Rh isoimmunization and ABO incompatibility:
1. Select the most correct statement about fetal and neonatal IgM:
A. It is almost entirely maternal in origin
B. It is approximately 75% maternal and 25% fetal in origin
C. It is 50% maternal, 50% fetal in origin
D. It is 25% maternal, 75% fetal in origin
E. It is almost entirely fetal in origin
2. Anti-D prophylaxis:
A. Should be given to all sensitized Rhesus negative women after delivery
B. Should be given to all Rhesus negative women after amniocentesis.
C. Should be given to all Rhesus positive women who give birth to Rhesus
D. negative babies.
E. Should be given to all women who's babies are Rhesus negative
F. Is contra-indicated during pregnancy if the women is Rhesus negative
3. In Rhesus Iso-immunization, the following test may be helpful :
A. Rhesus antibody titer in liquor
B. Maternal serum bilirubin level
C. Liquor bilirubin level
D. Maternal hemoglobin
E. Baby gender
4.RH disease :
A. Occurs when the mother is Rh+
B. Occurs when the father is RHC.
C. Occurs when the fetus is Rh +ve
D. Can never occurs in the 1st pregnancy
E. Antibodies are formed against maternal RBCs
5.Rh isoimmunization Anti-D immunoglobulin should be given:
A. After every abortion occurring more than 8 weeks gestation
B. To all Rh negative females who have an Rh positive baby
C. Postpartum only to Rh negative female who are sensitized
D. Postpartum to Rh positive female with Rh negative husbands
E. After spontaneous rupture of membrane
6. RH incompatibility occurs with :
A. Rh –ve father & Rh+ve mother
B. Rh –ve mother & Rh –ve father
C. Rh –ve mother & Rh +ve father
D. Rh +ve mother & Rh +ve father
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
E. None of the above
7. In ABO incompatibility :
A. The mother has to be blood group AB
B. The father has to be B1 group O
C. It doesn't protect against RH disease
D. It is an antigen antibody reaction
E. Erythroblastosis
8. Fetal RBCs can be distinguished from maternal RBCs by their :
A. Shape
B. Resistance to acid elution
C. Lack of Rh factor
D. Lower amounts of hemoglobin
E. All of the above
9. Anti-D immunoglobulin should be given:
A. To Rh-negative mothers after every abortion occurring beyond 6-8
week's gestation.
B. To all sensitized Rh-negative females who have Rh-positive.
C. Postpartum only to Rh-negative females who are sensitized regardless
of the fetal blood type.
D. Postpartum to Rh-positive females with Rh-negative husbands.
E. None of the above.
10.A Rh negative women has increase the chances of being immunized during
pregnancy when:
A. Performing External cephalic version.
B. Maternal anemia.
C. Premature labor.
D. Maternal Thyrotoxicosis.
E. Multiple pregnancy.
11. Fetal RBCs can be distinguished from maternal RBCs by their:
A. Shape.
B. Resistance to acid elution.
C. Lack of Rh factor.
D. Lower amount of hemoglobin.
E. All of the above.
12. Fetal manifestations of erythroblastosis fetalis may include all of the
following EXCEPT:
A. Kimictrus
B. Hepatomegaly
All OB-GYN MCQs Second rearranged Edition 2011
C. Placental edema
D. Splenic enlargement
E. Polycythemia
13. All of the following maternal antibodies may cause erythroblastosis fetalis
in the fetus EXCEPT:
A. Anti-nuclear antibodies
B. Anti-E
C. Anti-D
D. Anti-lewis
14. If blood must be given without adequate cross matching, the best to use is:
A. AB Rh-positive.
B. AB Rh-negative.
C. O Rh-positive.
D. O Rh-negative.
E. A Rh-positive.
15. A Rh negative woman with a history of stillborn at 38/52 due to hemolytic
diseases, her husbands-genotype CDE/cde. In her current pregnancy which
of the following statements is CORRECT:
A. 100% of her babies will be Rh positive.
B. Immunoglobulin should not be given regardless of baby's Rh status.
C. Immunoglobulin should be given regardless of baby's Rh status.
D. There is 50% chance that her baby will be Rh negative.
E. By history alone, she should not be allowed to go after 36/52.
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