Chapter 49. General Considerations and Maternal Evaluation. Will Obs

 General Considerations and Maternal Evaluation

BS. Nguyễn Hồng Anh

Pregnant women are susceptible to any meical an surgical

disorder that can aect women of childbearing age. Chronic

illnesses oten precee pregnancy, an an acute conition can

complicate an otherwise normal pregnancy. Both chronic an

acute disorders raise the risk for antepartum hospitalization.

Approximately 10 per 100 pregnant women incur an antepartum amission, an one thir are or nonobstetrical con-

itions that inclue renal, pulmonary, an inectious iseases

(Gazmararian, 2002). Te hospitalization rate ue to trauma

approximates 4 amissions per 1000 eliveries (Kuo, 2007).

Tose with intellectual an evelopmental isabilities have a

higher incience o hospitalization (Mitra, 2018). Last, 1 to

2 percent o pregnant women will unergo a nonobstetrical

surgical proceure (olcher, 2018).

Obstetricians should have a working knowledge of the

wie-ranging meical isorers common to chilbearing-age

women. Many o these are within the purview o the general

obstetrician. Other isorers, however, will warrant consultation with specialists in maternal-etal meicine, an still others require a multiisciplinary team. Te latter may inclue internists an meical subspecialists, surgeons, an anesthesiologists (Levine, 2016). Te Society or Maternal-Fetal Meicine

(2014) has reene aspects o maternal care an propose

conitions requiring specialize care.

reatment shoul never be withhel because a woman is

pregnant. o ensure this an allow or iniviualize care, several questions must be aresse:

• What management would be recommended if the woman

were not pregnant?

• If the proposed management is dierent because the woman

is pregnant, can this be justie?

• What are the risks and benets to the mother and her fetus,

an are they counter to each other?

• Can an individualized management plan be devised that balances risks versus benets?



Pregnancy inuces physiological changes in virtually all organ

systems. Many of these are discussed in Chapter 4 and in the

subsequent chapters in this section. In turn, numerous laboratory test results also are normally altere. Some values woul be

considered abnormal in the nonpregnant woman. Conversely,

some may appear to be within a normal range but are eci-

ely abnormal or the gravia. Tese changes may complicate

the evaluation o coexisting conitions. o ai interpretation,

normal laboratory values in pregnancy are liste in the Appen-

ix (p. 1227).


Fortunately, most meications neee to treat requently

encountere illnesses in pregnancy can be given with relative saety (Briggs, 2017). Tat sai, notable exceptions are

considered in Chapter 8 and throughout this text. e risks

an benets o meication use uring pregnancy an lactation

are outline in rug labels using the Pregnancy an Lactation

Labeling Rule (PLLR) requirement rom the U.S. Foo an

Drug Aministration (FDA).


Te chances o averse maternal an perinatal outcomes ollowing nonobstetrical surgery uring pregnancy are relatively

low and cannot be separated from risks of the underlying condition (Balinskaite, 2017). However, risks are likely greater

with complications. Compared with simple appendicitis, per-

orate appenicitis with eculent peritonitis has signicantly

higher maternal an perinatal morbiity an mortality rates

even i surgical an anesthetic techniques are awless. Moreover, procedure-related complications may adversely aect outcomes. For example, a woman who has uncomplicate removal

of an inamed appendix may suer aspiration of acidic gastric

contents uring tracheal intubation or extubation.

■ Maternal Morbidity

Te most requent nonobstetrical surgical proceures per-

orme uring pregnancy are appenectomy, cholecystectomy,

an anexal surgery (Vujic, 2019; Yu, 2018). Postoperative

complications in nonpregnant patients can similarly harm

gravid women. However, data comparing these complications in these two groups are conicting. Te National Surgical Quality Improvement Program showed that morbidity

and mortality rates from nonobstetrical surgery did not dier

between pregnant and nonpregnant women (Moore, 2015). In

a aiwanese cohort o nearly 5600 gravias, the inectious postoperative complication rate was slightly higher an the mortality rate was ourol greater than those rates in nonpregnant

women (Huang, 2016).

Te reporte postoperative complication rate in gravias

approximates 5 percent, an the maternal mortality rate in

these cases is <1 percent (Huang, 2016; Vujic, 2019). Moreover, preoperative inection, specically sepsis, is associate

with a higher risk of maternal death (Erekson, 2012).

■ Perinatal Morbidity

Excessive perinatal morbidity associated with nonobstetrical surgery is also attributable in many cases to the isease

itsel rather than to surgery an anesthesia. wo- to threefold elevated risks for spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery,

preeclampsia, an cesarean elivery have been reporte (Yu,

2018). Balinskaite and associates (2017) identied a greater

risk of fetal death, preterm birth, fetal-growth restriction, and

cesarean elivery in 47,628 women unergoing nonobstetrical surgery. Most o these complications evelope in cases

perorme emergently (Vujic, 2019). Te Sweish Birth Registry provies valuable ata comparing perinatal outcomes in

women unergoing surgery with those o the general obstetrical population (Table 49-1) (Mazze, 1989). Te inciences o

congenital malormations an stillbirth were not signicantly

dierent from those of nonexposed newborns. However, inci-

ences o low birthweight, preterm birth, an neonatal eath

were signicantly higher. Increased neonatal death rates were

largely ue to prematurity.

Fetal abnormality rates are not associate with maternal surgery in early pregnancy. Källén an Mazze (1990) reporte a

nonsignicant relationship between elevate neural-tube eect

rates and operations performed at 4 to 5 weeks’ gestation. A

large atabase stuy oun no evience that anesthetic agents

were teratogenic (Czeizel, 1998). According to Briggs and

coworkers (2017), most inhalation anesthetic agents appear


More recently, concerns o neuroevelopmental harm with

the use o anesthetics or obstetrical or etal surgery have been

raised. In 2016, the FDA issued a warning regarding impaired

brain evelopment in chilren ollowing in utero exposure to

inhale isourane, sevourane, an esurane as well as intravenous propofol and midazolam. Such risks appear to accrue

ater 3 hours or more o exposure (Olutoye, 2018).


