Case 14 A 30-year-old woman with a postdated pregnancy

 Case 14 A 30-year-old woman with a

postdated pregnancy

Mrs Timmons is a 30-year-old woman in her first pregnancy.

It has been an uncomplicated pregnancy but her baby was

due 7 days ago and she comes to the antenatal clinic to

discuss what to do.

What should happen at the clinic?

• Routine antenatal assessment: blood pressure (BP) and


• Abdominal examination including symphysiofundal

height (SFH), presentation of fetus and auscultation of

fetal heart

• Enquire about general well - being and fetal


She tells you that she feels tired but well. She has been

feeling plenty of normal movements from the baby. Her

blood pressure is 120/80mmHg which is normal for her and

her urinalysis is negative. Her baby feels well grown (SFH is

39cm), is in a cephalic presentation and the fetal heart is

clearly heard. She asks you when you might induce her


What do you say?

This seems to be a ‘ low risk ’ pregnancy and therefore

national guidelines suggest induction of labour between

41 and 42 weeks. This maximizes the rate of spontaneous

labour, decreases perinatal mortality resulting from postmaturity but does not increase the caesarean section rate

from failed induction of labour.

She may wish to have a vaginal examination and membrane sweep as there is good evidence that this increases

the spontaneous labour rate in postdated pregnancies.

Performing a membrane sweep increases the discomfort

of the examination and often causes a small amount of


What will you tell her about your

vaginal examination findings?

When a vaginal examination is performed before labour

the findings are, by convention, assigned a score known

as a Bishop ’ s score which gives information about the

favourability of the cervix in relation to labour (Table

14.1 ).

She accepts a vaginal examination and membrane sweep.

Her Bishop’s score is 5 and you book a date for induction at

term +10. She asks you what will happen when she attends

for induction.

What information would you discuss

with her?

She will be admitted to an antenatal ward. The baby ’ s

heart rate will be monitored using cardiotocography

(CTG) to ensure the baby is well. She will have a vaginal

examination and prostaglandin (PGE2) tablets will be

inserted into the vagina. These tablets soften and shorten

the cervix in preparation for labour.

If she is not labouring she will be given another dose

of prostaglandins after 6 – 8 hours. A maximum of 6 mg

PGE2 tablets will be used. If she does not labour she will

have her waters broken (amniotomy) and be started on

oxytocin to stimulate her contractions.

She understands and is happy with this plan. At 23.30 that

evening she calls the labour ward to say she thinks she is

having contractions.

What questions will you ask her?

• When did the contractions start?

• How often are they coming and how long do they last?

• Does she have any vaginal bleeding or discharge?

• Does she think her waters have broken?

• Is she feeling the baby moving?

• Has she tried anything for the pain and is she still

coping at home?

Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Clinical Cases Uncovered.

By M. Cruickshank and A. Shetty. Published 2009 by Blackwell

Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4051-8671-1.98 Part 2: Cases


Mrs Timmons says she has been having pains roughly every

10minutes since she went home from the antenatal clinic

but now they are coming every 5minutes. She thinks they

last about 1minute. She had paracetamol earlier but is not

coping well with the pains now. She has no vaginal bleeding

or discharge and the baby is moving normally. She is keen

to come to hospital. You advise her to come to the labour


What will you do when she arrives?

• Perform a CTG

• Assess the contractions for timing and duration

• Perform abdominal and vaginal examinations

She arrives at 00.30. She looks sore and seems to be

contracting 3:10minutes. The CTG is reassuring. Examination

reveals that the baby is in a cephalic presentation. Vaginal

examination shows that the cervix is 5cm dilated and fully

effaced. The vertex of the fetal head is 1cm above the

ischial spines (Vx 0–1) and the position of the fetal head is

thought to be occipito-posterior.

What will be the plan for Mrs Timmons’


• Adequate analgesia

• Intermittent auscultation of the fetal heart

• Repeat vaginal examination in 4 hours to ensure


Mrs Timmons has intramuscular morphine for pain. The fetal

heart rate remains reassuring and she is reassessed after

4hours. Unfortunately, she is still 5cm dilated. Since the

morphine her contractions have decreased to 1:10minutes

(Fig. 14.1; Box 14.1).

