MCQs for OBGYN 23

 1051.About multiple pregnancy.

a) There is not significant increase in obstetric complications.

b) Risk of obstetric complications is slightly increased.

c) Perinatal morbidity/mortality is reduced.

d) At 2 years old, infant mortality rate of twins is the same as that of singletons.

e) Is common in blacks.

1052.In monozygotic twins.

a) One ovum is fertilized for two sperms.

b) Comprises 2/3 of all twins.


c) Dichorionic-diamniotic placentation occurs when cell division occurs in 1st 72

hours of fertilization.

d) Predisposing factors include race and use of fertility induction drugs.

e) Can co-exist with dizygotic twins.


a) Any bleeding from genital tract at any gestational age.

b) Any bleeding form genital tract after 28 WOA, independently of the cause.

c) Vasa previa is the commonest cause.

d) Amniotomy and induction can be done in type II placenta previa.

e) Lovset’s manoeuvre can help during management.

1054.Abruptio placenta.

a) Can appear before labour, during second stage or during third stage of labour.

b) Severe abruption always presents with heavy PV bleeding and shock.

c) DIC is one the commonest cause.

d) Severe abruption, IUFD and DIC should be delivered by emergency caesarean


e) Couvelaire uterus usually treated with Oxytocic drugs and DIC correction.

1055.Epidemiology of multifoetal gestation.

a) Incidence of monozygotic twins is uniform worldwide.

b) Incidence of Dizygotic twins is uniform worldwide.

c) Incidence is thought to be higher among whites.

d) Paternal family history is not a risk factor.

e) Overweight and tall women are at a greater risk for twin birth.

1056.Method of delivery of twins (mother in labour).

a) 1

st twin, cephalic presentation, C/section.

b) 1

st twin in non- longitudinal lie, external cephalic version can be attempted.

c) 1

st twin non-longitudinal lie; C section is suggested.

d) If 2nd twin is a non-longitudinal lie internal podalic version can be attempted.

e) If 2nd twin is breech, C/section should be done.

1057.Labour management in multifoetal gestation.

a) Induction of labour is contraindicated.

b) IV fluids should be given as soon as labour starts.

c) Vacuum extraction can be done on breech 2nd twin.

d) Forceps can be done on delivery after coming head.

e) Both babies have a high morbidity and mortality.

1058.Components of essential obstetric care include:

a) Parenteral Oxytocic dugs.

b) Parenteral antibiotics.

c) Manual removal of retained products.

d) Manual removal of the placenta.

e) Use of anticonvulsant.

1059.The following are common renal disorder during pregnancy.

a) Nephrotic syndrome.

b) Mild right hydronephrosis.

c) Pyelonephritis.

d) Calculi.

e) Glomerulonephritis.

1060.About caesarean section.


a) Increase risk of MTCT transmission of HIV.

b) Increase risk of puerperal infection.

c) Classical incision has less risk of uterine ruptures in subsequent pregnancies.

d) In emergencies, patients don’t need to be consented.

e) Is the commonest cause of obstetric fistula.

1061.Post-caesarean care.

a) Ambulation should not be started before 24 hours.

b) Oral feeding neither is nor indicated before 12 hours.

c) Foley catheter in prolonged/obstetric labour should be keep inserted for 21 days.

d) Elective operations antibiotic prophylaxis should be extended for at least 72


e) Deep venous thrombosis prevented by ambulation.

1062.Regarding episiotomy.

a) It’s done to shorten second stage only.

b) Done in every primegravida.

c) Reduces the risk of MTCT of HIV.

d) Medio-lateral incisions are more prone to extension than median episiotomy.

e) The entire above.

1063.The perineal body has attachment to 8 muscle which include:

a) Sphincter ani externus.

b) Gluteus maximus.

c) Transverse perinei superficialis and profundi.

d) Levator ani.

e) All of the above.

1064.The vulva consist of:

a) Vaginal orifice.

b) Vestibule.

c) Urethral orifice.

d) Labia majora and minora.

e) Clitoris.

1065.Cu T380A is:

a) An intrauterine releasing hormone device.

b) An intra vaginal device containing 380 mm surface area of copper wire around

the stem.

c) Can be inserted immediately after normal delivery.

d) Act by causing a foreign body reaction in the uterus.

e) Is effective only for 5 years.

1066.The following are steroidal contraceptives.

a) Nuva ring.

b) Mirena.

c) Mifepristone.

d) Cyclofem

e) Progestasert.


a) Contains both progesterone and oestrogens.

b) Can cause break through bleeding.

c) Is effective for 10 weeks.

d) Contains 3rd generation progesterone.

e) Return to fertility is immediate after termination its use.


