Uterine carcinoma

 Uterine carcinoma

1. In patient with endometrial cancer and less than 50% myometrial invasion, the

stage is at least:

A. IA.

B. IB.

C. IC.



2. Endometrial adenocarcinoma is most often preceded by:

A. Cystic hyperplasia.

B. Endometrial hyperplasia.

C. Endometrial hyperplasia with cytological atypia.

D. Arias-stella phenomena.

E. Microcytic glandular hyperplasia.

3. Regarding benign endometrial polyps all are correct EXCEPT:

A. May present with postmenopausal bleeding.

B. Commonly cause inter-menstrual bleeding.

C. May present with menorrhagia.

D. Are often pre-malignant.

E. Can be diagnosed by hysteroscopy.

4. An increased incidence of endometrial hyperplasia & endometrial carcinoma

has been described in patients with which of the following:

A. Multiparity.

B. Chron's diseases.

C. Delayed menarche.

D. Exogenous of estrogen.

E. Combined OCCP.

5. Endometrial hyperplasia would be most likely found in:

A. An obese, nulliparus, diabetic woman.

B. An ovulating woman.

C. A woman on cyclic combination birth control pills.

D. A woman on depo-medhydroxyprogresterone acetate for endometriosis.

E. A woman with a IUCD.

6. Risk of endometrial cancer include all EXCEPT :

A. Nulliparity

B. Delayed menopause

C. Patient with poly cystic ovarian cancer

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D. History of oral contraceptive pills

E. Obesity

7. Endometrial adenocanthoma is best described as:

A. Adenocarcinoma with benign squamous components.

B. Adenocarcinoma with papillary formation.

C. Squamous carcinoma with benign glandular components.

D. A mixture of malignant glandular & squamous components.

E. A mixture of benign glandular & squamous components.

8. Which of the following types of endometrial carcinoma has the BEST prognosis:

A. Adenosquamous carcinoma.

B. Clear-cell adenocarcinoma.

C. Serous carcinoma.

D. Secretory carcinoma.

E. Squamous-cell carcinoma.

10. The most common uterine tumors in reproductive age is:

A. Sarcoma.

B. Adenocarcinoma.

C. Adenomyosis.

D. Choriocarcinoma.

E. Leiomyoma.

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