Medical Interpreter - Screening


you ever

had or been treated

for or been diagnosed

for any of the segments

high blood pressure a heart

attack a heart attack

high cholesterol high cholesterol

stroke stroke heart

failure heart failure

atrial fibrillation
cancer cancer

clotting disorder

clothing disorder diabetes

kidney problems or kidney

failure kidney problems or kidney


um thyroid problems

thyroid problems hepatitis a b
uti uh stds

stones in the kidney in the bladder or

have you ever had any

amputation aneurysm repair

aneurysm repair

bladder or prostate repair

bladder or prostate repair
stent or bypass

surgery a laparoscopic

abdominal procedure
lower extremity bypass

peace maker peacemaker

orthopedic surgery plastic surgery
hip replacement
biopsy or upper or lower endoscopy
do you drink alcohol do you drink

alcohol do you use any recreational


do you use tobacco as well

and if the answer is yes sometimes they

ask how many cigarettes do you smoke a

day or how many packs a day

how many alcohol drinks do you have a


um or how many cigarettes do you smoke

questionary number three again related

to patient

it's um do you have any allergy

to food or medicine

do you have allergy to yoda in latex

or a reaction and if the answer is yes i

do have allergy they

ask what kind of a reaction do you have

and normally it's itching rash

red spots on the skin or sometimes a

problem in the throat

suffocating coughing and so and so on

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