1068.The following are possible complications of intrauterine device.

a) Syncope attacks.

b) Abnormal menstrual bleedings.

c) Spotting.

d) Spontaneous expulsion

e) Dyspareunia.


a) Leads to sterility after 10 ejaculations.

b) May cause impotence.

c) Involves ligation of vasa efferentia.

d) Can lead to primary testicular failure.

e) Is reversible.

1070.Vaginal foam tablets.

a) Active ingredients are nonoxynol-8

b) Act causing endometrial thinning.

c) Cause a foreign body reaction.

d) Are inserted after sex.

e) Are spermistatic.

1071.The following syndromes are associated with male infertility.

a) Kallman’s syndrome.

b) Savages’ syndrome.

c) Meig’s syndrome.

d) Sheehan’s syndrome.

e) Asherman’s syndrome.

1072.The following factors can lead to male infertility.

a) Excessive smoking.

b) Morbid obesity.

c) Orchidopexy.

d) Vasectomy.

e) Mumps infections.

1073.These are germ cell tumour.

a) Embryonal carcinoma.

b) Dysgerminomas.

c) Granulosa cell tumour.

d) Serous tumour.

e) Teratomas.

1074.Cervical carcinoma screening methods.

a) Unaided visual inspecting with acetic acid.

b) HPV DNA tests.

c) Visual inspection with naked eyes.

d) Can be done at 60 years of age.

e) Not recommended after cryotherapy.

1075.Carcinoma of the cervix management.

a) Stage I A1 cone can be done.

b) Radiotherapy can be used to cure the disease.

c) It is a chemo sensitive cancer.

d) Chemo-radiation can be done.

e) Second look surgery is indicated.


1076.Cervical carcinoma Clinical staging.

a) Clinical lesion visible, 3,5 cm on diameter, anterior lip, uterus free, normal

ultrasound and proctoscopy, cytoscopy showing bladder infiltration is stage .........

b) Lesion no visible clinically but histology informing; Endocervical adeno carcinoma,

LFT normal, Us scan negative, uterus fix to the pelvis, RFT abnormal is stage ......

c) No clinical lesion visible, histology informed you, cervical carcinoma with stromal

invasion 3mm on deep and 5 mm on transverse diameter: stage .........

d) Cervical carcinoma invading lower third of the vagina is stage .........

e) Lesion 3 cm on diameter, uterus free, no parametrial involvement, bladder an

rectum free, LFT and RFT normal, Us scan no involvement of the liver or kidneys,

but multiple lymph nodes in the pelvis: stage ..............

1077.Surgical finding suggestive of malignancies.

a) Adhesions presence.

b) Bilateral tumour.

c) Partially solid and cystic tumour.

d) Torsion.

e) Scanty vascularization of the surface.

1078.Meig’s syndrome is associated with.

a) Krukenberg tumour.

b) Dermoid cyst.

c) Fibroma.

d) Mucinous tumour.

e) The presence of ascites and no hydrothorax.

1079.About PID.

a) Fever, lower abdominal pain and vaginal discharge considered major signs.

b) C reactive protein, have a good sensitivity for assessing out come.

c) Presence of fluid in the pouch of Douglas in an abdominal ultrasound is


d) Bilateral hydrosalpinx is usually associated to sub acute and chronic PID.

e) In a pelvic abscess criteria to discharge patient is ESR less than 100 mm.

1080.Surgery for PID is done:

a) To every severe PID patient.

b) In abscess formation.

c) Not of diagnosis.

d) For social reasons or indications.

e) All the above.

1081. During D and C.

a) Sharp curettage is for infertility.

b) Sharp curettage is for Tb endometritis.

c) Sharp curettage is for endometrial carcinoma.

d) Blunt curettage is for choriocarcinoma.

e) Anaesthesia is not required.

1082.Predisposing factors for vaginal candidiasis include.

a) Pregnancy.

b) Good immune status.

c) Glycosuria.

d) Broad spectrum antibiotic therapy.

e) Chronic anaemia.

1083.Trichomoniasis is characterized:


a) Vaginal tenderness and pain.

b) Non-irritant discharge.

c) Patchy strawberry vaginitis.

d) Copious offensive frothy discharge.

e) Dysuria.

1084.The natural defence of the genital tract.

a) Is maintained by acidity of the vagina.

b) Is interfered with lactobacilli.

c) Is enhanced by oestrogens and progesterone.

d) Is improved by menstruation.

e) The entire above is false.

1085. About choriocarcinoma.

a) Chest x-ray is mandatory in the management.

b) Raise HCG level less than 10 % in two consecutive weeks after three normal

measurements is a bad prognosis sign.

c) Stage II and III low risk should be treated with first line combination


d) Stage IV always considered as high risk.

e) Complicated brain metastasis needing craniotomy for management.

