CHAPTER 6 • First Trimester Screening for Chromosomal Aneuploidies. First Trimester Ultr

 CHAPTER 6 • First Trimester Screening for Chromosomal Aneuploidies


The incidence of fetal numerical chromosomal aneuploidies such as trisomy 21 (T21;

Down syndrome), trisomy 18 (T18; Edwards syndrome), and trisomy 13 (T13; Patau

syndrome) increases with advancing maternal age. The presence of fetal chromosomal

aneuploidies has been associated with significant pregnancy complications such as

multiple malformations, growth restriction, and perinatal deaths. Prenatal screening for

chromosomal aneuploidies has received significant attention over the past 30 years and

is now considered an integral part of prenatal care. Several major developments

impacted prenatal screening for chromosomal abnormalities, such as the identification

of ultrasound markers for aneuploidy, the introduction of the second trimester

biochemical screen, the introduction of the first trimester screen with nuchal

translucency (NT), and recently fetal cell-free DNA in maternal plasma. Advancement

in aneuploidy screening has currently led to the prenatal identification of most fetuses

with chromosomal abnormalities. The largest study to date on the first trimester role of

thickened NT and major malformations in the detection of chromosomal aneuploidies

was recently published1 and included a total of 108,982 fetuses with 654 cases of

trisomies 21, 18, or 13. The presence of at least one of the following findings: thickened

NT (>3.5 mm), holoprosencephaly, omphalocele, or megacystis had the potential to

detect 57% of all aneuploidies. Interestingly, one or more of these four findings was

found in 53% of all T21, in 72% of all T18, and 86% of all T13 fetuses.1 In this

chapter, we present detailed first trimester sonographic features of aneuploidies in

addition to aspects of other genetic diseases and syndromes.



Trisomy 21

The association in the first trimester fetus of increased nuchal fluid and aneuploidy wasfirst described more than two decades ago,2–4 and this finding has led to the

establishment of first trimester aneuploidy screening with NT and biochemical markers.

A thickened NT has been correlated with the presence of trisomy 21 (T21) and T21

fetuses have a mean NT thickness of 3.4 mm.5 In a study involving 654 fetuses with T21,

more than half were shown to have an NT ≥3.5 mm.1 The NT in the normal fetus

increases with increasing crown-rump length (CRL) measurement and NT screening has

been successfully used to adjust the pregnancy’s aneuploidy a priori risk established by

maternal age. This has been one of the most important elements of aneuploidy screening

as it resulted in a significant reduction in unnecessary invasive testing on pregnant

women with advanced maternal age.

In pregnancies with T21 fetuses, the maternal serum concentration of free β-human

chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) is about twice as high and pregnancy-associated

plasma protein A (PAPP-A) is reduced to half compared to euploid pregnancies (Table

6.1). Although NT measurement alone identifies about 75% to 80% of T21 fetuses, the

combination of NT with maternal biomarkers in the first trimester increases the T21

detection rate to 85% to 95%, while keeping the false-positive rate at 5%.5,6 Indeed, in

a recent prospective validation study of screening for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 by a

combination of maternal age, fetal NT, fetal heart rate and serum free β-hCG and PAPPA at 11+0 to 13+6 weeks of gestation in 108,982 singleton pregnancies, T21, 18, and 13

were detected in 90%, 97%, and 92% respectively with a false-positive rate of 4%.6

Monosomy X was also detected in more than 90% of cases along with more than 85%

of triploidies and more than 30% of other chromosomal abnormalities.6 In addition to

NT, other sensitive first trimester ultrasound markers of T21 include absence or

hypoplasia of the nasal bone (Fig. 6.1), cardiac malformations (atrioventricular septal

defect) with or without generalized edema (Figs. 6.2 and 6.3), tricuspid regurgitation

(Fig. 6.4A), aberrant right subclavian artery (Fig. 6.4B), echogenic intracardiac focus

(Fig. 6.4C), and increased impedance to flow in the ductus venosus (Fig. 6.5). First

trimester features of fetuses with T21 are listed in Table 6.2. Additional first trimester

findings in T21 fetuses are shown in images in various chapters of this book.

Table 6.1 • Biochemical and Sonographic Features of Trisomies 21, 18,

and 13

NT Mixture Model Euploid Trisomy






CRL-independent distribution,

% 5 95 70 85

Median CRL-independent NT,mm 2.0 3.4 5.5 4.4

Median serum free β-hCG,

MoM 1.0 2.0 0.2 0.5

Median serum PAPP-A, MoM 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.3

Absent nasal bone, % 2.5 60 53 45

Tricuspid regurgitation, % 1.0 55 33 30

Ductus venosus reversed Awave, % 3.0 66 58 55

NT, nuchal translucency; CRL, crown-rump length; β-hCG, β-human

chorionic gonadotropin; MoM, multiple of the median; PAPP-A, pregnancyassociated plasma protein A.

From Nicolaides KH. Screening for fetal aneuploidies at 11 to 13 weeks.

