501.In VIA the target age group for screening is (Uganda).
a) 18 to 25 years.
b) 25 to 50 years.
c) 35 to 45 years if the screening is to be once in a life time.
d) For women greater than 50 years the screening interval is five years.
e) Annual screening is recommended for women 18 to 25 years.
502.The following are indications for ECC.
a) Positive PAP smear.
b) PAP smear reveals squemous epithelium.
c) Transformation zone not seen on colposcopy.
d) Positive pap smear no lesion seen on colposcopy
e) A and C above.
503.Corpus cancer syndrome involves.
a) Obesity, hypertension, CCF
b) Obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cancer endometrium.
c) Obesity, hypertension, renal disease.
d) Obesity, hypertension, haematometra.
e) Haematocolpos, obesity, hypertension.
504.About choriocarcinoma metastatic lesion to the brain are suspected when the ratio
of hCG in spinal fluid to serum is
a) 1:6
b) 1:70
c) 1:80
d) 1:90
e) 1:60
a) Can arise from any type of trophoblastic tissue.
b) It commonly appears after a partial mole.
c) Placental Site Tumour is easily diagnosed because the presence of chorionic villi.
d) Typical presentation is the presence of theca-lutein cyst.
e) hCG level higher than 105 IU/L is considered as poor prognosis
506.A chemotherapy course for GTN should not be continued if
a) WBC level less than 3000 cumm.
b) Polymorphonuclear leucocytes equal to 1500 cumm
c) Platelets count between100.000 to 150,000cumm.
d) After 2 negative weekly hCG titres.
e) After 3 consecutive negative weekly hCG titres.
507.About administration of methotrexate for treatment of GTN the following are true.
a) Methotrexate 1-1.5 mg/kg IM or IV on day 1, 3, 5 and 7.
b) Methotrexate 1-1.5 mg/kg IM or IV on day 2, 4, 6 and 8 to be repeated after one
c) Folinic acid 0.1-0.15 mg/kg IM on day 2, 4, 6 and 8 to be repeated after 1 week.
d) A and C.
e) None of the above.
508.About placental site tumour treatment is by
a) Methotrexate 2mg/kg for 6 months.
b) Methotrexate 1mg/kg for 4 months.
c) Mthotrexate, Actinomycin D, Etopside, cyclophosphamide and oncovin.
d) Cisplatin and cyclophosphamide.
e) Carboplatin and Paclitaxel.
509.About metastatic ovarian tumours, common primary site is
a) Pylorus.
b) Colon
c) Breast.
d) Liver.
e) Oesophagus
510. The following are true about stage 1c ovarian cancer.
a) Growth limited to one ovary with capsule ruptured.
b) Growth involves both ovaries capsule intact.
c) Growth limited one ovary positive peritoneal washing.
d) Growth limited to both ovaries capsule ruptured.
e) Growth involving both ovaries, tubes and uterus.
511. Carcinoma of the ovary
a) Is stage IIA if it spreads to the upper 1/3rd of the vagina without parametrial
b) Is stage IIIB if it has spread to the lateral pelvic wall
c) Is stage III if there is parenchymal induration of the liver at laparotomy
d) a and c above
e) None of the above
512. According to the FIGO classification, endometrial carcinoma will evidence of
positive peritoneal cytology would classified as.
a) Stage Ia.
b) Stage Ib.
c) Stage IIb.
d) Stage IIIa.
e) Stage IVa .
513. Concerning acetic acid the following are true.
a) It is mucolytic.
b) Around an abnormal nucleus light transmission is hindered.
c) Fades in 1-2 minutes
d) Epithelium becomes white in metaplasia
e) Epithelium becomes white in malignancy.
514. The following are true about colposcopic findings of blood vessels in cervicitis.
a) A-Stag-horn like vessels
b) Wasted thread vessels.
c) Tendril vessels.
d) Cork screw vessels
e) Tadpole like vessels.
515. Straw-berry appearance of the cervix occurs in
a) HPV infection.
b) HSV type 2 infection.
c) Candidiasis.
e) Trichomoniasis
516.The following are true of endometriosis
a) It cannot occur in postmenopausal women as their endometrium is atrophic.
b) It occurs in the reproductive age because of the presence of gonadotrophins.
c) It can cause deep and superficial dyspareunia.
d) All the above.
e) None of the above.