Table 14.1 Bishop’s score. A Bishop’s score <7 is considered

unfavourable and usually indicates a more difficult induction

process. Scores ≥7 indicate a favourable cervix.




0 1 2 3

Dilatation (cm) <1 1–2 2–4 >4

Length (cm) >4 2–4 1–2 <1

Consistency Firm Average Soft –

Station –3 –2 –1/0 +1 +2

Position Posterior Mid/anterior – –


Cervical dilation (cm)

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Time (hours)

Normal labour

Four hour action line

Mrs Timmons

Figure 14.1 Partogram to assess progress in labour.

Box 14.1 The partogram

The partogram is a graphical representation of progress in

labour and of maternal and fetal observations. The excerpt

in Fig. 14.1 only shows cervical dilatation but in reality

it charts maternal pulse, BP and temperature every

15minutes. Fetal heart rate is also noted every 15minutes.

Frequency and strength of uterine activity is recorded every

30minutes as is the colour of any liquor draining and any

drugs administered. Cervical dilatation, and descent and

position of the fetal head are marked down after each

vaginal examination.

The partogram therefore provides an ‘at a glance’ guide

to the progress of labour and the maternal and fetal

condition.Case 14 99


What is the plan now?

Perform an amniotomy to attempt to improve the

uterine activity. Reassess in 2 hours to ensure progress.

An amniotomy is performed and the liquor is clear. Mrs

Timmons’ contractions remain 1:10minutes and she is able

to sleep on and off during the next 2hours. She is

reassessed at 06.30 and found to be 5cm dilated and the

baby is felt to be still occipito-posterior (Fig. 14.2).

What will you tell Mrs Timmons?

Her progress in labour is slower than would be expected.

This is probably because her contractions are suboptimal

(we would aim for 4 – 5 moderate to strong contractions

in 10 minutes). The baby ’ s head is in a malposition

(occipito - posterior) which makes labour less efficient

(Box 14.2 ).

What intervention would

you recommend?

As her uterine activity is now virtually non - existent, augmentation of her labour with oxytocin is recommended

and reassessment of cervical progress 4 hours after good


She accepts augmentation of her labour. She is commenced

on a CTG which is reassuring and oxytocin is commenced.

The oxytocin is gradually escalated and 90minutes later she

is contracting well with four moderate contractions in

10minutes. She is now very sore and requests an epidural.

What information should you give her?

The anaesthetist will explain the procedure to her and

make sure she understands it. She will then be asked to


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Time (hours)


Cervical dilation (cm)

Normal labour

Four hour action line

Mrs Timmons

Figure 14.2 Partogram to illustrate slow progress in labour.

Box 14.2 Progress in normal labour

Active labour is diagnosed in the presence of painful

regular uterine activity once the cervix has reached 4cm

dilated and is fully effaced. In 1955, Friedman studied 200

normal women and determined that the slowest 10%

progressed at 1cm/hour in the active phase of labour.

These figures are extremely small and were taken a long

time ago and since then mothers and babies have

changed significantly. Additionally, these data have not

been replicated in other trials and the recent NICE

guideline on intrapartum care recommends using

2cm/4hours as the minimum acceptable progress in the

active first stage of labour. NICE apply this definition of

delay in first stage to either primigravid or parous women.

However, it should be borne in mind that labours in

multiparous women are usually significantly faster than in

primigravidae and if they are progressing slowly this

should alert the attendants to the fact that something may

be wrong. The WHO recommend a 4-hour action line on

the partogram which indicates when labour is progressing

at a rate 4hours more slowly than expected. If this line is

crossed once active labour is diagnosed, some action

should be taken to accelerate or end labour in order to

minimize risk to mother and baby.

either lie on her side or sit up and curve her back out.

