Diabetes in Pregnancy

 Diabetes in Pregnancy:

1. Gestational diabetes is associated with an increase risk of all the following,


A. Cesarean section

B. Shoulder dystocia

C. Fetal macrosomia

D. Intrauterine fetal death

E. Intrauterine growth restriction

2. Control of gestational diabetes is accomplished with the following, EXCEPT:

A. Insulin

B. Diet

C. Oral hypoglycemic agents

D. Exercise

E. Insulin and diet

3. Infants of mother with gestational diabetes have an increased risk of the

following, EXCEPT:

A. Hypoglycemia

B. Hypoinsulinemia

C. Hypocalcemia

D. Hyper bilirubine

E. Polycythemia

4. The best screening test for gestational diabetes

A. Fasting blood sugar

B. Random blood sugar

C. Glucose challenge test

D. Glucose tolerance test

E. Blood sugar series

5. Glucose tolerance test :

A. Is used as a screening test for diabetes.

B. Is considered to be a diagnostic test for diabetes.

C. Is performed in a non-fasting state.

D. Should be avoided during pregnancy as it needs a loading dose of glucose.

E. 50 mg of glucose should be given to the patient.

6. Indications of glucose tolerance test GTT in pregnancy include all the following


A. Previous Hx of gestational diabetes mellitus.

B. Hx of macrosomic baby.

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C. Glycosuria in one occasion.

D. Hx of unexplained fetal death.

E. Hx of babies with congenital sacral agenesis.

7. Regarding Good control of diabetes in pregnancy :

A. Maintains blood sugar level between 8 and 12 mmol/L.

B. Is achieved by twice daily injection of insulin.

C. Increases the incidence of polyhydramnios.

D. Has no effect on the incidence of congenital abnormalities.

E. Is aimed of increasing fetal hyperinsulinisim.

8. In the Saudi population, the most common problem during pregnancy is :

A. Diabetes.

B. Toxemia.

C. Heart disease.


E. Iron deficiency anemia.

9. Maternal complications associated with polyhydramnios include :

A. High blood pressure.

B. Urinary tract anomalies.

C. Diabetes.

D. Postmature pregnancy.

E. All of the above.

10. Which of the following items in a pregnant patient's History suggests the

possibility of her having diabetes :


B. Past Hx of twins.

C. 1st trimester bleeding.

D. Diabetic husband.

E. Unexplained stillbirths.

11. During pregnancy, blood tests for diabetes are more abnormal than in

nonpregnant state. This is due to :

A. Decreased insulin.

B. Increased absorption from the GI tract.

C. Increased placental lactogen.

D. Estrogen decreases and progesterone increases.

E. Hemoconcentration.

12. The test that is used to diagnose diabetes is :

A. Glucose challenge test.

B. FBS & random blood sugar.

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C. Glucose tolerance test.

D. Hb A1C.


13. Which of the following is a known complication of diabetes in pregnancy :

A. It increases the incidence of congenital abnormalities.

B. Development of pregnancy induced hypertension.

C. Development of oligohydraminos.

D. Development of retinopathy.

E. Jaundice.

14. Gestational diabetes should be suspected in all the following conditions,


A. A strong family Hx of diabetes.

B. Previous Hx of big baby.

C. Polydepsia and polyuria.

D. Hx of unexplained fetal loss.

E. Polyhydramnious.

15. Infants of diabetic mothers are at risk of one of the following :

A. Low Hb.

B. Hypercalcemia.

C. Hyperglycemia.

D. Microsomia.

E. Respiratory distress syndrome.

16. Insulin requirements of pregnant diabetic women are greatest during :

A. The 1st half of pregnancy.

B. The 2nd half of pregnancy.

C. During lactation.

D. The immediate postpartum period.

E. None of the above.

17. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is associated with:

A. Increased risk of spontaneous abortions.

B. Increased risk of fetal cardiac malformations.

C. Increased risk of fetal CNS malformations.


E. Decreased head circumference: abdominal circumference ratio.

18. Infants of mothers with GDM have an increased risk of all of the following


A. Hypoglycemia.

B. Hyperglycemia.

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C. Hypocalcaemia.

