Case 22 A 32-year-old woman with a fetus in
the breech position at 37 weeks’
Mrs Alvares is 37 weeks’ pregnant, this is her first
pregnancy. She comes to the antenatal clinic as she saw her
community midwife last week and although all was well her
midwife thought her baby may be breech. Her routine
antenatal check is reassuring but the baby does seem to be
in a breech presentation.
What will you tell Mrs Alvares?
Instead of the normal head down position her baby
seems to be presenting ‘ bottom first ’ . This is not uncommon, about 20% of babies are breech at 28 weeks but they
usually turn on their own so only about 3 – 4% are breech
at term.
The baby may still turn on its own but if it does not
the options include turning the baby to face head down
(external cephalic version [ECV]), elective caesarean
section or vaginal breech delivery.
What investigations are required?
An ultrasound scan should be performed to confirm the
presentation. In some cases a baby will adopt a breech
position because of a fetal or uterine abnormality,
reduced liquor volume or placenta praevia and these conditions need to be excluded.
Mrs Alvares has a scan which confirms that her baby is
breech with flexed legs. The baby is normally grown and has
a normal liquor volume. The placenta is normally located
and there is no obvious uterine or fetal abnormality to
account for the breech presentation (Fig. 22.1; Box 22.1).
What information should you give Mrs
Alvares about delivery?
She should be informed that planned caesarean section
carries a reduced perinatal mortality and early neonatal
morbidity for babies with a breech presentation at term
compared with a planned vaginal birth. There is no evidence that the long - term health of babies with a breech
presentation delivered at term is influenced by how the
baby is born.
She should be advised that planned caesarean section
for breech presentation carries a small increase in serious
immediate complications for her compared with planned
vaginal birth. It does not carry any additional risk to her
long - term health outside pregnancy. The long - term effect
of planned caesarean section on future pregnancy outcomes is uncertain.
Mrs Alvares would prefer not to have a cesarean section but
is worried about the risk to the baby of a vaginal breech
delivery. She remembers that you mentioned that it might
be possible to turn the baby to face head down and would
like some further information about this.
What will you tell her?
The procedure called external cephalic version (ECV)
involves external manipulation of the baby through the
maternal abdomen to turn the baby to a cephalic presentation. It should be performed after 36 weeks with a first
baby and after 37 weeks in parous women. The success
rate is aproximately 40% with a first baby and approximately 60% in parous women. If it is successful, less than
5% of babies will turn back to breech.
The risks to the baby include acute fetal distress, spontaneous rupture of the fetal membranes and placental
abruption which may require emergency cesarean section
but these occur very uncommonly. It can cause a significant amount of maternal discomfort.
She thinks she would like to have an ECV performed. An
appointment is made for the following day and she returns
to labour ward. She wants to know exactly what will
Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Clinical Cases Uncovered.
By M. Cruickshank and A. Shetty. Published 2009 by Blackwell
Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4051-8671-1.Case 22 145
Figure 22.1 Fetal malpresentation.
Vertex Shoulder
Extended breech Flexed breech
Footling breech
Chin anterior Chin posterior
Brow presentation
Box 22.1 Fetal malpresentation
By 37 weeks >95% of babies will be in a longitudinal lie
and vertex presentation. The remainder will be breech, face
or brow presentations (also longitudinal lie) and oblique,
transverse or unstable (variable) lies. Of these the breech
and face presentations are, at least in theory, able to be
delivered vaginally.
The risks of malpresentation are related to obstructed
labour and the risk of uterine rupture secondary to
prolonged contractions without any prospect of delivery. The
other major risk with a non-longitudinal lie is of umbilical
cord or a limb prolapsing through the cervix when the
fetal membranes rupture. In view of this, women with
non-longitudinal or unstable lies will normally be managed
as inpatients from about 36 weeks until delivery or until
the fetal lie stabilizes.
Maternal causes of malpresentation include uterine
abnormality (e.g. fibroids or a placental praevia) and high
parity also increases the risk. Fetal causes include multiple
pregnancy, reduced liquor volume or fetal abnormality
preventing a cephalic presentation.
What would you discuss with her?
She will be monitored by cardiotocogram (CTG) to check
the baby ’ s heart rate before the procedure is commenced.
An ultrasound scan will be performed to check baby is
still breech and to identify where the fetal back is positioned. Tocolysis (uterine relaxation) will be offered as it
has been proven to improve success rates (usually by IV
or subcutaneous beta - sympathomimetics).
She will be positioned in a slightly head down position
(to try to elevate the breech out of the pelvis) with a146 Part 2: Cases
wedge under her right hip (to prevent aorto - caval
compression from the pregnant uterus when lying
flat). Pressure will be used on the maternal abdomen to
try to elevate the breech out of the pelvis and turn the
baby through a forward or backward roll to a cephalic
presentation. Ultrasound can be used to guide the
Following the procedure, whether successful or not,
she will be put back on the CTG to make sure the baby
is healthy.
RCOG guidelines recommend that women undergoing ECV do not need to be prepared for caesarean section
as the chance of this being required as an emergency is
very small (Fig. 22.2 ).
There are three attempts at ECV with tocolysis but
unfortunately the baby remains breech. The post-ECV CTG is
reassuring. Mrs Alvares is sure she does not want a vaginal
breech delivery and would like some further information
about caesarean section.
What will you tell her?
To reduce the risks of breathing problems in the baby,
elective caesarean sections are usually carried out after 39
weeks. She would normally be admitted on the morning
of her section. She would be asked to fast from midnight
the night before and take some antacid tablets (to reduce
the risks of aspiration if general anaesthetic became
Prior to the caesarean section, the lie of the baby would
be checked on ultrasound to confirm it was still in the
breech position. If it was found to be head down she
would be advised to go home to await normal labour. She
would normally receive a spinal anaesthetic for her
section as this is associated with reduced risks to mother
and baby, and would allow her to be awake to see her baby
at birth.
Once her anaesthetic is working a catheter will be
placed in her bladder and her section will be carried out
through a ‘ bikini - line ’ incision. The baby and placenta are
delivered through the incision and then the uterus and
layers of the abdominal wall are repaired, the procedure
usually takes 45 – 60 minutes. Afterwards she will be given
painkillers as necessary and will usually be fit to go home
after 3 – 5 days.
Having a baby, either vaginally or by caesarean section,
carries a risk of excess bleeding sometimes requiring
blood transfusion and a risk of infection. Caesarean
section carries an increased risk of thrombosis (DVT)
and damage to bladder and ureters compared with
vaginal delivery. In order to minimize these risks antibiotic prophylaxis is given during the procedure and
thromboprophylaxis is given postnatally.
The positive and negative effects of caesarean section
have been extensively investigated. The NICE guideline
on caesarean section summarizes these in one of its
Mrs Alvares is happy with the explanation and is booked for
an elective section at 39 weeks. She is admitted as planned
and, as the baby remains in a breech presentation, has an
uncomplicated elective section. She has a female baby in
good condition weighing 3.24kg and is fit for discharge
after 3 days.
Figure 22.2 External cephalic version.
(a) (b) (c)Case 22 147
Further reading
RCOG Green Top Clinical Guideline (no 20a). External cephalic
version and reducing the incidence of breech presentation.
December 2006
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