In the rst trimester, laparoscopy is the most common

proceure use or iagnosis an management o several

surgical disorders. In 2017, the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) updated its recommenations concerning laparoscopy use in pregnant women

(Table 49-2) (Pearl, 2017).

For pregnancy in general, laparotomy also is common. One

5-year stuy o almost 1300 pregnant women reporte that

open appenectomy was perorme in 36 percent o 857 gravi-

as compare with only 17 percent o nonpregnant patients.

O those unergoing cholecystectomy, an open approach was

use in 10 percent o 436 pregnant women compare with 5

percent of nonpregnant women (Silvestri, 2011). In a study

rom Japan, Shigemi an colleagues (2019) escribe 6018

pregnant women unergoing abominal surgery—4047

by laparotomy an 1971 by laparoscopy. Operative times,

hospital stay lengths, an rates o averse etal events an

bloo transusion were all greater in the laparotomy group

(Table 49-3). Others instea report equally satisactory outcomes

with either approach (Cox, 2016; Lee, 2019). Randomized

TABLE 49-1. Birth Outcomes in 5405 Pregnant Women

Medical and Surgical Complications

trials to compare benets and risks of laparoscopy versus laparotomy uring pregnancy are neee, but implementation

seems uneasible (Bunyavejchevin, 2013; Lee, 2019).

For anexal mass surgery in pregnancy, laparoscopy is preferred, and several studies conrm its relative safety (Daykan,

2016; Webb, 2015). In addition, laparoscopic splenectomy,

arenalectomy, an nephrectomy also have been escribe in

pregnant women (Asizare, 2014; Dong, 2014; Miller, 2012).

When rst used, 26 to 28 weeks became the upper

gestational-age limit recommended. However, as experience

has accrue, many now escribe laparoscopic surgery performed in the third trimester (Shigemi, 2019). In one report,

a thir o gravias unergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy

or appenectomy were >26 weeks’ gestation (Rollins, 2004).

No serious adverse sequelae are linked to these procedures, and

laparoscopy can saely be perorme in all trimesters.

■ Hemodynamic Effects

Precise eects of laparoscopy in the human fetus are unknown,

but animal investigations are inormative. During laparoscopy, require abominal insuation causes hemoynamic

changes that are summarize in Table 49-4. Reey an associates (1995) stuie baboons at the human equivalent o 22 to

26 weeks’ gestation. No substantive physiological changes were

found with insuation pressures of 10 mm Hg, but 20 mm

Hg caused signicant maternal cardiovascular and respiratory

changes ater 20 minutes. Tese inclue aster respiratory rate,

respiratory aciosis, iminishe cariac output, an increase

pulmonary artery and capillary wedge pressures. In pregnant

ewes, uteroplacental bloo ow eclines when intraperitoneal

insuation pressure exceeded 15 mm Hg (Barnard, 1995;

Hunter, 1995). is stemmed from decreased perfusion pressure an elevate placental vessel resistance (see able 49-4).

In women, cardiorespiratory changes are generally not severe

i insuation pressures remain <15 mm Hg. Despite maintaining these low insuation pressures in women at mipregnancy, the cariac inex roppe 26 percent ater 5 minutes

of insuation and 21 percent after 15 minutes (Steinbrook,

2001). Even so, mean arterial pressures, systemic vascular resistance, an heart rate i not change signicantly.

■ Technique

Te ollowing is an overview o laparoscopic technique in

pregnancy. For a etaile escription an illustrations reer to

Chapter 15 in Cunningham and Gilstrap’s Operative Obstetrics,

3r eition (Kho, 2017).

Preparation for laparoscopy diers little from that used for laparotomy. Bowel cleansing is not neee but may ai visualization

an manipulations by emptying the colon. Nasogastric or orogastric decompression reduces the risk of stomach trocar puncture

an aspiration. Aortocaval compression is avoie by a let-lateral

tilt of the patient’s body. Positioning of the lower extremities in

boot-type stirrups maintains access to the vagina or etal sonographic assessment or manual uterine displacement. Intrauterine

manipulators are logically avoie. Pregnancy-relate hypercoagulability combine with pneumoperitoneum- associate,

lower-extremity venous stasis raises venous thromboembolism

risks. Prophylactic pneumatic compression devices are wrapped

aroun the calves uring patient positioning.

Most reports escribe the use o general enotracheal anesthesia with monitoring of end-tidal carbon dioxide—EtCO2

(Hong, 2006; Ribic-Pucelj, 2007). With controlled ventilation,

EtCO2 is maintained between 30 and 35 mm Hg.

Beyon the rst trimester, technical moications o stan-

ar pelvic laparoscopic entry are require to avoi uterine

TABLE 49-2. Some Guidelines from the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) for

Laparoscopic Surgery in Pregnant Women

Indications—same as for nonpregnant women

Investigation of acute abdominal processes

Excision of an adnexal mass

Appendectomy, cholecystectomy, nephrectomy, adrenalectomy, splenectomy


Position: lateral recumbent

Entry: open Hasson technique, careful Veress needle, or optical trocar; fundal height may alter insertion site selection

Secondary trocars: direct visualization for placement; gravid uterus may alter insertion site selection

CO2 insufflation pressures: 10–15 mm Hg

Monitoring: capnography intraoperatively, FHR assessment pre- and postoperatively

Perioperative pneumatic compression devices and early postoperative ambulation

CO2 = carbon dioxide; FHR = fetal heart rate.