517.The most common site of endometriosis is
a) The pouch of Douglas.
b) The ovary
c) The posterior surface of the uterus
d) The broad ligament
e) The pelvic peritoneum.
518.The most frequent symptom of endometriosis
a) Infertility
b) Pain
c) Headache
d) Dyspareunia
e) All the above.
519.The following are true about uterine fibroids.
a) Treated always by surgery.
b) Red degeneration more common in post menopause.
c) Hyaline degeneration is a possible complication.
d) Medical treatment has no benefits.
e) Cannot be treated by endoscopic surgery.
520. Criteria for medical treatment for uterine fibroid include.
a) Giant fibroid previously surgery.
b) Small fibroids.
c) Contraindications for surgery.
d) To earn time and compensate the patient for surgery.
e) To preserve fertility.
521.About pelvic inflammatory disease.
a) Is a polymicrobial infection.
b) Chlamydia causes Fitz-Hugh Curtis syndrome.
c) N. Gonorrhoea is the commonest causative agent of pelvic abscesses.
d) B Fragilis is commonly involved.
e) Always the patients have to be admitted.
522.About PID
a) Can affect men and women of reproductive age
b) TB is commonly associated
c) Doesn’t present with PV bleeding
d) Always associated with Futz – Hugh – Curtis syndrome
e) Bacteroides are commonly implicated
523.Hospitalization for patient with PID.
a) Pregnancy.
b) Temperature of more than 38oc.
c) Suspected pelvic abscess.
d) Patient request
e) All of the above.
524.About PID.
a) Hysterectomy may be a mode of treatment
b) Surgery is always indicated.
c) Clindamycin is also used in the treatment.
d) Chronic pelvic pain syndrome is a complication.
e) Infertility is a common complication.
525. Menopause
a) Diagnosis is made in the presence of low ooestrogen and FSH levels
b) Increases the risk of fracture of the femur in obese women
c) Treatment with hormone replacement therapy carries no risk
d) Symptoms can be controlled with the combined contraceptive pill
e) All the above
526. During the postmenopausal period there is
a) High circulating levels of Oestrogens,
b) High circulating levels of Progesterone,
c) High circulating levels of Luteinizing hormone.
d) All the above
e) None of the above
527.Cause of postmenopausal bleeding.
a) Genital malignancies like ca. cervix.
b) Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
c) Retained placenta.
d) Hyperplastic endometrium.
e) Senile vaginitis.
528.During infertility work up.
a) Semen analysis should be the first to be done as it is easy to do
b) The couple should be given information on the menstrual cycle
c) Ovulation induction is a method of treatment
d) All the above
e) None of the above
529.The following is/are associated with male infertility
a) None scalpel vasectomy
b) Thyroid disorders
c) Chicken pox at 18 years of age
d) All the above
e) b) and c) above
530.A 35 year old woman presents with history of periods of amenorrhea followed by
heavy bleeding and denies using drugs. She wants to get pregnant. The following are
likely causes
a) Over stimulation of the follicular system of the ovaries by the hypophysis
b) Under production of oestrogens and progesterone
c) Under production of FSH and LH
d) All the above
e) None of the above
531. A 26 yr old married woman presents with infertility and amenorrhoea. She has a
normal satisfying sexual life. On work up she was found to be normal 46XX, no
oestrogen or progesterone nor evidence of androgens. She has poorly developed
breasts. HSG is normal. The following are possible causes
a) Testicular feminization syndrome
b) Mullerian dysgenesis
c) Gonadal dysgenesis
d) B and C above
e) All the above
532.Genital prolapse.
a) When a pelvic organ slips down and protrudes outside of the vagina.
b) Cystocele is when the anterior bladder wall slip down through the anterior vaginal
c) In a rectocele the rectum is prolapsed into the posterior vaginal wall.
d) Always treated with surgery.
e) Cannot be prevented.
533.Preparation of a patient for surgery
a) Informed consent is important
b) Patient has no right to refuse operation
c) Catheter insertion is mandatory for all patients for surgery
d) CXR is routine
e) CXR is important in patients above 50 years.
