to outside (A) or outside to inside (B). See Table 4.2 for details.
Biparietal Diameter
Measurement of the BPD, HC, AC, and FL in the first trimester is typically performed at
12 to 14 weeks and follows the same anatomic landmarks as those in the second and
third trimesters. The BPD is measured in an axial plane of the fetal head at the level of
the thalami (Fig. 4.14). Sonographic landmarks identifying the correct BPD plane are
listed in Table 4.2. In some settings, the BPD is measured by placing the near and far
calipers on the outside of the proximal and distal parietal bones (Fig. 4.14A) and in
other settings, the near caliper is placed on the outside of the parietal bone and the far
caliper is placed on the inside of the parietal bone (Fig. 4.14B). Readers should
conform to their regional standards for BPD measurements.
Head Circumference•••••••••••••
The HC is measured in the trans-thalamic axial view, which is the same plane as that for
the BPD measurement (Fig . 4.15). We recommend that you perform the HC
measurement following the BPD measurement. This approach allows the operator to
utilize the calipers placed for BPD measurement, which expedites the process. It is of
note that when the HC is being measured, the lower caliper from the BPD diameter
should be moved to the outer bony parietal edge (Fig. 4.15).
Table 4.2 • Sonographic Landmarks for the Measurement of the Biparietal
Diameter (BPD) Plane
Focal zone at appropriate level
Image magnified
Axial plane of the fetal head
Symmetric appearance of cerebral hemispheres
Midline falx imaged
Thalami imaged
Cavum septi pellucidi imageda
Insula imageda
No cerebellum visualized
Near caliper on outside edge of bone
Far caliper on inside/outside edge of bone (see text)
Measurement at widest diameter
Measurement perpendicular to falx
aNot visible in the first trimester•
Figure 4.15: Head circumference (HC) measurement of a fetus at 13 + 5
weeks of gestation. Note that the calipers are placed outside to outside for HC
measurement. GA, gestational age.
Abdominal Circumference
The AC is measured on a transverse (axial) section of the upper fetal abdomen.
Sonographic landmarks identifying the correct plane for the AC measurement are listed
in Table 4.3 and Figure 4.16.
Femur Length
In order to optimize the measurement of the FL, the whole femur diaphysis should be
displayed on the screen, and the angle between the insonating beam and the shaft of the
femur should be kept in the range of 45 to 90 degrees in order to avoid underestimating
the length of the femur due to ultrasound wave deflection (Fig. 4.17). The longest
visible diaphysis should be measured by placing each caliper at the end of the
diaphysis. Femur measurements can be difficult to perform in early gestation, as the
diaphyseal segment of the bone is not fully ossified. Sonographic landmarks identifying
the correct plane for the FL measurement are listed in Table 4.4.
Table 4.3 • Sonographic Landmarks for the Measurement of the
Abdominal Circumference (AC) Plane
Focal zone at appropriate level••••••••••
Image magnified
Axial plane of the abdomen
Abdomen as circular as possible
Spine imaged in cross section in 3- or 9-o’clock position if possible
Stomach bubble imaged
Intrahepatic portion of the umbilical vein imaged in a short segmenta
No more than one rib visible on either side laterally
Kidneys not to be visualized in the image
Surrounding skin seen in its entirety if possiblea
Measurement of circumference ellipse on outside edge of skina
aNot clearly visible in the first trimester
Figure 4.16: Abdominal circumference (AC) measurement of a fetus at 13
weeks of gestation. See Table 4.3 for details. GA, gestational age.••••••
Figure 4.17: Femur length (FL) measurement of a fetus at 13 weeks of
gestation. See Table 4.4 for details. GA, gestational age.
Table 4.4 • Sonographic Landmarks for the Measurement of the Femur
Length (FL)
Focal zone at appropriate level
Image magnified
Whole femur diaphysis imaged
Ultrasound beam perpendicular to long axis of femur
Calipers placed at end of diaphysis
Longest visible diaphysis is measured
Pregnancy failure can occur in up to 10% to 15% of pregnancies. Suspected pregnancy
failure is thus a common indication for ultrasound examination in the first trimester. The
diagnosis can often be made by ultrasound, typically before symptoms develop by
patients. Depending on the gestational age of pregnancy, several scenarios can be• • •• ••
• •• •
Pregnancy confirmed by a positive pregnancy test but no gestational sac is noted in the
uterine cavity by ultrasound, suggesting the differential diagnosis of an incomplete
miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, or an early intrauterine pregnancy that is not yet
recognizable by transvaginal ultrasound.
Gestational sac noted by transvaginal ultrasound, but no signs of embryo or yolk sac
within it.
An embryo visualized on transvaginal ultrasound, but no cardiac activity detected.
An embryo with cardiac activity detected, but various measurements are out of range
(heart rate, size of yolk sac, embryo, amniotic sac, etc.).
Presence of subchorionic bleeding, with or without clinical signs of bleeding.
Abnormal anatomic appearance of the embryo.
In many conditions, if the health of the patient is not in danger (bleeding, pain etc.)
and an ectopic pregnancy is not in the differential diagnosis, a follow-up ultrasound
examination is helpful to assess for change in the ultrasound findings and in confirming
the suspected diagnosis. Given that the developing gestational sac undergoes notable
significant change on a weekly basis in the first trimester, follow-up ultrasound that fails
to show a noticeable change after 1 week or more casts a poor prognostic sign and can
confirm the diagnosis of a suspected failed pregnancy. The presence of subchorionic
bleeding is generally associated with a good outcome in the absence of other markers of
pregnancy failure (see Chapter 15). It is the opinion of the authors that in the absence of
specific findings of failed pregnancy, conservative management with follow-up
ultrasound examination is helpful in the evaluation of a suspected failed pregnancy in
early gestation. Table 4.5 lists specific findings of failed pregnancy in the first
trimester, which when noted can establish the diagnosis without a need for a follow-up
Table 4.5 • Diagnostic Signs of Early Pregnancy Failure in the First
Crown-rump length of equal to or greater than 7 mm without cardiac
Mean sac diameter of equal to or greater than 25 mm without an embryo
Absence of embryo with heartbeat at two or more weeks after an
ultrasound that showed a gestational sac without a yolk sac
Absence of embryo with heartbeat at 11 days or more after an ultrasound
that showed a gestational sac with a yolk sac
The first trimester ultrasound examination is an important step in the evaluation of the1.
pregnancy as it allows for confirmation of an intrauterine gestation, accurate pregnancy
dating, and evaluation of fetal anatomy. It is of note that significant change occurs in the
first trimester and this change can be detected by transvaginal ultrasound examination.
Sequential steps of the normal development of the pregnancy should be known in order
to better compare the actual ultrasound findings with the corresponding gestational age.
This is the basic knowledge that is needed in order to differentiate a normal from an
abnormal gestation. Following chapters in this book provide detailed evaluation for
screening and diagnosis of major fetal malformations in the first trimester of pregnancy.
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