TABLE 49-3. Comparative Outcomes in Pregnant

Women Undergoing Abdominal Surgery

puncture or laceration (Fig. 49-1). Many recommen open

entry techniques to avoi perorations o the uterus, pelvic

vessels, and adnexa. With the method described by Hasson

(1971, 1974), the abomen is incise at or above the umbilicus, an the peritoneal cavity entere uner irect visualization

(Fig. 49-2). At this point, the cannula is connecte to the

insuation system, and a 12–mm Hg pneumoperitoneum is

create. Te initial insuation shoul be conucte slowly

to allow or prompt assessment an reversal o any untowar

pressure-related eects. Gas leakage around the cannula is managed by tightening the surrounding skin with a towel clamp.

Insertion of secondary trocars into the abdomen is most safely

perorme uner irect laparoscopic viewing. Single-port surgery also has been escribe (Dursun, 2013).

In more advanced pregnancies, direct entry through a left

upper quarant port in the miclavicular line, 2 cm beneath

the costal margin, may better avoid the fundus (Donkervoort,

2011; Stepp, 2004). Known as the Palmer point, this entry site

is also use in gynecological laparoscopy because visceroparietal

ahesions inrequently orm here (Vilos, 2007).

Gasless laparoscopy is a less commonly selecte alternative

approach that uses a ro with intraabominal an-blae-shape

FIGURE 49-1 Pregnant uterus at 10, 20, and 36 weeks’ gestation depicting distortion of other intraperitoneal organs. (Reproduced with

permission from Kho KA: Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy. In Yeomans ER, Hoffman BL, Gilstrap LC III, et al (eds): Cunningham and

Gilstrap’s Operative Obstetrics, 3rd ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2017.)

TABLE 49-4. Physiological Effects of CO2 Insufflation of the Peritoneal Cavity

retractors. When opened, these allow the abdominal wall to be

lifted upward. It avoids the typical laparoscopic cardiovascular

changes because abominal wall elevation is create by retraction rather than insuation (Phupong, 2007).

■ Complications

Risks inherent to any abdominal endoscopic procedure are

probably slightly greater uring pregnancy. Te obvious unique

one is peroration o the pregnant uterus with a trocar or Veress

neele (Kizer, 2011; Mala, 2014). Tat sai, reporte complications are infrequent (Choi, 2021; Koo, 2012; Post, 2019).

■ Perinatal Outcomes

Perinatal outcomes in women are limite to observational stu-

ies. Reey an colleagues (1997) use the upate Sweish

Birth Registry atabase to analyze a 20-year perio with more

than 2 million eliveries. O 2181 laparoscopic proceures,

most were perorme uring the rst trimester. Perinatal outcomes or these women were compare with those o all women

in the atabase an those unergoing open surgical proce-

ures. Tese investigators conrme the earlier nings o an

increased risk of low birthweight, preterm delivery, and fetalgrowth restriction with surgery during pregnancy. Dierences

were not oun, however, in outcomes o women unergoing

laparoscopy versus laparotomy. An observational stuy o 262

women unergoing surgery or an anexal mass note similar

nings (Koo, 2012). Although the abortion an stillbirth rates

are low with abominal surgery, laparotomy has more averse

outcomes compare with laparoscopy (see able 49-3).


Imaging modalities are used as adjuncts for diagnosis and therapy

uring pregnancy. Options inclue sonography, raiography,

computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance (MR)

imaging. Of these, radiography is the most problematic. Inevitably, some raiographic proceures are perorme beore

recognition o early pregnancy, usually because o trauma or

serious illness (Herfel, 2018). Fortunately, most diagnostic

radiographic procedures are associated with minimal fetal risks.

However, as with medications, these procedures may lead to a

neeless therapeutic abortion because o patient or physician

anxiety or to litigation i pregnancy outcome is averse.

e American College of Radiology (ACR) has addressed

the growing concern o collective raiation oses in all els

o meicine (Amis, 2007). More recent publications have

been in support of FDA eorts to decrease radiation exposure an to reuce the number o unnecessary examinations.

Recommenations also inclue consierations or raiosensitive populations, such as chilren an pregnant or potentially

pregnant women. At our institutions, special recommenations

are mae or gravias. Raiation exposure values an uration

are recorded and monitored in high-exposure areas such as CT

an uoroscopy units. Last, consultation with the raiologist is

advised (Chansakul, 2017).

■ Ionizing Radiation

Te term radiation reers to energy transmission an thus is

applie to x-rays an also to microwaves, ultrasoun, iathermy, an raio waves. O these, x-rays an gamma rays

have short wavelengths with very high energy an are ionizing

raiation orms. Te other our energy orms have rather long

wavelengths an low energy (Brent, 2009).

Ionizing radiation can directly damage DNA or can create

free hydroxyl radicals that in turn damage DNA (Hall, 1991;

National Research Council, 1990). Methods of measuring the

eects of x-rays are summarized in Table 49-5. Te stanar

terms use areexposure(in air),dose(to tissue), anrelative efective

dose (to tissue accounting for biological eects). In the range of

FIGURE 49-2 Hasson open entry technique for laparoscopic instrument placement. A. Fascia grasped with two Allis clamps and elevated

prior to sharp incision. B. Two fascial stitches incorporate the peritoneum and fascia. C. These fascial sutures are wrapped around holders of

the Hasson cannula to anchor it in place. (Reproduced with permission from Kho KA: Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy. In Yeomans ER,

Hoffman BL, Gilstrap LC III, et al (eds): Cunningham and Gilstrap’s Operative Obstetrics, 3rd ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2017.)

As note, x- an gamma-raiation at high oses can amage

DNA, and this yields two biological eects in the fetus (Brent,

2009). Tese are deterministic efects an stochastic efects.