Prenat Diagn. 2011;31:7–15; copyright John Wiley & Sons, with


Figure 6.1: Midsagittal view of the face in six fetuses with trisomy 21 between

11 and 13 weeks of gestation. Note the various thicknesses of the nuchaltranslucency (asterisk) and the absence (A, C, F) or poor ossification (B, D, E)

of the nasal bone (arrows).

Figure 6.2: Sagittal view of the fetal head and chest (A) and transverse view of

the chest (B) in a fetus with trisomy 21 at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the

presence of early hydrops with body skin edema (white arrows in A and B) and

a thickened nuchal translucency (asterisk in A). Note also the presence of an

atrioventricular septal defect (yellow arrow) in B.

Figure 6.3: Transverse views of the fetal chest at the level of the four-chamber

view in gray scale (A) and color Doppler (B) in a fetus with trisomy 21 at 12

weeks of gestation. Note the presence of an atrioventricular septal defect

(asterisk) in A and B, which represents the typical cardiac anomaly of thissyndrome. Also note the associated body edema (arrows), which resolved at

16 weeks upon follow-up. See Figure 6.4 for additional sonographic markers of

trisomy 21 in the first trimester. LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle.

Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 13

Thickened NT is not specific to T21 as it can be also found in other aneuploidies. In

T18 and T13, NT median values were shown to be 5.5 and 4.0 mm, respectively.5,6 The

PAPP-A value is also reduced in both trisomies with a median value of 0.2 MoM for

T18 and 0.3 MoM for T13. Unlike in T21, free β-hCG values are decreased in T18 and

T13 with median values of 0.2 MoM and 0.5 MoM, respectively (Table 6.1). For

physicians and sonographers with expertise in the first trimester ultrasound examination,

T18 or T13 is often first suspected by the presence of typical ultrasound features, rather

than by biochemical screening. In a study involving 5,613 normal fetuses and 37 fetuses

with T18, the first trimester ultrasound examination was found to be a good screening

test for T18.7 The mean NT thickness was 5.4 mm in T18 fetuses as compared to 1.7

mm in euploid fetuses.7 Congenital heart defects were observed in 70.3% of T18 fetuses

and in 0.5% of euploid fetuses and extracardiac malformations were identified in

35.1% of T18 fetuses and in 0.8% of euploid fetuses.7 Only one case of T18

demonstrated no sonographic markers of aneuploidy.7

Figure 6.4: Additional sonographic findings in fetuses with trisomy 21 in the

first trimester. Tricuspid regurgitation shown in A on color and pulsed (arrow)

Doppler, an aberrant course of the right subclavian artery (ARSA) shown in Band an echogenic intracardiac focus shown in the left ventricle (LV) in C

(arrow). RA, right atrium; RV, right ventricle.

Figure 6.5: Ductus venosus (DV) Doppler flow assessment in two fetuses (A

and B) with trisomy 21 at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of reverse

flow during the atrial contraction phase (A) of the cardiac cycle (arrow). Fetus

A had no associated cardiac defect, whereas fetus B had a cardiac defect,

which may explain the more severe reverse flow of the A-wave (arrow in B).

Normal Doppler waveforms of the ductus venosus show antegrade flow

throughout the cardiac cycle with low impedance. S, systolic flow; D, diastolic


Table 6.2 • First Trimester Features of Trisomy 21

Thickened nuchal translucency (NT)

High human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG, β-hCG)

Low pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A)

Absent or hypoplastic nasal boneReversal of flow in diastole or high impedance flow in ductus venosus

Tricuspid regurgitation

Increased fronto-maxillary-facial (FMF) angle, short maxilla reflecting

midface hypoplasia

Aberrant right subclavian artery

Echogenic focus

Echogenic bowel

Renal tract dilation

Increased peak velocity in the hepatic artery

Ductus venosus directly draining into the inferior vena cava

Structural anomalies such as atrioventricular septal defect, tetralogy of

Fallot, and others

Figures 6.6 to 6.17 show common sonographic features of T18 in the first trimester,

including thickened NT (Figs. 6.6, 6.8, and 6.9), absent/hypoplastic nasal bone (Figs.

6.6 and 6.8), dilated fourth ventricle/abnormal posterior fossa (Figs. 6.6 to 6.8),

megacystis (Fig. 6.7), spina bifida (Figs. 6.7 and 6.8), cardiac malformations (Figs.

6.10 to 6.12), small omphalocele (Figs. 6.6, 6.7, and 6.13), abnormal extremities (Figs.

6.14 and 6.15), cleft lip and palate (Figs. 6.6 and 6.15), short CRL (Figs. 6.6, 6.7, and

6.15), and single umbilical artery/cord abnormalities (Fig. 6.16 and 6.17).1,8

Figure 6.6: Midsagittal view of the body of a fetus with trisomy 18 at 12 weeks

of gestation showing several typical abnormalities. Note the short crown-lumplength (1), the thickened nuchal translucency (2), the absence of an ossified

nasal bone (3), the dilated fourth ventricle (4), the small omphalocele with

bowel content (5), and the maxillary gap as a sign of cleft lip and palate (6).

