Incontinence & Genital Prolapse:

 Incontinence & Genital Prolapse:

1. Urge incontinence

A. Is due to pelvic anatomic defect.

B. Patient loses small amount of urine.

C. Can be diagnosed with stress test.

D. Can be treated medically.

E. Can be treated surgically with sling

2. Which of the following factors predispose to genital prolapse:

A. Repeated LSCS

B. Multiparty

C. Pelvic inflammatory disease

D. Endometriosis

E. Repeated Candidiasis

3. The treatment of cystocele in a 32 years old may include the following, EXCEPT:

A. Pelvic floor exercise.

B. Weight loss.

C. Vaginal hysterectomy.

D. Anterior colporrhaphy.

E. Vaginal Pessary.

4. Urinary stress incontinence is:

A. The loss is of large amount of urine when intra-abdominal pressure


B. The loss is of small amount of urine when intra-abdominal pressure


C. Inability to control the bladder of all urine

D. Inability to pass urine

E. Constant loss of small amounts of urine

5. In Urogenital prolapse, the following statement are correct EXCEPT:

A. Urethrocele is prolapse of the urethra in the vagina.

B. Obesity is the risk factor.

C. Inguinal hernia is manifestation

D. Rectoceles are associated with chronic constipation

E. Cystoceles are associated with prolonged 2nd stage of labor

6. An Enterocele:

A. Contain part of the peritoneum.

B. Is lined by peritoneum

C. Herniates into the bladder

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D. Can be treated medically

E. Can be clinically demonstrated by abdominal exam.

7. Regarding Rectocele

A. Can be treated medically

B. Surgery is indicated in all patients

C. Constipation is not a predisposing factor

D. Should only be corrected if it is interfering with defecation and life style

E. Is common in younger patients

8. True incontinence can result from the following EXCEPT:

A. Pelvic irradiation

B. Trauma

C. Prolonged obstructed labor

D. C-section

E. Epidural analgesia

9. 49 years old women comes in complaining that several years it feels as though

"her organ are progressively falling out her vagina" along with this, she

complains of losing urine with straining, occasional urgency, and sometimes a

feeling of incomplete emptying of her bladder with voiding. On further

examination you will find :

A. Rectocele

B. Cystocele

C. Enterocele

D. Complete uterine prolapse


10. 38 years old multigravida women complains of the painless loss of urine,

beginning immediately after coughing, laughing, lifting, or straining. Immediate

cessation of the activity stops the urine loss .this history is must suggestive of :

A. Fistula

B. Stress incontinence

C. Urge incontinence

D. Urethral incontinence.


11. The work up of patients with incontinence include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Culture & sensitivity

B. Stress test

C. pelvis U/S

D. Cystometric study

E. Residual urine volume

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12. Detrusor instability should be managed by:

A. Drug therapy.

B. Electrical therapy.

C. Operative therapy

D. Psychiatric therapy.

E. No therapy.

13. Regarding Cystocele, the following are true EXCEPT :

A. Is more common in multiparus women.

B. The best way of treatment is vaginal hysterectomy.

C. Is usually associated with stress incontinence.

D. None of the above.

E. All of the above.

14. Clinical symptoms of uterine prolapse include the following EXCEPT:

A. Cervical ulcer.

B. Dyspareunia.

C. Amenorrhea.

D. Urinary retention.

E. Low back ache.

15. Stress incontinence: the following statement are correct EXCEPT:

A. Is more common in older women.

B. Can be treated with estrogen.

C. More common in women after menopause.

D. Becomes worse after menopause.

E. Is always isolated.

16. Stress incontinence:

A. Is more common in multiparus.

B. Means passing urine frequently.

C. Can be treated by antibiotic.

D. Bladder drilling is an effective treatment.

E. Almost always is associated with utero-vaginal prolapse.

17. True incontinence can result from the following EXCEPT:

A. Pelvic irradiation

B. Trauma

C. Prolonged obstructed labor

D. C-section

E. Recurrent cystitis.

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18. When the cervix protrudes well beyond the introitus, in a case of uterine

prolapse, the prolapse is called which of the following:

A. 1ST degree.

B. 2ND degree.

C. 3RD degree.

D. Procedentia.

E. None of the above.

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