■ Deterministic Effects

One potential harm o raiation exposure is eterministic, which

may result in abortion, growth restriction, congenital malormations, or intellectual disability. ese deterministic eects

are threshold eects, and the threshold level is the NOAEL—no

observed adverse efect level (Brent, 2009). Although controversial, the NOAEL concept supports that there is no risk below

the threshold dose of 0.05 Gy or 5 rad. It also suggests that

the threshold for gross fetal malformations is more likely to be

0.2 Gy (20 ra) (Lowe, 2020).

e deterministic eects of ionizing radiation have been

extensively stuie or cell amage that leas to isorere

embryogenesis. Tese have been assesse in animal moels as

well as in Japanese atomic bomb survivors an the Oxor Survey of Childhood Cancers (Sorahan, 1995). Other sources have

conrme prior observations an provie aitional inormation (Groen, 2012).

Animal Studies

In the mouse model, the lethality risk is highest during the

preimplantation perio, which extens up to 10 ays postconception (Kanter, 2014). Blastomere estruction cause by

chromosomal damage is the likely cause (Hall, 1991).

During organogenesis, high-ose raiation—1 Gy or 100

rad—is more likely to cause malformations and growth restriction and less likely to be lethal. Studies of brain development

suggest eects on neuronal development and a window of cortical sensitivity in early and midfetal periods. Instead, acute lowdose ionizing radiation appears to have no deleterious eects

(Howell, 2013).

Human Data

Data on adverse human eects of high-dose ionizing radiation

mostly derive from the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and

Nagasaki (Greskovich, 2000; Otake, 1987). e International

Commission on Radiological Protection (2003) conrmed initial studies showing that the risk of severe intellectual disability

was greatest between 8 and 15 weeks’ gestation (Table 49-6)

(American College of Radiology, 2018). e mean decrease in

intelligence quotient (IQ) scores was 25 points per Gy or 100

ra. Te ose response appears linear, but it is unclear whether

there is a threshol ose. At <8 weeks’ or >25 weeks’ gestation, a higher risk of intellectual disability in humans has not

been ocumente, even with oses exceeing 0.5 Gy or 50 ra

(International Commission on Radiological Protection, 2003).

Most estimates err on the conservative sie by assuming a linear

nonthreshold hypothesis. In a study of fetuses exposed to a low

raiation ose in the rst trimester, Guilbau an colleagues

TABLE 49-5. Some Measures of Ionizing Radiation

Exposure Number of ions produced by x-rays per kg

of air

Unit: roentgen (R)

Dose Amount of energy deposited per kg of


Modern unit: gray (Gy) (1 Gy = 100 rad)

(1000 mGy = 1 Gy)

Traditional unit: rad




Amount of energy deposited per kg

of tissue normalized for biological


(1000 mSv = 1 Sv)

Modern unit: sievert (Sv) (1 Sv = 100 rem)

Traditional unit: rem

TABLE 49-6. Deterministic Effects of Ionizing Radiation in Pregnancy





<50 mGy

(<5 rad) 50–100 mGy (5–10 rad) >100 mGy (>10 rad)

0–2 — None None None

3–4 1–2 None Probably none Low risk of spontaneous abortion

5–10 3–8 None Potential uncertain and probably too subtle

to be clinically detectable

Possible malformations increasing in

likelihood as dose increases

11–17 9–15 None Potential uncertain and probably too subtle

to be clinically detectable

Risk of decreased IQ or of mental retardation,

increasing in frequency and severity with

increasing dose

18–27 16–25 None None IQ deficits not detectable at diagnostic


>27 >25 None None None applicable to diagnostic exposures

CA = conceptional age; GA = gestational age; IQ = intelligence quotient.872

Section 12

Medical and Surgical Complications

(2019) did not nd an increased risk for miscarriage, congenital

anomalies, or etal-growth restriction.

Reports have escribe high-ose raiation use to treat

women or malignancy, menorrhagia, an uterine myomas.

Dekaban (1968) described 22 infants with microcephaly, intellectual isability, or both ollowing exposure in the rst hal o

pregnancy to an estimate 2.5 Gy or 250 ra or therapeutic

raiation. Tese oses are also carcinogenic or the etus (Brent,


Summary of Fetal Radiation Exposure

From 8 to 15 weeks’ gestation, the fetus is most susceptible

to raiation-inuce intellectual isability (see able 49-6).

Whether this is a threshold or nonthreshold linear function

of dose is unresolved. e Committee on Biological Eects

(1990) estimates the risk of severe intellectual disability to be

as low as 4 percent or 0.1 Gy (10 ra) an as high as 60 percent or 1.5 Gy (150 ra). Recall that these oses are 2 to 100

times higher than those consiere maximal rom iagnostic

radiation. Importantly, cumulative doses from multiple procedures may reach the harmful range, especially at 8 to 15 weeks’

gestation. At 16 to 25 weeks’ gestation, the risk is less, and there

is no proven risk before 8 weeks or after 25 weeks (American

College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2017).

Embryofetal risks from low-dose diagnostic radiation appear

to be minimal. Current evidence suggests that risks for mal-

ormations, growth restriction, or spontaneous abortion are

not increase rom a raiation ose o less than 0.05 Gy (5

ra). Brent (2009) conclue that gross congenital malormation rates woul not be greater with exposure to less than

0.2 Gy (20 ra). Diagnostic raiographs selom excee 0.1 Gy

(10 rad) and thus, these procedures are unlikely to cause deterministic eects (Strzelczyk, 2007). As emphasized by Groen

and coworkers (2012), 0.1 Gy is the radiation equivalent to

that rom more than 1000 chest x-rays.

■ Stochastic Effects

ese eects refer to random, presumably unpredictable oncogenic or mutagenic eects of radiation exposure. Stochastic

eects concern associations between fetal diagnostic radiation

exposure and increased risk of childhood cancers or genetic

diseases. Excess cancers can result from in utero exposure to

oses as low as 0.01 Sv or 1 ra (Doll, 1997; National Research

Council, 2006). e estimated risk of childhood cancer following fetal exposure to 0.03 Gy or 3 rad doubles the background

risk of 1 cancer in 600 exposed fetuses to that of 2 in 600

(Hurwitz, 2006).