See Figures 6.7 to 6.11 for associated fetal abnormalities with trisomy 18.

Figure 6.7: Midsagittal view of the body of a fetus with trisomy 18 at 13 weeks

of gestation showing typical associated abnormalities. Note the presence of a

short crown-rump length (1), an omphalocele (2), a megacystis (3), an

abnormal posterior fossa (4), and thickened brainstem and no fluid in the fourth

ventricle due to an open spina bifida (5). Note that the nuchal translucency (6)

is not markedly thickened.

Figure 6.8: Midsagittal view of the fetal face in three fetuses (A–C) with

trisomy 18 at 13, 12, and 14 weeks of gestation, respectively. Note the

presence of a normal nuchal translucency (NT) in A, a mildly increased NT in C,and a markedly increased NT in B. All three fetuses have an absent or poorly

ossified nasal bone (NB). The posterior fossa is an interesting marker in

trisomy 18 and can be normal as in fetus A, but is often dilated as seen in fetus

B (open arrow) and occasionally compressed as in fetus C (double headed

arrow) in the presence of an open spina bifida. Fetus A was diagnosed with

trisomy 18 due to the presence of radius aplasia (see Fig. 6.14) and cardiac

abnormalities. Fetus B has a cleft in the maxilla (arrow) suggesting the

presence of a facial cleft.

Figure 6.9: Axial views of the fetal head in two fetuses with trisomy 18 at 12

weeks of gestation. Note the presence of early hydrops and thickened nuchal

translucency/cystic hygroma (asterisk) in both fetuses (A and B). Fetus B also

has a dilated fourth ventricle (open arrow).Figure 6.10: Axial views of the chest in three fetuses (A–C) with trisomy 18

and cardiac anomalies at 11, 13, and 13 weeks of gestation, respectively. In

fetus A and B, an atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) is shown in gray scale

in A (arrow) and in color Doppler in B (arrow). Fetus C initially appeared to

have a univentricular heart, but a follow-up ultrasound a week later confirmed

the presence of an AVSD as well. Hydrops and skin edema (asterisk) are often

found as shown in A and B. LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle.

Figure 6.11: Cardiac valves are often insufficient in fetuses with trisomy 18 inthe first trimester of pregnancy. A: Color and pulsed Doppler across the

tricuspid valve in a fetus with trisomy 18 at 13 weeks of gestation showing the

presence of mild tricuspid regurgitation (arrow). B: Color and pulsed Doppler

across the tricuspid valve in a fetus with trisomy 21 at 13 weeks of gestation

showing the presence of severe tricuspid regurgitation (arrow). RA, right

atrium; RV, right ventricle.

Figure 6.12: Three-vessel-trachea view in color and pulsed Doppler in a fetus

at 12 weeks of gestation with dysplastic or polyvalvular pulmonary valve with

stenosis and insufficiency, a finding that is typical for trisomy 18 and 13. A:

Antegrade flow across the pulmonary artery (PA) in systole (blue arrow). B:

Retrograde flow in PA in diastole (red arrow). C: The spectral Doppler across

the PA demonstrating the bidirectional flow. This finding can also affect the

aortic valve and is often accompanied by fetal hydrops and fetal demise. Ao,

aorta.Figure 6.13: Axial views of the fetal abdomen at the level of the umbilical cord

insertion in three fetuses (A–C) with trisomy 18 at 13, 12, and 12 weeks of

gestation, respectively. Note the presence of an omphalocele (arrows) in each

fetus, which is a typical finding in trisomy 18. In fetus A and B, the omphalocele

is small with bowel content, which is commonly seen in trisomy 18. In fetus C,

the liver is in the omphalocele sac. Note the presence of fetal hydrops in all


Figure 6.14: Abnormal hands in two fetuses (A and B) with trisomy 18 at 12

and 13 weeks of gestation, respectively. Note the presence of bilateral clubbed

hands in fetus A (yellow arrows) and radial aplasia in fetus B (white arrows).Figure 6.15: Midsagittal view (A) and 3D surface mode view (B) of a fetus at

12 weeks of gestation with trisomy 18. Note the presence of the following

features: short crown-rump length (1), normal nuchal translucency thickness

(2), facial cleft with protrusion and maxillary gap (yellow arrow) (3), and an

omphalocele (4). B: The facial cleft (yellow arrow) and bilateral radial aplasia

(white arrows), which are not demonstrated in A.Figure 6.16: Axial planes of the lower abdomen in two fetuses (A and B) with

trisomy 18 at 12 weeks of gestation. Note in fetus A the presence of a single

right umbilical artery (R.UA) next to the bladder (open arrow), with the absence

of the left UA (solid arrow with “?”). Fetus B has a single left umbilical artery

(L.UA) in addition to an omphalocele (asterisk). The solid arrow with “?” in B

denotes the absence of the R.UA.Figure 6.17: A: A parasagittal plane of the fetal abdomen and chest in color

