Post-term and IOL

 Post-term and IOL:

28. Which is a contraindication of induction of labor

A. History of upper segment caesarian section

B. Sever P E T at 36 weeks

C. Gestational diabetes on insulin at 39 weeks

D. Post term pregnancy

E. Chorioamnionitis

29. Which of the following is an indication for induction of labor:

A. Placenta previa.

B. Post-term gestation.

C. Cord presentation.

D. Prior classical C-section.

E. Active genital herpes.

30. The following are indications for induction of labor EXCEPT :

A. Sever pre-eclampsia

B. Diabetes mellitus-controlled with high dose of insulin

C. Prolonged rupture of membrane without uterine contraction

D. IUFD ( intrauterine fetal death)

E. History of previous 3 C/S.

31. The most common reason for postdate pregnancy is:

A. Inaccurate gestational age.

B. Fetal anencephaly.

C. Oligohydramnios.


E. Advanced maternal age.

32. Which of the followings is an indication for induction of labor?

A. Placenta brevia.

B. Postterm gestation.

C. Cord presentation.

D. Prior classical cesarean section.

E. Active genital herpes.

33. In postterm pregnancy all the followings are true EXCEPT:

A. Associated with meconium stained liquor.

B. The fetus has long nails.

C. May results in oligohydraminos.

D. Not associated with respiratory distress syndrome.

E. It is a gestational age beyond 43 weeks.

All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011


34. Which of the followings is a contraindication for Oxytocin infusion to

induce labor?

A. Irregular first stage labor.

B. Transverse lie.

35. Indications for induction of labor include all the following EXCEPT :

A. Prolonged pregnancy

B. Severe pre-eclampsia


D. Previous 3 LSCS ( lower segment c/s)

E. Prolonged rupture of membranes without labor

36. Risks and complications of induction of labor include all the following, EXCEPT :

A. Failed induction.

B. Atonic postpartum hemorrhage.

C. Uterine hyperstimulation leading to fetal hypoxia.

D. Prostaglandin may cause hypothermia due to its direct effect on thermo

regularity centers in the brain.

E. Ruptured uterus in grand multipara of patients with previous C-section.

37.Which is a contraindication of induction of labor

A.History of upper segment caesarian section

B. Sever P E T at 36 weeks

C. Gestational diabetes on insulin at 39 weeks

D.Post term pregnancy

E. Chorioamnionitis

38. Risk and complications of induction of labor include all of the following


A.Failed induction

B. Atonic PPH

C. Uterine hyperstimulation leading to fetal hypoxia

D. Prostaglandin may cause hypothermia due to its direct effect on thermo

regulatory centers in the brain

F. Rupture uterus in grandmultipara of patients with previous CS

12. Which of the following has NOT been shown to stimulate (induce) labor:


B. Prostaglandins.

C. Enemas.

D.Breast stimulation.

E. Overeating.

All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011


13. Regarding induction of labor all statements are false, EXCEPT:

A.Chance of success is not dependent on the cervical bishop score.

B. Is indicated in patient with mitral stenosis.

C. Vaginal prostaglandin pessaries reduce the induction of delivery interval.

D.In indicated at 40 weeks gestation.

E. All diabetic women should be induced at 38 weeks of gestation.

14. Actions of Oxytocin include:

A. Anti-diuretic activity.

B. Production of transient hypertension.

C. Increase in uterine muscle contractility.

D. Activation of myoepithelial cells of the breast.

E. All of the above

15. What is the 1/2 life of Oxytocin:

A.< 1 min.

B. 3 min.

C. 10 - 15 min.

D.20 - 30 min.

16. Amnio-hook (artificial ROM) may cause all except:

A. Amniotic fluid embolus


C. Abruptio placenta

D. Fetal distress

E. Cord prolapse

17. Complications of artificial rupture of membranes include all the following,


A. Abruptio placenta.

B. Amniotic fluid embolism.

C. Fetal distress.

D. Meconium aspiration.

E. Cord prolapse.

18. A contraindication to the use of Oxytocin for stimulating labor at term is:

A. Dead fetus.

B. Hypertonic uterine dysfunction.

C. Hypotonic uterine dysfunction.

D. Twin gestation.

E. Prior history of LSCS.

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