In one report, in utero radiation exposure was linked to 10

soli cancers in aults rom age 17 to 45 years. Tere was a

ose-response relationship as previously note at the 0.1 Sv

or 10 rem threshold. ese cancers likely are associated with

a complex series o interactions between DNA an ionizing

radiation. ese interactions make it more problematic to predict cancer risk from low-dose radiation of less than 10 rem.

Importantly, below doses of 0.1 to 0.2 Sv, evidence of a carcinogenic eect is not convincing (Brent, 2009, 2014; Preston,

2008; Strzelczyk, 2007).

■ XRay Dosimetry

Estimates of dose to the uterus and embryo for various frequently use raiographic examinations are summarize in

Table 49-7. Imaging of maternal body parts farthest from

the uterus results in a very small ose o raiation scatter to

the embryo or etus. Te size o the woman, raiographic

technique, an equipment perormance are other variables

(Wagner, 1997). us, data in the table serve only as guidelines.

When the radiation dose for a specic individual is required,

a medical physicist should be consulted. e Health Physics

Society lists answers to questions commonly asked by patients

(Health Physics Society, 2020).

TABLE 49-7. Dose to the Uterus for Common Radiologic Procedures

Study View

Dosea per View

(mGy) No. Filmsb Dose (mGy)

Skullc AP, PA, Lat <0.0001 4.1 <0.0005

Chest AP, PAc, Latd <0.0001–0.0008 1.5 0.0002–0.0007

Mammogramd CC, Lat <0.0003–0.0005 4.0 0.0007–0.002

Lumbosacral spinee AP, Lat 1.14–2.2 3.4 1.76–3.6

Abdomene AP 1.0 0.8–1.63

Intravenous pyelograme 3 views 5.5 6.9–14

Hipb (single) AP 0.7–1.4

2.0 1–2

Lat 0.18–0.51

aCalculated for x-ray beams with half-value layers ranging from 2 to 4 mm aluminum


bBased on data and methods reported by Laws, 1978.

cEntrance exposure data from Conway, 1989.

dEstimates based on compilation of above data.

eBased on NEXT data reported in National Council on Radiation Protection and

Measurements, 1989.

AP = anterior-posterior; CC = cranial-caudal; Lat = lateral; PA = posterior-anterior.General Considerations and Maternal Evaluation 873


■ Therapeutic Radiation

e Radiation erapy Committee Task Group of the American

Association o Physics in Meicine emphasizes careul iniviualization o cancer raiotherapy or the pregnant woman (Stovall,

1995). In some cases, shielding of the fetus and other safeguards

can be employed (Fenig, 2001; Nuyttens, 2002). However, in

other instances, the etus will be expose to angerous raiation

oses, an a careully esigne plan must be improvise (Prao,

2000). Moels that estimate the etal ose given uring maternal brain raiotherapy or tangential breast irraiation have been

developed (Mazonakis, 2017). e adverse pregnancy outcomes

that occur years ater abominopelvic raiotherapy are etaile

in Chapter 66 (p. 1164). (Brent, 2015; Wo, 2009).

■ Diagnostic Radiation


To estimate fetal risk, approximate x-ray dosimetry must be

known. According to the American College of Radiology, no

single iagnostic proceure results in a raiation ose signi-

cant enough to threaten embryo-fetal well-being (Hall, 1991).

For stanar raiographs, osimetry is presente in

Table 49-7. In pregnancy, the anterior-posterior-view chest

raiograph is the most common stuy, an etal exposure

is exceptionally small—0.0007 Gy or 70 mra. Te ose

with one abominal raiograph is higher—0.001 Gy or 100

mra—because the embryo or etus lies irectly in the x-ray

beam path. Te stanar intravenous pyelogram may excee

0.005 Gy or 500 mra because o several exposures. Te oneshot pyelogram described in Chapter 56 (p. 999) is useful

when urolithiasis or other causes o urinary tract obstruction

are unproven by sonography. Mammography an most

“trauma series” radiographs of an extremity, skull, or rib

deliver low doses because of distance from the fetus (CepedaMartins, 2021; Shakerian, 2015).

Fluoroscopy and Angiography

Dosimetry calculations are much more ifcult with these

proceures because o variations in the number o raiographs

obtaine, total uoroscopy time, an uoroscopy time uring which the etus lies in the raiation el. As shown in

Table 49-8, the range varies. Although the FDA limits the

exposure rate or conventional uoroscopy such as barium

stuies, special-purpose systems such as angiography units have

the potential or much higher exposure.

Angiography an vascular embolization may occasionally

be necessary or trauma an or serious maternal isorers. As

beore, a greater istance rom the embryo or etus lowers the

exposure and risk.

Computed Tomography

In a recent report describing nearly 3.5 million pregnancies,

the use of CT imaging from 1996 to 2016 increased vefold

(Kwan, 2019). Tese stuies are usually perorme by obtaining a spiral o 360-egree images that are postprocesse in

multiple planes. O these, the axial image remains the most

frequently obtained. Multidetector CT (MDCT) images are

now stanar or common clinical inications. Te most recent

etectors have more channels, an these multietector protocols may result in higher dosimetry compared with prior CT

imaging techniques. Several imaging parameters have an eect

on exposure (Brenner, 2007). ese include pitch, kilovoltage,

tube current, collimation, slice number, tube rotation, an

total acquisition time. If a study is performed with and without contrast, the ose is ouble because twice as many images

are obtaine. Fetal exposure also varies with maternal size an

etal size an position. As with plain raiography, the closer the

target area is to the etus, the greater the elivere ose.

Cranial CT imaging for evaluation of neurological disorders

and eclampsia is the most frequently performed CT study in

gravidas (Chaps. 41, p. 718 and 63, p. 1126). Nonenhanced

CT scanning is often used to detect acute hemorrhage within

the epiural, subural, or subarachnoi spaces (Fig. 49-3).