Doppler in a fetus with trisomy 18 at 12 weeks of gestation. Note the direct

connection of the ductus venosus (DV) with the inferior vena cava (IVC) in A. B:

A cross section of the umbilical cord in the amniotic cavity of another fetus with

trisomy 18 at 12 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of a cord cyst in B

(arrows). These cord and umbilical vessel abnormalities represent subtle

findings in trisomy 18 and also in trisomy 13 (see Fig. 6.24). Additional

malformations were found in both fetuses. HV, hepatic vein; UV, umbilical vein.Figure 6.18: Axial plane of the fetal head (A) and midsagittal plane of the face

(B) in a fetus with trisomy 13 at 12 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of

typical craniofacial abnormalities with holoprosencephaly, demonstrated in A

(asterisk) and severe facial cleft in B (arrow).Figure 6.19: Axial planes of the fetal head in two fetuses (A and B) with

trisomy 13 at 12 and 13 weeks of gestation respectively with alobar

holoprosencephaly (asterisk). A is obtained by the transabdominal approach

and B is obtained by the transvaginal approach.

Figure 6.20: Trisomy 13 with severe facial anomalies in three fetuses (A–C) at

13, 13, and 14 weeks of gestation, respectively. Fetus A shows a median cleft

in association with holoprosencephaly, no maxilla is seen (arrow), and the

nuchal translucency (NT) (asterisk) is not thickened. Fetus B is examined

transvaginally and shows a thickened NT (asterisk), a bilateral cleft with

protrusion (solid arrow), and a dilated fourth ventricle (open arrow). Fetus C

had no thickened NT (asterisk), a normal fourth ventricle, and retrognathia

(arrow). All three fetuses had severe additional anomalies.

Features of T13 on first trimester ultrasound include craniofacial abnormalities

(Figs. 6.18 to 6.20), cleft lip/palate (Figs. 6.18 and 6.20), thickened NT (Fig. 6.20),

abnormal extremities with polydactyly (Fig. 6.21), cardiac abnormalities (Fig. 6.22),

renal abnormalities (Fig. 6.23), and umbilical cord/abdominal venous abnormalities

(Figs. 6.23 and 6.24).1,8

First trimester features of fetuses with T18 and T13 are listed in Table 6.3.

Additional first trimester findings in T18 and T13 fetuses are shown in images in

various chapters of this book.Figure 6.21: Polydactyly in two fetuses with trisomy 13 at 14 weeks and in

gray scale in fetus A and at 12 weeks and in 3D surface mode in fetus B.Figure 6.22: A: Fetal tachycardia demonstrated on spectral Doppler of the

tricuspid valve in a fetus with trisomy 13 at 12 weeks of gestation, with fetal

heart rate (FHR) at 193 beats per minute (bpm). B: Color Doppler at the fourchamber view in a fetus with trisomy 13 at 14 weeks of gestation. Note the

presence in B of discrepant ventricular filling with a narrow left ventricle (LV).

C: The three-vessel-trachea view of the fetus shown in B. Note in C the narrow

aortic arch (AO) in comparison with the pulmonary artery (PA). Cardiac findings

in fetuses with trisomy 13 are common and include tachycardia (>175 per

minute), intraventricular echogenic foci, an aberrant right subclavian artery, and

cardiac defects, predominantly left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. RV,

right ventricle.

Figure 6.23: A: A parasagittal view of the abdomen in a fetus at 12 weeks of

gestation with trisomy 13 and renal abnormalities. Note the presence in A of

hyperechogenic kidneys (arrow) and megacystis (asterisk). Fetus in B also has

trisomy 13 at 14 weeks of gestation. Note in B the presence of a single

umbilical artery, a finding similar to trisomy 18. Fetus in C has trisomy 13 at 12

weeks of gestation and shows a small omphalocele, another finding commonly

seen in trisomy 18 fetuses in early gestation.Figure 6.24: A: A parasagittal plane of the fetal abdomen and chest in color

Doppler in a fetus with trisomy 13 at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the direct

connection of the ductus venosus (DV) with the inferior vena cava (IVC) in A. B:

A cross section of the umbilical cord in the amniotic cavity of another fetus with

trisomy 13 at 14 weeks of gestation. Note the presence of a large cord cyst

(asterisk/arrows) in B. These cord and umbilical vessel abnormalities represent

subtle findings in trisomy 13 and in trisomy 18 as shown in Figure 6.17.

Additional malformations were found in both fetuses. UV, umbilical vein.

