Infections of the lower genital Tract

 Infections of the lower genital Tract:

1. Vulvovaginal Candidiasis:

A. Cause muco-purulent cervicitis.

B. Frequently associated with systemic symptoms.

C. May be diagnosed microscopically by mixing discharge with KOH.

D. Is treated with doxycycline.

E. Is one of the sexually transmitted diseases.

2. Bacterial Vaginosis:

A. Is rare vaginal infection.

B. Is always symptomatic.

C. Is usually associated with profound inflammatory reaction.

D. Causes fishy discharge which results from bacterial amine production.

E. Is treated with Clotrimazole.

3. Trichomoniasis:

A. Associated with cytological findings in PAP smear.

B. Associated with pregnancy & Diabetes mellitus.

C. Is sexually transmitted parasite which causes pruritic discharge.

D. May cause overt warts.

E. Is diagnosed on a wet smear which reveals clue cells.

4. Chlamydia Trachomatis infection:

A. Are commonly manifested as vaginal discharge.

B. PAP smear usually suggest inflammatory changes.

C. Infection in the male partner present as urethritis.

D. May ascend into the upper genital tract resulting in tubal occlusion.

E. All of the above.

5. All the followings can be transmitted sexually EXCEPT:


B. Chlamydia.

C. Gonorrhea.

D. Vaginal Candidiasis.

6. Regarding gonococcal infection of the female genital tract, the following are

common site of infection:

A. bartholine gland

B. Skene gland

C. Urethra & cervix

D. Rectal crypt

E. All of the above

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7. Vaginal Trochomitis is :

A. sexually transmitted disease

B. Yeast infection

C. Cause Salpangitis

D. Is more common in diabetic

8. Candida occur in all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Diabetic

B. Long term anti biotic

C. Thyrotoxicosis


E. Pregnant

9. All the followings can be transmitted sexually EXCEPT:


B. Clamydia.

C. Gonorrhea.

D. Vaginal Candidiasis.

10. Genital tract Candida occurs more frequent in all these patients, EXCEPT:

A. Diabetic.

B. On long term antibiotic therapy.

C. Thyrotoxicosis.

D. On oral contraceptive pills.

E. Pregnant.

11. Regarding Vaginal Trichomoniasis, choose the CORRECT answer:

A. Is a yeast infection.

B. Is generally sexually transmitted.

C. Frequently cause Salpangitis.

D. Is more common in diabetic patients.

E. Treated by antifungal drugs.

12. The treatment choice for gardenerella vaginosis is :

A. Ampicillin.

B. Metronidazole.

C. Clindamycin.

D. Gentamycin.

E. Vancomycin.

13. Which of the following is NOT detected by a cervical smear?

A. Herpes Simplex Virus

B. Human Papilloma Virus

C. Actinomycosis

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D. Trichomonas

14. Metronidazole is indicated for which of the following conditions:

A. Bacterial vaginosis

B. Trichomonas

C. Prophylaxis before vagina surgery

D. All of the above

15. Vaginal Trichomoniasis, choose the correct answer :

A. Is a yeast infection

B. Is generally sexually transmitted

C. Frequently cause salpingitis

D. Is more common in diabetic patients

E. Threatened by antifungal drugs

16. All the following infection can be transmitted through sexual intercourse,


A. Genital herpes

B. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

C. Chlamydia

D. Gonorrhea

E. Vaginal Candidiasis

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