D. Hyperbilirubinemia.

E. Polycythemia.

19. GDM is associated with an increased risk of all the following EXCEPT:

A. C-section.

B. Shoulder dystocia.

C. Fetal Macrosomia.



20. Infants of mothers with GDM are at an increased risk of becoming:

A. Obese adults.

B. Type II diabetes.

C. Neither

D. Both.

21. Compared to Type II diabetes, type I diabetes is associated with all of the

following EXCEPT:

A. Greater incidence of pre-eclampsia.

B. Greater incidence of preterm delivery.

C. Greater risk of maternal hypoglycemia.

D. Greater risk maternal diabetic ketoacidosis.

E. Reduced risk of IUGR.

22. GDM substantially increase the mother's risk for the ultimate development of:

A. Type I DM.

B. Type II DM.

C. Neither.

D. Both.

23. Which of the followings is a known complication of diabetes in pregnancy?

A. Fetal microsomia (small baby).

B. Oligohydraminos.

C. Iron deficiency anemia.

D. Fungal infection.

E. Placenta previa.

24. Regarding gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM):

A. It is the most common cause of IUGR.

B. The best screening test is random blood sugar.

C. The diagnostic test is glucose tolerance test (GTT).

D. All patients should be treated by insulin, as diet alone is not enough.

E. All patients should be delivered before term to avoid complications.

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25. Diabetes in pregnancy can cause all the following congenital anomalies


A. Sacral agenesis.

B. Central nervous system abnormalities.

C. Lower limb hypoplasia.

D. Congenital heart disease.

E. Yellow teeth discoloration.

26. Infants of diabetic mothers are at risk of one of the following :

A. Low hemoglobin

B. Hypocalcaemia

C. Hyperglycemia

D. Microsomia

E. Respiratory distress syndrome

27. The serum insulin level in the newborn infant of a diabetic mother in

comparison to the infant of a euglycemic mother is generally :

A. Higher

B. The same as euglycemic

C. Lower

D. Extremely labile

E. None of the above

28. With overt diabetes, what is the most common fetal malformation?

A. Congenital heart disease.

B. Caudal regression.

C. Renal agenesis.

D. Neural tube defect.

29. All the following are considered to be complications of gestational diabetes,


A. Polyhydramnios.


C. Fetal macrosomia.

D. Sudden unexpected intrauterine fetal death.

E. Neonatal hypoglycemia.

30. Regarding gestational diabetes, choose the correct answer :

A. Cleft lip is the most common congenital anomaly seen with gestational


B. Fetal lung maturity is accelerated in diabetic patient compared to non

diabetic mothers.

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C. Macrosomia is one of the complications of uncontrolled gestational


D. Gestational diabetes usually starts before 12 weeks gestation.

E. Gestational diabetes has a very low incidence in Saudi Arabia.

31. The most common congenital anomaly associated with diabetes is:

A. Congenital heart disease.

B. Neural tube defect.

C. Sacral agenesis.

D. Renal agenesis

E. Caudal regression

32. Regarding gestational diabetes mellitus :

A. The incidence of this disease is very low in KSA.

B. Potential diabetic patients should have only glucose challenge test as a

diagnostic test.

C. Intrauterine growth retardation is more common in patients with

gestational diabetes than those patients with long standing diabetes


D. Oral hypoglycemic agents are not safe during pregnancy.

E. Oral hypoglycemic agents can be used in pregnancy for better control of

blood sugar.

33. Polyhydramnios is commonly found with


B. Placenta previa

C. Diabetes insipidus

D. Fetal renal agenesis

E. Diabetes mellitus

34. Risk factors for the development of gestational diabetes include all the

following, EXCEPT :

A. Obesity.

B. Family Hx of diabetes.

C. Previous Hx of IUFD.

D. Previous Hx of IUGR.

E. Previous Hx of diabetes.

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