Dysmemorrhea & PMS & Endometriosis

 Dysmemorrhea & PMS & Endometriosis:

1. Regarding Adenomyosis:

A. Is the presence of endometrial glands and stroma out side the uterus

B. Can be diagnosed by D&C

C. Can be detected by hysteroscopy

D. Can cause severe dysmenorrhea

E. Can cause infertility

2. The treatment of endometriosis include all the following EXCEPT:

A. Birth control pills (BCP).

B. Oral progesterone.

C. Estrogen.

D. Depoprovera.

E. GnRH analogue.

3. These are possible sites for endometriosis deposits EXCEPT:

A. Brain.

B. Peritoneum.

C. Uterosacral ligaments.

D. Ovaries.

E. Scars.

4. The diagnosis of endometriosis is confirmed by histologically identifying

extragenital implants containing :

A. Endometrial glands and Stroma.

B. Hypertrophic smooth muscle

C. Hemorrhage & iron pigment deposit

D. Fibroid

E. Stromal decidulaization

5. Regarding Adenomyosis, the following are true EXCEPT:

A. Causes dysmenorrhea

B. Usually associated with menorrhagia

C. The uterine size not affected by the disease

D. Hysterectomy is the treatment of choice to cure this condition.

E. Only confirmed after histopathology

6. Secondary dysmenorrhea can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Endometrial polyp

B. Endometriosis


D. Uterine leiomyoma

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7. Regarding Endometriosis :

A. is the presence of endometrial tissue in the myometrium

B. The liver is the most common site

C. Implantation ,lymphatic –vascular metastasis &coelmic metaplasia are

the theories about the pathogenesis

D. OCP are contraindicated as they worsen the symptom

E. Is best treatment by avoiding the pregnancy

8. Pelvic endometriosis :

A. Is a cause of 1ry dysmenorrheal

B. Associated with excessive vaginal discharge

C. Associated with prolonged use of IUCD

D. Combined OCP are predisposing factor

E. Can be diagnosed by laparoscopy

9. The following are theories of endometriosis EXCEPT:

A. Retrograde menstruation

B. Endometrial hyperplasia

C. Immunological factor

D. Coilemic metaplasia

E. Lymphatic spread

10. A woman with symptomatic endometriosis is likely to complain of all of the

following EXCEPT:

A. Dyspareunia.

B. Mood swings.

C. Painful defecation.

D. Severe dysmenorrhea.

E. Infertility.

11. Primary dysmenorrhea is most likely caused by:

A. Uterine hypercontractility.

B. Increased parity.

C. High levels of estrogen.

D. Coitus during menses.

E. Obesity.

12. The following are theories for endometriosis, EXCEPT:

A. Coelimic metaplasia.

B. Endometrial hyperplasia.

C. Retrograde menstruation.

D. Immunological factor.

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E. Lymphatic spread of endometrial fragments

13. Regarding Endometriosis, all of the following are CORRECT, EXCECPT:

A. Is frequently associated with infertility.

B. Causes deep dyspareunia.

C. Is often asymptomatic.

D. Causes post coital bleeding.

E. Causes Dysmenorrhea.

14. Endometriosis is :

A. The presence of endometrial glands outside the uterus.

B. The presence of endometrial stroma outside the uterus.

C. The presence of endometrial glands & Stroma outside the uterus.

D. A disease of menopause.

E. Hyperplasia of normally located endometrium.

15. Dyspareunia in endometriosis can be caused by the following EXCEPT:

A. Endometriomas.

B. Flexed retroversion of the uterus.

C. Uterosacral implants.

D. Danazol therapy.

E. The use of the birth control pill.

16. The operation of Endometriosis should be:

A. Tailored to the patient's age, symptoms, & extent of disease.

B. Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH) & bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy


C. Removal of implants only.

D. Presacral neuroectomy.

E. Unilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy.

17. Each of the following can be a treatment modality for endometriosis EXCEPT :

A. Depoprovera medroxy progesterone

B. GnRH analogues

C. Estrogen skin patches

D. Oral contraceptive pills

E. Danazol

18. The leading theories in the pathogenesis of endometriosis include :

A. Retrograde menstruation with transport of endometrial cells

B. Metaplasia of coleomic epithelium

C. Hematogenous of lymphatic spread

D. Direct transplantation of endometrial cells

E. All of the above

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19. A 40 year-old woman complains of menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea that

progressed gradually, the most likely diagnosis is:

A. Endometrial cancer.

B. Adenomyosis.

C. Cervical cancer.

D. Ovarian cyst.

E. Endometrial polyps.

20. The diagnosis of endometriosis is often strongly suspected from patient's initial

history expressing the following EXCEPT:

A. Infertility

B. Dysmenorrhea.

C. Vaginal dryness.

D. Dyspareunia.

E. Chronic Pelvic pain.

21. Premenstrual tension should be initially treated with:


B. Hysterectomy.

C. Aldosterone.

D. Diuretics.

E. D & C.

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