Table 6.3 • First Trimester Features of Trisomy 18 and 13

Trisomy 18 Trisomy 13




5.5 mm 4.0 mm

Free β-hCG

(median) 0.2 MoM 0.5 MoM


(median) 0.2 MoM 0.3 MoM

Growth restriction Growth restrictionFetal growth


Rarely holoprosencephaly

Occasionally choroid plexus


Typically holoprosencephaly

Occasionally choroid plexus




Cystic dilation of posterior

fossa. Signs of brainstem

thickening and IT

compression as marker for

open spina bifida

Cystic dilation of posterior



Absent nasal bone, flat

profile, retrognathia,

occasionally median clefts

Severe midline facial

anomalies: hypotelorism,

pseudocyclopia, proboscis,

arrhinia, median clefts,

retrognathia, absent nasal


Neck and skin Thickened NT and severe


Thickened NT and severe



Tricuspid regurgitation,

aberrant right subclavian

artery, echogenic focus,

structural cardiac anomalies

especially septal defects

(AVSD; VSD), conotruncal

anomalies such as tetralogy

of Fallot and double outlet

right ventricle, polyvalvular

dysplastic semilunar valves

Tachycardia, tricuspid

regurgitation, echogenic

focus, aberrant right

subclavian artery, structural

cardiac anomalies, especially

left ventricular outflow tract

obstruction (HLHS, CoA,

etc.), and polyvalvular

dysplastic semilunar valves


Omphalocele (often with

bowel only), Diaphragmatic


Abnormal ductus venosus

course with connection with

inferior vena cava

Rarely omphalocele or other

bowel anomalies, abnormal

ductus venosus course with

connection with inferior vena



anomalies Horseshoe kidneys M kidengeaycsystis, hyperechogenic

Skeletal Radius aplasia, club hands,

Polydactylyanomalies clenched fingers, spina bifida

Umbilical cord Single umbilical artery, cord


Single umbilical artery, cord


Free β-hCG, free β human chorionic gonadotropin; PAPP-A, pregnancyassociated plasma protein A; NT, nuchal translucency; AVSD,

atrioventricular septal defect; VSD, ventricular septal defect; HLHS,

hypoplastic left heart syndrome; CoA, coarctation of aorta.

Monosomy X

The NT is often enlarged in fetuses with monosomy X (Turner syndrome). This enlarged

NT has a median value of 7.8 mm5 and has often been described as a cystic hygroma

(Figs. 6.25 and 6.26). The occurrence of monosomy X is not related to maternal age.

Typically, lymphatic disturbances in monosomy X are not limited to the neck region but

involve the whole body including the presence of hydrothorax, ascites, and skin edema

(Fig. 6.27). Nasal bone is generally present in fetuses with monosomy X.8 Maternal

serum-free β-hCG is normal (1.1 MoM) and PAPP-A is low (0.49 MoM). 9 Typical first

trimester features in monosomy X are listed in Table 6.4 and include fetal tachycardia

and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction (Fig. 6.28), renal anomalies such as the

presence of horseshoe kidneys as well as feet edema. Some of these anomalies are often

difficult to diagnose in the first trimester. In a first trimester study involving 31 cases of

monosomy X and 5,613 euploid controls, NT measurement (8.8 mm) and fetal heart rate

(171 beats per minute) in monosomy X were significantly greater than in euploid

controls (NT = 1.7 mm and fetal heart rate 160 beats per minute).10 In monosomy X

fetuses, congenital heart defects and hydrops were noted in 54.8% and 43.8%,

respectively.10 None of the monosomy X cases demonstrated absent sonographic

markers of aneuploidy.10 Additional first trimester findings in monosomy X fetuses are

shown in images in various chapters of this book.


In triploidy, there is a complete additional haploid set of chromosomes resulting in 69

chromosomes in each cell instead of 46 chromosomes. The additional haploid set can

be of maternal or paternal origin. The “paternal” type is called diandric triploidy and

the “maternal” type is called digynic triploidy. These two types of triploidy have

different features, which can be often differentiated on ultrasound.Figure 6.25: Midsagittal planes of the fetal body in two fetuses (A and B) with

monosomy X (Turner syndrome) at 11 and 13 weeks of gestation, respectively.

Note the presence of a marked thickened nuchal translucency (asterisks) in A

and fetal hydrops and cystic hygroma in B. Maternal age is often not increased

and the nasal bone is typically ossified (arrows).

Figure 6.26: Three fetuses (A–C) with Turner syndrome and neck

abnormalities, all at 13 weeks of gestation. Fetus A and B has cystic hygromas

(asterisks), whereas fetus C has lateral neck cysts (long arrows). Fetal scalp

edema is seen in all fetuses (short arrows). Intracerebral structures are normal

in all fetuses. 4V, fourth ventricle.Figure 6.27: A: A midsagittal plane of the body in a fetus with monosomy X at

13 weeks of gestation. Note the presence in A of marked thickened nuchal

translucency (NT)/cystic hygroma with body edema (asterisks). B: An axial

plane of the chest in another fetus with monosomy X at 11 weeks of gestation.

Note the presence in B of bilateral pleural effusion (arrows). H, heart.

