Fetal assessment

 Fetal assessment:

1. In fetal circulation:

A. Oxygenated blood goes along the umbilical arteries

B. The fetal lung is bypassed by means of ductus venosus

C. The foramen ovale connects the two ventricles

D. Most of the blood entering the right atrium flows into the left atrium

E. The blood in the umbilical arteries is more oxygenated that blood in

umbilical Vein

2. Components of biophysical profile include all of the following, EXCEPT:

A. Fetal movement

B. Placental thickness

C. Fetal tone

D. Fetal breathing movement

E. Amniotic fluid volume assessment

3. Antenatal fetal monitoring can NOT be accomplished by:

A. Fetal kick chart.

B. Fetal scalp sampling.

C. Non-stress test.

D. Obstetric U/S & Biophysical profile.

E. Acoustic stimulation.

4. Which of the following procedures allow the earliest retrieval of DNA for prenatal

diagnosis in pregnancy:

A. Fetoscopy.

B. Amniocentesis.

C. Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS)

D. Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS)

E. Fetal biopsy.

5. Regarding the biophysical profile:

A. Is usually done in labor.

B. Never include an non-stress test.

C. Includes fetal movement, fetal tone, fetal breathing, fetal heart rate &

amniotic fluid.

D. Includes a Doppler study.

E. Includes tone, movement & breathing.

All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011


6. Fetal assessment include the following EXCEPT:

A. Fetal biophysical profile.

B. Fetal Doppler velocimetry.

C. Fetal biometry.

D. Fetal Cardiotocography.

E. Fetal blood sugar sample

7. Patients with high risk pregnancy should have:

A. Follow-up in ANC every 6 weeks

B. Fetal kick chart.

C. Fetal maternal transfusion

D. Fetal amniotomy

E. Fetal biophysical profile.

8. A biophysical profile includes all of the following assessment parameters EXCEPT:

A. Fetal movement.

B. Fetal weight.

C. Fetal tone.

D. Fetal breathing movements.

E. Amniotic fluid volume.

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