A 29-year-old woman at 25 weeks gestation comes to clinic for routine prenatal care. She has a history of chronic hepatitis C infection
acquired approximately 10 years ago. Her pregnancy has been otherwise uncomplicated to date. She is married and is monogamous
with her husband, who
is aware of her hepatitis infection. Her past medical history is significant only for an appendectomy at age 12.
She has not been
immunized against hepatitis A or B. She takes no medications, aside from a daily prenatal multivitamin. Which of
the following recommendations should be g
iven to this patient?
Q A Avoid breastfeeding the baby
Q B. Begin treatment with interferon-a and ribavirin
Q C. Obtain hepatitis A and B vaccinations now
Q D. Schedule an elective cesarean delivery
Q E. Use barrier protection for all sexual intercourse

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