Table 6.4 • First Trimester Features of Monosomy X

Marked thickened nuchal translucency (NT), cystic hygroma, early hydrops

High human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG, β-hCG)

Low pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A)

Normal nasal bone

Cardiac abnormalities: tachycardia, left ventricular outflow obstruction,

hypoplastic left heart syndrome, coarctation of the aorta, aberrant right

subclavian artery, tricuspid regurgitation

Renal anomalies: horseshoe kidney, renal pelvis dilation

Ductus venosus abnormalities: directly draining into inferior vena cava,

reversal flow of A-wave or high impedance

Female gender

NT can be thickened in both diandric and digynic triploidy, but is often within thenormal range. The typical pattern of diandric triploidy includes the presence of a molar

placenta (Fig. 6.29), with a normally grown fetus, whereas in digynic triploidy, severe

growth restriction is noted with a small but not molar placenta. These placental

differences are reflected in the profile of biochemistry with diandric triploidy

associated with increased maternal serum-free β-hCG and mildly decreased PAPP-A

and digynic triploidy associated with markedly decreased maternal serum free β-hCG

and PAPP-A.11,12 Another important first trimester feature of digynic triploidy is the

presence of significantly short CRL and a marked difference in size between the

abdominal and head circumference, typically of more than “2 weeks” of gestational

age13 (Figs. 6.30 to 6.32). This discrepancy in dimensions between the head and

abdomen is an almost pathognomonic sign of digynic triploidy.

Figure 6.28: Axial plane at the level of the four-chamber view in gray scale (A)

and the three-vessel-trachea view in color Doppler (B) in a fetus with

monosomy X at 13 weeks of gestation. Note the presence in A of ventricular

disproportions with a narrow left ventricle (LV). In B, a narrow aortic arch (AO)

is noted in comparison with the pulmonary artery (PA), suggesting the presence

of aortic coarctation. Also note the presence of skin edema (asterisks) in A and

B. The presence of left ventricular outflow tract anomaly including aortic

coarctation or hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a typical finding in fetuses with

monosomy X. RV, right ventricle.Figure 6.29: Ultrasound of the placenta in a pregnancy at 11 weeks of

gestation with diandric triploidy. Note the presence of molar placental changes

(arrows). See text for details.Figure 6.30: Axial planes of the fetal abdomen (A) and head (B) in a fetus with

digynic triploidy at 12 weeks of gestation. Note the marked difference in size

between the abdominal (A) and head (B) circumference, of more than “2

weeks” of gestational age. See text for details.Figure 6.31: Midsagittal planes of the body in two fetuses (A and B) with

digynic triploidy, both at 13 weeks of gestation. Note in both fetuses the

marked difference in size between the abdominal (yellow arrows) and head

(white arrows) dimensions. This discrepancy in dimensions between the head

and abdomen is an almost pathognomonic sign of digynic triploidy. In addition,

the crown-rump length is significantly short, reflecting the presence of early

growth restriction. See 6.32 for the 3D surface mode views.Figure 6.32: Three-dimensional ultrasound in surface mode in two fetuses (A

and B) with digynic triploidy; same fetuses as in Figure 6.31. Note the marked

difference in dimensions between the abdomen (yellow arrows) and the head

(white arrows) in both fetuses. See text for details.

A high detection rate for triploidy is also achieved with first trimester screening for

T21. In a study involving 198,427 women with singleton pregnancies who underwent

first trimester screening between 11+2 and 14+0 weeks of gestation, the overall

detection rate of triploidy was 25/30 (83.3%), primarily resulting from an abnormal

first trimester screening in 23/30 and structural abnormalities in 2/30.12 A smaller CRL

than expected was found in 95% of the fetuses with data available for evaluation and

eight of 30 fetuses had a larger biparietal diameter than expected for gestational age.12

Typical features of triploidy are presented in Table 6.5 and additional first trimester

findings in triploidy fetuses are shown in images in various chapters of this book.


Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is a relatively new genetic testing that is offered as

a screening test in the first (and second trimester of pregnancy) for trisomies 21, 13, 18,

monosomy X, and sex chromosome abnormalities. The test is based upon the presence

of fetal cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in the maternal circulation primarily from placental

cells apoptosis. Placental cell apoptosis releases into the maternal circulation small

DNA fragments that can be detected from about 4 to 7 weeks of gestation.14 It is

estimated that about 2-20% of circulating cfDNA in the maternal circulation is fetal in

origin.14 The half-life of cfDNA is short and is typically undetectable within hours afterdelivery.15 Details of the technical aspect of NIPT are beyond the scope of this book but

the various tests that are clinically available are based upon the isolation and counting

of cfDNA using sequencing methods.

Table 6.5 • First Trimester Features of Triploidy

Digynic (Maternal)


Diandric (Paternal)



translucency Normal Increased

Free β-hCG

(median) 0.18 MoM 8 MoM

PAPP-A (median) 0.06 MoM 0.75 MoM


Short crown-rump length,

severe growth restriction

with discrepant


circumference >2 wk

Normal growth or short

crown-rump length


Proportional large head, dilated fourth ventricle,

compressed posterior fossa as a clue for spina bifida,


Heart Cardiac anomalies, aberrant right subclavian artery,

echogenic focus, tricuspid regurgitation

Abdomen Echogenic bowel, single umbilical artery, absent gall

bladder, echogenic kidneys

Limbs, skeletal Clenched hands, syndactyly, club feet, spina bifida

Free β-hCG, free β human chorionic gonadotropin; PAPP-A, pregnancyassociated plasma protein A.