534. Anatomy of the female genital tract.
a) The uterine artery is a branch of the terminal part of the aorta.
b) The uterine artery is a branch of the internal iliac artery.
c) The uterine artery is the terminal branch of the internal femoral artery.
d) The uterine artery is a branch of the obsturator internus artery.
e) None of the above.
535.The perineal body is made of the following muscles.
a) Transverse perineal, Coccygeus, ischiocavernosus, levator ani, bulbo cavernosus.
b) External anal sphincter, ischiocavernosus, bulbocavernosus, levator ani and
transverse perini.
c) Bulbo spongiosus, ischiocavernosus, transverse perineal, levator ani.
d) Bulbospongiosus, transverse perini, anal sphincter, levator ani.
e) None of the above.
536. Indications for medical treatment of ectopic pregnancy include the following except:
a) Presence of cardiac activity
b) Beta-hCG titres less than 5000mIU/ml
c) Unruptured ectopic
d) An ectopic greater than 3.5 cm
e) An ectopic less than 3.5 cm
537. Concerning medical treatment in ectopic pregnancy, the following statements are
a) Methotrexate should be given on days 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.
b) Methotrexate should be given on days 1, 3, 5
c) Serum creatinine should not be done
d) Qualitative beta HCG is important in treatment
e) Ninety percent (90%) of an intravenous (IV) dose of methotrexate is excreted
unchanged within 24 hours of administration.
538. Habitual abortion
a) Is defined as 3 or more consecutive losses of pregnancies before 28 weeks
b) Cervical stitch is always successful
c) Can be investigated before pregnancy
d) A and C
e) None of the above
539. About abortions
a) Threatening abortion in the first trimester can be treated by bed rest
b) MVA can be done by all staff cadres if trained
c) The condition can be life threatening
d) a and c above
e) All the above.
540. In a patient with recurrent abortion, which of the following are possible causes?
a) Sigmond-Sheehan’s syndrome.
b) Cervical incompetence.
c) Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.
d) TORCH infections.
e) Congenital anomalies of the genital tract
541. You are on call at MUTH and are assessing a 16 year old patient with peritonitis and
septic shock due to a post abortal sepsis. Which of the following would you consider
in the management?
a) Broad spectrum antibiotic combination.
b) Patient resuscitation with 5 % dextrose.
c) Fluid challenge.
d) Blood and plasma transfusion.
e) Laparotomy as soon as patient’s condition allowed it.
542. Criminal abortion prevention.
a) Improving accessibility to family planning method.
b) Maternal education level has no role.
c) Legalization of elective abortion.
d) Adequate sexual education programs.
e) Health policies are no related.
543. About pos abortal care (PAC)
a) Antibiotics cover to prevent infection
b) Immediate post abortion family planning to avoid another pregnancy
c) Connection to other reproductive health services
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
544. Depo-Provera (DMPA).
a) Contains the progesterone medroxyprogesterone caproate.
b) Is a combine injectable contraceptive.
c) Can cause breakthrough bleeding.
d) Is effective for 10 wks.
e) Return to fertility is immediate after terminating its use.
545. Emergency contraception:
a) Combined oral pills are more effective than the progesterone only pills.
b) Progesterone only pills (ovureete) 2 doses 12 hours apart are enough.
c) Intra uterine device can be used within 7 days.
d) Is a routine method of contraception.
e) All of the above are false.
546. Combined OCPs contain.
a) A synthetic ooestrogen.
b) A progestin.
c) Both.
d) Neither.
e) All the above.
547.The following are true of oral contraceptive pills
a) They decrease the risk of ovarian cancer
b) They are contraindicated in parous women with endometriosis
c) They are contraindicated in young nulliparous girls
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
548. About Norplant
a) Effectiveness is reduced in women over 75 kilograms
b) Return to fertility is delayed after four years of use.
c) After expiry of the first five years the implants should be inserted on the same
d) Long term use can cause cancer of the breast
e) Menstrual irregularity is the most common indication for removal.
549. Leopold’s manoeuvres include
a) Determination of Gestational Age
b) Cervical examination
c) Determination of presentation.
d) Auscultation
e) All the above.
550. The following are true, when the fundal height is smaller than the expected for
gestational age.
a) Congenital anomalies can be present.
b) Abnormal lie is a differential.
c) Menstrual error is the commonest cause.
d) Small for date.
e) Pregnancy associated with uterine fibroid.
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