Instrumental deliveries, C-section and Vaginal Birth
After C-section (VBAC):
1. The following are always indications for Caesarean Section
A. Hydrocephalus
B. Abruptio placenta
C. Preterm Labor
D. Active primary genital herpes
E. Sever pre-eclampsia
2. Obstructed labor: Which is true?
A. Diagnosis only when the cervix is fully dilated
B. Usually predicted before onset of labor
C. More common in developed countries
D. Mento-posterior position could be a cause
E. X-ray pelvimetry is essential to predict cephalo-pelvic disproportion in
3. Prolapse of umbilical cord: Which is true?
A. Not an indication for caesarean section when baby viable at 36 weeks
B. Diagnosed when membranes are still intact
C. Is more common when fetus acquires an abnormal lie
D. Incidence is 5%
E. Causes severe respiratory alkalosis
4. The best uterine scar a patient can have for Caesarian section is
A. Transverse upper segment
B. Longitudinal upper segment
C. Transverse lower segment
D. Longitudinal lower segment
E. A T-shaped incision
5. Which of the following is not a basic component of an obstetric forceps ?
A. Blade
B. Handle
C. Lack
D. Stem
E. Shank
6. Which instrument is not a basic of a laparoscopic set :
A. Trochar
B. Hegar dilator
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C. Veress needle
D. Light source
E. CO2 inflation set.
7. Which of the followings is a contraindication to a trial of labor after cesarean
A. Prior classical incision.
B. Prior cesarean delivery for dystocia.
C. Prior IUFD.
D. Ultrasound estimation of fetal weight of 3500g.
E. Prior cesarean delivery for breech.
8. Indications for instrumental delivery include all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Prolonged second stage of labor.
B. Fetal distress.
C. Transverse lie.
D. Breech presentation.
E. Maternal cardiac disease.
9. Obstructed labor:
A. Diagnosed only when the cervix is fully dilated.
B. Usually predicted before the onset of labor.
C. More common in developed countries.
D. Mento-posterior position could be a cause.
E. X-ray pelvimetry is essential to predict cephalo-pelvic disproportion in a
10. Prerequisites for instrumental delivery include all the followings EXCEPT:
A. Cephalic presentation.
B. Engaged head.
C. Full dilation of the cervix.
D. Rupture of membranes.
E. The presence of epidural analgesia.
11. Vacuum extraction (ventouse):
A. Causes more maternal birth canal injuries than the forceps.
B. Can be used when the cervix is 7 cm dilated.
C. Can be applied when the vertex is minus 2 station.
D. Can cause Cephalohematoma to the baby.
E. Can be used in face presentation.
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12. These conditions are always an indication for caesarean section. Which one of
these is an absolute indication for C/S :
A. Twin pregnancy
B. Breech presentation
C. Severe PET
D. Major degree placenta previa
13. Advantage of lower segment caesarean section over the classic incision
A. Ease of repair
B. Decreases blood loss
C. Lower probability of subsequent uterine rupture
D. Decreases danger of intestinal obstruction
E. All of the above
14. Indication for cesarean section include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Previous caesarean section
B. Failed forceps delivery
C. Cervical cerculage.
D. Cord prolapsed
E. Primigravida.
15. Pre-requisite for a forceps delivery include all of the following EXCEPT :
A. A complete dilated cervix
B. An empty bladder
C. The vertex in the occipito-anterior position
D. Ruptured membrane
E. The known position of the vertex
16. Which of the following neonatal morbidities is not related to forceps delivery?
A. Fractured skull
B. Sepsis
C. Nerve palsies
D. Cephalohematoma
E. Convulsion
17. Kjelland's forceps :
A. May be used if the head is not engaged
B. Have no cephalic curve
C. Have knobs on the shank which point towards the sinciput
D. Have a sliding lock in the order to correct asynclitism
E. Can be used with axis traction
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18. An absolute indication foe an elective C-section is :
A. Previous CS.
B. Antepartum hemorrhage.
C. Twin pregnancy.
A. Placenta previa totalis.
B. Fetal distress.
19. Immediate complications of C-section include all the following, EXCEPT :
A. Complications of anesthesia.
B. Bladder injury.
C. Thromboembolism.
D. Colon injury.
E. Hemorrhage.
20. Immediate complication of C/S include all except:
A. Bladder injury
B. Hemorrhage
C. Thromboembolism (also DM is not immediate)
D. Complication of anesthesia
21. All are contraindications to VBAC except:
A. Lower segment C-section
B. Classical C-Section.
C. Rupture uterine
22. These conditions are always an indication for C-section. Which one of these is
an absolute indication for CS?
A. Twin pregnancy.
B. Breech presentation.
C. Severe PET.
D. Minor degree placenta previa.
23. One of the following is an absolute indication for C-section:
A. Grade IV placenta previa.
B. Abruptio placenta.
C. Cervical cerculage.
D. Breech presentation.
E. Twins pregnancy.
24. Pre-requisite for instrumental delivery include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Cervix fully dilated.
B. Ruptured membranes.
C. Fetal head engaged.
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D. Fetal head at -2 station.
E. Empty catheterized bladder.
25. A newborn is noted to have a darkened swelling of the scalp that does not
cross the midline. This is most likely a:
A. Caput succedaneum.
B. Subdural hemorrhage.
C. Cephalohematoma.
D. Subarachnoid hemorrhage.
E. Tentorial tear.
26. Which of the following anesthetic technique will produce the greatest uterine
A. Spinal block.
B. Caudal.
C. Nitrous oxide.
D. Halothane.
E. Paracervical.
27. What is the most common cause of anesthetic death in obstetrics :
A. Failed intubation.
B. Hemorrhage.
C. Stroke.
D. Reaction to medication.
E. Aspiration pneumonitis
28. Epidural nerve block in labor:
A. Involves the injection of an anesthetic agent into the subarachnoid space.
B. Causes transient hypertension.
C. Increases the rate of forceps delivery.
D. Increases the length of the 1St stage of labor.
E. Is contraindicated if the patient is on anti-coagulants.
29. Which of the following anesthetic technique will produce the greatest uterine
A. Spinal block
B. Caudal
C. Nitrous oxide
D. Halothane
E. Paracervical
30. Most common cause of anesthesia death in pregnancy:
A. Aspiration pneumonia
B. Medication reaction
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C. Stroke
D. Hemorrhage
31. Contraindication of caudal anesthesia include:
A. Pilonidal sinus.
B. Heart disease.
C. Anemia.
D. Prematurity.
32. The following are absolute indication for C-section EXCEPT:
A. Face presentation.
B. Shoulder presentation.
C. Cervical cancer.
D. Fibroids in the lower uterine segment.
E. Previous classical C-section.
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