NIPT has very good performance with regard to screening for T21. In published

studies, the detection rate for T21 is at 99% for a false-positive rate of 0.16%.16,17

Detection rate for T18 is at 97% for a false-positive rate of 0.15%.16 The use of NIPT

is rapidly expanding and is now being offered as the primary screening test in

pregnancy. Even if the NIPT test has an excellent detection rate for T21, T18, and T13,

other aneuploidies remain missed.18–20

It should be emphasized that NIPT is a screening and not a diagnostic test and thuscaution should be used when NIPT is incorporated in the genetic evaluation of fetal

malformations. Given a relatively high association of anomalies with chromosomal

imbalance, the significance of a normal NIPT result in the setting of fetal anomalies

should be explained with the patient and further invasive diagnostic testing should be

recommended. Undoubtedly NIPT technology will expand over the next few years to

allow for screening of chromosomal deletions and duplications and is already available

for very few monogenic conditions.



Screening for chromosomal aneuploidy in the first trimester with NT and other markers

has expanded the use of ultrasound in early gestation. This expansion in first trimester

ultrasound led to the detection of single or multiple fetal malformations, which in some

cases suggested the possible presence of a genetic syndrome. We presented in Chapter 5

four possible pathways that result in the detection of fetal anomaly in the first trimester.

These four pathways include: (1) the presence of an obvious structural anomaly on

ultrasound, (2) the detection of a thickened NT with resultant workup leading to the fetal

anomaly, (3) the presence of a positive family history leading to the detection of a

recurrent case and (4) the detection of the anomaly by a detailed ultrasound

examination. In the absence of a prior family history of a genetic syndrome with fetal

anomalies, the de novo diagnosis of a genetic syndrome in the first trimester is quite

challenging. When presented with a constellation of sonographic abnormalities in the

second or third trimester of pregnancy, an expert sonologist is commonly able to suggest

the presence of a specific syndrome. This is a more challenging task in the first trimester

however as the full display of all of the sonographic features of a genetic syndrome is

rare in early gestation. Nevertheless, there are four ways that syndromic conditions are

diagnosed in the first trimester:1.




Figure 6.33: This figure shows the fetal profile (A) and the four-chamber view

in color Doppler, obtained transvaginally (B) in a pregnant patient referred at 30

years of age for nuchal translucency (NT) screening at 12 weeks of gestation.

A: An NT of 2 mm, within the normal range and an absent nasal bone (arrow).

B: A hypoplastic left ventricle (LV), suspicious for a hypoplastic left heart

syndrome with blood flow only demonstrated across the right atrium (RA) and

ventricle (RV) on color Doppler. Chorionic villous sampling revealed a partial

monosomy 9q and partial trisomy 2p as unbalanced translocation. Karyotyping

of parents’ chromosomes revealed a previously unknown balanced

translocation in the father.

The presence of an abnormal karyotype following an invasive diagnostic procedure

such as trisomies, triploidy, monosomy X and large unbalanced translocations,

deletions, and duplications.

The presence of microdeletions and microduplications, detected either with

fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) or with comparative genomic hybridization

(CGH or microarray).

Monogenic diseases detected by selective molecular genetic examination of a

special condition or with the use of next generation sequencing.

Genetic syndromes with “association” or “sequence” with no or not yet defined

molecular genetic background.Abnormal Karyotype, Deletions, Duplications

If an anomaly is detected on ultrasound, the authors believe that it is not advisable to

offer the NIPT test, as it is a screening test and will miss some significant chromosomal

abnormalities.18 Invasive diagnostic testing, such as chorionic villous sampling (CVS),

should be offered in that context. The traditional karyotypic analysis will detect the

presence of large balanced or unbalanced translocations (Fig. 6.33), rare mosaic

trisomies, marker chromosomes, and isochromosomes (Figs. 6.34 and 10.19) in

addition to numerical chromosomal abnormalities. Large chromosomal deletions can

also be identified on traditional karyotype analysis as in the majority of deletions 4p-

(Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome) (Fig. 6.35) or deletion 18p- (De Grouchy syndrome) (Fig.

6.36). Small deletions, termed microdeletions, such as 22q11 (DiGeorge syndrome),

are typically too small to be identified by this method (Fig. 11.6). Microdeletions can

be detected by the use of FISH, when such a condition is suspected (e.g., FISH for

deletion 22q11 in conotruncal anomalies) or by examining the complete chromosome

using CGH or microarray. This CGH technique has become popular recently despite its

cost and limitations. Some centers offer CGH as a first-line genetic testing after CVS or

amniocentesis, whereas others restrict its use to suspected DNA imbalance or as a

second-line test following normal karyotype analysis. Recent studies suggest that CGH

detects an additional 6% of chromosomal abnormalities over the aneuploidies in

pregnancies with fetal malformations.21,22

Monogenic Diseases and Other Syndromic Conditions

Many fetal anomalies identified in the first trimester can also be caused by a monogenic

inherent disease (e.g., skeletal anomalies, central nervous system anomalies associated

with ciliopathies, polycystic renal diseases, and others) and may escape detection with