Raiation osage is negligible because o istance rom the

etus (Golberg-Stein, 2012).

Abdominal procedures are more problematic. Hurwitz

an associates (2006) employe a 16-channel multietector

scanner to calculate fetal exposure at 0 and 3 months’ gestation using a phantom model. Calculations were made for

three commonly requeste proceures in pregnant women

(Table 49-9). Te stuy showe their pulmonary embolism

protocol has the same osimetry exposure as the ventilationperusion (V/Q) lung scan iscusse subsequently. Although

the appenicitis protocol has the highest raiation exposure,

it is very useul clinically when MR imaging is not available. Using a greater pitch markedly decreases the dosimetry an yiels a sensitivity o 92 percent, a specicity o 99

percent, an a negative-preictive value o 99 percent (Lazarus, 2007). is is discussed further in Chapter 55 (p. 987).

TABLE 49-8. Estimated X-Ray Doses to the Uterus/

Embryo from Common Fluoroscopic



Dose to




Exposure in

Seconds (SD)

Cerebral angiographya <0.1 —

Cardiac angiographyb,c 0.65 223 (± 118)

Single-vessel PTCAb,c 0.60 1023 (± 952)

Double-vessel PTCAb,c 0.90 1186 (± 593)

Upper gastrointestinal seriesd 0.56 136

Barium swallowb,e 0.06 192

Barium enemab,f,g 20–40 289–311

aWagner, 1997.

bCalculations based on data of Gorson, 1984.

cFinci, 1987.

dSuleiman, 1991.

eBased on female data from Rowley, 1987.

fAssumes embryo in radiation field for entire examination.

gBednarek, 1983.

PTCA = percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty;

SD = standard deviation.874

Section 12

Medical and Surgical Complications

For suspecte urolithiasis, the multietector-scan protocol

is used if sonography is nondiagnostic. White and coworkers (2007) ientie urolithiasis in 13 o 20 women with

gestations aged an average of 26 weeks. Last, as shown in

Figure 49-4, abominal tomography is perorme i inicate

in the pregnant woman with severe trauma (Herfel, 2018;

Shakerian, 2015).

Most experience with chest CT imaging is with cases of

suspected pulmonary embolism. Historically, pulmonary scintigraphy—the V/Q scan—was recommene or pregnant

women by 70 percent of radiologists and chest CT angiography by 30 percent (Stein, 2007). However, most currently

agree that multidetector-CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA)

has improve accuracy because o increasingly aster acquisition times (Brown, 2014). Despite avances in technology,

scintigraphy is still recommene by the American Toracic

Society or gravias with a normal chest x-ray (Leung, 2012).

A higher use rate for CTPA has been reported, and dosimetry similar to that with V/Q scintigraphy has been emphasize (Brenner, 2007; Greer, 2015; romeur, 2019). Te

rapid turnaround time with current CTPA protocols at most

hospitals has avance its selection as the preerre moality

(Sheen, 2018). e algorithm in the YEARS study describes

the use o d-imer values an clinical criteria to ene a subgroup o gravias warranting urther imaging. Tus, the number of indicated CTPA studies resulting from this algorithm is

markedly reduced (van der Pol, 2019). In pregnancy, although

a negative d-imer test is helpul, these levels may be normally

elevate with increasing gestation an certain maternal complications (Chap. 55, p. 982).

O other aspects in stuy selection, the etal raiation

doses are lower with CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA)

compared with the V/Q scan. However, maternal chest

radiation doses are substantially higher with CTPA (van

Mens, 2017). e most recent ongoing Optimised Compute omography Pulmonary Angiography in Pregnancy

Quality and Safety (OPTICA) study is a prospective trial

TABLE 49-9. Estimated Radiation Dosimetry with

16-Channel Multidetector ComputedTomographic (MDCT) Imaging Protocols


Dosimetry (mGy)


3 Months’


Pulmonary embolism 0.20–0.47 0.61–0.66

Renal stone 8–12 4–7

Appendix 15–17 20–40


FIGURE 49-4 This woman in her third trimester was involved in a

high-speed motor vehicle accident. A. Maximum intensity projection

acquired for maternal indications readily identifies fetal skull fractures

(arrows). B. 3-D reformatted CT image in a bone algorithm demonstrates the fetal skeleton from data acquired during the maternal

examination. Again, the arrow marks one fracture site. (Reproduced

with permission from Bailey AA, Twickler DM: Perioperative imaging.

In Yeomans ER, Hoffman BL, Gilstrap LC III, et al (eds): Cunningham

and Gilstrap’s Operative Obstetrics, 3rd ed. New York, NY: McGraw

Hill; 2017. Photo contributor: Dr. Travis Browning.)

FIGURE 49-3 An image from a noncontrast computed tomography head study demonstrates a large right-sided frontoparietal

temporal intraparenchymal hematoma (H). The midline (arrow) is

shifted to the left due to mass effect from the hematoma. (Reproduced with permission from Dr. Amanda Zofkie.)General Considerations and Maternal Evaluation 875


using a uniform low-dose CTPA protocol to enable denitive recommendations. Until results are known, our reducedexposure CTPA protocol is recommended as the initial

preerre imaging moality in suspecte pulmonary embolism

(Chap. 55, p. 987).

CT pelvimetry is used by some before attempting breech

vaginal delivery (Chap. 28, p. 522). e fetal dose approaches

0.015 Gy or 1.5 ra, but use o a low-exposure technique may

reuce this to 0.0025 Gy or 0.25 ra.

Radiographic Contrast Agents

ese can be given intravenously or taken orally. Intravenous

contrast agents are consiere category B by the FDA. Tese

agents are ioinate an o low osmolality, an thus they cross

the placenta to the fetus. With water-soluble iodinated contrast, no cases o neonatal hypothyroiism or other averse

eects have been documented (American College of Obstetrics

an Gynecology, 2017). Oral contrast preparations, typically

containing ioine or barium, have minimal systemic absorption, and are unlikely to aect the fetus.

