History and Examination in OB-GYN
Anatomy of the female genital tract
Labor and Fetal Surveillance and Mechanism of Labor
Embryology of Female genital tract, Malformations, intersexuality and Puberty
Physiological Changes During pregnancy
Rh isoimmunization and ABO incompatibility
Postpartum Hemorrhage and Coagulation disorder
Instrumental deliveries, C-section and Vaginal Birth
Abnormal Presentation and Breech
Puerperium and Puerperal Sepsis
Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancies
Anemia and Thyroid Diseases in Pregnancy
Urinary Tract Diseases in pregnancies
Infections of the lower genital Tract
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Incontinence & Genital Prolapse
Dysmemorrhea & PMS & Endometriosis
Benign & Malignant Ovarian cancer
Gestational Trophpblastic Diseases (GTD)
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