The anaesthetist will put some local anaesthetic in the

skin and muscle of her back and then put a needle in her

back to find the epidural space. A fine flexible tube is

pushed through this needle, the needle is then removed.

Drugs (local anaesthetic and analgesics) are given through

the tube which is known as a catheter.

The epidural usually works within 10 – 20 minutes. It

remains in place until after she has delivered her baby. A100 Part 2: Cases


measured amount of drugs may be given each hour or

her epidural may be topped up using a syringe. Occasionally, epidurals do not give good pain relief. If this happens

the epidural may need to be repositioned, a different

combination of drugs used or the epidural may need to

be replaced.

Advantages of an epidural

• Epidurals nearly always give good pain relief

• Because the drugs used are injected into the women ’ s

back, very little goes through to the baby

Disadvantages of an epidural

• The woman ’ s blood pressure may drop, which can

make her feel sick and dizzy. If this happens she will be

asked to turn onto her side, she may be given fluid

through a drip and might possibly need an injection to

bring her blood pressure up again.

• Her mobility is likely to be limited.

• She may not be able to pass urine. If this happens a

catheter will be used to empty her bladder.

• She may feel itchy; sometimes the combinations of

drugs used can be altered to help relieve this.

• A small number (about 1%) of women develop a

severe headache following an epidural (dural puncture

headache). This can usually be effectively treated fairly

quickly, but it can sometimes last for a number of weeks.

• She may develop a high temperature which could lead

to an abnormally fast heart rate in the baby. This may

lead to her and/or her baby being treated with antibiotics

and screened for infection.

• There is an increased risk of the baby being delivered

by forceps or ventouse.

She is seen by the anaethetist and her epidural is sited. It

works well and there are no further problems until she is

reassessed at midday as planned. Her cervix is now 9cm

dilated and the baby has turned to a much more favourable

occipito-anterior position, it has also descended through the

pelvis and the fetal head is now 1cm below the ischial

spines (Fig. 14.3).

What is the plan now?

She has made good progress since she was commenced

on oxytocin so labour should be allowed to continue

normally. Continue oxytocin and reassess in 1 hour when

it is expected that she will be fully dilated.

She is reassessed after another hour and is fully dilated; the

CTG remains reassuring. The plan is to allow a further hour

for descent of the fetal head and then allow active pushing

to try to effect delivery. Mrs Timmons is happy with this


You are called to see her 2 hours later when she has

been pushing for 1 hour but the baby is not delivered

(Box 14.3 ).

What factors are important in deciding

what to do?

Maternal factors

• Is she well? Are her pulse, BP and temperature all


• Is she comfortable with her epidural?

• Have the contractions remained good and is she

pushing well?

• What does she want to do?


Cervical dilation (cm)

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Time (hours)

Normal labour

Four hour action line

Mrs Timmons





Figure 14.3 Partogram illustrating good progress with oxytocin augmentation.Case 14 101


Fetal factors

• Is the CTG reassuring?

• Is the vertex advancing?

• What are the findings on vaginal examination?

Mrs Timmons’ observations are all normal, she is

comfortable and she has been pushing well with good

contractions but she is exhausted and keen for the baby to

be delivered. The CTG shows a few early decelerations but is

otherwise reassuring for second stage labour. The vertex

was advancing and is just visible at the height of the

contractions but has not moved much in the last 20minutes.

There is no head palpable in the maternal abdomen and

vaginal examination confirms that the cervix is fully dilated,

the fetal head is in an occipito-anterior position and it is at

the ischial spines plus 2cm (Vx 0 + 2).

What will you tell her now?

The options are assisted vaginal delivery or to continue

actively pushing to try for a spontaneous vertex delivery.

It should be quite safe to deliver the baby with forceps or

a ventouse in the delivery room if she wishes.

Mrs Timmons agrees to assisted vaginal delivery.

What preparations are required to

deliver the baby?

The anaesthetist should be called to top up her epidural

for delivery. Mrs Timmons should have her legs placed

in the lithotomy position. She should have the vulva

cleaned and draped and the bladder should be emptied

using an in – out catheter.