1086.Choriocarcinoma WHO scoring system.

a) Older than 39 scored 1.

b) Brain metastasis scored 2.

c) Less than 4 metastasis scored 0.

d) Tumour size 3-5 cm scored 4.

e) Only one previous chemotherapeutic agent scored 0.

1087.The following are true about uterine fibroids.

a) Treated always by surgery.

b) Red degeneration more common in post menopause.

c) Hyaline degeneration is a possible complication.

d) Medical treatment has no benefits.

e) Cannot be treated by endoscopic surgery.

1088.Criteria for medical treatment for uterine fibroid include.

a) Giant fibroid previously surgery.

b) Small fibroids.

c) Contraindications for surgery.

d) To earn time and compensate the patient for surgery.

e) To preserve fertility.

1089.About genital prolapse.

a) Commonly affecting young women.

b) Always treated by Manchester’s operation.

c) Kegel’s exercise can prevent it.

d) Pelvic floor usually affected.

e) Can’t appear after TAH.

1090.The following are true of endometriosis

a) It cannot occur in postmenopausal women as their endometrium is atrophic.

b) It occurs in the reproductive age because of the presence of gonadotrophins.

c) It can cause deep and superficial Dyspareunia.

d) All the above.

e) None of the above


1091.The most common site of endometriosis is

a) The pouch of Douglas.

b) The ovary

c) The posterior surface of the uterus

d) The broad ligament

e) The pelvic peritoneum

1092.The most frequent symptom of endometriosis

a) Infertility

b) Pain

c) Backache

d) Dyspareunia

e) All the above

1093.A 35 year old woman presents with history of periods of amenorrhea followed by

heavy bleeding and denies using drugs. She wants to get pregnant. The following are

likely causes

a) Over stimulation of the follicular system of the ovaries by the hypophysis

b) Under production of oestrogens and progesterone

c) Under production of FSH and LH

d) All the above

e) None of the above

1094.A 26 yr old married woman presents with infertility and amenorrhoea. She has a

normal satisfying sexual life. On work up she was found to be normal 46XX, no

oestrogen or progesterone nor evidence of androgens. She has poorly developed

breasts. HSG is normal. The following are possible causes

a) Testicular feminization syndrome

b) Mullerian dysgenesis

c) Gonadal dysgenesis

d) B and C above

e) All the above

1095.BSN students delivered mothers and assessed the babies. Which was a true and

complete assessment?

a) Pink body and limbs, active limb movements, male pulse rate 105/minute, weak

respirations active sneezing and cough on suction: A/S = 9

b) Active limb movements, pink body, pulse rate 105/minute blue fingers good

respiration, female and active sneezing on suction: A/S 9

c) Crying loudly, male , moving limbs actively, fights on suction, pulse rate

129/minute, blue chest: A/S =9

d) A and B above

e) B and C above

1096.A 30 year old mother had a caesarean section for abruptio placentae at 36 weeks

at 6 am in the morning. Professor Perez found her anaemic and the dressing oozing

fresh blood. The following are true

a) He ordered re-opening of the abdomen as there was intra-abdominal


b) He did an abdominal examination to rule a ruptured uterus

c) He ordered some investigations and talked to the students about APH while

waiting for the results

d) He ordered a pressure dressing to be applied to the wound as this was bleeding

from the wound

e) None of the above.


1097.The following are poor prognostic factors in trophoblastic disease for malignant


a) Disease following normal delivery

b) beta-HCG more than 80,000 miu/mililitre

c) Disease following an abortion

d) A and C above

e) A and B above

1098.Treatment of endometriosis involves

a) Administration of gonadotrophins releasing hormone agonists to cause a pseudo


b) Administration of gonadotrophins releasing hormone antagonists to cause a

pseudo menopause state

c) Administration of large doses of oestrogens and androgens state to cause a

pseudo pregnancy

d) A and C above

e) B and C above

1099.A 56year old lady presented with a small cervical lesion which bled to touch, she

reported that she had difficulty closing her left eye. She had nausea and loss of

appetite. She had a staring gaze and paresis on the right. No other pelvic lesions

were found.

a) This is CaCx stage four

b) The condition can be diagnosed by ultrasound

c) The diagnosis can be suspected from the previous history and confirmed by

Laboratory investigations

d) She has Burkitt’s lymphoma

e) None of the above

1100.The following are true of oral contraceptive pills

a) They decrease the risk of ovarian cancer

b) They are contraindicated in parous women with endometriosis

c) They are contraindicated in young nulliparous girls

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

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