Nuclear Medicine Studies

Tese stuies are perorme by “tagging” a raioactive element

to a carrier that can be injecte, inhale, or swallowe. For

example, the raioisotope technetium-99m (c-99m) may be

tagge to re bloo cells, sulur colloi, or pertechnetate. Te

metho use to tag the agent etermines etal raiation exposure. Te amount o placental transer is obviously important,

but maternal renal clearance is also actore because o etal

proximity to her blaer. Measurement o raioactive technetium is based on its decay, and the units used are the curie (Ci)

or the Becquerel (Bq). Dosimetry is usually expresse in millicuries (mCi). e eective tissue dose is expressed in sievert

units (Sv) with conversion o 1 Sv = 100 rem = 100 ra (see

able 49-5).

Depening on the physical an biochemical properties

o a raioisotope, an average etal exposure can be calculate

(Wagner, 1997; Zanzonico, 2000). Commonly used radiopharmaceuticals an estimate absorbe etal oses are given in

Table 49-10. e radionuclide dose should be kept as low as

possible (Zanotti-Fregonara, 2017). Exposures vary with gestational age an are greatest earlier in pregnancy or most raiopharmaceuticals. One exception is the later eect of iodine-131

on the fetal thyroid (Wagner, 1997).

In a V/Q scan, perfusion is measured with injected Tc-99m

macroaggregate albumin, an ventilation is measure with

inhale xenon-127 or xenon-133. Fetal exposure with either is

negligible (Chan, 2002; Mountford, 1997).

Tyroi scanning with ioine-123 or ioine-131 selom

is indicated in pregnancy. However, with the trace diagnostic

doses used, fetal risk is minimal. In contrast, therapeutic doses

o raioioine to treat maternal Graves isease or thyroi cancer may cause etal thyroi ablation an cretinism.

Te sentinel lymphoscintigram is a commonly use preoperative stuy in nonpregnant women to etect the axillary lymph node most likely to have metastases from breast

cancer. c-99m–sulur colloi is use in this iagnostic stuy

(Newman, 2007; Spanheimer, 2009). Te calculate ose

approximates 0.014 mSv or 1.4 mra, which shoul not preclue its sae use uring pregnancy.


Te evelopment o sonography or stuy o the etus an

mother is one o the greater achievements in obstetrics. Te

technique has become virtually inispensable in everyay

practice. Its wide-ranging clinical uses are further discussed in

Chapters 14 and 15 and in other sections of this book.


Magnetic resonance technology oes not use ionizing raiation,

an its use in pregnancy is constantly evolving (Gopirey,

2021; Mervak, 2019). Advantages include sharp resolution at

sot-tissue interaces, ability to characterize tissue composition,

an acquisition o images in any plane—particularly axial, sagittal, and coronal. A portion of Chapter 14 (p. 263) is devoted

to mechanisms that generate MR images, an imaging examples are provided throughout this book.

■ Safety

e update of the expert panel on MR safety of the ACR

was summarize by Kanal an colleagues (2013). Te panel

concluded that no harmful human eects are reported from

MR imaging. Similar conclusions were reached by the International Society or Ultrasoun in Obstetrics an Gynecology (2017).

When operated within standardized limits, maternal

an etal imaging can be saely perorme at clinical magnet strengths—3 tesla () an below. MR imaging can be

use regarless o trimester: (1) i the inormation cannot be

obtaine with another nonionizing moality, namely sonography; (2) i the stuy results will guie maternal or etal management uring pregnancy; an (3) i the imaging cannot be

elaye until the woman is no longer pregnant. Te ecision to

use a magnetic el strength >1.5  may be mae or specic

maternal indications. Early work also suggests imaging at 3 T is

safe and it improves fetal assessment (Chartier, 2019; Victoria,

2016). No emonstrable etal heart rate pattern changes occur

uring MR imaging o gravias (Vaeyar, 2000). Last, stuies

evaluating chilren expose in utero have shown no eleterious

eects (Kok, 2004; Reeves, 2010).

Contraindications to MR imaging include internal cardiac

pacemakers, neurostimulators, implanted debrillators and

inusion pumps, cochlear implants, shrapnel or other metal in

biologically sensitive areas, some intracranial aneurysm clips,

an any metallic oreign boy in the eye. O more than 51,000

nonpregnant patients scheule or MR imaging, one stuy

oun that only 0.4 percent ha an absolute contrainication

to the proceure (Dewey, 2007).876

Section 12

Medical and Surgical Complications

TABLE 49-10. Radiopharmaceuticals Used in Nuclear Medicine Studies


Estimated Activity

Administered per

Examination (mCi)a



Dose to


Embryo (mSv)c

Brain 20 mCi 99mTc DTPA <12 8.8

12 7c

Hepatobiliary 5 mCi 99mTc sulfur colloid 12 0.45

5 mCi 99mTc HIDA 1.5

Bone 20 mCi 99mTc phosphate <12 4.6


Perfusion 3 mCi 99mTc-macroaggregated


Any 0.45–0.57


Ventilation 10 mCi 133Xe gas

Renal 20 mCi 99mTc DTPA <12 8.8

Abscess or tumor 3 mCi 67Ga citrate <12 7.5

Cardiovascular 20 mCi 99mTc-labeled red

blood cells

<12 5

3 mCi 210Tl chloride <12 11

12 6.4

24 5.2

36 3

Thyroid 5 mCi 99mTcO4 <8 2.4

0.3 mCi 123I (whole body)d 1.5–6 0.10

0.1 mCi 131I

Whole body 2–6 0.15

Whole body 7–9 0.88

Whole body 12–13 1.6

Whole body 20 3

Thyroid-fetal 11 720

Thyroid-fetal 12–13 1300

Thyroid-fetal 20 5900



5 mCi 99mTc sulfur colloid

(1–3 mCi)


amCi = millicuries. To convert to mrad, multiply by 100.

bExposures are generally greater prior to 12 weeks compared with increasing

gestational ages.

cSome measurements account for placental transfer.

dThe uptake and exposure of 131I increases with gestational age.