The forceps or ventouse should be applied with contractions and the position of the instrument needs to be

checked. Traction should then be applied with contractions until the head is crowning and then a right mediolateral episiotomy should be made to protect against

third or fourth degree perineal tears.

Once the head is delivered the instrument should be

removed to allow the head to restitute prior to delivery

of the baby ’ s body. Once the baby is delivered, the placenta can be delivered by continuous cord traction and

the episiotomy repaired.

She delivers a male baby weighing 3.45kg in good condition

by ventouse. The episiotomy is repaired and her total

estimated blood loss is 350mL. Mrs Timmons is very happy

with the outcome and will be fit for discharge in a day or


Box 14.3 Second stage of labour

NICE guidelines divide second stage into a passive and an

active phase. Passive second stage of labour is defined as

the finding of full dilatation of the cervix prior to or in the

absence of involuntary expulsive contractions. The active

second stage of labour commences at full dilatation when

the baby is visible, there are expulsive contractions or

other signs of full dilatation or active maternal effort is

commenced in the absence of expulsive contractions (most

commonly in the presence of epidural analgesia). Delivery

will usually have occurred after 3hours of active second

stage in primigravidae and after 2hours in parous women.

To allow for delivery within these time frames it is

recommended that referral regarding delay in second

stage be made to medical staff after 2hours in

primigravidae and 1hour in parous women.102 Part 2: Cases



Mrs Timmons, a 30 - year - old primigravida with an

uncomplicated antenatal course, was due to be induced

at T + 10 days for the indication of postdates. She had a

membrane sweep some days prior to the planned induction and actually went into labour spontaneously before

her date for induction. Progress in labour was slow, and

augmentation was performed initially with an artifical

rupture of membrances and then an oxytocin infusion.

She had morphine and followed by an epidural for pain

relief. She reached full cervical dilatation and after allowing time for the head to descend, she commenced active

pushing. However, delivery did not occur spontaneously

and an instrumental delivery was successfully performed

for the indication of maternal exhaustion and prolonged

second stage.

Slow progress is common in labour, especially in primigravidas. Except in highly multiparous women or those

with previous caesarean sections when augmentation in

labour is relatively contraindicated, labour can be augmented with oxytocin - like compounds to try to achieve a

vaginal delivery providing there are no concerns about

maternal or fetal well - being.

Augmenting labour in this way will reduce the numbers

of caesarean sections performed for lack of progress. It is

necessary to monitor both mother and baby carefully

during this process as oxytocin augmentation carries some

additional risks to both, over and above normal labour.

Continuous fetal heart rate monitoring (CTG) is required

because of the risk of fetal distress secondary to uterine


Assisted vaginal delivery, when performed by appropriately trained individuals, is safe and eliminates the significant risks associated with caesarean section when the fetal

head is very low in the maternal pelvis.


• Induction of labour is offered to women with a low risk

pregnancy at 41–42 weeks’ gestation

• A membrane sweep should be offered to women at term

to increase their chances of labouring spontaneously

• Bishop’s score is generally used to determine the

‘ripeness’ or ‘favorability’ of the cervix, with scores of 6 or

less suggesting an unfavourable cervix

• With an unfavourable cervix, induction of labour with

vaginal prostaglandins is indicated

• Labour can be augmented when there is slow progress

with an artificial rupture of membranes +/– oxytocin

infusion. The frequency of uterine contractions and the

fetal heart should be carefully monitored while on the

oxytocin infusion

• Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS),

Entonox, morphine and an epidural are all options for

pain relief in labour

• Prior to performing an instrumental delivery, care must be

taken to ascertain the position and station of the head

vaginally, and to confirm that no more than one-fifth of

the head is palpable abdominally. Where the head is in a

position other than occipito-anterior (e.g. occipitoposterior or transverse), rotation to the occipito-anterior

position can be performed either manually, with a

ventouse or by rotational forceps and delivery completed

Further reading

NICE Clinical Guideline . Intrapartum care: management and

delivery of care to women in labour. CG55, September 2007.

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