Physiology of Menstrual Cycle

 Physiology of Menstrual Cycle:

1. Which of the following is suggestive of ovulation:

A. Basal body temperature drop at least 0.5C in the second half of the cycle

B. Day 21 estrogen level is elevated

C. Progesterone level on day ten of the cycle is elevated

D. Regular cycle with dysmenorrhea

E. Oligomenorrhoea

2. The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is associated with:

A. High luteinizing hormone level

B. High progesterone levels

C. High prolactin level

D. Low basal body temperature

E. Proliferative changes in the endometrium

3. The follicular phase of menstrual cycle is characterized by:

A. Endometrial gland proliferation.

B. Decreased Ovarian Estradiol production.

C. Progesterone dominance.

D. A fixed length of 8 days.

E. A reduction in aromatase activity.

4. A sample of cervical mucus is taken on day 12 of the menstrual cycle. The mucus is

thin, clear, & stretchy. It placed on a slide and allowed to air dry. When placed

under microscopic, what would you expect:

A. Calcium citrate.

B. Clear fields, devoid of bacteria Cell.

C. Thick mucus with background bacteria.

D. A fren pattern characteristic of estrogen.

E. Clearly defined para-basal cells.

5. Estrogen hormone is produced from all of the following organs EXCEPT:

A. Corpus luteum.

B. Anterior pituitary (anterior lobe of hypophysis).

C. Placenta.

D. Testes,

E. Adrenal glands.

6. The midcycle LH surge:

A. Enhances thecal cell androgen production.

B. Luteinizes granulose cells.

C. Initiates resumption of meiosis.

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D. Facilitates oocyte expulsion.

E. All the above.

7. An involuted corpus luteum becomes a hyalinized mass known as a:

A. Corpus delicti.

B. Corpus granulosa.

C. Graafian follicle.

D. Corpus atrectica.

E. Corpus albicans.

8. Which of the following is the best method to predict the occurrence of ovulation:

A. Thermogenic shift in basal body temperature.

B. LH surge.

C. Endometrial decidulaization.

D. Profuse, thin, acellular cervical mucous.

E. Mittelschmerz.

9. Luteal phase deficiency:

A. Has inadequate luteal progesterone production.

B. Has inadequate follicular estrogen production.

C. Can be corrected by estrogen.

D. Associated with delayed menstruation.

E. Can lead to hypoprolactenemia.

10. On Examination of endometrial tissue obtained from a biopsy reveals simple

columnar epithelium with no sub nuclear vacuoles. The stroma is edematous, & a

tortuous gland contains secretions. These findings are consistent which stage of

menstrual cycle:

A. Mid-proliferative.

B. Late proliferative.

C. Early secretory.

D. Mid-secretory.

E. Non-ovulatory cycle.

11. Ovulation occurs:

A. Immediately after LH surge.

B. 6-8 hours after LH surge.

C. After Prolactin surge.

D. After follicles ripened in the ovary.

E. 36 hours after LH surge

12. Regarding Estrogen hormone:

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A. It is produced in corpus luteum.

B. It is responsible for secretory changes in endometrium.

C. It is mainly secreted as E3 by the ovary.

D. Can not be detected in the blood of postmenopausal.

E. Stimulates sebaceous gland activity

13. Regarding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, all of the following are true EXCEPT:

A. It is produced by the placenta.

B. Is reversible for the maintenance of corpus luteum.

C. It's level doubles every 48 hours in ectopic pregnancy.

D. Reaches a peak concentration in maternal serum by 10 weeks gestation.

E. Forms the main tumor marker for trophoblastic neoplastic diseases.

14. Endometrial changes during the menstrual cycle:

A. The basal layer of the endometrium is responsive to hormonal


B. The functional layer of the endometrium remains intact throughout the

menstrual cycle.

C. The increased thickness of the endometrium during the proliferative

phase is due to estrogen action.

D. Estrogen induces secretory changes in the endometrium & reduces

mitotic activity.

E. The zona compacta & spongiosum layer the basal layer of the


15. Inadequate luteal phase is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Insufficient secretion on FSH in the antecedent follicular phase.

B. Induction of ovulation with Clomiphene citrate.

C. Induction of ovulation with human menopausal gonadotropins.

D. Administration of progesterone in the luteal phase.

E. Hyperprolacternemia.

16. In the days after ovulation, all of the following occurs EXCEPT:

A. The basal temperature rises.

B. The endometrium undergoes secretory changes.

C. The plasma progesterone concentration falls.

D. Cervical mucous becomes more viscous & scanty.

E. Corpus luteum form.

17. The following hormones are secreted from the anterior pituitary gland EXCEPT:



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C. LH.


E. Prolactin.

18. Ovulation may be indicated by all the following, EXCEPT :

A. Endometrial biopsy revealing secretary changes.

B. Upward shift in the basal temperature.

C. Changing of cervical mucous to thick and scanty.

D. Progesterone level > 6.5ng/ml.

E. Mid-cycle elevation in Prolactin.

19. Which of the following is the primary source of estrogen ?

A. Theca interna cells.

B. Theca externa cells.

C. Granulosa cells.

D. Interstitial cells.

E. Epithelial cells.

20. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates the release of:

A. Opiate peptides.

B. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).

C. LH.

D. Growth hormone.

E. Thyroid-stimulating hormone.

22. Effect of estrogen on the Cervix mucous:

A. Increase the glycoprotein level & thus allow the penetration of the


B. Decrease the watery content

23. Raised FSH levels are found in all of the following conditions EXCEPT:

A. Postmenopausal women.

B. Turner's Syndrome.

C. Women on Combined Oral Contraceptive Pills.

D. Gonadal dysgenesis.

E. Peri-menopausal women who had hysterectomy with bilateral


24. Estrogen have all of the following actions, EXCEPT:

A. Produce proliferation of the endometrium.

B. Development of secondary sexual characteristics.

C. Fusion of the epiphysis.

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D. Increase cervical mucous.

E. Prevention of thrombosis.

25. Which of the following pubertal events in is NOT mediated by gonadal

estrogen production?

A. Menstruation.

B. Pubic hair growth.

C. Breast development.

D. Skeletal growth

E. Vaginal cornification

26. Which of the following statement regarding Prolactin is true?

A. Prolactin levels decreases shortly after sleep.

B. Prolactin levels increase levels increase after ingesting high glucose meals.

C. Prolactin levels decreases during surgery.

D. Prolactin levels increase during stress.

E. Prolactin levels increases after menopause.

27. Besides infertility, the most common symptoms of a luteal phase defect:

A. Vaginal dryness.

B. Early abortion.

C. Tubal occlusion.

D. Breast tenderness.

E. Ovarian enlargement.

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