DPTA = diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid; Ga = gallium; HIDA = hepatobiliary

iminodiacetic acid; I = iodine; mCi = millicurie; mSv = millisievert; Tc = technetium;

TcO4 = pertechnetate; Tl = thallium.

Data from Adelstein, 1999; Bailey, 2017; Schwartz, 2003; Stather, 2002; Wagner, 1997;

Zanzonico, 2000.

■ Contrast Agents

Several dierent elemental gadolinium chelates are use to create

paramagnetic contrast. Tese cross the placenta an are oun

in the etus an placenta an are concentrate in amnionic

uid (Oh, 2015). In doses approximately 10 times the normal

human ose, a gaolinium-base contrast agent cause slight

developmental delay in rabbit fetuses. Inadvertant fetal exposure

usually occurs in early pregnancy (Bir, 2019). Te American

College of Radiology cites a study of 26 women given a gadolinium erivative in the rst trimester without averse etal

eects (Kanal, 2013). Despite this, routine use of gadolinium is

not recommended unless potential benets outweigh fetal risks

(American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2017;

American College of Radiology, 2020; Briggs, 2017). is recommenation stems rom a possible issociation o the toxic

gaolinium ion rom its ligan within amnionic ui an thus

potential prolonge exposure o the etus.

■ Maternal Indications

In some cases, MR imaging may complement CT, and in others, MR imaging is preferable (Mervak, 2019). MR imagingGeneral Considerations and Maternal Evaluation 877


is also a superb tool to evaluate

the maternal abomen an retroperitoneal space. One example is evaluation o right lower

quarant pain in pregnancy,

specically with suspecte

appenicitis (Aguilera, 2018;

Tsai, 2017). It can aid detection an localization o arenal, renal, an gastrointestinal

lesions as well as pelvic masses

in pregnancy (Boy, 2012; Raj,

2020; ica, 2013).

Maternal central nervous

system abnormalities, such as

brain tumors or spinal trauma,

are more clearly seen with MR

imaging. is makes it invaluable in the iagnosis o neurological emergencies (Edlow, 2013). Other modalities include

MR urography or renal urolithiasis an cariac MR or investigating normal physiology, complex eects, an cariomyopathies (Mullins, 2012; Nelson, 2015; Stewart, 2016). Te

application o cariovascular MR imaging in pregnant women

is expaning (Ducas, 2019).

MR imaging helps also evaluate many pregnancy-specic

disorders. It is chosen by many to determine the degree and

extent of invasion in placenta accreta spectrum (Chap. 43,

p. 762). As discussed in Chapter 40 (p. 701), MR imaging

has provie important insights into the pathophysiology o

preeclampsia (Nelander, 2018; Zeeman, 2014). As discussed

in Chapter 37 (p. 656), CT and MR imaging are useful for

puerperal inection evaluation, but MR imaging provies better

visualization o the blaer ap area ollowing cesarean elivery

(Brown, 1999; Twickler, 1997). Last, preliminary studies of

placental function with MR imaging are promising (Hutter,


■ Fetal Indications

Fetal MR imaging provies a complement to sonography

(Laier-Narin, 2007; Sanrasegaran, 2006). Accoring to

Zaretsky and associates (2003a), MR imaging can be used to

isplay almost all elements o the stanar etal anatomical

survey. Moreover, the quality o three-imensional anatomical reconstruction with MR fetal imaging is superb (Werner,

2019). Te most requent etal inications are evaluation o

complex abnormalities o the brain, chest, an genitourinary systems (Williams, 2017). Reichel (2003) and Twickler

(2002) an their colleagues have valiate its use or etal

central nervous system anomalies an biometry (Fig. 49-5).

Others have escribe MR imaging o etuses with suprarenal

masses or with renal anomalies and oligohydramnios (Castro,

2019; Hawkins, 2008). Fetal weight estimation may be more

accurate with MR imaging than with sonography (Kaji,

2019; Zaretsky, 2003b). And MR imaging has been shown

to accurately ientiy etal anemia requiring transusions

(Jørgensen, 2019).

Fetal movement is problematic or MR imaging, but aster

acquisitions eliminate the problem. Morphology is primarily

assesse with ast 2-weighte sequences such as hal-Fourier

acquisition single shot turbo spin echo (HASTE) or single shot

ast spin echo (SSFSE). Fetal indications and ndings of MR

imaging are discussed more extensively in Chapter 14 (p. 266)

and throughout this book.


e American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

(2017) has reviewed the eects of radiographic, sonographic,

and magnetic-resonance exposure during pregnancy. Its suggeste guielines are shown in Table 49-11.


FIGURE 49-5 Nullipara with a 27 weeks’ gestation. A. Axial T2-weighted MR image shows mild

fetal unilateral ventriculomegaly involving the left lateral ventricle (arrow). B. Sagittal T2-weighted

MR image demonstrates normal development of the corpus callosum (arrowheads) and vermis


TABLE 49-11. Guidelines for Diagnostic Imaging During Pregnancy and Lactation

Sonography and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging are not associated with fetal risk and are preferred options for imaging

in pregnancy

In general, radiation exposure during radiography, computed tomography (CT), or nuclear medicine imaging delivers a

dose much lower than that associated with fetal harm. If needed to supplement sonography or MR imaging or if more

readily available, these should not be withheld

With MR imaging, gadolinium contrast use should be restricted unless it significantly improves diagnostic accuracy to

benefit fetal or maternal outcome

Breastfeeding should not be interrupted after gadolinium administration

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