CGH. In these cases, knowledge of typical sonographic features is needed in order to

test for the specific gene(s) involved. Recently, there has been an increased use of

selective panels for genetic diseases and in the future the use of next generation exon or

genome sequencing will be more widely used. Until then, expert sonographers and

sonologists should become familiar with fetal anomalies in the first trimester that are

commonly associated with monogenic inheritance patterns.Figure 6.34: A: A thickened nuchal translucency (4.7 mm) in a fetus at 11

weeks of gestation. B: The corresponding axial plane of the head and C is the

3D ultrasound in surface mode. Note the thickened nuchal translucency (NT) in

B and in C shown as transparent thickening in the dorsal aspect of the fetus

(arrows). At this stage no other anomalies were seen. Chorionic villous

sampling with prolonged cell culture revealed tetrasomy 9p.Figure 6.35: This 40-year-old pregnant woman was referred for first trimester

screening. A nuchal translucency (NT) of 3 mm was measured (asterisk) along

with absent nasal bone (arrow) as shown in A. An aberrant right subclavian

artery (ARSA) was also found in B with a course behind the trachea (T). We

had high suspicion for trisomy 21. Prolonged culture of cells from chorionic

villous sampling revealed deletion 4p- (red arrow). The distal part of the short

arm of chromosome 4 is absent. Keep in mind that noninvasive prenatal testing

in such a condition would have missed the diagnosis.

The ability to suggest the presence of a possible association of a fetal anomaly with

a monogenic type of inheritance vary based upon the expertise of the examiner and the

types of fetal anomalies. It is relatively easy, for instance, to suggest the diagnosis of

Meckel–Gruber syndrome (Figs. 8.21, 13.30, and 13.31), in the presence of an occipital

encephalocele and polydactyly in the first trimester. Noonan syndrome is suggested

when a markedly thickened NT is associated with normal karyotype and persists into the

second trimester (Fig. 9.45). The diagnosis of monogenic syndromes is difficult when

anomalies are subtle and expressivity of sonographic markers is incomplete in the first

trimester. In this setting, follow-up ultrasound examinations in the early second trimesterare required. In two cases, the authors have observed the presence of short femur and

polydactyly at 12 to 13 weeks of gestation and CVS revealed normal karyotype.

Follow-up ultrasound at 15 weeks revealed short ribs, which led us to suggest the

presence of short-rib-polydactyly or Ellis–Van Creveld syndrome, and molecular

genetic testing confirmed the diagnoses in both cases (Figs. 14.18 and 14.22) . Often,

genetic diseases are diagnosed in early gestation due to routine screening or in

diagnostic testing in the presence of maternal or paternal carrier status, and before any

sonographic markers are present. Examples of such conditions include cystic fibrosis,

tuberous sclerosis, fragile X, thalassemia, sickle cell, storage diseases, and others.

There are also associations as VATER association, or autosomal recessive inherited

conditions such as Fryns syndrome (Fig. 10.20) with no specific genetic identification

to date. Table 6.6 lists several genetic syndromes and conditions that the authors

diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy along with their corresponding ultrasound

figures, presented in various chapters of this book.

Detailed discussion of ultrasound features and genetic testing of all genetic

syndromes is beyond the scope of this book. Interested readers are referred to reference

books23 and Internet sites such as Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man

( and Orphanet ( 6.36: First trimester ultrasound at 13 weeks of gestation showing the

presence of alobar holoprosencephaly (asterisk) in A, abnormal face in B and

C, dysplastic kidneys (K) in D, vertebral anomalies (Vert.) in E, and clenched

fingers (arrow) in F. Chorionic villous sampling revealed a deletion of the small

arm of chromosome 18 (red arrow). 18p- deletions are typically associated

with holoprosencephaly as the TGIF gene is present on the short arm of

chromosome 18 as well as spinal and others anomalies. Keep in mind that

noninvasive prenatal testing in such a condition would have missed the


Table 6.6 • Genetic and Syndromic Conditions Presented in This Book

along with the Corresponding Figures

Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome Figure 12.18

Campomelic dysplasia Figure 14.23

CHARGE syndrome Figure 9.321.








Diastrophic dysplasia Figure 14.20

Ellis–Van Creveld syndrome Figure 14.22

Femur-fibula-ulna (FFU) complex Figures 14.25 and 14.32

Fryns syndrome Figure 10.20

Grebe dysplasia Figure 14.33

Holoprosencephaly, autosomaldominant nonsyndromic Figure 8.30

Joubert syndrome Type 14 Figure 8.22

Meckel–Gruber syndrome Figures 8.21, 13.30, and 13.31

Noonan syndrome Figure 9.45

Osteogenesis imperfecta Type II Figures 14.18 and 14.19

Short-rib-polydactyly syndrome Figure 14.18

Thanatophoric dysplasia Figure 14.21

VACTERL–VATER association Figure 12.36

Walker–Warburg syndrome Figure 8.35

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